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Kelių elektrokardiogramų parametrų vaizdavimas fazinėse plokštumose / Presentment of the several electrocardiogram’s parameters in the phase planesStraukaitė, Jurgita 13 August 2010 (has links)
Darbe tyrėme veloergometrinių mėginių metu užregistruotus elektrokardiogramos parametrus JT ir RR, kurie gali atspindėti organizmo būklę: reguliacinę, aprūpininančiąją ir vykdančiąją sistemas. Nors šie parametrai ir pakankamai informatyvūs, tačiau dažnai esant nedideliems širdies ir kraujagyslių sutrikimams jokių pokyčių neparodo. Todėl reikalingi nauji analizės metodai, kurie padėtų atskleisti kokybiškai naują informaciją glūdinčią EKG parametruose ir jų kaitoje.
Sukūrėme taikomoją programą, kuri parašyta „Matlab“ aplinkoje. Ši programa grupuoja duomenis, atlieka reikiamus skaičiavimus ir rezultatus, įvairius grafikus, pateikia vartotojui ekrane. Tyrimo eigoje sukūrėme tris metodus: EKG parametrų kitimo greičio skaičiavimo ir vaizdavimo fazinėje plokštumoje; EKG parametro glodumo koeficiento skaičiavimo ir vaizdavimo; EKG parametro duomenų grupavimo metodą,
Pirmajame metode pastebėjome EKG JT parametro fazinių plokštumų kitimo greičių skirtumus tarp ligonių ir sveikų asmenų grupių, antrajame EKG JT parametro glodumo koeficiento a, o trečiajame EKG JT parametro sudarytų porų diskriminantų vidurkių skirtumus. Norėdami įsitikinti gautų hipotezių teisingumu pritaikėme šių metodų rezultatams neparametrinį Manio-Vitnio-Vilkoksono testą (ZM) su reikšmingumo lygmeniu . Gavome, kad gautos hipotezės yra teisingos. Tai yra pastebėti skirtumai yra reikšmingi tarp sveikų asmenų ir asmenų su tam tikrais kardiologiniais nusiskundimais grupių.
Atliktas darbas – tai tik dar vienas žingsnis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / For correct specification human’s physiological state, it is very important to evaluate the changes of main human organism systems. In this paper, the parameters that characterize the function of periphery, regulation and supplying systems, JT and RR interval have been studied. Interpolation of discrete data from the physical load obtained by provocative incremental bicycle ergometry stress test was made by cubic spline. The differences for various groups of person (sportsmen and patients with ischemic heart disease) were investigated. EKG parameters were applied in three methods: EKG parameters changes in speed computing and imaging in phase plane, EKG parameters smoothness level calculation, EKG parameters data grouping method. The study revealed that the JT interval’s changes in speed reliably differences between healthy and ill people. Also JT parameter’s smoothness level and JT parameter’s discriminants difference between the groups.
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An Analysis of Infant Bouncing at Different Spring FrequenciesHabib Perez, Olinda D 19 April 2011 (has links)
Infants explore environments through repetitive movements which are constrained or facilitated by the environmental context. The current studies analyzed how typically developing infants bounced in four environments that differed by system natural frequency. Four pre-walking infants (age 9.7 months ±1.8) were placed in four spring conditions with natural spring frequencies of 0.9, 1.15, 1.27 and 1.56 Hz. All infants bounced above the natural spring frequency in all conditions suggesting that they do not solely behave like a mass-spring system. Two patterns of bouncing adaptations were identified. Three infants regulated bounce frequency, while one infant regulated the percentage of time on the ground. When infants matched their bounce frequency to the natural frequency, trunk vertical displacement and joint ranges of motion decreased across conditions and demonstrated a shift from non-spring like to circular spring-like phase planes. Moderate to high correlations were found for inter- and intra-limb coordination. Conversely, when an infant regulated time on the ground, trunk vertical displacement and joint ranges of motion remained the same across conditions and inter- and intra-limb correlations were low to moderate. Phase planes remained circular spring-like for this infant. Asymmetrical loading patterns and decreasing vertical ground reaction forces were found in all infants suggesting that a timing component is always regulated. The difference in bouncing pattern may be indicative of different bouncing skill level.
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An Analysis of Infant Bouncing at Different Spring FrequenciesHabib Perez, Olinda D 19 April 2011 (has links)
Infants explore environments through repetitive movements which are constrained or facilitated by the environmental context. The current studies analyzed how typically developing infants bounced in four environments that differed by system natural frequency. Four pre-walking infants (age 9.7 months ±1.8) were placed in four spring conditions with natural spring frequencies of 0.9, 1.15, 1.27 and 1.56 Hz. All infants bounced above the natural spring frequency in all conditions suggesting that they do not solely behave like a mass-spring system. Two patterns of bouncing adaptations were identified. Three infants regulated bounce frequency, while one infant regulated the percentage of time on the ground. When infants matched their bounce frequency to the natural frequency, trunk vertical displacement and joint ranges of motion decreased across conditions and demonstrated a shift from non-spring like to circular spring-like phase planes. Moderate to high correlations were found for inter- and intra-limb coordination. Conversely, when an infant regulated time on the ground, trunk vertical displacement and joint ranges of motion remained the same across conditions and inter- and intra-limb correlations were low to moderate. Phase planes remained circular spring-like for this infant. Asymmetrical loading patterns and decreasing vertical ground reaction forces were found in all infants suggesting that a timing component is always regulated. The difference in bouncing pattern may be indicative of different bouncing skill level.
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An Analysis of Infant Bouncing at Different Spring FrequenciesHabib Perez, Olinda D January 2011 (has links)
Infants explore environments through repetitive movements which are constrained or facilitated by the environmental context. The current studies analyzed how typically developing infants bounced in four environments that differed by system natural frequency. Four pre-walking infants (age 9.7 months ±1.8) were placed in four spring conditions with natural spring frequencies of 0.9, 1.15, 1.27 and 1.56 Hz. All infants bounced above the natural spring frequency in all conditions suggesting that they do not solely behave like a mass-spring system. Two patterns of bouncing adaptations were identified. Three infants regulated bounce frequency, while one infant regulated the percentage of time on the ground. When infants matched their bounce frequency to the natural frequency, trunk vertical displacement and joint ranges of motion decreased across conditions and demonstrated a shift from non-spring like to circular spring-like phase planes. Moderate to high correlations were found for inter- and intra-limb coordination. Conversely, when an infant regulated time on the ground, trunk vertical displacement and joint ranges of motion remained the same across conditions and inter- and intra-limb correlations were low to moderate. Phase planes remained circular spring-like for this infant. Asymmetrical loading patterns and decreasing vertical ground reaction forces were found in all infants suggesting that a timing component is always regulated. The difference in bouncing pattern may be indicative of different bouncing skill level.
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