Spelling suggestions: "subject:"platelet concentrated""
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Tube centrifugation for processing platelet-rich plasma in the horseFontenot, Robin L. 17 May 2012 (has links)
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a popular treatment for equine tendon and ligament injuries; however, commercial PRP systems are expensive. Development of a safe, inexpensive alternative would make PRP therapy more widely available to horse owners. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality and bacteriologic safety of PRP produced by three simple, inexpensive tube centrifugation methods and compare the results to a commercial system.
Citrated blood collected from 26 normal horses was processed by four methods: blood collection tubes centrifuged at 1200 and 2000 x g, a 50ml conical tube, and a commercial system. Platelet and cell counts and mean platelet volume (MPV) in whole blood and PRP were determined using an automated hematology analyzer. Results were analyzed using mixed model ANOVA with post-hoc comparisons (MPV and fold change for RBC, WBC, and platelets) and binary logistic generalized estimating equations with horse as a blocking factor (absolute numbers of WBC, and platelets). Aerobic and anaerobic cultures were performed. Significance was set at p<0.05.
Mean platelet concentrations ranged from 1.55 to 2.58 fold. The conical tube method produced the highest number of PRP samples with platelet concentrations of greater than 2.5-fold and within the clinically acceptable range of >250,000 platelets/?l. WBC counts were lowest using the commercial system and unacceptably high using the red top methods. The incidence of bacterial contamination was low (2.1%). Based on these results, the conical tube method may be a suitable alternative to commercial PRP systems in cases with budgetary constraints. / Master of Science
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Canine Platelet Concentrates: An In Vitro Study to Effectively Provide a Source of Functional PlateletsSink, Carolyn A. 04 April 2002 (has links)
This study monitored the storage lesion of 15 units of canine platelet concentrates harvested by differential centrifugation. Canine platelet concentrates were stored at 20-24°C in a platelet rotator for a total of 9 days; the storage lesion of three second generation platelet storage containers was compared. The battery of in vitro tests used to monitor the storage lesion were selected from previous studies performed with human platelet concentrates separated by differential centrifugation. Based on these tests, canine platelet concentrates exhibited a storage lesion similar to human platelet concentrates. Metabolic analytes demonstrated decreasing pH, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate and glucose concentrations concurrent with increasing oxygen and lactate dehydrogenase activity over the 9-day period. Platelet structural changes were monitored by mean platelet volume, which began to increase on Day-5. Platelet function appeared to be compromised, as indicated by aggregation studies using collagen and adenosine diphosphate as agonists. Product sterility was maintained.
There was no consensus of data supporting superior performance of one platelet storage container. This study indicates that canine platelet concentrates may be harvested by differential centrifugation of whole blood. In vitro studies utilizing three second-generation platelet storage bags support a previous study and concurs that canine platelet concentrates stored at 20-24°C using continuous agitation are viable for at least 5 days. / Master of Science
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Comparison of platelet counting technologies in equine platelet concentratesO'Shea, Caitlin Mary 16 April 2014 (has links)
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a popular autologous biological therapy used for the treatment of various equine ailments, including tendon and ligament injuries, osteoarthritis, and cutaneous wounds. A number of commercial products are available for producing PRP, each generating a slightly different product. Variations in platelet numbers and white blood cell (WBC) counts are believed to be the most critical variables, as they are directly related to concentrations of growth factors and inflammatory cytokines. Accurate documentation of platelet numbers is essential for prospective evaluation of clinical outcomes, but can be problematic in platelet concentrates depending on the counting method employed. The objectives of this study were to compare the performance of four platelet counting technologies in equine platelet concentrates and to evaluate the ability of the Magellan PRP system to concentrate equine platelets. We hypothesized that there would be no differences in platelet counts among the four counting technologies and that the Magellan system would generate platelet concentrations greater than 500,000/μL. Citrated whole blood was collected from 32 horses and platelet, WBC, and red blood cell concentrations were measured using a commercial hematology analyzer (Advia 2120) prior to preparation of PRP using the Magellan system. Platelets were quantified in individual identical aliquots of equine PRP produced by the Magellan system (n=32) using three different technologies: optical scatter (Advia 2120), impedance (CellDyn 3700), and hand count using direct microscopy (Thrombo-TIC). An immunofluorescent counting method was performed on a subset of 15 of the 32 samples using a mouse monoclonal anti-sheep antibody against integrin alpha αIIbβ₃ (anti-CD41/CD61) and a fluorescent secondary antibody. Measured platelet concentrations were compared using Passing and Bablok regression analyses and mixed model ANOVA. The Magellan PRP system yielded mean (± SD) platelet and WBC counts of 893,090 ± 226,610/μL and 35,806 ± 9,971/μL, respectively. Platelet counts generated by optical scatter were consistently higher than those generated by impedance. Systematic and proportional biases were observed between these two automated methods. No bias (systematic or proportional) was observed among any of the other counting methods. Despite the bias detected between the two automated systems, there were no significant differences on average among the four counting methods evaluated, based on the ANOVA. All four platelet counting methods tested are therefore suitable for quantifying platelets in equine PRP for clinical applications. The Magellan PRP system consistently generated desirably high platelet concentrations as well as higher than expected WBC concentrations. The high platelet concentrations served as a good test medium for the study; however, the concurrent high WBC counts may be undesirable for selected orthopedic applications. / Master of Science
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Criopreservação do concentrado de plaquetas com uso de DMSO à 5% / Cryopreservation of the concentration of platelets with use of DMSO at 5%Roque, Letícia Sarni 04 May 2018 (has links)
O curto período de armazenamento dos concentrados de plaquetas (CP), de 5 a 7 dias, torna esse hemocomponente crítico para os serviços de hemoterapia. A criopreservação se apresenta então como uma possibilidade para a manutenção dos estoques por período mais prolongado. Essa prática exige a adição de substância crioprotetora e a adequação do volume em relação à concentração de plaquetas. O CP obtido por aférese (CPAF) é um hemocomponente proveniente de um único doador, coletado em sistema automatizado, que equivale a 6-8 unidades de CP obtidas da coleta de doadores convencional. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da criopreservação de CPAF no quinto dia do armazenamento, por meio de análises imunofenotípicas e funcionais das plaquetas, utilizando o crioprotetor dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) a 5%, em freezer a -80°C e descongelamento em banho maria a 37°C, sem a remoção do crioprotetor. Material e Métodos: Foram analisadas 20 unidades de CPAF em quatro fases diferentes do processo: Fase I (pré-redução de volume), Fase II (pós-repouso, agitação e adição do DMSO), Fase III (pós-descongelamento) e Fase IV (após duas horas de descongelamento e agitação). Todas as bolsas foram avaliadas quanto à presença do \"swirling\" plaquetário, e análise microbiológica, contagem de plaquetas e leucócitos, determinação do volume plaquetário médio (VPM), análise do pH, dosagem de desidrogenase lática (DHL) e glicose, a ativação plaquetária por meio de citometria de fluxo com os marcadores CD61, CD62P e anexina V e para a avaliação funcional, as técnicas de microagregação plaquetária e retração do coágulo. Os resultados de cada fase foram analisados e comparados, considerando resultados p< 0,05 de significância estatística, avaliada pelos testes de Wilcoxon e Teste-T pareado. Resultados: Todos os CPs criopreservados apresentaram na inspeção visual presença de \"swirling\" e ausência de grumos. O pH manteve-se com mediana de 7,185 (6,076-7,528) pra fase III, análise microbiológica foi negativa em todas as unidades criopreservadas, o número mediano de plaquetas caiu de 3,04x1011/U na Fase II para 2,27x1011/U na fase III (redução de 25,32%). A ativação plaquetária na fase II foi de 23% CD62P+ para 44% CD62P+ na fase III (p=0,067). O marcador anexina V estava expresso em 13% das plaquetas na fase II e em 11% na fase III, (p=0,33). A LDH aumentou de 747 U/L (4-3079) para 1.428 U/L (662-2303) da fase II para a fase III, respectivamente (p=0,055). A glicose diminuiu em todas as fases (p<0,0001). Os testes de função plaquetária revelaram que a plaquetas descongeladas mantêm sua função. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, embora tenham ocorrido ativação e redução significativa do número de plaquetas, o produto final conservou quantidade suficiente de plaquetas, cujas funções foram mantidas, o que torna viável a utilização do hemocomponente CP criopreservado. Sugere ainda que os CPAF possam ser criopreservados no quinto dia de armazenamento, com o uso do DMSO a 5%, ideal para que não se faça necessário sua remoção pós-descongelamento. / The concentration time of the platelet concentrates (CP), from 5 to 7 days, makes this blood component critical for hemotherapy services. Cryopreservation presents itself as a possibility of maintaining stocks for a longer period. This practice requires an additional cryoprotectant and a suitability of volume in relation to platelet concentration. The CP collected by the same (CPAF) is a blood component of a single dosage, being collected in an automated system, which is equivalent to 6-8 CP units from the collection of conventional donors. Objective: To evaluate the effect of CPAF cryopreservation on the fifth day of storage, by means of immunophenotypic and functional platelet analysis using the 5% DMSO cryoprotectant in a freezer at -80 ° C and thawing in a Maria bath at 37 ° C, without removal of the cryoprotectant. Material and Methods: 20 units of CPAF were analyzed in four different phases of the process: Phase I (pre-reduction of volume), Phase II (post-rest, agitation and DMSO addition), Phase III (post-thaw) and Phase IV (after two hours of thawing and shaking). All units were evaluated for platelet swirling and microbiological analysis, platelet and leukocyte counts, determination of mean platelet volume (MVP), pH analysis, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and glucose, platelet activation by means of flow cytometry with the markers CD61, CD62P and annexin V and for the functional evaluation, platelet microaggregation and clot retraction techniques. The results of each phase were analyzed and compared, considering results p <0.05 of statistical significance, evaluated by the Wilcoxon and Paired T-test. Results: All cryopreserved CPs presented visual presence of \"swirling\" and absence of lumps. The pH was maintained at a median of 7.185 (6.076- 7.528) for phase III, microbiological analysis was negative in all cryopreserved units, the median number of platelets fell from 3.04x1011/U in Phase II to 2.27x1011/U in phase III (reduction of 25.32%). Phase II platelet activation was 23% CD62P + to 44% CD62P + in phase III (p=0.067). The annexin V marker was expressed in 13% of platelets in phase II and 11% in phase III (p=0.33). LDH increased from 747 U/L (4-3,079) to 1,428 U / L (662-2303) from phase II to phase III, respectively (p<0,0055). Glucose decreased in all phases (p <0.0001). Platelet function tests have revealed that thawed platelets maintain their function. Conclusion: The results showed that, although activation and significant reduction of platelet count occurred, the end product preserved sufficient quantity of platelets, whose functions were maintained, which makes the use of the cryopreserved CP blood component viable. It also suggests that CPAFs can be cryopreserved on the fifth day of storage using 5% DMSO, so that their post-thaw removal is not required.
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Protocolos para a preparação de concentrados autólogos de trombócitos em avesFernandes, Laís Lucas January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sheila Canevese Rahal / Resumo: O estudo visou comparar e avaliar protocolos de produtos autógenos sanguíneos em aves, com base naqueles existentes para mamíferos. No Experimento 1 foram analisados dois protocolos para obtenção de plasma rico em trombócitos e leucócitos (L-PRT). Utilizaram-se 30 aves divididas em três Grupos equitativos: G1 - papagaios; G2 - tucanos-toco; G3 - galinhas domésticas. No protocolo 1, a primeira centrifugação foi a 220 gravidade (g) durante 10 minutos e a segunda a 660 g por 10 minutos. Após a segunda centrifugação, foi descartado 2/3 do sobrenadante, permanecendo apenas o L-PRT. No protocolo 2, a primeira centrifugação foi a 120 g durante 5 minutos e a segunda a 240 g por 5 minutos. Concluiu-se que houve diferenças na concentração de trombócitos entre as espécies, porém independente do protocolo a maior concentração foi nas galinhas, e entre os Protocolos o 2 foi o mais efetivo. No Experimento 2 foram produzidas e avaliadas histologicamente membranas de fibrina rica em trombócitos e leucócitos (L-TRF). Empregaram-se 40 aves divididas em quatro grupos equitativos: G1 – araras, G2 - galinhas domésticas, G3 – papagaios, G4 - tucanos-toco. Para cada ave foi coletado 0,5 ml de sangue, que foi depositado em tubo de vidro sem anticoagulante e centrifugado a 3000 rpm por 10 minutos. Membranas de L-TRF obtidas pela compressão dos cóagulos com gaze foram processadas para análise histológica. Foi possível concluir que é possível produzir membranas de L-TRF nas espécies de aves estudadas, ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre
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Protocolos para a preparação de concentrados autólogos de trombócitos em aves / Protocols for the preparation of autologous thrombocyte concentrates in birdsFernandes, Laís Lucas 17 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Lais Lucas Fernandes (lais-f@hotmail.com) on 2018-07-02T03:45:59Z
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BONECO DEFINITIVO CORRIGIDO com ficha.pdf: 3250792 bytes, checksum: c27c416f86a495d9eadf4074c1b1f411 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Lucia Martins Frederico null (mlucia@fca.unesp.br) on 2018-07-02T17:41:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
fernandes_ll_me-botfca.pdf: 3250846 bytes, checksum: 59b007beb7ecad527250296a9d0d2348 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-02T17:41:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
fernandes_ll_me-botfca.pdf: 3250846 bytes, checksum: 59b007beb7ecad527250296a9d0d2348 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-05-17 / O estudo visou comparar e avaliar protocolos de produtos autógenos sanguíneos em aves, com base naqueles existentes para mamíferos. No Experimento 1 foram analisados dois protocolos para obtenção de plasma rico em trombócitos e leucócitos (L-PRT). Utilizaram-se 30 aves divididas em três Grupos equitativos: G1 - papagaios; G2 - tucanos-toco; G3 - galinhas domésticas. No protocolo 1, a primeira centrifugação foi a 220 gravidade (g) durante 10 minutos e a segunda a 660 g por 10 minutos. Após a segunda centrifugação, foi descartado 2/3 do sobrenadante, permanecendo apenas o L-PRT. No protocolo 2, a primeira centrifugação foi a 120 g durante 5 minutos e a segunda a 240 g por 5 minutos. Concluiu-se que houve diferenças na concentração de trombócitos entre as espécies, porém independente do protocolo a maior concentração foi nas galinhas, e entre os Protocolos o 2 foi o mais efetivo. No Experimento 2 foram produzidas e avaliadas histologicamente membranas de fibrina rica em trombócitos e leucócitos (L-TRF). Empregaram-se 40 aves divididas em quatro grupos equitativos: G1 – araras, G2 - galinhas domésticas, G3 – papagaios, G4 - tucanos-toco. Para cada ave foi coletado 0,5 ml de sangue, que foi depositado em tubo de vidro sem anticoagulante e centrifugado a 3000 rpm por 10 minutos. Membranas de L-TRF obtidas pela compressão dos cóagulos com gaze foram processadas para análise histológica. Foi possível concluir que é possível produzir membranas de L-TRF nas espécies de aves estudadas, porém histologicamente as proporções dos elementos avaliados foram similares apenas nas galinhas domésticas e papagaios. / This study aimed to compare and evaluate protocols of autogenous blood products in birds, based on protocols developed for mammals. In Experiment 1, two protocols were evaluated for obtaining Leukocyte- and Thrombocyte-Rich Plasma (L-TRP). Thirty birds were divided into three equally sized groups: G1 - parrots; G2 - toco toucans; G3 - domestic chickens. In Protocol 1 the first centrifugation was at 220 gravity (g) for 10 minutes and the second one at 660 g for 10 minutes. After the second centrifugation, 2/3 of the supernatant was discarded, leaving only the L-TRP. In protocol 2, the first centrifugation was at 120 g for 5 minutes and the second one at 240 g for 5 minutes. In conclusion, there were differences in thrombocyte concentration among the species, but independently of the protocol, the highest concentration was in chickens. Between the protocols, Protocol 2 was the most effective. In Experiment 2, Leukocyte- and Thrombocyte-Rich Fibrin (L-TRF) membranes were developed and assessed histologically. Forty birds were divided into four equally sized groups: G1 – macaws, G2 - domestic chickens, G3 – parrots, G4 - toco toucans. A total of 0.5 mL of blood was collected from each bird, which was put into glass tube without anticoagulant and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. L-TRF membranes produced after compression of the clot were processed for histological analysis. In conclusion, L-TRF membranes can be produced in the evaluated avian species, but the ratio of the elements evaluated histologically were similar only in domesticated chickens and parrots.
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Criopreservação do concentrado de plaquetas com uso de DMSO à 5% / Cryopreservation of the concentration of platelets with use of DMSO at 5%Letícia Sarni Roque 04 May 2018 (has links)
O curto período de armazenamento dos concentrados de plaquetas (CP), de 5 a 7 dias, torna esse hemocomponente crítico para os serviços de hemoterapia. A criopreservação se apresenta então como uma possibilidade para a manutenção dos estoques por período mais prolongado. Essa prática exige a adição de substância crioprotetora e a adequação do volume em relação à concentração de plaquetas. O CP obtido por aférese (CPAF) é um hemocomponente proveniente de um único doador, coletado em sistema automatizado, que equivale a 6-8 unidades de CP obtidas da coleta de doadores convencional. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da criopreservação de CPAF no quinto dia do armazenamento, por meio de análises imunofenotípicas e funcionais das plaquetas, utilizando o crioprotetor dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) a 5%, em freezer a -80°C e descongelamento em banho maria a 37°C, sem a remoção do crioprotetor. Material e Métodos: Foram analisadas 20 unidades de CPAF em quatro fases diferentes do processo: Fase I (pré-redução de volume), Fase II (pós-repouso, agitação e adição do DMSO), Fase III (pós-descongelamento) e Fase IV (após duas horas de descongelamento e agitação). Todas as bolsas foram avaliadas quanto à presença do \"swirling\" plaquetário, e análise microbiológica, contagem de plaquetas e leucócitos, determinação do volume plaquetário médio (VPM), análise do pH, dosagem de desidrogenase lática (DHL) e glicose, a ativação plaquetária por meio de citometria de fluxo com os marcadores CD61, CD62P e anexina V e para a avaliação funcional, as técnicas de microagregação plaquetária e retração do coágulo. Os resultados de cada fase foram analisados e comparados, considerando resultados p< 0,05 de significância estatística, avaliada pelos testes de Wilcoxon e Teste-T pareado. Resultados: Todos os CPs criopreservados apresentaram na inspeção visual presença de \"swirling\" e ausência de grumos. O pH manteve-se com mediana de 7,185 (6,076-7,528) pra fase III, análise microbiológica foi negativa em todas as unidades criopreservadas, o número mediano de plaquetas caiu de 3,04x1011/U na Fase II para 2,27x1011/U na fase III (redução de 25,32%). A ativação plaquetária na fase II foi de 23% CD62P+ para 44% CD62P+ na fase III (p=0,067). O marcador anexina V estava expresso em 13% das plaquetas na fase II e em 11% na fase III, (p=0,33). A LDH aumentou de 747 U/L (4-3079) para 1.428 U/L (662-2303) da fase II para a fase III, respectivamente (p=0,055). A glicose diminuiu em todas as fases (p<0,0001). Os testes de função plaquetária revelaram que a plaquetas descongeladas mantêm sua função. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, embora tenham ocorrido ativação e redução significativa do número de plaquetas, o produto final conservou quantidade suficiente de plaquetas, cujas funções foram mantidas, o que torna viável a utilização do hemocomponente CP criopreservado. Sugere ainda que os CPAF possam ser criopreservados no quinto dia de armazenamento, com o uso do DMSO a 5%, ideal para que não se faça necessário sua remoção pós-descongelamento. / The concentration time of the platelet concentrates (CP), from 5 to 7 days, makes this blood component critical for hemotherapy services. Cryopreservation presents itself as a possibility of maintaining stocks for a longer period. This practice requires an additional cryoprotectant and a suitability of volume in relation to platelet concentration. The CP collected by the same (CPAF) is a blood component of a single dosage, being collected in an automated system, which is equivalent to 6-8 CP units from the collection of conventional donors. Objective: To evaluate the effect of CPAF cryopreservation on the fifth day of storage, by means of immunophenotypic and functional platelet analysis using the 5% DMSO cryoprotectant in a freezer at -80 ° C and thawing in a Maria bath at 37 ° C, without removal of the cryoprotectant. Material and Methods: 20 units of CPAF were analyzed in four different phases of the process: Phase I (pre-reduction of volume), Phase II (post-rest, agitation and DMSO addition), Phase III (post-thaw) and Phase IV (after two hours of thawing and shaking). All units were evaluated for platelet swirling and microbiological analysis, platelet and leukocyte counts, determination of mean platelet volume (MVP), pH analysis, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and glucose, platelet activation by means of flow cytometry with the markers CD61, CD62P and annexin V and for the functional evaluation, platelet microaggregation and clot retraction techniques. The results of each phase were analyzed and compared, considering results p <0.05 of statistical significance, evaluated by the Wilcoxon and Paired T-test. Results: All cryopreserved CPs presented visual presence of \"swirling\" and absence of lumps. The pH was maintained at a median of 7.185 (6.076- 7.528) for phase III, microbiological analysis was negative in all cryopreserved units, the median number of platelets fell from 3.04x1011/U in Phase II to 2.27x1011/U in phase III (reduction of 25.32%). Phase II platelet activation was 23% CD62P + to 44% CD62P + in phase III (p=0.067). The annexin V marker was expressed in 13% of platelets in phase II and 11% in phase III (p=0.33). LDH increased from 747 U/L (4-3,079) to 1,428 U / L (662-2303) from phase II to phase III, respectively (p<0,0055). Glucose decreased in all phases (p <0.0001). Platelet function tests have revealed that thawed platelets maintain their function. Conclusion: The results showed that, although activation and significant reduction of platelet count occurred, the end product preserved sufficient quantity of platelets, whose functions were maintained, which makes the use of the cryopreserved CP blood component viable. It also suggests that CPAFs can be cryopreserved on the fifth day of storage using 5% DMSO, so that their post-thaw removal is not required.
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Aférese x centrifugação do sangue total: análise de custo-efetividade entre os distintos procedimentos para produção do concentrado de plaquetas / Apheresis x total blood centrifugation: cost-effectiveness analysis between the different procedures for the production of platelet concentratesRodrigues, Vanessa de Oliveira 04 December 2017 (has links)
A centrifugação é o principal método utilizado para fracionar o Sangue Total (ST) nos componentes sanguíneos: Concentrados de Hemácias (CH), Concentrados Plaquetas (CP), Plasma e Crioprecipitado, (também chamados de Hemocomponentes). Com intuito de prevenir ou controlar hemorragias, os CP obtidos por centrifugação tornaram-se o padrão no atendimento inicial aos pacientes com baixas contagens de plaquetas. Porém, para obter uma unidade terapêutica (UT), no Hemocentro RP, é necessário agregar seis CP, formando o Pool de CPST (PCP), o que leva a exposição do receptor a vários doadores diferentes. O CP obtido por aférese (CPAF), advindo de equipamento que permite a seleção já na coleta, fornece a dose necessária em apenas uma doação. Baseado no levantamento de dados internos do Hemocentro de RP o presente estudo analisou, através da metodologia de Custeio Baseado em Atividade (ABC), os custos atribuídos às distintas metodologias para a produção dos CP, sabendo que no Hemocentro RP, os CP são dispensados como UT independente da forma de obtenção. Os resultados obtidos foram utilizados na Análise de Custo-Efetividade, evidenciando que a coleta por Centrifugação de ST com a produção de PCP foi mais custo efetiva em 2015 do que a coleta de aférese, porém, por uma diferença relativamente pequena, devido ao grande percentual de obtenção de dupla Unidade Terapêutica (CPAF2). / Centrifugation is the main method used for fractionating Total Blood (TB) to blood components: Red Cells Concentrate (CR), Platelet Concentrates (PC), Plasma and Cryoprecipitate (also called Hemocomponents). In order to prevent or control bleeding, CPs obtained by centrifugation became the standard treatment of patients with low platelet counts. However, to obtain a therapeutic unit (TU), at Hemocentro RP, it is necessary to get together six PCs, forming a Pool of TBPC (PCP), exposing the receptor to several different donors. PC obtained by apheresis (CPAF), which is provided by a equipment that allows selective collection, achieve the dose necessary for the selection in just one donation. Based on the collection of internal data from the Hemocentro RP, the present study analyzed, through the methodology of ActivityBased Costing (ABC), the costs attributed to the different methodologies for the production of PCs knowing that in the Hemocenter RP PCs are dispensed as TU independent of the way of obtaining. The results obtained were used in the CostEffectiveness Analysis, showing collecting by TB Centrifugation producing PC is more cost-effective, however CPAF was almost as effective as in 2015, a great achievement of Dual Therapeutic Unit in a single donation (CPAF2).
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Compara??o entre protocolos para obten??o de plasma rico em plaquetas em c?es: estudo celular / Comparison between protocols for obtaining platelet-rich plasma in dogs: a cellular studyVIDAL JUNIOR, Andr? William Masseaux 15 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-13T21:42:04Z
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2017 - Andr? William Masseaux Vidal J?nior.pdf: 1275550 bytes, checksum: d2d211215832b8ab2e53ab8d6da5ae4b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-13T21:42:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2017 - Andr? William Masseaux Vidal J?nior.pdf: 1275550 bytes, checksum: d2d211215832b8ab2e53ab8d6da5ae4b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-15 / It was proposed by this study to evaluate two protocols (PA and PB) to obtain autologous canine PRP, which is easy to perform in an ambulatory (semiautomatic method) and of good quality (platelet concentration, qualitative evaluation of platelet morphology and low contamination with Erythrocytes), to later propose different therapeutic indications of these PRPs as tissue modulating agents, according to the observed cellular leukocyte pattern. For this purpose, 20 dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) were used at the UFRRJ (HV) Veterinary Hospital, males and females, aged between 1 and 7 years (mean 4 years), considered clinically and hematologically healthy for elective surgeries and / or routine consultations. After adequate trichotomy and antisepsis, 8 mL of blood were collected by venipuncture of the jugular, being immediately packed in two 4 mL flasks, vacuntainer type, containing sodium citrate 3,2%. Protocol A using double centrifugation with 210 xG and 370 xG and protocol B using double centrifugation with 140 x G and 330 x G. PRP samples obtained from each protocol were used to count platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes in the Neubauer chamber, differential leukocyte counting and observation of platelet morphology in smears. Data (mean and standard deviations) were analyzed by the 95% probability t test (p <0,05) using Pearson's correlation to test the relationship between platelet and erythrocyte counts, platelets and leukocytes and leukocytes in Relation to red blood cells. There was a very weak negative correlation between platelets and leukocytes (? = -0,03), weak negative between platelets and erythrocytes (? = -0,3) and strong positive correlation between leukocytes and erythrocytes (? = 0,75). Although Protocol B did not reach the desired one million platelets average (979300 ? 79631 cells / ?L), both protocols, A and B (4,42 ? 1,61 and 3,85 ? 1,55 times more platelets than Total blood, respectively) (p <0,05) were efficient in concentrating platelets. The cytoplasmic prolongations evidencing platelet activation were present in 26,55 ? 6,72% of platelets of protocol A and 26,25 ? 7,03% in those of protocol B (p> 0,05). A and B presented a small number of red blood cells (p> 0,05), which were considered to be contaminants of the samples and, for the quantity of leukocytes, protocol A presented more white blood cells (p <0,05) than protocol B with higher concentrations of basophils , and lymphocytes. / Foi proposto por esse estudo avaliar dois protocolos (PA e PB) para obten??o de PRP canino aut?logo, de f?cil execu??o em ambulat?rio (m?todo semiautom?tico) e de boa qualidade (capacidade de concentra??o de plaquetas, avalia??o qualitativa da morfologia das plaquetas e reduzida contamina??o com eritr?citos), para posteriormente propor diferentes indica??es terap?uticas desses PRP como agentes moduladores de recupera??o tecidual, de acordo com o padr?o celular leucocit?rio observado. Para isso foram utilizados 20 c?es (Canis lupus familiaris) atendidos no Hospital Veterin?rio da UFRRJ (HV), machos e f?meas, com idade variando entre 1 e 7 anos (m?dia 4 anos), considerados saud?veis clinica e hematologicamente que se destinavam para cirurgias eletivas e/ou consultas de rotina. Ap?s tricotomia e antissepsia adequadas, eram coletados 8 mL de sangue por venopun??o da jugular sendo imediatamente acondicionados em dois frascos de 4 mL, do tipo vacuntainer, contendo citrato de s?dio a 3,2%. O protocolo A utilizando centrifuga??o dupla com 210 xG e 370 xG e protocolo B utilizando centrifuga??o dupla com 140 xG e 330 xG. Amostras de PRP obtidas a partir de cada protocolo foram destinadas a contagem de plaquetas, hem?cias e leuc?citos em c?mara de Neubauer, contagem diferencial dos leuc?citos e observa??o da morfologia das plaquetas em esfrega?os. Analisou-se os dados (m?dias e desvios padr?o) pelo Teste t com 95% de probabilidade (p<0,05) utilizando-se correla??o de Pearson para testar a rela??o entre a contagem de plaquetas e hem?cias, plaquetas e leuc?citos e leuc?citos em rela??o as hem?cias. Houve correla??o negativa muito fraca entre plaquetas e leuc?citos (?= -0,03), negativa fraca entre plaquetas e hem?cias (?= -0,3) e correla??o positiva forte entre leuc?citos e hem?cias (?=0,75). Embora o protocolo B n?o tenha alcan?ando a m?dia um milh?o de plaquetas desejado (979300 ? 79631 c?lulas/?L), ambos os protocolos, A e B (4,42 ? 1,61 e 3,85 ? 1,55 vezes mais plaquetas que o sangue total, respectivamente) (p<0,05) foram eficientes em concentrar plaquetas. Os prolongamentos citoplasm?ticos evidenciando ativa??o plaquet?ria estiveram presentes em 26,55 ? 6,72 % das plaquetas do protocolo A e 26,25 ? 7,03 % nas do protocolo B (p>0,05). PA e PB apresentaram reduzido n?mero de hem?cias (p>0,05) consideradas contaminantes das amostras e, quanto a quantidade de leuc?citos, o protocolo A apresentou mais gl?bulos brancos (p<0,05) que o protocolo B com maiores concentra??es de bas?filos, segmentados e linf?citos.
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Jämförelse mellan två nedkylningsmetoder av helblodsenheter för vidare framställning av trombocytkoncentrat avsedda för transfusion / Comparison between two cooling methods of whole blood units for further preparation of platelet concentrates intended for transfusionBäckström, Annie January 2018 (has links)
Trombocytopeni behandlas primärt med trombocyttransfusion. Trombocytkoncentraten kan erhållas genom poolning av lättcellskikt framställda ur helblodsenheter från flera blodgivare. Helblodsenheterna kyls vanligen ner på en CompoCool®-platta för att snabbt komma ner till rumstemperatur och kan då prepareras redan efter 2 h. Detta brukar vara logistiskt fördelaktigt och gynnar erytrocyterna som framställs ur samma helblodsenheter. Det går även att låta helblodsenheterna kylas ner i rumstemperatur vilket å andra sidan sägs ge ett högre trombocytutbyte då studier visat att trombocyter är känsliga för kyla. Syftet med examensarbetet var att framställa och jämföra kvaliteten på trombocytkoncentrat där helblodsenheten hade kylts ner på CompoCool®-platta respektive kylts ner i rumstemperatur. Hypotesen var att trombocytutbytet skulle bli högre vid nedkylning av helblodsenheten i rumstemperatur än vid nedkylning på CompoCool®-platta. Framställningen av trombocytkoncentraten gjordes genom poolning av 5 st lättcellskikt och en påse trombocytsuspensionsmedium efterföljt av centrifugering och separation i en automatisk blodkomponents separator. Kvalitén utvärderades med avseende på trombocytkoncentration, leukocytkoncentration, swirling samt bakterieodling. Samtliga resultat för kvalitetskontrollerna låg inom de rekommenderade gränsvärdena. Det beräknade t-testet för trombocytkoncentrationen var högre än det kritiska t-värdet vilket innebar att det var en signifikant skillnad mellan de olika nedkylningsmetoderna. Genom användning av de erhållna resultaten kunde hypotesen bekräftas och slutsatsen dras att trombocytutbytet är signifikant högre då helblodsenheten kyls ner i rumstemperatur jämfört med CompoCool®-platta.
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