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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The human resources capacity of Endumeni Municipality as a developmental local government institution

Cele, Cyprian Godfrey Nhlanhla 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The post-apartheid era in South Africa has been marked by a whole range of important changes. At local government, these changes have been manifested by, among other things, the change in strategy from regulatory to developmental local government. Interms of the open systems approach to organisational change, changes in one part of an organisation need to be complemented by matching changes in other parts of the organisation. This is the premise that forms the basis of this study. It is argued particularly that the success of developmental local government hinges, to a large extent, on complementary changes being made in other departments of a municipality. The study focuses on one of these departments, namely the human resources (HR.) department of a municipality. It investigates Endumeni Municipality, and researches whether it has the necessary HR capacity to cope with the new strategy of developmental local government. This is subsequently followed by recommendations derived from the findings. HR capacity is defined as the combination of the following key variables: strategic partnership between the HR function and other functions of a municipality; integration of HR policies, systems and competencies with the developmental mission of a municipality; coherence among the different components of the HR strategy; flexibility of the HR strategy; and Alignment of the culture of a municipality with its developmental mission. The study is descriptive in character. It makes use of a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods of investigation. The qualitative method comprises interviews with key informants and an analysis of official documents. The quantitative method, on the other hand, consists of a questionnaire that is administered to the Councillors of the municipality. The study came to a conclusion that Endumeni Municipality lacks the HR capacity to carry out its developmental functions. To remedy this situation, the following recommendations have been suggested: (i) The current role of the HR section has to be reviewed with the view to elevate it to the level of a strategic partner. (ii) The HR competencies, policies and practices of the municipality are still embedded in the outdated system of regulatory local government. These must also come up for review so that they can be re-aligned with developmental local government. (iii) There is generally lack of co-ordination among the various components of HR strategy. These must be re-aligned so that they can complement each other. (iv) The municipality is currently finding it difficult to discard the old HR strategies, a point which suggests rigidity on the part of these strategies. Inorder to cope with the changing environmental conditions, the municipality needs to have some flexibility in its HR strategies. (v) Finally, the prevailing culture still shows elements, which support the old system. This has to be addressed in order to create a new culture that is consistent with developmental local government. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die post-apartheid era in Suid-Afrika word gekenmerk deur 'n reeks baie belangrike veranderinge. Op plaaslike regeringsvlak word hierdie veranderinge, onder andere gekenmerk deur die verandering in strategie van regulerende na ontwikkelende plaaslike regering. Volgens die oopstelselbehadering tot organisatoriese verandering moet veranderinge in een afdeling van 'n organisasie aangevul te word deur soortgelyke veranderinge in ander afdelings van die organisasie. Hierdie stelling vorm die basis van hierdie studie. Daar word geargumenteer dat die sukses van ontwikkelende plaaslike regering in "n groot mate rus op aanvullende veranderinge wat gemaak word in ander afdelings van die munisipaliteit. Hierdie studie fokus op een van hierdie afdelings, naamlik Menslike Hulpbronne (MH). "n Studie word gedoen om te bepaal of Endumeni Munisipaliteit oor die nodige MR beskik om die nuwe strategie van ontwikkelende plaaslike regering te ondersteun. Dit word gevolg deur aanbevelings wat spruit uit die bevindings. MH - kapasiteit word gedefinieer as "n kombinasie van die volgende sleutelveranderlikes: n strategiese venootskap tussen die MR-funksie en ander funksies van "n munisipaliteit; inskakeling van MH-beleide, stelsel en - vaardighede met die ontwikkelingsmissie van' n munisipaliteit; samehorigheid tussen die verskillende komponente van die MR - strategie; aanpasbaarheid van die MR - strategie; en gerigtheid van die kultuur van' n munisipaliteit op sy ontwikkelingsmissie. Die studie is beskrywend van aard. Dit maak gebruik: van "n kombinasie van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes van ondersoek. Die kwalitatiewe metode behels onderhoude met belangrike informante en ontleding van amptelike dokumente. Die kwantitatiewe metode, aan die ander kant, behels "n vraelys wat versprei word onder ampsdraers van die munisipaliteit. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat Endumeni Munisipaliteit nie oordie MHkapasiteit beskik om sy ontwikkelingsfunksie uit te voer nie. Die volgende aanbevelings word gedoen, om hierdie probleem op te los: (i) Die huidige rol van die MH - seksie moet hersien word om dit uit te lig na die vlak van "n strategiese vennoot. (ii) Die MR - vaardighede, beleide en praktyke van die munisipaliteit verteenwoordig steeds "n uitgediende stelsel van regulerende plaaslike bestuur. Dit moet hiersien word en in lyn gebring word met die ontwikkelende plaaslike regering. (iii) In die algemeen is daar min samewerking tussen die verskeie komponente van die MR - strategie. Hulle moet in lyn gebring word sodat hulle mekaar kan komplimenteer. (iv) Die munisipaliteit vind dit moeilik om ontslae te raak van die ou MH - strategie, "n punt wat die onbuigsaamheid van hierdie strategieë bewys. Om by te bly met die veranderende omgewingstoestande, moet die munisipaliteit buigsaamheid in sy MR - strategie hê. (v)- Ten slote, die huidige kultuur toon steeds elemente wat die ou stelsel steun. Dit moet aangespreek word om "n nuwe kultuur te ontwikkel wat in ooreenstemming . is met ontwikkelende plaaslike regering.

The scientific calculation of the required human resources for maintenance in the engineering department at Sishen iron ore mine

Schreuder, Hugo Amos Lambrechts 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Human resources budgeting at Sishen mine had been done, for as long as the researcher has been employed at the mine, according to history as well as according to the demands of the financial situation. Consequently, human resources shortages have been corrected by external labour which is often more expensive than internal labour. During the annual budgeting period when top management applies pressure to cut costs, the operations budget is easy to defend. With the help of Excel spreadsheets or maintenance management systems, maintenance managers can present strong arguments for not cutting the operations budget. Budget deficits are then easily corrected by means of negative adjustments to the human resources budget. This research will explore the issue of whether a tool exists to calculate the human resources budget scientifically. A target was set to develop a tool or model for human resources budgeting or to investigate whether such a tool does not already exist. A literature survey was done to determine world best practices regarding the calculation of human resources budgeting. The literature studied guided the researcher to a computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) and it was found that Sishen already has one of the best (SAP) in place. Sishen even has a process (Routine Work Management or RWM) in place which helps to get all maintenance information into SAP to make the necessary information available for effective maintenance. It was further found that SAP, which has been used by the mine for several years, can already provide the human resources requirements for any future period. The RWM process which helps to get information in and out of SAP has been in use for some time already. Unfortunately the process was poorly executed and the information is not reliable. This statement is supported by the internal (Kirstein, 2006) and external (Aurea, 2006) audits done at the mine during 2006. The external audit was done by Aurco (2006). The author concluded that Sishen has a tool but not a strategy to utilise RWM successfully. One of the reasons why RWM was poorly executed was the fact that there is a lack of support from the people in the workplace. These individuals claim that they were not consulted when RWM was introduced at the mine and as a result they did not buy in. A proper change management process was not followed and the employees suspected that RWM was implemented to play policeman or to measure how much spare time they have and reduce the workforce accordingly, as in the case of the Prometheus project. Consequently they admit to manipulating RWM's measured outcomes, ignoring it or deliberately undermining it. They added that RWM is easy to manipulate and perceived it as a farce by many of the participants, A decision was taken to use the Kotter change management process to run a project to get RWM to the required level. Kotter's eight steps for successful large-scale change can be utilised with great success to achieve the required changes. After a brainstorming session and from the recommendations of the two audits a list of ideas was compiled. These ideas should help to get RWM to a level where human resources requirements can be drawn from SAP for any period in the future. Although the research was aimed at getting human resources budgeting from SAP, it will also have other advantages. The ratio between planned and unplanned maintenance will be better because RWM will ensure better maintenance / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mannekragbegroting op Sishen-myn is, vir solank die navorser deel is van die myn, gedoen volgens die behoeftes van die verlede asook volgens wat deur die finansiele situasie toegelaat is. Gevolglik het dit dikwels gebeur dat die tekorte aan mannekrag aangevul is met huurarbeid wat dikwels duurder is as eie mannekrag. Tydens die begrotingsrondte kan die geld wat aangevra word vir die instandhouding van die toerusting goed beveg word omdat die instandhoudingspersoneel waterdigte argumente kan aanvoer oor hoe die begroting bereken is. Begrotingstekorte word gevolglik maklik reggestel met negatiewe aanpassings op die mannekragbegroting. Hierdie studie gaan die bestaan ondersoek van 'n gereedskapstuk of model om die mannekragbegroting wetenskaplik te kan bereken. Daar is 'n doelwit gestel om 'n model te ontwikkel vir mannekragberekening of om vas te stel of daar nie reeds iets bestaan nie. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen om vas te stel wat wereldwye beste standaarde ten opsigte van mannekragberekening is. Dit het die navorser gelei na gerekenariseerde instandhoudingsbestuurstelsels (CMMS) en daar is bevind dat Sishen reeds een van die beste stelsels gebruik (SAP). Sishen het selfs 'n proses ("Routine Work Management" of RWM) om alle instandhoudingsinligting in SAP te kry sodat die regte inligting weer beskikbaar kan wees vir effektiewe instandhouding. Daar is verder bevind dat SAP, wat reeds vir verskeie jare in gebruik is, enige tydperk in die toekoms se mannekragbehoeftes kan bepaal. Die RWM-proses wat moet help om inligting in en uit SAP te kry, is ook reeds geruime tyd in gebruik, maar ten spyte daarvan word die proses afgewater en is die inligting nie betroubaar nie. Hierdie stelling is bewys deur middel van twee ouditte wat in 2006 op RWM gedoen is. Die een audit was 'n interne audit terwyl die ander deur die maatskappy Aurea gedoen is. Die afleiding kon dus gemaak word dat daar wel 'n gereedskapstuk is, maar dat geen strategie bestaan om dit effektief te gebruik nie. Een van die redes waarom RWM as 'n afgewaterde proses beskryf kan word, is 'n gebrek aan ondersteuning deur die mense in die werksplek. Die mense beweer dat hulle nie geken is ten tye van die bekendstelling van RWM nie en hulle het dus nie ingekoop nie. Die afleiding is gemaak dat daar nie goeie veranderingsbestuur toegepas is toe RWM aan die myn bekendgestel is nie. Die werknemers het vermoed dat RWM ingestel is om hulle te polisieer of te bepaal hoeveel vrye tyd hulle het en die werksmag dienooreenkomstig af te skaal, soos in die geval van die Prometheusprojek. Gevolglik het hulle erken dat hulle die RWM se uitkomste gemanipuleer het, dit geignoreer het, of doelbewus ondermyn het. Hulle het bygevoeg dat RWM maklik gemanipuleer kan word en dat baie dit as 'n klug beskou. Daar is besluit om die Kotter-model te gebruik om 'n projek te loods om RWM op die vereiste standaard te kry. Dit word as die geskikste model beskou om die nodige veranderingsbestuur toe te pas. 'n Lys van idees is opgestel na aanleiding van 'n dinkskrumsessie met die werknemers asook van voorstelle wat in die twee ouditverslae gemaak is. Herdie idees moet RWM in plek kry sodat mannekragbehoeftes vir enige tydperk in die toekoms vanuit SAP verkry kan word. Alhoewel die navorsing daarop gemik was om mannekragbegroting vanuit SAP te bekom, hou dit ook 'n ander voordeel in, naamlik 'n beter verhouding van beplande tot onbeplande instandhouding omdat goeie RWM-prosedures beter instandhouding en gevolglik beter beskikbaarheid gaan verseker.

Competitive people management practices in South African global companies : a comparative study

Pienaar, Gary 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The aim of this study is to develop an understanding of and to identify those people management practices used by global South African companies to improve competitive advantage, and which enables them to compete effectively internationally. People management practices refer to any human resource management initiative or process designed to improve the effectiveness of a company's human capital. Such practices typically flow from the organisation's overall business strategy. and are interpreted and developed into HR policies, processes and systems by HR professionals. However it is the manner in which such policies and processes are applied by management, which transforms them into people management practices. A detailed literature review was used to develop an understanding of the current influences impacting on the human resource management field and also to identify those people management practices considered to be 'best practice'. The people management practices of five companies, listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange or with their origins in South Africa, were then studied and compared. These companies represent a wide variety of sectors and industries, including mining, financial services, telecommunications, manufacturing and industrial services. The final results were then compared against and used to verify the 'best practice' template identified earlier during the literature review. Finally, the study also provides a brief summary and understanding of how the HR function in particular, facilitates and supports the implementation of these people practices within the companies surveyed.

Investigation of the major burning people management issues facing Telkom SA : western region managers

Carolus, D. C. (David Charles) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / People and change management within an organisation deals with the philosophies, policies, procedures, practices and decisions that affect individuals and groups who are employed by an organisation. The overall purpose of people management is to create a synergistic environment for both the functional (or line groups) and the cross functional groups so that the operational and strategic objectives can be achieved. Globalisation and innovation, the new knowledge economy and re-engineering of corporations have presented new challenges to both management and leadership of organisations in South Africa. It is becoming increasingly evident that competitiveness is locked in peoples' knowledge and skills. The implication is that if South African businesses are to survive and grow, companies must include executive development as an essential part of their corporate strategy. However, these changes have left many managers around the world confused, anxious and disillusioned, with a decreased ability to understand the situations and their future significance, and therefore cannot plan for change. Resistance to change may result, which is detrimental to the organisation and its most important resource - human capital. Emotionally, they may feel that their careers' existence is threatened and that derailment is imminent. Summarising their feelings would indicate that there are issues - particularly important issues - that need to be identified, understood, and respected. Interventions to address these very hot ''burning issues" then need to be actioned and evaluated. The study investigated a homogenous population, represented by the Western Region Managers of Telkom SA, to identify current or impending burning issues, and recommend specific interventions for Telkom SA. The company is currently the sole provider of fixed line telephony in the country. The South African State owns 70% of Telkom SA and the company is currently preparing for a public listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) in October 2001. Almost all of Telkom SA's business processes have been reviewed and changed where necessary, as efforts to improve service delivery are pursued. This study could thus assist the People Management policies and procedures within the Human Resource management division by proactively identifying and confirming the existence of certain burning issues which affect the Western Cape managers. The burning issues identified by the questionnaires distributed to the managers are: • The need for heightened levels of productivity • Developing processes that facilitate a culture of mutual respect and trust, co-operation, cohesion and the pursuit of common goals • The management of human capital • Managing the stress involved in organisational change • Developing customer-driven processes and structures • Reducing the impact of people related risks, e.g. highly intellectual, capital leaving the organisations, HIV/AIDS, brain drain in key positions. • Turning the negativity around in the workplace. It is hoped that by studying the changes and its effects occurring in Telkom SA, a model for large scale South African organisational restructuring can be created-especially for those state-owned enterprises which still have to undergo the process of privatisation.

‘Integration’ as a key concept in organization development : the case of Gauteng Shared Services Centre

Mogale, Nakampe Joseph 03 1900 (has links)
Perceived failures of previous service delivery models within the Gauteng Provincial Departments dictates for experimentation with new working and improved models. Gauteng Shared Service Centre was established to improve efficiencies and effectiveness and service delivery to all citizens in the province. This study conceptualizes and analyses integration of Gauteng Shared Service Centre Organisation Development functions. Specialisation within the component seems to create problems both for the component internally and its client externally which may have a spill-over effect to service delivery to the provincial citizens. The General Systems Theory is utilized to facilitate the analysis of the Organisation Development component from a system’s perspective. This component of the GSSC, like any system exits for the achievement of a specific objective. Working together among system components is crucial for efficiencies. Integration is crucial in coordinating all specialist tasks of the component for improved service delivery to clients. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Public Administration)

Die uitwerking van nuwe munisipale wetgewing op menslike hulpbronpraktyke by 'n middel grootte plaaslike bestuur in Mpumalanga

13 August 2012 (has links)
M.Phil. / Na die nasionale munisipale verkiesings staan nuwe plaaslike munisipaliteite voor die grootste uitdaging ooit ten opsigte van dienslewering aan die gemeenskappe wat hulle bedien (Business Day, 2000, 12 Julie). Daar word berig dat slegs 20% van huishoudings in die Suid Afrikaanse samelewing het nie toegang tot skoon drinkwater en basiese sanitasie dienste het nie. Meer as 30% huishoudings het nie elektrisiteit nie en ongeveer 40% beskik nie oor vullisverwyderingsdienste nie (Business Day, 2000, 12 Julie). Van die huishoudings wat wel dienste ontvang, betaal 68% hulle munisipale rekenings stiptelik terwyl 1,4 miljoen huishoudings hulle huur en dienste gelde nie gereeld betaal nie. (Sake Beeld, 2000, 4 Julie). Gevolglik gaan plaaslike owerhede gebuk onder geweldige finansiele nood. Ongeveer 151 van die 843 munisipaliteite van Suid Afrika is in 'n krisis situasie terwyl byna die helfte van hulle finansiele probleme het. (Beeld, 1999, 22 Julie). Daar is selfs plaaslike owerhede wat pensioenfonds-, werkloosheidsversekering- en belastingbydraes gebruik om te betaal vir operasionele kostes. (Beeld, 2000, 27 Maart). Die Munisipale Afbakeningsraad het die aantal munisipaliteite in Suid Afrika verminder van 843 tot 232. In Mpumalanga alleen is die bestaande 55 munisipaliteite verminder na 25, 'n vermindering van ongeveer 50%. (Beeld, 1999, 16 November). Slegs 3 munisipaliteite in Mpumalanga funksioneer behoorlik terwyl 12 in 'n kritieke toestand is (Provinsiale Beeld, 1999, 25 November). Nader aan die tuisfront het die munisipale funksies van Ogies in duie gestort as gevolg van gebrek aan bekwaamheid van personeel. Ongeveer 20% van die inwoners betaal vir munisipale dienste (Provinsiale Beeld, 1999, 26 Julie). Die samevoeging van munisipaliteite behoort Iewensvatbaar in die hand te werk.

The impact of a piece rate incentive scheme on employee output at a selected automotive company

Walsh, Anthony January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)-Business Studies Unit, Durban Institute of Technology, 2005 xi, 86 leaves / This study encompasses the triangulation of research methods in order to determine the impact of a piece rate incentive scheme on employee output within the South African context. The existing body of knowledge tends to reflect the conditions found in developed countries such as the USA, Canada and the UK, very little research appears to have been conducted in the South African context. / M

Appraising the performance management practices in the Department of Labour

Mokoena, Wasnaar 08 1900 (has links)
The effective management of individual/team performance is a crucial requirement to ensure that organisational goals are attained. This requires accurate data regarding the performance levels of individuals/teams. Therefore there is a need for a standardised and formal performance management system. An effective performance management system is the centre of an integrated HR system that feeds into a variety of processes and systems such as career planning, rewards, training and development, promotions, and disciplinary decisions. Despite the importance of performance management, most organisations find it difficult to implement, manage and sustain performance management systems and processes effectively. The focus of this study is on appraising the performance management practices in the offices of the Department of Labour in three provinces: Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga. The results indicate problems with the practices in areas such as alignment, fairness, measuring commitment, systems integrity, and the performance management culture. Recommendations were made to address these issues and improve the effectiveness of the system / Human Resource Management / M. Tech. (Human Resource Development)

Managing Performance Management and Development Systems (PMDS) in the Districts of the Gauteng Department of Education

Sefora, Justice Thabo 07 1900 (has links)
In 2003, Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) introduced policies on performance management in an endeavour to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools. With these policies, schools are supposed to be constantly audited, monitored, and supported by district officials. Within district offices, there are unit supervisors who are responsible to manage PMDS to inculcate a performance culture. This performance culture is subsequently cascaded down to schools to yield quality matric results and yet this remains to be seen. Furthermore, the study aimed to explore the experiences and perceptions of supervisors and officials on the PMDS management within districts. With an interpretive paradigm, the researcher was able to analyse data from interviews and questionnaires. The study revealed that PMDS is generally acknowledged and positively perceived albeit with significant challenges to its implementation in the GDE districts. / Educational Leadership and Management / M.Ed. (Education Management )

A framework for talent management in the higher education sector : a study at a selected university of technology, Western Cape, South Africa

Musakuro, Rhodrick Nyasha January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Human Resource Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / As the worldwide demand for quality higher education seems to be increasing, growing concern for the foreseeable future over the supply and talent retention of researchers and academics has become a major discussion amongst higher education institutions in South Africa Higher Education South Africa (HESA, 2014). Today almost half of South Africa’s population is under 25 years old and 30 percent are under 15 years old (World Bank, 2015:38). While the country is experiencing this demographic window of opportunity, the majority of academics are entering the retirement phase of their careers (HESA, 2014). Under such circumstances, these academic staff will need to be replaced with talented employees thus alerting scholars to investigate the issue. To reach target levels of education and skills development which will promote growth and development of the economy, it will be essential for the country to attract talented academic staff (Zuma, 2014). It is essential for South Africa to attract academic staff in order to enable government to reach target levels of education and skills development which will promote growth and development of the economy (Zuma, 2014). Retaining academic staff will further ensure that tertiary institutions accomplish their visions and missions and thereby becoming centres of excellence (Ng’ethe, Iravo and Namusonge, 2012). In a study by Currie (2006:119) it was found that the financial costs associated in losing experienced academic staff makes it necessary to retain them. Currently, there appears to be limited research studies on talent attraction and retention factors in higher learning institutions. Previous scholars that have attempted to research into talent management components in higher education (Theron, Barkhuizen and du Plesis, 2014) only focused on factors in academic turnover and retention factors while some scholars only researched on intention to quit factors amongst Generation Y academics in higher education (Robyn and du Preez, 2013). The talent management domain is not receiving enough attention and gaps in research seem to exist in the context of talent management system in higher learning institutions. The research focused on the emerging trends relating in the discipline of talent management specifically on talent attraction and retention which have become predominant topics in the higher education. The study provides comprehensive overview of challenges and obstacles that are found in the aspect of talent management within the higher education sector. It is against this background that the primary aim of the researcher was to introduce a framework model to attract and retain talented employees as the means to harness the issue of talent management in the higher education sector.

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