Spelling suggestions: "subject:"performancebased"" "subject:"performance.based""
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Caught in the Middle: Multilateral Development Bank Responses to Environmental PerformanceBuntaine, Mark Thomas January 2011 (has links)
<p>Since their creation, the multilateral development banks have accumulated performance records that include both substantial successes and stunning failures. Nowhere have their performance records been more mixed and controversial than with respect to environmental management issues. The multilateral development banks have financed projects that are widely considered to be environmental disasters, but have also financed projects that successfully included best practice environmental mitigation measures. They have wasted hundreds of millions of dollars financing unsuccessful environmental protection programs, while at the same time they have supported programs that contributed to the rapid development of environmental management capacity in less-developed countries. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore when and why monitoring and evaluation can prompt the multilateral development banks to move away from poor performing projects and towards high performing projects.</p><p>This type of performance-based allocation has been repeatedly highlighted as a key element in the successful delivery of development assistance. To test when the multilateral development banks practice performance-based allocation, I assembled a team that coded environmental performance information from 960 project evaluations, 174 program evaluations, and 74 civil society complaints. I use the resulting data to model when four multilateral development banks - the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and African Development Bank - make performance-based allocation decisions about environmentally-risky and environment-improving operations. In addition, I visited the headquarters of each of these organizations and conducted interviews with 54 staff members about the processes that are in place to use monitoring and evaluation information as part of decision-making.</p><p>I find that the establishment of monitoring and evaluation systems at the MDBs has not created incentives for staff to practice performance-based allocation. Instead, performance information influences allocation decisions when it helps MDB staff approve future projects more quickly. It does so by helping staff identify development projects that are likely to face significant delays due to the inability of the borrowing country to manage negative environmental impacts and to identify the borrowing countries that are likely to successfully implement environment-improving operations.</p> / Dissertation
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Approche performantielle des bétons : vers une meilleure caractérisation des indicateurs de durabilité / Approach of performance based durability : towards a better characterization of sustainability indicatorsAllahyari, Ilgar 20 May 2016 (has links)
La fabrication du ciment, par sa phase de clinkérisation, est très énergivore et émet une quantité importante de gaz à effet de serre dans l'atmosphère. En effet, la production d'une tonne de clinker génère environ une tonne de CO2. Afin de réduire ces émissions, une des alternatives est l'utilisation des additions minérales dans la confection des bétons en remplacement partiel du ciment. Cette substitution apparait comme une des solutions les plus efficaces permettant à la fois de diminuer l'énergie consommée et de réduire le dégagement de CO2 dans l'atmosphère. Cette étude s'inscrit dans un projet plus global de développement des bétons de bâtiment à matrices binaires (ciment + additions) s'appuyant sur des critères de propriétés de transfert. En effet, afin de répondre à certaines exigences de durabilité, une campagne expérimentale a été menée sur des bétons confectionnés selon la norme européenne NF EN 206 qui autorise deux méthodes de formulation : * l'approche dite prescriptive, qui porte sur des obligations de moyens, * l'approche dite performantielle, qui consiste à fixer des exigences en terme de performances basées sur des indicateurs généraux ou spécifiques de durabilité. Ce travail de recherche a donc consisté à comparer les propriétés physico-chimiques de bétons à forte teneur en addition minérale (filler calcaire, cendre volante, laitier de haut fourneau et métakaolin), dérogeant à l'approche prescriptive avec celles des bétons de référence répondant à cette même norme. Cette comparaison s'est effectuée au travers d'indicateurs de durabilité généraux (porosité accessible à l'eau, perméabilité à l'oxygène, coefficient de migration des ions chlorure et teneur en Ca(OH)2) et d'indicateurs spécifiques : la résistance à la carbonatation naturelle et accélérée. D'un point de vue méthodologique, les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette recherche ont montré l'intérêt de l'approche performantielle pour la formulation des bétons. Mais, à l'heure actuelle, les outils disponibles, c'est à dire les indicateurs généraux et spécifiques, ne sont pas suffisants pour répondre à l'ensemble des bétons couvrant ce texte normatif. A l'échelle du matériau (béton pour une application en bâtiment), les campagnes expérimentales menées ont montré que dans la majorité des cas, les bétons à forte teneur en addition minérale (dérogeant aux spécifications) présentent des comportements proches de ceux observés sur les bétons de référence (répondant à l'approche prescriptive). / The manufacturing of cement, by its clinkering process, is very energy-consuming and emits an important quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (1 ton of clinker produced 1 ton of CO2 released into the atmosphere). To maximize this latter from an environmental point of view, it is necessary to reduce the cement content. This can be done by replacing part of the cement with mineral additives during the manufacturing phase. This substitution seems one of the most effective solutions allowing, at the same time, to decrease the energy consumed and to reduce the release of CO2 into the atmosphere. This study is part of a more comprehensive development project of concrete building binary matrices (cement + mineral additives) based on transfer properties criteria. Indeed, in order to answer certain sustainability requirements, an experimental campaign was conducted on concrete, made according to the new European standard (EN 206) that allows two methods of formulation: * a traditional prescriptive approach, based on limiting values for the composition (minimum binder content, maximum water to binder ratio, compressive strength class...) of concrete exposed to some aggressive environmental conditions, * an innovative method based on a performance approach for concrete properties. The present work aims at studying the physico-chemical properties of cementitious materials with high substitution rates of cement by mineral additions (limestone filler, fly ash, slag, metakaolin) derogating from the prescriptive approach with reference to concrete corresponding to the same standard. This comparison was made with general durability indicators (water porosity, oxygen permeability, chloride migration coefficient and portlandite content) and specific durability indicators: carbonation in natural and accelerated conditions. From a methodological point of view, the research carried out in the framework of this project has shown the interest of the performance-based approach with regards to the concrete formulation. But at the moment, the available tools, namely the general and specific indicators, are not sufficient to respond to all these types of concrete. However, considering the performance, economic and environmental criteria, laboratory results showed that concrete made according to a performance-based approach had a performance close to reference concrete and the standard prescription could still be reassessed.
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Avaliação do desempenho dos elementos de sinalização viária em rodovias. / Performance based evaluation of traffic signs on higways.Walquiria Yumiko Fujii 20 January 2017 (has links)
A qualidade dos sistemas de sinalização viária é avaliada, tradicionalmente, com base nas características físicas de seus elementos, bem como na durabilidade e conservação dos materiais que os compõem. Em alguns casos, a verificação do atendimento aos critérios técnicos de projeto é também considerada. Depreende-se, daí, que a avaliação estrutural dos elementos de sinalização seja integralmente contemplada por meio dessas avaliações. Por outro lado, a eficácia da sinalização não é necessariamente garantida pela integridade física ou estrutural dos elementos. Por se tratar de um sistema de comunicação com o usuário, que transmite informações que influenciarão as ações dos motoristas na tarefa de guiar o veículo no trânsito, é necessário, também, avaliar o desempenho funcional dos elementos de sinalização. Em outras palavras, o funcionamento e a eficiência da sinalização são tão importantes quanto a situação de seu estado físico. Esta pesquisa descreve aspectos a serem considerados na avaliação de desempenho funcional dos sinais de trânsito com base na observação no campo e na abordagem dos fatores que afetam as medidas de desempenho, conduzindo, em rodovias federais brasileiras concedidas à iniciativa privada, dois experimentos ainda pouco conhecidos no país. O primeiro experimento avaliou o desempenho de um conjunto de placas de sinalização de regulamentação de velocidade máxima permitida, aplicadas em configurações diversas. As medidas de desempenho escolhidas foram a distância de detecção e a distância de legibilidade da sinalização, que foram medidas por meio de observadores em curso na rodovia, em condições reais de operação. O segundo experimento avaliou o desempenho de um conjunto de demarcações no pavimento de uma rodovia também em condições reais de operação. A medida de desempenho foi a retorrefletividade da sinalização horizontal sob tráfego real. A pesquisa inova ao utilizar o conceito de planejamento de experimentos, otimizando o modelo estatístico a ser estimado com menos execuções experimentais. / The quality of the traffic signs systems is traditionally assessed based on physical characteristics of their elements, as well as the durability and conservation of materials they are made of. In some cases, the verification of compliance with the technical criteria for design is also considered. Therefore, it appears that the structural assessment of sign elements is fully covered by these evaluations. Moreover, the effectiveness of traffic signs is not necessarily guaranteed by physical or structural health of the elements. Once the traffic signs comprise a system of communication with the users, which gives information that will influence the actions of the drivers on the task of guiding the vehicle in traffic flow, it is also necessary to evaluate the functional performance of the traffic signs. In other words, the operation and efficiency of traffic signs are as important as their physical condition. This research describes some aspects to take into account in the evaluation of performance of traffic signs based on observation in the field and in the approach of the factors affecting performance measures, carrying out in Brazilian federal highways under concession to the private sector two experiments still little known in this country. The first experiment evaluated the performance of a set of speed limit signs applied in different configurations. The chosen performance measures were the detection distance and the legibility distance of the signs, which were measured by subjects driving on open road under real operating conditions. The second experiment evaluated the performance of a set of pavement markings also on open road under real operating conditions. The performance measure was the retroreflectivity of the pavement markings under real traffic. The survey breaks new ground by using the concept of optimal design of experiments, optimizing the statistical model to be estimated with fewer experimental runs.
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La réforme budgétaire en Algérie : à la recherche d'un modèle / Budgetary reform in Algeria : looking for a templateCheurfa, Abdelhak 07 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse retrace les lignes directrices du projet de modernisation des systèmes budgétaires en Algérie s’inscrivant dans la lignée des réformes institutionnelles qui tendent à élever la budgétisation axée sur la performance au rang d’une norme internationale de bonne gouvernance. Son objectif est de faire ressortir d’abord, les considérable pris dans la mise en œuvre d’une réforme lancée quinze années auparavant.S’inscrivant dans le courant de la rationalité limité, ce travail énonce et valide l'hypothèse descriptive suivante : le passage à un système budgétaire axé sur la performance n’est possible que si les éléments de base du système budgétaire antérieur aient été consolidés. Le caractère aujourd'hui universel de la notion de performance doit amener à en considérer certains éléments et à faire abstraction de certains autres suivant un équilibre dynamique propre à chaque contexte, indépendamment des problématiques essentielles qui sont communes et dont la thèse s’efforce d’identifier.Cette thèse fonde finalement l'hypothèse transversale suivante : le contexte algérien actuel marqué par le caractère essentiellement rentier des finances de l’Etat est antinomique du thème de la performance. Tout en établissant le constat que la progression de la réforme se fait au cours d’un processus discontinu, l’étude conclut que la récente dégradation des finances de l’Etat achèvera sans doute d’ériger, la budgétisation axée sur la performance, en impératif économique et politique. / This thesis traces the guidelines of the modernization of budgetary systems project in Algeria in line with the institutional reforms which tend to rise the performance-based budgeting to the rank of an international standard of good governance. The aim of the work is, first, to outline the progress as well as the setbacks of the Algerian budget reform project, to highlight, then, its intrinsic practical and legal contradictions and to provide, finally, understanding and explanation about the considerable delay in implementing a reform initiated fifteen years previously. Enrolling in the limited rationality approach, this work outlines and validates the following descriptive hypothesis: the transition to a performance-based budget system is possible only if the basic elements of the previous budgetary system have been consolidated. Today, the universality of the performance concept must bring to consider certain elements and to ignore others following a dynamic equilibrium specific to each context, regardless of the essential issues that are common to which the thesis strives to identify.This thesis finally founds the following transverse hypothesis: the current Algerian context marked by the character essentially annuitant of the State's finances is antithetical to the performance’s theme. While establishing the observation that the progress of the reform is done during a discontinuous process, the study concludes that the recent deterioration of the State's finances will probably complete to erect performance-based budgeting as an economic and a political imperative.
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Wind Performance Based Design for High-Rise BuildingsMohammadi, Alireza 09 November 2016 (has links)
The rapid growth of high-rise high-density urban areas in coastal and near coastal, hurricane-prone cities has been observed globally and in the United States in recent decades. Favored by modern urban growth and planning policies, this trend is expected to accelerate in future. Recent climate change studies suggest a significant increase in the destructiveness of hurricanes in past 30 years by both increases in lifetime and intensity of hurricanes. Current prescriptive wind design approach does not provide transparent methods and criteria to reliably quantify the performance of buildings as well as the functional requirements necessary to accommodate large populations during extreme wind. Since this approach primarily intends to keep the structural system essentially elastic, the more efficient design may be achievable by allowing controlled inelasticity in structural components. All these facts put a great emphasis on using a reliable wind design and assessment approach evidently describing the performance of high-rise building to wind loads beyond the current design wind loads.
This dissertation presents the development of a wind performance-based engineering approach and its practical implementation for three, 47-, 40- and 30-story steel moment frame high-rise buildings. In this study, the nonlinear dynamic responses of the buildings to different wind hazard levels were evaluated by developing 3D nonlinear finite element models and utilizing a wind incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) approach. The wind loading for the 47-story building was measured by conducting wind pressure testing on a scaled rigid model at the Wall of Wind (WOW) facility at Florida International University. For two other buildings wind loads were acquired using TPU Aerodynamic Database. Using the IDA results and adopting available wind performance criteria, a wind performance assessment approach was developed representing the estimated performance levels as a function of the basic wind speed. Three types of wind performance were evaluated: structural component performance; cladding performance to wind-induced shear deformation; and serviceability motion comfort performance. This evaluation indicated remarkable lateral capacity associated with allowing controlled structural nonlinearity, in contrast to considerations required to assure acceptable serviceability and non-structural (e.g. cladding) performances.
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"När pengarna rullar in är man motiverad" : En fallstudie av hur prestationsbaserad lön upplevs av konsultchefer på ett bemanningsföretag.Andersson, My, Pettersson, Olivia January 2016 (has links)
”När pengarna rullar in är man motiverad” är en kandidatuppsats i Sociologi skriven av Olivia Pettersson och My Andersson. Syftet med studien är att undersöka ett prestationsbaserat belöningssystem och dess effekter på arbetsmotivation samt upplevd arbetskvalité, detta genom att göra en fallstudie på ett bemanningsföretag i Stockholm. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och genomfördes med hjälp av tematiskt öppna intervjuer tillsammans med fem anställda hos det företag vi valt att här kalla LevereraMera. Tidigare forskning av Eriksson et al. (2002) samt av Schou (1991) visar att lönen är av betydelse för arbetsmotivationen, men att andra faktorer är av större betydelse samt att ingen faktor kan fungera isolerad från andra. Ingen av dessa studier väljer att inkludera fenomenet arbetskvalité samt är av kvantitativ karaktär, vilka är två motiv till denna studie. Den insamlade empirin analyseras med hjälp av studiens teoretiska ramverk, Herzbergs tvåfaktorteori och Skinners förstärkningsteori. Resultaten visar att det prestationsbaserade belöningssystemet som råder hos LevereraMera har en viss positiv effekt på medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation, men att den inte verkar isolerad från andra, också avgörande, faktorer. Det går inte att urskilja att belöningssystemet har en direkt negativ påverkan på medarbetarnas upplevda arbetskvalité. Något som dock framgår av studien är att upplevelsen av rättvisa samt viljan att samarbeta påverkas negativt av det rådande belöningssystemet, vilket kan leda till en indirekt negativ påverkan på företagets generella arbetskvalité. / "När pengarna rullar in är man motiverad" is a bachelorthesis in Sociology written by Olivia Pettersson and My Andersson. The purpose of the study is to investigate a performance-based reward system and its effects on motivation and perceived job quality, this by doing a case study of a staffing and recruitment company in Stockholm. The study is qualitative and was carried out with the help of thematically open interviews with five employees of a company we have chosen to call LevereraMera. Previous research by Eriksson et al. (2002) and by Schou (1991) show that the salary is of importance for work motivation, but that other factors are more important and that no factor can work in isolation from others. None of these studies choose to include the phenomenon of labor quality and they are of a quantitative nature, which are two motives for this study. The collected empirical data was analyzed using the theoretical framework, Herzberg’s two-factor theory and Skinner’s reinforcement theory. The results show that the performance-based reward system used at LevereraMera has some positive effect on employee motivation, but it does not function isolated from other, also decisive, factors. It is not possible to discern that the reward system has a direct negative impact on employees' perceived job quality, what is however clear from the study is that the perception of fairness and willingness to cooperate is adversely affected by the current reward system, which can lead to an indirect negative impact on the company's general labor quality.
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Using Performance Based Assessments with Pre-Service Teachers: One University’s Pathway to ImplementationMoran, Renee Rice, Keith, Karin J., Hong, Huili 10 February 2016 (has links)
Book Summary: Performance-based assessments have become a critical component of every teacher education program. Such assessments allow teacher candidates to demonstrate their content and pedagogical knowledge, skills, and dispositions in an authentic setting.Evaluating Teacher Education Programs through Performance-Based Assessments analyzes and discusses the theory and concepts behind teacher education program evaluation using assessment tools such as lesson plans, classroom artifacts, student work examples, and video recordings of lessons. Emphasizing critical real-world examples and empirically-based studies, this research-based publication is an ideal reference source for university administrators, teacher educators, K-12 leaders, and graduate students in the field of education.
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Une méthodologie d’aide à la décision pour l’optimisation de services aéronautiques basés sur la performance / A decision-support methodology for the optimisation of performance-based servicesPozzetti, André 22 April 2015 (has links)
Pour rester compétitives dans l'industrie aéronautique, les entreprises développent des stratégies diverses pour gagner un avantage concurrentiel comme l'augmentation du Coût Total de Possession (TCO) avec l'acquisition aéronautique complexe et des programmes de support. Les clients concentrent leurs besoins sur la disponibilité opérationnelle de tels systèmes et ne sont plus enclins à payer un prix supplémentaire pour un tel service, par conséquent le fournisseur est amené à minimiser le TCO tout en conservant un haut niveau de performance de flotte. Dans de tels accords, une partie du risque de performance opérationnelle est transférée vers le fournisseur sous forme de pénalité financière, engendrant ainsi un risque financier sur la rentabilité du contrat. Cette recherche aborde le problème du point de vue du fournisseur en considérant différentes options stratégiques pour la commercialisation de l'offre de services aéronautiques basés sur la performance, garantissant la disponibilité de la flotte. La méthodologie considère un système complexe, représentatif des systèmes aéronautiques actuels et les mécanismes de support rattachés, avec de multiples objectifs contradictoires à atteindre en tant que fournisseur. La méthodologie proposée couvre les catégories suivantes : disponibilité, fiabilité, maintenabilité et supportabilité. Elle considère le système complexe comme un tout incluant l'ensemble des interactions dans ce système et les relations entre la performance de disponibilité et le coût. D'autres facteurs de contribution additionnels sont aussi considérés dans ce mécanisme de support, comme les types d'incertitude de la performance du système, des données, des risques financiers et des coûts. Un modèle de pénalité pour l'utilisation avec les Services Basés sur la Performance (PBS) des offres dans l'industrie aéronautique est aussi fourni. Une méthodologie d'analyse de pénalité est proposée au travers de deux études de cas présentées dans cette thèse, offrant un avantage compétitif au fournisseur, de par la capacité de prévoir la distribution de probabilité de performance du système, et de quantifier le risque financier pour le modèle de pénalité en question. La méthodologie d'analyse démontre aussi que la capacité d'effectuer une analyse de risque sur des pénalités contractuelles est tout aussi importante pour le fournisseur que la capacité de prévoir la performance globale du système. Les conclusions montrent qu'il est tout à fait possible d'avoir une grande exposition de risque financier si un scénario de pénalité inadapté est choisi, même si la performance de disponibilité de la flotte prévue est au-dessus du taux ciblé ou contracté. / To remain competitive within the aeronautic industry, companies are developing various strategies to gain a competitive edge as the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) increases with complex aeronautical acquisition and support programs. Customers are focusing their needs on the operational availability of such systems and are no longer willing to pay a premium for such a service, consequently the supplier is challenged to minimize the TCO whilst retaining a high level of fleet performance. In such accords, some of the operational performance risk is transferred back to the supplier and are usually in the form of financial penalties, which consequently creates a financial risk on the profitability of the contract for the supplier. This research addresses the problem from the point of the supplier when considering different strategic options for the sale and offer of performance-based aeronautic services that guarantee fleet availability. The methodology considers the complex system, as is typical with current aeronautic systems, relating support mechanisms, and the multiple yet contradictory objectives to achieve as a supplier. The methodology proposed covers the categories of Availability, Reliability, Maintainability and Supportability; it considers the complex system as a whole including the interactions within this system and the relationships between availability performance and cost. Additional other contributing factors are also considered within this support mechanism, such as the types of uncertainty on system performance, data, financial risks and costs. The introduction of a penalty model for use with Performance-Based Service (PBS) offers within the aeronautic industry is also provided. A methodology for penalty analysis is proposed through the two case studies presented in this thesis, giving the supplier a competitive advantage through the ability to predict the probability distribution of system performance and to quantify the financial risk for the penalty model in question. The analysis 5 methodology also demonstrates that the ability to perform risk analysis on contractual penalties is just as important to the supplier as the ability to predict overall system performance, as the findings present that it is quite possible to have a large financial risk exposure if the wrong penalty scenario is chosen even if the predicted Fleet Availability performance is above the targeted or contracted rate.
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The network performance assessment model : a new framework of regulating the electricity network companiesLarsson, Mats B. O. January 2005 (has links)
When the Swedish electricity market was re-regulated in 1996 the trading with electricity was exposed to competition and the net service henceforth should be comprised by a monopoly comprised by a regulation. The regulation was based on a review of the costs of the network companies. No attention were paid to if the network was efficient. The following years many of the networks were sold from the municipalities to power companies, to increasing merger prices. The increasing prices in the mergers were followed by increasing prices to the subscribers of the network services. The regulator tried to stop the fast increasing prices, but didn’t succeed. The regulation paradigm couldn’t face the new realities and had to be revised. In 1998 the author of this thesis was commissioned by the Swedish Regulator to propose a new regulation model for the Swedish grid companies. Existing models were reviewed but none of them fulfilled the requirements from the regulator; to be self-regulating and give incentives to improved efficiency and distribution reliability. Therefore a new approach was launched. The new approach was to change perspective from a company focus to a consumer focus – a performance-based regulation. The solution was to base the regulation of the creation of a standard asset, a Reference Network. From this a new model – the Network Performance Assessment Model (NPAM) – was defined. The Reference Network is defined by four definitions, concerning the elements and topology of a Reference Network, the Subscriber Requirements and the Objective Prerequisites. These definitions grants the transparency of the model. The model is sharp and is run into operation in 2004. The final test of the model indicated that the Swedish network companies are overcharging their subscribers with approximately 20%. This thesis is an explanation of the model and the definitions, and a review of the thoughts and research which formed the model. Moreover there is a discussion of some topics reported by others in articles about the model. Finally in the conclusion there are topics of simplicity and transparency. / QC 20101208
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Political prioritisation for performance-based financing at the county level in Kenya: 2016 to 2019Waithaka, Dennis Wambiri 22 March 2022 (has links)
Background: Performance based financing was introduced to Kilifi county actors in Kenya in 2015. Kilifi was identified by the Kenyan national government as one of the 20 arid and semi-arid counties (out of 47 counties) mandated to start the implementation of the scheme and potentially inform the development of a nation-wide PBF policy. This study investigates how political and bureaucratic actors at the local level in Kilifi county have subsequently influenced the extent to which PBF has been politically prioritised at the sub-national level. Methods: The study employed a single-case study design. The Shiffman and Smith (2007) political priority setting framework with adaptations proposed by Walt and Gilson (2014) was used. Data was collected through document review (n=19) and in-depth interviews (n=8). Framework analysis was used to analyse data and generate findings. Results: Throughout the study period (2015-2018), national policy elites gave sustained attention to PBF as a priority issue for implementation, this sustained attention was however not present at the sub national level in Kilifi county and funding for PBF was not prioritised post donor funding. Key factors that contributed to this in Kilifi county included: redistribution of power from national actors to sub-national actors following devolution, this affected the national Ministry of Health's ability to lead and be an effective guiding organisation; misalignment between the globally advocated idea of ‘pay for performance' and the local pre-existing centralised and rigid approaches to public financial management; and actors at the sub national level who contested the PBF intervention design features and its framing as ‘additional funding'. As a consequence, the implementation of PBF in Kilifi was for a short time only using donor resources and did not last beyond donor timelines and funding. Conclusion: This research shows that for health reforms to gain political priority in highly devolved contexts, there is need to recognise the formal and informal institutions existing at the devolved level of governance and for adequate early involvement and leadership from sub-national bureaucratic and political actors, in health and beyond the health sector. In addition, advocacy for the health reforms should embody frames that align with the political context to increase the chances of gaining political traction. Finally, the political context including political and bureaucratic power at different levels of government are crucial features that will also influence the acceptability of reform and ultimately political prioritisation.
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