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En prototyp av ett webbaserat placeringssystem till Södersjukhusets akutmottagning / A Prototype of a Web-based Placement System for Södersjukhuset’s Emergency DepartmentNäsman, Felicia, Horsma, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
The emergency department at Södersjukhuset is one of the largest in the Nordic region. There is a large workforce with several skills at different levels, which means that the placement of the personnel becomes complex. The problem with the current placement method is that it is a manual and time consuming process. This report aims to solve this problem by creating a prototype of an automated and web-based placement system. During the development of the prototype different programming languages were used in unison to create a website with different functions. The most important functions to create were a search tool for names, save the placements in the form of a PDF-file and to be able to clear the placements. The goals of the project were satisfied. However, several improvements can be made to the prototype to make it more valuable for the workplace. The advantage of the prototype was that it saves time for the scheduling staff. Additionally, it facilitates the work for the on-duty personnel as the placement is easily visualised for every module at the emergency department. / Södersjukhusets akutmottagning är en av Nordens största. Där finns en stor personalstyrka med olika yrkesgrupper och inom dem finns flera olika kompetensnivåer, vilket medför att placeringen av personalen blir komplex. Problemet med nuvarande placeringssystem är att det är en manuell och tidskrävande process. Målet för projektet var att lösa detta problem genom att skapa en prototyp av ett automatiserat och webbaserat placeringssystem. Under utvecklingen av prototypen användes olika programmeringsspråk i samklang för att skapa en hemsida med olika funktioner. De viktigaste funktionerna som skapades var att kunna söka efter namn, spara placeringen i form av en PDF-fil samt att kunna rensa placeringen på information. Målen för arbetet uppfylldes. Samtidigt finns det flera utvecklingsområden för prototypen som kan göra den mer användbar och värdefull för arbetsplatsens placering av personal. Fördelen med prototypen var att den sparar tid för bemanningspersonalen samt underlättar arbetet för personalen i tjänst då hela placeringen enklare kan visualiseras på varje modul.
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台灣有價證券私募制度與企業轉型之個案研究 / Case study on Private Placements of Securities System and Business Transformation張泰榕, Chang, Tai Jung Unknown Date (has links)
一、 私募引進策略投資人應強制要求先公布已洽定之應募人再定價
二、 私募協商之條件或承諾事項屬重大影響股東權益者應強制公開資訊以保障股東權益
三、 經營權實質異動不以全體董事變動是否達二分之一做為主管機關檢視標準將更為有效
四、 若係獲利公司辦理私募引進策略投資人應於私募預計效益顯現且達「公開發行公司辦理私募有價證券應注意事項」所定之補辦公開發行獲利條件時即可提早准許其解除三年閉鎖期間限制並放寬其獲利條件比較基期 / The public companies in Taiwan, either profit companies confronting the bottleneck of growth or loss companies facing the financial deficit or operating dilemma, recently conduct private placement of securities in droves for fundraising. The research revealed that a company conducted private placement for business transformation would consider the fact in connection with its incentive as follows: lower issue cost and quick time effectiveness, reducing the information asymmetric, easy to negotiate the term sheet, confronting financial deficit or operating dilemma, M&A or alliance intention, lower stock price performance and seeking stable right of management. The key success factor of private placement is choosing the right private placee. We need to carefully evaluate the status, purpose, fund source of the private placee. The research use the case company to see how the company conduct its business transformation through the private placement system.
The fund raising from the private placement and value-added by the strategy investor could bring a company being reborn through the moment of business transformation. The research also brought up some suggestion to protect the right of shareholders.
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