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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modification chimique de polymères par des dérivés acyloxyimides en extrusion réactive / Chemical modification of polymers by acyloxyimide derivatives in reactive extrusion

Rakotonirina, Mamy Daniel 20 July 2018 (has links)
La fonctionnalisation post-polymérisation ou post-fonctionnalisation est une technique qui permet d’apporter des propriétés spécifiques à des polymères dont les caractéristiques intrinsèques sont limitées pour une application donnée. Parmi les différentes stratégies de post-fonctionnalisation, une des plus courantes est le greffage radicalaire en milieu fondu par extrusion réactive (T > 160 °C). Dans ce type de procédé, un précurseur de radicaux appelé agent de greffage est utilisé afin de greffer des unités fonctionnelles sur les chaines de polymère. A ce jour, ce sont les radicaux à base de peroxydes qui sont employés. Cependant, ces derniers engendrent souvent des réactions de réticulation de chaines qui réduisent l’efficacité du processus. Afin de surmonter ces inconvénients, il est alors important de développer de nouvelles structures pertinentes. Dans ce contexte, les travaux de recherche que nous avons entrepris dans cette thèse concernent la conception et l’étude de nouveaux agents de greffage dérivés d’acétoxyphtalimide (NAPI) pour la post-fonctionnalisation de polymères. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, notre démarche a été basée sur une approche multidisciplinaire comportant une étude théorique par modélisation moléculaire et une approche expérimentale incluant la synthèse et l’étude de réactivité des nouvelles structures. Par la suite, des essais de post-fonctionnalisation de polyéthylène, de polyamide ainsi que de poly(acide lactique) par ces nouveaux agents de greffage ont été réalisés. Ces essais ont montré des résultats prometteurs à l’utilisation de ces nouveaux composés par rapport aux peroxydes dans les systèmes d’extrusion. / Post-functionalization is a technique which allows to introduce specific properties to polymers whose intrinsic characteristics are limited for a defined application. It has become an appropriate tool to answer the strong demand for performance materials that is constantly growing. Among the post-functionalization methods, one of the most exploited is the radical grafting of the polymers in the molten state by reactive extrusion (T> 160 ° C). In this type of process, a radical precursor called grafting agent is used to graft functional units (monomers) onto the polymer backbone. In this context, the conventional grafting agents used in extrusion are peroxides. However, the radicals generated by peroxide compounds often lead to side reactions, particularly crosslinking reactions of the polymer chains which limit the efficiency of the process. Thus, finding a new family of grafting agents remains a challenge to optimize these extrusion systems. In this research work, the main objective is to use new grafting agents based on acetoxyphthalimide (NAPI) for extrusion. To reach this goal, our strategy is based on a multidisciplinary approach which presents a theoretical study by chemical modeling and an experimental approach by the synthesis and the reactivity study of the targeted structures. To validate the concept, polyethylene, polyamide and polylactic acid post-functionalization tests through these new grafting agents have been carried out. The results obtained have shown that these NAPI derivatives are efficient to graft monomers and to reduce the crosslinking reaction compared to peroxide agents.

Application of Novel Microporous Polyolefin Silica-Based Substrate in Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry (PS-MS)

Weligamage De Silva, Imesha 12 1900 (has links)
This study addressed five key applications of paper spray mass spectrometry (PS-MS): (i) comparative analysis of the microporous substrate with the cellulose-based substrate in drug detection; (ii) detection of more than 190 fentanyl analogs with their fragmentation pattern can be implemented in the future reference for quicker, accurate and sensitive determination; (iii) exploring sweat in a fingerprint to be considered an alternate method to recognize non-invasive markers of metabolites, lipids, narcotics, and explosive residues that can be used in forensic testing applications; (iv) extending and improving better, cost-effective and quick real-time monitoring of the diseased stage using biofluid samples to obtain vastly different lipid information in viral infection such as COVID-19; and (v) mass spectral detection in chemical warfare agent (CWA) stimulant gas exposure with microporous structure absorbency capabilities in air quality monitoring. This novel synthetic material is known as Teslin® (PPG Industries), consisting of a microporous polyolefin single-layered silica matrix, can be used for precise, sensitive, selective, and rapid sample analysis with PS-MS. The Teslin® substrate provided longer activation time for samples and an active signal with a higher concentration of ion formation and mobility compared to cellulose-based papers. Direct analysis of multiple samples showed that, besides being more sensitive to the study and highly efficient with less sample size and spray solvent needed, Teslin® had less interaction with paper source molecules. For less than 60 seconds of processing time, PS-MS can be used as a rapid detection tool, with limited sample preparation requiring less than one microgram of the sample. Overall, the data in this analysis indicate the capacity of the PS-MS as an alternative approach for direct chemical analysis in many applications. Specifically, the waterproof and microporosity characteristics of Teslin® have proven its usefulness in detecting a variety of chemical components in liquid, solid, and gaseous phases without requiring any chemical treatment or substrate alteration.

Elaboration de mélanges ternaires à matrice polypropylène renforcés par les contributions combinées de dispersions indépendantes de polyéthylène et polyamide / Conception of polypropylene based ternary blends reinforced by combined contributions of independent polyethylene and polyamide particles

Abgrall, Florent 27 June 2013 (has links)
Afin d’améliorer le recyclage des thermoplastiques, de nouveaux mélanges sont étudiés pour élargir les débouchés offerts à ces matériaux. Ils visent à combiner efficacement les contributions de deux dispersions de polyéthylène (PE) et de polyamide (PA) pour renforcer les propriétés d’une matrice polypropylène (PP). Des stratégies de compatibilisation spécifiques à chaque phase minoritaire sont mises en place. Elles permettent d’élaborer en une seule étape d’extrusion réactive un mélange de deux dispersions nodulaires submicroniques et indépendantes. Grâce aux interphases de copolymères polyoléfines entourant le PE, ces particules facilitent l’écoulement plastique des macromolécules de PP avoisinantes à la place de la fissuration de la matrice. Entre le PP et le PA, deux compatibilisations différentes sont appliquées. Celle utilisant le polypropylène greffé d’anhydride maléique (PPgMA) forme une interface rigide et cohésive. Le module et la tenue en température supérieure du polyamide se répercutent alors sur les propriétés du mélange sans pour autant provoquer de fragilisation du matériau à température ambiante grâce à l’effet toujours efficace des particules de PE permettant de dissiper les contraintes concentrées autour du PA. Une compatibilisation alternative à base de poly(styrène-bloc-(éthylène-co-butylène)-bloc-styrène) greffé d’anhydride maléique (SEBSgMA) forme une interphase souple autour des particules de PA. Au lieu d’augmenter le module des mélanges, cette dispersion se comporte alors elle aussi comme un modifiant choc souple et augmente la déformabilité du mélange. Il est possible de tirer profit de la morphologie hétérogène du matériau pour localiser préférentiellement des particules de talc dans la phase PA des mélanges ternaires et ainsi minimiser le contact entre la charge et la matrice. Ainsi, les cavités formées par décohésion de l’interface charge/polymère restent confinées au sein d’une phase dispersée ce qui minimise leur impact sur la déformabilité du mélange. Le module d’Young de la phase PA est par contre augmenté ce qui se fait sentir sur le composite dans son ensemble. Une telle démarche permet de combiner rigidité et ténacité dans un mélange hétérogène de polymères. / In order to increase thermoplastic polymer recycling, new blends are studied to open-up new prospects for such materials. The objective is to efficiently combined the effects of two minor phases of polyethylene (PE) and polyamide (PA) to tune the properties of a polypropylene matrix (PP). Specific compatibilisation strategies adapted to each minor phase are established. They allow the self-arrangement in only one step of reactive-extrusion of a controlled morphology with two nodular and independent particle populations finely dispersed in the PP based blend. Thanks to the polyolefin copolymer interphases around PE, these particles promote PP shear yielding instead of matrix crazing. Two different compatibilisation routes are applied at PP/PA interface. The one using maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (PPgMA) forms strong bonds between the two homopolymers and a stiff interface. In this case, the higher PA Young’s modulus strengthens the entire blend without inducing brittleness at room temperature thanks to the presence of the PE particles acting as stress dissipater around PA nodules. The alternative compatibilisation based on maleic anhydride grafted styrene-ethylene-buthylene-styrene bloc copolymer (SEBSgMA) creates a soft interphase around PA particles. Instead of heighten the blend modulus, this compatibilizer makes the PA particles appear very flexible and act as an impact modifier, and therefore increases the deformation capability of the blend. It is possible to take advantage of the heterogeneous morphology of the ternary polymer blend to design particular composites. Inorganic particles such as talc can be preferentially localized in the PA particles of the blend, minimizing contacts between the filler and the PP matrix. Thus, the cavities due to polymer/filler interface debonding stay confined within a dispersed phase which prevent their growth and the apparition of a catastrophic fracture. On the other hand, talc increases the Young’s modulus of PA particles and consequently the modulus of the entire composite. The design of such a heterogeneous material allows the increase of both strength and toughness simultaneously.

Využití kevlarových vláken v asfaltových směsích / Usage of kevlar fibres in asphalt mixtures

Mazáč, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with topic of using aramid (Kevlar) fibres in road engineering in asphalt mixtures. Theoretical part of thesis is describing characteristics of aramid fibres and their technical usage. Thesis deals with research and application of aramid fibres abroad and also in Czech Republic. Practical part deals with influence of aramid fibres, namely FORTA FI fibres in mixture with modified binder for wearing course. An integral part of this thesis is a description of all methods that were used during the processing of the practical part. In the end of the thesis there are outcomes of tests and theoretical research.

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