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State-dependent disordered potential for studies of Anderson transition with ultracold atoms / Potentiel désordonné sélectif en état de spin pour les études de la transition d'Anderson avec des atomes froidsMukhtar, Musawwadah 11 February 2019 (has links)
Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons notre avancement pour réaliser une méthode spectroscopique pour étudier la transition d’Anderson avec des atomes froids. Cela repose sur la réalisation d'un potentiel désordonné sélectif en état de spin, le désordre n'étant significatif que pour l'un des deux états de spin impliqués. En combinant cela avec la technique de transfert par radiofréquence d’un état insensible au désordre à un état exclusivement sensible au désordre, il devient possible de charger une onde de matière dans le désordre dans des états d’énergie bien définies. Pour prouver le concept, nous avons effectué des mesures des fonctions spectrales d’atomes ultra-froids dans des potentiels désordonnés, qui sont directement proportionnels au taux de transfert des atomes. Nous présentons les résultats en montrant un excellent accord avec les calculs numériques. Cela a ouvert des perspectives pour d’autres études sur la transition d’Anderson. En particulier, nous cherchons à observer la transition entre les états diffusifs et les états localisés séparés par une énergie critique, appelée le seuil de mobilité. Une telle étude nécessite la réalisation d’un désordre sélectif en état de spin qui permet un long temps de propagation dans le désordre afin de distinguer les deux phases. À cette fin, nous présentons un nouveau schéma du désordre sélectif en état de spin avec deux lasers du speckle (speckle bichromatique). Cela ouvre la voie à une approche spectroscopique de la transition d’Anderson avec des atomes froids avec une résolution en énergie bien supérieure à celles des expériences précédentes. / In this manuscript, we present our progress towards realizing a spectroscopic method to study of Anderson transition with ultracold atoms. This relies on the realization of state-dependent disordered potential whereby the disorder is significant only for one of two involved spin-states. Combined with technique of radio-frequency transfer from the disorder-free state to the state with controlled disorder, it becomes possible to load a matter wave in the disorder in a well-defined energy states. As a proof of principle, we have performed measurements of the spectral functions of ultracold atoms in disordered potentials, which are directly proportional to the transfer rate of the atoms. We present the results showing excellent agreement with numerical calculations. This has opened up prospects for further studies of the Anderson transition. In particular we seek to observe transition between the diffusive and the localized states separated by a critical energy, the so-called mobility edge. Such study requires realization of state-dependent disorder which allows long propagation time in the disorder in order to distinguish the two phases. For this purpose, we present a new scheme of the state-dependent disorder with two laser speckles (bichromatic laser speckle). This paves the way towards spectroscopic approach of Anderson transition with ultracold atoms with energy resolution much higher than those in the previous experiments.
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Development of Tau-Selective Imaging Agents for Improved Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other TauopathiesJensen, Jordan Royce 25 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Progress towards a new parity non-conservation measurement in cesium-133Yao De George Toh (6858197) 16 August 2019 (has links)
Atomic parity violation measurements provide a way to probe physics beyond the Standard Model. They can provide constraints on conjectures of a massive Z′ bosonor a light boson, or searches of dark energy. Using the two-pathway coherent control technique, our group plans to make a new measurement of the weak interaction induced parity non-conservation (PNC) transition moment (<i>E<sub>PNC</sub></i>) on the cesium 6S→7S transition. We will coherently interfere a 2-photon transition with the Stark and PNC transitions to amplify and extract the PNC amplitude. Previously, our lab has measured the magnetic dipole transition moment on the same 6S→7S transition to about 0.4% uncertainty using this technique. In this dissertation, I discuss improvements made to the system, and review what future upgrades are needed for a new<i> E</i><sub><i>PNC </i></sub>measurement. Key systematics are also described. For an accurate determination of <i>E<sub>PNC</sub></i>, properties of cesium such as the scalar (<i>α</i>) and vector (<i>β</i>) transition polarizabilities are needed. I present improved determinations of keyelectric dipole matrix elements, and calculate new high precision determinations of <i>α</i> and <i>β</i>. Finally, using <i>β</i> and the previously measured value of <i>E<sub>PNC</sub>/β</i>, I calculate new values for the weak charge of the cesium nucleus Q<sub>w</sub>.<br>
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Influence of solvent viscosity, polarity and polarizability on the chemiluminescence parameters of inter and intramolecular electron transfer initiated chemiexcitation systems / Influência da viscosidade, polaridade e polarizabilidade do solvente sobre os parâmetros de quimiluminescência de sistemas de quimiexcitação iniciadas por transferência de electron inter e intramolecularesKhalid, Muhammad 21 August 2015 (has links)
The cyclic peroxides: diphenoyl peroxide (1), spiro-adamantyl-1,2-dioxetanone (2) and 4-(3-tert-butyldimethylsilyloxyphenyl)-4-methoxyspiro[1.2-dioxetane-3.2\'-adamantane] (3) synthesized, purified and characterized, also their kinetic and chemiluminescence (CL) properties were determined. The influence of solvent polarity on the chemiexcitation parameters of the catalyzed decomposition of 1 and 2, as well as the induced decomposition of 3 were examined in several binary solvent mixtures with different polarity and polarizability parameters, but similar viscosities. For solvents with low polarity, singlet quantum yields for the intermolecular catalyzed decomposition of diphenoyl peroxide (1,) and 1,2-dioxetanone (2) increase in function of medium polarity, showing maximum values in mediums of intermediate polarity, and decreasing in highly polar mixtures. For the induced decomposition of 3, the quantum yield showed to increase with increasing solvent polarity, including high polar solvent systems. In the binary solvent systems studied, the polarizability parameter showed to be contrary to the polarity values, therefore, it might appear that an increase of polarizability leads to a decrease in the singlet quantum yields for catalyzed decomposition of diphenoyl peroxide (1) and the induced decomposition of 3, however an increase in the singlet quantum yields for 1,2-dioxetanone 2. The three CL systems were also studied in binary solvent mixtures with different viscosities but similar polarity and polarizability parameters and singlet quantum yields showed an increase with increasing medium viscosity. Data were analyzed by using the collisional and the free volume models. The highly efficient intramolecular system induced 1,2-dioxetane 3 decomposition showed to be much more sensible to viscosity effects than the inefficient intermolecular systems. This surprising fact indicates that, even showing a significant solvent-cage effect, the induced 1,2-dioxetane should occur by an intramolecular electron back transfer. Moreover, chemiluminescence parameters of these systems were studied in several pure solvents. The obtained singlet quantum yields were correlated with viscosity, polarizability and polarity parameters by using multiple linear regression analysis. / Os peróxidos cíclicos: peróxido de difenoila (1), spiro-adamantil-1,2-dioxetanona (2) e 4-(3-terc-butildimetilsililoxifenil)-4-metoxispiro[1,2-dioxetano-3.2\'-adamantano] (3) foram sintetizados, purificados e caracterizados e as suas propriedades cinéticas e de quimiluminescência (CL) determinadas. A influência da polaridade do solvente sobre os parâmetros de quimi-excitação da decomposição catalisada de 1 e 2, e a decomposição induzida de 3 foi examinada em diversas misturas binárias de solventes com parâmetros de polaridade e polarizabilidade diferente, mas viscosidades semelhantes. Para solventes com baixa polaridade, os rendimentos quânticos singlete para a decomposição catalisada intermolecular do peróxido de difenoila (1) e 1,2-dioxetanona (2) aumentam em função da polaridade do meio, mostrando valores máximos em meios com polaridade intermediária, e diminuim para misturas altamente polares. Para a decomposição induzida de 3, o rendimento quântico mostrou aumentar com o aumento da polaridade do solvente, inclusive para sistemas com alta polaridade. Nos sistemas binários de solventes estudados, os parâmetros de polarizabilidade mostraram-se contrários aos valores de polaridade, portanto, parece que um aumento da polarizability leva a uma diminuição nos rendimentos quânticos singlete para a decomposição catalisada do peróxido de difenoila (1) e a decomposição induzida de 3, no entanto, um aumento nos rendimentos quânticos singlete para a 1,2-dioxetanona 2. Os três sistemas de CL também foram estudados em misturas binárias de solventes com diferentes viscosidades, mas com parâmetros de polaridade e polarizabilidade semelhantes e os rendimentos quânticos singlete mostraram aumentar com o aumento da viscosidade do meio. Os dados foram analisados usando tanto o modelos colisional quando o modelo de volume livre. Surpreendentemente, o sistema altamente eficiente decomposição induzida intramolecular do 1,2-dioxetano 3 mostrou-se muito mais sensível aos efeitos da viscosidade do que os sistemas intermoleculares ineficientes, o que indica claramente que a decomposição induzida do 1,2-dioxetano deve ocorrer por um processo de retro-transferência de elétron intramolecular. Além disso, os parâmetros de quimiluminescência destes sistemas foram estudados em vários solventes puros. Os rendimentos quânticos singlete obtidos foram correlacionados com parâmetros de viscosidade, polarizabilidade e polaridade usando análise de regressão linear múltipla.
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Influence of solvent viscosity, polarity and polarizability on the chemiluminescence parameters of inter and intramolecular electron transfer initiated chemiexcitation systems / Influência da viscosidade, polaridade e polarizabilidade do solvente sobre os parâmetros de quimiluminescência de sistemas de quimiexcitação iniciadas por transferência de electron inter e intramolecularesMuhammad Khalid 21 August 2015 (has links)
The cyclic peroxides: diphenoyl peroxide (1), spiro-adamantyl-1,2-dioxetanone (2) and 4-(3-tert-butyldimethylsilyloxyphenyl)-4-methoxyspiro[1.2-dioxetane-3.2\'-adamantane] (3) synthesized, purified and characterized, also their kinetic and chemiluminescence (CL) properties were determined. The influence of solvent polarity on the chemiexcitation parameters of the catalyzed decomposition of 1 and 2, as well as the induced decomposition of 3 were examined in several binary solvent mixtures with different polarity and polarizability parameters, but similar viscosities. For solvents with low polarity, singlet quantum yields for the intermolecular catalyzed decomposition of diphenoyl peroxide (1,) and 1,2-dioxetanone (2) increase in function of medium polarity, showing maximum values in mediums of intermediate polarity, and decreasing in highly polar mixtures. For the induced decomposition of 3, the quantum yield showed to increase with increasing solvent polarity, including high polar solvent systems. In the binary solvent systems studied, the polarizability parameter showed to be contrary to the polarity values, therefore, it might appear that an increase of polarizability leads to a decrease in the singlet quantum yields for catalyzed decomposition of diphenoyl peroxide (1) and the induced decomposition of 3, however an increase in the singlet quantum yields for 1,2-dioxetanone 2. The three CL systems were also studied in binary solvent mixtures with different viscosities but similar polarity and polarizability parameters and singlet quantum yields showed an increase with increasing medium viscosity. Data were analyzed by using the collisional and the free volume models. The highly efficient intramolecular system induced 1,2-dioxetane 3 decomposition showed to be much more sensible to viscosity effects than the inefficient intermolecular systems. This surprising fact indicates that, even showing a significant solvent-cage effect, the induced 1,2-dioxetane should occur by an intramolecular electron back transfer. Moreover, chemiluminescence parameters of these systems were studied in several pure solvents. The obtained singlet quantum yields were correlated with viscosity, polarizability and polarity parameters by using multiple linear regression analysis. / Os peróxidos cíclicos: peróxido de difenoila (1), spiro-adamantil-1,2-dioxetanona (2) e 4-(3-terc-butildimetilsililoxifenil)-4-metoxispiro[1,2-dioxetano-3.2\'-adamantano] (3) foram sintetizados, purificados e caracterizados e as suas propriedades cinéticas e de quimiluminescência (CL) determinadas. A influência da polaridade do solvente sobre os parâmetros de quimi-excitação da decomposição catalisada de 1 e 2, e a decomposição induzida de 3 foi examinada em diversas misturas binárias de solventes com parâmetros de polaridade e polarizabilidade diferente, mas viscosidades semelhantes. Para solventes com baixa polaridade, os rendimentos quânticos singlete para a decomposição catalisada intermolecular do peróxido de difenoila (1) e 1,2-dioxetanona (2) aumentam em função da polaridade do meio, mostrando valores máximos em meios com polaridade intermediária, e diminuim para misturas altamente polares. Para a decomposição induzida de 3, o rendimento quântico mostrou aumentar com o aumento da polaridade do solvente, inclusive para sistemas com alta polaridade. Nos sistemas binários de solventes estudados, os parâmetros de polarizabilidade mostraram-se contrários aos valores de polaridade, portanto, parece que um aumento da polarizability leva a uma diminuição nos rendimentos quânticos singlete para a decomposição catalisada do peróxido de difenoila (1) e a decomposição induzida de 3, no entanto, um aumento nos rendimentos quânticos singlete para a 1,2-dioxetanona 2. Os três sistemas de CL também foram estudados em misturas binárias de solventes com diferentes viscosidades, mas com parâmetros de polaridade e polarizabilidade semelhantes e os rendimentos quânticos singlete mostraram aumentar com o aumento da viscosidade do meio. Os dados foram analisados usando tanto o modelos colisional quando o modelo de volume livre. Surpreendentemente, o sistema altamente eficiente decomposição induzida intramolecular do 1,2-dioxetano 3 mostrou-se muito mais sensível aos efeitos da viscosidade do que os sistemas intermoleculares ineficientes, o que indica claramente que a decomposição induzida do 1,2-dioxetano deve ocorrer por um processo de retro-transferência de elétron intramolecular. Além disso, os parâmetros de quimiluminescência destes sistemas foram estudados em vários solventes puros. Os rendimentos quânticos singlete obtidos foram correlacionados com parâmetros de viscosidade, polarizabilidade e polaridade usando análise de regressão linear múltipla.
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Atom interferometry : experiments with electromagnetic interactions and design of a Bose Einstein condensate setup / Interférométrie atomique : expériences d'interaction électromagnétique et conception d'un nouvel interféromètre à condensats de Bose-EinsteinDécamps, Boris 22 November 2016 (has links)
La première partie décrit trois expériences réalisées avec l'interféromètre atomique à jet de lithium supersonique développé à Toulouse. La seconde partie présente le nouvel interféromètre atomique à condensats de Bose-Einstein (CBE) développé dans le but de tester la neutralité de la matière. Les trois premières expériences exploitent l'interaction entre un atome de lithium et différents champs électromagnétiques. Une différence de potentiel électrique dépendant du temps a servi à moduler la phase des deux bras de notre interféromètre à des fréquences différentes, ce qui a permis une détection homodyne et hétérodyne d'ondes de matière. Une phase géométrique de la lumière (la phase de Pancharatnam) a été transférée à notre signal interférométrique par les réseaux de diffraction de Bragg ce qui a ajouté un nouvel outil à la panoplie permettant le contrôle d'ondes de matières. Enfin, un faisceau laser focalisé sur un seul des deux bras nous a permis de mesurer avec exactitude une des longueurs d'onde d'extinction du lithium (correspondant à une valeur de polarisabilité dynamique nulle). L'objectif du nouvel interféromètre à CBE est de réaliser une nouvelle mesure de la charge électrique résiduelle de la matière et en particulier des isotopes du rubidium 85Rb et 87Rb. Cette mesure nous permettra de connaître avec une plus grande sensibilité la différence de charge entre le proton et l'électron ainsi que la charge du neutron. Le principe de cette mesure repose sur une séparation spatiale importante entre les deux bras d'un interféromètre en fontaine ainsi que sur un temps de cycle de 5 s. Ces caractéristiques ont nécessité un travail de conception à la fois au niveau de la source (une puce à atome) et au niveau du phénomène de diffraction (séparation en impulsion importante) qui sera exposé dans un premier temps. Dans un second temps, les choix techniques en matière de chambre à vide, système laser et sources de champs magnétiques seront décrits et caractérisés. Enfin, les performances actuelles de cette source d'atomes froids seront présentées et comparées à nos attentes. / This thesis's first part describes the realization of three experiments using an atom interferometer operated with a lithium supersonic beam. The second part presents the development of a new BEC interferometer designed to test matter neutrality. The first three experiments rely on the interactions of lithium atom with different electromagnetic fields. A time dependent electric potential difference was used to produce phase modulation of both interferometer arms at different frequencies, leading to homodyne and heterodyne detection of atom waves. A geometric phase of light (the Pancharatnam phase) was successfully transferred to our interferometer signal during Bragg diffraction, enlarging the atom optics toolbox for phase control in an atom interferometer. Finally, a focused laser beam was used to measure accurately the value of one lithium tune-out wavelength (for which its dynamic polarizability is zero). The new BEC interferometer was designed to measure a possible non-zero electric charge of rubidium isotopes 85Rb and 87Rb with enhanced sensitivity to the electron-proton charge difference and neutron neutrality. This setup relies on a large spatial separation between the two interferometer arms in a fountain configuration aiming at a cycle time of 5s. These features required particular design work both on the atomic source (atom-chip) and the diffraction process (Large Momentum Transfer). The technical choices on the vacuum chambers, laser system and magnetic sources are described and characterized. Finally, the up-to-date cold-atom source performances is shown and compared to our expectations.
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Simulace procesů v buněčných membránách / Simulation of processes in cellular membranesMelcr, Josef January 2018 (has links)
Simulation of processes in cellular membranes Abstract Many important processes in cells involve ions, e.g., fusion of synaptic vesi- cles with neuronal cell membranes is controlled by a divalent cation Ca2+ ; and the exchange of Na+ and K+ drives the the fast electrical signal transmis- sion in neurons. We have investigated model phospholipid membranes and their interactions with these biologically relevant ions. Using state-of-the-art molecular dynamics simulations, we accurately quantified their respective affinites towards neutral and negatively charged phospholipid bilayers. In order to achieve that, we developed a new model of phospholipids termed ECC-lipids, which accounts for the electronic polarization via the electronic continuum correction implemented as charge rescaling. Our simulations with this new force field reach for the first time a quantitative agreement with the experimental lipid electrometer concept for POPC as well as for POPS with all the studied cations. We have also examined the effects of transmembrane voltage on phospholipid bilayers. The electric field induced by the voltage exists exclusively in the hydrophobic region of the membrane, where it has an almost constant strength. This field affects the structure of nearby water molecules highlighting its importance in electroporation. 1
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Rational Optimization of Small Molecules for Alzheimer’s Disease Premortem DiagnosisCisek, Katryna 27 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Calcul de la tension interfaciale de mélanges gaz / eau, gaz / huile et huile / eau par simulation moléculaire / Calculation of the interfacial tension of gas/water, gas/oil and oil/gas mixtures with molecular sumulation.Neyt, Jean-Claude 15 November 2013 (has links)
La prédiction de valeurs de tension interfaciale des fluides est capitale dans de nombreuses applications industrielles. Les techniques de simulation moléculaire et l’évolution rapide des moyens de calcul intensif permettent depuis quelques années de prédire des valeurs de tension interfaciale pour des systèmes complexes. Des travaux concernant des équilibres liquide / vapeur des corps purs SO2, O2, N2 et Ar montrent que les modèles choisi pour chaque molécule peuvent influencer la qualité des prédictions de tension interfaciale. Des simulations d’équilibres gaz acide / alcane de type CO2 / n-butane, CO2 / n-décane et H2S / n-pentane ont ensuite été réalisées. Elles ont mis en évidence l’efficacité des méthodes de simulation de type Monte Carlo pour la prédiction des tensions interfaciales pour de tels systèmes. L’étude de systèmes ternaires H2O / N2+CH4 et H2O / CO2+H2S a par ailleurs montré que le recourt à la dynamique moléculaire pouvait faciliter l’équilibration des systèmes simulés, rendant plus efficace la prédiction des tensions interfaciales. L’étude d’équilibres liquide / vapeur de saumures de chlorure de sodium a permis de mettre en évidence l’efficacité de certains potentiels non-polarisables pour la prédiction de l’évolution de la tension interfaciale avec la molarité de sel. Les modèles polarisables de type core-shell choisis ne permettent de prédire ni les masses volumiques, ni les tensions interfaciales. Enfin, l’étude d’équilibres eau / alcane en présence de sel ou de méthanol a montré que les méthodes de dynamique moléculaire permettaient de prédire quantitativement des valeurs de tension interfaciale pour ce type d’interface. L’effet de l’alcool abaissant la tension interfaciale a bien été observé, tout comme son placement préférentiel à l’interface. / The prediction of interfacial tension of fluids is critical for many industrial applications. Advances in molecular simulation, and the recent evolution of supercomputing calculations allow for some years to predict the values of interfacial tension for complex systems. A work involving liquid / vapor equilibrium of pure compounds SO2, O2, N2 and Ar show that the models used can impact the quality of the prediction. Simulations of acid gas / alkane equilibrium such CO2 / n-butane, CO2 / n-decane or H2S / n-pentane were then performed. They have demonstrated the performance of methods of Monte Carlo simulations for the reproduction of interfacial tensions for such system. The study of ternary systems H2O / N2+CH4 and H2O / CO2+H2S has also shown that using molecular dynamics could help the equilibration of the simulated systems. The study of liquid / vapor equilibrias of sodium chloride brines show that certain non-polarizable models perform very well to predict the changes in the interfacial tension with the molarity of salt. The core-shell polarizable models based on the Drude oscillator model chosen did not allow to predict brines densities and the interfacial tensions. Finally, the study of water / alkane equilibria in the presence of salt or methanol showed that the molecular dynamics methods allow to predict quantitatively interfacial tension values for this kinds of interfaces. The effect of alcohol lowering the interfacial tension has been observed : this small surfactant populate the interfacial region at weak concentration.
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Dynamique et contrôle optique des molécules froides / Dynamic and optical control of cold moleculesVexiau, Romain 10 December 2012 (has links)
Le travail théorique présenté dans cette thèse concerne la formation de molécules ultra-froides bialcalines et le contrôle de leurs degrés de liberté externes et internes. Cette étude est motivée par les nombreuses expériences en cours visant à l'obtention d'un gaz quantique dégénéré de molécules dans leur état fondamental absolu. Le schéma de formation étudié repose sur le processus de transfert adiabatique stimulé (STIRAP) réalisé en présence d'un potentiel optique de piégeage (réseau optique) des atomes et des molécules.Nous avons déterminé les paramètres du réseau optique (intensité et fréquence du champ laser) qui permettent de piéger efficacement des dimères d'alcalins en évaluant la polarisabilité dynamique acquise par les molécules soumises à un champ externe. Ces calculs reposent en particulier sur la connaissance détaillée de la structure électronique des molécules. Nous avons identifié des plages de longueur d'ondes dites « magiques » où la polarisabilité est la même pour chaque niveau peuplé au cours du transfert adiabatique, permettant ainsi un transfert optimal. Ce formalisme nous a également permis d'obtenir les coefficients Van der Waals de l'interaction à longue portée nécessaires pour étudier les taux de collisions entre molécules.Nous avons réalisé une étude plus détaillée de la molécule RbCs. En étudiant précisément la probabilité de transition de la molécule vers un niveau excité, nous avons proposé un schéma STIRAP pour transférer des molécules de RbCs, initialement dans un niveau vibrationnel excité, vers leur état rovibrationnel fondamental.Ces travaux ont montré l'importance de la connaissance précise de la structure hyperfine de l'état électronique moléculaire excité pour réaliser un gaz dégénéré de molécules dans un état quantique bien défini. Un modèle asymptotique nous a permis d'obtenir une première estimation de la structure hyperfine des courbes d'énergies potentielles des premiers états moléculaires excités des molécules Cs2 et RbCs. / The theoretical work presented in this thesis is focused on the formation of ultracold bialcaline molecules and on the control of their external and internal degrees of freedom. This study is motivated by the increasing number of experiments aiming at obtaining a quantum degenerate gas of molecules in their absolute ground state. The formation scheme we worked on is based on the Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage (STIRAP) technique operated while molecules are trapped inside an optical lattice.We have determined the parameters of the optical lattice (intensity and wavelength of the laser) that allow for an efficient trapping of the alkali dimers by evaluating the dynamic polarizability of molecules in the presence of an external field. Such calculations require the accurate knowledge of the electronic structure of the molecules. We have identified the so-called ``magic'' wavelength for which all levels populated during the STIRAP sequence have the same polarizability, thus ensuring an optimal transfer. The same approach has also been used to compute the strength of the long-range interaction between polar bialkali molecules needed to evaluate collision rates.The particular case of the RbCs molecule has been investigated. We have selected a radiative transition allowing for an efficient STIRAP scheme yielding molecules in their rovibrational ground state. These works have raised the need for the precise knowledge of the hyperfine structure of the excited electronic molecular state involved in the STIRAP scheme. We have developed an asymptotic model to obtain a first estimate of the hyperfine structure for the potential curves of the lowest excited states of Cs2 and RbCs.
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