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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur mycket bekämpningsmedel får vi i oss via grönsaker? : En studie av 12 olika hushåll

Forslund Hultman, Natalie January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie har som syfte att få fram ett exempel på hur mycket av de vanligaste bekämpningsmedlen vi människor i praktiken får i oss via grönsaker beroende på vad vi äter. En kvittoundersökning har genomförts där 27 försökspersoner från 12 olika hushåll har samlat ihop kvitton under en sexveckorsperiod. 52 % (n=14) var kvinnor, 41 % (n=11) var män och 7 % (n=2) var barn. En enkätundersökning kompletterade kvittometoden med sådana frågor som påverkar hur mycket grönsaker man äter. För att bedöma mängden bekämpningsmedel som försökspersonerna kan förväntas ha fått i sig användes mätdata från livsmedelsverkets undersökning av bekämpningsmedelshalter i frukt och grönt 2008 vilken är den senaste undersökningen där halterna publicerats. Resultatet i denna undersökning visade att bekämpningsmedelsbelastningen på försökspersonerna inte var över gränsen för det acceptabla dagliga intaget för enskilda substanser. Resultatet visade också att vi människor nästintill inte får i oss några bekämpningsmedel vid konsumtion av ekologiska grönsaker och att det kan vara en risk att äta konventionellt odlade grönsaker. / This study has been conducted to see how much of the most common pesticides we ingest through the vegetables that we consume. The study was conducted by analyzing the receipts over a six-week period of 27 people from 12 different households, surveys were also used to retrieve information on how their habits for consuming vegetables were. Of those asked, 52% were women, 41% were men and 7% children. To try and determine how much of the pesticides those asked had consumed, quantitative data from The National Food Agency investigation into the levels of pesticides in fruits and vegetables from 2008 was used. The results from this study showed that the pesticides consumed by those asked were not over the recommended daily intake. The study further determined that humans almost consume no pesticides at all when consuming ecological vegetables and that there might be a risk in consuming conventionally grown vegetables.

Impedanční metody v detekci toxických látek / Impedance methods in toxic substances detection

Feber, Václav January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work was focused on the determination of pesticides concentration in water solution. Pesticides are indissoluble in aqueous solutions and impedance or voltametric/amperometric response of the pure water and water with pesticides is identical. Therefore was necessary find a way how rapidly, effectively and economically measure the pesticides concentration. One way is measurement of conductivity with electrochemical microsensors after enzymatic reaction.

Etude écotoxicologique de l’impact de polluants provenant d’agrosystèmes sur des organismes animaux aquatiques non cibles : les oligochètes tubificidés Tubifex tubifex / Ecotoxicological study of the impact of pollutants from agro systems on non-target aquatic animals : Oligochaetes tubificides Tubifex tubifex.

Almohamad, Mohamad 12 October 2012 (has links)
Les travaux décrits dans ce mémoire ont été conduits dans le but de tester l'utilisation potentielle de l'autotomie d'un invertébré d'eau douce Tubifex tubifex (Annélide, Oligochète) comme biomarqueur de la qualité sanitaire et environnementale des milieux aquatiques et apporter notre contribution à l'étude de la toxicité létale et sublétale de divers contaminants (le paraquat sous forme de Gramoxone® ; le fludioxonil sous forme Géoxe® ; l'isoproturon et le fenhexamide) couramment utilisés dans le vignoble champardennais. Nous avons réalisé des expérimentations au laboratoire et au niveau d'un site comportant plusieurs bassins de recueil des eaux de ruissellement du vignoble et présentant des taux de contamination différents et contrastés. Nous avons constaté une forte induction de l'autotomie pendant l'exposition aux contaminants. L'isoproturon et le Géoxe® s'accumulent de façon contrastée selon les régions morphologiques du ver. Des perturbations histopathologiques et biochimiques ont été observées chez les vers exposé aux contaminants. La sévérité des atteintes histopathologiques a été moins importante chez les vers autotomisés que les vers entiers. Les systèmes de défenses antioxydants et le métabolisme de phase II (catalase, glutathion-S-transférase) montrent des perturbations variables selon le contaminant et la région du ver sans qu'un schéma général de réponse n'apparaisse. L'approche expérimentale montre que les eaux des bassins provoquent rapidement une autotomie et un stress chez les vers. Le taux d'autotomie est corrélé avec la durée d'exposition et la concentration en toxique. De même une bonne corrélation existe « in situ » entre ce taux d'autotomie et la qualité sanitaire des bassins. Cette réponse morphologique originale constitue donc un biomarqueur potentiel de contamination et peut être compris comme une réponse adaptative du vers à la présence d'un ou plusieurs contaminants. / The work described in this thesis was conducted in order to test the potential use of autotomy of a freshwater invertebrate Tubifex tubifex (Annelida, Oligochaeta) as a biomarker of the sanitary and environnemental quality of aquatic environments and make our contribution to the study of lethal and sublethal toxicity of various contaminants (paraquat as Gramoxone® ; fludioxonil form Géoxe®; isoproturon and fenhexamid) commonly used in the vineyard Champagne-Ardenne. We conducted experiments in the laboratory and at a site with several ponds collecting vineyard runoff and presenting contrasted contamination rates. We found a significant induction of autotomy during exposure to contaminants. The isoproturon and Géoxe® accumulate in the worm with contrasted pattern according to morphological worm regions. Histopathological and biochemical disturbances were observed in worms exposed to contaminants. Rates of histopathology alterations were less important in worms autotomized than in entire worms. The antioxidant defense systems and phase II metabolism (catalase, glutathione-S-transferase) varied in different way depending on the parameter tested but not general pattern of the biochemical responses occured. The experimental approach showed that the pond water rapidly induced autotomy and stressed worms. The autotomy rate was correlated with the exposure time and toxicant concentration. Similarly a good correlation existed "in situ" between autotomy rates and the sanitary quality of ponds. Thus the autotomy is an original morphological response that might be a potential biomarker of contamination and might be understood as an adaptive response to the presence of contamination.

Využití včelího pylu jako bioindikátoru stavu životního prostředí / The application of pollen as bioindicator of the environmental state

Marečková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Pesticides and their excessive use lead to environmental pollution. Violation of the guidelines for their use disposal of empty containers could lead to contamination of water, soil and poisoning of animals and beneficial insects. Honey bee is useful creature on our planet. Good farming depends entirely on the pollination, but whole vegetal kingdom couldn’t exist it form known and used by mankind. Therefore, rules that protect these useful creatures against inadequate use of pesticides have been developed. This study focuses on the evaluation of the possibility to use bee products as bioindicators of the state of environment. Five active substances which are components of pesticides used in the treatment of agricultural field around Tasovice village were analysed in the pollen and honey. For sample preparation QuEChERS and SPE methods were used, gas chromatography with to mass spectrometric detection was employed as final analytical technique.

Utilization of exhausted coffee waste and date stones for removal of pesticides from aquatic media / Примeнa oтпaдa oд кaфe и кoштицa урмe зa уклaњaњe пeстицидa из aквaтичнoг мeдиjумa / Primena otpada od kafe i koštica urme za uklanjanje pesticida iz akvatičnog medijuma

Hgeig Ali 30 September 2020 (has links)
<p>The main goal of the thesis was to prevent the generation of waste, by<br />using the spent coffee grounds (SCG) and date stones (DSAC) for<br />production of activated carbon adsorbent for water treatment. The<br />substances for water removal were selected from those presenting<br />potential risk to aquatic environment according to the NORMAN list of<br />emerging substances and belong to the group of pesticides:<br />carbendazim, linuron and isoproturon. SCG and DSAC adsorbents, as<br />an eco-friendly and low-cost materials, showed high potential for the<br />removal of selected emerging pesticides.</p> / <p>Основни циљ тезе био је смaњeњe стварања отпада коришћењем oтпaдa oд кaфe (SCG) и кoштицa урмe (DSАC) за производњу активног угљa кao адсорбенса за пречишћавање воде. Изaбрaнe супстанце за испитивaњ прoцeсa уклањањa из воде представљају потенцијални ризик за воднe eкo систeмe према NОRМАN листи eмeргeнтних супстaнци и припадају групи пестицида: карбендазим, линурон и изопротурон. SCG и DSАC адсорбенти су, као еколошки прихватљиви материјали нискe цeнe, показали висок потенцијал уклањања одабраних пестицида из aквaтичнoг систeмa.</p> / <p>Osnovni cilj teze bio je smanjenje stvaranja otpada korišćenjem otpada od kafe (SCG) i koštica urme (DSAC) za proizvodnju aktivnog uglja kao adsorbensa za prečišćavanje vode. Izabrane supstance za ispitivanj procesa uklanjanja iz vode predstavljaju potencijalni rizik za vodne eko sisteme prema NORMAN listi emergentnih supstanci i pripadaju grupi pesticida: karbendazim, linuron i izoproturon. SCG i DSAC adsorbenti su, kao ekološki prihvatljivi materijali niske cene, pokazali visok potencijal uklanjanja odabranih pesticida iz akvatičnog sistema.</p>

Microbial pesticide degradation in water works sand filters / Microbial pesticide degradation in water works sand filters

Václavková, Šárka Unknown Date (has links)
Práce bude zaměřena na studium bakteriální degradace MCPP a BAM a na hledání vhodných bakteriálních kmenů.

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