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Modelagens física e numérica de solo colapsível reforçado por colunas de solo laterítico compactado / Physical and numerical modelling of a collapsible soil reinforced with compacted lateritic soil columnsPereira, Mara Sarro 05 July 2018 (has links)
Normalmente fundações diretas não são utilizadas em solos colapsáveis devido à falta de soluções econômicas e eficientes para melhorar essa condição crítica de terreno. Quando estes solos são inundados, a água afeta sua estrutura provocando uma redução de volume, e consequentemente grandes recalques nas fundações. Por outro lado, a maioria dos solos colapsíveis em regiões tropicais está sujeita a intenso intemperismo e laterização, os quais são responsáveis por melhorar as propriedades do solo após compactação. Por esta razão, solos lateríticos colapsíveis em forma compactada são comumente usados como aterros e materiais de construção em estradas, e têm sido empregados no Brasil para possibilitar a construção de fundações diretas. A pesquisa atual foi planejada para avaliar um aprimoramento desta técnica, que seria o uso de grupos de colunas de solos lateríticos compactados, ao invés de camadas compactadas de solo muito espessas, para permitir o uso de fundações diretas. Para este estudo, ensaios edométricos simples e duplos e de modelagem física em centrífuga foram conduzidos em um solo laterítico colapsível típico do sudeste brasileiro. Complementarmente, um modelo numérico foi ajustado, usando-se os resultados dos ensaios em centrífuga, para estimar a melhoria nas propriedades do solo reforçado. Por fim, os resultados experimentais mostraram que a técnica proposta pode reduzir os recalques de colapso induzidos por umedecimento do solo, e também melhorar o comportamento carga-recalque de fundações diretas apoiadas no solo investigado. / Normally, shallow foundations are not used in collapsible lateritic soils due to the lack of economic and efficient solutions to improve this critical ground condition. When these soils become wetted, the water breaks down soil arrangement and causes the soil to compress, and consequent large settlement of the foundations supported by them. In contrast, most collapsible soils in tropical regions are subject to intense weathering and laterization, which are responsible for good soil properties after compaction. For this reason, collapsible lateritic soils in compacted form are commonly used as fills and road construction materials, and have been utilised in Brazil to allow the construction of shallow foundations. The current research was designed in order to evaluate an enhancement of this technique, which is the use of groups of compacted lateritic soil columns, instead of very thick compacted soil layers, to allow the use of shallow foundations. For this study, single-point and double oedometer and physical model tests in centrifuge were conducted on a collapsible lateritic soil typical in the southeastern part of Brazil. Additionally, a numerical model was adjusted using the data from the centrifuge tests to estimate the improvement of the reinforced soil. The experimental results show that the proposed technique can reduce wetting-induced collapse settlements and also improve the loaddisplacement performance of shallow foundations in the soil investigated.
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On the control of virtual violins : Physical modelling and control of bowed string instrumentsDemoucron, Matthias January 2008 (has links)
This thesis treats the control of sound synthesis of bowed string instruments based on physical modelling. The work followed two approaches: (a) a systematic exploration of the influence of control parameters (bow force, bow velocity, and bow-bridge distance) on the output of a physical model of the violin, and (b) measurements and analyses of the bowing parameters in real violin playing in order to model and parameterize basic classes of bowing patterns for synthesis control.First a bowed-string model based on modal solutions of the string equation is described and implemented for synthesis of violin sounds. The behaviour of the model is examined through simulations focusing on playability, i.e. the control parameter space in which a periodic Helmholtz motion is obtained, and the variations of the properties of the simulated sound (sound level and spectral centroid) within this parameter space. The response of the model corresponded well with theoretical predictions and empirical expectations based on observations of real performances. The exploration of the model allowed to define optimal parameter regions for the synthesis, and to map sound properties on the control parameters.A second part covers the development of a sensor for measuring the bow force in real violin performance. The force sensor was later combined with an optical motion capture system for measurement of complete sets of bowing parameters in violin performance.In a last part, measurements of the control parameters for basic classes of bowing patterns (sautillé, spiccato, martelé, tremolo) are analyzed in order to propose a realistic control of the sound synthesis. The time evolution of the bowing parameters were modelled by analytical functions, which allowed to describe and control simulated bowing patterns by a limited set of control parameters. For sustained bowing patterns such as détaché, control strategies for basic elements in playing (variations in dynamic level, bow changes) were extracted from exemplary measurements, and simple rules deduced, which allowed extrapolation of parameters to modified bow strokes with other durations and at different dynamic levels. / Denna avhandling behandlar styrning av syntes av stråkinstrument med tillämpningar inom fysikalisk modellering av musikinstrument. Problemet har angripits i två steg, först genom en systematisk undersökning av inflytandet av styrparametrarna i violinspel (stråkkraft, stråkhastighet, och avstånd stråke-stall) på utsignalen från en fysikalisk modell, följt av mätningar och analyser av stråkningsparametrarna i normalt violinspel med syfte att modellera och parameterisera grundläggande klasser av stråkarter för styrning av syntesen. En modell av interaktionen mellan stråke-sträng har utvecklats baserad på modal syntes och modellen har implementerats för syntes av violintoner. Modellen har utforskats genom simuleringar inriktade dels på spelbarheten, dvs. gränserna för den parameterrymd inom vilken en periodisk Helmholtz-rörelse erhålls, och dels på variationerna hos det syntetiserade ljudets egenskaper (ljudnivå och spektral centroid) inom detta parameterområde. Modellens egenskaper motsvarade väl de teoretiska prediktionerna och förväntade resultat från observationer av violinster. Utforskningen av modellen gjorde det möjligt att definiera optimala parameterområden för styrning av syntesen, och även avbilda ljudens egenskaper på styrparametrarna. En sensor för mätning av stråkkraften utvecklades för att kunna genomföra mätningar under normalt spel. Sensorn kombinerades senare med ett optiskt system för rörelseanalys vilket gjorde det möjligt att mäta kompletta uppsättningar av stråkparametrar under spel. Uppmätta styrparametrar för grundläggande klasser av stråkarter (sautillé, spiccato, martelé, tremolo) analyserades för att ge tillgång till realistiska styrförlopp av syntesen. Stråkningsparametrarna modellerades med analytiska funktioner, för att kunna beskriva och styra simulerade stråkningsförlopp med ett begränsat antal modellparametrar. För stråkarter med uthållna toner som détaché utvecklades styrstrategier för grundläggande element i spelet, som ändringar i styrkegrad och stråkväxlingar, utifrån mätningar på typfall. Enkla regler formulerades för att kunna extrapolera parametrarna till modifierade stråk med andra durationer och styrkegrader. / Cette thèse porte sur le contrôle de la synthèse sonore par modélisation physique des instruments à corde frottée. Il se base, d’une part, sur l’exploration systématique de l’influence des paramètres de contrôle (pression d’archet, vitesse de l’archet et distance au chevalet) sur le comportement du modèle, et d’autre part, sur la mesure et l’analyse du contrôle effectif qu’exerce l’instrumentiste afin de modéliser et paramétriser des modes de jeu typiques pour le contrôle de la synthèse. Un modèle de corde frottée basé sur la résolution modale de l’équation de la corde est d’abord présenté et implémenté pour la synthèse sonore du violon. Le comportement du modèle physique est ensuite examiné en effectuant un grand nombre de simulations et se concentre sur deux aspects : la “jouabilité", c’est-à-dire l’espace des paramètres de contrôle dans lequel un mouvement de Helmholtz périodique est obtenu, et les variations des propriétés du son synthétisé (niveau sonore et centroïde spectral) à l’intérieur de cet espace de paramètres. Un très bon accord a été trouvé entre, d’une part, le résultat des simulations et, d’autre part, les prédictions théoriques ou empiriques basées sur l’expérience des instrumentistes. Cette exploration systématique a permis de définir des régions optimales pour le jeu dans l’espace des paramètres de contrôle et de décrire quantitativement la correspondance entre les propriétés sonores pertinentes et les paramètres de contrôle. La deuxième partie de ce travail concerne la mise au point d’un capteur pour mesurer la force d’appui de l’archet sur la corde dans un contexte de jeu réel. Le capteur est ensuite combiné avec un système optique de capture du mouvement afin de mesurer les paramètres de jeu du violoniste. La dernière partie présente l’analyse des mesures de ces paramètres de contrôle pour des modes de jeu typiques (sautillé, spiccato, martelé, tremolo), afin de proposer un contrôle réaliste de la synthèse sonore. L’évolution temporelle des paramètres de jeu est modélisée par des fonctions analytiques, ce qui permet de décrire et de simuler différents modes de jeu par un nombre limité de paramètres. Pour les modes de jeu soutenus tels que le détaché, les mesures permettent de décrire des stratégies de contrôle pour des tâches typiques (variation de niveau sonore, changement de direction d’archet), et des procédures simples ont été déduites, permettant d’extrapoler les paramètres de contrôle afin de changer le niveau sonore ou la durée des coups d’archet. / QC 20100714. Gemensam forskarutbildning KTH och Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI).
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Effects of tidal bores on turbulent mixing : a numerical and physical study in positive surgesSimon, Bruno 24 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Tidal bores are surge waves propagating upstream rivers as the tide rushes into estuaries. They induce large turbulences and mixing of the river and estuary flow of which effects remain scarcely studied. Herein, tidal bores are investigated experimentally and numerically with an idealised model of positive surges propagating upstream an initially steady flow. The experimental work estimated flow changes and typical turbulent length scale evolution induced by undular bores with and without breaking roller. The bore passage was associated with large free surface and flow velocity fluctuations, together with some variations of the integral turbulent scales. Coherent turbulent structures appeared in the wake of leading wave near the bed and moved upward into the water column during the bore propagation. The numerical simulations were based on previous experimental work on undular bores. Some test cases were realised to verify the accuracy of the numerical methods. The results gave access to the detailed flow evolution during the bore propagation. Large velocity reversals were observed close to the no-slip boundaries. In some configurations, coherent turbulent structures appeared against the walls in the wake of the bore front.
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Génération de modèles analytiques pour la conception préliminaire de systèmes multi-physiques : application à la thermique des actionneurs et des systèmes électriques embarqués / Analytical model generation for the preliminary design of multi-physical systems : application to the thermal modelling of actuators and embedded electrical systemsSanchez, Florian 19 June 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir des méthodes et outils numériques dédiés à la conception préliminaire de systèmes multi-physiques, avec une attention particulière quant à l'évaluation des transferts thermiques mis en jeu dans les actionneurs et les systèmes électriques embarqués. Ce besoin émane de la recherche industrielle actuelle menant au développement de l'avion plus électrique ("More Electrical Aircraft " - MEA), qui met en œuvre de nouvelles technologies de systèmes embarqués où la gestion thermique de tels dispositifs est primordiale. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse propose une méthodologie basée sur l'analyse dimensionnelle et les modèles de substitution pour générer des modèles analytiques à partir de simulations éléments finis. De plus, une méthodologie de génération de plans d'expériences optimaux adaptée à l'utilisation du formalisme adimensionnel est également proposée. Dans un deuxième temps, deux approches numériques permettant de réduire le nombre de variables adimensionnelles d'un problème et d'étudier leur significativité physique sont proposées. La première approche utilise l'analyse de sensibilité d'une façon originale pour mettre en avant la significativité des nombres adimensionnels du problème considéré. La deuxième approche fait appel à des algorithmes d'optimisation pour réduire le nombre de variables adimensionnelles d'un problème. Enfin, les méthodes proposées ont été appliquées avec succès pour modéliser les composants d'un actionneur électromécanique d'aileron (moteur électrique de type brushless, carter mécanique), et d'un convertisseur de puissance électrique (condensateur, inductance, dissipateur) utilisé dans le contexte aéronautique. / The objective of this thesis is to develop methods and tools dedicated to the preliminary design of multi-physical systems, with a particular attention to the thermal modelling of actuators and embedded electrical systems. This need arises from the current industrial research which led to the More Electrical Aircraft program (MEA), which deals with new technologies of embedded systems where the thermal management of such devices is essential. First of all, this thesis proposes a methodology based on dimensional analysis and surrogate modelling technique to generate analytical models from finite element simulations. Furthermore, a methodology for constructing optimal design of experiments intended for building surrogate models using dimensionless variables is also proposed. Finaly, two numerical approaches which enable to reduce the number of dimensionless variables of a problem and to study their physical significance are proposed. The first approach uses sensitivity analysis in an original way to highlight the physical significance of the dimensionless numbers for a considered problem. The second approach uses optimization algorithms to reduce the number of dimensionless variables. In the second part of the thesis, the proposed methods were successfully applied to model several components of an electromechanical actuator (EMA) of an aileron (electrical brushless motor, mechanical housing, etc.), and of a power converter (capacitor, inductance, heatsink) used in an aeronautical context.
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Inertial loading of soil reinforced by rigid inclusions associated to a flexible upper layer / Inertial loading of soil reinforced by rigid inclusions associated to a flexible layerSantruckova, Hana 18 June 2012 (has links)
Le renforcement des sols en zone sismique par des colonnes ballastées et/ou des inclusions rigides représente une alternative prometteuse et de plus en plus répandue par rapport aux solutions lourdes de fondations sur pieux. On sait que les pieux subissent, du fait de leur rigidité, des moments très importants au niveau de la liaison chevêtre-pieu. Les inclusions rigides surmontées d'un matelas granulaire permettent de mieux dissiper les efforts inertiels transmis par la superstructure, mais peuvent nécessiter des armatures si ce matelas n'est pas suffisamment épais. On peut penser que la colonne à module mixte (CMM) offre une solution combinant l'effet « matelas » à travers sa partie supérieure en colonne ballastée plus flexible et l'effet stabilisateur de la colonne inférieure. Cette thèse présente dans une première partie l'étude expérimentale réalisée au Laboratoire 3S-R (Grenoble) sur des modèles réduits à l'échelle 1/10 afin d'analyser la réponse de ces systèmes sous différentes charges statiques et dynamiques. Le modèle physique se compose d'une semelle carrée reposant directement sur l'argile renforcée. Le chargement vertical et horizontal, statique et dynamique est appliqué par l'intermédiaire de la fondation. Une instrumentation a été placée au niveau de la semelle pour obtenir la réponse globale du système, ainsi que dans la partie rigide inférieure du modèle pour évaluer la répartition des efforts entre inclusion et partie flexible supérieure. Une attention toute particulière a été donnée à la simulation de l'effet inertiel d'un séisme. Les profils de moments, d'efforts tranchants et de déplacements en fonction de la profondeur déterminés à partir de 20 extensomètres répartis régulièrement sur toute la hauteur de la partie rigide ont permis d'étudier l'influence de la hauteur de la colonne ou du matelas. La comparaison entre les déplacements dynamiques de la semelle et les courbes P-y (pression latérale P fonction du déplacement latéral y de la tête de pieu), permet de quantifier la dissipation de l'énergie dans les différentes parties du système. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la partie supérieure souple absorbe l'essentiel de l'énergie inertielle sismique. Une modélisation numérique 3D confirme les tendances observées expérimentalement et souligne l'importance du rôle de la zone de transition entre partie souple et partie rigide. / Along with the increasing need of construction land, numerous soil reinforcement technologies are proposed in order to improve the soil mechanical properties on one hand and overall site response on the other hand. The presented study is carried out in the context of seismic soil reinforcement and its interaction with a shallow footing which undergoes inertial loading. The system is studied mainly through physical modelling when reduced scale models are constructed in order to simulate clay reinforcement, which is composed of a rigid lower part associated to a flexible upper part. The soft upper part offers shear and moment capacity and the rigid lower part gives bearing capacity. In order to design the reinforcement elements, the response of this combined system to different static and dynamic loads must be understood. This thesis presents results from a primarily experimental study performed in Laboratoire 3S-R (Grenoble). Two reduced (1/10) physical models consisting of a group of four rigid inclusions associated to an upper flexible part are studied in clay. Combined vertical and horizontal static and dynamic loading is applied with a shallow foundation model. A parametric study is done, varying the height of the flexible part of the models in order to define its effect on the settlements of the foundation and lateral performance of the rigid inclusion. A special emphasis was given to the study of the inertial effects of seismic type loading. For this purpose, one of the rigid inclusions was instrumented with 20 levels strain gauges measuring flexural strain, used to calculate the bending moment along the pile. This gives pile deflection (y) by double integration and soil reaction (P) by double derivation. P-y curves are thus obtained. The analysis of the dynamic deflection of the rigid inclusion compared to the movement of the foundation allowed an estimation of the energy dissipated. The results indicate that a large amount of the seismic energy is dissipated within the upper flexible part of the models. Even though the scaling laws are not strictly respected, the main objective of the physical modelling was to perform a qualitative study of the soil reinforcement, studying its behaviour under inertial loading and pointing out important mechanisms, which should be taken into account by the current practice.
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Modelo teórico para controle da capacidade de carga à tração de estacas metálicas helicoidais em solo arenoso / Theoretical model to control on site the uplift capacity of helical screw piles embedded in sandy soilCristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha 26 November 2007 (has links)
O monitoramento em campo de fundações em estacas metálicas helicoidais é baseado em correlações empíricas entre a capacidade de carga à tração e o torque medido durante a instalação. Nesta pesquisa é proposto um modelo teórico da relação entre o torque de instalação e a capacidade de carga à tração deste tipo de estaca em areias para ser utilizado como procedimento de controle durante a execução deste tipo de fundação. Para validar esta relação teórica e para avaliar o desempenho desta fundação em solos arenosos, foi realizado um programa experimental dividido em dois grupos: ensaios de campo e ensaios de laboratório. Em campo foram realizadas provas de carga à tração na Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC) e em Contagem (Minas Gerais). Os ensaios de laboratório foram divididos em três grupos. O primeiro corresponde aos ensaios de modelagem física em centrífuga realizados no Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC) em Nantes, França. O segundo engloba ensaios de cisalhamento direto de interface entre o aço da hélice da estaca e diferentes areias, parte executada no LCPC e parte na EESC. O terceiro grupo refere-se a ensaios de torção de tubos de estacas metálicas helicoidais efetuados na EESC. A partir dos resultados dos ensaios, o modelo teórico proposto nesta tese foi verificado e mostrou-se adequado para estacas metálicas helicoidais profundas com diferentes dimensões e número de hélices instaladas em solos arenosos. Os resultados das provas de carga realizadas em centrífuga e em campo foram examinados por meio dos métodos existentes na literatura para estimativa de capacidade de carga à tração desenvolvidos para este tipo de fundação. Por meio dos resultados obtidos nos ensaios em centrífuga, constatou-se que nas estacas multi-hélices a porcentagem de capacidade de carga relativa à hélice da ponta aumenta de acordo com o diâmetro da hélice e com a densidade da areia. Nos ensaios de torção de fustes de estacas helicoidais observou-se que, para tubos de mesmo diâmetro e espessura, a ruptura se inicia a partir do mesmo valor de momento torçor aplicado, independentemente de conter ou não emenda. / Empirical correlations between installation torque and uplift capacity of helical screw piles are routinely used as a procedure for quality control on site of this type of foundation. In this work, a theoretical model of the relationship between uplift capacity and installation torque of deep helical screw piles in sand was presented to be used as a quality control method for this type of foundation. An experimental program of laboratory and field investigations was carried out in order to validate this theoretical relationship. The field study included uplift tests of full-scale piles installed at the Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC) and in Contagem (Minas Gerais). The laboratory tests were performed in the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC/ Nantes) and at the EESC. In the LCPC a program of centrifuge and direct shear interface tests was completed. A set of torsion tests on pile shafts and of direct shear interface tests were carried out at the EESC. The results showed that the theoretical model presented is applicable to different pile dimensions, number of helices, and sand relative density. The methods existing in the literature for estimating uplift capacity of helical screw piles were used to verify the results of uplift capacities measured in field and in centrifuge studies. The results of centrifuge modelling tests demonstrated that the fraction of uplift capacity corresponding to the bottom helix increases with helix diameter and sand density. The torsion tests showed that the failure of the pile shaft begins at the same torque magnitude in experiments on shafts with and without connections.
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Vibroacoustic Characterization and Sound Synthesis of the Viola Caipira / Caractérisation Vibroacoustique et Synthèse Sonore de la Viola CaipiraOrelli Paiva, Guilherme 12 December 2017 (has links)
La viola caipira est un type de guitare brésilienne largement utilisée dans la musique populaire. Elle comprend dix cordes métalliques organisées en cinq paires, accordées à l'unisson ou à l'octave. Le travail de thèse porte sur l'analyse des spécificités des sons musicaux produits par cet instrument, peu étudié dans la littérature.L'analyse des mouvements des cordes pincées au moyen d'une caméra rapide montre l'importance des vibrations par sympathie qui donnent lieu à un halo sonore, constituant une signature perceptive importante. Ces mesures révèlent également l'existence de chocs entre cordes, qui ont des conséquences très clairement audibles. Les mobilités vibratoires au chevalet sont par ailleurs mesurées au moyen de la méthode du fil brisé, simple de mise en oeuvre et peu couteuse dans la mesure où elle évite l'utilisation d'un capteur d'effort. Associée à une analyse modale haute résolution (méthode ESPRIT), ces mesures permettent de déterminer les déformées modales aux points de couplage corde/caisse et donc de caractériser l'instrument.Une modélisation physique, basées une approche modale, est réalisée à des fins de synthèse sonore. Elle prend en compte les mouvements des cordes selon 2 polarisations, les couplages avec la caisse ainsi que les collisions entre cordes. Ce modèle est qualifié de modèle hybride car il combine une approche analytique pour décrire les vibrations des cordes et des données expérimentales décrivant la caisse.Les simulations dans le domaine temporel rendent compte des principales caractéristiques identifiées de la viola caipira. / The viola caipira is a type of Brazilian guitar widely used in popular music. It consists of ten metallic strings arranged in five pairs, tuned in unison or octave. The thesis work focuses on the analysis of the specificities of musical sounds produced by this instrument, which has been little studied in the literature.The analysis of the motions of plucked strings using a high speed camera shows the existance of sympathetic vibrations, which results in a sound halo, constituting an important perceptive feature. These measurements also reveal the existence of shocks between strings, which lead to very clearly audible consequences. Bridges mobilities are also measured using the wire-breaking method, which is simple to use and inexpensive since it does not require the use of a force sensor. Combined with a high-resolution modal analysis (ESPRIT method), these measurements enable to determine the modal shapes at the string/body coupling points and thus to characterize the instrument.A physical modelling, based on a modal approach, is carried out for sound synthesis purposes. It takes into account the strings motions according to 2 polarizations, the couplings with the body and the collisions between strings. This model is called a hybrid model because it combines an analytical approach to describe the vibrations of strings and experimental data describing the body. Simulations in the time domain reveal the main characteristics of the viola caipira.
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As-cast AZ91D magnesium alloy properties : Effects of microstructure and temperatureDini, Hoda January 2017 (has links)
Today, there is an essential need for lightweight, energy-efficient, environmentally benign engineering systems, and this is the driving force behind the development of a wide range of structural and functional materials for energy generation, energy storage, propulsion, and transportation. These challenges have motivated the use of magnesium alloys for lightweight structural systems. Magnesium has a density of 1.74 g/cm3, which is almost 30% less than that of aluminium, one quarter of steel, and almost identicalto polymers. The ease of recycling magnesium alloys as compared to polymers makes them environmentally attractive, but their poor mechanical performance is the primary reason for the limited adoption of these alloys for structural applications. The Mg-Al-Zn alloy AZ91D exhibits an excellent combination of strength, die-castability, and corrosion resistance. However, its mechanical performance with regard to creep strength, for example, at evaluated temperatures is poor. Moreover, very little is known about the correlation between its mechanical properties and microstructural features. This thesis aims to provide new knowledge regarding the role played by microstructure in the mechanical performance of the magnesium alloy. The properties/performance of the material in relation to process parameters became of great interest during the investigation. An exhaustive characterisation of the grain size, secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) distribution, and fraction of Mg17Al12 was performed using optical and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). These microstructural parameters were correlated to the offset yield point (Rp0.2), fracture strength, and elongation to failure of the material. It was proposed that the intermetallic phase, Mg17Al12, plays an important role in determining the mechanical and physical properties of the alloy in a temperature range of room temperature to 190°C by forming a rigid network of intermetallic. The presence of this network was confirmed by studying the thermal expansion behaviour of samples of the alloy containing different amounts of Mg17Al12. A physically based constitutive model with a wide validity range was successfully adapted to describe the flow stress behaviour of AZ91D with various microstructures. The temperature-dependent variables of the model correlated quite well with the underlying physics of the material. The model was validated through comparison with dislocation densities obtained using EBSD. The influence of high-pressure die-cast parameters on the distortion and residual stress of the cast components was studied, as were distortion and residual stress in components after shot peening and painting. Interestingly, it was found that intensification pressure has a major effect on distortion and residual stresses, and that the temperature of the fixed half of the die had a slight influence on the component's distortion and residual stress. / Numera finns det ett väsentligt behov av lätta, energieffektiva och miljövänliga tekniksystem. Detta behov är drivkraften för utveckling av ett brett utbud av material för energigenerering, energilagring, framdrivning och transport. Dessa utmaningar motiverade användningen av magnesiumlegeringar för lättviktskonstruktioner. Magnesium har en densitet på 1,74 g/cm3, vilket är ca 30% lägre än för aluminium, en fjärdedel av densiteten för stål och nästan i nivå med många polymerer. Då magnesiumlegeringar dessutom är lätta att återvinna, jämfört med polymerer, gör det dem miljömässigt attraktiva. Låga mekaniska egenskaper är den främsta orsaken till begränsad användning av dessa legeringar för lastbärande tillämpningar. Mg-Al-Zn-legeringen AZ91D uppvisar en utmärkt kombination av styrka, gjutbarhet och korrosionsbeständighet. Dess mekaniska egenskaper vid förhöjd temperatur, som tex kryphållfasthet, är låga. Dessutom är korrelationen mellan mikrostruktur och mekaniska egenskaper oklar. Denna avhandling syftade till att ge ny kunskap om mikrostrukturens roll för magnesiumlegeringars mekaniska egenskaper. Slutligen var materialets egenskaper i förhållande till processparametrar vid tillverkningen av stort intresse. En omfattande karaktärisering av kornstorleks-, sekundära dendritarmavstånds (SDAS)-fördelning och fraktion av Mg17Al12 utfördes med hjälp av optisk mikroskopering och diffraktion av bakåtspridda elektroner (EBSD). Mikrostrukturen korrelerades till sträckgränsen (Rp0.2), brottstyrkan och brottförlängningen. Det föreslogs att den intermetalliska fasen, Mg17Al12, spelar en viktig roll vid bestämning av legeringens mekaniska och fysikaliska egenskaper vid temperaturintervall från rumstemperatur upp till 190°C genom att bilda ett styvt nätverk av intermetaller. Uppkomsten av ett sådant nätverk stöddes genom en studie av den termiska expansionen av legeringen för olika fraktioner av Mg17Al12. En fysikalisk konstitutiv modell med ett brett giltighetsområde användes framgångsrikt för att beskriva det plastiska flytbeteendet hos AZ91D för olika mikrostrukturer. De temperaturberoende variablerna i modellen korrelerade ganska väl med materialets underliggande fysik. Modellen validerades genom att jämföra dislokationstätheten som predikterades av modellen och den med EBSD uppmätta dislokationstätheten. Påverkan av pressgjutningsparametrar på geometrisk tolerans och restspänning hos de gjutna komponenterna studerades. Vidare studerades geometrisk tolerans och restspänning av komponenter efter pening och målning. Intressant nog hade eftermatningsfasen en stor effekt på geometrisk tolerans och restspänningar. Dessutom hade temperaturen på den fasta formhalvan av verktyget även ett visst inflytande på komponentens geometriska tolerans och restspänning.
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Renforcement de fondations superficielles par soil mixing : Analyses par modélisation physique et numérique / Reinforcement of shallow foundations by soil mixing : Analysis by physical and numerical modelingDhaybi, Mathieu 09 February 2015 (has links)
Le renforcement des fondations par soil mixing consiste à créer dans le sol des colonnes à module mixte obtenues en mélangeant le sol sur place avec un liant hydraulique. Ces colonnes, qui possèdent des caractéristiques mécaniques entre celles du béton et celles du sol, permettent d’améliorer la portance du sol d’assise et réduire les tassements excessifs des structures surjacentes. Ce travail de recherche consiste en une étude du comportement des fondations superficielles renforcées par des colonnes de soil mixing. Il vise à mettre en exergue les améliorations que cette technique apporte en termes d’augmentation de la capacité portante et de réduction des tassements. Dans une première étape, un matériau de soil mixing est formulé à partir d’un sable d’Hostun et d’un ciment CEM III. Une étude préalable a été réalisée pour déterminer les caractéristiques mécaniques de ce matériau de soil mixing, du sable d’Hostun, ainsi que les propriétés d’interface sable d’Hostun - soil mixing. Dans une seconde étape, une cuve expérimentale a été conçue pour permettre la réalisation de la procédure expérimentale du renforcement du sable par des colonnes de soil mixing. Plusieurs configurations du modèle physique ont été testées: Il s’agit d’essais de chargement sur fondations superficielles reposant sur un massif renforcé ou non. La taille de la semelle, le nombre des colonnes de renforcement, leurs âges, la densité de sol ainsi que le type de renforcement (renforcement type fondation mixte ou inclusion rigide) sont des paramètres dont l’effet a été étudié. Les essais de caractérisation, la conception du modèle expérimentale ainsi que les essais de chargement réalisés ont permis de mieux comprendre le comportement du sol renforcé. La connaissance des paramètres géomecaniques du sol et du matériau de soil mixing a permis de comprendre l’évolution de la capacité portante des semelles en présence des colonnes de renforcement. La présence d’un horizon porteur dans lequel les colonnes sont encastrées fait augmenter significativement la capacité portante de la semelle. Dans le cas du renforcement type inclusions rigides, l’augmentation de l’épaisseur du matelas granulaire réduit la capacité portante de la semelle renforcée. Cependant, elle fait augmenter la contribution des colonnes de renforcement dans la reprise des efforts appliqués sur la semelle. Une confrontation a été réalisée entre les résultats expérimentaux des essais de chargement et les résultats provenant d’un modèle éléments finis mis en œuvre avec le logiciel Abaqus. Les paramètres utilisés proviennent de nos essais de caractérisation réalisés dans le cadre de cette étude. Le modèle a présenté des résultats satisfaisant et a réussi de reproduire le comportement physique des semelles renforcées. Le modèle n’a non seulement réussi à reproduire les essais de chargement à l’échelle d’une colonne, mais aussi à l’échelle des semelles renforcées par une seule colonne et par quatre colonnes. / The reinforcement of shallow foundations by soil mixing consists on mixing the soil beneath with a hydraulic binder in order to obtain columns with mixed modulus. These columns, which have mechanical properties bounded between those of concrete and those of soil, can improve the soil bearing capacity and reduce excessive settlements as well. This research work is a phenomenological and quantitative study of the behavior of shallow foundations reinforced by soil mixing columns. It leads to analyze and highlight improvements that this technology brings in terms of bearing capacity increase and settlement reduction. In a first step, a soil mixing material is formulated from Hostun sand and cement CEM III. A preliminary study is conducted to determine the mechanical characteristics of the soil mixing material, Hostun sand and sand – soil mixing interface. In a second step, an experimental tank is designed to allow the installation of 1 m3 of hostun sand under different density. The experimental procedure allows also the installation of soil mixing columns that reinforce the soil. Finally a device is installed in order to carry on loading tests. Different configurations of the physical model were tested. Loading tests are carried on soil mixing columns and on unreinforced and reinforced shallow foundations. Size of the foundation, number of reinforcing columns, their age, soil density and type of reinforcement (rigid inclusion or mixed foundation) are parameters we change during this study. The characterization tests, the design of the experimental model, and the loading tests helped us to better understand the behavior of the reinforced soil. The knowledge of geomechanical parameters of soil and soil mixing material allowed us to understand the evolution of the bearing capacity of the reinforced foundations. The presence of a carrier horizon, in which the tip columns is embedded, leads to significantly increase the bearing capacity of the foundation. In the rigid inclusions reinforcement case, the increasing of granular mattress thickness reduces the bearing capacity of the reinforced foundation. However, it increases the part of the loading transmitted to soil mixing columns. A comparison was made between the experimental results of loading tests and the results of a finite element model implemented with Abaqus software. Model parameters are taken from our material characterization study. It is proven that the model developed is able to reproduce not only loading tests at column scale, but alsot at reinforced foundations scale.
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Management of technology in the process industries: Matching market and machineSamuelsson, Peter January 2017 (has links)
The process industries span multiple industrial sectors and constitute a substantial part of the entire manufacturing industry. Since companies belonging to this family of industries are often very asset intensive, their ability to respond to changes is often limited in the short term. The adaptation of the capabilities of existing processes, and conversely finding products and market segments to match the production system capabilities, are an important part of product- and market development activities in the process industry. The importance to companies in the process industry of having a well-articulated manufacturing strategy congruent with the business strategy is second to none. However, to facilitate manufacturing strategy developments, it is essential to start with an improved characterization and understanding of the material transformation system. To that end an extensive set of variables was developed and related measures and scales were defined. The resulting configuration model, focusing on company generic process capabilities in the process industries, is to be regarded as a conceptual taxonomy and as a proposition available for further testing. The usability of the model was subsequently assessed using “mini-cases” in the forestry industry, where the respondents confirmed that the company’s overall strategy could benefit from this kind of platform as a possible avenue to follow. The model was deployed as an instrument in the profiling of company material transformation systems to facilitate the further development of companies' functional and business strategies. The use of company-generic production capabilities was studied in three case companies representing the mineral, food and steel industries. The model was found by the respondents to be usable as a knowledge platform to develop production strategies. In the final analysis of the research results, a new concept emerged called “production capability configuration": A process-industrial company’s alignment of its generic production capabilities in the areas of raw materials, process technology and products to improve the consistency among the variable elements that define operations and improve the congruence between operations and its environment. From the perspective of value creation and capture, firms must be able to manufacture products in a competitive cost structure within the framework of a proper business model. By using the configuration model, the relationship between manufacturing and innovation activities has been studied in the previously mentioned three case studies. In many cases the gap in capability appears as a limitation in the production system, requiring development efforts and sometimes investments to overcome. This is illustrated with two examples from the steel industry, where development efforts of the production system capabilities are initiated to better match the market demands. One example is the increase the volume- and product flexibility of an existing stainless steel melt shop, resulting in a proposed oblong Argon Oxygen Decarburisation (AOD) converter configuration that was subsequently verified using water modelling. The second example is from a carbon steel mill, where the target was to increase the raw material- and volume flexibility of another melt shop, by modifying the capabilities of the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF). Enabling EAF technologies are further described and evaluated using operational data and engineering type of estimates. / <p>QC 20170116</p>
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