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O movimento de mudança de sentido pessoal na formação inicial do professor / The personal understanding movement directions in the professors beginning career.Furlanetto, Flávio Rodrigo 02 April 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo objetivou investigar o movimento de mudança de sentido pessoal no futuro professor diante da necessidade de organizar a atividade de ensino na sua formação inicial. Nele esteve presente a discussão coletiva e a mediação do pesquisador com o intuito de explicitar novos indicadores para a formação de professores. Adotou como referencial teórico a Teoria Histórico-Cultural, tendo como fonte principal a Teoria da Atividade proposta por Leontiev (1904-1979), e tomou como pressuposto que é em atividade que os sujeitos têm as condições para que haja mudança de sentido pessoal. No campo de pesquisa desvelou os sentidos atribuídos pelas futuras professoras em relação à atividade de ensino, bem como o movimento de mudança desses sentidos durante os momentos de mediação no decorrer do processo de formação. Utilizou como método os fundamentos do materialismo histórico dialético, sendo que os dados de pesquisa foram coletados por meio de gravações em áudio, registros cursivos e o relatório de estágio que, organizados a partir de episódios, foram analisados amparados em duas unidades de análise: as necessidades geradoras de motivos e a atividade de estudo e seus componentes, a tarefa de estudo; as ações de estudo e as ações de controle e avaliação. Analisou os episódios, levando-se em conta os momentos em que ocorreram as intervenções. O primeiro momento de análise retratou os episódios em que a mediação ocorreu com menor frequência, pois o próprio pesquisador tomava consciência do papel da mediação em campo. O segundo momento retratou os momentos de mediação intencionais realizados pelo pesquisador, os quais foram desencadeados pelas necessidades das futuras professoras ao organizar a atividade de ensino. Apresentou ainda, os episódios nos quais as professoras avaliam o movimento de formação e o processo de mediação. Concluiu que, embora os sentidos apreendidos e em mudança expressem sentidos únicos e pessoais, eles nos permitem traçar diretrizes para futuros projetos de formação contínua que possam contar com a presença de um mediador pedagógico que subsidie e organize a reflexão sobre a organização da atividade de ensino no contexto escolar. / The present research aimed to investigate the personal understanding movement direction in the future teacher in front of a need to organize the educational activity in his starting line-up. It was sensitive this collective discussion and mediation of the researcher to clarify new guides for teacher training. The Cultural-historical theory was chosen to be used as a theoretical reference to it, being guided as a mains source by Leontievs Activity theory (1904-1979), and took as a main orientation that it is in activity that people have the conditions for a personal change of direction. The research has unveiled the meanings assigned by future teachers in relation to teaching activity, as well as the movement of these senses change during times of mediation during the training process. The historical materialism dialectic was taken as a method, and the survey data were collected through audio recordings, hand writing notes and the internship report that organized from episodes, were analyzed by two units of critical analysis are: reasons of generating needs and causes of study and its components, \"the task of the study; the actions and the actions of control and evaluation\". The episodes were analyzed, leaded the times when the interventions took place. The first analysis moment of portrayed the episodes that mediation occurred less frequently because the researcher itself get known of the consciousness of the role of mediation in the activity. The second stage shows the moments of intentional mediation conducted by the researcher, which were triggered by the needs of future teachers to organize the educational activity. Also its shown the teachers evaluation of the movement of formation and the mediation process. Concluded that, although the seized and changing directions express unique and personal senses, they allow us to map out guidelines for future training projects that may count with the presence of a mediator that subsidize and orchestrate the pedagogical reflection on the organization of educational activity in the school context.
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O movimento de mudança de sentido pessoal na formação inicial do professor / The personal understanding movement directions in the professors beginning career.Flávio Rodrigo Furlanetto 02 April 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo objetivou investigar o movimento de mudança de sentido pessoal no futuro professor diante da necessidade de organizar a atividade de ensino na sua formação inicial. Nele esteve presente a discussão coletiva e a mediação do pesquisador com o intuito de explicitar novos indicadores para a formação de professores. Adotou como referencial teórico a Teoria Histórico-Cultural, tendo como fonte principal a Teoria da Atividade proposta por Leontiev (1904-1979), e tomou como pressuposto que é em atividade que os sujeitos têm as condições para que haja mudança de sentido pessoal. No campo de pesquisa desvelou os sentidos atribuídos pelas futuras professoras em relação à atividade de ensino, bem como o movimento de mudança desses sentidos durante os momentos de mediação no decorrer do processo de formação. Utilizou como método os fundamentos do materialismo histórico dialético, sendo que os dados de pesquisa foram coletados por meio de gravações em áudio, registros cursivos e o relatório de estágio que, organizados a partir de episódios, foram analisados amparados em duas unidades de análise: as necessidades geradoras de motivos e a atividade de estudo e seus componentes, a tarefa de estudo; as ações de estudo e as ações de controle e avaliação. Analisou os episódios, levando-se em conta os momentos em que ocorreram as intervenções. O primeiro momento de análise retratou os episódios em que a mediação ocorreu com menor frequência, pois o próprio pesquisador tomava consciência do papel da mediação em campo. O segundo momento retratou os momentos de mediação intencionais realizados pelo pesquisador, os quais foram desencadeados pelas necessidades das futuras professoras ao organizar a atividade de ensino. Apresentou ainda, os episódios nos quais as professoras avaliam o movimento de formação e o processo de mediação. Concluiu que, embora os sentidos apreendidos e em mudança expressem sentidos únicos e pessoais, eles nos permitem traçar diretrizes para futuros projetos de formação contínua que possam contar com a presença de um mediador pedagógico que subsidie e organize a reflexão sobre a organização da atividade de ensino no contexto escolar. / The present research aimed to investigate the personal understanding movement direction in the future teacher in front of a need to organize the educational activity in his starting line-up. It was sensitive this collective discussion and mediation of the researcher to clarify new guides for teacher training. The Cultural-historical theory was chosen to be used as a theoretical reference to it, being guided as a mains source by Leontievs Activity theory (1904-1979), and took as a main orientation that it is in activity that people have the conditions for a personal change of direction. The research has unveiled the meanings assigned by future teachers in relation to teaching activity, as well as the movement of these senses change during times of mediation during the training process. The historical materialism dialectic was taken as a method, and the survey data were collected through audio recordings, hand writing notes and the internship report that organized from episodes, were analyzed by two units of critical analysis are: reasons of generating needs and causes of study and its components, \"the task of the study; the actions and the actions of control and evaluation\". The episodes were analyzed, leaded the times when the interventions took place. The first analysis moment of portrayed the episodes that mediation occurred less frequently because the researcher itself get known of the consciousness of the role of mediation in the activity. The second stage shows the moments of intentional mediation conducted by the researcher, which were triggered by the needs of future teachers to organize the educational activity. Also its shown the teachers evaluation of the movement of formation and the mediation process. Concluded that, although the seized and changing directions express unique and personal senses, they allow us to map out guidelines for future training projects that may count with the presence of a mediator that subsidize and orchestrate the pedagogical reflection on the organization of educational activity in the school context.
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Psychosocial factors involved in injuries sustained in long-distance runningSymonds, Genevieve 13 October 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the psychosocial factors involved in the susceptibility, experience and rehabilitation of injuries sustained in long-distance running in order to develop a biopsychosocial theoretical model that will help explain the experience of injury and the successful rehabilitation thereof in long-distance running. The study was approached from a biopsychosocial theoretical perspective. A mixed methods research design with the purpose of expansion and using 15 case studies was employed. Purposive sampling with a snowballing effect was used to select the 15 long-distance runners who were injured or had recently recovered from injury. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with each of the participants. Furthermore, each participant completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. An examination of the participants’ experiences of injury reveals that injury has an effect on and is affected by the following factors: running history and training program; perceived benefits and disadvantages of running; personal understanding of injury; personality factors; psychological responses to injury; perceived causes of injury; approach to rehabilitation; and coping mechanisms. Furthermore, there is an inherent interplay of biological or physical, psychological and social processes involved in the experience of injuries sustained in long-distance running. Based on the findings of the study, the biopsychosocial model of long-distance running injuries is proposed. Although the model emanates from the experiences of the 15 participants in the study, it may be applied to long-distance runners in general. A long-distance runner’s experience of running is the core of the model. The model depicts how each of the factors noted previously has an effect on and is affected by injury; thus, showing the integral relationship between injury and each of the factors. Furthermore, the biopsychosocial nature of the model is also portrayed in the model. Cognizance is also taken that all long-distance runners are individuals and may respond to injury in a unique manner. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Transactional Literature Discussions in English Language Teaching: An Investigation of Reader Stance and Personal Understanding Among Female Arabic-Speaking Learners of English at Qatar UniversityEl-Mereedi, Mary L. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Verzicht als beherrschende Krankheitserfahrung bei Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 / Eine qualitative Auswertung von Interviews / Experiences of "Abstinence" in patients with type 2 diabetes / A qualitative studyBuchmann, Maike 26 October 2016 (has links)
Hintergrund: Bei Diabetes Typ 2 gilt die Selbstbehandlung als wesentlicher Therapie-bestandteil. In vielen Forschungsarbeiten geht es deshalb um Ansatzpunkte, wie man Erkrankte besser zu gesundheitsfördernden Maßnahmen motivieren kann. Solche - gutgemeinten - pädagogischen Zielsetzungen verstellen oft den Blick auf das subjek-tive Erleben dieser Menschen. Fragestellung: In der vorliegenden Arbeit standen da-her die Krankheitserfahrungen bei Diabetes Typ 2 im Vordergrund. Während des Analyseprozesses stellte sich „Verzicht“ als beherrschende Erfahrung heraus. Daher sollte die Ausstrahlung der Verzichtserfahrung in alle Lebensbereiche, vor allem als mögli-che Belastung für die Krankheitsbewältigung, die sozialen Interaktionen und für die alltägliche Handlungsorientierung untersucht werden. Methode: Als Material lagen 35 für das Website-Projekts „krankheitserfahrungen.de“ erhobene narrative Interviews vor. Aus diesen wurden im Sinne eines Theoretical Samplings Ausschnitte aus Inter-views mit 14 Personen ausgewählt und nach Methoden der Grounded Theory ausge-wertet. Ergebnisse: Alle Interviewten standen unter dem Druck, auf ein genussvolles Leben zu verzichten, was ihnen ungerecht erschien. Als „Prüfmarken“ gelungenen Verzichts wurden Laborwerte und Körpermaße herangezogen - von Ärzten, aber auch von Personen im privaten sozialen Umfeld und von den Interviewten selbst. Diese „sichtbaren“ Kriterien wurden manchmal positiv im Sinne eines selbst erreichten Ergebnisses („Verzicht“) erlebt, manchmal abgewehrt als ungerechte äußere Beurteilung ihres Verhaltens (als „Maßlosigkeit“). Das Denken in den Kategorien Verzicht und Maßlosigkeit ging mit der ständigen Angst vor moralischer Diskreditierung einher und fand auch Eingang in die eigenen „Regeln“, in denen Interviewte selbst bestimmten, was „gesunde“ und „ungesunde“ Lebensmittel sind. Dabei ergab sich eine gewisse Freiheit, diese Regeln als zu den Bedürfnissen passend zu gestalten. Manchmal konnte Verzicht so zu positiven neuen Erfahrungen führen. Schlussfolgerungen: Menschen mit Diabetes Typ 2 haben die medizinische und gesellschaftliche Aufforderung nach Verzicht verinnerlicht und stehen dadurch unter starkem Druck. Statt diesen durch pädagogische Strategien noch weiter zu erhöhen, erscheint es sinnvoller, wenn Ärzte mit ihren Patienten über deren „unsichtbare“ Bemühungen sprechen und sie da-bei begleiten.
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