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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preparation and morphological study of composite nano-particles made of homopolymers

Wang, Nan 27 August 2008 (has links)
Composite polymer particles were made of two or more polymers. If these polymers are incompatible, the particles after polymer phase segregation exhibit complex morphologies which determine their properties and applications. Such particles may have applications in both academia and industry. In this work, polystyrene (PS)/ poly(2-cinnamoyloxyethyl methacrylate) (PCEMA) and poly(acetyloxyethyl methacrylate) (PAEMA)/PCEMA composite polymer particles are prepared by the evaporation of toluene from PS/PCEMA/toluene and PAEMA/PCEMA/toluene droplets dispersed in an aqueous solution containing surfactants. The surfactants used for the two systems are poly(glyceryl methacrylate)100-block-poly(2-cinnamoyloxyethyl methacrylate)15 (PGMA100-b-PCEMA15) and poly(glyceryl methacrylate)300-block-poly(2-cinnamoyloxyethyl methacrylate-ran-acetyloxyethyl methacrylate)37 (PGMA300-b-P(CEMA-ran-AEMA)37), respectively, for the PS/PCEMA and the PAEMA/PCEMA systems. The morphologies of the PS/PCEMA and PAEMA/PCEMA composite particles are analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The results indicate that the particles are polydisperse and of nanometer size. For the PAEMA/PCEMA particles, the preferred morphology is hemisphere, while for the PS/PCEMA system the morphology is a mixture of acorn and occluded core-shell. Based on Gibbs free energy theory, and knowing the corresponding surface tensions and interfacial tensions, the thermodynamic equilibrium morphologies for both kinds of composite particles were found. Due to the uncertainty during measurements and calculations, and the influence of kinetic factors, the theoretical predictions agreed only partially with the experimental observations. / Thesis (Master, Chemistry) -- Queen's University, 2008-08-27 12:16:37.142

Surface modified cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(vinyl pivalate) suspension particles

D Aguiar, Donna-Leigh 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In papermaking, fillers and additives are used to enhance paper properties. In this study spherical modified poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) particles were prepared for use as fillers. In order to determine the mechanism of adhesion of additives to cellulose (paper) fibres, these particles were modified to have surface functionality, with cationic and anionic surface charges, similar to charged polyelectrolyte additives. Typically, retention aids used to improve the fibre–fibre and fibre–filler bonding are able to conform to the surface of the fibres and fillers. Oppositely charged components show strong affinity for each other, e.g. cationic polyelectrolyte groups adhere to anionic surface charges on the fibres. The spherical PVA particles were prepared by the saponification of spherical poly(vinyl pivalate) (PVPi) precursor particles. These PVPi particles, prepared via suspension polymerisation, were cross-linked with a divinyl ether comonomer. The vinyl pivalate (VPi) suspension polymerisation was successfully carried out and afforded relatively uniformly distributed PVPi particles, with diameters of 0.5–10 mm. The cross-linked PVPi particles were then saponified in tetrahydrofuran (THF) as swelling solvent, to afford PVA with various degrees of saponification (DS). The spherical shape was lost and fibrous material was obtained when uncross-linked PVPi particles were saponified. Cross-linking the spherical PVPi particles (PVA precursor) proved innovative, and essential in maintaining the spherical form during saponification to PVA/PVPi. By varying the saponification time periods, various DS were obtained, as characterised by solid state NMR spectroscopy. Surface modification of the PVA/PVPi particles was carried out with cationic and anionic groups via the Williamson ether synthesis. Ionic modification of these rigid spherical PVA/PVPi particles was carried out in order to study their adherence to cellulose fibres, compared to the adherence of similarly modified starches with cellulose fibres. Fluorescent labelling of the different modified particles was carried out using two complimentary coloured fluorescent markers. Fluorescence imaging and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) enabled the observation of particle– fibre and particle–particle interaction. Results indicated that the negative groups are sparse on the cellulose fibres, and therefore particles with low functionality but which are able change shape and conform and adhere to the surface of the cellulose fibres are required for effective adhesion. These modified spherical PVA/PVPi particles are unique as they mirror the chemistry of functionalised starch and cellulose particles, yet maintain their shape and have a fixed size, measurable by SEM and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Field-flow fractionation was also used to characterise and measure these relatively large cross-linked and fixed diameter particles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In papierproduksie word vulstowwe en bymiddels gebruik om die eienskappe van papier te verbeter. In hierdie studie is sferiese poli(vinielalkohol) (PVA) partikels berei vir gebruik as vulstowwe. Om ten einde die meganisme van die bymiddelklewing aan die sellulose vesels (papier) te bepaal, is die oppervlakke van hierdie partikels gewysig met kationiese of anioniese groepe, om 'n oppervlak soortgelyk aan dié van funksionele poliëlektrolietbymiddels te verskaf. Die retensiemiddels wat gebruik word om die vesel–vesel en vesel–vulstof binding te verbeter is tipies in staat om te konformeer aan die oppervlak van die vesels en vulstowwe. Teenoorgesteldgelaaide komponente toon 'n sterk affiniteit vir mekaar, bv. kationiese poliëlektrolietgroepe is vasklewend aan die anioniesgelaaide oppervlakke van die vesel. Die sferiese PVA partikels is berei deur die verseping van sferiese poli(vinielpivalaat) (PVPi) partikels. Hierdie voorloper PVPi partikels, berei deur suspensiepolimerisasie, is gekruisbind met 'n divinieleter ko-monomeer. Die vinielpivalaat (VPi) suspensiepolimerisasie is suksesvol uitgevoer en relatief eenvormig verspreide sferiese PVPi partikels is berei, met deursnitte tussen 0.5–10 mm. Die gekruisbinde PVPi partikels is daarna gesaponifiseer in tetrahidrofuraan (THF) as oplosmiddel, om PVA met verskillende grade van verseping (DS) te berei. Die sferiese vorm raak verlore en veselagtige materiaal is verkry wanneer PVPi partikels met geen kruisbinding verseep is. Kruisbinding van die sferiese PVPi partikels (PVA voorloper) is voordelig en noodsaaklik om die sferiese vorm tydens die verseping tot PVA/PVPi te behou. Deur die tydsduur van verseping te verander, is verskeie grade van verseping verkry en bevestig deur vaste toestand KMR spektroskopie. Oppervlakwysiging van die PVA/PVPi partikels, om kationiese en anioniese groepe aan te heg, is uitgevoer via die Williamson etersintese. Ioniese wysiging van hierdie stram, sferiese PVA/PVPi partikels is uitgevoer om ten einde hul klewing met sellulose vesels te bestudeer en te vergelyk met die klewing van soortgelyk gewysigde stysels. Fluoressensie merking van die verskillende gewysigde partikels is uitgevoer met behulp van twee komplimentêre gekleurde fluoressensie merkers. Fluoressensie beeldvorming en SEM verskaf die waarneming van partikel–vesel en partikel–partikel interaksie. Die resultate dui daarop dat die negatiewe groepe van die sellulose vesels skaars is, en daarom is partikels met ‘n lae funksionaliteit, maar wat in staat is om van vorm te verander, aan te pas en te konformeer aan die oppervlak van die sellulose vesels, nodig vir effektiewe adhesie. Hierdie gewysigde sferiese PVA/PVPi partikels is uniek aangesien hulle die chemie van gewysigde stysel en sellulose partikels naboots, maar steeds hul vorm behou met 'n vaste grootte; meetbaar deur SEM en TEM. Veld-vloei-fraksionering is ook gebruik vir die karakterisering van hierdie relatief groot, stram, gekruisbinde partikels met bepaalde deursneë.

Synthesis and Characterization of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide-Alginate Hydrogels and Fluid

Kroll, Elizabeth C. 06 1900 (has links)
<p> Aqueous ferrofluid has been prepared via precipitation of iron oxide into a polysaccharide gel matrix followed by degradation of the polymer to form a stable magnetic colloid. Nanocrystalline particles of iron oxide were formed in an alginate network by the alkaline hydrolysis and oxidation of the crosslinking agent, Fe2+, used to bind the linear polysaccharide chains. Methanol was used to inhibit the degradation of alginate by Fe2+ and oxygen during the precipitation and growth of iron oxide particles. In addition, the structural integrity of the gel was maintained in part by interaction between the iron oxide particulate and the alginate matrix. Controlled chemical degradation of the matrix resulted in a aqueous suspension of alginate-stabilized magnetic iron oxide particles. The resulting fluid is orange-brown in color, optically transparent, superparamagnetic and stable between 2.8<pH<10 </p> <p> The magnetic gels were isolated as 2mm beads containing ~2-20 mmole Fe. X-ray and electron diffraction patterns of the composite correspond to maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) and/or magnetite (Fe3O4). At room temperature, the composite material is superparamagnetic with saturation magnetizations in excess of 20 emu g^-1 at 30kOe. TEM photomicrographs of sectioned beads and of the magnetic fluid revealed the presence of spherical nanocrystalline oxide particles with diameters ranging from 3 nm to 6 nm. The iron oxide-alginate colloid has a diameter of 54nm with an average zeta potential of -51.6 mV.</p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Synthesis and modification of monodisperse polymer particles for chromatography

Limé, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
Liquid chromatography is an analytical technique that is constantly facing new challenges in the separation of small molecules and large biomacromolecules. Recently the development of ultra high pressure liquid chromatography has increased the demand on sturdy particles as stationary phase. At the same time the particle size has decreased to sub-2 µm and packed into shorter analytical columns. This thesis deals with the development of new ways of preparing particulate polymer materials using divinylbenzene (DVB) as crosslinker. It includes a novel procedure for synthesizing monodisperse polymer particles by photoinitiated precipitation polymerization. A 150 W short arc xenon lamp was used to initiate the polymerizations. The synthesized particles are monodisperse and have an average particle size ranging from 1.5 to 4 μm depending on reaction conditions and have subsequently been used as grafting templates. The surface of DVB particles contains residual vinyl groups that serve as anchoring points for further functionalization via a variety of grafting schemes. Copolymerization with incorporation of 2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate yielded pendant oxirane groups on the particle surface. Atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) was used to graft methacrylates from the surface resulting in a core-shell type material. A “grafting to” scheme was used to attach pre-made sulfopropyl methacrylate telomers onto particles containing oxirane rings. / Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på svenska: Vätskekromatografi är en analytisk kemisk teknik som ständigt står inför nya utmaningar när det gäller att separera allt från små organiska föreningar till stora makro¬molekyler. Denna avhandling beskriver tillverkning av polymera partiklar med exceptionellt jämn storleksfördelning och ytmodifiering av dessa, för användning som stationärfas i kromatografi¬kolonner. Polymeriserings¬tekniken som används är utfällnings¬polymerisering där lösningen UV-bestrålas av en 150 W xenonlampa. Monomeren (byggstenen) löses tillsammans med en intiator i ett lösningsmedel och efterhand som polymeriseringen fortskrider faller polymerpartiklarna ut. Polymerpartiklarna är gjorda av monomeren divinylbensen som fungerar som en tvärbindare, dvs att den länkar ihop flera kedjor till ett hårt litet nystan. Partiklarna växte till en storlek på 1,5 till 4 µm under två till fyra dygn. Efter tillverkningen är partiklarnas yta täckta av vinylgrupper som kan användas för att fästa funktionella polymerkedjor. Genom att tillföra monomeren 2,3-epoxipropyl¬metakrylat i polymeriseringen kunde man desutom få en partikelyta som innehöll epoxigrupper. Epoxigrupperna användes för att fästa positivt laddade polymerkedjor av bestämd längd. Materialet packades i en kromatografikolonn och användes för att separera en testlösning bestående av fyra proteiner. Partiklarna användes även som bas för ymppolymerisering där den vinyltäckta ytan fått reagera med vätebromid. Detta gör att partiklarna blir stora makroinitiatorer som kan användas för att på ett kontrollerat sätt låta polymerkedjor växa från ytan. I en undersökning ympades 2,3-epoxypropylmetakrylat från ytan på partiklarna och resultatet blev ett tjockt ytskikt. Epoxigrupperna kunde sedan hydrolyseras till dioler vilket gjorde partiklarna mer hydrofila.

Preparação e caracterização de microesferas poliméricas à base de poli(ácido metacrílico-co-divinilbenzeno) obtidas por polimerização por precipitação / Preparation and caracterization of polimeric microspheres based on poly (methacrylic acid-co-divinylbenzene) by precipitation polymerization

Mario Piccaglia Neto 26 February 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi feito um estudo sobre a preparação e caracterização de microesferas poliméricas à base de poli(ácido metacrílico-co-divinilbenzeno) por polimerização por precipitação. As partículas foram sintetizadas e analisadas em diferentes condições de reação. Partículas esféricas políméricas foram sintetizadas na faixa de 1,66 - 8,41 m, assim como partículas no estado de microgel. As partículas foram caracterizadas pelas técnicas de espalhamento de luz dinâmica (DLS), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), adsorção de nitrogênio pelos métodos BET (Brunauer, Emmett e Teller) e BJH (Barret, Joyner e Halenda), microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, e testes de razão de inchamento. A análise das partículas foi feita para verificar a influência da mudança na composição de comonômeros, grau de reticulação, relação de monômeros totais/diluentes em massa/volume (g/100 mL), e quanto à relação volumétrica de diluentes. Verificou-se que houve um aumento no tamanho das partículas e da resistência térmica com a diminuição da fração molar de MAA (ácido metacrílico). Na preparação de partículas com fração molar de 50% de MAA, e relação volumétrica acetonitrila/tolueno de 75/25, quanto maior a relação de monômeros totais/diluentes (g/100 mL), maior o tamanho e o rendimento das partículas. Com a mudança da relação volumétrica de diluentes, houve mudança nas características de porosidade, tamanho das partículas, e grau de inchamento das partículas, sendo que na relação volumétrica acetonitrila/tolueno de 50/50, houve formação de microgel / The preparation and characterization of polymeric microspheres based on poly(methacrylic acid-co-divinylbenzene) by precipitation polymerization was reported. The particles were synthesized and analyzed at different reaction conditions. Spherical polymer particles were synthesized in the range from 1,66 to 8,41 m, in addition to microgel particles. The particles were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nitrogen adsorption methods by BET (Brunauer, Emmett and Teller) and BJH (Barrett, Joyner and Halenda), optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and swelling ratio tests. The particles analysis was made to determine the influence of the change in comonomer composition, degree of crosslinking, ratio of total monomers/diluents by weight / volume (g/100 mL), and the volume ratio of diluents. It was found that there was an increase in particle size and thermal resistance with decreasing molar fraction of MAA (methacrylic acid). In preparing particles with the mole fraction of 50% MAA, and volume ratio acetonitrile/toluene 75/25, the larger the ratio of total monomers/diluents (g/100 mL), the larger the particle size and yield. By changing the volume ratio of diluents, there was a change in the characteristics of porosity, particle size and degree of swelling of the particles, and in the volume ratio acetonitrile / toluene of 50/50, there was microgel formation

Preparação e caracterização de microesferas poliméricas à base de poli(ácido metacrílico-co-divinilbenzeno) obtidas por polimerização por precipitação / Preparation and caracterization of polimeric microspheres based on poly (methacrylic acid-co-divinylbenzene) by precipitation polymerization

Mario Piccaglia Neto 26 February 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi feito um estudo sobre a preparação e caracterização de microesferas poliméricas à base de poli(ácido metacrílico-co-divinilbenzeno) por polimerização por precipitação. As partículas foram sintetizadas e analisadas em diferentes condições de reação. Partículas esféricas políméricas foram sintetizadas na faixa de 1,66 - 8,41 m, assim como partículas no estado de microgel. As partículas foram caracterizadas pelas técnicas de espalhamento de luz dinâmica (DLS), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), adsorção de nitrogênio pelos métodos BET (Brunauer, Emmett e Teller) e BJH (Barret, Joyner e Halenda), microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, e testes de razão de inchamento. A análise das partículas foi feita para verificar a influência da mudança na composição de comonômeros, grau de reticulação, relação de monômeros totais/diluentes em massa/volume (g/100 mL), e quanto à relação volumétrica de diluentes. Verificou-se que houve um aumento no tamanho das partículas e da resistência térmica com a diminuição da fração molar de MAA (ácido metacrílico). Na preparação de partículas com fração molar de 50% de MAA, e relação volumétrica acetonitrila/tolueno de 75/25, quanto maior a relação de monômeros totais/diluentes (g/100 mL), maior o tamanho e o rendimento das partículas. Com a mudança da relação volumétrica de diluentes, houve mudança nas características de porosidade, tamanho das partículas, e grau de inchamento das partículas, sendo que na relação volumétrica acetonitrila/tolueno de 50/50, houve formação de microgel / The preparation and characterization of polymeric microspheres based on poly(methacrylic acid-co-divinylbenzene) by precipitation polymerization was reported. The particles were synthesized and analyzed at different reaction conditions. Spherical polymer particles were synthesized in the range from 1,66 to 8,41 m, in addition to microgel particles. The particles were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nitrogen adsorption methods by BET (Brunauer, Emmett and Teller) and BJH (Barrett, Joyner and Halenda), optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and swelling ratio tests. The particles analysis was made to determine the influence of the change in comonomer composition, degree of crosslinking, ratio of total monomers/diluents by weight / volume (g/100 mL), and the volume ratio of diluents. It was found that there was an increase in particle size and thermal resistance with decreasing molar fraction of MAA (methacrylic acid). In preparing particles with the mole fraction of 50% MAA, and volume ratio acetonitrile/toluene 75/25, the larger the ratio of total monomers/diluents (g/100 mL), the larger the particle size and yield. By changing the volume ratio of diluents, there was a change in the characteristics of porosity, particle size and degree of swelling of the particles, and in the volume ratio acetonitrile / toluene of 50/50, there was microgel formation

Developing New Strategies for the Preparation of Micro- and Nano-structured Polymer Materials

Nie, Zhihong 19 January 2009 (has links)
This thesis described the development of new strategies for the preparation of micro- and nano-structured polymer materials. In particular, this thesis focused on: i) the synthesis of polymer particles in microreactors, and ii) the self-assembly of inorganic nanorods. First, this thesis presented the synthesis of polymer particles and capsules with pre-determined sizes and narrow size distributions (CV<2%) in continuous microfluidic reactors. The method includes (i) the emulsification of monomers in a microfluidic flow-focusing device and (ii) in-situ solidification of droplets via photopolymerization. This microfluidic synthesis provides a novel strategy for the control over the shapes, compositions, and morphologies of polymer particles. In particular, we demonstrated the control over particle shapes by producing polymer ellipsoids, disks, rods, hemispheres, plates, and bowls. We produced polymer particles loaded with dyes, liquid crystals, quantum dots, and magnetic nanoparticles. We generated core-shell particles, microcapsules, Janus and three-phasic polymer particles. Control over the number of cores per droplet was achieved by manipulating the flow rates of liquids in the microchannels. We further investigated the hydrodynamic mechanism underlying the emulsification of droplets, which helps in guiding scientists and engineers to utilize this technique. Second, we described the self-assembly of inorganic nanorods by using a striking analogy between amphiphilic ABA triblock copolymers and the hydrophilic nanorods tethered with hydrophobic polystyrene chains at both ends. We organized metal nanorods in structures with various geometries such as nanorings, nanochains, bundles, bundled nanochains, and nanospheres by tuning solely the quality of solvents. The self-assembly was tunable and reversible. This approach paved the way for the organization of anisotropic nanoparticles by using the strategies that are well-established for the self-assembly of block copolymers. We further described a systematic study of the self-assembly of polymer-tethered gold nanorods as a function of solvent composition in the system and the molecular weight of the polystyrene blocks. We found that the structure of the polymer pom-poms played an important role on the organization of polymer-tethered gold NRs. The 'supramolecular' assembly was governed by the competition between the end-to-end and side-by-side association of NRs and resulted in the controlled variation of the plasmonic properties of NRs, reflected in a 3-D plasmonic graph.

Developing New Strategies for the Preparation of Micro- and Nano-structured Polymer Materials

Nie, Zhihong 19 January 2009 (has links)
This thesis described the development of new strategies for the preparation of micro- and nano-structured polymer materials. In particular, this thesis focused on: i) the synthesis of polymer particles in microreactors, and ii) the self-assembly of inorganic nanorods. First, this thesis presented the synthesis of polymer particles and capsules with pre-determined sizes and narrow size distributions (CV<2%) in continuous microfluidic reactors. The method includes (i) the emulsification of monomers in a microfluidic flow-focusing device and (ii) in-situ solidification of droplets via photopolymerization. This microfluidic synthesis provides a novel strategy for the control over the shapes, compositions, and morphologies of polymer particles. In particular, we demonstrated the control over particle shapes by producing polymer ellipsoids, disks, rods, hemispheres, plates, and bowls. We produced polymer particles loaded with dyes, liquid crystals, quantum dots, and magnetic nanoparticles. We generated core-shell particles, microcapsules, Janus and three-phasic polymer particles. Control over the number of cores per droplet was achieved by manipulating the flow rates of liquids in the microchannels. We further investigated the hydrodynamic mechanism underlying the emulsification of droplets, which helps in guiding scientists and engineers to utilize this technique. Second, we described the self-assembly of inorganic nanorods by using a striking analogy between amphiphilic ABA triblock copolymers and the hydrophilic nanorods tethered with hydrophobic polystyrene chains at both ends. We organized metal nanorods in structures with various geometries such as nanorings, nanochains, bundles, bundled nanochains, and nanospheres by tuning solely the quality of solvents. The self-assembly was tunable and reversible. This approach paved the way for the organization of anisotropic nanoparticles by using the strategies that are well-established for the self-assembly of block copolymers. We further described a systematic study of the self-assembly of polymer-tethered gold nanorods as a function of solvent composition in the system and the molecular weight of the polystyrene blocks. We found that the structure of the polymer pom-poms played an important role on the organization of polymer-tethered gold NRs. The 'supramolecular' assembly was governed by the competition between the end-to-end and side-by-side association of NRs and resulted in the controlled variation of the plasmonic properties of NRs, reflected in a 3-D plasmonic graph.

The Application Of Polymer Particles In Industrial Processes

Steele, John E. January 2019 (has links)
The research in this thesis considers novel innovative developments in established industrial processes that involve the use of recyclable polymeric particles as a partial replacement for aqueous media and chemicals. The application of the technology typically leads to water savings of over 80% and chemical savings of over 25%. These industrial processes may be characterised in that are considered inefficient and wasteful but nevertheless are considered economically vital. These diverse industries including laundry cleaning, leather manufacturing, textile garment processing, effluent treatment and metal beverage can manufacture. The outcomes of this research have made significant contributions to industrial best practice in such industries. In terms of academic research, the knowledge created in this thesis provides the basis for the application of CFD-DEM modelling to understand complex multi-phase and multi-component systems. In particular, the thesis advocates the application of the Free Surface Lattice Boltzmann Method for creating highly accurate simulations of multi-phase flow. In addition, the thesis offers opportunities for further research in novel plasma micro-reactors and their applications in diverse fields such as chemical synthesis, chemical engineering and biotechnology. The nature of the research is multi-disciplinary, and involved investigations across several fields including applied mathematics, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, and engineering. The projects also involved scale up from laboratory, pilot plant and full commercial scale production trials. Primary objectives were investigated through a series of six published patents. The three patents relating to the development of novel leather and textile processes were solely conceived and executed by the author. The patent related to the development of the plasma micro-reactor for ozone synthesis was conceived and executed jointly by the author and Professor Will Zimmerman (Sheffield University). The two patents related to the development of a novel metal cleaning and treatment process was conceived and executed jointly by the author and Dr. Robert Bird (Xeros Technology Group Limited).

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