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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Silver nanoprisms in plasmonic organic solar cells / Nanoprismes d'argent dans les cellules solaires organiques plasmoniques

Cao, Zhixiong 15 December 2014 (has links)
On constate une forte demande mondiale d' énergie propre et renouvelable en raison de la consommation rapide des combustibles fossiles non renouvelables et l'effet de serre qui en résulte. Une solution prometteuse pour produire une énergie propre et renouvelable est d'utiliser des cellules solaires pour convertir l' énergie solaire directement en électricité. Comparativement à leurs homologues inorganiques, les cellules solaires organiques (OSCs) sont maintenant intensivement étudiées en raison des avantages tels que le poids léger, la flexibilité, la compatibilité avec les procédés de fabrication à faibles coûts. Malgré ces avantages, l'efficacité de conversion (PCE) des OSCs doit encore être améliorée pour la commercialisation à grande échelle. Les cellules solaires organiques sont réalisées en pile de couches minces comprenant des électrodes, la couche de transport d' électrons, la couche de polymère actif et la couche de transport de trous. Dans cette étude, nous sommes concernés par la couche de PEDOT:PSS qui est couramment utilisée comme une couche tampon entre l'électrode anodique et la couche de polymère actif de cellules solaires organiques. Cette étude vise à intégrer différentes concentrations de nanoprismes (NPSMs) d'argent de taille sub-longueur d'onde dans du PEDOT: PSS afin de profiter de leurs propriétés optiques uniques nées de résonances de plasmons de surface localisées (LSPR) pour améliorer la collecte lumineuse et l'efficacité de génération de charge en optimisant l' absorption et la diffusion de la lumière. Nous avons constaté que les facteurs clés qui contrôlent les performances des cellules solaires plasmoniques comprennent non seulement les propriétés optiques, mais également les propriétés structurelles et électriques des couches hybrides de PEDOT:PSS comprenant des NPSMs d' Ag. D'une part, l'ajout de NPSMs d' Ag conduit ¨¤ (1) une augmentation de l'absorption optique; (2) de la diffusion de la lumière ¨¤ de grands angles ce qui pourrait conduire ¨¤ un meilleur piégeage de la lumière dans les OSCs. D'autre part, (1) la rugosité de surface est augment¨¦e en raison de la formation d'agglomérats de NPSMs d' Ag, ce qui conduit ¨¤ une meilleure efficacité de collecte de charge; (2) la résistance globale des films hybrides est également augment¨¦e en raison de l'excès de PSS introduit par les NPSMs d' Ag incomplètement purifiées, inférieur courant de court-circuit (Jsc) qui en résulte; (3) les Ag NPSMs et leurs agglomérats ¨¤ l'interface PEDOT:PSS/couche photo-active pourraient agir comme des centres de recombinaison, conduisant ¨¤ une réduction de la résistance de shunt, du Jsc et de la tension en circuit ouvert (Voc). Afin de résoudre partiellement l'inconvénient (2) et (3), en intégrant des NPSMs d¡¯Ag davantage purifiés et une petite quantité de glycérol dans le PEDOT:PSS, la résistance des couches hybrides de PEDOT:PSS-Ag-NPSMs peut ¨être réduite à une valeur comparable ou inférieure ¨¤ celles couches vierges. Les futurs progrès en chimie de surface colloïdale et l'optimisation sur le processus d'incorporation des nanoparticules seront nécessaires pour produire des cellules solaires organiques plasmoniques de meilleures performances. / Nowadays there has been a strong global demand for renewable and clean energy due to the rapid consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels and the resulting greenhouse effect. One promising solution to harvest clean and renewable energy is to utilize solar cells to convert the energy of sunlight directly into electricity. Compared to their inorganic counterparts, organic solar cells (OSCs) are now of intensive research interest due to advantages such as light weight, flexibility, the compatibility to low-cost manufacturing processes. Despite these advantages, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of OSCs still has to be improved for large-scale commercialization. OSCs are made of thin film stacks comprising electrodes, electron transporting layer, active polymer layer and hole transporting layer. In this study, we are concerned with PEDOT:PSS layer which is commonly used as a buffer layer between the anodic electrode and the organic photoactive layer of the OSC thin film stack. We incorporated different concentrations of silver nanoprisms (NPSMs) of sub-wavelength dimension into PEDOT:PSS. The purpose is to take advantage of the unique optical properties of Ag MPSMs arisen from localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) to enhance the light harvest and the charge generation efficiency by optimizing absorption and scattering of light in OSCs. We found that the key factors controlling the device performance of plasmonic solar cells include not only the optical properties but also the structural and electrical properties of the resulting hybrid PEDOT:PSS-Ag-NPSM-films. On one hand, the addition of Ag NPSMs led to (1) an increased optical absorption; (2) light scattering at high angles which could possibly lead to more efficient light harvest in OSCs. On the other hand, the following results have been found in the hybrid films: (1) the surface roughness was found to be increased due to the formation of Ag agglomerates, leading to increased charge collection efficiency; (2) the global sheet resistance of the hybrid films also increases due to the excess poly(sodium styrenesulphonate) introduced by incompletely purified Ag NPSMs, resulting in lower short circuit current (Jsc); (3) the Ag nanoprisms and their agglomerates at the PEDOT:PSS/photoactive layer interface could act as recombination centers, leading to reductions in shunt resistance, Jsc and open circuit voltage (Voc). In order to partially counteract the disadvantage (2) and (3), by incorporating further purified Ag NPSMs and/or a small amount of glycerol into PEDOT:PSS, the sheet resistance of hybrid PEDOT:PSS-Ag-NPSM-films was reduced to a resistance value comparable to or lower than that of pristine film.

Conductive properties and morphology of conjugated molecular materials studied by local probe techniques / Conductive properties and morphology of conjugated molecular materials studied by local probe techniques

Timpanaro, Salvatore January 2004 (has links)
Die vorgelegte Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung von Zusammenhängen zwischen der Struktur dünner organischer Schichten und stellt einen Bezug zur Leitfähigkeit der Schichten her. Sie liefert einen Beitrag zum vertieften Verständnis der Transporteigenschaf-ten organischer Halbleiter und soll so zur Verbesserung organischer elektronischer Bauele-mente beitragen. Es ist bekannt, dass die Effizienz von Organischen Leuchtdioden (OLEDs) stark von der Qualität der eingesetzten dünnen Filme abhängt. Es ist deshalb interessant, die Strukturen technologisch interessanter organischer Filme mittels Scanning Probe Mikrosko-pie (SPM) zu charakterisieren, um ein besseres Verständnis sowohl der Oberflächen-Morphologie als auch der molekularen/atomaren Packungen zu erhalten. <br><br> Die Untersuchung von Quaterthiophen (4T), welches vielfach in Feldeffekt-Transistoren eingesetzt wird, bildet einen ersten Schwerpunkt der Arbeit. Es konnte eine neue Kristall-struktur von 4T gefunden werden, die bisher nicht bekannt war. Dafür wurden Quaterthi-ophen-Filme untersucht, welche auf Kaliumphthalat (KAP) aufwuchsen. Die Aufklärung der neuen Struktur gelang durch Kombinierten Einsatz von optischen und Röntgen-Beugungsmessungen. Zur Bestätigung der triklinen Kristall-Einheitszelle mit den Parame-tern a = 0,721 nm, b = 0,632 nm, c = 0,956 nm und α = 91o, β = 91,4o, γ = 91o wurde außer-dem die Atomkraft-Mikroskopie (AFM) angewendet. <br><br> In Fortführung der rastermikroskopischen Messungen sind die Morphologien von Filmen vier weiterer organischer Materialien technologischer Relevanz untersucht worden: He-xanthiol-Monoschichten auf Gold, Azobenzenthiol-Monoschichten auf Gold, Para-Phenylenvinylen-Oligomer-Filme auf Gold und Phenyl-Oxadiazol-Filme auf Gold. Dafür kam zusätzlich die Ultrahochvakuum-Scanning-Tunneling-Mikroskopie (UHV-STM) zum Einsatz. Es zeigte sich eine Vielzahl morphologischer Eigenheiten, deren Besonderheiten sowohl von den gewählten Substraten als auch von der chemischen Struktur der untersuchten organischen Materialien abhängen. So zeigen Para-Phenylenvinylen-Oligomer-Filme eine Stäbchen- und Oxadiazol-Filme eine Körnchen-Struktur auf Gold. <br><br> Auf Basis dieser Kenntnisse gelang es, das optisch induzierte Schalten von Azobenzen durch STM-Untersuchungen und durch Scanning Tunneling Spektroskopie (STS) auf molekularer Skale nachzuweisen. <br><br> Die Topographie einer Reihe von Poly(3,4-ethylendioxythiophen)-(PEDOT)-Filmen und de-ren Bezug zu den Ladungstransporteigenschaften dieser Filme war ein weiterer Arbeits-schwerpunkt. PEDOT-Filme auf Indium-Zinn-Oxid (ITO) kommen in organischen elektro-nischen Bauelementen als Lochinjektionsschichten zum Einsatz. Für die Schichtherstellung kamen Dispersionen des Polymers unterschiedlicher Konzentration zur Anwendung: Mittels AFM und STM konnte gezeigt werden, dass unterschiedliche Konzentrationen zu unter-schiedlichen Topographien führen. Besonders die Oberfläche der Filme mit hoher Konzent-ration von PEDOT, d.h. die der leitfähigsten Filme, wird durch eine körnchenartige Struktur eingebetteter Teilchen charakterisiert. Durch STM Strom-Abstands-(I-d)-Untersuchungen wurde gefunden, dass diese Teilchen die „Spitze eines Eisbergs“ leitfähiger Domänen dar-stellen. Ausgehend von dieser Erkenntnis wird ein Strukturmodell für die Filme vorgeschla-gen, in dem die leitfähigen Domänen / Partikel in eine weniger leitfähige Matrix eingebettet sind. Durch Zugabe von Polyolen wie Sorbitol zur PEDOT-Dispersion ließen sich Filme mit höherer Leitfähigkeit herstellen. Eine klare Abhängigkeit zwischen der Leitfähigkeit und der bisher nicht beschrieben nano-Morphologie wurde gefunden. / It is known that the efficiency of organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) is strongly influenced by the ’quality′ of the thin films [1]. On the basis of this conviction, the work presented in this thesis aimed to obtain a better understanding of the structure of organic thin films of general interest in the field of organic light emitting devices by using scanning probe microscopies (SPMs). <br><br> A not yet reported crystal structure of quaterthiophene film grown on potassium hydrogen (KHP) is determined by optical measurements, a simulation program, diffraction at both normal incidence and grazing angle and AFM. The crystal cell is triclinic with parameters a = 0.721 nm, b = 0.632 nm, c = 0.956 nm and a = 91°, b = 91.4°, g = 91° [2]. <br><br> The morphologies of four organic thin films deposited on gold are characterized by ultra high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy (UHV-STM). Terraces in an hexanethiol monolayer, lamellar structures in an azobenzenethiol monolayer, rods in a a poly(paraphenylenevinylene) oligomer film and a granular morphology in an oxadiazole film are shown. <br><br> The topographies of a series of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT/PSS) films deposited on indium-tin oxide (ITO) and gold obtained from dispersions with PEDOT:PSS weight ratios of 1:20, 1:6 and 1:1 are investigated by AFM. It is demonstrated that the films show the same topography on gold and on ITO. It is shown that the PEDOT films eliminate the spike features of ITO. It is reported that PEDOT 1:20 and 1:6 appear indistinguishable between each other but different from PEDOT 1:1 (the most conductive). <br><br> Coupling STM and I-d measurements, a not yet reported structural model of PEDOT 1:1 on gold is obtained [3]. In this model the surface presents grains and the bulk particles/domains rich in PEDOT embedded in a PEDOT-poor matrix. The equation of conductivity is derived. <br><br> A STM investigation of four PEDOT films deposited on ITO obtained from dispersions with the same PEDOT:PSS weight ratio of 1:1 is carried out [4]. The films differ either for the presence of sorbitol or for a different synthetic route (and they present different conductivities). For the first time a quantitative and qualitative correlation between the nanometer-scale morphology of PEDOT films with and without sorbitol and their conductivity is established.

Polymer electrochromism and surface plasmons combined on metallic diffraction gratings

Garnier, Jérôme January 2008 (has links)
All conducting polymers are potentially electrochromic, owing to the injection of charge carriers that changes their electronic structure and results in a shift of their optical absorption towards higher wavelengths. PEDOT-PSS and PEDOT-S are very promising materials in terms of electrochromic properties, due to the good contrast existing between their doped and undoped forms. However this contrast has to be enhanced in order to design more efficient electrochromic devices, and new solutions should thus be found in order to solve this issue. Surface plasmons are described as electromagnetic waves propagating along the surface between a dielectric and a metal. Coupled to an incident radiation, they create an energy loss in the light transmitted and reflected by the interface. When the metallic surface is periodically corrugated, this absorption phenomenon due to plasmonic resonance occurs at a specific wavelength that depends on several parameters, such as the incidence angle, the dielectric constants of the two media and the grating period. By coating metallic gratings with electrochromic polymers, we may thus be able to trigger a plasmonic absorption at a given wavelength and shift it upon reduction or oxidation of the material. Electrochromic devices consisting of PEDOT-PSS or PEDOT-S spin-deposited on gold and silver gratings were investigated by UV-visible reflectance measurements. The periodically corrugated structures were reproduced from commercial gratings by soft nanolithography and were analyzed by AFM. Some electrochromic cells exhibited new colors or a high shift of the plasmonic resonance upon redox switching of the polymer film. Depending on the step and the nature of the grating employed, this shift could reach 20 nm in the case of PEDOT-PSS and more than 100 nm for PEDOT-S. A theoretical model was found to predict the wavelength of plasmonic excitation and the orientation of the shift.

Polymer electrochromism and surface plasmons combined on metallic diffraction gratings

Garnier, Jérôme January 2008 (has links)
<p>All conducting polymers are potentially electrochromic, owing to the injection of charge carriers that changes their electronic structure and results in a shift of their optical absorption towards higher wavelengths. PEDOT-PSS and PEDOT-S are very promising materials in terms of electrochromic properties, due to the good contrast existing between their doped and undoped forms. However this contrast has to be enhanced in order to design more efficient electrochromic devices, and new solutions should thus be found in order to solve this issue.</p><p>Surface plasmons are described as electromagnetic waves propagating along the surface between a dielectric and a metal. Coupled to an incident radiation, they create an energy loss in the light transmitted and reflected by the interface. When the metallic surface is periodically corrugated, this absorption phenomenon due to plasmonic resonance occurs at a specific wavelength that depends on several parameters, such as the incidence angle, the dielectric constants of the two media and the grating period. By coating metallic gratings with electrochromic polymers, we may thus be able to trigger a plasmonic absorption at a given wavelength and shift it upon reduction or oxidation of the material.</p><p>Electrochromic devices consisting of PEDOT-PSS or PEDOT-S spin-deposited on gold and silver gratings were investigated by UV-visible reflectance measurements. The periodically corrugated structures were reproduced from commercial gratings by soft nanolithography and were analyzed by AFM. Some electrochromic cells exhibited new colors or a high shift of the plasmonic resonance upon redox switching of the polymer film. Depending on the step and the nature of the grating employed, this shift could reach 20 nm in the case of PEDOT-PSS and more than 100 nm for PEDOT-S. A theoretical model was found to predict the wavelength of plasmonic excitation and the orientation of the shift.</p>

Aqueous dispersions of conducting polymers for opto-electronic applications / Dispersions aqueuses de polymères conducteurs pour les applications opto-électroniques

Hofmann, Anna 09 December 2016 (has links)
Dans ce travail, différentes solutions aqueuses de PEDOT: polyelectrolyte ont été synthétisées à partir de polymères anioniques de types polysaccharides et polystyrènes substitués par des groupements bis(sulfonylimide). Leurs morphologies, dopages,comportements rhéologiques ainsi que leurs propriétés opto-électroniques ont notammen tété caractérisés. Une étude systématique a révélé que les polyélectrolytes de masse molaire élevée portant un groupement fortement acide et ayant un squelette rigide permettent d'obtenir un dopage élevé, une dispersion efficace du PEDOT et donc des complexes PEDOT : polyelectrolyte plus conducteurs. L'utilisation du polyelectrolyte PSTFSI en tant qu'agent de complexation pour le PEDOT donne une dispersion stable montrant les caractéristiques d'un gel, ce qui facilite la fabrication de films minces par 'spin coating' ou doctor blade. Les films de PEDOT : PSTFSI ainsi obtenus montrent une transparence élevée et une conductivité de 330S.cm-1. Ces propriétés ont permis de les intégrer avec succès comme matériaux d'électrodes dans des dispositifs OLED, OPV et OECT. / In this work different aqueous dispersions of conducting poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) :polyelectrolyte (PEDOT:polyelectrolyte) complexes,made from anionic polysaccharides and from synthetic bis(sulfonylimide) substituted polystyrenes, have been synthesized and characterized regarding their doping, morphology, rheological behavior and opto-electronic properties. A systematic study revealed, that high molar mass polyelectrolytes with strongly acidic groups and a rigid backbone structure were favorable for a high doping and an efficient dispersion of PEDOT and allowed the development of highly conducting PEDOT:polyelectrolyte complexes. The use of the polyelectrolyte poly(4-styrenetrifluoromethane(bissulfonylimide)) (PSTFSI) as complexing agent for PEDOT resultedin stable dispersions with gel character, which allowed easy processing by spin coating and doctor blading. The obtained PEDOT:PSTFSI films were highly transparent,displayed a conductivity of up to 330S.cm-1 and were successfully integrated as electrodes in OLED, OPV and OECT devices.

Layer-by-layer assembly of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) thin films: tailoring growth and UV-protection

Dawidczyk, Thomas James 15 May 2009 (has links)
Conductive thin films of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-polystyrenesulfonate (PEDOT-PSS) were created via layer-by-layer assembly. The PEDOT-PSS was used in an aqueous solution as an anionic polyelectrolyte, with both linear and branched polyethylenimine (PEI) and poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) in the positive aqueous solution. The electrical conductivity was varied by altering pH, concentration, polyelectrolyte, and doping the PEDOT with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). The most conductive 12BL samples were doped with 1wt% DMSO and have a sheet resistance of approximately 8kΩ/□. Despite exhibiting good initial conductivity, these PEDOT based thin films degrade under ultraviolet (UV) exposure. UV absorbing nanoparticles were added into the cationic solution in an effort to reduce UV sensitivity. The final bilayers of the films contained either colloidal titanium dioxide (TiO2) or carbon black (CB) and the films were exposed to a 365nm UV-light with an intensity of 2.16mW/cm2 for 9 days. The UV light at this intensity correlates to approximately four years of sunlight. The initial sheet resistances for all samples were similar, but the UV-degradation was reduced by a factor of 5 by utilizing TiO2 and CB in the final bilayers. In addition to being the most conductive after UV exposure, the TiO2 containing film was also 27% more optically transparent than the pure PEDOT films. These additional UV-absorbing nanoparticles extend the operational life of the PEDOT films and, in the case of TiO2, do so without any reduced transparency.

Layer-by-layer assembly of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) thin films: tailoring growth and UV-protection

Dawidczyk, Thomas James 15 May 2009 (has links)
Conductive thin films of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-polystyrenesulfonate (PEDOT-PSS) were created via layer-by-layer assembly. The PEDOT-PSS was used in an aqueous solution as an anionic polyelectrolyte, with both linear and branched polyethylenimine (PEI) and poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) in the positive aqueous solution. The electrical conductivity was varied by altering pH, concentration, polyelectrolyte, and doping the PEDOT with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). The most conductive 12BL samples were doped with 1wt% DMSO and have a sheet resistance of approximately 8kΩ/□. Despite exhibiting good initial conductivity, these PEDOT based thin films degrade under ultraviolet (UV) exposure. UV absorbing nanoparticles were added into the cationic solution in an effort to reduce UV sensitivity. The final bilayers of the films contained either colloidal titanium dioxide (TiO2) or carbon black (CB) and the films were exposed to a 365nm UV-light with an intensity of 2.16mW/cm2 for 9 days. The UV light at this intensity correlates to approximately four years of sunlight. The initial sheet resistances for all samples were similar, but the UV-degradation was reduced by a factor of 5 by utilizing TiO2 and CB in the final bilayers. In addition to being the most conductive after UV exposure, the TiO2 containing film was also 27% more optically transparent than the pure PEDOT films. These additional UV-absorbing nanoparticles extend the operational life of the PEDOT films and, in the case of TiO2, do so without any reduced transparency.

Study of Flexible Multi-wall Carbon Nano-tubes / Conductivepolymer Composites for Supercapacitor Applications

Lee, Ka Yeung Terence 26 June 2014 (has links)
Conductive polymers are promising pseudo capacitive materials as they feature both good conductivity and high capacitance. Formation of composite between conductive polymers and carbon nanotubes is a proven technique in enhancing the material electroactivity. In-situ polymerization of conductive polymers includes polyaniline, polypyrrole and PEDOT: PSS and composite with MWCNT has been successfully achieved. Composites fabricated by using different dopants and their performance were studied. Excellent achieved capacitive performance is due to the combination of pseudo capacitance and double layer capacitance. The MWCNTs content has significant influence on the morphology and structure of the polymerized ECP in the composite. And therefore affects the material conductivity and the charge storage performance. Two electrodes cell performance shows that Ppy/MWCNT composite shows a more promising performance as electrode materials for EC applications in contrast to PANI/MWCNT and PEDOT: PSS/MWCNT composites.

Study of Flexible Multi-wall Carbon Nano-tubes / Conductivepolymer Composites for Supercapacitor Applications

Lee, Ka Yeung Terence 26 June 2014 (has links)
Conductive polymers are promising pseudo capacitive materials as they feature both good conductivity and high capacitance. Formation of composite between conductive polymers and carbon nanotubes is a proven technique in enhancing the material electroactivity. In-situ polymerization of conductive polymers includes polyaniline, polypyrrole and PEDOT: PSS and composite with MWCNT has been successfully achieved. Composites fabricated by using different dopants and their performance were studied. Excellent achieved capacitive performance is due to the combination of pseudo capacitance and double layer capacitance. The MWCNTs content has significant influence on the morphology and structure of the polymerized ECP in the composite. And therefore affects the material conductivity and the charge storage performance. Two electrodes cell performance shows that Ppy/MWCNT composite shows a more promising performance as electrode materials for EC applications in contrast to PANI/MWCNT and PEDOT: PSS/MWCNT composites.

Développement des textiles instrumentés intégrant des électrodes organiques de mesure de bio-potentiel / Development of instrumented textiles incorporating organic electrodes for bio-potential measurements

Ankhili, Amale 03 September 2019 (has links)
Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont les premières causes de mortalités dans le monde. La manière la plus efficace de combattre ces maladies est le suivi en temps réel de l’électrocardiogramme (ECG) qui traduit les signaux électriques générés par les cellules cardiaques. Le signal ECG fournit aux cardiologues toutes les informations nécessaires pour diagnostiquer les pathologies cardiaques. De nos jours, l’électrocardiogramme s’enregistre en cabinet à l’aide d’électrodes cutanées à base d’argent et chlorure de l’argent (Ag/AgCl). Celles-ci ne sont pas conçues pour un usage prolongé et peuvent provoquer des irritations de la peau à cause du gel ionique qui les compose et qui sert à réduire l’impédance de l’interface électrode/peau. Dans cette thèse, des électrodes textiles flexibles fonctionnant sans aucun gel ionique ont été développées en tant qu’alternatives aux électrodes médicales (Ag/AgCl). Notre approche est basée sur la modification d’encres conductrices à base du polymère intrinsèquement conducteur, le poly (3,4-éthylènedioxythiophène) poly(styrènesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) compatible avec les substrats textiles choisis. La réalisation des électrodes fait appel à des techniques de fabrication qui peuvent être transférées facilement à l’industrie textile. Des caractérisations ont été mises en places afin d’évaluer la fiabilité de ces systèmes avant et après 50 lavages en machine de laboratoire et domestique. En l’occurrence, la résistivité surfacique des électrodes-capteurs, la modélisation de l’interface électrode/peau, l’analyse du signal ECG en statique et en dynamique, la densité spectrale de puissance du signal ECG, le rapport signal sur bruit (SNR) ont été analysés et comparés à des électrodes commerciales à base d’argent. Comme nos électrodes-capteurs développées possèdent un véritable potentiel clinique et industriel, nous avons également étudié la faisabilité de la connectique et sa durabilité. La solution retenue se compose de deux fils conducteurs en polyamide argenté, existants sur le marché, brodés pour réaliser les connexions entre les électrodes-capteurs textiles et un module électronique flexible à base d’un film composite (polyester-aluminium). De plus deux méthodes d’encapsulation des systèmes ont été également développées en vue de leur protection au lavage et futur commercialisation. / Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. The most effective way to combat these diseases is the real-time monitoring of the electrocardiogram (ECG) that reflect the electrical signals generated by the heart cells. The ECG signal provides to cardiologists all the information needed to diagnose heart diseases. So far, the electrocardiogram is recorded by using the cutaneous conventional medical electrodes (Ag/AgCl) based on silver and silver chloride. These electrodes are not destined for long-term use and can provoke skin irritation because of the ionic gel that serves to reduce the impedance of the electrode / skin interface. In this thesis, flexible textile electrodes operating without any ionic gel have been developed as alternatives to medical electrodes (Ag/AgCl). Our approach is based on the modification of conductive inks based on the intrinsically conductive polymer, poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly (styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT: PSS) compatible with selected textile substrates. The realization of the electrodes uses manufacturing techniques that can be easily transferred to the textile industry. Characterizations were set up to evaluate the reliability of these systems before and after 50 washes in laboratory and domestic machines. In this case, the surface resistivity of the electrodes-sensors, the modeling of the electrode/skin interface, the analysis of the ECG signal in static and dynamic, the spectral power density of the ECG signal, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were analyzed and compared to commercial silver-based electrodes. As our developed sensor electrodes have a real clinical and industrial potential, we have also studied the feasibility of the connection and its durability. The chosen solution consists of two silver-plated polyamide threads, which are available on the market, embroidered to make the connections between the textile sensor electrodes and a flexible electronic module based on a composite film (polyester-aluminum). In addition, two encapsulation methods have also been developed to protect systems during washing and to make them ready for the market.

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