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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programas de marketing social : proposição e exame de uma estrutura conceitual de avaliação de resultados

Meira, Paulo Ricardo dos Santos January 2010 (has links)
A área de marketing tem sido cada vez mais demanda a prestar contas de suas ações, na forma de avaliação dos investimentos realizados. No marketing social não é diferente. A presente tese examinou propostas de avaliação de programas de marketing social, em busca do que seria uma estrutura conceitual ideal para esse tipo de avaliação, a partir da literatura, prática de mercado, opinião de experts e exame empírico da proposta em dois diferentes estudos de caso, o programa Novo Sinal, da Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre e os programas de imunização do Centro Estadual de Vigilância em Saúde do Governo do Rio Grande do Sul. A metodologia, qualitativa em sua essência, fez uso da técnica Delphi, entrevistas em profundidade e estudo de casos. A estrutura conceitual desenvolvida engloba as dimensões de avaliação de Input, Processo e Resultados, com respectivas variáveis e indicadores para cada dimensão, e ao longo de cujas dimensões a avaliação ética se faz presente, mas ainda de difícil avaliação na prática. / Marketing, as a whole, has been demanded on its accountability to give evidence of good practice in return of investments. The same situation challenges social marketing. This doctoral thesis examined evaluation structural frameworks brought by marketing literature, in quest of the “ideal” framework of evaluation, based on academic articles review, market actual practice, experts opinion, and an empirical examination of the proposal in two real cases, the “pedestrian crossing new signal case” of Porto Alegre City Hall, and the Immunological Programme of the Public Health State Center (CESV/RS) of the Government of Rio Grande do Sul. The essentially qualitative methodology involved Delphi research, in-depth interviews and case studies. The structural framework eventually developed integrates Input, Process and Outcomes dimensions of evaluation, each one with its due variables, indicators and forms or measurement. The ethical issue is pervasive in all dimensions, but not with a easy way of assessment.

"Beef lovers" : um estudo cross-cultural sobre o comportamento de consumo de carne bovina

Barcellos, Marcia Dutra de, Lans, Ivo A. van der, Thompson, John January 2007 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta tese foi testar um modelo teórico que pudesse relacionar os construtos atitude, norma subjetiva, hábito e intenção de comportamento no consumo de carne bovina. Também se propôs uma análise do impacto das emoções antecipadas (positivas e negativas), do grau de envolvimento e de diferenças culturais como variáveis moderadoras no modelo. Buscou-se ainda contribuir com a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado (Theory of Planned Bahviour – TPB, AJZEN, 1985, 1988, 1991) em estudos sobre o consumo de alimentos pela inclusão do construto hábito como um regressor independente no modelo (VERPLANKEN, 1998) e pela exclusão do construto controle percebido de comportamento (BREDAHL; GRUNERT, 1997; TOWLER; SHEPHERD, 1991/1992). Até recentemente os alimentos eram considerados simplesmente commodities, e seu estudo na área de marketing foi negligenciado por muitos anos. A abertura global dos mercados e o surgimento de novos padrões de consumo mudaram esta realidade, trazendo para a área do comportamento do consumidor tão importante discussão. No entanto, apesar da importância do agronegócio, estudos relacionando hábitos, emoções antecipadas, nível de envolvimento, cultura, atitudes, intenção e comportamento de consumo de produtos alimentares ainda são escassos no Brasil, e, portanto, totalmente abertos à exploração. Os construtos foram analisados como um modelo teórico quantitativo e a Modelagem em Equações Estruturais (MEE) foi utilizada para o cálculo dos parâmetros e teste das hipóteses (ARBUCKLE, 1999). O pré-teste foi realizado na Escócia e coleta de dados ocorreu no Brasil, na Holanda e na Austrália em 2005 e 2006. Foram obtidos 816 questionários válidos nas surveys realizadas, sendo que 400 casos foram usados para a análise cross-cultural multivariada dos dados. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram a relação existente, direta e estatisticamente significante entre os construtos atitude, hábito e norma subjetiva com o comportamento de consumo de carne bovina. No entanto, o papel mediador da intenção de comportamento entre a atitude e a norma subjetiva com o comportamento, postulado pela TPB, não foi confirmado. Uma relação direta, do hábito para atitude também foi um achado teórico relevante. A inclusão de hábito como uma extensão à TPB foi considerada apropriada, pois ajudou a explicar o comportamento de consumo de carne bovina. Os consumidores de Porto Alegre e da Austrália apresentaram a relação entre a atitude e comportamento mais positiva e níveis de envolvimento mais altos com carne bovina do que os consumidores de São Paulo e Holanda. As emoções antecipadas também foram consideradas variáveis moderadoras satisfatórias, tendo em vista que os grupos com expectativas emocionais (positivas e negativas) mais altas mostraram relações mais fortes e significativas no modelo. Os grupos que sofreram menor impacto das variáveis moderadoras emoções antecipadas (positivas e negativas) demonstraram um padrão de consumo menos cognitivo, mais habitual, e mais influenciável pelas normas subjetivas. Sob o ponto de vista gerencial, as cadeias produtivas de carne bovina no Brasil, Holanda e Austrália se beneficiarão dos resultados, pois campanhas e esforços de marketing poderão ser direcionados a grupos específicos de consumidores, com base no seu comportamento de consumo. Vantagens competitivas poderão ser alcançadas por todos os elos da cadeia pela orientação para o mercado e satisfação das demandas dos consumidores a partir do conhecimento gerado. / The main objective of this thesis was to test a theoretical model relating attitude, subjective norm, habit and behaviour intention in beef consumption. We also proposed to analyze the impact of anticipated emotions (positive and negative), degree of involvement and cultural differences as moderator variables in the model. The author aimed to contribute to the Theory of Planned Behaviour - TPB (AJZEN, 1985, 1988, 1991) in food consumption through the inclusion of habit as an independent regressor in that model (Verplanken, 1998) and exclusion of perceived behaviour control (BREDAHL; GRUNERT, 1997; TOWLER;SHEPHERD, 1991/1992). Until recently food was regarded as a commodity and marketing scholars neglected its study for many years. Although, with the global opening of markets and new consumption patterns, this reality changed, bringing up to the study of consumer behaviour such important discussion. Amazingly, in spite of the importance of the agribusiness sector, studies relating food consumption, habits, anticipated emotions, involvement, culture, attitudes and behaviour intention are scarce in Brazil, and therefore, totally open to exploration. The constructs were presented as a theoretical quantitative model and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to estimate parameters and test the hypotheses (ARBUCKLE, 1999). A pre-test was held in Scotland and data collection took place in Brazil, in The Netherlands and in Australia during 2005 and 2006. 816 valid questionnaires were obtained from the surveys and 400 cases were used on the cross-cultural multivariate analysis. Results obtained from this study confirmed most of the hypothesized relations. The authors confirmed the direct, statiscally significant effect of attitude, habit and subjective norm on consumption behaviour. The mediating role of behavioral intention from attitude and subjective norm to consumption behaviour, by contrast, was not confirmed, as postulated by the TPB. A direct relation, from habit to attitude was also found significant. The inclusion of habit as a TPB extension was considered appropriated, helping to explain beef consumption behavior. Consumers from Porto Alegre and Australia confirmed to have stronger relation from attitude to behavior and to have higher degrees of involvement with beef than consumers from São Paulo and The Netherlands. Anticipated emotions were also considered satisfactory moderator variables based on the findings that groups with higher emotional expectations showed stronger relationships in the model. Groups presenting a lower moderating impact were found to show a less cognitive, more habitual consumption pattern, and yet more susceptible to subjective norms influence. From a managerial perspective, Brazilian, European and Australian beef sector will benefit from the results, since marketing campaigns and sales efforts can be addressed to specific groups of consumers, based on their behaviour trends. The entire beef productive chain can improve its competitive advantage via consumer-driven or market-oriented actions.

Heterogeneidade nas estratégias de sustento : a experiência da intervenção planejada na etapa I do Projeto Jaíba, Minas Gerais

Santos, Kleber Carvalho dos January 2013 (has links)
O plano de intervenção planejada dirigido ao Projeto Jaíba (PJ) e elaborado pelas agências de desenvolvimento atendeu à recomendação de mudança de beneficiários determinada pelo Banco Mundial. A pretensão inicial das agências era acolher empresários rurais e, a partir da atividade desses, gerar empregos às famílias rurais locais, para, sob a responsabilidade da CODEVASF e RURALMINAS, assentar aqueles que seriam empregados e transformá-los em empresários rurais sob o estilo de agricultura irrigada. O Projeto Jaíba apresenta contexto favorável à pesquisa, pois foi contemplado com estruturas similares e esperavam, seus idealizadores, acolherem respostas similares dos envolvidos ao processo de intervenção planejada. Além de sua população, está sendo afetado por mais de 25 anos por duas políticas públicas: a constituição de um perímetro de irrigação com o intuito de modernização da agricultura e outra de assentamento rural. O interesse da pesquisa deu-se em compreender por que os Colonos Irrigantes (CIs) adotam estratégias de diversificação mesmo quando submetidos a uma forte pressão por homogeneização dos seus meios de sustento. Para responder ao questionamento, foi realizada pesquisa de campo, tendo como aporte teórico a Perspectiva Orientada aos Atores – POA. A alquimia entre o aporte teórico e os dados recolhidos por meio de questionário semiestruturado, entrevista em profundidade, observação não participante e análise documental permitiu compreender a organização do PJ não como um plano físico ou um plano de ação controlada pelos idealizadores que determinariam o seu funcionamento, e sim como arranjos sociais compostos pelas partes envolvidas, estando presentes os Colonos Irrigantes, Mediadores Institucionais (MIs) e as organizações locais e a distância. Também, permitiu averiguar a ocorrência de lutas e negociações entre atores com diferentes visões, interesses sociais, estratégias, interface de conhecimento e experiência, estabelecendo espaço de manobra, rompendo-se com a possibilidade de antecipar em um plano o jogo e seus resultados. Concluiu-se que o plano idealizado não se realizou de forma linear e executado por indivíduos vazios, ao contrário, os Colonos Irrigantes transformaram o plano em processo dinâmico e negociado socialmente. Deste modo, mesmo diante de intervenção planejada com estabelecimento de resultados prévios, os Colonos Irrigantes do PJ ampliaram a heterogeneidade dos seus meios de sustento e, em muitos momentos, fizeram diferente e fizeram a diferença. Assim, após mais de 25 anos de intensa intervenção planejada e com forte direcionamento em conformar os meios de sustento dos CIs em um sistema homogêneo e mercantilizado, direcionado principalmente à fruticultura, observa-se a diversificação tanto nos estilos de produzir quanto nas estratégias de inserção no mercado e modos de viver. Extraem-se como proposições que as agências de desenvolvimento deveriam afastar-se de estratégias de replicar experiências identificadas e avaliadas como exitosas, transformando-as em plano ou receituário indicativo de ser generalizado em outros territórios. / The planned intervention plan designed for the Jaíba Project prepared by development agencies met the recommended changes of beneficiaries determined by the World Bank. The initial intention of these agencies was to welcome rural entrepreneurs and generate jobs for local rural families in their activities for, under the responsibility of CODEVASF and RURALMINAS, settle those who would become employees and turn them into rural entrepreneurs working with irrigated agriculture. The Jaíba Project presents a favorable scenario for research, since it was contemplated with similar structures and its creators wished to receive similar responses from those involved in the process of planned intervention. Besides its population, [the project] has been affected for more than 25 years by two public policies: the establishment of an irrigation perimeter in order to modernize agriculture and another for rural settlements. The interest of the research was to understand why the Irrigation Settlers adopt agricultural diversification strategies even when subjected to a strong pressure for homogenization of their livelihoods. To this end, it was conducted a field research, having as theoretical foundation the Actor-Oriented Approach. The alchemy between the theoretical framework and the data collected through semi-structured questionnaire, in-depth interviews, non-participant observation and document analysis allowed us to understand the organization of the Jaíba Project not as a physical plan or a plan of action controlled by the developers that would determine its operation, but as social arrangements made by the involved parties, being present the Irrigation Settlers, Institutional Mediators and local and distant organizations. It also allowed to verify the occurrence of struggles and negotiations between actors with different views, social interests, strategies, interface between knowledge and expertise, establishing a leeway and breaking with the possibility of advancing in the plan all the game and its results. It was concluded that the designed plan was not realized linearly nor run by empty individuals, on the contrary - the Irrigation Settlers transformed the plan into a dynamic and socially negotiated process. Thus, even before the planned intervention with previously established results, the Irrigation Settlers of the Jaíba Project widened the heterogeneity of their livelihoods and in many different times they made the difference. Thus, after more than twenty-five years of intensive planned intervention with a strong orientation to conform the livelihoods of the Irrigation Settlers in a homogeneous, commodified system directed mainly at fruit production, diversification is observed both in kinds of production and in strategies for entering the market and ways of living. As propositions, it is noticed that development agencies should move away from strategies that merely replicate experiments identified and evaluated as successful, transforming them into prescription plans recommended for being generalized in other territories.

Zánik soukromého podnikání v Československu v kontextu právních změn v letech 1948--1964 / Extinction of private entrepreneurship in Czechoslovakia in context of legal changes in 1948 - 1964

Danielovský, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the gradual disappearance of private enterprise in Czechoslovakia in the years 1948 - 1964 based on the analysis of relevant laws and regulations. The theoretical part deals with the analysis of legislation giving effect to nationalization, these laws puts into political and economic framework of the former Czechoslovakia. Thesis will concentrate not only on the second wave of nationalization and the state interventions in the economy that occurred after February 1948, but it emphasizes that the first significant changes in the national economy appear in the Czechoslovakia in the period before February 1948 through presidential decrees from October 1945. The analytical part of thesis evaluates the progress of the nationalization on the example of the eight selected enterprises. Thesis brings finding that the conduct of the nationalization of chosen companies largely meet legal requirements on nationalization. On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account that the legislation governing the nationalization was strongly influenced by the political means that their aim was to destroy private enterprise.

The role of perceived control in the theory of planned behaviour in a physical activity context with children

Hagger, Martin S. January 1998 (has links)
A series of studies aimed to examine the role of perceived behavioural control in Ajzen's (1985) Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) in a physical activity context with children aged 12-14 years. A broader, more differentiated role of perceived control was envisaged in the theory based on the conceptualisation of control and perceived competence put forward by Skinner (1995). The first two studies examined the role of control with respect to the TPB model variables and past behaviour. Study 1 investigated the relations between intention, behaviour, attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control in 181 children. It was hypothesised that attitude, perceived control and subjective norms would be related to intention and intention to behaviour. In addition, it was hypothesised that the covariation between control and attitude observed in previous studies could be better explained by the specification of a direct path between perceived control and attitude. Path analysis confirmed the theoretical relations between the TPB variables and, uniquely, the existence of a perceived control- attitude path forming a triadic arrangement with attitude and intention. It was concluded that perceived control governed two routes to the formation of intentions: a direct, spontaneousp ath and an indirect, more deliberative path via attitudes. This relationship was subsequently confirmed in a sample of 382 children in Study 2 using latent measures of attitude and control. The study demonstrated that direct attitude-intention and attitude-behaviour paths regulated the intention-behaviour relationship and attenuated the control -intention relationship to zero. Further, past behaviour predicted control but not intentions or prospective behaviour suggesting that perceived control includes judgements regarding previous control experiences. Since Studies I and 2 indicated the diverse influence of control on the TPB variables, Study 3 diversified the perceived control variable according to Skinner's (1995) conceptualisation of control. This was achieved through the inclusion of a measure of self-efficacy alongside perceived control in a study of 1152 children. The resulting non-standard model using both latent and observed measures, indicated that self-efficacy regulated the control-intention relationship, while control remained an indirect predictor of intention via attitudes. It was concluded that the spontaneous pathway was largely due to the aspects of control related to past experiences of confidence or self-efficacy. This justified the diversification of the perceived control variable and indicated that when young people consider the control they have over certain behaviours, they refer to a number of different perceptions. To further examine the role of perceived control and examine the origins of the cognitive variables in the TPB, Study 4 examined perceived control from a human needs perspective in 1088 children. The measures included more general, domain-specific rather than behaviour- specific measures of perceived control and locus of causality (PLOC). The latter variables represented the human needs for competence and autonomy, which are hypothesised to be motivational in nature (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Results indicated that relative autonomy predicted perceived behavioural control and attenuated the control-intention relationship to zero. This suggested that autonomy was the driving force behind the process of intern ali sation, in which a person assimilates a behaviour by continual competence satisfying experiences. A final study aimed to confirm the triadic relationships between attitude, perceived control and intention in the TPB by a cumulative analysis of these relationships using the data from Studies 1-4. Meta-analytical techniques were used to produce cumulative correlations corrected for measurement and sampling error between the TPB relationships. Results indicated that the variation in the correlations may have been due to more than just sampling error, indicating the existence of moderating variables. A path analysis using these correlations indicated that the atti tude- intention relationship in the triadic arrangement tended to be attenuated by the control-intention relationship. This series of studies indicate that Perceived behavioural control is an important and diverse predictor of intention in the TPB. In particular, control was shown to be an antecedent of attitudes as well as a direct predictor of intentions and that spontaneous intention formation from control perceptions may have been due to self-efficacy beliefs and past behavioural beliefs being encompassed by perceived control. Finally, the adoption of self-determination theory indicated that more general motives for engaging in physical activity behaviour were antecedent variables of control, attitudes and intention from a social cognitive approach. Such theories helped interpret the relationships in the TPB, in particular the role of control as an important variable in the process of internalisation.

Effects of attitude and destination image on association members’ meeting participation intentions: development of meeting participation model

Lee, Myong Jae January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Hotel, Restaurant, Institution Management & Dietetics / Ki-Joon Back / Understanding association members’ meeting participation behaviors is the key to the well-attended meeting, which is a common goal of both associations and host destinations. However, little research has contributed to theoretical development in this area, and the lack of a theoretical framework has negatively influenced the validity of existing research. Thus, this study attempted to explain association members’ meeting participation behaviors, using a conceptually sound model of meeting participation, which was developed based on existing human behavior theories: the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Another main objective of this study was to test the validity of the meeting participation model (MPM). By comparing the utility of three competing models (TRA, TPB, and MPM), this study confirmed the effectiveness of the meeting participation model (MPM) in explaining association members’ intentions to attend the annual meeting. The proposed meeting participation model was empirically examined using the data collected from 245 members of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (CHRIE). The results of model development revealed that the MPM fits the data very well, providing a systematic view of the decision-making process of association meeting participation. In addition, the findings of the model comparison using the structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that all three competing models successfully provide a theoretical base for understanding association members’ meeting participation behaviors. Specifically, the MPM provided a fuller understanding of meeting participation intention by adding two predictor variables (destination image and past meeting participation experience) to the TPB. This study is the first research effort to investigate what makes association members attend, or not attend, association meetings based on theoretical frameworks. TRA and TPB provided the necessary theoretical ground to develop the meeting participation model (MPM). By adding a domain specific predictor variable (destination image) and a non-volitional habitual construct (past experience) to the original latent constructs conceptualized in pure TRA/TPB models, the MPM emerged as a theoretically strong and parsimonious framework for understanding association members’ meeting participation behaviors. The results of the current study present a strong step toward providing practical as well as theoretical implications for future convention research.

A Goal-Striving Model for Consumers' Deliberate Counterfeit-Consumption Behavior

Wu, Jiayun, Wu, Jiayun January 2011 (has links)
Counterfeit consumption is becoming widespread, developing into a problem of international significance. In an attempt to develop a refined understanding of the motivations and decision-making processes of consumers' deliberate counterfeit-consumption behavior, this empirical study not only integrates the theory of planned behavior and insights from self-regulatory theories, but also extends these theories by re-conceptualizing the relationships among key constructs with the inclusion of action desire. This research also introduces and integrates a new construct, namely consumers' Perceived Counterfeit Detection (PCD) by important others.Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods consisting of in-depth interviews and a self-administered paper questionnaire, this research empirically tested a proposed goal-striving model for deliberate counterfeit-consumption behavior, using structural equations modeling. Results demonstrated PCD's existence and supported a refined goal-striving model, based upon which effective strategies to decrease consumer's counterfeit consumption are discussed.

Multi-income level investment in golf estates

Ngubeni, Steven Piet January 2007 (has links)
The government of South African has stated its intentions to enforce a policy which will compel developers of upmarket residential properties to set aside 20 percent of their upmarket residential developments to accommodate affordable housing. The developers on the other hand, have expressed concerns about this approach. The principal aim of this study and of the research was to investigate the desirability of the concept of multi-income-level investment approach to the development of golf estates. A phenomenological strand of qualitative research method was used in the research. The following formed the focal point of the research: • An investigation into the perceptions of the stakeholders, especially the buyers of up-market properties, about mixed-income-level investments in golf estates. • The potential effect of the implementation of including affordable housing in the development of golf estates • An investigation of the perceived effect on the profitability of investments by the inclusion of affordable housing in golf estate properties. • The extent of the contribution of including affordable housing in golf estate developments to the reduction of the current backlog

Digital Self-publishing as Planned Behaviour: Authors' Views on E-book Adoption

Thomlison, Adam January 2015 (has links)
A popular school of thought in the study of publishing, exemplified by the influential Long Tail theory, suggests that the economic advantages of e-books will lead to a boom in self-publishing. However, this position focuses on economic factors at the expense of other potential influences. This thesis applied Azjen's (1991) Theory of Planned Behaviour to explore which factors have the most influence on authors' decision to self-publish e-books, and, conversely, which factors influence others' decision not to. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 11 authors in the Ottawa area who have self-published or who are considering doing so in the near future. We discovered that there is significant resistance to e-books as a format for self-publishing, and that normative factors such as a lack of prestige and different promotional requirements were particularly influential. While e-books were seen to reduce economic risk, they were believed to be a less prestigious format, and so to represent an elevated risk to what Bourdieu called symbolic-capital. Some authors were also resistant because they felt unable to promote e-books in the way they are expected to. However, most said they would be willing to abandon their resistance if they perceived sufficient demand from their audience. These results open up paths for future study, including more focused examinations of the resistance factors that emerged; more longitudinal studies to see how authors' opinions change over time, particularly those of the non-adopters; and a further examination of the digital skills developed by adopters.

How Green Are We? : Attitudes Towards Environmentally Friendly Fast Fashion

Wassén, Jacob, Norén Fahlman, Sofia, Holm, Josefin January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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