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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of the arginine and cysteine transport systems of the yeast vacuole

Cools, Melody 13 April 2018 (has links)
La vacuole de la levure joue un rôle dans le stockage de nutriments, la dégradation des macromolécules et le recyclage de métabolites. En accord avec ces fonctions, des protéines se trouvant à la membrane vacuolaire catalysent le transport de divers composés à travers la membrane. Ceci permet par exemple à la vacuole d’accumuler un grand stock d’arginine et d’autres acides aminés cationiques ainsi que de mobiliser des acides aminés durant une carence en azote. Par ailleurs, les scientifiques soupçonnent l’existence d’un transporteur de cystéine, essentiel au contrôle redox de la vacuole et à la protéolyse. Afin d’étudier plus en détail le transport d’acides aminés dans la vacuole, nous avons mis au point un protocole d’isolement de vacuoles intactes suivi de tests d’entrée d’acides aminés. Dans un premier temps, cela nous a permis de caractériser pour la première fois un transport de cystéine dans les vacuoles intactes. En combinant des analyses bioinformatiques avec un screening d’une collection de souches mutantes pour une sensibilité à la cystéine ou la cystine (un dimère de cystéine), nous avons pu proposer une liste de gènes candidats codant pour un transporteur de cystéine à la membrane vacuolaire. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons caractérisé la protéine Ypq2 comme un facilitateur de haute affinité catalysant l’export d’arginine hors de la vacuole en condition de carence en azote. En outre, nous avons identifié un nouveau transporteur, Vat1, nécessaire à l’établissement du stock d’arginine vacuolaire. Nos résultats sont conciliables avec l’existence d’un couplage fonctionnel entre les voies de sortie et d’import d’arginine dans la vacuole. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Etude de la régulation et de la surexpression de l'inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase SHIP2 chez la souris / Study of the regulation and overexpression of the inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase SHIP2 in mice

Blockmans, Marianne 11 December 2008 (has links)
SHIP2 (SH2 domain-containing inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase type 2) est un enzyme de la famille des inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatases qui déphosphoryle le PtdIns(3,4,5)P3, second messager intervenant dans différentes voies de signalisation cellulaire et impliqué dans de nombreux processus biologiques.<p>La surexpression de SHIP2 en cellule, de même que son invalidation chez la souris, ont montré un rôle de cet enzyme dans le contrôle négatif de la cascade de signalisation de l’insuline et dans la sensibilité à cette hormone. Par ailleurs, plusieurs études de polymorphismes chez l’homme ont montré une association entre ce gène et le diabète de type2.<p>La découverte au sein de notre laboratoire de la délétion d’un motif semblable à ceux présents dans les régions déstabilisatrices de type AU-riche dans la région 3’non codante (3’UTR) du gène SHIP2 chez des patients atteints de diabète de type 2, nous a conduit à explorer le rôle de cette région dans le contrôle de l’expression de SHIP2.<p>Dans ce but, nous avons entrepris d’identifier des protéines capables de lier ce motif AU-riche et d’entraîner l’ARN de SHIP2 vers la dégradation, et ce par deux techniques distinctes :l’une in vivo chez la levure (le triple hybride) et l’autre in vitro, par l’intermédiaire d’une sonde ARN biotinylée. Malheureusement, aucune de ces deux techniques ne nous a permis d’identifier des protéines se liant à l’ARNm de SHIP2. D’autre part, l’analyse de souris génétiquement modifiées présentant dans la région 3’UTR de SHIP2 une mutation similaire à celle observée chez les patients diabétiques n’a pas montré une augmentation significative d’expression de SHIP2 comme on aurait pu s’y attendre.<p>Malgré les différentes techniques mises en place, nous ne sommes pas parvenus à caractériser le rôle joué par le 3’UTR de SHIP2 sur le contrôle de son expression.<p>Dans le but de caractériser l’effet d’une surexpression de SHIP2 et de déterminer si une surexpression de ce gène pouvait mimer le phénotype de diabète de type 2 observé au sein de la population, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques d’addition par transgenèse lentivirale.<p>Deux axes phénotypiques majeurs ont été explorés chez ces souris :le métabolisme du glucose et la prise de poids consécutive à divers régimes alimentaire.<p>Les souris transgéniques présentent un retard dans la captation du glucose en réponse à une surcharge en glucose, s’accompagnant d’un défaut de sécrétion d’insuline. Par contre, aucune altération de la sensibilité à l’insuline n’est observée suite à une injection de cette hormone. Cette absence d’altération de la sensibilité à l’insuline est également soutenue par le fait qu’aucune altération de la captation de glucose n’est observée chez des souris surexprimant le transgène spécifiquement dans le muscle squelettique.<p>Les analyses de prise de poids des souris transgéniques ont révélé une résistance à l’obésité des mâles transgéniques lorsqu’ils sont soumis à un régime alimentaire riche en graisse. Par contre, aucune différence n’est observée sous régime alimentaire conventionnel ou faible en graisse. La plus faible prise de poids des souris transgéniques sous régime riche en graisse s’accompagnant d’une plus faible prise de nourriture, un rôle de SHIP2 dans la régulation du comportement alimentaire et de l’appétit n’est pas à exclure.<p>En conclusion, la surexpression de SHIP2 chez la souris provoque une intolérance au glucose induite, en tout cas en partie, par une plus faible sécrétion d’insuline, ainsi qu’une résistance à l’obésité induite par un régime riche en graisse.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Estudo da mudança estrutural fotoinduzida em filmes de vidros a base de polifosfato de antimônio / Photoinduced strucural changes in amorphous films of antimony polyphosphate glasses

Fábio Simões De Vicente 16 December 2004 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo das Mudanças Estruturais Fotoinduzidas em filmes do sistema vítreo [Sb(PO3)3]n &#8722;Sb2O3 bem como a produção e caracterização do sistema vítreo em questão. Vidros de x[Sb(PO3)3]n&#8722;(100&#8722;x)Sb2O3 (5 &#8804; x &#8804; 40) foram produzidos pela fusão dos precursores Sb2O3 e [Sb(PO3)3]n a 900°C em cadinhos de carbono vítreo e em seguida vertidos e resfriados rapidamente em moldes de aço inox. Dessa forma foi possível obter vidros homogêneos e estáveis com dimensões de 1,0 x 1,0 x 0,5 cm3. A caracterização do sistema vítreo e parâmetros como região de formação vítrea e temperaturas características foram obtidos por meio de técnicas como DSC, Difração de Raios&#8722;X, FTIR, e MAS&#8722;NMR. A região de formação vítrea neste sistema ocorre para composições entre 10 &#8804; x &#8804 25 sendo que para x = 5, x = 30, e x = 35 forma&#8722;se um vidro com pequena fração de microcristalinidade que apresenta coloração amarelada sendo visualmente transparente, já para x = 40 forma&#8722;se um vidro com maior fração de microcristalinidade e totalmente opaco. Este sistema vítreo possui interessantes propriedades como larga janela de transmitância (&#8764; 0,4 a 8 &#181;m), alto índice de refração (n &#8764; 2,0), baixa temperatura de fusão (Tf&#8764;900 &#176;C) e baixa temperatura de transição vítrea, (Tg&#8764;300 &#176;C). Filmes de x[Sb(PO3)3]n&#8722;(100&#8722;x)Sb2O3 foram produzidos por evaporação térmica dos vidros através de canhão de elétrons (EB&#8722;PVD) em um sistema não comercial de evaporação desenvolvido em nosso laboratório, onde conseguimos produzir de maneira eficiente e com boa qualidade óptica filmes de até 10 &#181;m de espessura. Estes filmes apresentam um atípico fenômeno de fotocontração em torno de 8 % da espessura do filme, acompanhado de fotoclareamento após irradiação com laser UV em 350,7 nm. Além da caracterização a nível macroscópico do fenômeno de fotocontração (comportamento em função da potência e tempo de irradiação com laser UV) nossa atenção ficou voltada para o estudo desse efeito a nível estrutural, através de técnicas como Difração de Raios&#8722;X, XANES, FTIR, RPE, RBS e Holografia Óptica. Além da ampla caracterização mostramos a possibilidade de aplicação do material para holografia ou armazenamento óptico, redes de difração, e matrizes de microlentes. O efeito de fotocontração nos filmes foi notado devido ao fotoclareamento observado visualmente após a exposição ao UV e foi confirmado por medidas de perfilometria da região exposta ao UV. O efeito de fotoclareamento (simultâneo a fotocontração da superficie) ocorre gerando deslocamento de &#8764; 30 nm do bandgap (3,58 eV, 347 nm) para maiores energias (4,01 eV, 310nm). Também observamos um pequeno deslocamento do bandgap para irradiações com &#955;.=482 e 460 nm. A fotocontração evolui não linearmente com o tempo e potência de irradiação. Depende também do tempo de exposição e da potência do laser, tendendo a saturação após 4 horas de exposição a 5 W&#8260;cm2 (100 mW) ou 2 horas de exposição a 15 W&#8260;cm2 (300 mw). O efeito de fotocontração tem forte dependência com a concentração de polifosfato de antimônio na composição dos filmes do sistema vítreo x[Sb(PO3)3]n&#8722;(100&#8722;x)Sb2O3. Filmes de 1,0 &#181; de espessura irradiados com 100 mW (5,0 W&#8260;cm2) por 4 horas (região de saturação) apresentam fotocontração (&#8722;&#916;V&#8260;V) de até 8,0 % da espessura do filme (para x = 25) quando irradiados com laser UV (&#955;.=350 nm) Para x = 10 a contração é menor que 2,0 %, e para concentrações de polifosfato acima de 25 % efeito é diminuído drasticamente. A atmosfera na qual o filme é irradiado tem grande influência no efeito de fotocontração. Filmes de 20 % [Sb(PO3)3]n&#8722;80 % Sb2O3 (espessura: 1,0 &#181;m)irradiado com laser UV por 4 horas a 100 mW (5,0 W&#8260;cm2) apresentaram fotocontração (&#8722;&#916;V&#8260;V) de &#8764; 8 % (&#8764; 50 % maior) em atmosfera de O2, 5 % no ar, e menor que 2 % para o vácuo, N2 e He. Apesar de se partir da evaporação dos vidros para produção dos filmes, a principal diferença de estrutura entre vidro e filme é que estes últimos apresentam estrutura com grande número de vazios intersticiais ao redor de unidades estruturais, o que não ocorre para os vidros. Nossos resultados mostraram efetivamente que o efeito de fotocontração em filmes irradiados com UV está relacionado com mudanças de estrutura de grupos fosfatos e efeitos fototérmicos cooperativos. Na parte de aplicações gravamos redes holográficas de relevo nos filmes estudados. Utilizando uma montagem tipo espelho de Lloyd para holografia foi possível gravar redes com período de 600 nm até 20 &#181;m e medimos a eficiência de difração em tempo real utilizando um feixe de prova de laser He&#8722;Ne. As redes gravadas em filmes de filmes de 20% [Sb(PO3)3]n&#8722;80 % Sb2O3 com período de 20 &#181;m de espessura apresentam eficiência de difração de 3 a 10,5 % para aproximadamente 1 hora de gravação e potencia variando de 50 a 600 mW (2,5 a 30 W&#8260;cm2), respectivamente. / The aim of this work is the study of the Photoinduced Structural Changes (PSC) in films of the [Sb(PO3)3]n &#8722;Sb2O3 glassy system, as well as the production and characterization of the glassy system. The glass samples x[Sb(PO3)3]n&#8722;(100&#8722;x)Sb2O3 (5 &#8804; x &#8804; 40) were produced by the melt&#8722;quenehing technique of suitable quantities of the precursors Sb2O3 and [Sb(PO3)3]n, fused at 900&#176;C in glassy carbon crucibles and verted into stainless steel moulds. Homogeneous and stable glass plates of 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm3 were obtained. The characterization of the glass system and the obtaining of parameters such as the glass forming region and characteristic temperatures were possible through DSC, X&#8722;ray Diffraction, FTIR and MAS&#8722;NMR techniques. The studied glass system possess remarkable properties such as broad transmittance window (from 0.4 to 8.0 &#181;m), high index of refraction (n &#8764; 2.0), low melting temperature (Tf&#8764;900 &#176;C) and low glass transition temperature (Tg&#8764;300 &#176;C). The films were produced by electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB&#8722;PVD) of the glasses, in a non&#8722;commercial evaporation system developed in our laboratory, where is possible to produce high quality films with thickness of up to 10 &#181;m. The films samples presented an atypical photocontraction behavior that consists of a decrease of up to 10 % in the thickness, accompanied of photobleaching after UV irradiation using a 350.7 nm laser line. Besides the macroscopic characterization of the photocontraction effect (behavior as function of the UV laser power density and irradiation time), our attention was focused on the study of the effect at structural level using techniques such as X&#8722;ray diffraction, XANES, FTIR, EPR, RBS and Optical Holography. In addition to the wide characterization we shown in this work the possibilities of application of this material for optical storage and holography, diffraction gratings, micro-lens array.

Untersuchungen zur Kristallisation schwerlöslicher Salze aus übersättigten Lösungen

Graupner, Uta 28 September 2006 (has links)
Mit Hilfe von phosphathaltigen Inhibitoren ist es möglich, hoch übersättigte Gipslösungen über einen vorgegebenen Zeitraum zu stabilisieren, und anschließend, zu einer definierten Zeit, Gips auszufällen. Damit können derartige Lösungen zur Permeabilitätsreduzierung von Grundwasserleitern eingesetzt werden. Untersuchungen zum Verlauf der Kristallisation zeigten die Abhängigkeit der Induktionszeit der Gipsbildung von pH-Wert, Temperatur, anwesenden Feststoffen und von der Übersättigung der Lösung. Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Inhibitor und übersättigter Lösung, Gipskristallen und Sand werden sowohl durch Polyphosphathydrolyse als auch durch Adsorption des Inhibitors und Absorption im entstehenden Kristallisat bestimmt. In Säulenversuchen gelang es, in weiten Bereichen Gips abzuscheiden und die Porösität zu reduzieren. Ausgehend von den Untersuchungen zur Injektionsmethodik in den Säulenversuchen konnten im Feldtest technologische und geotechnische Parameter praxisnah getestet werden. Die Permeabilität des Grundwasserleiters wurde erfolgreich reduziert. Damit wurde ein weiteres niedrig viskoses Injektionsmittel zur Permeabilitätsreduzierung in Sedimenten mit niedrigen kf-Werten gefunden.

Population structure and dynamics of polyphosphate accumulating organisms in a communal wastewater treatment plant

Günther, Susanne 12 December 2011 (has links)
Polyphosphat-speichernde Bakterien entfernen das im Abwasser enthaltene Phosphat durch Speicherung in Form von Granula, die dann mit einem Teil des Belebtschlammes aus dem Abwasser entfernt werden können. Dies ist wichtig um negative Einflüsse auf Oberflächengewässer wie Flüsse und Seen so gering wie möglich zu halten. Trotz intensiver Forschung ist der Prozess der sogenannten biologischen Phosphatelimination oft uneffektiv und im Jahresverlauf instabil, da über die im Belebtschlamm aktiven Polyphosphat-speichernden Bakterien nur wenig bekannt ist. Hauptproblem ist hierbei die geringe Kultivierbarkeit der Bakterien unter definierten Bedingungen (nur etwa 10-15 % der Mikroorganismen im Belebtschlamm sind kultivierbar). Aus diesem Grund war das Ziel der Arbeit die aktiven, Polyphosphat-speichernden Bakterien durchflusszytometrisch zu bestimmen und deren Dynamiken im Belebtschlamm kultivierungsunabhängig zu messen. Zunächst wurde ein Fixierungsprotokoll für die durchflusszytometrische Untersuchung der Polyphosphat-speichernden Bakterien erarbeitet, welches die größtmögliche Stabilität der hochdiversen mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft in Belebtschlammproben gewährleistet. Eine Mischung aus den Metallen Barium und Nickel (jeweils 5 mM) in einer 10%igen Natriumazidlösung erwies sich als bestes Fixierungsmittel mit einer Belebtschlamm-Stabilität von mindestens 9 Tagen. Um sowohl den DNA-als auch den Polyphosphat-Gehalt der Zellen messen zu können wurde weiterhin eine neue und sehr spezifische Polyphosphatfärbung auf Basis des fluoreszierenden Antibiotikums Tetrazyklin etabliert. Tetrazyklin bindet divalente Kationen, die auch in großer Menge in Polyphosphatgranula enthalten sind und fluoresziert gelblich grün. Die entwickelten Methoden zur Fixierung und Polyphosphatfärbung wurden an Belebtschlamm einer kommunalen Kläranlage getestet. Neben DNA- und Polyphosphat-Gehalt der Bakterienzellen wurde eine Vielzahl abiotischer Parameter (pH, Temperatur, Leitfähigkeit, …) gemessen. Diese wurden zusammen mit den durchflusszytometrischen Daten mittels Korrelationsanalyse ausgewertet. Hieraus ergaben sich wichtige Hinweise auf die Art der Polyphosphat-speichernden Bakterien, fördernde und störende Einflüsse des in der Kläranalage behandelten Abwassers auf die biologische Phosphatelimination und die Abhängigkeiten der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft von Faktoren wie Temperatur, pH oder der anfallenden Regenmenge. Diese Erkenntnisse können genutzt werden um die biologische Phosphatelimination aus dem Abwasser zu verbessern und damit den Weg zu einer Ressourcen- und Umweltschonenden Phosphatrückgewinnung zu bereiten. Außerdem ist es, bei Kenntnis des kläranlagenspezifischen Prozesses, möglich anhand der durchflusszytometrischen Daten schnell die aktuelle Situation zu erfassen und gegebenenfalls rechtzeitig auf Änderungen zu reagieren, bevor es zu einer massiven Störung kommt. Eine Kombination von Durchflusszytometrie und der Erfassung abiotischer Daten ist nicht nur auf die biologische Phosphateliminierung anwendbar, sondern auch auf viele andere wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen.

Identification and Functional Role of Myo-Inositol Polyphosphate 5-Phosphatase Protein Complexes

Ananieva-Stoyanova, Elitsa Antonova 25 June 2009 (has links)
To survive, an organism must constantly adjust its internal state to changes in the environment from which it receives signals. The signals set off a chain of events referred to signal transduction. Signal transduction systems are especially important in multicellular organisms, such as plants and animals, because of the need to coordinate the activities of hundreds to trillions of cells. Plants, in particular, have a special need for perceiving signals from their environment because of their static nature. As in the animal cell, the first steps in perception of a signal include signal interaction with a receptor, signal amplification through second messenger production, and signal termination through second messenger hydrolysis. Myo-inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatases (5PTases) (EC have unique signal terminating abilities toward the second messenger inositol trisphosphate (Ins (1,4,5)P3, InsP3). In Arabidopsis thaliana there are 15 members of the 5PTase family, the majority of which contain a single 5PTase catalytic domain. Four members of the Arabidopsis 5PTase family, however, have a unique protein domain structure, with additional N-terminal WD40 repeats that are implicated in protein-protein interactions. The research presented here focused on the identification of 5PTase interacting proteins and the characterization of their functional role in Arabidopsis. To accomplish this goal, I examined a 5PTase13-interacting protein, the sucrose (Suc) nonfermenting-1-related kinase, SnRK1.1, an important energy sensor that is highly conserved among eukaryotes. My identification of a 5PTase13:SnRK1.1 complex points to the novel interaction of this metabolic modulator and inositol signaling/metabolism. 5PTase13 , however, plays a regulatory role in other plant specific processes as well, since I also identified the Arabidopsis homolog (Atp80) of the human WDR48 (HsWDR48, Hsp80) as a novel protein interactor of 5PTase13. My results indicate that Atp80 is important for leaf emergence, development and senescence likely via a regulatory interaction with 5PTase13 and PINOID â binding protein (PBP1). / Ph. D.

Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal for Liquid Dairy Manure

Hong, Yanjuan 10 January 2010 (has links)
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) has been widely used in municipal wastewater treatment, but no previous studies have examined the application of EBPR to treat dairy manure. This study was conducted to evaluate the (i) performance of pilot-scale EBPR systems treating liquid dairy manure, to balance the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus in manure to meet crop nutrient requirements, (ii) effects of dissolved oxygen and solids retention time on the efficiency of EBPR, and (iii) effectiveness of gravity thickening for reducing the volume of harvested EBPR aerated mixed liquor. Two pilot-scale EBPR systems were used in this study. The ratio of the manure chemical oxygen demand expressed as volatile fatty acids to phosphorus used ranged from 18:1 to 45:1. The phosphorus removal efficiencies of the EBPR system were investigated at three solids retention times (4, 6 and 10 d), and three dissolved oxygen levels (3, 4 and 6 mg O₂/L). The total phosphorus removal was highest (84%) at 10 d solids retention time and lowest (63%) at 4 d solids retention time. The sludge from the 6 d solids retention time tests had better sludge settling characteristics with a sludge volume index of 62 mL/g compared to 80 mL/g for the 4 d solids retention time. The EBPR system achieved 90% dissolved reactive phosphorus removal when the system was operated at 4 mg O₂/L, and the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus in effluent increased to about 5:1, which was higher than the normal ratio in dairy manure. On the other hand, phosphorus removal performance deteriorated when dissolved oxygen level was 3 mg O₂/L. In the gravity thickening tests, 93-95 % total suspended solids (TSS) was removed from the settled supernatant, with 1.2 to 1.54 % total solids (TS) in the settled solids after 90 min gravity-induced thickening. The extent of phosphorus release during gravity thickening process needs to be further investigated. / Master of Science

Frações de fósforo no solo e aproveitamento de fosfatos pela cana-de-açúcar / Phosphorus fractions in soil and phosphates utilization by sugarcane

Nascimento, Carlos Antonio Costa do 04 February 2016 (has links)
O fósforo é um dos nutrientes que mais limita o crescimento das plantas, contudo existem controvérsias sobre a resposta das soqueiras de cana-açúcar à adubação fosfatada. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos com o objetivo de compreender a dinâmica do fósforo no solo sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar RB85 5536, com ênfase na adubação de soqueira, e a fim de estabelecer fontes de fósforo adequadas para este sistema. Um dos experimentos visou compreender as reações ao redor de grânulos de fertilizantes fosfatados, assim como observar a difusão de P a partir destes grânulos. O segundo experimento, objetivou entender a dinâmica do P em solo sob soqueira adubada com fontes de fósforo. Os resultados deste estudo mostram diferenças entre os adubos com respeito à labilidade e à mobilidade de P no solo. A mobilidade foi encontrada intimamente relacionada com o pH do solo, teores de argila e CaCO3 e reações iniciais de precipitação, sendo esta última predominante em torno do grânulo. A taxa à qual P se moveu a partir do grânulo para o solo foi intimamente relacionada com o teor de argila do solo, assim, quanto menor o teor de argila maior é a distância percorrida pelo ânion fosfato. A maior mobilidade P foi encontrada com uso das fontes a base de fosfato monoamônico. Em contraste, os grânulos de Estruvita permaneceram intactos e mostrou-se um P de menor mobilidade. Por meio de estudo de Estruvita sequencial foi investigado a dinâmica do adubo P após mover-se a partir do grânulo para o solo. Em geral, mais de 50% do fertilizante P foi recuperado como P lábil nos primeiros 13,5 mm a partir do local de colocação dos fertilizantes. O revestimento de fosfato monoamônico com enxofre elementar ou ácido húmico não aumentou a labilidade ou a mobilidade a partir desse fertilizante. Reações de protonação e desprotonação de fosfato parecem afetar o pH do solo em torno dos grânulos. As reações envolvendo o N em algumas fontes provaram ser mais atuantes na alteração do pH. Em solo sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, as frações de P no solo mais alteradas pela adubação fosfatada foram a de P extraído com resina trocadora de ânions e P extraível com NaOH 0,1 mol L-1, fração lábil e moderadamente lábil, respectivamente. Contudo, esses efeitos foram evidenciados somente após a reaplicação dos fertilizantes fosfatados na segunda safra avaliada, em que também foi evidenciado sinergismo entre essas frações de P. Embora algumas fontes tenham promovido aumento no teor de P disponível no solo, nem segunda ou terceira soqueira de cana-de-açúcar, apresentaram influencia à adubação fosfatada, mesmo com a reaplicação dos fertilizantes na terceira soqueira. / Among the nutrients, phosphorus is one of those who limit plant growth, however there are controversies about the response from the phosphate fertilization. Thus, in order to understand the dynamics of phosphorus in soil under cultivation of sugarcane\'s ratoon, and also establish more suitable phosphorus sources for that system, two experiments were carried out. The first one, aiming to understand reactions around of the granules of phosphate fertilizers as well as to observe P diffusion. And another experiment aiming understands the dynamics of P in soil under ratoon fertilized with phosphorus sources. The results of this study show differences between fertilizers with respect to lability and mobility of P in the soil. P mobility was found closely related to soil pH, clay and CaCO3 precipitation and initial reactions, the latter in turn are prevalent around the granules. The rate at which P moves from the pellet was closely related to the clay content. The distance traveled decreases as the increase of clay content. The greater P mobility was found where monoammonium phosphates were applied base. In contrast, Struvite granules remain intact and showed lower mobility. A sequential fractionation study was used to investigate the P-fertilizer behavior after moving outward of granules. Overall, more than 50% of P fertilizer was recovered labile P as the first 13,5 mm from fertilizer placement. e monoammonium phosphate coating with elemental sulfur and humic acid, did not improve lability or mobility from that fertilizer. Reactions of phosphate protonation and deprotonation seems to affect the soil pH around the granules. However, reactions involving N fertilizer proved more remarkable. In soil under sugarcane cultivation, the P extracted with anion exchange resin and e P extracted with 0.1 M NaOH were the P fractions most affected by phosphorus fertilization were, labile and moderately labile fractions, respectively. However, these effects were evident only after the reapplication of fertilizers on the second assessed ratoon. In this experiment synergism between these fractions P was also observed. Although some sources increased available P in soil, nor second neither third ratoon of sugarcane, RB85 5536, responded to fertilization, even with the fertilizers reapplication in the third ratoon.

Frações de fósforo no solo e aproveitamento de fosfatos pela cana-de-açúcar / Phosphorus fractions in soil and phosphates utilization by sugarcane

Carlos Antonio Costa do Nascimento 04 February 2016 (has links)
O fósforo é um dos nutrientes que mais limita o crescimento das plantas, contudo existem controvérsias sobre a resposta das soqueiras de cana-açúcar à adubação fosfatada. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos com o objetivo de compreender a dinâmica do fósforo no solo sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar RB85 5536, com ênfase na adubação de soqueira, e a fim de estabelecer fontes de fósforo adequadas para este sistema. Um dos experimentos visou compreender as reações ao redor de grânulos de fertilizantes fosfatados, assim como observar a difusão de P a partir destes grânulos. O segundo experimento, objetivou entender a dinâmica do P em solo sob soqueira adubada com fontes de fósforo. Os resultados deste estudo mostram diferenças entre os adubos com respeito à labilidade e à mobilidade de P no solo. A mobilidade foi encontrada intimamente relacionada com o pH do solo, teores de argila e CaCO3 e reações iniciais de precipitação, sendo esta última predominante em torno do grânulo. A taxa à qual P se moveu a partir do grânulo para o solo foi intimamente relacionada com o teor de argila do solo, assim, quanto menor o teor de argila maior é a distância percorrida pelo ânion fosfato. A maior mobilidade P foi encontrada com uso das fontes a base de fosfato monoamônico. Em contraste, os grânulos de Estruvita permaneceram intactos e mostrou-se um P de menor mobilidade. Por meio de estudo de Estruvita sequencial foi investigado a dinâmica do adubo P após mover-se a partir do grânulo para o solo. Em geral, mais de 50% do fertilizante P foi recuperado como P lábil nos primeiros 13,5 mm a partir do local de colocação dos fertilizantes. O revestimento de fosfato monoamônico com enxofre elementar ou ácido húmico não aumentou a labilidade ou a mobilidade a partir desse fertilizante. Reações de protonação e desprotonação de fosfato parecem afetar o pH do solo em torno dos grânulos. As reações envolvendo o N em algumas fontes provaram ser mais atuantes na alteração do pH. Em solo sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, as frações de P no solo mais alteradas pela adubação fosfatada foram a de P extraído com resina trocadora de ânions e P extraível com NaOH 0,1 mol L-1, fração lábil e moderadamente lábil, respectivamente. Contudo, esses efeitos foram evidenciados somente após a reaplicação dos fertilizantes fosfatados na segunda safra avaliada, em que também foi evidenciado sinergismo entre essas frações de P. Embora algumas fontes tenham promovido aumento no teor de P disponível no solo, nem segunda ou terceira soqueira de cana-de-açúcar, apresentaram influencia à adubação fosfatada, mesmo com a reaplicação dos fertilizantes na terceira soqueira. / Among the nutrients, phosphorus is one of those who limit plant growth, however there are controversies about the response from the phosphate fertilization. Thus, in order to understand the dynamics of phosphorus in soil under cultivation of sugarcane\'s ratoon, and also establish more suitable phosphorus sources for that system, two experiments were carried out. The first one, aiming to understand reactions around of the granules of phosphate fertilizers as well as to observe P diffusion. And another experiment aiming understands the dynamics of P in soil under ratoon fertilized with phosphorus sources. The results of this study show differences between fertilizers with respect to lability and mobility of P in the soil. P mobility was found closely related to soil pH, clay and CaCO3 precipitation and initial reactions, the latter in turn are prevalent around the granules. The rate at which P moves from the pellet was closely related to the clay content. The distance traveled decreases as the increase of clay content. The greater P mobility was found where monoammonium phosphates were applied base. In contrast, Struvite granules remain intact and showed lower mobility. A sequential fractionation study was used to investigate the P-fertilizer behavior after moving outward of granules. Overall, more than 50% of P fertilizer was recovered labile P as the first 13,5 mm from fertilizer placement. e monoammonium phosphate coating with elemental sulfur and humic acid, did not improve lability or mobility from that fertilizer. Reactions of phosphate protonation and deprotonation seems to affect the soil pH around the granules. However, reactions involving N fertilizer proved more remarkable. In soil under sugarcane cultivation, the P extracted with anion exchange resin and e P extracted with 0.1 M NaOH were the P fractions most affected by phosphorus fertilization were, labile and moderately labile fractions, respectively. However, these effects were evident only after the reapplication of fertilizers on the second assessed ratoon. In this experiment synergism between these fractions P was also observed. Although some sources increased available P in soil, nor second neither third ratoon of sugarcane, RB85 5536, responded to fertilization, even with the fertilizers reapplication in the third ratoon.

Enhancing Interfacial Bonding of a Biodegradable Calcium Polyphosphate/Polyvinyl-urethane Carbonate Interpenetrating Phase Composite for Load Bearing Fracture Fixation Applications

Guo, Yi 06 April 2010 (has links)
This thesis describe methods to improve the interfacial stability of an interpenetrating phase composite (IPC) polyvinylurethanecarbonate), and to increase the hydrophobicity of the polymer phase. The current IPCs introduce covalent bonding between the phases via silanizing agents to enhance the interfacial stability. Incorporation of the silanizing agents was also intended to reduce the IPC’s sensitivity to interfacial hydration, thereby enhancing the IPC’s resistance to degradation during aging. Lysine diisocyanate was used to increase the hydrophobic character in the polyvinylurethanecarbonate resin. The polymer resins were infiltrated into porous CPP blocks with 25 volume% interconnected porosity and polymerized to produce the IPCs. After mechanical testing following a aging study it was found that the silanizing agents contributed to stability of the mechanical properties under aqueous conditions. It was concluded that the mechanical properties and stability were comparable to available biodegradable composites, as well as being biocompatible to a preosteoblast model cell line.

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