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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Rocha, Nadia Maria Dourado 06 June 1979 (has links)
Este trabalho compreende três estudos, tendo por objetivo mais geral analisar o comportamento verbal de pré-escolares em situação de teste e de brinquedo. o primeiro estudo teve por objetivo verificar se a ordem de apresentação de uma gravura e de três séries de pranchas influenciava o comportamento verbal. Foram testadas 48 crianças, de quatro, cinco e seis anos, 50% de cada sexo, sendo todas de classe alta. A metade dos sujeitos foi apresentada inicialmente a gravura e sem seguida as pranchas, e vice-versa. A análise do material coletado não permitiu localizar diferenças entre os sujeitos que foram submetidos às duas sequências. Além disso, não foi encontrada correlação do desempenho nas duas situações. o segundo estudo teve por objetivo estudar o desempenho de 72 crianças das três faixas etárias já referidas, e de nível sócio econômico médio-alto (GA) e baixo (GB e GC} 11 \'ao descrever\' uma gravura e em seguida rotular três séries de pranchas. Quanto as os resultados indicam que: a) houve um maior número de correlações significantes entre cada uma das séries e o total do que nas séries entre si: b) a análise de acertos por Item mostrou que a frequência de palavras com mais de 75% de acerto foi igual à das palavras com menos de 25% de acerto; c) o GA apresentou a maior frequência de palavras com alto e baixo percentual de acertos; d) O GB apresentou a maior frequência de desconhecimento manifesto das pranchas apresentadas; e) a análise focalizando as variáveis faixa etária, sexo e nível sócio-econômico revelou que apenas esta última parece relevante a este tipo de tarefa. Já a avaliação do desempenho face à gravura revelou que: a) foram altas as correlações entre os vários aspectos estudados (vocábulos, come sem re petição, tato considerando o total emitido e sem considerar repetições e sentenças: b) as análises considerando as variáveis faixa etária, sexo e nível sócio-econômico mostraram que apenas esta última, parece relevante. Tão pouco neste estudo foi localizada correlação entre às duas situações. Finalmente, o terceiro estudo visou comparar o desempenho de crianças que apresentaram resultado bom (GD) ou insuficiente (GE) face às pranchas, ao interagir com as suas mães em duas situações de brinquedo, com um quebra-cabeça e com os módulos. Inicialmente os grupos extremos foram comparados, tendo os resultados indica do que eles realmente eram diferentes. Comparou-se os comportamen tos verbais emitidos pela mãe e pela criança, a sequência de inte ração e as pausas existentes nas duas situações. Além disto, con frontou-se as duas situações quanto à eliciação do ,comportamento mais reforçadores positivos, bem como um maior subtotal de estimulos discriminativos verbais: b) na situação módulo\", não foi encontrada diferença quanto aos estImulos liberados, embora tenha ocorrido diferenças quanto à emissão de informações, questões,mandos em geral, reforços positivos, comportamento ecoico e o o subtotal de respostas. todas essas favorecendo o GD. Já a comparaçao das emissões verbais das crianças demonstrou que: a) ao brincar com o quebra-cabeça as crianças de GD liberaram mais informações, tanto como estímulo quanto corno resposta, e além disso, apresentarão um maior sub-total de estimulação; c) ao brincar com o módulo houve uma diferença significante, em favor do GD quanto às informações liberadas (estímulo e resposta), questões formuladas ( também como estímulo e como resposta), frequência de mandos como resposta às solicitações maternas, frequência de respostas estimuladoras do tipo ecoico e finalmente, total de respostas emitidas. O estudo das sequências de interação revelou um padrão idêntico nas duas situações: não houve diferenças na sequência Mãe-mãe, embora tivesse havido nas sequências Mãe-criança, criança-mãe e criança- criança, todas elas favorecendo o GD. Ao considerar as pausas feitas pode ser observado que o GE apresentou períodos grandes de não verbalização nas duas situações tendo diferido significantemente do GE. O resultado do estudo correlacional, indicou que as duas situações são bastante semelhantes em termos de eliciação do comportamento verbal oral. / This work consists of 3 studies, having as a general objective the analysis of the verbal behaviour of kindergarten children playing and being tested. The first study had the objective of verifying if the order of the presentation of a picture and three series of planks influenced the. verbal behaviour. Fourth eight children were tested, four, five and six year olds, 50% of each sex They were all from upper class. Initially, to half of them, the picture was presented then the planks, and then vice-versa. The analysis of the information which was collected in this work did not permit the localization of any difference between the children which were submitted to the two sequences. Besides, no correlation was found of the performance in those two situations. The second study had the objective of studying the performance of 72 children from de same age group, medium-high social-economic level class (GA) and low (GB and GC), during the description of a picture and following the labeling of three series of planks. With respect to the planks the results indicated that: a) there were a greater number of significant correlations amongst each of the series than the total of the series themselves; b) analysis of the correct answer, by item, showed that the frequency of words with more than 75% correct were equal to the words with less than 25% correct; c) the GA showed the greater frequency of words with high and low percentage correct; d)the GB presented the greater frequency Of non-acquaintance when facing the planks; e) the analysis emphasizing the variables of age, sex and social-economic level revealed that only the latter seems to be relevant to this type of work. On the other hand, the appraisal of their performance in front of a picture revealed that: a) the high correlations amounts the various aspects studied (vocabulary with and without repetition, considering the total uttered, without considering repetitions and sentences) these correlations were high; b) considering the various ages, sex and social-economic level, the analysis showed that only the latter seems to be relevant. Even in that study the correlation between the two situations was not localized. Finally, the third study intended to compare the behaviour of children who showed result as good (GD) or insufficient (GE) in front of the planks, when they had the help of their mothers in those two play situations, with a puzzle and with the modulus. Initially the utmost groups were compared, having the results indicating than they were really different. The verbal behaviour uttered by the mother and her child, the sequence of interaction and pauses existent in the two situations were compared. Besides that, the two situations were confronted with respect to the draw out of the verbal behaviour. The analysis of the behaviour of mothers revealed that; a) in the puzzle situation GE mothers had a tendency to utter more \"mands\", command type, and more negative reinforcements, both to stimulate than the GD mothers, the latter had done more positive reinforcements, as well as a bigger sub-total of verbal discriminative stimulus; b) in the situation \"module\" it was not found difference in the liberate stimulus although differences had occourred with respect to the uttering of information, questions, mands, in general, positive reinforcements, echoic behaviour and the sub-total of answers, all these helping the GD. On the other hand, the verbal uttering of children demonstrated that; a)playing with the puzzle the GD children gave more information; as much as an encouragement and answer, and beside that, showed a bigger sub-total of encouragement; b) playing with modules there were a significant difference in favor of GD with respect to the literate liberation encouragement/answer, frequency of mands as an answer to the mother\'s request, frequency of encouragement answer, echoic type and finally total of uttered answer. The study of the interaction sequences revealed an identical pattern in the two situations; there were no difference in the sequence mother-mother, although in had happened in the sequences mother-children, children- mother and children-children, all favoring the GD. Considering the pauses done we can observe that GE presented big periods of non-verbalization in the two situations, showing a significant difference from the GD. The results of the co relational study indicated that the two situations are very similar in terms of expelling the oral/verbal behaviour.

An investigation into the factors that affect play fighting behavior in giant pandas

Wilson, Megan L. 18 May 2005 (has links)
The prevalence of play in the animal kingdom makes it a well-studied phenomenon, yet little is known about play fighting behavior in bears. I investigated the effects of sex, partner (dam or cub), and early rearing conditions on play fighting behavior in giant panda cubs by observing video tapes that were recorded at two facilities in China over a three-year period. Two of the three factors, sex and partner, had significant effects on the play fighting behavior of giant panda cubs. I found sex differences in play fighting, with males exhibiting significantly higher rates of biting behavior than females during play bouts with other cubs. This lends support to the motor training hypothesis and suggests that there is a relationship between adult roles and earlier play fighting behavior. Partner had a significant effect on play fighting, in that cubs exhibited significantly higher rates of Bite, Break Away, Paw Swat, and Re-engage behaviors during play bouts with cubs. These differences suggest that cubs and dams might provide different opportunities as partners during play fighting bouts. Because some behaviors occurred at higher rates with dams, it is possible that dams engage in self-handicapping behavior during play fighting bouts with cubs. Early rearing conditions did not have significant effects on behaviors when they were examined by category or by individual behaviors. Similar results were found when cubs that had access to adult females after six months of age were excluded from the analyses. These results suggest that early rearing conditions have little effect on the play fighting behavior of captive giant panda cubs. Certain aspects of giant panda behavioral ecology, however, might contribute to stability in play signals, regardless of early rearing conditions. Future studies of play fighting behavior in bears should further examine these and other factors, and that data from these studies need to be interpreted in light of the relationship of bears to other carnivores.

Attention cues in apes and their role in social play behavior of western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)

Mayhew, Jessica A. January 2013 (has links)
The research aims of this thesis are to investigate the attention cues available to and used by apes, especially gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), to ascertain the direction of conspecific attention during social interactions with a special reference to social play. Minimal research has been conducted on the role of attention cues - eye gaze, head, and body orientation - to regulate natural social interactions, such as social play, in non-human primates. This thesis begins with an investigation of the "cooperative eye hypothesis", which poses that humans have evolved a unique white sclera adaptation for advertising and detecting gaze direction. Chapter 2 reports the existence of a natural white sclera variation in a proportion of gorilla eyes - contradicting the widely held assumption that white sclera is an exclusively human characteristic - and analyzes the presence of white sclera in relation to other morphological changes in the human eye. The study concludes that the morphological elongation of the eye might be a more important and unique change than the white sclera coloration. Chapter 3 experimentally explores the contribution of white sclera in both great ape and human eye gaze to the perception of gaze direction detection by human observers. This chapter concludes that although white sclera contributes to the accuracy and speed of gaze direction detection (an assumption that this thesis has put to experimental test for the first time), this merely adds to the already efficient gaze cues available in the eye areas of the ape face. Chapter 4 investigates the role of eye gaze, head, and body orientations during gorilla social play behavior, and more specifically, introduces a novel analysis of "vigilance periods" (VPs), in which gorillas may use the interaction between attention cues to gauge the attention and intentions of play partners to successfully navigate play. The final study (Chapter 5) complements Chapter 4 and investigates the role of gorilla postures, behaviors, and movements during changes in attentional cue orientations. This chapter concludes that gorillas often engage in physical rest during VPs but maintain attentional engagement and can assemble and impart socially relevant information based on the behaviors, movements, and attention orientations of their partner. Together, these studies suggest that attention orientation is conveyed and assessed by gorillas through a variety of interacting cues to navigate and modify social play interactions.


Nadia Maria Dourado Rocha 06 June 1979 (has links)
Este trabalho compreende três estudos, tendo por objetivo mais geral analisar o comportamento verbal de pré-escolares em situação de teste e de brinquedo. o primeiro estudo teve por objetivo verificar se a ordem de apresentação de uma gravura e de três séries de pranchas influenciava o comportamento verbal. Foram testadas 48 crianças, de quatro, cinco e seis anos, 50% de cada sexo, sendo todas de classe alta. A metade dos sujeitos foi apresentada inicialmente a gravura e sem seguida as pranchas, e vice-versa. A análise do material coletado não permitiu localizar diferenças entre os sujeitos que foram submetidos às duas sequências. Além disso, não foi encontrada correlação do desempenho nas duas situações. o segundo estudo teve por objetivo estudar o desempenho de 72 crianças das três faixas etárias já referidas, e de nível sócio econômico médio-alto (GA) e baixo (GB e GC} 11 \'ao descrever\' uma gravura e em seguida rotular três séries de pranchas. Quanto as os resultados indicam que: a) houve um maior número de correlações significantes entre cada uma das séries e o total do que nas séries entre si: b) a análise de acertos por Item mostrou que a frequência de palavras com mais de 75% de acerto foi igual à das palavras com menos de 25% de acerto; c) o GA apresentou a maior frequência de palavras com alto e baixo percentual de acertos; d) O GB apresentou a maior frequência de desconhecimento manifesto das pranchas apresentadas; e) a análise focalizando as variáveis faixa etária, sexo e nível sócio-econômico revelou que apenas esta última parece relevante a este tipo de tarefa. Já a avaliação do desempenho face à gravura revelou que: a) foram altas as correlações entre os vários aspectos estudados (vocábulos, come sem re petição, tato considerando o total emitido e sem considerar repetições e sentenças: b) as análises considerando as variáveis faixa etária, sexo e nível sócio-econômico mostraram que apenas esta última, parece relevante. Tão pouco neste estudo foi localizada correlação entre às duas situações. Finalmente, o terceiro estudo visou comparar o desempenho de crianças que apresentaram resultado bom (GD) ou insuficiente (GE) face às pranchas, ao interagir com as suas mães em duas situações de brinquedo, com um quebra-cabeça e com os módulos. Inicialmente os grupos extremos foram comparados, tendo os resultados indica do que eles realmente eram diferentes. Comparou-se os comportamen tos verbais emitidos pela mãe e pela criança, a sequência de inte ração e as pausas existentes nas duas situações. Além disto, con frontou-se as duas situações quanto à eliciação do ,comportamento mais reforçadores positivos, bem como um maior subtotal de estimulos discriminativos verbais: b) na situação módulo\", não foi encontrada diferença quanto aos estImulos liberados, embora tenha ocorrido diferenças quanto à emissão de informações, questões,mandos em geral, reforços positivos, comportamento ecoico e o o subtotal de respostas. todas essas favorecendo o GD. Já a comparaçao das emissões verbais das crianças demonstrou que: a) ao brincar com o quebra-cabeça as crianças de GD liberaram mais informações, tanto como estímulo quanto corno resposta, e além disso, apresentarão um maior sub-total de estimulação; c) ao brincar com o módulo houve uma diferença significante, em favor do GD quanto às informações liberadas (estímulo e resposta), questões formuladas ( também como estímulo e como resposta), frequência de mandos como resposta às solicitações maternas, frequência de respostas estimuladoras do tipo ecoico e finalmente, total de respostas emitidas. O estudo das sequências de interação revelou um padrão idêntico nas duas situações: não houve diferenças na sequência Mãe-mãe, embora tivesse havido nas sequências Mãe-criança, criança-mãe e criança- criança, todas elas favorecendo o GD. Ao considerar as pausas feitas pode ser observado que o GE apresentou períodos grandes de não verbalização nas duas situações tendo diferido significantemente do GE. O resultado do estudo correlacional, indicou que as duas situações são bastante semelhantes em termos de eliciação do comportamento verbal oral. / This work consists of 3 studies, having as a general objective the analysis of the verbal behaviour of kindergarten children playing and being tested. The first study had the objective of verifying if the order of the presentation of a picture and three series of planks influenced the. verbal behaviour. Fourth eight children were tested, four, five and six year olds, 50% of each sex They were all from upper class. Initially, to half of them, the picture was presented then the planks, and then vice-versa. The analysis of the information which was collected in this work did not permit the localization of any difference between the children which were submitted to the two sequences. Besides, no correlation was found of the performance in those two situations. The second study had the objective of studying the performance of 72 children from de same age group, medium-high social-economic level class (GA) and low (GB and GC), during the description of a picture and following the labeling of three series of planks. With respect to the planks the results indicated that: a) there were a greater number of significant correlations amongst each of the series than the total of the series themselves; b) analysis of the correct answer, by item, showed that the frequency of words with more than 75% correct were equal to the words with less than 25% correct; c) the GA showed the greater frequency of words with high and low percentage correct; d)the GB presented the greater frequency Of non-acquaintance when facing the planks; e) the analysis emphasizing the variables of age, sex and social-economic level revealed that only the latter seems to be relevant to this type of work. On the other hand, the appraisal of their performance in front of a picture revealed that: a) the high correlations amounts the various aspects studied (vocabulary with and without repetition, considering the total uttered, without considering repetitions and sentences) these correlations were high; b) considering the various ages, sex and social-economic level, the analysis showed that only the latter seems to be relevant. Even in that study the correlation between the two situations was not localized. Finally, the third study intended to compare the behaviour of children who showed result as good (GD) or insufficient (GE) in front of the planks, when they had the help of their mothers in those two play situations, with a puzzle and with the modulus. Initially the utmost groups were compared, having the results indicating than they were really different. The verbal behaviour uttered by the mother and her child, the sequence of interaction and pauses existent in the two situations were compared. Besides that, the two situations were confronted with respect to the draw out of the verbal behaviour. The analysis of the behaviour of mothers revealed that; a) in the puzzle situation GE mothers had a tendency to utter more \"mands\", command type, and more negative reinforcements, both to stimulate than the GD mothers, the latter had done more positive reinforcements, as well as a bigger sub-total of verbal discriminative stimulus; b) in the situation \"module\" it was not found difference in the liberate stimulus although differences had occourred with respect to the uttering of information, questions, mands, in general, positive reinforcements, echoic behaviour and the sub-total of answers, all these helping the GD. On the other hand, the verbal uttering of children demonstrated that; a)playing with the puzzle the GD children gave more information; as much as an encouragement and answer, and beside that, showed a bigger sub-total of encouragement; b) playing with modules there were a significant difference in favor of GD with respect to the literate liberation encouragement/answer, frequency of mands as an answer to the mother\'s request, frequency of encouragement answer, echoic type and finally total of uttered answer. The study of the interaction sequences revealed an identical pattern in the two situations; there were no difference in the sequence mother-mother, although in had happened in the sequences mother-children, children- mother and children-children, all favoring the GD. Considering the pauses done we can observe that GE presented big periods of non-verbalization in the two situations, showing a significant difference from the GD. The results of the co relational study indicated that the two situations are very similar in terms of expelling the oral/verbal behaviour.

Play Behavior and its Importance for Welfare in Chickens and Other Farm Animals.

Lundén, Gabrielle January 2020 (has links)
Play is a self-motivated seemingly non-functional behavior mainly observed in young animals. Moreover, play behaviors can be divided into three categories; social play, object play and locomotor play. The type of activity the category contains varies, as play behaviors vary between species. Play behavior is seen as an indicator of positive emotions in animals, therefore play could be an indicator of welfare. However, the relationship between play and welfare requires further studies. In this study, information was compiled from various articles about play and its relation to welfare. Above all, the study focuses on welfare and play in chickens, as studies on chickens are most lacking. Play provides several benefits regarding motor training, social cohesion and cognitive training. Livestock such as calves, piglets and lambs have all been observed playing. No play has been confirmed in chickens which is mainly due to lack of research. However, play has been observed in other bird species, including birds within the order Galliformes. Amount and type of play varies depending on the environment, which suggests that animal welfare has a great significance for play. If no play occurs, one could conclude that welfare needs to be improved. Lack of play observed in chickens could be due to poor welfare or lack of research. After all, presence of play in other bird species increases the probability that chickens also play. Results indicate that play could be used as an indicator for welfare.

Playful feedback and the developing brain

Bell, Heather C, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2008 (has links)
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) has long been thought to be the seat of social behaviours in mammals. Lesions of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a subregion of the PFC, are known to cause social deficits in humans. Interestingly, social deficits are also seen in rats with OFC lesions. Rats that are deprived of peer play during development exhibit behaviour similar to OFC-ablated animals. Another subregion of the PFC, the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is interconnected with the OFC. The mPFC and OFC have been shown to be reciprocally responsive to a variety of inuences, in terms of dendritic morphology. It was hypothesized that social experiences are necessary for the proper development of the OFC, and that, because of the interconnectivity, the mPFC would also be sensitive to social experience. The social condition in which juvenile rats were raised was manipulated, and the OFC and mPFC were shown to be differentially responsive to specific aspects of social experience. It was already known that OFC lesions produce specific social deficits, but the contribution of the mPFC to the production of social behaviour was unknown. To investigate the contribution of the mPFC to the performance of social behaviour, animals were given mPFC lesions, and their social play behaviour was quantified. mPFC-ablated animals had altered play patterns that were distinct from those seen in the OFC-ablated animals. It was concluded that the OFC and mPFC are differentially responsive to social stimuli during development, and that the OFC and mPFC make discrete contributions to the production of social behaviour. The results were interpreted in an evolutionary context. / x, 93 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm.

Determination of a Two-Week `Window’ for PCB Influence on Ultrasonic Vocalization and Other Behavioral Measures in Young Sprague-Dawley Rats

Baldwin, Jeffrey W., Jr. 09 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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