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Evaluation of degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS) and easily soluble P in top- and subsoil as a predictor for P-leachingTorpner, Jessie January 2019 (has links)
Eutrophication has long been an environmental problem and the effects from fertilizingarable land is a known source. The degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS)and easily soluble phosphorus (P) are different variables used in different countriesto try to predict the leaching of P from soils. The purpose of this master thesiswas to investigate what variable can be used as a predictor for leached P from soilsand to investigate what extent P leaching from the topsoil can be readsorbed inthe subsoil. The extraction method used for DPS was the Swedish standard lactateextraction and for easily soluble P were distilled water, CaCl2-solution and artificialrainwater with recipe from SMHI used. Three different soils in Sweden were used,two arable soils with different chemical properties and one forest soil. The soilswere filtered (2 mm) and put into columns since the texture was of interest ratherthan the structure. CaCl2-solution was used to saturate the samples and artificialrainwater was used for irrigation. The results showed that easily soluble P is areasonable indicator for leached P and that the subsoil affects the total leachingof P. However, no significant correlation was found between DPS and leached P,indicating that it may not be a suitable indicator of leaching. On the other hand,DPS can be seen as a reasonable indicator for easily soluble P since the correlationtest showed almost significant correlation. The results also showed that the electricconductivity in the leachate correlates to the leached P for the arable soils. For amore reliable result, more soils should be analyzed during more days.
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The degree of phosphorus saturation of agricultural soils in Brazil and Germany: New approaches for risk assessment of diffuse phosphorus losses and soil phosphorus managementFischer, Peter 30 November 2018 (has links)
Diffuse Phosphor (P)-Austräge aus der Landwirtschaft tragen zur Gewässereutrophierung bei. Der Phosphorsättigungsgrad (DPS) ist ein etablierter Parameter, um das P-Austragsrisiko aus Böden zu erfassen. Ein bodentypunabhängiger Ansatz, der die Abschätzung des DPS durch eine einfache Standardmethode wasserlöslichen P (WSP) ermöglicht (WSP-DPS-Ansatz), wurde an europäischen Böden entwickelt. In der Dissertation wurde dieser Ansatz erstmalig: i) an tropischen Böden getestet und ii) dazu verwendet P-Austragsrisiken von Boden-P-Monitoringdaten und von landwirtschaftlichen Institutionen empfohlenen P-Gehalten abzuleiten. Neben dem DPS wurde der Einfluss der in Brasilien gängigen anorganischen Oberflächendüngung auf das Austragsrisiko mittels Laboranalysen und Feldstudien erfasst. Die Bodentypunabhängigkeit des WSP-DPS-Ansatzes wurde für Böden Brasiliens bestätigt. Infrarotspektroskopische Analysen lieferten eine Erklärung für relativ niedrige gelöste P-Konzentrationen im Oberflächenabfluss von Oxisols. Pedotransferfunktionen zwischen WSP und Methoden, die in Brasilien und Deutschland zur Abschätzung pflanzenverfügbaren P verwendet werden, ermöglichten die Berechnung von DPS-Werten aus Monitoringdaten. Erste DPS-Karten zeigten relative geringe Austragsrisiken für das Untersuchungsgebiet in Brasilien und hohe Risiken für Deutschland, die teilweise durch unterschiedliche empfohlene Boden-P-Gehalte erklärbar waren. Um mit einer einfachen und kosteneffizienten Methode sowohl die landwirtschaftliche Produktion als auch den Gewässerschutz zu berücksichtigen, wurden die Wasser- und CaCl2-Methode zur Abschätzung von pflanzenverfügbarem P mit dem WSP-DPS-Ansatz kombiniert. Dieser Ansatz könnte helfen die Herausforderungen zu lösen mit denen die Menschheit in den nächsten Jahrzehnten bezüglich P in der Landwirtschaft konfrontiert sein wird: Einer effizienten Nutzung der limitierten Ressource P und dem Schutz der Gewässer vor diffusen P-Einträgen. / Diffuse phosphorus (P) losses from agriculture contribute to the eutrophication of surface waters. The degree of P saturation (DPS) is an established parameter for assessing the risk of P loss from agricultural soils. A soil type-independent approach for estimating the DPS by a simple standard method of water-soluble phosphorus (WSP; the WSP-DPS approach) was developed on European soils. In the thesis, the WSP-DPS approach was for the first time: i) tested on tropical soils and ii) used to derive P loss risks from soil P monitoring data and from recommended soil P levels by agricultural institutions. In addition to DPS, laboratory analyses and field studies were combined to assess the risk of P loss associated with the superficial application of inorganic fertilizer, which is commonly used in Brazil. The soil type-independency of the WSP-DPS approach was confirmed for soils of Brazil. Infrared spectroscopic analyses provided an explanation for the relatively low dissolved P concentrations in the surface runoff of Oxisols. Pedotransfer functions were determined between WSP and methods used to estimate plant-available P in Brazil and Germany and allowed for the transformation of soil P monitoring data into DPS values. The first DPS maps revealed relatively low P loss risks for the investigation area in Brazil and high risks for Germany. This difference was partly explainable by the recommended soil P levels in the two countries. To consider both agricultural production and the protection of surface waters in soil P management with a simple and cost-effective method, the soil test methods of using water and CaCl2 to estimate plant-available P and the WSP-DPS approach were combined. This approach could help to solve the challenges humanity faces regarding P in agriculture in the coming decades: An efficient use of the limited resource P and the protection of surface waters from diffuse P losses.
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