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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Ottavioli, Joséphine 13 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse, financé par l'Agence de Développement Economique de la Corse de la Collectivité Territoriale de Corse, a pour objectif la caractérisation de diverses plantes poussant à l'état spontané en Corse (genévriers, pin maritime) à travers la composition de leurs huiles essentielles et résines. Pour cela, différentes techniques chromatographiques et spectroscopiques ont été mises œuvre, incluant la RMN 13C des mélanges, méthode mise au point et développée au laboratoire. Ainsi, nous avons montré différents aspects de l'application de la méthode d'analyse par RMN 13C à travers i) l'étude d'huiles essentielles du genre Cymbopogon, ii) l'étude de la variabilité chimique des huiles essentielles d'hybrides entre la clémentine commune et la mandarine Willow Leaf et iii) la mise au point d'une méthode de quantification du dipropylene glycol. Ensuite, pour chacune des espèces du genre Juniperus (J. thurifera, J. oxycedrus ssp. macrocarpa, J. communis var. communis et J. communis ssp. alpina), nous avons réalisé un échantillonnage aussi important que possible en fonction de la disponibilité de la plante. Les huiles essentielles, préparées par hydrodistillation, ont été analysées par combinaison de différentes techniques (CC, CPG(Ir), CPG-SM, RMN 13C). Les résultats des analyses ont été soumis à un traitement statistique des données (ACP, k-means) quand le nombre d'échantillons était suffisant. Ainsi nous avons montré, dans deux cas, une variabilité chimique intraspécifique. Les échantillons de J. communis var. communis et de J. communis ssp. alpina se répartissent en deux groupes selon, dans le premier cas, leur teneur en -pinène et en sabinène et dans le second cas, leur teneur en limonène et en sabinène. Pour ce qui est des deux autres espèces, J. thurifera et J. oxycedrus ssp. macrocarpa, leurs huiles essentielles présentent comme composé majoritaire, respectivement le limonène et par l'-pinène, avec toutefois quelques compositions atypiques. Enfin, nous avons caractérisé l'huile essentielle de pin maritime (Pinus pinaster Ait.) de Corse, par l'analyse de 46 échantillons provenant d'aiguilles récoltées dans les différents massifs forestiers de l'île. Nous observons 3 types de compositions, dominées respectivement par des monoterpènes (-pinène), des sesquiterpènes (germacrène D) ou par des diterpènes (abiétadiène), sans qu'il soit possible pour autant de dégager des groupes bien définis. Nous avons également décrit la composition chimique de la fraction acide de 23 échantillons d'oléorésines de pin maritime, provenant de trois forêts de Corse. Sur l'ensemble de l'échantillonnage, nous avons identifié 11 acides résiniques. L'analyse statistique (ACP, K-means) de ces résultats suggère l'existence de deux groupes, sur la base des teneurs des acides lévopimarique et déhydroabiétique. Par ailleurs, le pinorésinol, produit à forte valeur ajoutée de la famille des lignanes, a été mis en évidence, pour la première fois à notre connaissance, dans des résines de pins.

Croissance et δ13C des cernes de trois essences forestières tempérées (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea et Pinus sylvestris) face aux variations climatiques à l'échelle interannuelle et saisonnière

Michelot, Alice 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Il est probable que les changements climatiques futurs diminuent la croissance forestière en région tempérée. Cette vulnérabilité des espèces face aux contraintes du climat peut être étudiée via les cernes des arbres. Ces derniers sont en effet des archives du carbone utilisé par les arbres pour leur croissance, en lien avec les caractéristiques spécifiques de gestion du carbone et de réponse au climat. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de déterminer, à partir des cernes, les réponses fonctionnelles de trois essences forestières tempérées (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea et Pinus sylvestris) aux variations climatiques. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé une approche expérimentale en étudiant deux proxys (ou indices climatiques) : la croissance et la composition isotopique en 13C (δ13C) des cernes, à deux échelles temporelles : interannuelle et saisonnière. A l'échelle interannuelle, sur la période 1960-2007, une étude dendrochronologique a été réalisée sur les trois essences et a été complétée par l'analyse du δ13C des cernes (en relation avec le climat). A l'échelle saisonnière, nous avons déterminé précisément, sur une année (2009), les dynamiques de croissance du cerne et les variations de δ13C intra-cerne. Nos résultats mettent en évidence une sensibilité de la croissance et du δ13C des cernes des trois essences aux sécheresses estivales. Grâce à la complémentarité des proxys et des échelles temporelles, nous avons également trouvé des réponses climatiques contrastées entre espèces. La croissance du Hêtre est la plus réactive au climat d'une année à l'autre. Cette croissance ainsi que le δ13C des cernes sont fortement sensibles aux températures de juillet, en plus des précipitations printanières et estivales. Cette réponse immédiate au climat peut être expliquée par une forte dépendance de la croissance au fonctionnement foliaire et une faible utilisation des réserves carbonées pour assurer le début de la croissance. Le Chêne présente lui des arrières-effets climatiques sur sa croissance, via une forte sensibilité aux sécheresses de l'automne précédent, contrairement aux deux autres espèces. Ce résultat est à mettre en relation avec l'utilisation importante de réserves carbonées par rapport aux assimilats pour la croissance du bois initial, cette dernière étant très rapide, comme nous l'avons observé grâce à l'analyse saisonnière de la croissance. Concernant le Pin, la croissance, parce qu'elle dure plus longtemps que celle des décidues, est influencée par les températures et les précipitations de juin jusqu'à août. Le δ13C des cernes de pins est celui qui enregistre le plus la réponse au VPD, aussi bien à l'échelle saisonnière qu'interannuelle, probablement du fait d'une forte sensibilité de la conductance stomatique à ce paramètre. Les informations fournies par les cernes permettent d'appréhender la survie des espèces face aux changements climatiques futurs et peuvent être utilisées pour comprendre le dépérissement lié à ces changements.

The hydrological effects of changes in forest area and species composition in the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany

Wattenbach, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This thesis aims to quantify the human impact on the natural resource water at the landscape scale. The drivers in the federal state of Brandenburg (Germany), the area under investigation, are land-use changes induced by policy decisions at European and federal state level. The water resources of the federal state are particularly sensitive to changes in land-use due to low precipitation rates in the summer combined with sandy soils and high evapotranspiration rates. Key elements in landscape hydrology are forests because of their unique capacity to transport water from the soil to the atmosphere. Given these circumstances, decisions made at any level of administration that may have effects on the forest sector in the state are critical in relation to the water cycle. It is therefore essential to evaluate any decision that may change forest area and structure in such a sensitive region. Thus, as a first step, it was necessary to develop and implement a model able to simulate possible interactions and feedbacks between forested surfaces and the hydrological cycle at the landscape scale. The result is a model for simulating the hydrological properties of forest stands based on a robust computation of the temporal and spatial LAI (leaf area index) dynamics. The approach allows the simulation of all relevant hydrological processes with a low parameter demand. It includes the interception of precipitation and transpiration of forest stands with and without groundwater in the rooting zone. The model also considers phenology, biomass allocation, as well as mortality and simple management practices. It has been implemented as a module in the eco-hydrological model SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model). This model has been tested in two pre-studies to verify the applicability of its hydrological process description for the hydrological conditions typical for the state. The newly implemented forest module has been tested for Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) and in parts for Common Oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) in Brandenburg. For Scots Pine the results demonstrate a good simulation of annual biomass increase and LAI in addition to the satisfactory simulation of litter production. A comparison of the simulated and measured data of the May sprout for Scots pine and leaf unfolding for Oak, as well as the evaluation against daily transpiration measurements for Scots Pine, does support the applicability of the approach. The interception of precipitation has also been simulated and compared with weekly observed data for a Scots Pine stand which displays satisfactory results in both the vegetation periods and annual sums. After the development and testing phase, the model is used to analyse the effects of two scenarios. The first scenario is an increase in forest area on abandoned agricultural land that is triggered by a decrease in European agricultural production support. The second one is a shift in species composition from predominant Scots Pine to Common Oak that is based on decisions of the regional forestry authority to support a more natural species composition. The scenario effects are modelled for the federal state of Brandenburg on a 50m grid utilising spatially explicit land-use patterns. The results, for the first scenario, suggest a negative impact of an increase in forest area (9.4% total state area) on the regional water balance, causing an increase in mean long-term annual evapotranspiration of 3.7% at 100% afforestation when compared to no afforestation. The relatively small annual change conceals a much more pronounced seasonal effect of a mean long-term evapotranspiration increase by 25.1% in the spring causing a pronounced reduction in groundwater recharge and runoff. The reduction causes a lag effect that aggravates the scarcity of water resources in the summer. In contrast, in the second scenario, a change in species composition in existing forests (29.2% total state area) from predominantly Scots Pine to Common Oak decreases the long-term annual mean evapotranspiration by 3.4%, accompanied by a much weaker, but apparent, seasonal pattern. Both scenarios exhibit a high spatial heterogeneity because of the distinct natural conditions in the different regions of the state. Areas with groundwater levels near the surface are particularly sensitive to changes in forest area and regions with relatively high proportion of forest respond strongly to the change in species composition. In both cases this regional response is masked by a smaller linear mean effect for the total state area. Two critical sources of uncertainty in the model results have been investigated. The first one originates from the model calibration parameters estimated in the pre-study for lowland regions, such as the federal state. The combined effect of the parameters, when changed within their physical meaningful limits, unveils an overestimation of the mean water balance by 1.6%. However, the distribution has a wide spread with 14.7% for the 90th percentile and -9.9% for the 10th percentile. The second source of uncertainty emerges from the parameterisation of the forest module. The analysis exhibits a standard deviation of 0.6 % over a ten year period in the mean of the simulated evapotranspiration as a result of variance in the key forest parameters. The analysis suggests that the combined uncertainty in the model results is dominated by the uncertainties of calibration parameters. Therefore, the effect of the first scenario might be underestimated because the calculated increase in evapotranspiration is too small. This may lead to an overestimation of the water balance towards runoff and groundwater recharge. The opposite can be assumed for the second scenario in which the decrease in evapotranspiration might be overestimated. / Das übergreifende Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die Interaktion zwischen Landnutzungsänderung und dem Landschaftswasserhaushalt zu quantifizieren. Das Untersuchungsgebiet für die Analyse ist das Land Brandenburg. Bedingt durch seine Kombination geringer Sommerniederschläge mit der Dominanz sandiger Böden und hoher Verdunstungsraten, insbesondere von den großflächigen Wäldern und Forsten, ist es besonders empfindlich gegenüber Landnutzungsänderung. Waldflächen sind Schlüsselelemente im Landschaftswasserhaushalt, da sie den Bodenwasserspeicher effizienter mit der Atmosphäre koppeln als die meisten anderen Vegetationsformen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit war es daher notwendig, ein geeignetes Modellkonzept zu finden. Der Ansatz sollte in der Lage sein, die hydrologischen Effekte auf Landschaftsebene zu modellieren, ohne dabei die Datenverfügbarkeit in diesem Anwendungsbereich zu überschreiten. Das entwickelte Modellkonzept wurde in das ökohydrologische Einzugsgebietsmodell SWIM (Soil Water Integrated Model) integriert. Nach einer Test- und Entwicklungsphase konnte das Modell für die integrierte Analyse der Wirkung von zwei Szenarien auf den Landeswasserhaushalt verwendet werden. Das erste Szenario beschäftigt sich mit der möglichen Zunahme der Waldfläche als Folge der Neuausrichtung der Agrarsubventionspolitik der Europäischen Union. Die Waldflächenzunahme führt zu einer Steigerung der Evapotranspiration im langjährigen Mittel. Das zweite Szenario behandelt die Auswirkung des Brandenburger Waldumbauprogramms und hat eine vergleichsweise geringe Abnahme der langjährigen mittleren Verdunstung zur Folge. Der lineare mittlere Verlauf überdeckt ein ausgeprägtes räumliches und saisonales Muster der Veränderung. Die Zonen starker Effekte der beider Szenarien überlappen sich nur in einigen Fällen, so ist es möglich, dass die positiven Wirkungen des Waldumbauprogramms in einigen Regionen durch eine mögliche Ausweitung der Waldfläche aufgehoben werden. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, dass Landnutzungsänderungen, die durch politische oder administrative Entscheidungen ausgelöst werden, Auswirkungen auf elementare Landschaftsfunktionen wie den Wasserhaushalt haben. Es wird deutlich, dass ein integrativer Modellierungsansatz, der die wahrscheinlichen Wirkungen administrativer Entscheidungen in Betracht zieht, Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung liefern kann. Diese Ergebnisse werden umso relevanter, je stärker die betroffene Ressource bereits eingeschränkt ist. In Bezug auf die Wasserressourcen im Land Brandenburg ist das der Fall und aktuelle Studien zum Globalen Wandel in der Region prognostizieren eine Verschärfung dieser Situation.

The use of microbial and organic amendments in the revegetation of smelter-affected soils near Flin Flon, MB

2013 May 1900 (has links)
The boreal forest area around Flin Flon, MB, and Creighton, SK, has been the site of a metal mining and smelting complex since the 1930s. Smelter emissions, coupled with forest logging, forest fires, and subsequent soil erosion, have led to severe vegetation dieback and the development of soils containing a mixture of metals in varying concentrations. In affected areas, existing vegetation typically is stunted. Limestone applications to affected soils have served to increase pH and, in some instances, the vegetation has responded positively; however, in some areas limestone application has failed to restore vegetation, leading to an interest in examining the suitability of other soil amendments to affect revegetation in these areas. Typically revegetation programs focus on aboveground vegetation responses; however, healthy plant growth often is dependent on the presence of an equally healthy soil microbial community. Thus, this study attempted to link revegetation success with responses of the soil microbial community structure to various soil amendments. Two studies were conducted to determine the influence of soil amendments (biochar, municipal and manure compost, glauconite, and an arbuscular mycorrhizal/ectomycorrhizal inoculant) on plant growth and microbial community structure in two soils from the Flin Flon area, classified as containing high and low metal concentrations. The two studies evaluated the growth of boreal forest understory species American vetch (Vicia americana) and tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa) and overstory species jack pine (Pinus banksiana) and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) after addition of soil amendments, and the subsequent effects on microbial community structure. Greenhouse experiments evaluated plant growth for a period of 8 weeks (understory species) or 19 weeks (overstory species), after which plants were analyzed for changes in biomass and metal accumulation in plant tissue. Soils were analyzed for available metal concentrations, as well as microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, and phospholipid fatty acid concentration, which is a measure of microbial community structure. Significant effects were seen on plant growth and microbial community structure due to the metal concentrations in the soil, but no one amendment consistently impacted plant growth or metal uptake, or any measured microbial parameter. The results of this study indicate the variability of plant growth and microbial functioning in soils from the study site, as well as the inherent challenges associated with revegetating heavy metal affected soils, and underline the need for further research on plant growth and microbial community structure at this site.

Improving Models of Forest Carbon and Water Cycling: Revisiting Assumptions and Incorporating Variability

Ward, Eric Jason January 2012 (has links)
<p>This dissertation examines issues concerning sap flux scaled estimates of the canopy-averaged transpiration rate of trees per unit leaf area (E<sub>L</sub>) and stomatal conductance (G<sub>S</sub>), as well as their implications in the water and carbon balance of individuals and stands, with the final goal of an integrated assessment of 11 years of such data from two species (<italic>Pinus taeda</italic> and <italic>Liquidambar styraciflua</italic>) at the Duke Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (Duke FACE) facility. These issues include (1) the effects of allometric relationships and xylem characteristics on the gas phase transport of water from leaves and the hydraulic supply of it, (2) consideration of the hydraulic capacitance in the inference of stomatal behavior from sap flux data and (3) the dynamic modeling of stomatal conductance to environmental drivers using Bayesian techniques. It is shown that a) for resolution of sap flux in conifers at the scale of minutes under dynamic conditions, time constants for both stomatal responses and hydraulic capacitance of sapwood must be considered, (b) nighttime conductance can lead to large errors in rates of sap flux measured under some conditions, (c) variation in allometry between <italic>P. taeda</italic> individuals can lead to different rates of transpiration and carbon assimilation per unit leaf area and that (d) hydraulic time constants for the stems of mature <italic>P. taeda</italic> at Duke FACE trees varied by the stem length considered and were on the order of 30-45 minutes for a 10-m segment. An analysis incorporating all these elements leads to the conclusions that (e) both elevated CO<sub>2</sub> (eCO<sub>2</sub>) and fertilization (FR) resulted in proportionally larger reductions in the E<sub>L</sub> and G<sub>S</sub> of P. taeda as soil moisture decreased with (f) eCO<sub>2</sub> having little to no effect in months of high soil moisture and (g) FR leading to ~14% reduction of GS under high soil moisture in absence of eCO<sub>2</sub>, while (h) both eCO<sub>2</sub> and FR led to reduced E<sub>L</sub> and G<sub>S</sub> of <italic>L. styraciflua</italic> across soil moisture conditions.</p> / Dissertation

Evaluation of preferential energy absorption in earlywood and latewood fibers of loblolly pine in cyclic compression

Rueckert, Cheryl B. 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Identification, cloning, expression analysis and functional characterization of genes expressed early in Loblolly pine embryogenesis

Ciavatta, Vincent Thomas 19 February 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Induction Of Embryogenic Tissue From Immature Zygotic Embryos In Pinus Nigra Subspecies Pallasiana Lamb.

Ozkurt, Zeynep 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Cloning of trees using somatic embryogenesis could have a major impact on tree breeding and commercial plantation forestry. To initiate somatic embryogenesis in Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. subspecies pallasiana), one-year old cones containing immature seeds were collected from eight trees located in METU campus, Ankara. Embryogenic tissues were derived from immature zygotic embryos excised from the seeds. The zygotic embryos at the time of collection were at the precotyledonary stage of development. For this study, Douglas-fir cotyledon revised medium (DCR) supplemented with 13.6&micro / M 2,4-D, 2.2&micro / M BAP, 0.5 g/L casein hydrolysate, 0.25 g/L L-glutamine and 3% sucrose was used. The media was solidified with 0.2% gelrite. Embryogenic tissue initiation was calculated for each genotype and collection date. Overall initiation frequencies were recorded as 0.92% for 2004 and 1.96% for 2005. Highest initiation frequency was calculated for 5-July 2005 sampling time (4.06). ANOVA revealed significant differences between trees and collection date for initiation frequencies. Also, ECL (Established cell lines) recorded after five subcultures. Overall, 0.38% and 0.62% of the initial explants were converted into ECLs for 2004 and 2005 respectively.

Inheritance Of Wood Specific Gravity And Its Genetic Correlation With Growth Traits In Young Pinus Brutia Progenies

Yildirim, Kubilay 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In long term, to discover the genes responsible for wood production, genetic control of wood specific gravity (WSG) in Pinus brutia Ten. (Turkish red pine) open pollinated Ceyhan progeny trial, which was established with the seeds collected from 168 clones originated from six clonal Turkish red pine seed orchards was studied. Wood samples were taken by destructive sampling during the rouging of this trial at the age of seven. Specifically / (1) to examine the magnitude of family differences and its components for wood specific gravity (WSG) and growth traits (height, diameter and stem volume) / (2) to determine WSG inheritance and its genetic correlation with growth traits / and (3) to estimate breeding values of 168 families for the WSG and to predict genetic gain if selection is based on phenotypic, rouged and genotypic seed orchard by reselecting the best parents with respect to WSG. Differences among the 168 families for mean WSG was large (ranged from 0.35 to 0.44), as indicated by high individual (0.42+0.07) and family mean (0.55+0.03) heritabilities. Family differences and high heritabilities were also observed for all growth traits. Genetic correlations between WSG and growth traits were statistically insignificant (near zero), while low and insignificant negative phenotypic correlations among the same traits were observed. Realized genetic gain for single trait selection at age seven was insignificant (0.37 %) for WSG and 8.4 % for stem volume in phenotypic seed orchards. Average genetic gain in breeding zone after roguing, by leaving the best 20 clones in each seed orchard, reached 1.7 % for WSG and 16.1 % for stem volume. Genetic gain (relative to controls) at the age of seven obtained from the first generation genotypic seed orchards consisting the best 30 clones was estimated 5.2 % for WSG and 35 % for stem volume. Multi-trait selection was also proposed in this study for the same traits. Selection of best 10 families for the highest WSG and stem volume breeding values produce 5.6 % genetic gain for WSG and 27.7 % genetic gain for stem volume. For the future, the 168 families with known phenotypic and genotypic values regarding to WSG will be screened for the genes responsible for wood production.

Litter decomposing fungi in boreal forests their function in carbon and nitrogen circulation /

Boberg, Johanna, January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

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