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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decisões de estrutura de capital no Brasil - uma abordagem por setor de atividade, fatores econômicos e de mercado e desempenho empresarial

Silva, Marcos Roberto Alves da 03 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:31:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcos Robertoprot.pdf: 3270286 bytes, checksum: 656412122410522073af0f0ac5a7066e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-03 / Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie / The aim of this study is to verify the influence of the sector of activities, economic and market factors and business performance in the definition of capital structure. It uses data from Economática with 415 Brazilian companies that operated in the capital market (BM&FBOVESPA), between 2001 and 2014, to examine the behavior to such dimensions and their adherence to the wider theoretical set today. Inappropriate decisions of capital structure raises the cost of capital, hindering acceptable investments that maximize the wealth of the owners. Many studies regarding the indebtedness of companies were made in recent decades, but so far has no obvious response of relevance or lack thereof. In this sense, one can conclude that we do not have a theory fully accepted on the capital structure. It is difficult to generalize about funding policies because they differ widely from company to company and in the various sectors of activity. The specific variables to business performance continue to be used exhaustively to seek underpin a theoretical framework on the subject. Other studies, on a smaller scale, mainly in Brazil, investigate a possible influence of the sectors of activity and the economics and market conditions / restrictions in the choice of capital structure. In this sense, realizing the gap of capital structure studies in Brazil, that address sectors of activity and economic and market variables, it opens up the opportunity for this research project. As a result it appears that, after robust regression problems correct order autocorrelation of errors and heteroscedasticity, the variables average leverage of sector, investment of sector, Ibovespa, GDP, inflation, market-to-book, Tobin's Q, profitability, liquidity, growth and business risk were statistically significant in order to explain the variations dependent variable, ie, leverage the market value. Other variables, such as concentration of the sector, interest rate, size and tangibility, did not show, after the robust regression, statistical significance. As a result it appears that, after robust regression correct order autocorrelation problems of errors and heteroscedasticity, the average leverage variables sector, industry investment, Ibovespa, gdp, inflation, market-to-book, Tobin's Q, profitability, liquidity, growth and business risk were statistically significant in order to explain the variations of the dependent variable, ie, leverage at market value. Other variables, such as concentration of the sector, interest rate, size and tangibility, did not show, after the robust regression, statistical significance. / O objetivo principal deste estudo é verificar a influência do setor de atividades, dos fatores econômicos e de mercado e do desempenho empresarial na definição da estrutura de capital. Utiliza-se de dados da Economática com 415 empresas brasileiras que atuaram no mercado de capitais (BM&FBOVESPA), no período entre 2001 e 2014, buscando examinar o comportamento de tais dimensões e sua aderência ao conjunto teórico mais difundido atualmente. Decisões inadequadas de estrutura de capital eleva o custo de capital, dificultando investimentos aceitáveis que maximize a riqueza dos proprietários. Muitos estudos em relação ao endividamento das empresas foram realizados nas últimas décadas, mas, até agora, não foi encontrada uma resposta de relevância ou falta dela. Neste sentido, pode-se concluir que não temos ainda uma teoria totalmente aceita sobre a estrutura de capital. É difícil generalizar sobre políticas de financiamento, pois elas diferem bastante de empresa para empresa e nos diversos setores de atividades. As variáveis específicas de desempenho empresarial continuam sendo usadas de forma exaustiva para buscar alicerçar um arcabouço teórico a respeito do tema. Outros estudos, em menor escala, principalmente no Brasil, investigam uma possível influência do setor de atividade e das condições/restrições econômicas e de mercado na escolha da estrutura de capital. Neste sentido, percebendo a lacuna de estudos de estrutura de capital no Brasil, que contemplem setor de atividades e variáveis econômicas e de mercado, abre-se a oportunidade para a contribuição deste projeto de pesquisa. Como resultado constata-se que, após regressão robusta visando corrigir problemas de autocorrelação dos erros e heterocedasticidade, que as variáveis alavancagem média do setor, investimentos do setor, Ibovespa, pib, inflação, market-to-book, Q de Tobin, lucratividade, liquidez, crescimento e risco do negócio apresentaram significância estatística, no sentido de explicar as variações da variável dependente, ou seja, a alavancagem a valor de mercado. Outras variáveis, como concentração do setor, taxa de juros, tamanho e tangibilidade, não apresentaram, depois da regressão robusta, significância estatística.

Determinants of Capital Structure of Swedish limited companies : Testing Trade-off Theory Against Pecking Order Theory

Iasonidou, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Research question- This thesis investigates the determinants of capital structure of the Swedish companies. In order to do so, the two dominant theories of the corporate structure are studied and their assumptions are tested. Thus, the study researches which one of the two theories is more appealing for the Swedish market. Methodology-The study follows a purely quantitative study, by conducting an econometric analysis. The data are collected from a secondary source and more particularly the "Retriever" database, which contains financial data of the Swedish companies. Findings- The findings indicate that the determinants of the corporate structure for the Swedish market do not differ from other studies which have been conducted in other countries. However, there is a difference when it comes to tax and non-tax shields. The results suggest that in most cases the Pecking Order Theory appears to be more representative for the Swedish market, since most of the coefficient appear to be in favour of it. Moreover, the significance of the effect of the industry for the financial leverage is confirmed.

The funding decision by high-tech start-up firms: A multi-case study of Sweden

Serninger, Niklas, Haji Warfaa, Abdirahman Ibrahim, Younes, Moustafa January 2019 (has links)
This paper examines how small high-tech start-ups in Sweden source their funding and aims to understand the underlying factors affecting these firms financing behaviour, contributing to the relatively limited field of research conducted in Europe. To fulfil the purpose of the study, a multiple case study method was implemented as the study’s research design. A literature review generated in a theoretical framework consisting of capital structure and specifically the pecking order theory. Together with our empirics, consisting of data from interviews with six different companies, the theoretical framework composed the basis for our analysis. The data from our sample displays that these firms initially source their funding through internal funds, suggesting that small high-tech start-up firms in Sweden rely heavily on their own saved funds or other personal resources available to them at the start-up face. Our findings suggests that these firms are limited in their financial options but also that independency and control is to be seen as factors to initially be funded through internal funds. Inconsistent with the pecking order theory, evidence in this paper finds that when looking for external funds, equity is the funding source rather than debt. Two conclusions can be drawn from this. First, the high-tech start-up firms seem to value the advisory of equity investor. Second, capital imperfections makes it hard to access debt. Furthermore, we find that majority of the case companies does not implement a capital structure policy since it seems to limited their financial options.

Análise da estrutura de capital em empresas brasileiras com diferentes níveis de endividamento: um estudo comparativo entre as teorias pecking order e trade off / Analysis of capital structure in Brazilian companies with debt levels different: a comparative study between the pecking order theory and trade off

Iara, Renielly Nascimento 08 November 2013 (has links)
As decisões relacionadas à configuração da estrutura de capital das empresas impulsionam as pesquisas há mais de cinqüenta anos. Muito embora o assunto seja recorrente e atual no meio acadêmico, ele se mantém bastante controverso. Neste trabalho são exploradas diretamente duas bases teóricas distintas: a Static Trade off Theory (STT), a partir do modelo proposto por Frank e Goyal (2003) e a Pecking Order Theory (POT), a partir do modelo proposto por Shyam-Sunder e Myers (1999). Os resultados destes testes são comparados aos modelos propostos por Qiu e Smith (2007) e Bahng e Jeong (2012) para analisar a estrutura de endividamento das empresas a níveis diferentes de alavancagem. A amostra selecionada consiste de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, não-financeiras e não-regulamentadas, listadas na Bolsa de Valores Mobiliários de São Paulo (BM&FBovespa) no período entre 2002 e 2011. Utilizou-se como metodologia as técnicas Regressão Múltipla por meio do método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO) comparativamente à Regressão Quantílica. Como resultados destacou-se uma velocidade de ajuste à estrutura de capital alvo entre 6% e 14% ao ano, nos teste da teoria trade off. Quanto aos testes da teoria pecking order, constatou-se que as empresas brasileiras se orientam conforme esta teoria na tomada de decisão sobre estrutura de capital, financiando-se em grande parte com capital de terceiros. / Decisions related to the configuration of the capital structure of companies drive research for over fifty years. Although it is recurrent and current in academia, it remains quite controversial. This paper explored directly two different theoretical bases: the Static Trade off Theory (STT), from the model proposed by Frank and Goyal (2003) and the Pecking Order Theory (POT), from the model proposed by Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999). The results of these tests are compared to the models proposed by Qiu and Smith (2007) and Bahng and Jeong (2012) to analyze the debt structure of firms at different levels of leverage. The sample consists of Brazilian companies traded, non-financial and non-regulated, listed on the Securities Exchange of São Paulo (BM & FBovespa) between 2002 and 2011. It was used as a methodology techniques Multiple Regression by the method of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) compared to Quantile Regression. The results pointed to a speed of adjustment to target capital structure between 6% and 14% per year, the trade off theory test. As for testing the pecking order theory, it was found that Brazilian companies are oriented according to this theory in decision making on capital structure, financing itself largely with debt capital.

Tillväxt och lönsamhet : Balanserar företagen sina finansiella mål? / Profitability and growth : does the companies balance their financial goals?

Pierre, Christina, Kaim, Paulina January 2012 (has links)
Inledning: Vi lever i en föränderlig värld, det ekonomiska tillståndet skiftar från land till land och när en stor finansiell kris bryter ut så drabbas de flesta länderna. Företag möter varje dag utmaningar, det är dock under en finansiell kris som dessa utmaningar är som svårast. Det gäller i dessa situationer att företagen sätter upp verklighetsbaserade mål, som under de förutsättningar som råder går att uppnå. Samtidigt ska företagen balansera sina mål gällande lönsamhet och tillväxt så att både ledning och aktieägarna blir nöjda och får det som de efterfrågar. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur företagen uppnår en balanserad mållinje med hjälp av nyckeltalen för tillväxt och lönsamhet. Uppsatsens syfte är även att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar den balanserade mållinjen. Metod: Uppsatsen kommer att ske i en kvantitativ ansats, genom att undersöka företag och hur deras finansiella mål ser ut samt hur företaget arbetar med dem. Information som behövs i undersökningen kommer vi få från de tre undersökta företagens årsredovisningar. Resultat: Den finansiella krisen som bröt ut år 2008 har påverkat de tre undersökta företagen negativt. De målen som företagen satt ut för lönsamhet och tillväxt har varit för höga och under de tre senaste åren har dessa ibland inte uppnåtts. Då finansiella kriser i allmänhet kännetecknas av att många företag går i konkurs eller har det dåligt ställt, borde målen kring lönsamhet och tillväxt hos de tre undersökta företagen varit lägre satta så att de kunde möta den hårda verkligheten. / Title: Profitability and growth, does the companies balance their financial goals? Authors: Christina Pierre and Paulina Kaim Supervisor: Maria Smolander Background: We live in a changing world, the economic situation varies from country to country and when a major financial crisis breaks out most of the countries suffer. Companies face challenges every day, but it is during a financial crisis that these challenges are hardest. In these situations it is important to set up reality based targets, which under the circumstances can be achieved. Simultaneously the companies must balance their goals regarding profitability and growth so that both management and shareholders will be satisfied and get what they want. Aim: The purpose of this paper is to examine how companies achieve their balanced goal line by using the keywords growth and profitability. The purpose of this study is also to investigate which factors influence the balanced goal line. Method: The paper will be done in a quantitative approach, by examining the companies and how their financial goals look like and how the companies work with them. The information that is needed in this study will be taken from the three investigated companies annual reports. Results: The financial crisis that erupted in 2008 has affected the three studied companies negatively. The goals that the companies have set out for profitability and growth have been too high and over the past three years these have not been achieved. Financial crises are generally characterized by the fact that many companies go bankrupt or have it poorly. Therefor the goals regarding profitability and growth should have been set lower so that they would be prepared for the harsh reality. Keywords: "The internal financial system", the balanced goal line, agent theory and the pecking order theory.

Fastighetsbolagens finansiering : En studie om fastighetsbolagens nya finansieringsalternativ

Friis-Liby, Victor, Bengtsson, Narina January 2015 (has links)
Författare: Narina Bengtsson och Victor Friis-Liby Handledare: Eva BerggrenTitel: Fastighetsbolagens finansiering – En studie om fastighetsbolagens nyafinansieringsalternativ Bakgrund och problem: Kapitaltunga bolag som fastighetsbolag är ständigt i behov avkapital. Bankkredit som alltid varit det vanligaste och mest använda finanseringsalternativethar i större utsträckning ersatts med företagsobligationer och preferensaktier. Marknaden försvenska företagsobligationer har växt de senaste åren och fastighetsbolagen står idag för tvåtredjedelar av de totala preferensaktierna på Stockholmsbörsen. Efter den senaste finanskrisensvarade myndigheterna med att ta fram Basel III – regelverket, som ställer striktarekapitaltäckningskrav för bankerna. Med anledning av hur marknaden har utvecklats med nyafinansieringsalternativ och införandet av Basel III - regelverket vill vi undersöka hurfastighetsbolagen resonerar kring finansiering i nuläget. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om de svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolagens valav finansiering har förändrats efter finanskrisen 2008.Avgränsning: Studien bortser från fastighetsbolag som inte är börsnoterade och verksamheterutanför Sverige. Studien bortser också från de delar av kapitalmarknaden som inte berörfastighetsbolag och därför inte är aktuella för studien. Studien går igenom Basel III -regelverket som en följd av finanskrisen men vi kommer inte gå in djupare på orsaken tillfinanskrisen. Metod: Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie på tre svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolag. Slutsats: Basel III har enligt vår studie inte påverkat fastighetsbolagens tillgång till kapital pådet sättet som tidigare studier pekat på. Förändringen på marknaden beror på flera faktorer isamverkan som alla påverkat fastighetsbolagens val av finansiering. Vi kommer fram till attPecking order teorin inte är aktuell längre eftersom olika finansieringsalternativ idagkombineras för att diversifiera finansieringsrisken. Marknaden har förändrats sedan Peckingorder teorin utvecklades och det är därför inte längre möjligt att göra analyser på samma sättsom tidigare. Idag påverkas marknaden av flera faktorer samtidigt, vilket innebär attfastighetsbolagens finansieringsbeteende bara är en del av informationen att ta hänsyn till. Anledningen tros bland annat vara att vi idag är mer globalt integrerade än tidigare vilketinnebär att tillgången till information är större. Dessutom påverkas marknaden av flerstörningar nu än tidigare. Räntederivat, certifikatprogram och preferensaktier är alla nyafinansieringsalternativ som används av fastighetsbolagen och som inte tas upp i Pecking order teorin.

Abnorm avkastning på kort och lång sikt vid nyemission : En studie av riktade emissioner och företrädesemissioner på Stockholmsbörsen

Lindgren, Fredrik, Thell, Niclas January 2018 (has links)
När ett bolag tar in kapital genom en emission kan de antingen använda sig av en riktademissionen eller av en företrädesemission. Tidigare forskning har visat att bolag har ennegativ aktieutveckling efter en nyemission. Senare forskning har visat att både valet avvilken typ av emission som bolaget använder sig av, och det annonserade motivet tillemissionen, påverkar avkastningen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka abnormavkastning på kort och lång sikt, samt skillnader i avkastning, för de två olikaemissionstyperna. Kort sikt defineras i studien som två dagar, annonseringsdagen samtnästföljande handelsdag, medan lång sikt defineras som 12 månader. Vi mäter även om detannonserade motivet påverkar den kortsiktiga avkastningen. Urvalet består av 187observationer från bolag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen mellan 2012-2016. Bolag somannonserar om att de behöver ta in kapital genom en företrädesemission, har en abnormnegativ avkastning vid annonsering, men ingen abnorm avkastning på lång sikt. För bolagsom valde att ta in kapital genom en riktad emission har ingen annonseringseffekt kunnaturskiljas, men den långsiktiga avkastningen är positiv. Om motivet till en nyemission ärförenat med en investering, förvärv eller expansion, har företagets aktiekurs i genomsnitt haften positv utveckling.

Análise da estrutura de capital em empresas brasileiras com diferentes níveis de endividamento: um estudo comparativo entre as teorias pecking order e trade off / Analysis of capital structure in Brazilian companies with debt levels different: a comparative study between the pecking order theory and trade off

Renielly Nascimento Iara 08 November 2013 (has links)
As decisões relacionadas à configuração da estrutura de capital das empresas impulsionam as pesquisas há mais de cinqüenta anos. Muito embora o assunto seja recorrente e atual no meio acadêmico, ele se mantém bastante controverso. Neste trabalho são exploradas diretamente duas bases teóricas distintas: a Static Trade off Theory (STT), a partir do modelo proposto por Frank e Goyal (2003) e a Pecking Order Theory (POT), a partir do modelo proposto por Shyam-Sunder e Myers (1999). Os resultados destes testes são comparados aos modelos propostos por Qiu e Smith (2007) e Bahng e Jeong (2012) para analisar a estrutura de endividamento das empresas a níveis diferentes de alavancagem. A amostra selecionada consiste de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, não-financeiras e não-regulamentadas, listadas na Bolsa de Valores Mobiliários de São Paulo (BM&FBovespa) no período entre 2002 e 2011. Utilizou-se como metodologia as técnicas Regressão Múltipla por meio do método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO) comparativamente à Regressão Quantílica. Como resultados destacou-se uma velocidade de ajuste à estrutura de capital alvo entre 6% e 14% ao ano, nos teste da teoria trade off. Quanto aos testes da teoria pecking order, constatou-se que as empresas brasileiras se orientam conforme esta teoria na tomada de decisão sobre estrutura de capital, financiando-se em grande parte com capital de terceiros. / Decisions related to the configuration of the capital structure of companies drive research for over fifty years. Although it is recurrent and current in academia, it remains quite controversial. This paper explored directly two different theoretical bases: the Static Trade off Theory (STT), from the model proposed by Frank and Goyal (2003) and the Pecking Order Theory (POT), from the model proposed by Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999). The results of these tests are compared to the models proposed by Qiu and Smith (2007) and Bahng and Jeong (2012) to analyze the debt structure of firms at different levels of leverage. The sample consists of Brazilian companies traded, non-financial and non-regulated, listed on the Securities Exchange of São Paulo (BM & FBovespa) between 2002 and 2011. It was used as a methodology techniques Multiple Regression by the method of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) compared to Quantile Regression. The results pointed to a speed of adjustment to target capital structure between 6% and 14% per year, the trade off theory test. As for testing the pecking order theory, it was found that Brazilian companies are oriented according to this theory in decision making on capital structure, financing itself largely with debt capital.

Den mytomspunna effekten av IPO : En analys av IPO och dess påverkan på svenska bolags finansiella prestation

Romsäter, Tara, Matti, Åsa January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: This study is made to analyze and examine effects of an IPO before and after a stock is introduced on the market, and if the age of the company makes a difference on the day it becomes listed. And if it could be associated with an improved financial performance through several assumptions. Theory: This study is based on three different theories, the Pecking Order Theory, Agency Cost Theory and Window-Dressing Theory, but could also be supported by previously recognized research. Method: The theories subjected of the study is based on quantitative elements of deductive and theory-testing approaches in different angles of the company's financial status.  Empiries: 54 companies were involved in a study of Initial Public Offering in the years of 2014 and 2015, the selection of the 54 companies were divided in two groups depending on which stock market they were listed on. We then made further research based on three questions. Is getting listed on the stock market an advantage for financial growth? If the age of the company gives it an advantage in financial growth when it gets listed on the stock market? Does it affect the financial growth depending on where the company got listed? Conclusion:Generally we can see a connection between choice of trading venue and the company's age of an IPO does affect the impact of financial growth and performance. / Syfte: Studien avser att analysera effekter av en börsnotering innan och efter, samt om ett bolags ålder vid noteringsdagen kan associeras med en förbättrad finansiell prestation genom olika antaganden. Teori: Denna studie utgår från tre teorier, Pecking Order Theory, Agency Cost Theory och Window-Dressing Theory, men även en referensram av tidigare forskning.  Metod: Studien utgår från en kvantitativ ansats med inslag av deduktiv- och teoriprövande ansatser.  Empiri: Ett urval bestående av 54 bolag studerades utifrån deras börsnotering som skedde år 2014 och 2015. Urvalet av 54 bolag delades upp i två grupper beroende på vilken marknadsplats som de var listade på. Därefter gjordes en vidare undersökning baserat på tre forskningsfrågor. Leder en börsnotering till tillväxt i bolaget? Påverkar valet av handelsplats ett bolags tillväxt vid börsnotering? Är bolagets ålder vid noteringsdagen associerat med förbättrad finansiell prestation? Slutsats: IPO har generellt sett en påverkan på bolags finansiella prestation. Beroende på val av handelsplats gav den finansiella prestationen olika utslag. Samband mellan ett bolags ålder vid en IPO verkade även ha en inverkan på den ekonomiska tillväxten.

New venture financing order and founder preference: A multi-case study of Austrian Tech startups

Dulovits, Stephan, Tewelu, Yonas Hadgu January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates the source of financing in Austrian tech startups and aims to identify the main factors that affect the decision making of these firms. In doing so, we aim to contribute to the relatively limited field of research conducted in Europe. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, we implemented a multiple case study method as the research design. For the purpose of this study, a literature review was used that generated a theoretical framework. This framework focuses on capital structure with the main emphasis being on the pecking order theory. Additionally, government financial support is included as a  secondary priority. Together with the theoretical framework, our empirical findings i.e. data from the interviews with six companies, one email response, and two additional secondary data from an Austrian startup publication comprised the basis for our analysis.   Our findings from the sample companies used in this study show that Austrian tech startups use internal funding as an initial source of financing their new venture. When it comes to the order of funding, our findings show that most of the startups used in this study utilized equity as a second source of financing after internal funding and before debt. However, when it comes to the preference of the founders, half preferred a financing order that is inline with the pecking order theory while the remaining half preferred otherwise choosing equity to debt.   From this, three conclusions can be drawn. First, the limited funding options available affect the decision making and preference of the tech startups. Second, founders value the nonfinancial added value they can get from investors both when implementing and preferring a financing option. Third, the future growth potential and the long term strategy of the startups and their founders play a crucial role in the funding option they prefer to finance their venture.   Additionally, when it comes to capital structure, we see that most Austrian tech startups used in this study do not have a set policy. When it comes to Government financial support (GFS), we see that financial support from the government plays a significant role in Austrian tech startup financing.

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