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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de minerais pesados aplicada ao mapeamento geológico na Bacia Paraíba / Heavy minerals analysis applied to geological mapping of Paraíba Basin

Ochoa, Felipe Lamus 20 July 2010 (has links)
O mapeamento geológico dos depósitos siliciclásticos aflorantes nas bacias marginais do nordeste brasileiro tem gerado um alto volume de designações estratigráficas ainda abertas às discussões. No intuito de subsidiar a resolução deste problema cartográfico foi escolhida a parte emersa da Bacia Paraíba, mais especificamente as sub-bacias Alhandra e Mirirí. Para isto foi realizada a caracterização mineralógica e petrográfica dos arenitos cenozóicos da Bacia Paraíba, com vistas a identificação de critérios discriminadores entre os diversos depósitos siliciclásticos aflorantes. Derivado deste processo é acrescentado o reconhecimento das áreas fontes desses arenitos e suas implicações na evolução do Cenozóico da Bacia Paraíba. Análises laboratoriais incluíram análises granulométricas, de minerais pesados e morfológica de grãos em 134 amostras de superfície e subsuperfície. Foram estudadas também 5 seções delgadas para testar a petrografia sedimentar como ferramenta no auxílio do mapeamento geológico. A identificação dos minerais pesados transparentes foi feita através microscópio petrográfico, com quantificação dos principais minerais transparentes (100 grãos/lâmina), além de várias contagens independentes (100 grãos/lâmina) das relações transparentes/opacos, do par rutilo/zircão e sobre as formas e grau de arredondamento de zircão e turmalina. Em superfície foram mapeadas como unidades siliciclásticas de base para topo a Formação Barreiras (Mioceno), Depósitos Pós-Barreiras I (Neopleistoceno) e Depósitos Pós-Barreiras II (Holoceno). Em subsuperfície, o furo estudado atravessa toda seção cenozóica e mesozóica, inclusive as unidades basais da bacia, as formações Beberibe e Itamaracá. A mineralogia acessória é dominada por minerais opacos com porcentagens superiores a 60% em todas as unidades. Em toda sucessão cenozóica, as assembléias de minerais transparentes são muito homogêneas e apresentam como minerais principais zircão, turmalina, cianita e rutilo e, subordinadamente, estaurolita, andaluzita, topázio e anfibólios cálcicos. Ocorrem como traços sillimanita, epidoto, monazita e granada. Em subsuperfície, no entanto, na unidade basal é reportada a existência de granada como mineral principal. A análise de formas de zircão e turmalina permitiu diferenciar, tanto em superfície como em subsuperfície, os depósitos estudados. Em termos gerais, existe um maior grau de arredondamento das formas de zircão e turmalina na direção do topo das unidades. Os dados de petrografia, ainda que poucos, apontam diferenças texturais, composicionais e inclusive diagenéticas entre os arenitos aflorantes na bacia. Esta ferramenta mostrou-se promissora para a caracterização das unidades da bacia. A mineralogia acessória em superfície não permite diferenciar as unidades aflorantes, mas, em subsuperfície, mostra que a Formação Beberibe tem uma assinatura de granada que a caracteriza muito bem e permite concluir, de maneira categórica, que esta unidade não aflora na área estudada. Os resultados do estudo de formas em zircão e principalmente em turmalina permitem diferenciar as unidades aflorantes pelo grau de arredondamento dos grãos, o que evidencia uma reciclagem sedimentar inclusive das unidades cretáceas. Este dado é reproduzível em subsuperfície, onde as categorias euédricas concentram-se nas unidades basais. Assim, considera-se que as principais fontes para os depósitos cenozóicos são resultantes do retrabalhamento de unidades sedimentares preexistentes, e subordinadamente, de fontes primárias relacionadas às rochas metamórficas da Zona Transversal da Província Borborema. / The geologic mapping of siliciclastic deposits which outcrop in the marginals basins of Brazilian northeast have generated a high volume of stratigraphic designations that are opened to actual discussions. In order to solve this cartographic problem, the emerging part of the Paraiba basin was chosen, specifically the sub-basins of Alhandra and Mirirí. For this reason were realized the mineralogic and petrographic characterizations of the Cenozoic sands and sandstones of the Paraiba Basin, with the purpose of identifying the discriminating criteria between the diverse siliciclastic deposits. Additionally were realized the recognition of the sandstones´ source areas and its implications in the evolution of the Paraíba Basin in the Cenozoic times. The laboratory analysis included heavy minerals, granulometric, morphology from grains in 134 surface and subsurface samples. Five thin sections were studied to testify the sedimentary petrography as a tool for geological mapping. The identify of heavy minerals was done under petrographic microscope for species descriptions, with counting of 100 grains per slide. Several independent counts (100 grains/slide) of the ratio transparent/opaque, the rutile/zircon index and shape and grain roundness of the zircon and tourmaline were also done. On the geological mapping, the siliciclastic units were considered, from the base to the top, Barreiras Formation (Miocene), deposits Post-Barreiras I (Neopleistocene) and deposits Post-Barreiras II (Holocene). On subsurface, the drill hole studied crosses through the whole Cenozoic and Mesozoic stratigraphy of the basin, including the basal units (Beberibe and Itamaracá formations). The accessory mineralogy is dominated by opaque heavy minerals with higher percentages than 60% in all units. In the whole Cenozoic succession, the assembly of transparent heavy minerals is very homogeneous and is essentially composed by zircon, tourmaline, kyanite and rutile, containing also staurolite, andalusite, topaz and calcic amphibole subordinately. Sillimanite, epidote, monazite and garnet occur as a trace minerals. Otherwise, on subsurface, garnet is reported as a principal mineral in the basal unit. The analysis of zircon and tourmalines shapes allowed to distinguish all the studied deposits. In general, the grade of roundness in grains of zircon and tourmaline increases to the top of succession. The petrografic data showed textural, compositional and diagenetic differences between the cropping out sands - sandstones of the basin. This tool seemed to be a promising to characterize the stratigraphic units of Paraíba Basin. The accessory mineralogy permitted to distinguish the Beberibe Formation, which is well characterized by the presence of garnet. On the other hand, the absence of garnet in the described sandstones let to conclude the Beberibe Formation not exposed in the mapped area. The data from shape studies in grains of zircon and tourmaline allowed to differentiate the cropping out units by the roundness grade, evidencing a sedimentary recycling, including the Cretaceous units. This data is reproducible on subsurface samples where the euedrical categories are concentrated on the basal units. At last, the main sources of the Cenozoic deposits are considered to be reworked preexistence sedimentary units, and subordinately, the primary sources comprise the metamorphic rocks from Transversal Zone of Borborema Province.

Intra-regional strategies and interregional dynamics : a study of pottery production in prehispanic Colima, Mexico (550-1000 CE)

Salgado Ceballos, Carlos Andres January 2017 (has links)
This research evaluates the degree of political integration in Colima during the Late Classic/Epiclassic period (550-1000 CE) and the historical depth of three 16th-century regional polities through an examination of the political strategies embedded in pottery technology. Pottery samples covering three regional polities (Provincia del Colimotl, Valle de Tecomán, Provincia de Tepetitango) and corresponding to four geographical micro-regions (Colima Valley, Salado River basin, Tecomán coastal plain, western coast) were analysed. In this research, polities are conceptualised as webs of authoritative relationships, which are created and contested by political strategies. Pottery produced in the same polity should therefore be in the same network of authoritative relationships. Political strategies are uncovered by identifying the technological patterns, material and socio-technological constraints of production, sourcing-distribution patterns, organisation of production, and social contexts of the consumption of pottery. Compositional and fabric variability was assessed through the archaeometric characterisation of 215 pottery samples from 17 different sites distributed throughout the research area. The statistical analysis of the geochemical results revealed 10 compositional groups; an eleventh group was identified through petrographic analysis. Pottery and raw clay (14 samples) compositional data, together with the analysis of distribution patterns and the local geology, permitted the identification of the location (at the micro-regional level or less) of clay sources for seven of the compositional groups. The room left for technological choices/styles was determined through reconstruction of the pottery production sequence within its contextual factors. The results indicate that pottery production was not centralised, even at the micro-regional level. Potters from the four geographical micro-regions used different clay sources to produce both distinctive wares and some shared types. However, with the probable exception of the Colima Valley, at least a couple clay sources were simultaneously exploited in each micro-region. In some instances, this reflects product specialisation; in others, it indicates production of the same pottery types by competing workshops. Though the two geographical micro-regions in the Provincia del Colimotl did not escape the micro-regional pattern of the use of local resources and manufacture of distinctive wares, they do offer the only example of pottery-related, deliberate economic interdependence in this study. The pottery was produced by independent specialists who made use of distribution networks restricted to the limits of each polity. However, the red-on-cream jars made in the Salado River basin were widely distributed throughout all of the regional polities. It is argued that these jars were obtained at the Salado River basin during communal feasts that involved the consumption of pulque. The results indicate the historical depth of the known 16th-centruy regional polities. Despite providing evidence for close interregional interactions and shared ideological beliefs and social practices within the whole Colima region, pottery analysis offers no solid proof that Colima functioned as a single polity during the Late Classic/Epiclassic period.

Petrografia e mineralogia de granitos peralcalinos: o Plúton Papanduva, Complexo Morro Redondo (PR/SC) / Petrography and mineralogy of peralkaline granits: the Papanduva Pluton, Morro Redondo (PR/SC)

Frederico Castro Jobim Vilalva 09 November 2007 (has links)
O Complexo Morro Redondo, com cerca de 250 Km2, é uma das ocorrências mais importantes de granitos de tipo-A da Província Graciosa, uma importante província póscolisional neoproterozóica (ca. 580 Ma) na região sul-sudeste do Brasil. O Complexo aflora nas proximidades de Tijucas do Sul (PR) e Garuva (SC). É formado pelos Plútons Papanduva e Quiriri, em que afloram, respectivamente, rochas graníticas das associações alcalina e aluminosa de granitos de tipo-A, respectivamente; e por rochas vulcânicas ácidas e básico-intermediárias contemporâneas. O Plúton Papanduva, objeto deste trabalho, aflora na porção norte do Complexo, estendendo-se por uma área de cerca de 100 Km2. Constitui-se essencialmente de álcalifeldspato granitos hipersolvus leucocráticos a hololeucocráticos, de granulação média a fina. De acordo com suas estrutruras, texturas e mineralogia, foram individualizadas quatro unidades distintas, denominadas informalmente de A, B, C e D. As Unidades A e B afloram junto às bordas NE e N do plúton, e nas proximidades de zonas de cisalhamento mais importantes. São caracterizadas por teores modais moderados a altos de quartzo (50-60 % modal) e por texturas deformacionais desde cataclásticas (Unidade B) até protomiloníticas (Unidade A), resultantes de eventos deformacionais tardi a pós-magmáticos. A Unidade C apresenta a maior expressão geográfica, aflorando nas zonas centrais e SW do plúton. Agrupa rochas de estrutura essencialmente maciça, com teores de quartzo mais baixos (próximos de 20% modal). A Unidade D compreende diques centimétricos a decamétricos de álcali-feldspato microgranitos interpretados como o último evento magmático. O feldspato alcalino varia de mesopertítico a pertítico, sendo relativamente mais potássico nas rochas mais deformadas das Unidades A e B. Laths de albita quase pura ocorrem em interscrescimentos com anfibólio e clinopiroxênios sódicos e alguns minerais acessórios, sugerindo coprecipitação em estágios tardi(?) ? a pós-magmáticos. As paragêneses máficas compreendem anfibólios magmáticos e clinopiroxênios tardi- a pósmagmáticos, variando desde tipos sódico-cálcicos (Fe-richterita e egirina-augita) até sódicos (arfvedsonita/riebeckita e egirina). Iniciam sua cristalização posteriormente às fases félsicas, o que caracteriza uma ?seqüência agpaítica de cristalização?. A variação composicional dos anfibólios acompanha, aproximadamente, o aumento da abundância modal de quartzo e/ou a presença de feições indicativas de deformação (cataclasitos) com os termos mais cálcicos aparecendo nas amostras com menores teores de quartzo e estruturas maciças (Unidade C). Na arfvedsonita e egirina as trajetórias evolutivas são marcadas pelo aumento de Na e Fe3+ paralelo à diminuição de Ca, Fe2+ e Ti em direção às bordas cristalinas, indicando condições progressivamente mais alcalinas e oxidantes. Riebeckita é pós-magmática, aparecendo tipicamente em amostras com indícios de alteração hidrotermal das Unidades B e D. Ilmenita ocorre ocasionalmente nas Unidades B, C e D, enquanto magnetita é rara, tipicamente pós-magmática, resultando em valores muito baixos de susceptibilidade magnética (< 1,0 x 10-3 SI). Zircão, chevkinita e astrofilita são os acessórios mais típicos nas Unidades B, C. Por outro lado, uma variedade de minerais acessórios raros, de cristalização tardi ? a pósmagmática, típicos de rochas peralcalinas, como narsarsukita, neptunita (portadores de Ti); britholita e nacareniobsita (portadores de ETR); além de zirconossilicatos de (Na, K), turkestanita e bastnäsita ocorre tipicamente em amostras mais deformadas da Unidade A. A associação aparentemente contemporânea das rochas graníticas com um vulcanismo de caráter bi-modal, a observação de cavidades miarolíticas, bolsões pegmatíticos e texturas gráficas e semi-gráficas no Plúton Papanduva indica condições crustais relativamente rasas para a colocação do magmatismo granítico. Com base nos equilíbrios minerais observados e na presença/ausência de certas fases minerais, pode-se estimar trajetórias evolutivas de T e ?O2 durante a seqüência de cristalização do Plúton Papanduva. As trajetórias são governadas, durante os estágios magmáticos, pela diminuição de T (ca. 750 ? 500o C), em condições progressivamente mais oxidantes, com ?O2 variando desde valores equivalentes ao tampão WM (magnetita ? wüstita) até valores próximos àqueles definidos pelo tampão HM (hematita ? magnetita). A concentração de álcalis, voláteis, HFSE (Zr, Ti, Nb, ETR) e ocasionalmente Ca nos líquidos residuais decorrentes da evolução dos magmas peralcalinos e, em parte, devido à entrada de fluidos externos (Ca e H2O) permitiu a cristalização de minerais acessórios raros. A presença desses acessórios nas rochas tipicamente deformadas sugere que a deformação teve um papel importante na remobilização e circulação desses elementos nos estágios tardi- a pósmagmáticos. / The Morro Redondo Complex, covering an area of about 250 km2, is one of the most expressive occurrences of granites and associated bimodal volcanic rocks from the Neoproterozoic (ca. 580 Ma), post-collisional, A-type Graciosa Province in south-southeast Brazil. The Complex outcrops near Tijucas do Sul (PR) and Garuva (SC) townships, and consists of two main intrusive units: the Papanduva and Quiriri Plutons, both comprising granitic rocks from the alkaline and aluminous petrographic associations of A-type granites. The Papanduva Pluton, which is the main subject of this work, comprises the northern portion of the Morro Redondo Complex, covering an area of about 100 Km2. It is made up of leucocratic to hololeucocratic, coarse- to fine-grained hypersolvus alkali-feldspar granites. Based on their structures, textures and mineralogy, four distinct units were recognized and informally named A, B, C and D. Units A and B outcrops near the NE and N borders of the pluton, and close to major shear zones. They are characterized by high modal quartz contents (50-60 %) and deformational textures varying from cataclastic (Unit B) to protomylonitic (Unit A), as the result of late- to post-magmatic tectonic stress. Unit C, the largest in extent, occurs in the central and SW parts of the pluton. It consists of massive granitic rocks, with lower modal quartz content (ca. 20%). Unit D comprises alkali-feldspar microgranites interpreted as formed by the latest magmatic event. Alkali feldspar varies from mesoperthic to perthitic, being relatively more potassic in the deformed rocks from Units A and B. In some rocks idiomorphic laths of almost pure albite are found in intergrowths with interstitial pyroxene, amphiboles, and accessory minerals; suggesting co-precipitation in the late(?)- to post-magmatic stage. The mafic paragenesis includes magmatic amphiboles and late- to post-magmatic clinopyroxenes, varying from sodic-calcic (Fe-richterite and aegirine-augite) to sodic varieties (arfvedsonite/riebeckite and aegirine). The crystallization history of mafic minerals starts after the felsic phases, in a typical ?agpaitic crystallization sequence?. The amphibole and clinopyroxene compositional variations follow the increase in quartz modal content and/or the presence of deformational textures, with the more calcic varieties crystallizing in rocks with low modal quartz contents and massive structure (Unit C). For arfvedsonite and aegirine, the evolutional trends are marked by enrichment in Na and Fe3+ and depletion in Ca, Fe2+ and Ti towards crystal rims, suggesting progressively more oxidizing and alkaline conditions. Riebeckite is in a post-magmatic phase in hydrothermally altered rocks from Units B and D. Ilmenite appears occasionally in Units B, C and D, while magnetite is a rare phase, typically post-magmatic; thus, the magnetic susceptibility values are very low for most rocks (< 1.0 x 10-3 SI). Zircon, chevkinite and astrophyllite are the most typical accessories in Units B and C. On the other hand, a variety of late- to post-magmatic rare accessory minerals, typical of peralkaline rocks, such as narsarsukite, astrophyllite and neptunite (Ti-bearing); britholite and nacareniobsite (REE-bearing); as well as ( Na, K) zirconosilicates, turkestanite and bastnäsite, appears in the more deformed samples from Unit A. The apparently contemporary association of granitic and bi-modal volcanic rocks, the presence of miarolitic cavities, pegmatitic veins and graphic and semigraphic textures in the Papanduva Pluton indicate emplacement at a relatively high crustal level. Based on the observed mineral equilibria and the presence or absence of some mineral phases it was possible to establish evolutional trends in T-?O2 space during the crystallization sequence of rocks from Papanduva Pluton. The trajectories are governed, during the magmatic stages, by falling temperature (ca. 750 ? 500o C) in progressively more oxidizing environments, with ?O2 varying from MW (magnetite-wüstite) to HM (hematite-magnetite) buffer conditions. The concentration of alkalis, volatiles , HFSE (Zr, Ti, Nb, REE) and occasionally Ca in the residual liquids, as a consequence of peralkaline magma evolution, or, in part, due to external fluids (Ca and H2O) led to the crystallization of rare accessory mineral phases. The presence of these accessory minerals in typically deformed rocks suggests that deformational events played an important role in the remobilization and circulation of these elements in the late- to post-magmatic stages.

Análise petrográfica e proveniência do Arenito Pedreira, Grupo São Bento, Jurássico Superior da Bacia do Paraná, Sul do Brasil

Bruckmann, Matheus Philipe January 2017 (has links)
Na região leste do RS, porção sul da Bacia do Paraná, ocorre uma unidade do Jurássico Superior denominada de Arenito Pedreira. Para definir as relações estratigráficas e caracterizar esta unidade foram avaliados dois furos de sondagem para pesquisa de carvão, situados na região de Osório. Foram coletadas amostras representativas para análise petrográfica e contagem modal dos minerais constituintes para definição da proveniência dos sedimentos. Esta unidade está depositada entre à Formação Botucatu por desconformidade sobreposta e a Formação Rio do Rastro, com a qual tem contato erosivo. O Arenito Pedreira é composto por uma sucessão de ciclos granodecrescentes constituídos por arcóseos líticos e conglomerados arcoseanos clasto-suportados e polimíticos com grânulos e seixos subangulosos de varias litologias, que sucedem para pacotes de arenitos médios a grossos com estratificação cruzada tangencial e de baixo ângulo, finalizando em arcóseos com marcas de ondas e pelitos laminados no topo. Os litoclastos analisados representam rochas metamórficas de alto e baixo grau, granitoides, rochas sedimentares e vulcânicas básicas. As feições diagenéticas observadas caracterizam condições de eodiagenese e mesodiagenese, indicando ukm ambiente de clima continental seco. Os litoclastos descritos representam fontes associadas a um arco magmático dissecado e mostram características petrográficas semelhantes aquelas encontradas em rochas do Terreno Tijucas e do Batólito Pelotas, do Cinturão Dom Feliciano no RS. Estes dados sugerem uma área fonte próxima a área de deposição. A porção norte da estrutura soerguida do Arco de Rio Grande de direção NW-SE, representa a área fonte dos sedimentos que constituíram o Arenito Pedreira. / In the eastern part of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the southern portion of the Paraná Basin, there is a Upper Jurassic unit informally called Pedreira Arenite. In define the stratigraphic relations and to characterize this unit, a description of the two drilling holes associated to coal research work situated in the Osório region. It was collected representative samples to petrographic analysis and the modal count of the constituent minerals was carried out to define the provenance and origin of the sediments. This unit is deposited under Botucatu Formation by to unconformity and over Rio do Rastro Formation, with which it has erosive contact. The Pedreira Arenite is composed of a succession of granodecrescent cycles consisting of lithic arkoses and conglomerate sandstones, clast-supported and polymitic with subangular granules and pebbles of various lithologies, which succeed for medium to thick sandstone packages with tangential and low angle cross-stratification. This package ending in marks of waves arkoses and laminated mudstones at the top. The analyzed lithoclasts are represented by high and low metamorphic rocks, granitoids, sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The diagenetic features found characterize conditions of eodiagenesis and mesodiagenesis, where the environment present features of continental dry climate environment. The provenance studies highlight sources associated with dissected magmatic arc and shows petrographic features similiar to the rocks founded in Tijucas Terrane and Pelotas Batholith, of the Dom Feliciano Belt in the RS State. This data refers to a source area very close to the deposition area. The north portion of the positive structure of NW-SE direction called Rio Grande Arch,represent the source area of the sediments that generated the Pedreira Arenite.

Geologia do Complexo Camboriú (SC) / Geology of the Camboriú Complex (SC)

Lopes, Angela Pacheco 10 November 2008 (has links)
A origem anatética dos migmatitos do Complexo Camboriú é evidenciada pelas macroestruturas e suportada pelos dados petrográficos, geoquímicos e isotópicos. A fusão parcial em regime compressivo é sugerida pela grande quantidade de leucossoma em regiões de baixa pressão como interboudins e superfície de dilatação. A intensificação do processo anatético pode ser devida ao aumento do gradiente geotérmico provocado pela intrusão dos muitos corpos graníticos neoproterozóicos presentes. A complexidade do sistema geoquímico e isotópico analisado em detalhe aponta possíveis equívocos em trabalhos regionais. Apesar dos dados isotópicos nos migmatitos anatéticos sugerirem gênese em crosta continental em sistema relativamente fechado, a mobilização de elementos em pequena escala modificou as razões isotópicas dos mesossomas, leucossomas e rochas ultramáficas associadas, as quais, sem controle de campo, petrográfico e geoquímico, conduziriam a interpretações errôneas sobre a evolução geológica da região. A temperatura para formação do leucossoma é estimada em 750-800 C, principalmente pelos indícios de geração por fusão de rochas quartzo-feldspáticas em presença de água, com possível participação da muscovita no processo de anatexia, porém com preservação da biotita. O estudo integrado aplicando diferentes métodos analíticos a dados de um único afloramento, com amostras de unidades regionais para correlação levou a uma melhor compreensão da evolução petrogenética do Complexo Camboriú, o qual, após a extração do manto há aproximadamente 2,5 Ga, foi reciclado em crosta continental espessada. Os resultados sugerem que migmatitos, associados a rochas ultramáficas, ou fontes muito semelhantes, em condições de temperatura e pressão mais altas, são os protólitos dos granitos Itapema, Serra dos macacos e Corre Mar, também resultantes de reciclagem crustal. Os valores negativos de eNd(595 Ma) e positivos de eSr(595 Ma), com 87Sr/86Sr inicial (595 Ma) > 0,706 e > 8, indicam gênese em crosta superior, suportada pela análise geoquímica. Estas condições, e as temperaturas relativamente baixas de formação dos leucossomas seriam compatíveis com um cenário em que as rochas migmatíticas constituíssem tetos pendentes das intrusões graníticas que predominam na região. / The anatectic origin evidenced by known macrostructures in migmatites of the Camboriú Complex is supported by petrographical, geochemical and isotopic data, with partial melting under compressional regimen being suggested by the large amount of leucosome bodies at low-pressure sites represented by interboudins and dilation surfaces. Despite the continental origin in a relatively closed system suggested by the isotopic data, small-scale mobilization of elements and its consequent isotopic ratio changes in leucosomes and their associated ultramafic rocks might lead studies unsupported by field, petrographic and geochemical control to erroneous interpretations of the geological evolution of the region. The geochemical and isotopic complexities revealed in the detailed study of one single outcrop bring about how misinterpreted interpretations can be in regional isotopic studies. Generation temperatures of 700 to 800 C are estimated for leucosomes, from melting of quartzofeldspatic rocks in presence of water, biotite having taken part of the anatectic process, with possible participation of muscovite. Anatexis may have been intensified by the geothermal gradient elevation that followed numerous Neoproterozoic granite intrusions in the region. The combined use of different analytical methods on data from one single outcrop and correlation samples from regional units led to a better understanding of the petrogenetic evolution of the Camboriú Complex, recycled under thickened continental crust after mantle extraction circa 2.5 Ga. Migmatites in association with ultramafic rocks, or other compositionally similar combinations at higher pressure and temperature conditions, would be protoliths for the Itapema, Serra dos Macacos, and Corre-Mar granites, that also show evidence of having undergone similar crustal recycling. Negative values of eSr(595 Ma), with initial 87Sr/86Sr (595 Ma) > 0.706 and > 8 suggest upper-crust generation conditions, as supported by geochemical results. Such conditions, and the relatively low leucosome generation temperatures seem compatible with a geological setting in which the migmatites of the Camboriú Complex would represent pending roofs to granite intrusions.

Albitisation et oxydation des roches granitoïdes en relation avec la paléosurface triasique des Sudètes (SW Pologne) / Albitization and oxidation of the granitoïd rocks related to the Triassic paleosurface in the Sudetes (SW Poland)

Yao, Kouakou Fulgence Eric 16 December 2013 (has links)
De vastes surfaces et volumes de socle granito-gneissique sont albitisés sur toute la chaîne hercynienne de l'Afrique du Nord à la Scandinavie. L'interprétation supergène de ces faciès a déjà avancée par le passé. La question supergène/endogène doit être établie de façon indubitable avant de pouvoir aller plus avant dans le sujet. Démontrer que les faciès albitisés sont d'origine supergène et liés à la paléosurface triasique renouvelle profondément les idées sur l'évolution des socles hercyniens. La connaissance de la paléosurface triasique sur de vastes régions de socle de l'Ouest de l'Europe fournira un repère spatio-temporel qui permettra de contraindre les taux d'ablation des massifs depuis le Trias. Elle sera une contribution majeure à la modélisation de la géodynamique de ces régions. Cette albitisation s'accompgne d'une "carbonatation" du Ca des feldspathes plagioclases. Elle intervient donc dans le stockage du CO2 pendant le Trias et ceci de manière significative, eu égard du volume des roches affectées. En toile de fond est aussi posée la question de la spécificité sodique de cette paléoaltération, en rechercher l'origine, la relier à la gigantesque accumulation de chlorure de sodium pendant le Permo-Trias, ... est-ce la marque d'un évènement global ? / Wide surfaces and huge volumes of granito-gneissic basements of the Hercynian massifs are albitized from North-Africa up to Scandinavia. The supergenic origin of these facies has already been forwarded in the past. The supergenic/endogenic question has to be substantiated beyond doubt before going further in this subject. Demonstrating that the albitized facies are of supergenic origin and bound to the Triassic palaeosurface renews deeply the ideas about the evolution of the Hercynian basements. The recognition of the Triassic palaeosurface on wide basement areas of western Europa will provide a spatio-temporal bench marks to constrain the ablation of these massifs since the Trias. This will be a major contribution to the geodynamic modelling of these areas. This albitization comes with a "carbonation" of the Ca from the plagioclase feldspars. In this manner, albitisation plays a significant rule in the CO2 storage during the Trias, with regard to the giant volume of rocks in consideration. Furthermore, in the backdrop arises the questions of the specificity of this sodium-rich paleoaweathering features, find out their origin, and bound them to the giant sodium chloride accumulation during the Permo-Triassic times… is this the record of a global event ?

Migration des fluides issus de la déshydratation des serpentinites : une étude naturelle et expérimentale / Migration of fluids resulting from dehydration of serpentinite : a natural and experimental approach

Clément, Maxime 02 November 2018 (has links)
La migration de fluides peut être responsable de nombreux processus d’importance sociétale et économique puisqu’elle est associée à des dépôts de minerai où à la formation de volcans d’arc à éruption explosive. La migration de fluides issus des réactions de déshydratation des serpentinites est aussi associée à des changements de comportement rhéologique de ces serpentinites dans les zones de subduction. Ce changement de rhéologie peut être responsable du déclenchement de tremblement de terre dans les zones de subduction. Toutefois, le couplage entre propriétés mécaniques des serpentinites, migration de fluide et cinétique de réaction de déshydratation reste encore peu contraint à l’heure actuelle. Cette thèse apporte des contraintes supplémentaires sur les liens qui existent entre ces propriétés en combinant une étude de serpentinites déshydratées de manière naturelle, de manière expérimentale et en étudiant l’impact de la compaction, moteur de déplacement des fluides, lors de la déshydratation des serpentinites.La déshydratation naturelle et la déshydratation expérimentale des serpentinites produisent des métapéridotites qui présentent des olivines granulaires ou allongées dans le plan de foliation. Ces deux types d’olivines montrent une forte orientation cristallographique préférentielle et une corrélation avec l’antigorite du fait du parallélisme de leurs axes [100] pour les olivines granulaires et de leurs axes [010] pour les olivines allongées avec les axes [001] de l’antigorite. Des marqueurs de déformations sont observés dans les métapéridotites foliées.Les serpentinites déshydratées de manière naturelle et expérimentale montrent des plans de fractures dans lesquels les olivines ont des textures de croissance rapide. Dans le cas des fractures naturelles, l’orientation cristallographique préférentielle des olivines est forte et corrélée au plan de la veine.La serpentinite partiellement déshydratée du massif de Cerro del Almirez montre occasionnellement des lamelles de clinoenstatite dans des grains d’orthoenstatite orientées aléatoirement qui peuvent potentiellement résulter d’une transformation martensitique (maclage mécanique) de l’orthoenstatite. Ces lamelles sont plus nombreuses dans la serpentinite complètement déshydratée et montrent deux orientations. La direction de contrainte calculée est orientée aléatoirementdans la serpentinite partiellement déshydratée et présente une seule orientation dans l’autre serpentinite.L’interprétation de ces résultats proposée dans cette thèse est que la migration de fluides est enregistrée par les textures des produits de réaction, notamment l’olivine. La migration lente et pervasive de fluides produit des olivines granulaires dont les orientations sont apparemment héritées de l’antigorite via des relations topotactiques (développement préférentiel des axes cristallographiques par croissance orientée entre deux minéraux). La migration focalisée de fluide change le mécanisme de croissance des grains conduisant à de la croissance orientée dans le plan de foliation ou dans le plan de la veine, sous l’effet du gradient de pression de fluides. L’extraction des fluides entraine une compaction qui expulse les fluides résiduels dans les pores et qui génère un champ de contrainte non-hydrostatique. Ce champ de contrainte est responsable de la déformation observée et de la transformation martensitique de l’orthoenstatite en clinoenstatite. / Fluid migration may be associated to several processes involved in ore deposit or the formation of forarc volcanoes that have explosive eruption. Fluid migration may also be also associated to change of rheological behavior of dehydrating serpentinite responsible of earthquakes triggering in subduction zones. However, the coupling between mechanical properties of dehydrating serpentinites, fluid migration and kinetics of dehydration reactions remains poorly constrained. This thesis provides new constraints on the link between these properties by combining a study on natural dehydrated serpentinites and experimentally dehydrated serpentinite and by evaluating the impact of metamorphic compaction, which drives fluids motion, on dehydrated serpentinites.Both natural and experimental dehydration of serpentinites produce metaperidotites that shows granular olivines or olivines elongated in the foliation plane. Both types of olivine have strong crystal preferred orientation and are correlated to antigorite as it is visible with [100] axes of granular olivines and [010] axes of elongated olivines parallel to [001] axes of antigorite. Markers of deformation were observed in foliated metaperidotites.Both naturally and experimentally dehydrated serpentinites shows fractures in which olivines have texture of rapid growth. Olivines from fractures in naturally dehydrated samples have strong crystal preferred orientation correlated to the plane of the fracturesPartially dehydrated serpentinite from Cerro del Almirez massif shows minor amount of clinoenstatite lamellae in orthoenstatite grains randomly oriented that may have been formed by martensitic transformation (mechanical twinning) of orthoenstatite. Completely dehydrated serpentinites at two meters of distance have higher amount of clinoenstatite that have two different orientations. Stress direction calculated is randomly oriented in partially dehydrated serpentinite and strongly oriented in completely dehydrated serpentinite.Results are consistent and the interpretation proposed in this thesis is that fluid migration is recorded by textures of products of dehydration reactions. Slow and pervasive fluid migration produces granular olivines with crystal preferred orientation correlated to crystal preferred orientation of antigorite by topotaxial relationships, which are fixed arrangements of crystallographic axes between two minerals due to oriented growth. Focused fluid migration change mechanisms of grain growth resulting in oriented growth of olivines in foliation plane or in plane of veins because of fluid pressure gradient. Fluid extraction lead to metamorphic compaction, which expulse residual fluids from the pores and triggered non-hydrostatic stress field. This non-hydrostatic stress field is responsible of deformation and the martensitic transformation of orthoenstatite to clinoenstatite.

Estudo palinoestratigráfico e de petrografia orgânica do Cretáceo inferior da Bacia do Recôncavo / Palynostratigraphic and organic petrography studies of the Recôncavo basin early Cretaceous deposits

Bernard Pereira Magacho 31 August 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente estudo baseou-se na análise das variações verticais do conteúdo orgânico de 50 amostras derivadas do furo de sondagem 9-FBA-61-BA, que permitiu conhecer melhor os representantes palinofaciológicos e palinológicos do Cretáceo Inferior da Bacia do Recôncavo, na área estudada. Através da observação a luz da microscopia óptica em luz branca transmitida e luz ultravioleta, foi possível posicionar temporalmente a seção, e individualizar quatro tipos de palinofácies distintas, levando-se em conta os tipos e o grau de preservação da matéria orgânica. As análises quantitativas do conteúdo orgânico mostram um predomínio de material orgânico de origem alóctone, representado por grãos de pólen, esporos e fitoclastos na base e no topo da seção, sendo sua porção média dominada por material orgânico amorfo autóctone. As mais altas fluorescências são observadas nas porções média e basal da seção indicando um ambiente mais redutor à época de sedimentação, destes estratos. Os dados de ICE apresentam valores de maturação entre 4,5 e 5,0 caracterizando um material orgânico maturo para geração de hidrocarbonetos. A associação palinoflorística identificada, bem como os dados litológicos obtidos, indicam um paleoambiente exclusivamente continental, composto por um sistema fluvial e deltaico-lacustre, sob um clima quente árido para a época deposicional. Tal associação enquadra-se àquelas observadas nas bacias do nordeste brasileiro e insere-se nas características das associações pertencentes à Província Microflorística Dicheiropollis (ex-WASA). Foram identificadas 57 espécies de palinomorfos, incluindo grãos de pólen, esporos, algas e fungos. A detecção das espécies, Dicheiropollis etruscus e Aequitriradites spinulosus, nos permitiu posicionar o intervalo nas biozonas Vitreisporites pallidus e Dicheiropollis etruscus, consideradas como de idades Hauteriviano Barremiano. / The present study was based on vertical variations analysis of the organic matter from 50 core samples collected from the well 9-FBA-61-BA, allowing better understanding of the Early Cretaceous of Reconcavo Basin palynological and palynofacies characteristics. Observations throughout combined light and blue light/UV fluorescence techniques, permitted to defined the section depositional time, and to distinguish four individual types of palynofacies, taking into account the variety and degree of preservation of organic matter.. Quantitative analysis of the organic content shows a predominance of allochthonous organic matter, represented by pollen, spores and phytoclasts on the base and top of the section; however the middle part is dominated by amorphous organic matter. On the other hand, the highest fluorescence was observed at the base and middle portion of the section suggesting a low oxidizing level at this sedimentation time. ICE data presents mature values ranging between 4.5 to 5.0 indicating that the deposits are in the oil generation window. The identified palynoflora and obtained lithological data suggests an exclusively continental paleoenvironment, composed by fluvial and deltaic - lake systems, in a warm and arid climate at the deposition time. Were identified 57 species of palynomorphs, including pollen, spores, algae and fungi. The detection of the Dicheiropollis etruscus and Aequitriradites spinulosus index species indicates these deposits belong to the Hauterivian - Barremian Vitreisporites pallidus and Dicheiropollis etruscus palynozones, respectively. This assemblage fits into those observed in the Brazilian northeastern basins and have the microfloristic assemblage characteristics that fit in to the Dicheiropollis Province (= WASA Province).

Caracterização petrográfica e geoquímica da mina do Seival, bacia do Camaquã, RS

Lopes, Rodrigo Winck January 2013 (has links)
As rochas vulcânicas da Mina do Seival possuem intensa alteração hidrotermal e mineralizações de Cu. Este magmatismo é relacionado ao estágio póscolisional do ciclo Brasiliano-Pan-Africano, no alogrupo Bom Jardim, pertencendo à Formação Hilário na Bacia do Camaquã (Neoproterozóico). A região já foi responsável por grande parte da produção desse minério no Brasil, sendo uma das mais importantes no Rio Grande do Sul e explorada principalmente na primeira metade do século XX. Campanhas de sondagens realizadas pela CBC foram feitas no ano de 1978. Essas amostras foram incluídas no presente trabalho bem como a amostragem resultante das campanhas de mapeamento geológico básico. A tectônica do estagio pós-colisional controla o posicionamento e geração da mineralização através de estruturas rúpteis com direção NE e distensão regional. A composição de rocha total e identificação dos minerais de alteração foram obtidas através de análises de elementos maiores, menores, traços e difração de raios X. Processos envolvendo diferentes temperaturas atuaram sobre estas rochas originando produtos de alteração pervasiva, principalmente clorita e esmectita, com veios preenchidos por quartzo, carbonato, barita e minerais de cobre. A Mina do Seival é composta pelas minas Alcides, Cruzeta, Meio, Morcego, João Dahne, Barita e ocorrência Vila do Torrão. As rochas vulcânicas tem composição andesítica e traqui-andesítica, e foram divididas em duas sequências. A sequência I é composta por rochas piroclásticas e efusivas, e a sequência II é representada pelos diques de andesito. Em ambas as sequências da Mina do Seival é possível identificar a afinidade shoshonítica das rochas. Os teores de Cu, Zn e Ni em relação ao protólito menos afetado pelo processo hidrotermal, nos diques e brechas, sugerem que as principais ocorrências de mineralização de cobre têm origem magmática. O estudo petrogenético contribui para a geração de um modelo evolutivo dos processos de alteração hidrotermal possibilitando o entendimento da geologia regional e das mineralizações da Bacia do Camaquã. / Volcanic rocks of the Seival Mine have intense hydrothermal alteration and Cu mineralization. This magmatism is related to post-collisional stage of the Brasiliano Pan-African cycle in Bom Jardim alogrup, belonging to Hilario Formation, Camaquã Basin (Neoproterozoic). The region has been responsible for much of the ore production in Brazil, one of the most important in the Rio Grande do Sul and operated mainly in the first half of the twentieth century. Drilling surveys conducted by CBC (Companhia Brasileira do Cobre) were made in 1978. Drill core samples, as well as field samples were used for the present research. The tectonics of the postcollisional stage controls the position and mineralization through brittle structures with NE and regional distention. Whole rock composition and identification of alteration minerals were obtained through analysis of major, minor and trace elements, and Xray diffraction. Processes involving different temperatures acted on these rocks causing pervasive alteration products, mainly chlorite and smectite, with veins filled with quartz, carbonate, barite and copper minerals. Seival Mine of Alcides, Cruzeta, Meio, Morcego, João Dahne, Barita mines and Vila do Torrão ocurrence. Volcanic rocks have andesitic and trachy-andesitic composition, and were divided into two sequences. The sequence I is composed of pyroclastic rocks and effusive, and sequence II is represented by andesite dikes. In both sequences of Seival Mine is possible to identify the shoshonitic affinity of the rocks. Cu, Zn and Ni are less affected by hydrothermal processes, relative to the protholith. Dykes and breccias, suggest that the main copper mineralization ocurrences have a magmatic origin. The petrogenetic study contributes to the generation of an evolutionary model of hydrothermal alteration allowing for better understanding of the regional geology and mineralization of Camaquã Basin.

Social Identification and the Capacity for Collective Action at La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico (600-800 CE)

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Unlike traditional frontier studies that treat the frontier as monolithic and focus on core-periphery interactions involving colonialism and acculturation, this dissertation seeks to characterize the internal social dynamics of frontier regions using the collective social identification framework. Concentrating on the intraregional and intrasite scales makes it possible to directly evaluate the bottom-up processes involved in the formation of collective social identities within frontier zones (i.e., sociopolitical development divorced from core-centric actions). Derived from social science research aimed at understanding the development of modern nation-states and social movements, the theoretical framework implemented in this research centers on the idea that sustained collective action depends on the degree to which groups of individuals share networks of social interaction (i.e., relational identification) and recognize membership in the same social categories (i.e. categorical identification). Applying this model to the site of La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico, provides a methodology for assessing the potential for collective action through time and across spatial scales based on the degree of categorical commonality or the strength of relational connections among the site’s inhabitants. Dating to the Epiclassic period (600-900 CE), La Quemada was founded during the cultural florescence of the northern frontier of Mesoamerica, but the site was abandoned ca. 800-900 CE while other polities persisted. Therefore, it is hypothesized that a change in how the occupants of La Quemada identified with one another decreased the potential for collective action over time and contributed to site abandonment. Material proxies in the form of ceramic-style categories (i.e., shared styles expressing categorical affiliation) and fabric classes (i.e., shared pastes indicative of relational networks) are used to assess the temporal and spatial consistency of social identification at multiple socio-spatial scales within the site of La Quemada. The results of this research, however, find that despite fluctuations in the expression of categorical identification among La Quemada residents it was the strength of their relational ties that gave them the capacity to recover. Furthermore, the capacity for collective action was high preceding site abandonment, suggesting that a disruption in the social fabric of La Quemada did not contribute to its decline and abandonment. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2018

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