Spelling suggestions: "subject:"polyurethane form"" "subject:"polyurethane fram""
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Improving helmet comfort : liquid moisture management of polyurethane foam and fabrics used for helmet paddingsBirath, Julia January 2024 (has links)
A study of moisture management in helmet padding compositions. Paddings popularly consist of a polyurethane foam in combination with an inner fabric worn next to skin. The materials consisted of one polyurethane foam and four different fabrics. Tests of moisture management and related properties were performed. The polyurethane foam showed no signs of moisture transport abilities. Among the fabrics, the more porous, mesh-like ones performed the best. The polyurethane foam did not show to have any significant influence on the moisture management of the fabrics.
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A case-based reasoning methodology to formulating polyurethanesSegura-Velandia, Diana M. January 2006 (has links)
Formulation of polyurethanes is a complex problem poorly understood as it has developed more as an art rather than a science. Only a few experts have mastered polyurethane (PU) formulation after years of experience and the major raw material manufacturers largely hold such expertise. Understanding of PU formulation is at present insufficient to be developed from first principles. The first principle approach requires time and a detailed understanding of the underlying principles that govern the formulation process (e.g. PU chemistry, kinetics) and a number of measurements of process conditions. Even in the simplest formulations, there are more that 20 variables often interacting with each other in very intricate ways. In this doctoral thesis the use of the Case-Based Reasoning and Artificial Neural Network paradigm is proposed to enable support for PUs formulation tasks by providing a framework for the collection, structure, and representation of real formulating knowledge. The framework is also aimed at facilitating the sharing and deployment of solutions in a consistent and referable way, when appropriate, for future problem solving. Two basic problems in the development of a Case-Based Reasoning tool that uses past flexible PU foam formulation recipes or cases to solve new problems were studied. A PU case was divided into a problem description (i. e. PU measured mechanical properties) and a solution description (i. e. the ingredients and their quantities to produce a PU). The problems investigated are related to the retrieval of former PU cases that are similar to a new problem description, and the adaptation of the retrieved case to meet the problem constraints. For retrieval, an alternative similarity measure based on the moment's description of a case when it is represented as a two dimensional image was studied. The retrieval using geometric, central and Legendre moments was also studied and compared with a standard nearest neighbour algorithm using nine different distance functions (e.g. Euclidean, Canberra, City Block, among others). It was concluded that when cases were represented as 2D images and matching is performed by using moment functions in a similar fashion to the approaches studied in image analysis in pattern recognition, low order geometric and Legendre moments and central moments of any order retrieve the same case as the Euclidean distance does when used in a nearest neighbour algorithm. This means that the Euclidean distance acts a low moment function that represents gross level case features. Higher order (moment's order>3) geometric and Legendre moments while enabling finer details about an image to be represented had no standard distance function counterpart. For the adaptation of retrieved cases, a feed-forward back-propagation artificial neural network was proposed to reduce the adaptation knowledge acquisition effort that has prevented building complete CBR systems and to generate a mapping between change in mechanical properties and formulation ingredients. The proposed network was trained with the differences between problem descriptions (i.e. mechanical properties of a pair of foams) as input patterns and the differences between solution descriptions (i.e. formulation ingredients) as the output patterns. A complete data set was used based on 34 initial formulations and a 16950 epochs trained network with 1102 training exemplars, produced from the case differences, gave only 4% error. However, further work with a data set consisting of a training set and a small validation set failed to generalise returning a high percentage of errors. Further tests on different training/test splits of the data also failed to generalise. The conclusion reached is that the data as such has insufficient common structure to form any general conclusions. Other evidence to suggest that the data does not contain generalisable structure includes the large number of hidden nodes necessary to achieve convergence on the complete data set.
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Développement et caractérisation de mousses cellulaires élastomères pour l’intensification des procédés / Development and characterization of Open Cell Polyurethane Foam for process intensificationLefebvre, Louis 20 March 2019 (has links)
Les mousses solides, en polyuréthane, sont connues pour avoir des propriétés de transports intéressantes telles que des faibles pertes de charges engendrées ou une grande surface spécifique développée permettant une bonne évacuation de la chaleur. Cependant, elles ne sont pas utilisées en tant que support catalytique à cause des méthodes de déposition actuelles qui provoquent une altération de leurs propriétés mécaniques. Nous avons tout d’abord utilisé une nouvelle méthode de déposition basée sur la polydopamine(PDA), un polymère aux propriétés intéressantes, d’adhésion et de réduction. La PDA va venir recouvrir de manière homogène notre support puis va servir d’intermédiaire pour le dépôt de différentes phases active, qu’elles soient commerciales ou synthétisées in-situ. Par la suite, nos supports ont été employés dans plusieurs réactions, qu’elles soient monophasiques (liquide) ou bi-phasiques (gaz/liquide), afin de mettre en avant l’efficacité et la stabilité du dépôt de nos phases actives. De plus, il nous a été possible de déposer une phase active intéressante pour la production d’hydrogène. L’étude cinétique de cette réaction à basse température a été réalisée et a montré des résultats prometteurs pour le domaine des énergies renouvelables. Enfin, la dernière partie est consacrée à la mise en place de notre support structuré au sein d’un réacteur innovant, permettant d’utiliser les propriétés mécaniques du dit support afin d’améliorer les propriétés de transfert de matière / Solid foams, made with polyurethane, are well known for their interesting transport properties such as low pressure drop or high specific surface area. However, there are not used as catalytic support due to actual deposition method which causes an alteration of their mechanical properties. First, we used a new deposition method using polydopamine (PDA), a polymer with interesting adhesive and reducing properties. The PDA layer will cover homogenously our support then will act as intermediary for active phase deposition, whether they are commercially available or synthetized in-situ. Afterward, our supports were tested for several catalytic reactions, whether monophasic (liquid phase) or biphasic (gas/liquid) to show the active phase efficiency and stability. Furthermore, we successfully deposited a good active phase (cobalt) for hydrogen production. Kinetic study at low temperature were done and shown promising results for sustainable energy production. Finally, the last part was devoted to the use of our soft structured catalytic support within a new reactor, allowing to use its mechanical properties to improve mass transfer
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Influência do material suporte na degradação de alquilbenzeno linear sulfonado (LAS) em reator anaeróbio / Influence of material support in degradation of linear alquilbenzene sulphonate (LAS) in anaerobic reactorOliveira, Lorena Lima de 10 March 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi estudada a degradação anaeróbia do alquilbenzeno linear sulfonado (LAS), um surfactante largamente utilizado na fabricação de detergentes e presente em águas residuárias domésticas e industriais. Para isso, foram utilizados dois reatores anaeróbios horizontais de leito fixo (RAHLF) preenchidos com diferentes materiais suporte para imobilização da biomassa: carvão vegetal (RAHLF1) e leito misto de argila expandida e espuma de poliuretano (RAHLF2). O inóculo usado foi lodo proveniente de reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente e manta de lodo (UASB) utilizado no tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura. Os reatores foram alimentados, numa primeira etapa, com esgoto sintético e, posteriormente, suplementados com 14 mg/L de LAS. O tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) utilizado foi de 12 horas. Foi possível constatar que a presença do surfactante na alimentação não afetou a remoção de matéria orgânica (DQO), próxima a 90% em ambos os reatores para afluente com DQO de 550 mg/L. Com o balanço de massa constatou-se que os reatores foram aptos a remover LAS em 30% no RAHLF1 e 35% no RAHLF2. Desse total, 28% e 27%, respectivamente, foram degradados biologicamente, após 343 dias de operação. O restante manteve-se adsorvido nos materiais suportes. O pH no efluente dos RAHLFs manteve-se constante e próximo a 7,0. Alcalinidade foi gerada, assim como ácidos voláteis, apresentando concentrações médias de 342 e 353 mgCaCO3/L e 27 e 24 mgHAc/L no RAHLF1 e RAHLF2, respectivamente, durante operação com 14 mg/L de LAS no afluente. Ácidos acético e propiônico foram observados nos reatores em concentrações de até 50 e 12 mg/L, respectivamente. Em ambos os reatores estiveram presentes microrganismos com morfologias semelhantes a Methanosarcina sp., Methanosaeta sp., bacilos, cocos e filamentos, entre outros. Utilizando-se técnicas de Biologia Molecular (PCR/DGGE) verificou-se, em ambos os reatores, ampla variedade populacional de microrganismos pertencentes aos Domínios Bacteria, Archaea e ao Grupo BRS. Os materiais suportes selecionaram o crescimento de diferentes populações microbianas. No entanto, para o RAHLF2, praticamente não ocorreu estratificação populacional para os dois suportes. No RAHLF1, algumas populações foram semelhantes às observadas no reator de leito misto e outras cresceram mais favoravelmente / The aim of this work was to study the anaerobic degradation of LAS (linear alquilbenzene sulphonate), which is a surfactant widely used in manufacture of detergents and commonly found in domestic and industrial wastewaters. For the experimental purpose it was used two horizontal anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactors filled with different support materials for biomass immobilization, such as: vegetal coal (HAIB1) and a mix of expanded clay and polyurethane foam (HAIB2). The biological material used as inoculum was obtained with the sludge of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) treating suine wastewater. The reactors were fed, in a first stage, with synthetic sewage and, in a second, with a synthetic sewage supplemented with 14 mg/L of LAS. The applied hydraulic detention time was of 12 hours. With the chemical routine analyses it was possible to ascertain the evidence that the presence of surfactant in the feeding influent did not affect organic matter removal efficiencies (COD), which were close to 90% for both reactors treating 550 mg/L COD. The mass balance results suggested that the reactors removal efficiency of LAS were of 30% in RAHLF1 and 35% in RAHLF2. Of the total concentration of used LAS in the experiments, 28% and 27% were degraded biologically after 343 days of operating regime. The remaining LAS concentrations were adsorbed on the support materials. The pH values in the systems remained unaltered and close to 7.0. Alkalinity was generated (342 and 353 mgCaCO3/L, respectively), and volatile acids were recorded at concentrations of 24 and 27 mgHAc/L in RAHLF1 and RAHLF2, respectively, both treating effluent containing 14 mg/L of LAS. Acetic and propionic acids were detected in the reactors at concentrations up to 50 and 12 mg/L, for reactors 1 and 2, respectively. In both reactors it was observed microorganisms with morphologies resembling Methanosarcina sp., Methanosaeta sp., rods, cocus, filaments and others. Techniques of Molecular Biology (PCR/DGGE) showed high diversity of Bacteria, Archaea and BRS Group in both reactors. The support material selected different microbial populations. For RAHLF2, however, microbial stratification when using the distinct support material was not observed. In RAHLF1, it was observed that some populations were similar within the reactor of mixing bed where others grew more favorably
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Desempenho de um reator vertical de fluxo contínuo e leito estruturado com recirculação do efluente, submetido à aeração intermitente, na remoção de carbono e nitrogênio de um efluente sintético / Performance of vertical reactor of continuous flow and bed structured with recirculation, submitted to intermittent aeration for the removal of carbon and nitrogen from a synthetic effluentMoura, Rafael Brito de 18 March 2011 (has links)
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo principal avaliar o desempenho de um reator de leito estruturado e fluxo contínuo, sob diferentes condições operacionais como aeração intermitente e recirculação do efluente, na remoção biológica de carbono e nitrogênio de uma água residuária sintética. Foi utilizado um reator vertical, construído em acrílico, com um volume total de 11,6 L e um volume útil de 6,1 L. O meio suporte utilizado para fixação dos microrganismos foi espuma de poliuretano na forma de cilindros dispostos verticalmente suportados por hastes, presos nas extremidades. A razão de recirculação utilizada durante todo o experimento foi igual a 5. Os períodos adotados de aeração e não aeração foram de 2 horas e 1 hora, respectivamente. Estabelecidos a vazão de recirculação e os períodos de aeração e não aeração, estudou-se o efeito da variação do TDH na eficiência de remoção de \'N\'-total e DQO. Como resultado, observou-se que a melhor condição operacional foi com TDH de 12 horas, que apresentou eficiência de remoção de \'N\'-total de 82% e remoção de DQO de 89%. O sistema mostrou-se estável ao ser operado nessas condições, apresentando pouca variação nos resultados. Por outro lado, quando o sistema foi operado com TDH de 8 horas e 10 horas, houve queda nas eficiências de remoção de \'N\'-total para valores de 49% e 45% respectivamente. Com relação à remoção de DQO, as eficiências com TDH de 8 horas e 10 horas foram de 85% e 88% respectivamente, indicando uma boa remoção de matéria orgânica mesmo com TDH menor. Não houve presença significativa de biomassa no efluente, indicando que a biomassa permaneceu fortemente aderida ao meio suporte. Foram realizados ensaios cinéticos para determinação das velocidades de nitrificação e desnitrificação da biomassa do reator operando em sua melhor condição operacional. Por meio e perfis temporais em reatores em batelada, obteve-se uma velocidade de nitrificação via \'N\'-amoniacal de 1,43 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. As velocidades de nitrificação via \'N\'-nitrito foram 1,87 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h e 1,3 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. Na desnitrificação de \'N\'-nitrato à \'N\'-nitrito, foram obtidas velocidades de 3,4 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h e 4,0 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. Para a desnitrificação de \'N\'-nitrito a \'N IND.2\', as velocidades obtidas foram 2,3 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h e 2,9 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. / This research aimed at evaluating the performance of a structured bed reactor continuously fed, operated with intermittent aeration and effluent recirculation, in the biological removal of carbon and nitrogen from a synthetic effluent. A vertical reactor was built in acrylic, with a total volume of 11.6 L and a working volume of 6.1 L. Polyurethane foam cylinders supported by sticks vertically disposed were used for biomass attachment. The recirculation flow rate was 5. Aerated and non-aerated periods ware 2 hours and 1 hour, respectively. Once established the recirculation flow and the length of aerated and non-aerated period, the study of effect of the hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the removal efficiencies of Total-\'N\' and COD was started. The best operating condition was achieved with HDT of 12 hours, with removal efficiency of Total-\'N\' and COD removal of 82% of 89% respectively. Under such condition, the system exhibited high stability with little variation of the monitoring parameters. On the other hand, when the system was operated with HDT of 8 hours and 10 hours, there was a decrease in removal efficiencies of Total-\'N\', to 49% and 45% respectively. Regarding COD removal, the efficiencies at HDT of 8 hours and 10 hours were 85% and 88% respectively, indicating that organic matter removal efficiency is not limited in such range of HDT. The low concentration of suspended solids in the effluent indicates the biomass was firmly attached to the bed. Kinetic assays were performed to determine the rates of nitrification and denitrification in the reactor operating at its best operational condition. Temporal profiles obtained from batch reactors allowed for obtaining an ammonia oxidation rate of 1.43 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h. The nitrite oxidation rates were 1.87 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h and 1.3 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h. The reduction rates of nitrate to nitrite were 3.4 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h and 4.0 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. The denitrification rate of nitrite to \'N IND.2\' were 2.3 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h and 2.9 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h.
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Remoção simultânea de matéria organica e nitrogênio total em reator de leito estruturado com aeração intermitente tratando efluente composto por esgoto bruto e efluente de ralfWendling, Ana Cláudia 05 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Eunice Novais (enovais@uepg.br) on 2018-02-05T17:21:21Z
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Ana C Wendling.pdf: 1711610 bytes, checksum: 68dc677af063a5833bd222516d408814 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-05-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O consumo do oxigênio dissolvido nos corpos hídricos é um dos principais problemas resultantes da poluição nas águas por matéria orgânica. Outro ponto importante é a eutrofização, que é o crescimento excessivo das plantas devido ao excesso de nutrientes presentes nesse meio. As estações de tratamento de esgoto brasileiras costumam utilizar processos biológicos para a remoção da matéria orgânica e do nitrogênio. Nesse sentido visando a remoção simultânea da Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO) e de Nitrogênio Total (NT) do esgoto sanitário, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de um reator de leito estruturado com aeração intermitente, com períodos de aeração de 60 minutos seguidos de 120 minutos sem aeração, a cada ciclo de 180 minutos. O reator foi operado com Tempo de Detenção Hidráulica (TDH) de 8 horas, temperatura de 30 ± 1ºC, alimentação contínua e razão de recirculação igual a 2. Foram realizados 5 ensaios que se diferenciaram em a composição do afluente. Os afluentes foram compostos por uma combinação de parcelas de esgoto sanitário bruto da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) Verde e efluente de Reator Anaeróbio de Leito Fluidizado (RALF) da mesma ETE. As concentrações de cada parcela no afluente foram de 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% e 100%. Como meio suporte para a fixação dos microrganismos foram utilizados 13 cilindros de espuma de poliuretano dispostos verticalmente no reator. Para avaliação da eficiência do processo, foram realizadas as análises de pH, alcalinidade, Nitrogênio Total Kjeldahl (NTK), nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH4+), nitrito (N-NO2-), nitrato (N-NO3-), Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO) e fósforo. A eficiência mínima de remoção de DQO obtida foi de 76% e a máxima de 95%, porém os resultados apontaram que não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os ensaios para esse parâmetro. A melhor eficiência de remoção de NT foi de 78%, com afluente composto apenas por efluente do RALF, que foi o ensaio 3. Nestas condições o efluente apresentou teores de DQO de 14 mg.L-1, de N-NH4+ de 3 mg.L-1, de N-NO3- de 2 mg.L-1 e de N-NO2- de 3 mg.L-1. Diante dos resultados foi possível concluir que o reator de leito estruturado e aeração intermitente é eficiente para a remoção simultânea da matéria orgânica carbonácea e nitrogenada com afluente contendo uma mistura do esgoto bruto e efluente de RALF nas mais diferentes proporções. / The consumption of dissolved oxygen in water bodies is one of the main problems resulting from water pollution by organic matter. Another important point is eutrophication, which is the excessive growth of plants due to the excess of nutrients present in this medium. Brazilian sewage treatment plants usually use biological processes for the removal of organic matter and nitrogen. In this sense, aiming at the simultaneous removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Nitrogen (TN) from sanitary sewage, the present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of a structured bed reactor with intermittent aeration, with aeration periods of 60 Minutes followed by 120 minutes without aeration, with each cycle of 180 minutes. The reactor was operated with Hydraulic Detention Time (HDT) of 8 hours, temperature of 30 ± 1ºC, continuous feed and recirculation ratio equal to 2. Five trials were performed that differed in the composition of the influent. The influente were composed of a combination of raw sewage plots from the Green Sewage Treatment Station (ETE) and the Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Reactor (RALF) effluent from the same ETE. The concentrations of each plot in the affluent were 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. As a support medium for Microorganisms were used 13 polyurethane foam cylinders arranged vertically in the reactor. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the process, pH, alkalinity, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH4+), nitrite (N-NO2-), nitrate (N-NO3-), Chemical Demand Oxygen (COD) and phosphorus. The minimum COD removal efficiency obtained was 76% and the maximum of 95%, but the results showed that there was no significant statistical difference between the tests for this parameter. The best effluent removal efficiency was 78%, with an effluent composed only of RALF effluent, which was test 3. Under these conditions, the effluent had COD contents of 14 mg.L-1, 3 mg N-NH4+.L-1, N-NO3- of 2 mg.L-1 and N NO2- of 3 mg.L-1. In view of the results it was possible to conclude that the structured bed reactor and intermittent aeration is efficient for the simultaneous removal of carbonaceous and nitrogenous organic matter with a influent containing a mixture of crude sewage and RALF effluent in the most different proportions.
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Efeito do material da face nas propriedades mecânicas de painéis sanduíche para aplicação rodoviáriaGarbin, Daniel Fernando January 2017 (has links)
Painéis sanduíche são largamente utilizadas em diversas aplicações de engenharia e o estudo de suas propriedades é fundamental para a ampliação de sua utilização. Neste trabalho, foram estudados painéis sanduíche com núcleo de poliuretano e faces de fibra de vidro fabricados pelo processo de laminação contínua. Na primeira configuração, as faces do painel foram fabricadas com manta de fibra de vidro e resina poliéster, com 39% de teor de vidro em massa e espessura de 1,9 mm. Na segunda configuração, as faces do painel foram fabricadas com tecido de fibra de vidro e resina poliéster, com 54% de teor de vidro em massa e espessura de 1,2 mm. Realizou-se o cálculo das propriedades mecânicas de cada compósito no programa MECH-Gcomp. As propriedades do núcleo foram retiradas, inicialmente, da literatura. Então, foi possível realizar a avaliação dos painéis pelo método dos elementos finitos utilizando elementos sólidos, comparando o comportamento dos dois tipos de painéis em relação aos carregamentos de compressão de núcleo, de compressão longitudinal e de flexão. Foram realizados ensaios nas faces isoladas e também nos painéis sanduíche completos. Para as faces, os ensaios foram de teor mássico de fibra de vidro, tração, compressão e cisalhamento Iosipescu, conforme as normas ASTM D5630, D3039/D3039M, D6641/D6641M e D7078/D7078M, respectivamente. Já para os painéis sanduíche, foram realizados os ensaios de compressão de núcleo, compressão longitudinal (edgewise) e cisalhamento do núcleo utilizando flexão, conforme as normas ASTM C365/C365M, C364/C364M e C393/C393M, respectivamente. Após os ensaios, foram calibrados os modelos do MEF, permitindo que os mesmos possam calcular outras configurações similares de painel sanduíche. Foi utilizado o programa Autodesk Simulation Composite Design para realizar a validação do ensaio de cisalhamento do núcleo. Concluiu-se que a análise de elementos finitos foi confiável em representar de forma realista o comportamento dos painéis sanduíche e a redução na espessura das faces do painel pode ser compensada com o aumento da sua resistência mecânica e rigidez por meio do aumento no teor mássico de reforço e trabalhando com a orientação do mesmo. / Sandwich panels are widely used in a variety of engineering applications and the study of their properties is fundamental for the expansion of their use. In this work, we studied sandwich panels with polyurethane core and fiberglass faces manufactured by the continuous lamination process. In the first configuration, the panel faces were made of fiberglass and polyester resin, with 39% glass content by mass and 1.9 mm thickness. In the second configuration, the panel faces were fabricated from fiberglass fabric and polyester resin, with 54% glass content by mass and 1.2 mm thickness. The mechanical properties of each composite were calculated in the MECH-Gcomp software. The properties of the core were initially taken from the literature. Then, it was possible to evaluate the panels by the finite element method using solid elements, comparing the behavior of the two types of panels in relation to the core compression loads, edgewise compression and bending. Tests were performed on the faces and also on the complete sandwich panels. For the faces, the tests were fiberglass mass content, tensile, compression and Iosipescu shear, according to ASTM D5630, D3039/D3039M, D6641/D6641M and D7078/D7078M, respectively. For sandwich panels, core compression, edgewise compression and core shear using bending tests were performed according to ASTM C365/C365M, C364/C364M and C393/C393M, respectively. After the tests, the FEM models were calibrated, allowing them to calculate other similar sandwich panel configurations. It was used Autodesk Simulation Composite Design software to validate the core shear test. It was concluded that the analysis of finite elements was reliable in realistically representing the behavior of the sandwich panels and the reduction in the thickness of the panel faces can be compensated with the increase of its mechanical resistance and stiffness by increasing the mass content of reinforcement and working with the orientation of the same.
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Análise do comportamento à flexão de painéis sanduíche com faces de argamassa armada e núcleo de espuma rígida de poliuretano derivado de óleo de mamona / Bending behavior of sandwich panels with ferrocement faces and stiff foam core of castor oil polyurethaneAlexandre Araújo Bertini 18 December 1995 (has links)
Recentemente, tem se verificado aplicações de painéis sanduíche como elementos estruturais e não estruturais na Construção Civil, principalmente empregados em edificações. Painéis sanduíche, com faces de argamassa armada e núcleo de espuma rígida de poliuretano derivado de óleo de mamona, são estudados visando o emprego em edificações. O comportamento à flexão destes painéis, é estudado através de ensaios de flexão com vigas submetidas a carregamentos nos terços do vão. Alguns modelos teóricos para o cálculo do deslocamento são propostos e comparados com os deslocamentos obtidos nos ensaios. Ensaios de cisalhamento da espuma são feitos a fim de se determinar o seu módulo de deformação transversal, bem como a resistência ao cisalhamento. Obtém-se da análise dos resultados dos ensaios, parâmetros para projeto deste elemento. / Sandwich panels have been used as structural or nonstructural elements in the Civil Construction, mainly in building. A kind of sandwich panel, with ferrocement faces and stiff foam core of castor oil polyurethane, is studied aiming its use in building. The bending behavior of these panels is studied through bending tests with beams loaded at the third parts of the span. Some theoretical models for the deflection calculation are proposed and compared with the experimental values obtained in the tests. Shear tests on the polyurethane foam were done to determinate its shear modulus and its shear strength. Design parameters are obtained from the analysis of the experimental results.
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Influência do tipo de substrato na dinâmica de formação do biofilme em matrizes de espuma de poliuretano / Influence of the substrate on the biofilm formation onto polyurethane foam matricesRibeiro, Rogers 23 March 2001 (has links)
Este projeto estudou a influência do substrato na dinâmica do processo de formação do biofilme em espuma de poliuretano, em reatores anaeróbios horizontais de leito fixo diferenciais, alimentados com extrato de carne, glicose, amido, lipídeos e esgoto sanitário sintético. O estudo constitui em acompanhar a colonização das matrizes de espuma, ao longo do tempo, em relação a quantidade de biomassa aculumada, polímero extracelular produzido e características morfológicas das células presentes nos suportes retirados dos reatores diferenciais. O uso dessas técnicas permitiu o melhor entendimento do processo de aderência, além da verificação da composição morfológica e a estrutura do biofilme aderido ao suporte, possibilitando correlacionar a ocorrência de determinadas morfologias com cada etapa da colonização observada. A influência do substrato na dinâmica de aderência foi verificada devido aos diferentes padrões de colonização encontrados. Foi observada uma grande variabilidade morfológica em relação ao substrato utilizado. Todavia, uma grande ocorrência de organismos semelhantes a Methanosaeta sp foi verificada em todos os ciclos, principalmente em relação a Methanosarcina sp. O fenômeno de excreção de polímeros pareceu ser de fundamental importância no processo de colonização de matrizes de poliuretano, estando vinculado provavelmente à fixação das células aos suportes. A produção de polímeros, na etapa de aderência inicial, apresentou comportamento diferenciado para cada substrato utilizado. De acordo com os modelos propostos e as análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, verificou-se que os polímeros extracelulares podem estar ligados ao entupimento de reatores de leito fixo, permanecendo no interior dos suportes e nos interstícios do leito, causando problemas operacionais. As rápidas partidas observadas em trabalhos utilizando reatores de leito fixo e espuma de poliuretano como suporte podem estar vinculadas à rápida aderência dos organismos em todos os ciclos estudados. / This work focused on the influence of the type of substrate on the process of biofilm formation onto polyurethane foam matrices, in differential horizontal anaerobic immobilized sludge reactors, fed with meat extract (protein), glucose, starch, lipid and synthetic domestic wastewater. It consisted of accompanying the colonization of foam matrices with time, regarding to biomass amount, extracellular polymers produced and the morphological characteristics of the cells present on the supports packed in the differential reactors. These techniques permitted a better understanding of the adhesion process, besides a verification of the morphological composition and the structure of the biofilm attached to the support, making possible a correlation of the particular morphologies occurrences with each colonization step. The influence of the substrate was verified due to the different colonization patterns found. It was observed considerable morphological variety depending on the substrate utilized. However, the presence of Methanosaeta sp.- like organisms was often verified in all cycles, specially Methanosarcina sp. The excretion of polymers seemed to be crucial in the colonization process of the polyurethane matrices, being probably related to the cell fixation on the support. The polymeric production, in the inital adhesion step, showed a particular behavior for each substrate employed. According to the proposed models and the scanning electronic microscopy analysis, it was verified that the extracellular polymers can be related to the clogging of the fixed-bed reactors, as it keeps into the supports and the bed interstices, causing operational problems. The fast start-ups observed in works using fixed-bed reactors and polyurethane foam as support can be related to the fast cell adhesion during all cycles studied.
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Análise do comportamento à flexão de painéis sanduíche com faces de argamassa armada e núcleo de espuma rígida de poliuretano derivado de óleo de mamona / Bending behavior of sandwich panels with ferrocement faces and stiff foam core of castor oil polyurethaneBertini, Alexandre Araújo 18 December 1995 (has links)
Recentemente, tem se verificado aplicações de painéis sanduíche como elementos estruturais e não estruturais na Construção Civil, principalmente empregados em edificações. Painéis sanduíche, com faces de argamassa armada e núcleo de espuma rígida de poliuretano derivado de óleo de mamona, são estudados visando o emprego em edificações. O comportamento à flexão destes painéis, é estudado através de ensaios de flexão com vigas submetidas a carregamentos nos terços do vão. Alguns modelos teóricos para o cálculo do deslocamento são propostos e comparados com os deslocamentos obtidos nos ensaios. Ensaios de cisalhamento da espuma são feitos a fim de se determinar o seu módulo de deformação transversal, bem como a resistência ao cisalhamento. Obtém-se da análise dos resultados dos ensaios, parâmetros para projeto deste elemento. / Sandwich panels have been used as structural or nonstructural elements in the Civil Construction, mainly in building. A kind of sandwich panel, with ferrocement faces and stiff foam core of castor oil polyurethane, is studied aiming its use in building. The bending behavior of these panels is studied through bending tests with beams loaded at the third parts of the span. Some theoretical models for the deflection calculation are proposed and compared with the experimental values obtained in the tests. Shear tests on the polyurethane foam were done to determinate its shear modulus and its shear strength. Design parameters are obtained from the analysis of the experimental results.
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