Spelling suggestions: "subject:"platform""
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The Ph.D. thesis is focused on using the fuzzy logic for control of a parallel manipulator based on a Stewart platform. The proposed mechanism makes possible to simulate the physiological movements of the human body and observe degradation processes of the cord implants. Parallel manipulators such as a Stewart platform represent a completely parallel kinematic mechanism that has major differences from typical serial link robots. However, they have some drawbacks of relatively small workspace and difficult forward kinematic problems. Generally, forward kinematic of a parallel manipulators is very complicated and difficult to solve. This thesis presents a simple and efficient approach to design simulation model of forward kinematic based on Takagi-Sugeno type fuzzy inference system. The control system of the parallel manipulator id based on state-space and fuzzy logic controllers. The proposed fuzzy controller uses a Sugeno type fuzzy inference system (FIS) which is derived from discrete position state-space controller with an input integrator. The controller design method is based on anfis (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system) training routine. It utilizes a combination of the least-squares method and the backpropagation gradient descent method for training FIS membership function parameters to emulate a given training data set. The proposed fuzzy logic controllers are used for the control of a linear actuator. The capabilities of the designed control system are shown on verification experiment.
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Moderní technologie v OLAP / Modern Technologies in OLAPJanoška, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
OLAP systems are sought-after tool which are deployed in companies and industry environment. The fundamental task of these systems are support of executive management. This work is dealing with OLAP analysis and its capabilities. It also discussed FLEX and AIR technology, their base principles and functions.
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Aplikační platforma v PHP / PHP Application platformŠpaček, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The goal of this work is to create a model of a platform for an application development provided that this platform is implemented in PHP. Applications are built by connecting of functional modules according to desired properties. The run of these applications is provided by the platform.
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Výzkum marketingového potenciálu vybraného megatrendu / Research of a megatrend and its commercial potentialJandová, Iveta January 2010 (has links)
The master thesis "Research of a megatrend and its commercial potential" uses the qualitative method Delfi and MML-TGI data. The research has showed that one future megatrend is the creation of a new platform which will replace the current internet platform. Furthermore, the research has helped to define the marketing potential of the future platform. The thesis firstly contains a theoretical introduction into the world of megatrends, defines what a megatrend is together with a possible prediction of future events, and looks at the overall characteristics of what makes-up a megatrend. It also looks at current megatrends, ways how to deal with them, and analyses reactions of different industries towards them. Secondly, the thesis follows through with a theoretical analysis of the research methods used, such as the Delfi method. This part contains a detailed methodology of the research with the use of Delfi and MML-TGI. The focus and objective of the thesis lies in researching the future megatrend and its marketing potential. A prerequisite to fulfilling the main objective is to acquire relevant data which will allow for the research to be completed. The thesis deals with the problem in the form of the possibility to predict a future megatrend and its marketing potential, especially in the relation of availability and supply of relevant, trustworthy information.
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Statinė CIL kodo analizė, remiantis simboliniu vykdymu / Static CIL code analysis using symbolic executionNeverdauskas, Tomas 26 August 2010 (has links)
Programinės įrangos testavimas ir kokybės užtikrinimas yra svarbus programų sistemų inžinerijos kūrimo uždavinys, siekiant sukurti tinkamą naudojimui produktą. Yra daug skirtingų metodikų kuriamai programinei įrangai testuoti, tačiau vieningos sistemos, kuri būtų universali – nėra. Įvairūs tyrimai vykdomi programinės įrangos testavimo srityje duoda skirtingus rezultatus. Testavimo procesas taip pat svarbus ir praktikoje – be jo negali išsiversti nei vienas organizacija susijusi su programinės įrangos kūrimu ir plėtojimu. Šis darbas remiasi modeliu paremto testavimo paradigma ir simboliniu vykdymo metodika. Darbe apžvelgiamos teorinės simbolinio vykdymo galimybės, jo pritaikymas .Net platformoje ir papildomos priemonės, kurios reikalingos įgyvendinti tokią sistemą. Taip pat trumpai pristatomas magistro projektinis darbas, aprašomi sukurti inžinerinio produkto svarbiausi aspektai. Pagal teorinę medžiaga sukurtas simbolinio vykdymo variklis – Symex. Darbe nagrinėjamas praktinis tokio įrankio pritaikymas generuojant vienetų testus iš išeities kodo – eksperimentiškai tiriamos ir lyginamos simbolinio vykdymo ir atsitiktinių įėjimų vienetų testų kūrimo galimybės .Net platformoje. / Testing complex safety critical software always was difficult task. Development of automated techniques for error detection is even more difficult. Well known techniques for checking software are model checking static analysis and testing. Symbolic execution is a technique that is being used to improve security, to find bugs, and to help in debugging. A symbolic execution engine is basically an interpreter that figures out how to follow all paths in a program. It is a static code analysis technique. This work presents symbolic execution background, current state, analysis the possibilities of implementation on the .Net framework and platform. The work describes the master project – bug tracking software “Crunchbug” and the tool – Symex (symbolic execution engine) for .Net platform. Symex is white box model based automatic unit test generator and it is evaluated against two other tools – Microsoft Pex and framework that generates unit test inputs random. Detailed experiments made to cover symbolic execution possibilities with proprietary benchmarks and real code from the master project.
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Architektura 3M značek a práce s nimi, case study 3M – z pohledu B2B, interních specialistů a marketérů / Architecture 3M of brands and their applications, “Case study 3M” – the perspective of B2B subjects and internal specialists and marketing personnel of 3MVojta, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Brand portfolios of multinational firm are a complex organism which is managed by headquarter of organization, in particular by the brands architecture and rebranding. The distributors create a direct feedback relationship from the market and they significantly influence any success of brands. The specific work of marketing personnel with brands is thus influenced by many stakeholders on the market and, in consequence, the specific work becomes a complex marketing activity. This master thesis is concerned with the architecture of the specific portfolio of 3M and the work with its brands. The aim is (i) to map architecture of the specific portfolio of 3M House of Brands and (ii) to assess rebranding form 2015 and (iii) to analyze the work with 3M brands and to formulate recommendation for improvements of the work with 3M. The first part is considers the architecture of brands from a theoretical viewpoint which provides a basis for the mapping of 3M House of Brands. There is also specified marketing research methodology which is applied in the practical part of the thesis concerned with specific secondary data, questionnaire survey and deep interviews. In the practical part of the master thesis there is analyzed 3M Case Study, in which there is described and assessed the empirical research of 3M brands. The research consists of two parts: (1) questionnaire survey orientated on B2B distributors, and (2) deep interviews carried out with 3M marketing and special personnel. The comparison and synthesis of more qualitative data appears that the most important result. The 3M perspectives of the marketing personnel and the distributors on the selection of brand activities differ in spite the fact that their aims are similar. The key recommendation of this thesis is, therefore, to give more importance to preferences of the market and create upon this empirical basis more effective branding activities.
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Analýza a návrh rámce webové aplikace pro obchodování na kapitálových trzích / Analysis and design of scope web aplication for trading on capital marketsJarolín, Michael January 2013 (has links)
Thesis is focused on trading information systems in capital markets. The aim of this thesis is to analyze trading information systems and create model of hypothetical online trading platform. The model should consolidate the knowledge of the existing solutions for trading in the capital market. The thesis is divided into three parts. The theoretical part provides a basic description of trading information systems in the capital market. Second, analytic part of the thesis is focused on structure of brokerage trading information system. The first analysis is focused on analyze portfolio of the current trading platforms offered by brokerage. The second analysis is focused on analyze internal functionality structure of the selected group of trading platform. The aim of this analysis is to find and describe the portfolio functionalities of trading platforms and identified the basis or standard functionalities of trading platforms. Resulting data from second analysis are important for third part for this thesis. Third, main part of this thesis is devoted on creating model of hypothetical online trading platform. This part consist several sets of models and together created one complex model of hypothetical online trading platform.
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Analýza současných služeb vybraného mobilního operátora / Analysis of current mobile operator selected servicesHavlíčková, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is an analysis of current mobile operator selected services. This work focuses on the present and the future development of mobile internet connection. The aim is to analyze existing services at Telefónica Czech Republic and The work is divided into several parts. The first part focuses on the selection of a particular operator. I described at al. Czech Republic and Telefónica, which is the first integrated operator in the Czech Republic. The company currently operates more than seven million mobile numbers and fixed lines, making it one of the leading providers of fully converged services in Europe. I focused on the organizational structure of the company and its description. The second part is historical, describes the history of mobile networks in the CR, the history of mobile communications in the data and the development of mobile connections in the country. The third part is theoretical, describes al. Czech Republic Telefonica SpA in terms of services it offers in this section is also described ISO certification, EMS policy and business principles. Are described voice and mobile services, mobile data services and connectivity technologies and different types of technologies (GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA, HSPA + and LTE). Another section includes the development of mobile connections in the CR, the current situation where Telefónica provides 3G connection for almost 71% of the population and the current state of commercial LTE network. I tried to describe the current mobile platforms, and even telecommunications market in the Czech Republic. The penultimate section specifies the geographic traffic distribution network operator and the last part, I dealt with the analysis and comparison services. The total contribution of the thesis see the approach and evaluation of existing services together. Telefónica Czech Republic, as, which is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world.
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Problematika přechodu od jednojádrové k vícejádrové implementaci operačního systému / Issue of Migrating from Single-Core to Multi-Core Implementation of Operating SystemSkopal, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the modifications of the hardware design and operating systems of the ZedBoard multi-core platform so that both ARM Cortex A9 processor cores included in SoC Zynq7000 can be used. It analyses the general issue of the multi-core environment and the core functions of the kernel and the operating system. It describes selected means of implementation ZedBoard and FreeRTOS. In the implementation section, specific steps are demonstrated to convert a single-core operating system to a multi-core system but also steps required to run two different operating systems on two processor cores. In the last section all achieved results are summarized.
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Tato práce se zabývá vývojem platforem na bázi křemíkového substrátu pro selektivní integraci polovodivých nanostruktur oxidu kovu (MOX) a jejich použití v perspektivních mobilních zařízeních jako vysoce citlivé a selektivní prvky pro detekci analytů plynů. Polovodičové nanostruktury MOX, například nanodráty, prokázaly lepší schopnosti pro snímání plynů včetně citlivosti, stability a do jisté míry také selektivity, ve srovnání s jejich protějšky na bázi vrstev. Rovněž použití jednoho (nebo několika) nanodrátů zapojených paralelně se ukázalo jako ideální architektura pro dosažení dobře definovaného vodivého kanálu snadno modulovatelného interakcemi na přechodu plynná-pevná látka. Dosavadní způsoby integrace struktur na bázi jednoho nanodrátu do funkčních zařízení však stále představují technologickou výzvu, protože většina metod vyžaduje asistenci technik, jako je soustředěný iontový paprsek (FIB), který omezuje škálovatelnost a zvyšuje náklady a čas výroby. V této souvislosti je práce zaměřena na optimalizaci technologických procesů pro výrobu systémů založených na elektrodových polích s jedním polovodivým nanodrátem. V této práci byly vyvinuty tři verze elektrodových platforem pro selektivní integraci jednoho nanodrátu z MOX materiálu citlivého na plyn. Jako klíčové technologie výroby byly použity nejmodernější vícestupňové výrobní postupy a litografie s využitím elektronového paprsku (nanofabrikace), které umožňují vývoj elektrodových polí s přímými nanoelektrodami, ale i dalších funkčních nanostruktur. Výsledky demonstrují výrobu elektrodové platformy s přímými nanoelektrodami (šířky 100–300 nm), na kterých se nachází úzká dielektrická okna s šířkou blízké průměru nanodrátu (přibližně 100–200 nm). Tyto nanoelektrody byly použity jako mechanická podpora pro zarovnání jednoho nanodrátu a rovněž jako elektrické kontakty pro měření elektrické změny nanodrátu během detekování plynu. Výsledky také zahrnují optimalizaci technik pro odstraňování a opětovné nanášení nanodrátů pro dosažení jedno nanodrátových propojení v poli paralelních elektrod pomocí střídavého elektrického pole jako jednoduché a účinné metody pro zarovnávání nanodrátů (dielektroforéza). Ověření těchto systémů vůči různým plynným látkám (oxidačním a redukčním plynům) bylo provedeno za použití nefunkcionalizovaných a Pt-funkcionalizovaných WO3 nanodrátů syntetizovaných pomocí aerosolové chemické depozice par (AACVD) a topného prvku na bázi tlusté vrstvy na korundové keramice (s provozní teplotou 250 °C), sestaveného spolu s elektrodovou platformou na pouzdru TO-8. Snímací vlastnosti takových systémů vykazovaly lepší citlivost v odporovém režimu na oxid dusičitý (NO2) a ethanol (EtOH) než jejich protějšky využívající nanodrátových filmů. Poslední verze systému pro snímání plynu vyvinutého v této práci (popsaná jako třetí generace čipů) obsahuje třetí izolovanou elektrodu zabudovanou (utopenou) pod citlivým nanodrátem pro zvýšení detekční schopnosti snímání plynu. Testy odezvy na vodík (H2) a oxid dusičitý (NO2) potvrdily zvýšenou funkčnost tohoto systému modulující odezvu senzoru pomocí externího elektrického napětí na utopené elektrodě.
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