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The effect of a dietary phase 2 protein inducer on inflammatory parameters in blood and liver of spontaneously hypertensive stroke prone ratsFacci, Marina Rita 09 August 2004 (has links)
Inflammatory diseases such as hypertension are associated with high levels of oxidative stress. Characteristic of oxidative stress is the inflammatory acute phase protein response. Oxidative stress and its accompanied inflammation can be reduced via phase 2 enzyme induction. Broccoli sprouts, a rich source of phase 2 enzyme inducers such as isothiocyanates, can be incorporated into the diet to increase phase 2 enzymes. <p> The hypothesis of this study is that, the dietary intake of dried broccoli sprouts, by inducing liver phase 2 enzymes, will decrease oxidative stress and the acute phase response in the blood of spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats. <p> Spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats (SHRsp) and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were placed either on a control diet of modified AIN-93G or an experimental diet of modified AIN-93G supplemented with dried broccoli sprouts. The following parameters were examined: 1. Isothiocyanate absorption (an increased level of dithiocarbamates is reflective of ITC absorption), 2. Oxidative stress (a reduction in oxidative stress is evidenced by an increase in plasma protein thiols and blood glutathione (GSH)), 3. Acute phase proteins (a decreased APR is reflected by an increase in plasma albumin and a decrease in ceruloplasmin), 4. Activity of phase 2 enzymes (increased phase 2 enzyme induction results in higher activities of liver quinone reductase (QR), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and glutathione reductase (GR)). <p> My experimental results demonstrated that broccoli sprout feeding results in higher protein thiol levels in female SHRsp and higher blood GSH levels in males but no acute phase protein changes were observed in either male or female SHRsp. Broccoli sprout feeding caused higher QR and lower GST activities in female SHRsp but did not affect the activities of phase 2 enzymes in male SHRsp. The activities of GST and QR were higher in SD rats than in SHRsp. Levels of dithiocarbamates were higher in the broccoli fed group than in the control fed group. <p> The results from this study do not present a clear pattern to support the hypothesis that dietary intake of broccoli sprouts by inducing phase 2 enzymes will decrease parameters of oxidative stress and the acute phase response. <p> In conclusion, there is an interactive role played by animal gender and the induction of phase 2 enzymes by dried broccoli sprouts.
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The effect of a dietary phase 2 protein inducer on inflammatory parameters in blood and liver of spontaneously hypertensive stroke prone ratsFacci, Marina Rita 09 August 2004
Inflammatory diseases such as hypertension are associated with high levels of oxidative stress. Characteristic of oxidative stress is the inflammatory acute phase protein response. Oxidative stress and its accompanied inflammation can be reduced via phase 2 enzyme induction. Broccoli sprouts, a rich source of phase 2 enzyme inducers such as isothiocyanates, can be incorporated into the diet to increase phase 2 enzymes. <p> The hypothesis of this study is that, the dietary intake of dried broccoli sprouts, by inducing liver phase 2 enzymes, will decrease oxidative stress and the acute phase response in the blood of spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats. <p> Spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats (SHRsp) and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were placed either on a control diet of modified AIN-93G or an experimental diet of modified AIN-93G supplemented with dried broccoli sprouts. The following parameters were examined: 1. Isothiocyanate absorption (an increased level of dithiocarbamates is reflective of ITC absorption), 2. Oxidative stress (a reduction in oxidative stress is evidenced by an increase in plasma protein thiols and blood glutathione (GSH)), 3. Acute phase proteins (a decreased APR is reflected by an increase in plasma albumin and a decrease in ceruloplasmin), 4. Activity of phase 2 enzymes (increased phase 2 enzyme induction results in higher activities of liver quinone reductase (QR), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and glutathione reductase (GR)). <p> My experimental results demonstrated that broccoli sprout feeding results in higher protein thiol levels in female SHRsp and higher blood GSH levels in males but no acute phase protein changes were observed in either male or female SHRsp. Broccoli sprout feeding caused higher QR and lower GST activities in female SHRsp but did not affect the activities of phase 2 enzymes in male SHRsp. The activities of GST and QR were higher in SD rats than in SHRsp. Levels of dithiocarbamates were higher in the broccoli fed group than in the control fed group. <p> The results from this study do not present a clear pattern to support the hypothesis that dietary intake of broccoli sprouts by inducing phase 2 enzymes will decrease parameters of oxidative stress and the acute phase response. <p> In conclusion, there is an interactive role played by animal gender and the induction of phase 2 enzymes by dried broccoli sprouts.
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Advanced planar pixel technology developments for ATLAS upgrade phase 2 / Avancées technologiques dans le domaine des pixels planaires pour l'expérience ATLAS Phase 2Hohov, Dmytro 01 October 2019 (has links)
Le complexe d'accélérateurs du grand collisionneur de hadrons (le Large Hadron Collider - LHC) sera mis à jour lors du long arrêt de la période LS3 en 2023-2025 pour passer à la phase de haute luminosité (HL-LHC). La luminosité instantanée sera multipliée par 5 pour atteindre 7.5×10³⁴ cm⁻²s⁻¹, ce qui correspond à environ 200 collisions inélastiques par croisement de paquets comparé aux 50 par croisement au LHC. Pendant le fonctionnement du HL-LHC, afin d'atteindre une haute précision dans les études des processus physiques du modèle standard et les recherches de nouvelle physique, le collisionneur à protons devra fournir une luminosité intégrée de l’ordre 400 fb⁻¹ par an pendant une dizaine d’années soit 4000 fb⁻¹ escomptées. Ceci représente un ordre de grandeur supérieur à l'ensemble de la période du LHC. Le détecteur interne (Inner Detector) ATLAS actuel ne sera pas en mesure de faire face efficacement à l'augmentation du taux d'événements et de la dose de rayonnement. Afin d’obtenir des performances au minimum égales ou supérieures à celles de la phase LHC, et tenant compte d’un environnement plus hostile en termes de radiations et d’empilements d’évènements, il a été décidé d’opérer le remplacement complet du trajectomètre interne ou Inner Tracker (ITk); à cette fin, une technologie tout silicium a été choisie. Cette thèse est axée sur l'étude de nouveaux capteurs pixels planaires fins à bords très minces, basés sur le concept d’utilisation de matrices de diodes à implants dopés n sur un substrat dopé p. Ce choix est motivé par les critères de meilleure performance intrinsèque, de radio-tolérance élevée ainsi qu’un coût de production optimisé pour de grandes surfaces. Dans ce travail, des capteurs de différentes épaisseurs allant de 50 μm à 150 μm dotés de bords actifs et minces ont fait l’objet d’études approfondies notamment lors de leur fonctionnement à haut flux de particules chargées. De nombreuses analyses minutieuses ont été menées pour déterminer leur résolution en position à l’aide d’un télescope de faisceau de haute énergie. Les régions d’impacts sur la zone active des pixels ainsi que sur la région des contours ont été scrutées avant et après leur irradiation. En effet, de nombreux résultats obtenus en faisceau de protons et électrons seront montrés, notamment une étude comparative des différents concepts de matrices de capteurs de pixels planaires lus avec la puce de lecture « FE-I4 » en technologie CMOS 130 nm. Préparant la phase future du LHC, nous montrerons les premiers résultats obtenus avec la nouvelle génération de pixels granulaires. Ces matrices ont été couplées à la nouvelle puce de lecture frontale récemment développée au CERN, utilisant la technologie CMOS 65 nm. Ces capteurs dotés d’ une plus fine granularité de 50×50 μm² , ont un pas optimisé lequel est nécessaire pour maintenir un taux d'occupation aussi bas que possible dans un contexte de multiplicités de particules chargées très élevées. Dans ce travail, une contribution personnelle à l’électronique de lecture sera détaillée, en particulier les études ont été menées sur la puce nommée «Ring-Oscillator» ou moniteur de radiations, développée au laboratoire. On décrira son comportement dynamique en fonction de la température, de la tension nominale et en conditions hautement radiatives (500 MRad). La mise au point d’un nouvel outil de caractérisation de détecteurs pixels a fait l’objet d’un développement important. Grâce à un ensemble basé sur une excitation laser de 1060 nm, il sera possible de disposer d’un système précis et autonome capable de mesurer rapidement les caractéristiques fonctionnelles des matrices de pixels avec une excellente résolution spatiale. Les caractéristiques de cet outil feront l’objet d’une présentation exhaustive. / The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will go through the accelerator complex upgrade during the LS3 long shutdown in 2023-2025 to move to the High Luminosity phase (HL-LHC). As a result, an instantaneous luminosity will increase sevenfold to 7.5×10³⁴ cm⁻²s⁻¹, corresponding to approximately 200 inelastic collisions per bunch-crossing, whereas the LHC runs resulted in up to 50 collisions per bunch-crossing. During the operation of the HL-LHC, in order to achieve high-precision in studies of Standard Model processes and searches for new physics, about 4000 fb⁻¹ of integrated luminosity be collected, which is of an order of magnitude larger than over the entire LHC period. The present ATLAS Inner Detector (ID) will not be able to efficiently cope with the increased event rate and radiation dose. Due to this fact the complete replacement of the ID is foreseen with fully silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) to provide high tracking performance in harsher environment delivered by the HL-LHC. This thesis is focused on the study of new n+-in-p planar silicon sensors, as a promising option to instrument the ITk pixel layers, considering their radiation hardness and cost-effectiveness. Sensors of different thicknesses ranging from 50 µm to 150 µm of active and slim edge designs have been tested at a high energy particle beam to investigate hit efficiency performance analyzed on the pixel active area and on the edge area before and after irradiation. The test beam results and their comparison for the different designs of the pixel sensors compatible with FE-I4 readout chip are discussed. Also, the first results on test beam characterization of the pixel modules employing a newly developed prototype of readout chip for the ITk, RD53A chip, implemented in 65 nm CMOS technology, were obtained. The sensors with the decreased to 25×100 µm² and 50×50 µm² pixel pitch to maintain the lower level of occupancy at high particle multiplicity were measured. Additionally, the tests of ring oscillators, contained in RD53A chip, which may be used as a monitor of the received radiation dose, were carried out depending on temperature, supplied voltage and irradiation level up to 500 MRad. Finally, the test bench setup for silicon pixel detectors characterization using an infra-red laser has been the subject of an original development in this thesis. The setup was developed in the clean room at Laboratoire de l'accélérateur linéaire (LAL) and it is capable of rapidly measuring the functional characteristics, providing a flexible charge injection with well-defined hit position to characterize the silicon pixel matrixes. The software to control the setup was created using LabVIEW programming environment. The results of the measurements with the FE-I4 module implemented with openings allowing the laser beam passage on a sensor backside are presented in this thesis.
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Bakgrund och problem: IASB beslutade 2008 att ersätta IAS 39 med IFRS 9 då IAS 39 ses som alltför omfattande och komplex. Processen har delats upp i tre faser. Fas 1 behandlar klassificering och värdering, fas 2 behandlar nedskrivningar och fas 3 behandlar säkringsredovisning. Denna uppsats behandlar endast fas 2. Både redovisare, revisorer och användare av finansiella rapporter anser standarden för finansiella instrument vara komplex. En orsak till komplexiteten är att finansiella instrument i sig är komplexa och begreppet finansiella instrument innefattar en vid variation av instrument. Det konstaterades även under den globala finansiella krisen att IAS 39 innehöll betydande brister.Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera delar av arbetet IASB har gjort för att ersätta IAS 39 med IFRS 9, vilket ger oss möjlighet att studera fas 2 i detta examensarbete. Syftet är att se vad intressenter förväntar sig i redovisning av finansiella instrument och vad det finns för attityder angående förslaget till IFRS 9 fas 2.Avgränsningar: Eftersom det krävs att EU antar standarden för att den ska börja gälla i Sverige har vi även avgränsat oss till att titta på remissvar från enbart EU-länder.Metod: Studien har utförts med en kvalitativ metod där den empiriska undersökningen bestått av 22 remissvar som finns att tillgå på IASB:s hemsida.Resultat och slutsatser: Den genomförda undersökningen visar att det finns ett flertal olika åsikter angående IASB:s arbete med Exposure Draft. Många organisationer är överens om att man vill ha en mer principbaserad standard men vill samtidigt ha mer exempel att tillgå vilket återigen drar mot en mer regelbaserad standard. Slutsatsen är att Exposure Draft fortfarande ses som komplex dock inte i samma bemärkelse som IAS 39. Hur IASB löser denna problematik blir intressant att följa. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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Multi-phase modelling of multi-species ionic migration in concreteLiu, Qingfeng January 2014 (has links)
Chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete is a worldwide problem. In order to predict how chlorides penetrate in concrete and how other ionic species in con-crete pore solution affect the penetration of chlorides, this thesis presents a numerical study on multi-phase modelling of ionic transport in concrete dominated by migration process. There are many advantages in rapid chloride migration test (RCM) method and numeri-cal approach. However, most of models in the literature predicting chloride diffusivity in concrete are diffusion models, which not consider the action of externally applied electric field. In view of this, the specific aim of this thesis is to develop a rational nu-merical migration model to simulate chloride migration tests. By using this model, the diffusion coefficient of chlorides in concrete will be efficiently predicted. Furthermore, other mechanisms of ionic transportation in composite materials can be scientifically in-vestigated in the meantime. In most existing work, researchers tend to use the assumption of electro-neutrality con-dition, which ensures that no external charge can be imported (Bockris and Reddy, 1998), to determine the electrostatic potential within concrete as well as considering a 1-D problem with only one phase structure and single species (i.e. the chlorides) for pre-dicting the ionic migration. In contrast, this thesis presents a number of sets of multi-phase migration models in more than one dimension and uses the Poisson’s equation for controlling the multi-species interactions. By solving both mass conservation and Pois-son’s equations, the distribution profiles of each ionic species and electrostatic potential at any required time are successfully obtained. Some significant factors, i.e. the influ-ence of dimensions, aggregates, interfacial transition zones (ITZs), cracks and binding effect have also been discussed in detail. The results reveal a series of important features which may not be seen from existing numerical models. For quantitative study, this thesis also provides the prediction method of chloride diffu-sivity not only by the traditional stationary diffusion models but also by the migration models presented in the thesis. The obtained results are compared with three proven analytical models, i.e., Maxwell’s model (Dormieux and Lemarchand, 2000), Brug-geman’s equation (Bruggeman’s, 1935) and the lower bound of the effective diffusion coefficient proposed by Li et al. (2012) as well as validated against experimental data sets of an accelerated chloride migration test (ACMT) brought by Yang and Su (2002).
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