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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A mobile SIP client : From the user interface design to evaluation of synchronised playout from multiple SIP user agents

Karapantelakis, Athanasios January 2007 (has links)
The thesis examines the ability to have synchronized playout of audio from multiple devices. The paths between the source of this audio and the output devices may be different. Our objective is to provide a generic low-cost solution, without the use of special hardware. The context of this work is internet telephony, but the work is also applicable to other settings. In internet telephony this synchronization not only contributes to the natural flow of conversation, but also maintains the spatial effect of the incoming audio streams, as well as the location awareness of the peers. We envisioned users of handheld devices might collectively utilize their personal devices to enable a shared spatial audio environment. In the simplest case two users each with monophonic terminals could provide stereo. Hence, the second part of this study addresses the practical issue of how such synchronization could be utilized in a internet telephony client to provide such multidevice playout. We utilized minisip, as an open-source Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) client supporting security, as the basic client. To realize the vision, we ported minisip to a Pocket PC environment. In the second part of this thesis we examine the process of porting preexisting code to such a new architecture, as well as how to map an existing human-computer interface to such a handheld device. The thesis shows that synchronization is possible and explores some of the implementation’s limitations. A clear result is the need to combine the results of several theses into the common trunk code - so as to combine the earlier RTCP work with this synchronization work and to provide the a human-computer interface which is suitable for many different handheld devices, ranging from Pocket PCs to SmartPhones. / Rapporten visar på möjligheten att synkronisera ljuduppspelning på multipla ljudenheter. Vägarna från ljudkllan till de olika högtalarna (utenheterna) kan skilja sig. Vårt mål är att tillhandahålla en generell lösning till en lågt kostnad, utan att behöva använda specialhårdvara. Området för detta arbete är internettelefoni, men arbetet är även tillämpbart inom andra områden. I fallet med internettelefoni så bidrar ljudsynkroniseringen inte enbart till det naturliga konversationsflödet, utan även till de rumsrelaterade aspekterna av de inkommande ljudströmmarna och samtalsparternas medvetenhet om sina geografiska positioner. Vi förutser att användare av mobila terminaler kan komma att använda sina terminaler tillsammans för att möjliggöra en gemensam ljudmiljö. I sitt enklaste utförande kan två monoenheter tillsammans skapa en ljudmiljö för stereo-ljud. Därför adresserar den andra delen av studien hur denna typ av ljudsynkronisering kan användas inom IP-telefoni för att möjliggöra synkroniserad uppspelning på flera enheter. Vi använde minisip, en klient för SIP byggd på öppen källkod och med säkerhetsstöd, som en grundläggande terminal. För att realisera vår vision så portade vi minisip till Pocket PC-miljön. I den andra delen av den här rapporten undersöker vi även processen för att portera existerande kod till en sådan arktitektur, och hur man överför existerande användargränssnitt till en handhållen terminal. Denna rapport visar att synkronisering är möjlig men visar samtidigt på en del av begränsningarna i implementationen. Ett tydligt resultat är behovet av att kombinera tidigare rapporters resultat – för att kombinera tidigare arbete inom RTCP med detta arbete inom synkronisering och för att tillhandahålla ett användargränssnitt lämpat för många olika handhållna terminaler, från Pocket PC-baserade till SmartPhone-baserade system.

Using Bandwidth Estimation to Optimize Buffer and Rate Selection for Streaming Multimedia over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks

Li, Mingzhe 12 December 2006 (has links)
"As streaming techniques and wireless access networks become more widely deployed, a streaming multimedia connection with the "last mile" being a wireless network is becoming increasingly common. However, since current streaming techniques are primarily designed for wired networks, streaming multimedia applications can perform poorly in wireless networks. Recent research has shown that the wireless network conditions, such as the wireless link layer rate adaptation, contending traffic, and interference can significantly degrade the performance of streaming media applications. This performance degradation includes increased multimedia frame losses and lower image quality caused by packet loss, and multiple rebuffering events that stop the media playout. This dissertation presents the model, design, implementation and evaluation of an application layer solution for improving streaming multimedia application performance in IEEE 802.11 wireless networks by using enhanced bandwidth estimation techniques. The solution includes two parts: 1) a new Wireless Bandwidth estimation tool (WBest) designed for fast, non-intrusive, accurate estimation of available bandwidth in IEEE 802.11 networks, which can be used by streaming multimedia applications to improve the performance in wireless networks; 2) a Buffer and Rate Optimization for Streaming (BROS) algorithm using WBest to guide the streaming rate selection and initial buffer optimization. WBest and BROS are implemented and incorporated into an emulated streaming client-server system, Emulated Streaming (EmuS), in Linux and evaluated under a variety of wireless conditions. The evaluations show that with WBest and BROS, the performance of streaming multimedia applications in wireless networks can be significantly improved in terms of multimedia frame loss, rebuffer events and buffer delay."

Design And Development Of An Internet Telephony Test Device

Celikadam, Turgut 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The issues involved in Internet telephony (Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) device) can be best understood by actually implementing a VoIP device and studying its performance. In this regard, an Internet telephony device, providing full duplex voice communication over internet, and a user interface program have been developed. In the process, a number of implementation issues came into focus, which we have touched upon in this thesis. Transport layer network protocols are discussed in the concept of real time streaming applications and Real Time Protocol (RTP) is modified to use as transport layer protocol in developed VoIP device. Adaptive playout buffering algorithms are studied and compared with each other by trace driven simulation experiments with objective measures. A method to solve clock synchronization problem in streaming internet applications is presented. One way and round trip delay measurement functionalities are added to the VoIP device, so that device can be used to investigate the network characteristics.

A Study of Factors Which Influence QoD of HTTP Video Streaming Based on Adobe Flash Technology

Sun, Bin, Uppatumwichian, Wipawat January 2013 (has links)
Recently, there has been a significant rise in the Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) video streaming usage worldwide. However, the knowledge of performance of HTTP video streaming is still limited, especially in the aspect of factors which affect video quality. The reason is that HTTP video streaming has different characteristics from other video streaming systems. In this thesis, we show how the delivered quality of a Flash video playback is affected by different factors from diverse layers of the video delivery system, including congestion control algorithm, delay variation, playout buffer length, video bitrate and so on. We introduce Quality of Delivery Degradation (QoDD) then we use it to measure how much the Quality of Delivery (QoD) is degraded in terms of QoDD. The study is processed in a dedicated controlled environment, where we could alter the influential factors and then measure what is happening. After that, we use statistic method to analyze the data and find the relationships between influential factors and quality of video delivery which are expressed by mathematic models. The results show that the status and choices of factors have a significant impact on the QoD. By proper control of the factors, the quality of delivery could be improved. The improvements are approximately 24% by TCP memory size, 63% by congestion control algorithm, 30% by delay variation, 97% by delay when considering delay variation, 5% by loss and 92% by video bitrate.

Evaluating the use of clock frequency ratio estimators in the playout from video distribution networks / Utvärdering av klockfrekvensratiosuppskattare i videoutspelning från ett distributionsnätverk

Myresten, Emil January 2023 (has links)
As traditional TV-broadcasters utilize the Internet to transport video streams, they often employ third party distribution networks to ensure that the Quality of Service of the packet stream remain high. In the last step of such a distribution network, a playout scheduler will schedule the packets so that their intervals are as close as possible to the intervals with which they were initially sent by the source. This is done with the aim to minimize the amount of packet delay variation experienced by the final destination. Due to the source and distribution network not always being synchronized to the same reference clock, reconstructing the packet intervals back into the initial values is subject to the issue of clock skew; the clocks run at different frequencies. In the presence of clock skew, each packet interval will be reconstructed with a slight error, which will accumulate throughout the packet stream. This thesis evaluates how clock frequency ratio estimators can be implemented as part of the playout scheduler, allowing it to better reconstruct the packet intervals in the face of clock skew. Two clock frequency ratio estimators presented in the literature are implemented as a part of playout schedulers, and their use in the context of a video distribution network is evaluated and compared to other playout schedulers. All in all, four of the considered playout schedulers employ clock frequency ratio estimation, and four do not. The playout schedulers are tested on a test bed consisting of two unsynchronized computers, physically separated into a source and a destination connected via Ethernet, to ensure the presence of clock skew. The source generates a video stream, which is sent to the destination. The destination is responsible for packet interval reconstruction and data collection, that allows for comparison of the eight playout schedulers. Each playout scheduler is evaluated under three different network scenarios, each network scenario with increasing amounts of packet delay variation added to the packet stream. The results show that the Cumulative Ratio Scaling with Warm-up scheduler, which employs a clock frequency ratio estimator based on accumulating inter-packet times, performs well under all three network scenarios. The behaviour of the playout scheduler is predictable and the frequency ratio estimate seems to converge towards the true clock frequency ratio as more packets arrive at the playout scheduler. While this playout scheduler is not perfect, its behaviour shows promise in being extended. / När traditionella TV-bolag sänder från avlägsna platser skickas ofta videoströmmen till huvudanläggningen via Internet. För att säkerställa att paketströmmen levereras till huvudanläggningen med hög kvalitet används ofta distributionsnätverk som tillhandahålls av en tredje part. Det sista steget i ett sådant distributionsnätverk utgörs av en utspelningsschemaläggare som schemalägger paketen så att de skickas ut med intervall så lika som möjligt de intervall paketen ursprungligen skickades med, en så kallad återkonstruktion av paketintervallen. Detta görs för att minimera mängden fördröjningsvariation som upplevs av den slutgiltiga destinationen. På grund av att källan och distributionsnätverket inte alltid är synkroniserade till samma referensklocka kommer återkonstruktionen av paketintervallen påverkas av klockskevning; klockorna i källan och det sista steget i distributionsnätverket går i olika takt. Klockskevningen innebär att varje paketintervall återskapas med ett litet fel – ett fel som ackumuleras över tid. Denna uppsats utvärderar hur klockfrekvensratiouppskattare kan användas i en utspelningsschemaläggare, och huruvida uppskattaren kan bidra till att bättre återkonstruera paketintervallen. Två uppskattare som presenterats i tidigare forskning implementeras i utspelningsschemaläggare, och dess användbarhet utvärderas och jämförs inom kontexten för videodistributionsnätverk. Fyra av de utvärderade utspelningsschemaläggarna använder sig av uppskattare och fyra gör det inte. Utspelningsschemaläggarna testas på en testbädd bestående av två osynkroniserade datorer, sammankopplade via Ethernet, för att säkerställa förekomsten av klockskevning. Källan skickar en videoström till destinationen, som i sig ansvarar för återkonstruktion av paketintervallen samt insamling av den data som möjliggör jämförelser mellan de åtta utspelningsschemaläggarna. Varje utspelningsschemaläggare testas under tre olika nätverksscenarion, där varje nätverksscenario utsätter paketströmmen för olika grader av fördröjningsvariation. Resultaten visar att en av utspelningsschemaläggarna, som använder en uppskattare där paketintervall ackumuleras över tid, presterar bra under alla tre nätverksscenarion. Schemaläggaren beter sig förutsägbart, och uppskattningen av klockfrekvensration verkar konvergera till den sanna klockfrekvensration i takt med att allt fler paket inkluderas i beräkningen. Utspelningsschemaläggaren är inte perfekt, men uppvisar lovande beteende för framtida förbättringar.

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