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Sustainable Plastic? : A Case Study on Site Zero, the Largest Plastic Packaging Waste Sorting Centre in EuropeLi, Sijing, Peng, Jian January 2024 (has links)
Plastic was initially designed to enhance human well-being, but now it has become a threat to us and the planet. The plastic industry faces significant scrutiny due to the sustainability challenges associated with plastic products. The purpose of this study is to understand how organisations in the plastic industry manage its legitimacy and ensure the industry's survival. We employ organisational legitimacy as a lens and the three pillars of institutions - regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive - as an analytic framework, to understand the roles of legitimacy in shaping an organisation's sustainability practices. Site Zero, Europe's largest plastic packaging waste sorting facility in Motala, Sweden has caught our attention. Utilising a qualitative research strategy and a case study research design, this paper explores how the multifaceted nature of legitimacy impacts Site Zero on its sustainability practices. Besides the site visit, we have conducted seven semi-structured interviews with five key members of Swedish Plastic Recycling and two material experts from a public agency and a producer responsibility organisation. Through this case study, we conclude that there is a gap between legitimacy and sustainability. Pursuing legitimacy increases the chance of organisations' survival in the plastic industry, however, it may also hinder them from achieving sustainability. Additionally, while high-quality recycling plays a crucial role in handling plastic packaging waste, it has its limitations in making plastic sustainable with the current profit-driven market and an overconsumption lifestyle.
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銀行放款信用評估模型之研究--以臺灣地區塑膠業為例 / The Study of Loaning Credit Assessment Model: The Case of Plastic Industry in R.O.C.郝旭烈, Hao, Shie Lieh Unknown Date (has links)
一般而言, 銀行決定貸放與否,除了取決於客戶所提供之擔保品、保證
人之財力大小外, 徵信工作人員憑著自己過去經驗主觀之判定亦是一重
要之影響因素。 然而人為所牽涉之因素過於複雜且多變,若稍不謹慎極
可能犯下極大的錯失。 也因此銀行必須發展一套客觀之信用評估模型來
及理論大多以混和行業別為研究對象,且多以財務比率分析為主。 但不
之信用評估模型, 以尋求建立更適合之信用評估模型。本研究首先根據
國內外文獻中整理出可供研究之若干財務變數, 再參酌目前銀行所使用
作為徵信評估之財務變數, 由於本模式是採本國塑膠業之資料, 且應用
的 17 個財務變數做分析。而後再以塑膠加工業為研究對象, 蒐集民國
79 年至 81 年三十家違約公司與五十七家履約公司共八十七家公司的財
務報表資料以計算其財務比率, 接著便計算此 17 個財務變數是否符合
常態分配之假設,以決定後續所採行之統計方法應為何。 另外根據因素
解釋能力之財務變數。 最後以上述所得到之財務變數做自變數, 並將樣
本區分為原始樣本、預測樣本以及全體樣本兩群分別建立 Logit 迴歸模
。 爾後再根據結果做較佳模式之選擇與評估,並加以解釋。根據實證結
果顯示, 依不同樣本及不同方法所建立的四個放款信用評估模型中, 經
用因素分析的模型, 而全體樣本所建立的模型會優於原始樣本所建立的
模型。 而由此所得到最佳的信用評估模型為以全體樣本採用因素分析所
得的模型。另外, 本研究是以塑膠業單一產業為研究對象來建立信用評
估模型,與過去採混和產業別的分析有所不同。 而與過去的分析相較後
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