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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polymer/oil Relative Permeabilities In Carbonate Reservoirs

Cankara, Ilker 01 February 2001 (has links) (PDF)
In the history of a reservoir, after the period of primary production, about 30 to 40%, of the original oil in place may be produced using a secondary recovery mechanism. Polymer injection, which is classified as a tertiary method, can be applied to the remaining oil in place. In this thesis, oil/water relative permeabilities, effect of polymer injection on end point relative permeabilities and residual oil saturations in heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs were investigated. Numereous core flood experiments were conducted on different heteroegneous carbonate cores taken from Midyat Formation. Before starting the displacement experiments, porosity, permeability and capillary pressure experiments were performed. The heterogeneity of the cores are depicted from thin sections. Besides the main aim stated above, effect of flow rate and fracture presence on end point relative permeability and on residual oil saturation and were investigated. According to the results of the displacement tests, end point hexane relative permeability increased when polymer solution was used as the displacing phase.Besides, end point hexane relative permeability increased with polymer injection and fracture presence.

An Experimental and Numerical Study to Investigate the Impact of Capillarity on Fluid Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media

Alabdulghani, Ahmad 10 1900 (has links)
Although the global energy demand is shifting towards a well-balanced energy mix, fossil fuels will continue to have a significant role in this transition and will maintain a big share in the energy mix portfolio. The production of oil and gas has already reached the apex in the time that most of the conventional giant reservoirs are depleting, and discoveries for new reserves have shrunk down. In conventional reservoirs, it is estimated that about two-thirds of the Original Oil in Place (OOIP) will not be produced within the field lifecycle, corresponding to an average Recovery Factor (RF) between 20% and 40%. This low recovery factors from traditional methods trigger more investments in the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques. Waterflooding is one of the most commonly used technique to increase RF by raising or maintaining reservoir pressure. Lack of comprehending the driving forces in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs and reservoir heterogeneity may lead to serious conformance problems in which dealing with excessive undesirable water production becomes very challenging. Chemical EOR through an injection of a polymer solution is amongst the tested options that can be used to improve sweep efficiency. Ultimately, understanding the reservoir characteristics and having the know-how to implement the best recovery option will help to maximize the field’s lifecycle and increase the RF. Therefore, this study investigates some key elements that have a significant influence on the overall fluid flow behavior. The work reveals insights on the impact of capillarity and wettability in heterogeneous porous media. An experimental lab-scale consisting of a 2D sandbox model, which mimics a water-wet fractured system with injection and production ports, was designed, fabricated, and tested in single-phase and two-phase flow scenarios including the injection of water and polymer solutions. In the case of single-phase flow, a waterflood baseline scenario was studied with controlled variables, which helped to distinguish the contrast with the polymer flood case. Implementing water injection in a fractured water-wet reservoir showed that water prefers to channel through high permeable streaks, which consequently leads to poor volumetric sweep leading to significant bypassed zones. Investigating the two-phase flow was the essence of this research. Thus, the same procedures were repeated where water and polymer were used to displace oil. During waterflooding, due to strong capillarity contrast between the matrix and fracture media, flow divergence was found to be faster towards the matrix medium where the matrix gets saturated faster than that the fracture, overriding the high permeability of the fracture. Whereas, polymer flooding exhibited better volumetric sweep in all scenarios. Numerical simulations were used to replicate the experiments. This work can give new visual insights about key recovery mechanisms in heterogeneous reservoirs using polymers.

Investigation of Polymer Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery using Fluorescence Microscopy and Microfluidic Devices

Sugar, Antonia 11 1900 (has links)
Polymer flooding is one of the most used chemical methods for enhanced oil recovery(EOR). However, laboratory studies and field applications of polymer injections often encounter polymer-induced clogging due to polymer transport and entrapment, leading to permeability reduction and diminished recovery performance. In this work, we focus on understanding polymer flow behavior using microfluidics devices and fluorescence microscopy. Microfluidic devices were designed to mimic and replicate the pore-network structures of oil-bearing conventional reservoir rocks. We present various flow experiments to study polymer transport and the underlying mechanisms of polymer retention in porous media. We assess the polymer-induced clogging of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamides - HPAMs, using tracers. Afterward, we use a commercially available fluorescent polymer with microfluidics and single-molecule microscopy to give insights into individual molecule dynamics. Furthermore, we perform numerical simulations to replicate and extend the experimental work. As these experiments were conducted using commercially fluorescent polymer of low molecular weight and due to limitations of tracers to track polymers, we extended this work to investigate the transport of HPAMs, which is the most used polymer for EOR, at molecule-scale. However, existent methods in the literature are not suitable for fluorescently labeling ultra-high molecule weight polymers. Therefore, we present a novel method for synthesis of dye-labeled polymers that successfully tagged the HPAMS. Finally, we assessed the conformation and flow dynamics of the fluorescently labeled HPAM molecules. The findings highlight a limitation in some polymer screening workflows in the industry that suggest selecting the candidate polymers based solely on their molecular size and the size distribution of the rock pore-throats. Moreover, we present, for the first time, direct visualization of the three main mechanisms underlying polymer retention in porous media. We bring the first molecular evidence of polymer pore-clogging and permeability reduction reversibility, which sheds light on the controversy in the literature. In addition, we propose a new method for fluorescent labeling water-soluble ultra-high molecular weight polyacrylamides-based polymers that preserves their viscosifying properties. The method can be extended to any polymers containing carboxyl groups or groups that can be functionalized into carboxyls, and therefore, the applicability covers any fields that employ polymers.

Decision support for enhanced oil recovery projects

Andonyadis, Panos 14 February 2011 (has links)
Recently, oil prices and oil demand are rising and are projected to continue to rise over the long term. These trends create great potential for enhanced oil recovery methods that could improve the recovery efficiency of reservoirs all over the world. The greatest challenges for enhanced oil recovery involve the technical uncertainty with design and performance, and the high financial risk. Pilot tests can help mitigate the risk associated with such projects; however, there is a question about the value of information from the tests. Decision support can provide information about the value of an enhanced oil recovery project, which can assist with alleviating financial risk and create more potential opportunities for the technology. The first objective of this study is to create a new simplified method for modeling oil production histories of enhanced oil recovery methods. The method is designed to satisfy three criteria: 1) it allows for quick simulations based on only a few physically meaningful input parameters; 2) it can create almost any potential type of realistic production history that may be realized during a project; and 3) it applies to all nonthermal enhanced oil recovery methods, including surfactant-polymer, alkali-surfactant polymer, and CO₂ floods. The developed method is capable of creating realistic curves with only four unique parameters. The second objective is to evaluate the predictive method against data from pilot and field scale projects. The evaluations demonstrate that the method can fit most realistic production histories as well as provided ranges for the input parameters. A sensitivity analysis is also performed to assist with determining how all of the parameters involved with the predictive method and the economic model influence the forecasted value for a project. The analysis suggests that the price of oil, change in oil saturation, and the size of the reservoir are the most influential parameters. The final objective is to establish a method for a decision analysis that determines the value of information of a pilot for enhanced oil recovery. The analysis uses the predictive method and economic model for determining economic utilities for every potential outcome. It uses a decision-based method to ensure that the non-informative prior probability distributions have an unbiased, consistent, and rational starting point. A simple example demonstrating the process is discussed and it is used to show that a pilot test provides some valuable information when there is minimal prior information. For future work it is recommended that more evaluations are performed, the decision analysis is expanded to include more input parameters, and a rational and logical method is developed for determining likelihood functions from existing information. / text


Soroush Aramideh (8072786) 05 December 2019 (has links)
Understanding flow and transport in porous media is critical as it plays a central role in many biological, natural, and industrial processes. Such processes are not limited to one length or time scale; they occur over a wide span of scales from micron to Kilometers and microseconds to years. While field-scale simulation relies on a continuum description of the flow and transport, one must take into account transport processes occurring on much smaller scales. In doing so, pore-scale modeling is a powerful tool for shedding light on processes at small length and time scales.<br><br>In this work, we look into the multi-phase flow and transport through porous media at two different scales, namely pore- and Darcy scales. First, using direct numerical simulations, we study pore-scale Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics. We study the evolution of Lagrangian velocities for uniform injection of particles and numerically verify their relationship with the Eulerian velocity field. We show that for three porous media velocity, probability distributions change over a range of porosities from an exponential distribution to a Gaussian distribution. We thus model this behavior by using a power-exponential function and show that it can accurately represent the velocity distributions. Finally, using fully resolved velocity field and pore-geometry, we show that despite the randomness in the flow and pore space distributions, their two-point correlation functions decay extremely similarly.<br><br>Next, we extend our previous study to investigate the effect of viscoelastic fluids on particle dispersion, velocity distributions, and flow resistance in porous media. We show that long-term particle dispersion could not be modulated by using viscoelastic fluids in random porous media. However, flow resistance compared to the Newtonian case goes through three distinct regions depending on the strength of fluid elasticity. We also show that when elastic effects are strong, flow thickens and strongly fluctuates even in the absence of inertial forces.<br><br>Next, we focused our attention on flow and transport at the Darcy scale. In particular, we study a tertiary improved oil recovery technique called surfactant-polymer flooding. In this work, which has been done in collaboration with Purdue enhanced oil recovery lab, we aim at modeling coreflood experiments using 1D numerical simulations. To do so, we propose a framework in which various experiments need to be done to quantity surfactant phase behavior, polymer rheology, polymer effects on rock permeability, dispersion, and etc. Then, via a sensitivity study, we further reduce the parameter space of the problem to facilitate the model calibration process. Finally, we propose a multi-stage calibration algorithm in which two critically important parameters, namely peak pressure drop, and cumulative oil recovery factor, are matched with experimental data. To show the predictive capabilities of our framework, we numerically simulate two additional coreflood experiments and show good agreement with experimental data for both of our quantities of interest.<br><br>Lastly, we study the unstable displacement of non-aqueous phase liquids (e.g., oil) via a finite-size injection of surfactant-polymer slug in a 2-D domain with homogeneous and heterogeneous permeability fields. Unstable displacement could be detrimental to surfactant-polymer flood and thus is critically important to design it in a way that a piston-like displacement is achieved for maximum recovery. We study the effects of mobility ratio, finite-size length of surfactant-polymer slug, and heterogeneity on the effectiveness of such process by looking into recovery rate and breakthrough and removal times.


LUA SELENE DA SILVA ALMEIDA 28 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] Devido ao seu comportamento físico-químico, os polímeros solúveis em água são utilizados em várias fases de perfuração, completação, e produção de poços de petróleo. Portanto, é fundamental prever e controlar o comportamento em meio poroso para entender o desempenho do polímero. Experimentos foram conduzidos para estudar a degradação de uma solução aquosa semi-diluída de PEO, usando dois capilares com diâmetros de entrada diferentes (100 micrômetros e 200 micrômetros) ambos com constrição de 50 micrômetros, criando fluxos transientes rápidos em seu centro. Diferentes vazões foram impostas a fim de observar diferentes taxas de cisalhamento e de alongamento no sistema. O efluente do fluxo foi coletado e reinjetado, e suas propriedades reológicas foram utilizadas como proxies para a degradação. Observamos que, para a contração mais abrupta, a vazão mínima necessária para degradar a solução é menor. Este resultado, analisado apenas sob a perspectiva da taxa de cisalhamento, não é razoável, já que a taxa de cisalhamento na constrição a que o polímero é submetido é igual em ambos os capilares. Portanto, inferimos que a brusquidão da contração desempenha um papel na degradação, o que significa que a taxa de alongamento pode ser responsável pela menor taxa de fluxo crítico. Também foi observado um padrão de como ocorre a degradação com as injeções subsequentes. Podemos inferir que injeções subsequentes causam degradação incremental antes de se aproximar de um patamar de estabilização e que vazões mais altas geram patamares de degradação mais baixos. / [en] Due to their physical-chemical behavior, water-soluble polymers are used extensively in various phases of drilling, completion, workover, and production of oil and gas wells. Therefore, it is fundamental to predict and to control in-situ porous medium behavior in order to understand polymer performance. Experiments were conducted to study the degradation of a semi diluted (2000 ppm) aqueous solution of PEO, using two capillaries with different entrance diameter (100 micrometers and 200 micrometers) both with 50 micrometers radius constriction, creating Fast-Transient Flows in their center. Different injection rates were imposed in order to observe different shear and extensional rates in the system. The effluent of the flow was collected, and reinjected, and rheological properties of the fluids were used as proxies for the degradation of the solution. We observed that for the more abrupt contraction, the minimum flow rate needed for degrading the polymer solution is lower. This result, when analyzed purely under shear rate perspective, is not reasonable, since the constriction shear rates to which the polymer is subjected are equal at both capillaries. Therefore, we inferred that the abruptness of the contraction plays a role in the degradation, which means elongational rate may be responsible for the lower critical flow rate. It was also observed a pattern for how the degradation occurs with subsequent injections. We could infer that subsequent injections cause incremental degradation before approaching a stabilization plateau and that higher flow rates generated lower degradation plateaus.

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