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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A novel x-ray tube for the non destructive examination of light materials

Fennell, Sharon M. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Two Photon Scattering of Push-Pull Charge-transfer Organic Molecules

Lin, Yu-Chuan 07 July 2003 (has links)
Push-pull charge-transfer organic molecules exhibit large second-order nonlinear optical nonlinearity , and have been used to manufacture efficient photonic devices .We study a series of CT molecules by using the two-photon scattering method with a tunable femto-second pulsed-laser to obtain the value of the molecular first hyperpolarizability (£]) .We discuss the relationship between the£]value and chemical structure , and compare the£]values with the two-level model prediction for several incident laser excitation wavelength.

Exploring the bizarrerie : research on selective physical processes in gamma-ray bursts

Shen, Rongfeng 02 November 2010 (has links)
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the mysterious, short and intense flashes of gamma-rays in the space, and are believed to originate from the rare, explosively devastating, stellar events that happens at cosmological distances. Enormous progress has been made from four decades of GRB research endeavor but the ultimate understanding of their origins has yet to arrive. Recently revealed features in their early afterglows broadened the opportunity space for exploration. We have carried out extensive studies on various physical processes in GRBs. We showed that the distribution of electrons' energy spectral index in GRBs and other relativistic sources is inconsistent with the prediction from the first-order Fermi theory of the shock particle acceleration. We investigated the photon scattering processes within the relativistic outflow that produces the GRB and calculated the resultant emission flux from it. We showed the scattering of the GRB prompt photons by the circum-burst dust, although an attractive possibility, can not explain the puzzling plateau component in the GRB afterglow light curve. We made meaningful constraint on the GRB prompt emission radius, R [greater-than or equal to] 10¹⁴, by studying the synchrotron self absorption for a small sample of bursts with good data. We showed that a late jet, which is thought to be producing the late X-ray flares in GRB afterglows, will produce detectable emissions from its interactions with other components in the explosive event of GRB, and identification of these emissions could verify the existence of the late jet and further prove the massive star origin of long-duration GRBs. / text

Simulations of Electron Trajectories in an Intense Laser Focus for Photon Scattering Experiments

Tarbox, Grayson J. 01 March 2015 (has links)
An experiment currently underway at BYU is designed to test whether the size of a free electron wave packet affects the character of scattered radiation. Using a semi-classical argument wherein the wave packet is treated as a diffuse charge distribution, one would expect strong suppression of radiation in the direction perpendicular to the propagating field as the wave packet grows in size to be comparable to the wavelength of the driving field. If one disallows the interaction of the wave packet with itself, as is the case when calculating the rate of emission using QED, then regardless of size, the electron wave packet radiates with the strength of a point-like emitter. In support of this experiment, we explore a variety of physical parameters that impact the rate of scattered photons. We employ a classical model to characterize the exposure of electrons to high-intensity laser light in a situation where the electrons are driven by strong ponderomotive gradients. Free electrons are modeled as being donated by low-density helium, which undergoes strong-field ionization early on in the pulse or during a pre-pulse. When exposed to relativistic intensities (i.e. intensities sufficient to cause a Lorentz drift at a significant fraction of c), free electrons experience a Lorentz drift that causes redshifting of the scattered 800 nm laser light. This redshift can be used as a key signature to discern light scattered from the more intense regions of the focus. We characterize the focal volume of initial positions leading to significant redshifting, given a peak intensity of 2 x 10^18 W/cm 2 , which is sufficient to cause a redshift in scattered light of approximately 100 nm. Under this scenario, the beam waist needs to be larger than several wavelengths for a pulse duration of 35 fs in order to ensure free electrons remain in the focus sufficiently long to experience intensities near the peak pulse intensity despite strong ponderomotive gradients. We compute the rate of redshifted scattered photons from an ensemble of electrons distributed throughout the focus and relate the result to the scattered-photon rate of a single electron. We also estimate to what extent the ionization process may produce unwanted light in the redshifted spectral region that may confound the measurement of light scattered from electrons experiencing intensities greater than 1.5 x 10^18 W/cm^2.

Bestimmung der elektromagnetischen Dipolstärkeverteilung in mittelschweren Atomkernen mittels Kernresonanzfluoreszenz

Massarczyk, Ralph 26 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurden Experimente aus den Jahren 2008/09 für die Kerne 86Kr und 136Ba analysiert. Zur Auswertung mussten neben Photonenfluss- und Effizienzbestimmung auch Simulationen durchgeführt werden, welche die experimentellen Bedingungen widerspiegeln. Nicht am Kern gestreute Ereignisse und Detektorantwortfunktionen wurden mit Hilfe des Programmpaketes GEANT4 simuliert, um in den gemessenen Daten berücksichtigt zu werden. Daraus zeigt sich, dass neben diskreten Energiezuständen auch ein beachtlicher Teil des ermittelten Anregungsquerschnitts in einer Art Quasikontinuum aus unauflösbaren Peaks liegt. Die ermittelten Wirkungsquerschnitte werden mit Hilfe eines statistischen Ansatzes auf Verzweigung in mögliche Zerfallskanäle und auf Fütterung durch Zustände höherer Energie korrigiert.

Untersuchung von Gammakaskaden und Stärkefunktionen in der Neutroneneinfangsreaktion 77Se(n,γ)

John, Robert 26 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Eine der wichtigsten nuklearen Prozesse stellt der Neutroneneinfang dar. In der kosmischen Nukleosynthese (s-Prozess) schwerer Elemente werden Kerne mit Massenzahlen größer als die von Eisen (A = 56) produziert, welche durch Kernfusion nicht produziert werden können. Dabei fängt ein Kern ein Neutron ein, wird durch die frei werdende Bindungsenergie angeregt und kann sich anschließend unter Aussenden von Photonen (Gamma-Quanten) wieder abregen. Aus der Abregung über Gammastrahlung können Rückschlüsse auf die Struktur des aktivierten Nuklids gezogen werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden die ausgesendeten Photonen des angeregten Elements 78Se, welches durch Neutroneneinfang an 77Se am Reaktor des Instituts Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, Frankreich produziert wurde, näher untersucht. Dazu mussten zunächst Effi zienzkalibrierung und Addback-Korrekturen vorgenommen werden. Im Anschluss konnten mit Hilfe des EXILL-Multidetektoraufbaus Koinzidenzbeziehungen mehrerer aufeinander folgender Photonen untersucht und in einem Niveauschema zusammengefasst werden. Mit Hilfe der Winkelverteilung konnten diversen Zuständen Spins zugeordnet werden. Des Weiteren wurden die Ergebnisse einer Simulation von Gammakaskaden (DEX) und eines Photonenstreuungsexperiments am Elektronenbeschleuniger ELBE des HZDR mit den in Grenoble aufgenommenen experimentellen Daten verglichen.

An Investigation of the Isovector Giant Quadrupole Resonance in 209Bi using Polarized Compton Scattering

Henshaw, Seth January 2010 (has links)
<p>&#65279;<p></p><p>Giant multipole resonances are a fundamental property of nuclei and</p><p>arise from the collective motion of the nucleons inside</p><p>the nucleus. Careful studies of these resonances and their properties provides</p><p>insight into the nature of nuclear matter and constraints</p><p>which can be used to test our theories. </p><p></p></p><p><p></p><p>An investigation of the Isovector Giant Quadrupole Resonance (IVGQR)</p><p>in <sup>209</sup>Bi has been preformed using the High Intensity &gamma;-ray</p><p>Source (HI&gamma;S) facility. Intense nearly monochromatic</p><p>polarized &gamma;-rays were incident upon a <sup>209</sup>Bi target producing</p><p>nuclear Compton scattered &gamma;-rays that were detected using the HI&gamma;S</p><p>NaI(Tl) Detector Array (HINDA). The HINDA array consists of six</p><p>large (10''x10'') NaI(Tl) core crystals, each surrounded by an</p><p>optically segmented 3'' thick NaI(Tl) annulus. The scattered &gamma;-rays</p><p>both parallel and perpendicular to the plane of polarization were</p><p>detected at scattering angles of 55&deg; and 125&deg; with</p><p>respect to the beam axis. This was motivated by the realization that</p><p>the term representing the interference between the electric dipole</p><p>(E1) and electric quadrupole (E2) amplitudes, which appears in the</p><p>theoretical expression for the ratio of the polarized cross sections,</p><p>has a sign difference between the forward and backward angles and also</p><p>changes sign as the incident &gamma;-ray energy is scanned over the E2</p><p>resonance energy. The ratio of cross sections perpendicular and</p><p>parallel to the plane of polarization of the incident &gamma;-ray were</p><p>measured for thirteen different incident &gamma;-ray energies between 15 and</p><p>26 MeV at these two angles and used to extract the parameters of the</p><p>IVGQR in <sup>209</sup>Bi.</p><p></p></p><p><p></p><p>The polarization ratio was calculated at 55&deg; and</p><p>125&deg; using a model consisting of E1 and E2 giant resonances as</p><p>well as a modified Thomson scattering amplitude. The parameters of the E1 giant</p><p>resonance came from previous measurements of the Giant Dipole</p><p>Resonance (GDR) </p><p>in <sup>209</sup>Bi. The finite size of the nucleus was</p><p>accounted for by introducing a charge form factor in the (modified)</p><p>Thomson amplitude. This form factor was obtained from</p><p>measurements of the charge density in inelastic electron scattering</p><p>experiments. </p><p></p></p><p><p></p><p>The resulting curves were fit to the data by varying the</p><p>E2 parameters until a minimum value of the &chi;<sup>2</sup> was found.</p><p>The resulting parameters from the fit yield an IVGQR in <sup>209</sup>Bi</p><p>located at E<sub>res</sub>=23.0&plusmn;0.13(stat)&plusmn;0.25(sys) MeV</p><p>with a width of &Gamma;=3.9&plusmn;0.7(stat)&plusmn;1.3(sys) MeV and a</p><p>strength of 0.56&plusmn;0.04(stat)&plusmn;0.10(sys) Isovector Giant</p><p>Quadrupole Energy Weighted Sum Rules (IVQEWSRs).</p><p></p></p><p><p></p><p>The ability to make precise measurements of the parameters of the</p><p>IVGQR demonstrated by this work opens up new challenges to both</p><p>experimental and theoretical work in nuclear structure. A detailed</p><p>search for the missing sum rule strength in the case of <sup>209</sup>Bi should</p><p>be performed. In addition, a systematic study of a number of nuclei</p><p>should be studied with this technique in order to carefully examine</p><p>the A dependence of the energy, width and sum rule strength of the</p><p>IVGQR as a function of the mass number A. The unique properties of</p><p>the HI&gamma;S facility makes it the ideal laboratory at which to perform</p><p>these studies.</p><p></p></p><p><p></p><p>Such a data base will provide more stringent tests of nuclear</p><p>theory. The effective parameters of collective models can be fine</p><p>tuned to account for such precision data. This should lead to new</p><p>insights into the underlying interactions responsible for the nature</p><p>of the IVGQR. Furthermore, with the recent advances in computational</p><p>power and techniques, microscopic shell model based calculations</p><p>should be possible and could lead to new insights into the underlying</p><p>properties of nuclear matter which are responsible for the collective</p><p>behavior evidenced by the existence and properties of the IVGQR.</p><p></p></p> / Dissertation

Analysis and simulation of photon scattering and neutron capture gamma spectra

Schramm, Georg Alexander 26 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Within this thesis two twin experiments consisting of neutron capture and photon scattering on the neighbour isotopes 77Se / 78Se and 195Pt / 196Pt have been analysed to gain qualitative and quantitative information about the photon strength function and level density in the respective compound nuclei. For the analysis and simulation of both experimental types a new Monte Carlo simulation using a fast and efficient, extreme statistical treatment of radiative nuclear deexcitations, was developed. Furthermore the influence of fluctuations of transition widths on photon scattering were investigated and quantified. It could be shown that those lead to an enhancement of elastic scattering processes. The data analysis of both twin experiments reveals non-Lorentzian extra E1 photon strength below the neutron separation energy.

Bestimmung der elektromagnetischen Dipolstärkeverteilung in mittelschweren Atomkernen mittels Kernresonanzfluoreszenz

Massarczyk, Ralph January 2014 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurden Experimente aus den Jahren 2008/09 für die Kerne 86Kr und 136Ba analysiert. Zur Auswertung mussten neben Photonenfluss- und Effizienzbestimmung auch Simulationen durchgeführt werden, welche die experimentellen Bedingungen widerspiegeln. Nicht am Kern gestreute Ereignisse und Detektorantwortfunktionen wurden mit Hilfe des Programmpaketes GEANT4 simuliert, um in den gemessenen Daten berücksichtigt zu werden. Daraus zeigt sich, dass neben diskreten Energiezuständen auch ein beachtlicher Teil des ermittelten Anregungsquerschnitts in einer Art Quasikontinuum aus unauflösbaren Peaks liegt. Die ermittelten Wirkungsquerschnitte werden mit Hilfe eines statistischen Ansatzes auf Verzweigung in mögliche Zerfallskanäle und auf Fütterung durch Zustände höherer Energie korrigiert.

Perturbative Methods in General Relativity

Eriksson, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p>Einstein's theory of general relativity is a cornerstone in the process of gaining increased understanding about problems of gravitational nature. It can be applied to problems on the huge length scales of cosmology and as far as we know it does not break down before the Planck scale is approached. Irrespective of scale, a perturbative approach is often a very useful way to reduce the Einstein system to manageable complexity and size.</p><p>The projects included in this thesis can be divided into three subcategories. In the first category the keyword is photon-photon scattering. General relativity predicts that scattering can take place on a flat background due to the curvature of space-time caused by the photons themselves. The coupling equations and cross-section are found and a comparison with the corresponding quantum field theoretical results is done to leading order. Moreover, photon-photon scattering due to exchange of virtual electron-positron pairs is considered as an effective field theory in terms of the Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian resulting in a possible setup for experimental detection of this phenomenon using microwave cavities. The second category of projects is related to cosmology. Here linear perturbations around a flat FRW universe with a cosmological constant are considered and the corresponding temperature variations of the cosmic microwave background radiation are found. Furthermore, cosmological models of Bianchi type V are investigated using a method based on the invariant scheme for classification of metrics by Karlhede. The final category is slowly rotating stars. Here the problem of matching a perfect fluid interior of Petrov type D to an exterior axisymmetric vacuum solution is treated perturbatively up to second order in the rotational parameter.</p>

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