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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The use of isolated peripheral lymphocytes and human whole blood in the comet assay

Najafzadeh, Mojgan, Anderson, Diana 27 October 2016 (has links)
Yes / The comet assay is a sensitive method used to detect DNA damage, measuring DNA breaks and alkali labile lesions in eukaryotic cells. Here, the use of whole blood in the alkaline gel electrophoresis method is described. Two hundred and seventy blood samples from individuals were examined: 120 healthy individuals, 65 suspected or pre-cancerous individuals and 85 cancer patients. Each sample was divided into two identical volumes in different falcon tubes. The blood was prepared and stored by adding the same amount of RPMI medium and 10% DMSO. Using the Student’s t-Test, the data showed a p value = 0.59 for Olive tail moment (OTM) and 0.16 for % tail DNA, and no statistically significant differences between the two methods, with or without treatment. In conclusion, using whole blood instead of isolated lymphocytes saves time, is still very sensitive and requires less than 20 µL of blood from each individual.

Nanoparticles in Biomedicine and Medicine, and Possible Clinical Toxicological Application of Peripheral Lymphocytes in the Risk Assessment Process for Susceptible Disease State Individuals

Najafzadeh, Mojgan, Anderson, Diana 13 November 2017 (has links)
No / Nanoparticle usage has emerged in the medical field as a technology well-suited to the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of disease states. The distinctive characteristics of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) such as higher surface-area-to-volume ratios find various applications in personal care products, food packaging, drug-delivery systems, therapeutics, biosensors and others. The exponential increase in ENP-containing consumer products in the last decade has also increased their inadvertent release into the environment and the debate relating to their adverse effects on human and environmental health. The use of NPs for different functions in human studies has significantly increased the application of NPs in biomedicine, for instance, imaging of cell and tissues, drug delivery and sensing of target molecules. These nanomaterials have been investigated for the treatment and detection of various pathological conditions. There are suitable biological systems now available in man using peripheral blood lymphocytes to determine the effect of NPs in various disease states.

Η ριβονουκλεάση Ρ (RNase P) των ανθρώπινων λεμφοκυττάρων / Ribonuclease P (RNase P) from human peripheral lymphocytes

Βρυζάκη, Ελευθερία 28 May 2009 (has links)
Η ριβονουκλεάση P (RNase P) είναι το ένζυμο που ευθύνεται για την ωρίμανση του 5΄ άκρου των πρόδρομων μορίων tRNA συμμετέχοντας έτσι στην πρωτεΐνοσύνθεση. H RNase P καταλύει την ενδονουκλεολυτική θραύση ενός φωσφοδιεστερικού δεσμού παρουσία ιόντων Mg2+ παράγοντας προϊόντα με 3΄ υδροξυλικά και 5΄ φωσφορικά άκρα. Η πλειοψηφία των RNase P ενζύμων που έχουν μελετηθεί μέχρι σήμερα είναι ριβονουκλεοπρωτεΐνες αποτελούμενες από μια RNA και πρωτεϊνικές υπομονάδες. Η RNA υπομονάδα της βακτηριακής RNase P είναι ένα από τα πρώτα καταλυτικά RNA που μελετήθηκαν. Η RNase P και το ριβόσωμα είναι τα μόνα γνωστά ριβοένζυμα που είναι συντηρημένα και στις τρείς φυλογεννετικές περιοχές. Δεδομένης της ζωτικής σημασίας των λεμφοκυττάρων στην ακεραιότητα του ανοσολογικού συστήματος και στην παθογένεια ευρέος φάσματος δερματολογικών και μη νοσημάτων, σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας ήταν η ανάπτυξη μεθοδολογίας για την απομόνωση και τον καθαρισμό της RNase P από περιφερικά λεμφοκύτταρα υγιών μαρτύρων, ο προσδιορισμός της ενζυμικής της δραστικότητας, καθώς και η μελέτη της in vitro επιδράσεως δυο συνθετικών ρετινοειδών, του 13-cis ρετινοϊκού οξέος και της ασιτρετίνης, της αμινογλυκοσίδης νεομυκίνης Β, όπως και της διφωσφορικής χλωροκίνης στην δραστικότητα της λεμφοκυτταρικής RNase P. Το ένζυμο καθαρίστηκε με τη χρήση κατιοντοανταλλακτικής χρωματογραφίας φωσφοκυτταρίνης και προσδιορίστηκαν οι βέλτιστες συνθήκες δραστικότητάς του.Μετά από μελέτη της επίδρασης των συνθετικών ρετινοϊδών και της νεομυκίνης Β στην δραστικότητα της RNase P, προέκυψε ότι και τα τρία προκαλούν μια δοσοεξαρτώμενη αναστολή της δραστικότητας της RNase Ρ των ανθρωπίνων λεμφοκυττάρων. Η διφωσφορική χλωροκίνη δεν επηρεάζει τη δραστικότητα της λεμφοκυτταρικής RNase P. Λεπτομερής κινητική ανάλυση έδειξε πως η αναστολή που προκαλείται από την ασιτρετίνη είναι συναγωνιστικού τύπου, ενώ αυτή από την νεομυκίνη Β είναι μη συναγωνιστικού τύπου.Η κινητική σταθερά Km της λεμφοκυτταρικής RNase P βρέθηκε ότι ισούται με 245 nM και η Vmax με 0.42 pmol/min. Συμπερασματικά, η απομόνωση της RNase P από ανθρώπινα περιφερικά λεμφοκύτταρα καθιστά δυνατή τη μελέτη της πιθανής ανάμιξης αυτού του ριβοενζύμου στους παθογενετικούς μηχανισμούς διαφόρων αυτοάνοσων, φλεγμονωδών και νεοπλασματικών δερματοπαθειών και μπορεί να διευκολύνει τη περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη της βασιζομένης στην RNase P τεχνολογίας για τη γονιδιακή θεραπεία δερματικών και μη παθήσεων. / Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is the enzyme responsible for the 5΄ maturation of the precursor tRNA molecules, participating in tRNA biogenesis and therefore in protein synthesis. It catalyses the endonucleolytic cleavage of a phosphodiester bond in the presence of Mg2+ and results in the production of molecules that bear 3΄ hydroxyl and 5΄ phosphoric ends. Most forms of RNase P are ribonucleoproteins consisting of an essential RNA and protein subunits. The RNA component of the bacterial RNase P was one of the first identified catalytic RNAs. So far, RNase P and the ribosome are the only ribozymes known to be conserved in all kingdoms of life (bacteria, archaea and eucarya). In view of the vital importance of lymphocytes for an effective immune system, we proceeded to the RNase P isolation from human peripheral lymphocytes. The enzyme was purified with cation exchange phosphocellulose chromatography and the optimal conditions were determined. Herein, it was investigated the effect of the synthetic retinoids (cis-retinoic acid and acitretin), neomycin B, as well as chloroquine diphosphate, on the RNase P activity. Cis-retinoic acid, acitretin and neomycin B exerted a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on RNase P activity from human lymphocytes, wlile the activity was not affected in the presence of chloroquine diphosphate. A detailed kinetic analysis showed that the inhibition caused by acitretin was of competitive type, whereas that caused by neomycin B was of noncompetitive type. The kinetic constant Km of RNase P activity isolated from lymphocytes for the tRNA maturation reaction has been estimated equal to 245 nM and the Vmax value has been estimated equal to 0.42 pmol/min. Finally, the isolation of RNase P from human peripheral lymphocytes will enable the study of the possible involvement of this ribozyme in the pathogenetic mechanisms of diverse autoimmune, inflammatory and neoplastic cutaneous disorders and may facilitate the further development of RNase P-based technology for gene therapy of infectious and neoplastic dermatoses.

"Efeito Citogenético do 153Sm-EDTMP em Linfócitos Periféricos de Pacientes com Câncer Metastático" / Cytogenetic effect of Sm-153-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes of patients with metastaic cancer

Silva, Marcia Augusta da 05 September 2001 (has links)
O 153Sm-EDTMP é um radiofármaco utilizado em medicina nuclear com resultados promissores no alívio da dor metastática. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos do 153Sm-EDTMP em nível celular. O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o intuito de avaliar os efeitos citogenéticos do 153Sm-EDTMP em linfócitos periféricos de pacientes com metástases ósseas (com e sem radio e/ou quimioterapias anteriores) pela da técnica de detecção de aberrações cromossômicas, tanto in vivo como in vitro. Para tanto, as amostras sangüíneas foram coletadas antes e 1 hora após a administração endovenosa do 153Sm- EDTMP (atividade média de 42,53 + 5,31 MBq/kg de peso corpóreo), levando-se em consideração o rápido clearance sangüíneo. Os principais tipos de aberrações cromossômicas estruturais encontrados foram os gaps e quebras, fragmentos acêntricos, anéis cêntricos, double minutes e dicêntricos. A análise estatística mostrou que o único grupo de pacientes que apresentou uma diferença significativa na freqüência de aberrações cromossômicas 1 hora após o tratamento foi o que recebeu prévio tratamento radio e quimioterápico antes da terapia com 153Sm-EDTMP. Quanto a averiguação do número modal de cromossomos e da cinética do ciclo celular, a análise estatística mostrou que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos analisados, sugerindo que o tratamento com 153Sm-EDTMP não influenciou nesses parâmetros. A molécula carreadora, EDTMP, não teve qualquer influência na indução de aberrações cromossômicas. Em relação aos ensaios in vitro, os dados obtidos de linfócitos periféricos submetidos às diferentes concentrações radioativas de 153Sm-EDTMP (0,046 – 1,110 MBq/mL) de doadores sadios e de pacientes sem prévio tratamento se ajustaram melhor ao modelo de regressão linear (Y=A+BX). O dano cromossômico induzido pelo 153Sm-EDTMP observado in vitro foi cerca de 2 vezes maior do que o encontrado in vivo para o grupo de pacientes sem prévio tratamento. Os dados obtidos mostraram que a terapia com 153Sm-EDTMP induziu uma pequena quantidade de danos citogenéticos em linfócitos periféricos de pacientes 1 hora após sua administração, embora, teoricamente, um efeito estocástico a longo prazo não possa ser descartado. / The 153Sm-EDTMP is a radiopharmaceutical used in nuclear medicine with promising results for the relief of metastatic pain. Therefore, there are few knowledge about the effects of 153Sm-EDTMP at cellular level. The present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the cytogenetic effects of 153Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes from patients with bone metastasis (with and without previous radio and/or chemotherapy) by the chromosome aberration technique, either in vivo or in vitro. For that, the blood samples were collected before and one hour after the endovenous administrations of 153Sm-EDTMP (mean activity of 42.53 + 5.31 MBq/kg body weight), taking into account the rapid blood clearance. The principal types of structural chromosome aberrations found gaps and breaks, acentric fragments centric rings, double minutes and dicentrics. The statistical analysis showed that the group submitted to previous radio and chemotherapy before153Sm-EDTMP administration showed significant difference in chromosome aberrations frequency one hour after the treatment. The analysis of the chromosome modal number and the kinetics of cellular cycle showed no statistical difference among the groups, suggesting that the treatment with 153Sm-EDTMP, did not influence these parameters. The carrier molecule, EDTMP, did not influence the induction of chromosome aberration. In relation to the in vitro assays, the obtained data of peripheral lymphocytes of healthy donors and patients with no previous treatment exposed to different radioactive concentration of 153Sm-EDTMP (0.046 – 1.110 MBq/mL) were better adjusted by linear regression model (Y=A+BX). The chromosome damage induced by 153Sm-EDTMP observed in vitro was about 2 fold higher than that found in vivo for the group of patients with no previous treatment. The obtained data showed that the therapy with 153Sm- EDTMP induced a few quantity of cytogenetic damages in peripheral lymphocytes one hour after its administration in patients, although, theoretically, a long term stochastic effect cannot be disregarded.

"Efeito Citogenético do 153Sm-EDTMP em Linfócitos Periféricos de Pacientes com Câncer Metastático" / Cytogenetic effect of Sm-153-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes of patients with metastaic cancer

Marcia Augusta da Silva 05 September 2001 (has links)
O 153Sm-EDTMP é um radiofármaco utilizado em medicina nuclear com resultados promissores no alívio da dor metastática. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos do 153Sm-EDTMP em nível celular. O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o intuito de avaliar os efeitos citogenéticos do 153Sm-EDTMP em linfócitos periféricos de pacientes com metástases ósseas (com e sem radio e/ou quimioterapias anteriores) pela da técnica de detecção de aberrações cromossômicas, tanto in vivo como in vitro. Para tanto, as amostras sangüíneas foram coletadas antes e 1 hora após a administração endovenosa do 153Sm- EDTMP (atividade média de 42,53 + 5,31 MBq/kg de peso corpóreo), levando-se em consideração o rápido clearance sangüíneo. Os principais tipos de aberrações cromossômicas estruturais encontrados foram os gaps e quebras, fragmentos acêntricos, anéis cêntricos, double minutes e dicêntricos. A análise estatística mostrou que o único grupo de pacientes que apresentou uma diferença significativa na freqüência de aberrações cromossômicas 1 hora após o tratamento foi o que recebeu prévio tratamento radio e quimioterápico antes da terapia com 153Sm-EDTMP. Quanto a averiguação do número modal de cromossomos e da cinética do ciclo celular, a análise estatística mostrou que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos analisados, sugerindo que o tratamento com 153Sm-EDTMP não influenciou nesses parâmetros. A molécula carreadora, EDTMP, não teve qualquer influência na indução de aberrações cromossômicas. Em relação aos ensaios in vitro, os dados obtidos de linfócitos periféricos submetidos às diferentes concentrações radioativas de 153Sm-EDTMP (0,046 – 1,110 MBq/mL) de doadores sadios e de pacientes sem prévio tratamento se ajustaram melhor ao modelo de regressão linear (Y=A+BX). O dano cromossômico induzido pelo 153Sm-EDTMP observado in vitro foi cerca de 2 vezes maior do que o encontrado in vivo para o grupo de pacientes sem prévio tratamento. Os dados obtidos mostraram que a terapia com 153Sm-EDTMP induziu uma pequena quantidade de danos citogenéticos em linfócitos periféricos de pacientes 1 hora após sua administração, embora, teoricamente, um efeito estocástico a longo prazo não possa ser descartado. / The 153Sm-EDTMP is a radiopharmaceutical used in nuclear medicine with promising results for the relief of metastatic pain. Therefore, there are few knowledge about the effects of 153Sm-EDTMP at cellular level. The present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the cytogenetic effects of 153Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes from patients with bone metastasis (with and without previous radio and/or chemotherapy) by the chromosome aberration technique, either in vivo or in vitro. For that, the blood samples were collected before and one hour after the endovenous administrations of 153Sm-EDTMP (mean activity of 42.53 + 5.31 MBq/kg body weight), taking into account the rapid blood clearance. The principal types of structural chromosome aberrations found gaps and breaks, acentric fragments centric rings, double minutes and dicentrics. The statistical analysis showed that the group submitted to previous radio and chemotherapy before153Sm-EDTMP administration showed significant difference in chromosome aberrations frequency one hour after the treatment. The analysis of the chromosome modal number and the kinetics of cellular cycle showed no statistical difference among the groups, suggesting that the treatment with 153Sm-EDTMP, did not influence these parameters. The carrier molecule, EDTMP, did not influence the induction of chromosome aberration. In relation to the in vitro assays, the obtained data of peripheral lymphocytes of healthy donors and patients with no previous treatment exposed to different radioactive concentration of 153Sm-EDTMP (0.046 – 1.110 MBq/mL) were better adjusted by linear regression model (Y=A+BX). The chromosome damage induced by 153Sm-EDTMP observed in vitro was about 2 fold higher than that found in vivo for the group of patients with no previous treatment. The obtained data showed that the therapy with 153Sm- EDTMP induced a few quantity of cytogenetic damages in peripheral lymphocytes one hour after its administration in patients, although, theoretically, a long term stochastic effect cannot be disregarded.

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