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Selective wavelength pupillometry to evaluate outer and inner retinal photoreceptionKawasaki, Aki January 2013 (has links)
Purpose Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) express a unique photopigment called melanopsin. Capable of direct phototransduction, the ipRGCs are also influenced by rods and cones via synaptic inputs. Thus, the photoinput that mediates the pupil light reflex derives from both outer (rods and cones) and inner (melanopsin-mediated) retinal photoreception. This thesis has aimed to develop a pupillometric test that provides quantitative information about the functional status of outer and inner retinal photoreception in healthy eyes and in eyes with retinal degeneration. In addition to regulating the pupil light reflex, the ipRGCs signal light information for the circadian rhythm, thus, these two non-visual physiologic responses to inner retinal photoreception were examined simultaneously. Methods Pupil responses to a long and short wavelength light over a range of intensities (under conditions of light, mesopic and dark adaptation) were recorded using a customized infrared computerized pupillometer. Results were compared for two groups: patients with retinitis pigmentosa and controls. The response function threshold intensity and a half-max intensity was determined from the rod-weighted and cone-weighted pupil responses and correlated to extent of visual loss. The pupil response to light offset was assessed as a measure of direct melanopsin activation. Lastly, pupil responses to red and blue light at equal photo flux were recorded hourly during a 24-hour period and correlated to salivary melatonin concentrations in healthy subjects. Results In normal eyes, the blue light evoked greater pupil responses compared to equiluminant red light. With increasing intensity, pupil contraction became more sustained which was most apparent with the brightest blue light. In patients with retinitis pigmentosa, the pupil responses mediated predominantly by rod and cone activation were significantly reduced compared to controls, (p<0.001) and the relative decrease in their contribution resulted in a greater influence of melanopsin on the post-stimulus response. Even at endstage retinal degeneration, pupil responses that derived predominantly from residual cone activity were detectable. The threshold intensity of the rod-mediated, but not cone-mediated, pupil response was also significantly reduced (p=0.006) in patients and the half-maximal intensity of rods correlated with severity of visual loss (r2=0.7 and p=0.02). In healthy controls, the melanopsin-mediated pupil response demonstrated a circadian modulation whereas the cone-mediated pupil response did not. Conclusion Early and progressive loss of rod function in mild-moderate stages of retinitis pigmentosa is detectable and quantifiable as a progressive loss of pupillary sensitivity to extremely dim blue lights obtained under conditions of dark adaptation. In advanced stages of retinal degeneration, chromatic pupillometry is more sensitive than standard electroretinography for detecting residual levels of rod and especially cone activity. In addition, selective wavelength pupillometry can assess non-visual light-dependent functions. The timing of the post-stimulus pupil response to blue light is in phase with melatonin secretion, suggesting a circadian regulation of this pupil parameter. / Bakgrund Jätteganglieceller (intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells, ipRGCs) är en klass av fotoreceptorer som utnyttjar ett unikt vitamin-A-baserat fotopigment som kallas melanopsin. Utöver deras direkta ljuskänslighet, mottar ipRGCs stimulerande och hämmande synaptiska signaler från andra fotoreceptorer (tappar och stavar) som därigenom kan modulera aktiviteten hos ipRGCs. Ögats pupillreflex medieras alltså av ljus både via yttre (stavar och tappar) och inre (melanopsin-medierad) retinal fotoreception, och den gemensamma afferenta pupillomotor-signalen leds till den pretectala nucleus olivarius via axoner från ipRGCs. Arbetet i denna avhandling syftar till att utveckla ett kliniskt pupilltest som ger kvantitativ information om yttre och inre retinala fotoreceptorers funktionella status hos friska försökspersoner och patienter med retinal degeneration. Förutom att styra pupillreflexen, skickar ipRGCs även impulser som påverkar kroppens dygnsrytm. Därför ingår även en delstudie i vilken ipRGCs aktivitet studeras genom att avläsa icke-visuella fysiologiska reaktioner på inre retinal fotoreception. Metoder Ljus av lång (röd) respektive kort (blå) våglängd presenterades med stegvis ökad ljusstyrka för att selektivt stimulera stavar, tappar eller melanopsin. Pupillreaktionerna registrerades med en infraröd datoriserad pupillometer och jämfördes mellan friska kontroller och patienter med retinitis pigmentosa. I uppföljande experiment gjordes mer noggranna tester i syfte att isolera aktiveringen av varje ljusmottagande element. Tröskelintensiteten för stav- eller tapp-medierad pupillreaktion bestämdes med linjär regressionsanalys. Reaktionskurvan för stavmedierad pupillreflex kvantifierades (halv-maximal intensitet) och jämfördes med svårighetsgraden av sjukdomen i två familjer med samma sjukdomsframkallande mutation för retinitis pigmentosa. För att undersöka icke-visuella reaktioner på inre fotoreception från ipRGCs, undersöktes pupillreaktion på rött och blått ljus varje timme under en 24-timmarsperiod och korrelerades till melatoninkoncentration i saliv hos friska personer med normal syn. Resultat I normala ögon, gav blått ljus en kraftigare pupillreaktion jämfört med rött ljus av samma ljusstyrka. Med ökande intensitet, blev pupillkontraktionen mer ihållande, vilket var tydligast med starkt blått ljus. Hos patienter med retinitis pigmentosa, var både tapp- och stav-medierad pupillreaktion signifikant reducerad jämfört med kontroller, (p<0,001). Patienter med avancerad sjukdom och icke-reaktivt elektro-retinogram hade fortfarande mätbar pupillreflex, huvudsakligen härrörande från kvarvarande stavaktivitet. I två familjer med retinitis pigmentosa beroende på en enda missense-mutation av NR2E3 genen, var tröskelvärdet för stavmedierad pupillreflex signifikant reducerat (p= 0,006) och korrelerade till sjukdomens svårighetsgrad. Tappmedierad pupillreflex hos dessa patienter skilde sig dock inte signifikant från kontroller, trots att fotopiskt (tapp) elektroretinogram var klart avvikande. Hos friska kontroller visade melanopsinmedierat pupillsvar en dygnsvariation medan tapp-medierat pupillsvar inte gjorde det. Slutsatser Som tillägg till standardundersökningar kan selektiv våglängds-pupillometri (kromatisk pupillometri) vara användbart för utvärdering av funktionen hos stavar och tappar. Denna avhandling visar att tidig och gradvis förlust av stav-funktion i milt-måttligt stadium av retinitis pigmentosa är detekterbar och mätbar som en progressiv förlust av pupillens känslighet för mycket svagt blått ljus, efter mörkeradaptation. I avancerade stadier av retinal degeneration är kromatisk pupillometri känsligare än standardelektroretinografi för att detektera kvarvarande nivåer av stav- och speciellt tapp-aktivitet. Hos unga patienter, där elektroretinografi kan vara tekniskt svårt, är pupillometri en lovande teknik för att värdera yttre retinal fotoreception relaterad till synfunktion. Dessutom kan selektiv våglängdspupillometri ge information om icke-visuella ljusberoende funktioner. Pupillreaktionen på blått ljus varierar med melatoninsekretionen, vilket tyder på en cirkadisk reglering. Ytterligare studier krävs för att undersöka om selektiv våglängds-pupillometri även kan användas i samband med sjukdomar relaterade till störd dygnsrytm, som sömnlöshet och årstidsbunden depression.
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Retinal degeneration in and in vivo electroretinography measurements of Smoky Joe ChickensTran, Thanh Tan January 2012 (has links)
Inherited retinal degenerative diseases can affect various components of the retina leading to blindness. Five different mutant strains of chicken have been studied extensively as potential models for inherited retinal degeneration. The Smoky Joe (SJ) chicken is a sixth genetically blind strain of White Leghorns that shows various degrees of blindness at hatch and by 8 weeks post-hatch, have complete blindness for those that are homozygous. The objective of this study was to characterize the retinal degeneration in these birds by histology, both during embryonic and post-hatch development, and to the retinal function using electroretinograms (ERG). For both embryonic and post-hatch development, a significantly lower number of cells were found in the retina of blind birds compared to sighted (both p<0.0001). The significant contributor to cell number decrease was the loss of amacrine cells located in the inner nuclear layer. Photoreceptors were also found to potentially decrease in number, but at a later stage. ERG recordings revealed decreases in amplitudes of b-waves and oscillatory potentials in blind birds, but not in sighted. Both histology and ERG findings support the idea that the inner retinal cells are affected. The results indicate that degeneration in the Smoky Joe retina occurs mostly within the inner nuclear layer affecting amacrine cells. This hampers the functional capacity of the retina, causing blindness.
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Papel de la vitamina B12 en la actividad de una familia de factores transcripcionales con una singular arquitectura de dominios.Ortiz Guerrero, Juan Manuel 31 May 2013 (has links)
La bacteria Myxococcus xanthus, responde a la luz azul produciendo carotenoides que la protegen del daño fotooxidativo. En oscuridad la transcripción de la mayoría de los genes implicados en la síntesis de estos pigmentos es reprimida por las proteínas CarA y CarH, parálogas y funcionalmente redundantes. Ambas contienen un dominio N-terminal y otro C-terminal de unión al DNA y a cobalaminas respectivamente. Sorprendentemente, CarH, pero no CarA, depende de B12 para llevar a cabo su función represora. En este trabajo se ha demostrado que CarH y su homólogo en Thermus thermophilus (TtCarH) son fotorreceptores que utilizan la adenosilcobalmina (forma de cobalamina) como grupo cromóforo. La luz desmantela la oligomerización de estas proteínas y su unión al DNA inducidas por la adenosilcobalamina, lo que activa la expresión de los genes implicados en la carotenogénesis. Este hallazgo ha sido publicado en la prestigiosa revista PNAS (Ortiz-Guerrero et al. 2011). / The bacteria Myxocccus xanthus responds to light by producing carotenoid, protecting itself against photooxidative damage. In the dark, most of the genes involved in carotenoid synthesis are repressed by the paralogous and functionally redundant proteins CarA and CarH. Both of them contain a DNA-binding N-terminal domain and a cobalamin-binding C-terminal domain. Surprisingly, CarH, but not CarA, repressive depends on B12. In this work we showed that CarH and its homologous in Thermus thermophilus (TtCarH) are photoreceptors in which adenosylcobalamin plays the role of a chromophore. Light dismantles CarH and TtCarH adenosylcobalamine-induced oligomerization and DNA binding, activating structural genes involved in carotenoid. This finding has been reported in the prestigious journal PNAS (Ortiz-Guerrero et al. 2011)
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Guanylyl cyclase activating protein-1 and its regulation of retinal guanylyl cyclases : a study by molecular biological methods and a novel mass spectrometry based method /Krylov, Dmitri M., January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2001. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 86-89).
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Biological significance of phosphoinositide-3 kinase in vertebrate retinal photoreceptor cellsIvanovic, Ivana. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oklahoma. / Bibliography: leaves 120-130.
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Functional and genomic analysis of MEF2 transcription factors in neural developmentAndzelm, Milena Maria 21 October 2014 (has links)
Development of the central nervous system requires the precise coordination of intrinsic genetic programs to instruct cell fate, synaptic connectivity and function. The MEF2 family of transcription factors (TFs) plays many essential roles in neural development; however, the mechanisms of gene regulation by MEF2 in neurons remain unclear. This dissertation focuses on the molecular mechanisms by which MEF2 binds to the genome, activates enhancers, and regulates gene expression within the developing nervous system.
We find that one MEF2 family member in particular, MEF2D, is an essential regulator of the development and function of retinal photoreceptors, the primary sensory neurons responsible for vision. Despite being expressed broadly across many tissues, in the retina MEF2D binds to retina-specific enhancers and regulates photoreceptor-specific transcripts, including critical retinal disease genes. Functional genome-wide analyses demonstrate that MEF2D achieves tissue-specific binding and action through cooperation with a retina-specific TF, CRX. CRX recruits MEF2D away from canonical MEF2 binding sites by promoting MEF2D binding to retina-specific enhancers that lack a strong consensus MEF2 binding sequence. MEF2D and CRX then synergistically co-activate these enhancers to regulate a cohort of genes critical for normal photoreceptor development. These findings demonstrate that MEF2D, a broadly expressed TF, contributes to retina-specific gene expression in photoreceptor development by binding to and activating tissue-specific enhancers cooperatively with CRX, a tissue-specific co-factor.
A major unresolved feature of MEF2D function in the retina is that the number of MEF2D binding sites significantly exceeds the number of genes that are dependent on MEF2D for expression. We investigated causes of this discrepancy in an unbiased manner by characterizing the activity of MEF2D-bound enhancers genome-wide. We find that many MEF2D-bound enhancers are inactive. Furthermore, less than half of active MEF2D-bound enhancers require MEF2D for activity, suggesting that significant redundancies exist for TF function within enhancers. These findings demonstrate that observed TF binding significantly overestimates direct TF regulation of gene expression. Taken together, our results suggest that the broadly expressed TF MEF2D achieves tissue specificity through competitive recruitment to enhancers by tissue-specific TFs and activates a small subset of enhancers to regulate genes.
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Rod-like Properties of Small Single Cones: Transmutated Photoreceptors of Garter Snakes (Thamnophis proximus)Yang, Guang Yu Clement 31 December 2010 (has links)
While nocturnal basal snakes have rod-dominant retinae, diurnal garter snakes have all-cone retinae. Previous work from the Chang lab identified three visual pigments expressed in the photoreceptors of Thamnophis proximus: SWS1, LWS and RH1. I further characterized T. proximus photoreceptors using electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and in vitro protein expression. T. proximus have four types of morphological cones: double cones, large single cones, small single cones, and very small single cones. Some small single cones have rod-like features, such as rod-like outer-segment membranes and a lack of micro-droplets. Immunohistochemistry showed that rod-specific transducin is expressed in some T. proximus photoreceptors. In vitro expression of T. proximus RH1 produced a functional rhodopsin with λmax at 485nm, which corresponds to microspectrophotometry measurement from some small single cones. Current results suggest that small single cones of T. proximus may have evolved from ancestral rods, and secondarily acquired a cone-like morphology as adaptation to diurnality.
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Molecular Dissection of Multifunctional Proteins in Rod Outer SegmentsGospe, III, Sidney Maloch January 2011 (has links)
<p>Rod photoreceptors are specialized neurons responsible for capturing photons and translating visual information into electrical signals. Visual signal transduction in rods is confined to the unique outer segment organelle, a modified primary cilium consisting of a stack of hundreds of flattened disc membranes enveloped by a single plasma membrane. By concentrating important signaling molecules on disc membranes, the outer segment provides an ideal biochemical environment for the production of vision with high sensitivity and temporal resolution.</p><p>This dissertation focuses primarily on a molecular dissection of two multifunctional outer segment proteins, R9AP and rhodopsin, and also reassesses the localization of Glut1, a third protein formerly believed to reside in the outer segment. All three experimental lines relied on in vivo expression of novel protein constructs in vertebrate rods using several gene delivery strategies: conventional transgenics, retinal electroporation, and retinal infection with recombinant adeno-associated virus.</p><p>The tail-anchored protein R9AP, in conjunction with RGS9-1 and G-beta5, comprises the transducin GTPase activating complex, which catalyzes the rate-limiting step in rod photoresponse recovery. In addition to maximizing the enzymatic activity of the complex, R9AP is responsible for both the post-translational stability and outer segment targeting of RGS9-1-G-beta5. We investigated the mechanism behind R9AP's poorly understood function in protecting RGS9-1-G-beta5 from proteolysis and found that it is performed simply by recruiting the complex to cellular membranes and can be entirely dissociated from R9AP's outer segment targeting function. Furthermore, we demonstrated that replacement of R9AP's transmembrane domain with a lipid anchor preserves the ability of the GTPase activating complex to function in outer segments.</p><p>Rhodopsin, the visual pigment of rods, has a second important, yet poorly defined, function as a rod outer segment building block: outer segments disc membranes fail to form in the absence of rhodopsin. Our goal was to identify the molecular features of rhodopsin mechanistically involved in outer segment morphogenesis by designing artificial membrane proteins that could fully substitute for rhodopsin in performing this function. We observed that rhodopsin's C-terminal VXPX outer segment targeting motif is unnecessary for outer segment disc formation since it could be replaced with a targeting motif from an unrelated protein, peripherin. Furthermore, we obtained surprising evidence that rhodopsin's role in this process is limited to providing an abundance of transmembrane protein material to disc membranes.</p><p>Finally, while attempting to find a targeting motif to substitute for the VXPX motif of rhodopsin, we made an unexpected observation that the facilitative glucose transporter Glut1, long thought to reside in the outer segment, is actively excluded from this organelle. This revises our understanding of the energy flow in rods by showing that the outer segment is entirely dependent on the inner segment for its energy supply.</p> / Dissertation
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Retinal degeneration in and in vivo electroretinography measurements of Smoky Joe ChickensTran, Thanh Tan January 2012 (has links)
Inherited retinal degenerative diseases can affect various components of the retina leading to blindness. Five different mutant strains of chicken have been studied extensively as potential models for inherited retinal degeneration. The Smoky Joe (SJ) chicken is a sixth genetically blind strain of White Leghorns that shows various degrees of blindness at hatch and by 8 weeks post-hatch, have complete blindness for those that are homozygous. The objective of this study was to characterize the retinal degeneration in these birds by histology, both during embryonic and post-hatch development, and to the retinal function using electroretinograms (ERG). For both embryonic and post-hatch development, a significantly lower number of cells were found in the retina of blind birds compared to sighted (both p<0.0001). The significant contributor to cell number decrease was the loss of amacrine cells located in the inner nuclear layer. Photoreceptors were also found to potentially decrease in number, but at a later stage. ERG recordings revealed decreases in amplitudes of b-waves and oscillatory potentials in blind birds, but not in sighted. Both histology and ERG findings support the idea that the inner retinal cells are affected. The results indicate that degeneration in the Smoky Joe retina occurs mostly within the inner nuclear layer affecting amacrine cells. This hampers the functional capacity of the retina, causing blindness.
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Characterization of molecular forms of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 1 (rhodopsin kinase) in vertebrate retina and pineal gland /Zhao, Xinyu. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1997. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [123]-141).
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