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Influence des propriétés morphologiques et mécaniques des barrières thermiques sur la fissuration interfaciale induite par perçage laser impulsionnel / Influence of morphological and mechanical properties of thermal barrier coating on interfacial delamination induced by impulsionnal laser drillingGuinard, Caroline 15 December 2016 (has links)
De nombreuses pièces aéronautiques telles que les chambres de combustion sont percées d'une multitudes de trous de refroidissement. Ce perçage, généralement effectué par un laser de puissance peut induire des endommagements dans la matière percée. Sur les systèmes barrières thermiques, une fissuration pouvant conduire à l'écaillage de la barrière thermique se produit à l'interface céramique/sous-couche lors du perçage laser. Cette thèse présente des éléments de compréhension des phénomènes de formation et de propagation de la fissure interfaciale. Pour cela, un protocole spécifique a été utilisé, consistant en la réalisation de perçage interrompus. De plus, afin de comprendre l'influence de la sous-couche et de l'interface sous-couche / céramique sur cette fissuration, une large gamme d'échantillons aux propriétés morphologiques et mécaniques bien distincts ont été sélectionnés. Pour cela, la sous-couche a été modifiée par la variation des paramètres de projection, du procédé de projection ainsi que par des post traitements sur la sous-couche. Le lien entre ces interfaces et les endommagements liés au perçage laser sont présentés au travers d'observations 2D et 3D, destructives et non destructives ainsi que par l'étude des modifications des contraintes résiduelles avant et après perçage laser pour différentes barrières thermiques. De manière a réduire encore la fissure interfaciale, plusieurs stratégies de perçage sont étudiées via la variation de la puissance laser entre les différentes impulsions laser nécessaires pour percer le matériau multicouches. Les résultats obtenus offrent des perspectives intéressantes pour améliorer la résistance à la fissuration des pièces aéronautiques. / Many aircraft engines parts such as combustion chambers are drilled with numerous cooling holes. These holes, generally performed by a high power laser machine can induce damages in the part materials. On thermal barrier coatings systems, cracking can lead to spalling of the coating occurs at the ceramic / bond-coat layer interface during laser drilling. This thesis presents elements of understanding of the interfacial crack formation end propagation phenomena. In this purpose, a specific protocol was used, consisting of interrupted drilling process. Moreover, in order to understand the influence of the bond coat and the ceramic / bond coat interface on cracking, a wide range of samples with specific morphological and mechanical properties were selected. With this in mind, the bond coat was modified by varying spraying parameters, spraying process and also by post treatments on the bond coat. The link between these interfaces and the associated damages due to laser drilling are presented through 2D and 3D observations, destructive and non-destructive, as well as the study of residual stress modification before and after laser drilling for several thermal barrier coatings systems. For further reducing the interfacial crack, several drilling strategies are considered through the laser peak power variation between the different laser pulses needed to drill through the multi-layer material. The results offer interesting perspectives for improving crack resistance of aeronautical engines parts.
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Estudo da interface Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2 por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. / Study of the Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2 interface by scannig electron microscopy.Bento, Carlos Alberto da Silva 10 August 2000 (has links)
A liga Ti-6Al-4V tem sido usada com sucesso como biomaterial com aplicações nos campos da odontologia e ortopedia. As características da liga Ti-6Al-4V que a tornaram um material interessante são sua boa resistência à corrosão em meio biológico, combinada com um excelente grau de biocompatibilidade. Os efeitos biológicos a longo prazo dos íons metálicos resultantes da lenta lixiviação dos implantes de titânio não estão completamente entendidos. É conhecido que os íons titânio são considerados agentes químicos cancerígenos, os íons alumínio causam desordem neurológicas e os íons vanádio estão associados com distúrbios enzimáticos, entre outros problemas. O recobrimento das ligas de titânio por óxido de titânio (TiO2) pode atuar como uma barreira química para os íons lixiviados da superfície metálica da liga, além deste óxido ser um bom osseoindutor. O processo de aspersão térmica é amplamente empregado na aplicação de recobrimentos por óxidos. Uma vez que este processo acontece em altas temperaturas, onde partículas fundidas ou semi-fundidas aderem ao substrato, pode ocorrer difusão localizada. O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar a interdifusão dos elementos de liga através das camadas superficiais do sistema Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2. Os recobrimentos de TiO2 foram preparados pela técnica de aspersão por plasma. A zona recoberta mostrou pequena porosidade distribuída por toda a camada e algumas trincas radiais. Adicionalmente, uma grande quantidade de buracos foi observada na região entre-camadas. Neste trabalho, a interface Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2 foi estudada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os perfis de difusão do Ti, Al, V e O nas camadas superficiais da amostra recoberta foram obtidos por microanálise semi-quantitativa por energia dispersiva de raios-X. A caracterização química superficial do lado substrato depois da deposição de TiO2 mostrou a formação localizada de TiO. Na região entre-camadas foram observados os perfis de difusão característicos com forma de S para o Ti, V e O. O perfil de difusão do Al mostrou um pico na região entre-camadas indicando um acúmulo de Al2O3 nos buracos presentes nesta zona. O TiO2 foi identificado como o maior constituinte no lado revestimento. Pequenas quantidades de Al e V foram também detectadas homogeneamente distribuídas dentro do depósito. A presença do Al e V (metais tóxicos) na superfície externa do depósito indica que estes metais não competem com a oxidação da camada depositada indicando um efeito desmascarante da superfície da liga metálica pelo óxido superficial TiO2. / Ti-6Al-4V alloy has been used with some success as biomaterial with applications in the field of dentistry and orthopaedics. The features with make the Ti-6Al-4V alloy such an interesting material are its good corrosion resistance in the biological environment, combined with an excellent degree of biocompatibility. The long-term biological effects of the slowly leaching of metal ions from titanium implants are not completely understood. It is known that the titanium ions are considered chemical carcinogen, aluminium ions cause neurological disorders and, vanadium ions are associated with irreversible enzymatic disturbance, among other problems. Titanium oxide (TiO2) coatings on titanium alloys can act as a chemical barrier for ions leaching from the metallic alloy surface, beside the fact that this oxide is a very good osteoinductor. The thermal spray process is widely used to apply oxide coatings. Once this is a high temperature process where molten or semi-molten particles impinge upon the substrate, localized diffusion can occur. The aim of this study is characterize the inter-diffusion of the alloying elements through the surface layers of the system Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2. The TiO2 coatings were prepared by the plasma spray technique. The coated zone showed some porous distributed in all layer and a few radial cracks. Additionally, large amount of holes were observed in the interlayer region. In this work, the interface Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2 was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Diffusion profiles of Ti, Al, V and O in the surface layers of coated samples were measured by semi-quantitative energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Chemical surface characterization of the substrate side after the TiO2 deposition showed the localized formation of TiO. At the interlayer region was observed the characteristic S shape diffusion profiles for Ti, V and O. The Al diffusion profile showed a peak in the interlayer region indicating anaccumulation of Al2O3 into the holes present in this zone. TiO2 was identified as the major component in the coating side. Small amounts of Al and V were also detected homogeneously distributed inside the deposit. Presence of Al and V (toxic metals) on the external surface of the deposit indicated that these metals did not compete with the oxidation of the deposited layer indicating a non-masking effect of metallic alloy surface by the TiO2- surface oxide.
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Etude de la microstructure et des performances des revêtements céramiques YSZ finement structurés obtenus par projection plasma de suspension / Study of the microstructure and efficiency of YSZ-SPS finely structured ceramic coatingsZhao, Yongli 25 September 2018 (has links)
Grâce à l'utilisation d'un porteur liquide, la projection plasma de suspension (SPS) permet la fabrication de revêtements finement structurés. Comme pour la projection plasma conventionnelle (APS), les microstructures des revêtements SPS peuvent être adaptées en contrôlant les conditions de projection. Cependant, le procédé SPS est plus compliqué que le procédé APS par son nombre de paramètres modifiables.Cette thèse vise à apporter une compréhension plus fondamentale de la relation entre les paramètres du procédé SPS et les propriétés des revêtements YSZ en identifiant des modèles génériques basés sur l’utilisation de méthodes statistiques mathématiques pour l'étude de l'influence et de la sensibilité de paramètres individuels.Des expériences systématiques ont été menées pour étudier l'influence de six paramètres (puissance du plasma, charge massique de suspension, taille de la poudre, distance de projection, pas de projection et rugosité du substrat) sur la microstructure des revêtements qui ont aussi été analysés en terme de propriétés d’usage (mécanique, thermique, tribologique, etc.). La porosité des revêtements a fait l’objet d’une étude approfondie et les mesures ont été réalisées par trois techniques différentes : la méthode par analyse d’images, la transmission RX et la méthode USAXS (Ultra-Small Angle X-ray Scattering). Des analyses multivariées sur les données expérimentales recueillies ont été effectuées et plusieurs modèles mathématiques ont été proposés afin de prédire les propriétés des revêtements et guider ensuite vers une optimisation de la microstructure du revêtement en vu d'applications spécifiques.Dans ce contexte d'optimisation des performances mécaniques et tribologiques de ces revêtements céramiques, différentes quantités et tailles de poudre h-BN ont été ajoutées dans la suspension YSZ. Les revêtements composites YSZ / h-BN ont été fabriqués et leur analyse a montré une nette réduction du coefficient de frottement et du taux d'usure lorsque la taille et la quantité de poudre d’ajout sont optimisées l'une avec l'autre. Trois mécanismes d’usure ont finalement été identifiés et seront discutés. / Thanks to the using of liquid carrier, suspension plasma spray (SPS) enables the manufacture of finely structured coatings. As for conventional plasma spraying (APS), the microstructures of SPS coatings can be tailored by controlling the spray conditions. However, SPS is more complicated than APS due to its number of modifiable parameters.This thesis aims to provide a more fundamental understanding of the relationship between SPS process parameters and the properties of YSZ coatings by identifying generic models based on the use of mathematical statistical methods for the study of influence and sensitivity of the individual parameters.Systematic experiments were carried out to study the influence of six parameters (plasma power, suspension mass load, powder size, projection distance, projection step and substrate roughness) on the microstructure of coatings which were also analyzed in terms of the properties (mechanical, thermal, tribological, etc.). The porosity of the coatings was studied in detail and the measurements were carried out using three different techniques: the image analysis method, the X-ray transmission and the USAXS (Ultra-Small Angle X-ray Scattering) method. Multivariate analyzes of the collected experimental data were performed and several mathematical models were proposed to predict the properties of the coatings and then guide towards an optimization of the microstructure of the coating for specific applications.In this context of optimizing the mechanical and tribological performance of ceramic coatings, different amounts and sizes of h-BN powder have been added in the YSZ suspension. The YSZ/h-BN composite coatings were manufactured by SPS process and their analysis showed a clear reduction in the coefficient of friction and the wear rate when the size and the amount of addition powder are optimized together. Three wear mechanisms have finally been identified and been discussed.
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Ni ir Co pagrindo dangų plazminio purškimo tyrimas / Research of plasma sprayed Ni,Co- based coatingsMarcinkevičiūtė, Auksė 26 July 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos plazminio purškimo Ni ir Co pagrindo dangų ant aliuminio substrato savybės. Atlikta terminio purškimo dangų, jų technologijų apžvalga ir analizė bei pateikta dangų tyrimo metodika. Atlikti šių dangų mikrostruktūros, porėtumo, adhezijos, mikrokietumo ir dangos tamprumo modulio tyrimai. Baigiamajame darbe sudaryta purkštinės dangos skaitinio modeliavimo metodika ir gauti rezultatai pateikti grafiškai. Išnagrinėjus praktinius ir skaitinius terminio purškimo dangų rezultatus, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados. Darbą sudaro 4 dalys: įvadas, literatūros šaltinių apžvalga ir analizė, Ni ir Co pagrindo plazminio purškimo dangų savybių ir mikrostruktūros eksperimentiniai tyrimai, purkštinės dangos skaitinio modeliavimo tyrimas, tyrimo rezultatai ir jų aptarimas, išvados, literatūros sąrašas. / In the final master thesis the plasma spraying of Ni and Co base coatings on aluminum substrate properties are analyzed. The review of thermal spray coatings technology and research methods are described. The research of microstructure, porosity, adhesion, microhardness and modulus of elasticity of the coatings were carried out. In the final master work numerical simulation of thermal spray coatings are described and results are presented graphically. The experimental and numerical results of thermal spray coatings were analysed and conclusions were given. Structure: introduction, literature review and analysis, experimental research of Ni and Co based plasma spray coating properties and microstructure, numerical simulation of thermal spray coating, results of the studies, conclusions, references.
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Estudo da interface Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2 por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. / Study of the Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2 interface by scannig electron microscopy.Carlos Alberto da Silva Bento 10 August 2000 (has links)
A liga Ti-6Al-4V tem sido usada com sucesso como biomaterial com aplicações nos campos da odontologia e ortopedia. As características da liga Ti-6Al-4V que a tornaram um material interessante são sua boa resistência à corrosão em meio biológico, combinada com um excelente grau de biocompatibilidade. Os efeitos biológicos a longo prazo dos íons metálicos resultantes da lenta lixiviação dos implantes de titânio não estão completamente entendidos. É conhecido que os íons titânio são considerados agentes químicos cancerígenos, os íons alumínio causam desordem neurológicas e os íons vanádio estão associados com distúrbios enzimáticos, entre outros problemas. O recobrimento das ligas de titânio por óxido de titânio (TiO2) pode atuar como uma barreira química para os íons lixiviados da superfície metálica da liga, além deste óxido ser um bom osseoindutor. O processo de aspersão térmica é amplamente empregado na aplicação de recobrimentos por óxidos. Uma vez que este processo acontece em altas temperaturas, onde partículas fundidas ou semi-fundidas aderem ao substrato, pode ocorrer difusão localizada. O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar a interdifusão dos elementos de liga através das camadas superficiais do sistema Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2. Os recobrimentos de TiO2 foram preparados pela técnica de aspersão por plasma. A zona recoberta mostrou pequena porosidade distribuída por toda a camada e algumas trincas radiais. Adicionalmente, uma grande quantidade de buracos foi observada na região entre-camadas. Neste trabalho, a interface Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2 foi estudada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os perfis de difusão do Ti, Al, V e O nas camadas superficiais da amostra recoberta foram obtidos por microanálise semi-quantitativa por energia dispersiva de raios-X. A caracterização química superficial do lado substrato depois da deposição de TiO2 mostrou a formação localizada de TiO. Na região entre-camadas foram observados os perfis de difusão característicos com forma de S para o Ti, V e O. O perfil de difusão do Al mostrou um pico na região entre-camadas indicando um acúmulo de Al2O3 nos buracos presentes nesta zona. O TiO2 foi identificado como o maior constituinte no lado revestimento. Pequenas quantidades de Al e V foram também detectadas homogeneamente distribuídas dentro do depósito. A presença do Al e V (metais tóxicos) na superfície externa do depósito indica que estes metais não competem com a oxidação da camada depositada indicando um efeito desmascarante da superfície da liga metálica pelo óxido superficial TiO2. / Ti-6Al-4V alloy has been used with some success as biomaterial with applications in the field of dentistry and orthopaedics. The features with make the Ti-6Al-4V alloy such an interesting material are its good corrosion resistance in the biological environment, combined with an excellent degree of biocompatibility. The long-term biological effects of the slowly leaching of metal ions from titanium implants are not completely understood. It is known that the titanium ions are considered chemical carcinogen, aluminium ions cause neurological disorders and, vanadium ions are associated with irreversible enzymatic disturbance, among other problems. Titanium oxide (TiO2) coatings on titanium alloys can act as a chemical barrier for ions leaching from the metallic alloy surface, beside the fact that this oxide is a very good osteoinductor. The thermal spray process is widely used to apply oxide coatings. Once this is a high temperature process where molten or semi-molten particles impinge upon the substrate, localized diffusion can occur. The aim of this study is characterize the inter-diffusion of the alloying elements through the surface layers of the system Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2. The TiO2 coatings were prepared by the plasma spray technique. The coated zone showed some porous distributed in all layer and a few radial cracks. Additionally, large amount of holes were observed in the interlayer region. In this work, the interface Ti-6Al-4V/TiO2 was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Diffusion profiles of Ti, Al, V and O in the surface layers of coated samples were measured by semi-quantitative energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Chemical surface characterization of the substrate side after the TiO2 deposition showed the localized formation of TiO. At the interlayer region was observed the characteristic S shape diffusion profiles for Ti, V and O. The Al diffusion profile showed a peak in the interlayer region indicating anaccumulation of Al2O3 into the holes present in this zone. TiO2 was identified as the major component in the coating side. Small amounts of Al and V were also detected homogeneously distributed inside the deposit. Presence of Al and V (toxic metals) on the external surface of the deposit indicated that these metals did not compete with the oxidation of the deposited layer indicating a non-masking effect of metallic alloy surface by the TiO2- surface oxide.
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Modifikace charakteru rozhraní substrát-nástřik vrstev deponovaných technologiemi žárového nanášení pomocí technologie elektronového paprsku / Modification of coating-substrate interface character of thermally sprayed coatings using electron beam technologyMareš, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Tato práce je zaměřena na modifikaci charakteru rozhraní substrát-nástřik NiCrAlY povlaků nanesených pomocí technologie vodou stabilizované plazmy na substráty z oceli S235JRC+C. Přetavení žárové vrstvy elektronovým paprskem bylo zvoleno jako technologie pro modifikaci a dvě různé modifikace byly zkoumány. V práci byl proveden pokus o stanovení vlivu modifikací na adhezní vlastnosti nástřiku. Dále jsou v práci prezentovány analýzy mikrostruktury, fázového a chemického složení a mikrotvrdosti ve stavu před a po modifikaci. Během studie bylo zjištěno, že dochází ke změnám fázového složení jak během depozice, tak během modifikace elektronovým paprskem. Modifikace elektronovým paprskem způsobila roztavení oxidů původní mikrostruktury nástřiku, které následně rekrystalizovaly na povrchu modifikované vrstvy. Dalším získaným poznatkem bylo, že dochází ke snížení mikrotvrdosti po modifikaci, což bylo způsobeno odstraněním oxidů z mikrostruktury a promícháním materiálu substrátu a původního nástřiku. Adheze nástřiků v as sprayed stavu byla kvantifikována. V případě nástřiků modifikovaných elektronovým paprskem přesná kvantifikace nebyla možná, z důvodu předčasného porušení na rozhraní nástřik-adhezivní pojivo během adhezních testů.
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Functional Performance of Gadolinium Zirconate/Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Multi-Layered Thermal Barrier CoatingsMahade, Satyapal January 2016 (has links)
Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is the state of the art ceramic top coat material used for TBC applications. The desire to achieve a higher engine efficiency of agas turbine engine by increasing the turbine inlet temperature has pushed YSZ toits upper limit. Above 1200°C, issues such as poor phase stability, high sinteringrates, and susceptibility to CMAS (calcium magnesium alumino silicates) degradation have been reported for YSZ based TBCs. Among the new materials,gadolinium zirconate (GZ) is an interesting alternative since it has shown attractive properties including resistance to CMAS attack. However, GZ has a poor thermo-chemical compatibility with the thermally grown oxide leading to poor thermal cyclic performance of GZ TBCs and that is why a multi-layered coating design seems feasible.This work presents a new approach of depositing GZ/YSZ multi-layered TBCs by the suspension plasma spray (SPS) process. Single layer YSZ TBCs were also deposited by SPS and used as a reference.The primary aim of the work was to compare the thermal conductivity and thermal cyclic life of the two coating designs. Thermal diffusivity of the YSZ single layer and GZ based multi-layered TBCs was measured using laser flash analysis (LFA). Thermal cyclic life of as sprayed coatings was evaluated at 1100°C, 1200°C and 1300°C respectively. It was shown that GZ based multi-layered TBCs had a lower thermal conductivity and higher thermal cyclic life compared to the single layer YSZ at all test temperatures. The second aim was to investigate the isothermal oxidation behaviour and erosion resistance of the two coating designs. The as sprayed TBCs were subjected toisothermal oxidation test at 1150°C. The GZ based multi-layered TBCs showed a lower weight gain than the single layer YSZ TBC. However, in the erosion test,the GZ based TBCs showed lower erosion resistance compared to the YSZ singlelayer TBC. In this work, it was shown that SPS is a promising production technique and that GZ is a promising material for TBCs.
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Únavové vlastnosti materiálů s ochrannými vrstvami nanesenými technologiemi žárového nanášení / Fatigue Properties of Materials with Protective Thermally Deposited LayersMatějková, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Titanium powder was deposited into low-carbon steel specimens using three thermal spray technologies: plasma spray, cold spray (USA, Singapore) and warm spray (denoted as PS, CSU, CS-S, and WS, respectively, in further text). The aim was to determine the influence of the coatings on the fatigue lives of the specimens. The experimental work was carried out in a symmetrical cantilever-beam bending setup using a computer-controlled SF-Test loading device. Further to that, the micro-morphology of coatings structure, their respective porosity content and the fracture surfaces of both coatings and substrate materials was carried out.
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Nanocomposite Coating Mechanics via PiezospectroscopyFreihofer, Gregory 01 January 2014 (has links)
Coatings utilizing the piezospectroscopic (PS) effect of alpha alumina could enable on the fly stress sensing for structural health monitoring applications. While the PS effect has been historically utilized in several applications, here by distributing the photo-luminescent material in nanoparticle form within a matrix, a stress sensing coating is created. Parallel to developing PS coatings for stress sensing, the multi-scale mechanics associated with the observed PS response of nanocomposites and their coatings has been applied to give material property measurements, providing an understanding of particle reinforced composite behavior. Understanding the nanoparticle-coating-substrate mechanics is essential to interpreting the spectral shifts for stress sensing of structures. In the past, methods to experimentally measure the mechanics of these embedded nano inclusions have been limited, and much of the design of these composites depend on computational modeling and bulk response from mechanical testing. The PS properties of Chromium doped alumina allow for embedded inclusion mechanics to be revisited with unique experimental setups that probe the particles state of stress under applied load to the composite. These experimental investigations of particle mechanics will be compared to the Eshelby theory and its derivative theories in addition to the nanocomposite coating mechanics. This work discovers that simple nanoparticle load transfer theories are adequate for predicting PS properties in an intermediate volume fraction range. With fundamentals of PS nanocomposites established, the approach was applied to selected experiments to prove its validity. In general it was observed that the elastic modulus values calculated from the PS response were similar to that observed from macroscale strain measurements such as a strain gage. When simple damage models were applied to monitor the elastic modulus, it was observed that the rate of decay for the elastic modulus was much higher for the PS measurements than for the strain gage. A novel experiment including high resolution PS maps with secondary strain maps from digital image correlation is reviewed on an open hole tension, composite coupon. The two complementary measurements allow for a unique PS response for every location around the hole with a spatial resolution of 400 microns. Progression of intermediate damage mechanisms was observed before digital image correlation indicated them. Using the PS nanocomposite model, elastic modulus values were calculated. Introducing an elastic degradation model with some plastic deformation allows for estimation of material properties during the progression of failure. This work is part of a continuing effort to understand the mechanics of a stress sensing PS coating. The mechanics were then applied to various experimental data that provided elastic property calculations with high resolution. The significance is in the experimental capture of stress transfer in particulate composites. These findings pave the way for the development of high resolution stress-sensing coatings.
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Scuffing and Wear Prevention in Low Viscosity Hydrocarbon FuelsDockins, Maddox Wade 08 1900 (has links)
To design high pressure fuel system components that resist wear and scuffing failure when operated in low viscosity fuels, a comprehensive study on the tribological performance of various existing coating materials is necessary. This thesis aims to provide the relative performance of a variety of coating materials across different fuel environments by testing them in conditions that model those experienced in fuel pumps. The relative performance of these coatings are then indexed across a variety of material properties, including hardness, elastic modulus, wettability, and the interaction between the surface and the various types of fuel molecules.
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