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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En analys av EPC som modell för energieffektivisering : En djupdykning i energieffektiviseringsåtgärder i Umeå kommuns EPC-projekt för att närmare förstå EPC som projektform vid energieffektivisering

Öhrling, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
I detta examensarbete har åtgärder i ett energieffektiviseringsarbete av typen EPC analyserats. Umeå kommuns fastighetsavdelning startade sitt EPC-projekt 2008 syftet att energieffektivisera mer än 130 byggnader. Detta projekt sades då vara det största av sitt slag i Sverige. Bakgrunden till behovet av att utföra detta grundades i att en stor del av de tekniska systemens livslängd i fastigheterna började vara uppnådd samtidigt som ett energieffektiviseringskrav ålades fastighetsavdelningen. Siemens anlitades som entreprenör. De villkor som styrde projektet kom från beslutsfattande politiker och handlade om den viktiga besparingsgarantin. Denna garanti var en förutsättning för att få ekonomiska medel att finansiera ett projekt av den här storleken. EPC som modell valdes för att möjliggöra dessa krav. Den data som legat till grund för analysen av de energieffektiviseringsåtgärder som utförts har funnits samlad i eRoom, Siemens plattform för EPC-projekt. Den information som varit mest essentiell har varit de projektutvecklingsrapporter som för varje objekt beskrivit läge, problembild, åtgärdsförslag samt de energikartläggningar som innehållit alla energiberäkningar för energiläget i respektive fastighet samt potentiellt energiläge efter utförande av föreslagna åtgärder. De åtgärder som ansågs relevanta för att på det mest tydliga vis beskriva resultatet av Umeå EPC-projekt beslutades få ligga till grund för att reda ut hur besparingsfördelningen såg ut. Resultatet av detta arbete visar att de åtgärder som levererade störst del av den totala besparingen i ren energi var åtgärder kopplade till fläktar samt övriga åtgärder där styråtgärder av motorvärmare, injusteringar och pumpar rymdes. Efter dessa poster var tilläggsisolering samt belysningsåtgärder stora. Vidare vad gäller den ekonomiska besparingen var det konverteringar av uppvärmning som var absolut störst, därefter fläktarbeten samt kategorin övriga poster. Den ekonomiska investeringen var svår att på ett rättvist sätt jämföra mot hur stora besparingarna varit per åtgärd. En jämförelse av besparing mot antal åtgärder inom varje kategori visar däremot att konvertering till fjärrvärme samt värmeåtervinning var de mest effektiva åtgärderna.

Effectiveness of a Performance Contracting Program in Reading and Mathematics Relative to Educationally Deprived Secondary School Students

Kelley, Peggy Joy Lloyd, 1929- 08 1900 (has links)
This study has two purposes. The first is to compare the academic skills achievement in reading and mathematics of students participating in a performance contracting program with the academic skills achievement of students not participating in the performance-based program. The second is to determine whether those students participating in the performance contracting program show a significantly different level of achievement (higher or lower) than the control group approximately four months after the conclusion of the program.

Towards a Theory of Controls in Information Technology Outsourcing Success: A Multimethod Study

Nagpal, Pankaj January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Case Western Reserve University, 2009 / Department of Information Systems Weatherhead School of Management Includes abstract Includes bibliographical references Available online via the OhioLINK ETD Center

Energy Performance Contracting / Energy Performance Contracting

Čtrnáctý, Jaromír January 2009 (has links)
Energy Performance Contracting is an energy saving method, when the supplier guarantees a certain minimal level of energy savings to the customer, as well as non-rising energy costs. The method was developed at the turn of 70's and 80's in the USA and has spread to dozens of countries around the world till today, although the rate of the EPC market development differs from country to country. The method is useful mostly for heating, electricity and gas cost savings by the end-users. In the Czech Republic, the method has been used since 1993. Until now, several dozens, or even hundreds of projects have been realized, mostly for public sector customers. This paper analyzes the current state of the EPC method usage around the world as well as in the Czech Republic, the key part comprises of the EPC principles description, based on data from real EPC contracts. The work is concluded by a SWOT analysis of the method and by a discussion of the following question: "Can EPC projects blockade the overall saving potential in some cases?" The key information source for most of the work were answers to questions sent to eight Czech ESCO companies representatives, as well as the outputs from guided interviews with four of them, which were taking place between January and May 2009.

Boosting EU’s Building Renovation Rates with Energy Performance Contracting

Azevedo, Filipe January 2020 (has links)
Annual building renovation rates in Europe currently stand at 0.4 to 1.2%. In order for Europe to meetits energy efficiency targets a “renovation wave” will have to be triggered that will, at least double, the current rates (“A European Green Deal | European Commission” 2019). It is clear, in the “Clean Energy Package for All Europeans”, that the European Commission regards Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) as a key tool to boost the aforementioned “renovation wave”. This is a renovation model in which the client shares the performance and financial risk of the energy efficiency renovation with the Energy Service (ESCO), responsible for designing, implementing, and operating the project during its lifetime. This is a model that has not seen the expected uptake in Europe its potential suggested, due to a set of, already well identified, regulatory, market, financial and social barriers. This project proposes an innovative EPC model – the Integrated Benefits Model – that aims at tackling some of the current barriers and envisions what the future of energy consumption in buildings can be. This model was tested in a real case study and was shown to reduce the project’s payback time by 16% when compared to a traditional energy efficiency renovation. This increases the attractiveness of energy retrofits among building owners. To address some of the remaining barriers, a set of recommendations to stakeholders was drafted, in order to facilitate a wider adoption of EPCs (and in particular the Integrated Benefits Model) across the whole value chain. / Byggnadsrenoveringsgraden ligger för närvarande på 0,4 till 1,2%. För att Europa ska kunna uppnå sina energieffektivitetsmål måste en ”renoveringsvåg” utlösas som åtminstone kommer att fördubbla den uvarande siffrorona (“A European Green Deal | European Commission” 2019). Det är tydligt i satsningen "Ren energi för alla européer" att Europeiska kommissionen ser Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) som ett nyckelverktyg för att utlösa den ovannämnda "renoveringsvågen". Detta är en renoveringsmodell där kunden delar prestanda och finansiell risk för energieffektivitetsrenoveringen med ett s.k. Energy Service Company (ESCO), som ansvarar för att utforma, implementera och driva projektet under dess livstid. Detta är dock en modell som inte har utvecklats som väntat i Europa trots sin potential. Skälet till detta är på grund av en uppsättning väl identifierade reglerande, marknadsmässiga, finansiella och sociala hinder. Detta projekt föreslår en innovativ EPC-modell - Integrated Benefits Model - som syftar till att ta itu med några av de nuvarande hindren. Denna modell testades i en riktig fallstudie och visade sig minska projektets återbetalningstid med 16% jämfört med en traditionell energieffektivitetsrenovering. Detta ökar attraktiviteten för energieffektiviseringsåtgärder bland byggnadsägare. För att ta itu med några av de återstående hindren har en uppsättning rekommendationer utarbetades till intressenter för att möjliggöra EPC:er (och särskilt den integrerade förmånsmodellen) över hela värdekedjan.

Développement d’une méthodologie pour la garantie de performance énergétique associant la simulation à un protocole de mesure et vérification / Methodology for energy performance contracting based on simulation and a measurement protocol

Ligier, Simon 28 September 2018 (has links)
Les écarts communément observés entre les prévisions de consommations énergétiques et les performances réelles des bâtiments limitent le développement des projets de construction et de réhabilitation. La garantie de performance énergétique (GPE) a pour vocation d’assurer des niveaux de consommations maximaux et donc de sécuriser les investissements. Sa mise en place fait cependant face à plusieurs problématiques, notamment techniques et méthodologiques. Ces travaux de thèse se sont intéressés au développement d’une méthodologie pour la GPE associant les outils de simulation énergétique dynamique (SED) à un protocole de mesure et vérification. Elle repose d’abord sur la modélisation physico-probabiliste du bâtiment. Les incertitudes sur les paramètres physiques et techniques, et les variabilités des sollicitations dynamiques sont modélisées et propagées dans la SED. Un modèle de génération de données météorologiques variables a été développé. L’étude statistique des résultats de simulation permet d’identifier des modèles liant les consommations d’intérêt à des facteurs d’ajustement, caractéristiques des conditions d’exploitation. Les méthodes de régression quantile permettent de déterminer le quantile conditionnel des distributions et caractérisent donc conjointement la dépendance aux facteurs d’ajustement et le niveau de risque de l’engagement. La robustesse statistique de ces méthodes et le choix des meilleurs facteurs d’ajustement ont été étudiés, tout comme l’influence des incertitudes sur la mesure des grandeurs d’ajustement en exploitation. Leur impact est intégré numériquement en amont de la méthodologie. Cette dernière est finalement mise en œuvre sur deux cas d’étude : la rénovation de logements, et la construction de bureaux. / Discrepancies between ex-ante energy performance assessment and actual consumption of buildings hinder the development of construction and renovation projects. Energy performance contracting (EPC) ensures a maximal level of energy consumption and secures investment. Implementation of EPC is limited by technical and methodological problems.This thesis focused on the development of an EPC methodology that allies building energy simulation (BES), and measurement and verification (M&V) process anticipation. The building parameters’ uncertainties and dynamic loads variability are considered using a Monte-Carlo analysis. A model generating synthetic weather data was developed. Statistical studies of simulation results allow a guaranteed consumption limit to be evaluated according to a given risk. Quantile regression methods jointly capture the risk level and the relationship between the guaranteed energy consumption and external adjustment factors. The statistical robustness of these methods was studied as well as the choice of the best adjustment factors to consider. The latter will be measured during building operation. The impact of measurement uncertainties is statistically integrated in the methodology. The influence of M&V process accuracy is also examined. The complete EPC methodology is finally applied on two different projects: the refurbishment of a residential building and the construction of a high energy performance office building.

Energy Performance Contracting in Swedish scenario: a case study with Morastrand AB

Frota de Albuquerque Landi, Fabiana January 2018 (has links)
Renovation of the existing buildings in Sweden represents a great potential to achieve the energy efficiency and carbon emission targets set by the European Union and the Swedish government. The Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is regarded as an efficient way to manage and to outsource the risks of energy efficiency (EE) measures. The thesis aims to identify the theoretical framework of EPC in the Swedish scenario and, through a real case, develop a model that relates EE measures and its results considering the capital investment versus running costs of renovation projects. The work is based on the incorporation with the Morastrand AB. The research expects to assess EPC processes and measures as in Energy Service Companies (ESCO) and consequently help in the decision making and the management of the projects. The thesis is composed of two parts. The first part identifies the theoretical framework of energy contract models focusing on the EPC, while a case study with Morastrand AB is subsequently presented. It is suggested one approach for the preliminary comparison of different renovation measures in EE projects, corresponding to the first step of the planning phase of an EPC. General recommendations and sensitive factors were identified and can assist Morastrand AB to effectively implement EE projects in the future. For orienting investments, the Lifecycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) is a method to study solutions under economic aspects and further it can be extended to the complete Lifecycle Assessment of the upcoming projects. The theoretical framework of the EPC is composed by identifying the projects, performing the technical analysis, determinizing the potential in energy savings, deepening the analysis with auditions, tendering the project, designing and executing the project, commissioning, operating and supporting the systems with constant monitoring and maintenance. The biggest challenge for the EPC in Sweden is the relation between the ESCOs and their clients. The figure of the facilitator could improve the results and balance the knowledge gap between the parts. The actors of these projects are the ESCO, the client, the facilitator and the financing part. In Sweden, very frequently the client finances the operation. There are a few models of contracting, and the most popular are guaranteed savings and shared savings. The thesis performed the LCCA of three options for window replacement in a building at the end of its lifespan. The results show that the trends in prices and interest rates are sensitive factors. In this case, the projects with higher initial investments were more profitable. Those solutions can shield the company against energy prices escalates and contribute to the green policies.

Capacity Building for Energy Performance Contracting in European Union

Basar, Ezgi January 2013 (has links)
Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is an important tool to disseminate energy efficiency measures. This study focuses on the main barriers and success factors for EPC market in order to build capacity in this subject. A pilot study of questionnaire took part among the local authorities of four countries within the European Union; Croatia, Denmark, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The results of this pilot study were combined with the results of a literature research to identify common disadvantages and key points of the market. Afterwards, the most important actions to be taken on national and international level in European Union were discussed. According to this study, the supportive legal framework for the energy efficiency measures, access to financial resources, reliable energy consumption data and trust in Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) were remarked as the essential factors for increasing the capacity of the EPC. / Intelligent Energy Europe, ManagEnergy


Wilkes, Scott A. 23 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Analýza spotřeb průmyslových provozů / Consumption analysis of industrial plants

Konečná, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The effort to limit the usage of primary energies highly relevant and topical issue on both European and global level. The wide and diverse industry area, especially the technological equipment of operation, still offer a large potential for such savings. Some of the tools that can be used to lower the consumption and overall operational costs are the energy management system and the energy audit, which helps to identify working areas with a potential for savings and efficiency improvements. However, the current approach to energy audit is not sufficient when it comes to technologies. Which is why this thesis aims at designing a universal methodology for audits with a focus on manufacturing and processing equipment, which will be easily applicable in various types of industrial production.

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