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Minimal contrasts and maximal oppositions : an evidence-based practice briefCrockett, Jeffrey Neil 07 August 2012 (has links)
This report presents a comprehensive review of efficacy studies for minimal contrasts therapy and maximal oppositions therapy. The target population was defined as children with phonological disorders who had no co-occurring impairments in hearing, receptive language, speech articulation, or oral-motor structure and function. Thirty three minimal contrasts studies from 1981 to 2008 and six maximal oppositions studies from 1990 to 2008 were identified. No studies from 2009 to 2012 were found. The majority of the studies were either Level III (descriptive studies, 34.2%) or Level IIb (quasi-experimental studies, 57.9%). Twenty three studies reported treatment duration, which ranged from six to 58 hours. Based on reports of treatment success and generalization to new linguistic and communicative contexts, it was found that minimal contrasts therapy has greater support in the literature. Additional studies using a uniform methodology will be needed to establish the validity of maximal oppositions therapy. Recommendations are made for future studies of minimal contrasts and maximal oppositions. / text
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Phonological Awareness and its Role at the Elementary Level of Reading Skills Formation / Fonologinis suvokimas ir jo įtaka formuojant skaitymo įgūdžius pradiniame etapeKniukštaitė, Sandra 25 May 2005 (has links)
This paper is an attempt to investigate the significance of the phonological component for the successful reading process at the elementary stage of learning a foreign language. Phonological awareness, the ability to segment language into smaller components and consciously manipulate them, together with the phonemic awareness, i.e. the ability to discriminate the individual phonemes within words, have been extensively studied since the 1980’s. Their causal role in reading acquisition is considered to be the single most powerful advance in the science and pedagogy of reading this century. However, this phonological component of reading skills formation has not yet been extensively examined in Lithuanian schools, while a number of scholars have proved the inter-relationship of the above mentioned skills by different experiments, conducted in foreign countries.
The paper comprises three parts. In the first part Reading as a Cognitive Process the views about the cognitive process of reading of such scholars as G. V. Rogova, J. Harmer, F. Davies and many others are discussed. The second part of the paper, The Taxonomy of Phonological Awareness, deals with the phonological as well as phonemic awareness and their role in reading acquisition. The scholars K. Hempenstall, P.E. Bryant, R. Sensenbaugh, and some others are analysed here. In The Experimental Part of the paper, the hypothesis, that the presence of phonological awareness stimulates reading skills and vice versa, the... [to full text]
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Exploring the nature of the phonological deficit in dyslexia : are phonological representations impaired?Dickie, Catherine Elizabeth January 2009 (has links)
Developmental dyslexia is widely believed to be caused either mainly or in part by an impairment of phonological representations. Although this hypothesis predicts that individuals with dyslexia should show deficits in tasks which require the use of implicit phonological knowledge, this has not yet been directly tested, as the evidence cited in support of this hypothesis usually comes from metalinguistic tasks which demand explicit awareness of phonological units. Additionally, since the ability to perform metalinguistic tasks which involve phonological segments can be enhanced by an individual’s competence in alphabetic literacy, the possibility remains that phonological skills may have been inadequately isolated from the influences of literacy acquisition in many cases. The study reported in this thesis investigated both the representations and the metalinguistic skills of a group of adults with a history of developmental dyslexia, examining areas of phonology which do and do not have orthographic counterparts. To isolate phonological skills from orthographic skills, the representations of conventional segmental contrasts (e.g. /k/ vs /g/) were compared with the representation of suprasegmental contrasts (as seen in minimal pairs such as ′toy factory and toy ′factory), which have no orthographic counterpart. Basic metalinguistic skills were tested by means of a phonological awareness task targeting both segmental and suprasegmental units, and phonological manipulation skills were tested using a Pig Latin task and a Spoonerism task, where participants were required to manipulate both segmental and suprasegmental units (e.g. extracting the segment /b/ from consonant clusters and the main stress from SWW or WSW stress patterns). The results showed that although the performance of the dyslexic group was weaker than that of the control group when tasks required the manipulation of either the segmental or suprasegmental components of words, no evidence was found for a deficit in the tasks which drew on implicit representations or basic metalinguistic skills. These findings suggest that the phonological deficit in dyslexia may be restricted to the ability to manipulate phonological units rather than in the representation of them per se.
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The Phonological Development of Malaysian English Speaking Chinese Children: A Normative Study.Phoon, Hooi San January 2010 (has links)
The lack of culturally appropriate norms for assessing the speech and language status of Malaysian children has been an ongoing issue in Malaysia. At present, there are no normative data against which to assess the phonological skills of Malaysian children. Malaysian Chinese children are usually bilingual or multilingual. They acquire English, Mandarin Chinese and Malay during their preschool years. English that is used in Malaysia is commonly recognized as Malaysian English (MalE). MalE has distinctive phonological characteristics that are different from those of so-called Standard English (SE). However, the variations of MalE may not be completely understood by many speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in Malaysia, and this may lead to difficulty in differentiating speech differences resulting from MalE dialectal features and true speech disorders. As well as establishing speech norms for MalE speaking children, information is needed about the current assessment practices of the phonological development of MalE speaking children. Three studies were carried out for the present thesis.
The first study was designed to provide insight into Malaysian SLPs’ perspectives on the current use of articulation and phonology assessments in the country. It reports the results of a survey of 38 Malaysian SLPs in term of the types of articulation and phonological assessments currently used, SLPs’ perceptions about the adequacy and accuracy of current articulation and phonological assessment in meeting clinical needs, the experiences of SLPs in using current articulation and phonological assessments, as well as their perception of the need for further research in the areas of articulation and phonology. The findings indicated that informal articulation or phonological assessments were widely used. Only a minority of the respondents used standardized articulation or phonological assessments. The majority of the respondents felt that the lack of locally developed standardized tests and the utilization of informal assessments of articulation and phonology in their clinics did not provide accurate diagnoses or intervention plans. They felt that there was a need for collecting phonological developmental data and creating articulation and phonology assessments for Malaysian children.
The second study was designed to identify characteristics of the consonant and vowel inventories of MalE as well as phonetic realizations of speech sounds, by investigating the speech production of ten adult Chinese speakers of MalE. The participants were asked to read a list of 206 single words which contained all expected MalE consonants, consonant clusters and vowels. These speech sounds were sampled in several different words and in different syllable-word positions. This study goes beyond previous studies of MalE phonology by using a quantitative auditory phonetic analysis. The characteristics observed were first categorized according to their frequency of occurrence and then further grouped into categories based on the possible influences of British English or American English as well as local Malaysian languages (Mandarin Chinese and Malay) and dialects. The interference patterns within MalE resulting from the influence of local languages and Chinese dialects were also discussed. The phonological features of MalE which converged with developmental phonological processes in SE children were explored. An understanding of the phonological features and realizations of MalE speech sounds is important because this will help speech-language pathologists to differentiate dialectal phonological features exhibited by MalE speaking children from phonological differences and disorders.
The third study which was also the major study of this thesis was designed to provide valid and reliable normative data for the phonological development of MalE speaking Chinese children between the ages of 3 and 7 years. This study provided a description of the children’s phonological system in MalE in terms of i) age of acquisition of speech sounds, ii) speech sound accuracy and iii) phonological process use. 264 typically developing English speaking Malaysian Chinese children between the ages of 3 and 7 years were recruited to participate in this cross-sectional study. In a pilot study, eleven words were eliminated from the list used in the second study, leaving a list of 195 words which sampled consonants, consonant clusters and vowels in various syllable-word positions and phonotactic structures. The words were illustrated and presented colourfully in composite pictures to elicit a large and well-controlled single word speech sample. All the speech data gained were transcribed phonetically and analyzed quantitatively. The findings revealed that MalE children’s speech sound accuracy was underestimated when MalE dialectal features were not taken into consideration. MalE speaking children exhibited phonological acquisition patterns that were both similar and different to SE. The differences found were mainly due to the cross-linguistic effects of Mandarin Chinese and Malay which were acquired at the same time by MalE speaking children. The influence of Mandarin Chinese and Malay appeared to accelerate or delay the phonological acquisition of MalE based on phonetic similarity theory.
The findings of the present study highlight the need to consider MalE dialectal features in the phonological analysis of MalE speaking children. The differences in phonological acquisition of MalE and SE indicate that the norms of SE are not suitable to be used for MalE speaking children. This study will provide useful and locally appropriate normative developmental data on phonological acquisition for MalE speaking Chinese children. Speech-language pathologists in Malaysia will be able to use it as a guideline in assessing and treating clients with articulation and phonological disorders. In addition, these normative developmental data are a prerequisite to the eventual establishment of a phonological assessment tool specifically designed for MalE.
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Evaluation of the influence of the Phono-Graphix™ programme on children's reading achievement : direct instruction of phonological processing skills with a small group of predominantly Māori students : research project.Walker, Anne January 2006 (has links)
A weakness in phonological-processing skills and alphabetic understanding is theorized to be responsible for the lack of reading development with some children. This study investigated the influence of a programme designed to use a direct instruction approach to teach these skills and knowledge on reading development. Fourteen children and the teacher from one classroom in a small urban primary school participated in this study. The students ranged in age from 7 years 7 months to 9 years 9 months, and ranged in reading ability from achieving below to achieving above their comparable chronological age in reading. At the time of the study, the school roll consisted of 81% Maori, 2% Cook Island, and 17% New Zealand European. Of the 14 students involved in the study, 12 were Maori, one was a Cook Island Maori and one was New Zealand European. The study took place over nine months, and consisted of 20-minute direct instruction sessions on phonological-processing skills and alphabetic knowledge and understanding, supported by other daily practice sessions as suggested by the programme's curriculum. Children were administered a range of tests on phonological-processing skills, word attack and identification, and reading comprehension and attitude at the beginning, middle and end of the study period. Comparisons and analysis of the data revealed that there were differences with all groups; i.e., those achieving in reading at, above, or below their expected level, with all aspects tested. Because of other interventions put into place by the classroom teacher, it is not possible to fully attribute the development of skills and understanding, and acquisition of knowledge, to the implementation of the programme. Nevertheless, these results suggest that children responded favourably to the specific, explicit teaching. Although this study was small, the positive response of the Maori and Cook Island Maori participants is worthy of further or closer investigation.
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Phonological Trends in the Lexicon: The Role of ConstraintsBecker, Michael 01 February 2009 (has links)
This dissertation shows that the generalizations that speakers project from the lexical exceptions of their language are biased to be natural and output-oriented, and it offers a model of the grammar that derives these biases by encoding lexical exceptions in terms of lexically-specific rankings of universal constraints in Optimality Theory (Prince & Smolensky 1993/2004). In this model, lexical trends, i.e. the trends created by the phonological patterning of lexical exceptions, are incorporated into a grammar that applies deterministically to known items, and the same grammar applies stochastically to novel items. The model is based on the Recursive Constraint Demotion algorithm (Tesar & Smolensky 1998, 2000; Tesar 1998; Prince 2002), augmented with a mechanism of constraint cloning (Pater 2006, 2008b). Chapter 2 presents a study of Turkish voicing alternations, showing that speakers replicate the effects that place of articulation and phonological size have on the distribution of voicing alternations in the lexicon, yet speakers ignore the effects of vowel height and backness. This behavior is tied to the absence of regular effects of vowel quality on obstruent voicing cross-linguistically, arguing for a model that derives regular phonology and irregular phonology from the same universal set of OT constraints. Chapter 3 presents a study of Hebrew allomorph selection, where there is a trend for preferring the plural suffix [-ot] with stems that have [o] in them, which is analyzed as a markedness pressure. The analysis of the trend in terms of markedness, i.e. constraints on output forms, predicts that speakers look to the plural stem vowel in their choice of the plural suffix, and ignore the singular stem. Since real Hebrew stems that have [o] in the plural also have [o] in the singular, Hebrew speakers were taught artificial languages that paired the suffix [-ot] with stems that have [o] only in the singular or only in the plural. As predicted, speakers preferred the pairing of [-ot] with stems that have [o] in the plural, i.e. speakers prefer the surface-based, output-oriented generalization. Chapter 4 develops the formal theory of cloning and its general application to lexical trends, and explores its fit with the typologically available data. One necessary aspect of the theory is the "inside out" analysis of paradigms (Hayes 1999), where the underlying representations of roots are always taken to be identical to their surface base form, and abstract underlying representations are limited to affixes. An algorithm for learning the proposed underlying representations is presented in a general form and is applied to a range of test cases.
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Word retrieval deficits in aphasia: effects of phonological awareness and lexical semantic processingWarms, Tanya L. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to investigate two factors that have been claimed to be associated with the word retrieval difficulties experienced by individuals with aphasia. These factors were aphasic subjects’ level of phonological awareness and their lexical semantic processing. (For complete abstract open document)
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Rhythmic perception and entrainment in 5-year-old childrenVerney, John Parker January 2013 (has links)
Phonological awareness is an important component of early literacy and many children struggle to master its key elements, such as the ability to hear syllables and rhymes within the speech stream. The hypothesis explored within this study is that since music and language have parallel auditory perceptual mechanisms then training in rhythmic activities, such as music, could lead to increased understanding of the rhythmic nature required to decode early language and literacy skills. Previous research investigating the relationship between the constructs of music perception and phonological awareness has been promising, but generally inconclusive. Within the study I examine whether there is a link between the temporal processing required to process rhythmic entrainment in both phonological awareness skills and music. The data are interpreted with respect to a theoretical framework linking music and language based on temporal sampling. The ‘temporal sampling theory’ (Goswami, 2011) suggests that the decoding of both language and music is linked to the perception of accent and beat, and that the ability to hear the onset of these accents is critical within a stream of auditory events. To this end rhythmic entrainment tasks were presented in a range of musical activities including drumming along to music and singing nursery songs and rhymes. The musical and rhythmic activities were given in several different forms, to see which would be most effective in showing the children’s ability to synchronise to a beat. These were all presented at four pulse rates (400 ms, 500 ms, 666 ms, 1000 ms). Data were collected over a period of 2 years commencing in November 2009. In Study1 93 4 and 5-year-old children were tested and in Study 2 data were collected from a further 99. In addition to psychometric tests for IQ, Word Recall, teachers from the schools provided information from the children’s Foundation Stage profiles. Phonological awareness skills (syllable and rhyme) were also measured, as was reading development. Overall, children showed greater temporal accuracy (rhythmic entrainment) in keeping time with a musical piece than in keeping time with a metronome. Entrainment accuracy was greatest at the 500 ms rate, the only rate for which entrainment was as accurate with music and metronome. Individual differences in rhythmic entrainment whilst drumming were not linked to I.Q. Children were more temporally accurate when singing than in the rhythmic entrainment tasks and temporal accuracy at pulse rates of 500 ms (2 Hz) and 666 ms (1.5 Hz) showed some significant links to rhyme awareness and to reading. Temporal accuracy in singing a rhyming word on time was also greatest at 500 ms, although simply singing along to music did not show a preferred rate. Unexpectedly, temporal accuracy in singing was linked to I.Q., and was not linked independently to syllable and rhyme awareness. However, temporal accuracy in singing at the 500 ms rate was linked to reading. In Sample 2 of the PhD I report on the results of a seven-week three group matched intervention study of 99 children. The intervention was designed to investigate whether a short intervention of either music or ‘rhythmic speech’ based around the preferred rate of 500ms would lead to improved phonological awareness skills. Group 1 was given a programme of music games and songs, and group 2 was given a matched programme of games and ‘rhythmic speech’, without musical accompaniment or singing, to promote syllable and rhyme awareness. A third group, who received no additional training acted as a control. The results show that an intervention based on rhythmic structure in either a rhythmic speech form or in musical form can be successful in improving children’s phonological awareness skills. The rhythmic speech programme proved to be a more successful vehicle than the music intervention in improving the phonological skills of this group of 90 children. Both interventions were successful in improving both rhyme and syllable awareness, but the greatest improvements came in the syllable tests. There was further evidence that an intervention in either rhythmic speech or music would impact on the children’s future reading skills. Both interventions produced significantly higher correlations with a Word Reading test than the control group. There was no evidence to suggest that a musical intervention based on tapping along to a beat was of more benefit than one based on rhythmic speech. Overall the evidence gathered from the data in this study does suggest that there are direct links between rhythmic awareness, as measured by tapping to an isochronous beat, and the children’s capacity to decode phonological information. The favoured rate at which the brain processes information in both domains, thus linking them together, is at a pulse rate with an Inter Onset Interval set to 500ms. This study’s results could be used to support the development of rhythmic based interventions, in both a rhythmic speech and musical form in support of early literacy skills in 4 and 5 –year –old children.
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The purpose of the current study was to analyze an existing data set featured in Osborne (2020). More specifically, the current study aimed to identify phonological processes occurring in the speech of adolescents and adults with Down syndrome and explore subsequent impacts to speech intelligibility. Phonology coding forms from the Arizona Articulation and Phonology Scale, Fourth Revision were completed by analyzing phonetic transcriptions and audio-recordings generated during the completion of the Word Articulation subtest by participants featured in Osborne (2020). Seventeen distinct phonological processes occurred across all participant responses. Phonological process occurrence and speech intelligibility values were found to have a significant negative correlation value (r(4)= -.7883, p= .063).
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Understanding Phonological Memory Deficits In Boys With Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder (adhd): Dissociation Of Short-term Storage And Articulatory Rehearsal ProcessesBolden, Jennifer 01 January 2012 (has links)
The current study dissociated and examined the two primary components of the phonological working memory subsystem – the short-term store and articulatory rehearsal mechanism – in boys with ADHD (n = 18) relative to typically developing boys (n = 15). Word lists of increasing length (2, 4, and 6 words per trial) were presented to and recalled by children following a brief (3 s) interval to assess their phonological short-term storage capacity. Children’s ability to utilize the articulatory rehearsal mechanism to actively maintain information in the phonological short-term store was assessed using word lists at their established memory span but with extended rehearsal times (12 s and 21 s delays). Results indicate that both phonological short-term storage capacity and articulatory rehearsal are impaired or underdeveloped to a significant extent in boys with ADHD relative to typically developing boys, even after controlling for age, SES, IQ, reading ability, and reading speed. Larger magnitude deficits, however, were apparent in short-term storage capacity (ES = 1.15 to 1.98) relative to articulatory rehearsal (ES = 0.47 to 1.02). These findings are consistent with previous reports of deficient phonological short-term memory in boys with ADHD, and suggest that future attempts to develop remedial cognitive interventions for children with ADHD will need to include active components that require children to hold increasingly more information over longer time intervals
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