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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Constructing professional identity : the role of postgraduate professional development in asserting the identity of the career practitioner

Neary, Siobhan January 2014 (has links)
The professional identity of career practitioners in the UK has become increasingly challenged in recent decades due to the influence of government policy and the dominance of work-based qualifications. Privatisation, multi-professional working and workforce realignment have all contributed to a reshaping of the career guidance professional. This research examines the views of a group of practitioners all undertaking continuing professional development (CPD) in the form of a postgraduate award. The participants were all UK based practitioners working in a career related role; all were either currently on programme, had completed or stepped off with an interim award within a masters programme. The research explored practitioners’ views at a time of significant upheaval, of themselves as professionals, their professional identity and the extent to which postgraduate CPD contributed to this. The research utilised a case study approach employing document analysis, questionnaire, in-depth interviews and narrative biographies. These tools were specifically selected to enable sequential analysis of data allowing findings from each stage to be rigorously tested out by the next research tool. Applications from potential students were initially analysed helping to establish motivation for undertaking a programme of this type, an on-line survey explored practitioners views of themselves as professionals, motivation for postgraduate study and potential outcomes for themselves, their organisation and their profession. In-depth interviews and narrative biographies provided a voice allowing participants to explore their personal journey with their studies and how this engagement contributed to the establishment, maintenance or enhancement of their practitioner professional identity. Continuing professional development was classified as consisting of three types, operational, experiential and formal. Findings suggested participants predominantly valued formal CPD with operational being perceived as only meeting employer contractual compliance. Postgraduate level CPD contributed to professional identity through engagement with reflection, theory, policy and academic study. Ethics and client focus were central to the professional identity of the career practitioner. Postgraduate study was perceived to empower practitioners and to contribute to the professionalisation of the sector and give parity with other public sector professions. The research contributes to both the limited body of knowledge addressing professional identity within the career guidance context and discourse addressing professionalisation of new professions. It offers a shared professional perspective that can inform the evolving policy debate aiming to professionalise the career and allied workforces. The research offers a unique insight into a profession in transition and the voice of practitioners who have experienced successive waves of government policy, which has been often internalised as de-professionalisation.

Em busca da consolidação da pesquisa e da pós-graduação numa universidade estadual : a construção de redes de pesquisa

Nez, Egeslaine de January 2014 (has links)
No emaranhado da sociedade em rede, do conhecimento e hipermoderna encontra-se a universidade brasileira, enraizada nas relações com o contexto sócio-econômico que são atravessadas por tensões e paradoxos. Considera-se que as Instituições de Educação Superior são dinâmicas e se transformam com as mudanças que ocorrem na sociedade, na cultura, na política e na economia. Há uma premissa em evidência de que é o lócus privilegiado para o acesso à cultura e a ciência, e tem sua existência garantida para criar e divulgar o conhecimento. Nos últimos anos, inúmeros foram os espaços que travaram discussões que se debruçaram a analisar a função da universidade na contemporaneidade. Empreende-se nessa tese uma leitura substantiva da realidade sobre a pesquisa e suas condições de realização nos espaços acadêmicos. Neste sentido, a presente investigação se insere na especificidade da Educação Superior, com destaque para as políticas institucionais, enfoca a pesquisa e a Pósgraduação numa universidade estadual multicampi, e tem sua gênese na projeção de cenários. Objetiva identificar e analisar as políticas e as práticas de pesquisa da Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (Unemat), com vistas a desenhar cenários para fortalecer a pesquisa, no seu espaço que é a Pós-graduação. A tese compõe-se de etapas sucessivas e articuladas no âmbito de um estudo multimetodológico. Esse processo contínuo de análise parte da pesquisa bibliográfica e estende-se na pesquisa documental, além da pesquisa de campo com entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com três categorias de participantes (líderes de grupos, coordenadores de programas de Pós-graduação e ex-pró-reitores de pesquisa e Pósgraduação). Os procedimentos analíticos são a análise de conteúdo, a rede de significações e a abordagem quali/quantitativa, constituindo um estudo de caso. O estudo tem cunho descritivo-exploratório, mas é perpassado por um esforço de construção teórico categorial de onde emerge a rede de significações do objeto. Entre as categorias destacam-se: pesquisa, Pós-graduação, adensamento e densidade da produção docente, concepção e financiamento da pesquisa, hipermodernidade, sociedade em rede e do conhecimento, paradoxo indivíduo/grupo/rede. Nessa direção, a tese está organizada em quatro partes representativas do percurso percorrido: no primeiro são realizadas discussões metodológicas, traça-se um mapa da pesquisa e elenca-se sua delimitação e justificativa. Em seguida, contextualiza-se a rede conceitual, abordam-se as tessituras da hipermodernidade (Lipovetsky), da sociedade em rede (Castells) e do conhecimento (Didriksson). A terceira dedica-se a explorar o cenário constituído, o qual enfatiza a história das universidades e da Unemat enquanto instituição pública no Estado de Mato Grosso. Na quarta parte, do cenário constituinte se identifica os elementos constitutivos das redes de significações individual, institucional e dos laços para a integração com seus respectivos cenários que são o foco dessa investigação. Deste modo, as redes são compostas da “tradição” de fazer pesquisa e de elementos econômicos (financiamento dos projetos), políticos (organização e estruturação dos atos regulatórios), além de ideológicos (concepção de pesquisa e características dos pesquisadores). Finalmente, em termos conclusivos, sinalizam-se os nexos que fundamentam a propositura da tese indicando que a universidade, por meio da Pós-graduação é fonte geradora de conhecimento, na medida em que adensa e densifica suas políticas e ações de produção da pesquisa por meio dos grupos, dos projetos e das redes. Esse contexto propicia e delimita papéis (da universidade e do pesquisador) e significados advindos do habitus e da ambiência institucional que permeiam o desenho dos cenários propositivos para a integração das pesquisas. / In the tangle of the network society, knowledge and hypermodern is a Brazilian university, rooted in relations with the socio-economic context that are traversed by tensions and paradoxes. It is considered that higher education institutions are dynamic and transform with the changes taking place in society, culture, politics and economics. There is an assumption on evidence that is the privileged locus for access to culture and science, and has its guaranteed to create and disseminate knowledge existence. In recent years, numerous were the spaces where discussions have focused to analyze the role of the university in contemporary society were fought. Is undertaken in this thesis a substantive reading of reality about the research and its conditions of achievement in academic areas. In this sense, this investigation falls within the specificity of Higher Education, with emphasis on institutional policies, focuses on the research and Postgraduate multicampi a state university, and has its genesis in the projection scenarios. Aims to identify and analyze the policies and practices of research at the State University of Mato Grosso (Unemat), with a view to designing scenarios to strengthen research in its space that is Postgraduate. The thesis consists of successive and articulated within a study multimethodological steps. This continuous process of analysis of the literature and extends the documentary research , in addition to field research with semistructured interviews with three categories of participants (group leaders, coordinators Postgraduate programs and former pro- rectors research and Postgraduate Studies). Analytical procedures are content analysis, the network of meanings and qualitative/quantitative approach, constituting a case study. The study is descriptive and exploratory in nature but is permeated by an effort of categorical theoretical construct which emerges from the network of meanings of the object. The categories are: research, Postgraduate, density and density of teacher production, design and research funding, hypermodernity network society and knowledge paradox individual/group/network. In this sense, the thesis is organized into four parts representing the traveled path: the first methodological discussions are held, we draw a map of the research and lists is their definition and justification. Then contextualizes the conceptual network address is the tessitura of hyper (Lipovetsky), the network society (Castells) and knowledge (Didriksson). The third is devoted to explore the scenario of which highlights the history of universities and Unemat as a public institution in the State of Mato Grosso. In the fourth parts, the constituent scenario identifies the constituent networks of individual, institutional and ties for integration with their respective scenarios that are the focus of this investigation meanings elements. Thus, the networks are composed of "tradition" of doing research and economic policy (organization and structuring of regulatory acts) elements (project financing), and ideological (research design and characteristics of the researchers). Finally, in conclusive terms, signal up the connections that underlie the initiation of the thesis stating that the university, through the Postgraduate is a source of knowledge, in that it thickens and densified their policies and actions for the production of research among the groups, projects and networks. This provides context and defined roles (the university and the researcher) and deriving meanings of habitus and institutional environment that permeate the design of purposeful for the integration of research scenarios.

Aspectos gerais da produção científica dos programas Stricto Sensu em contabilidade no Brasil: um estudo baseado nas teses e dissertações / General aspects of scientific production of Stricto Sensu programs in accounting in Brazil: a study based on theses and dissertations

Marisse Dizaró Bonfim 19 November 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as características da pesquisa científica em contabilidade e controladoria, por meio da análise das dissertações e teses produzidas nos programas stricto sensu no Brasil, no período de 2007 a 2009. No período analisado foram produzidos 757 trabalhos, sendo 719 dissertações e 38 teses, que constitui-se como universo para este estudo. A amostra refere-se a 645 estudos, o que representa 85% do total, divididos em 38 teses e 607 dissertações. O problema de pesquisa está delimitado em torno da contribuição da pesquisa dos programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu para a promoção da evolução do conhecimento científico. Utilizando a técnica bibliométrica de análise de coocorrência de palavra (co word analysis) foi realizado um mapeamento das teses e dissertações defendidas nos programas, a fim de conhecer a trajetória, os temas, as bases de dados mais utilizadas nos estudos empíricos, os setores da economia abrangidos pelas pesquisas e se há, nas instituições, indícios de institucionalização da pesquisa. O conceito institucionalização está relacionado à ciência da informação (WITHLEY, 1980), que determina que as estruturas formais e informais estabelecidas em um campo de estudos orientam e legitimam as atividades de pesquisa. Foram identificadas as frentes de pesquisa em educação e pesquisa em contabilidade na UniFecap, estrutura e custo de capital na FEARP, conteúdo informacional na FEA-SP e UNB. A área de maior concentração foi controladoria e contabilidade com 40,2% de estudos, cujos temas controle gerencial nas organizações e controladoria aplicada à gestão pública foram as mais frequentes. A segunda área foi contabilidade para usuários externos e finanças, representando 30,10%, que evidenciou os temas contabilidade socioambiental, com foco em disclosure ambiental e contabilidade tributária. As pesquisas em mercado financeiro, de crédito e capitais representaram 21,9% com temas voltados à evidenciação, conteúdo da informação contábil e mensuração e, por fim, os estudos voltados para educação e pesquisa em contabilidade representaram 7,9% das defesas no período com foco na formação profissional. As fontes de dados mais utilizadas foram os dados das empresas de capital aberto e da administração pública em todas as esferas. Os setores mais abrangidos, além do público e empresas de capital aberto foram as indústrias e universidades. Nesse ambiente foi identificada a tendência de estudos com abordagem gerencial. Foram concedidas 56 bolsas, sendo três bolsas CNPq concedidas à USP. As demais foram concedidas pela CAPES. O sul recebeu 47% dos auxílios, o sudeste 37%, o centro oeste 12% e o nordeste 3,57%. A UNISINOS recebeu o maior volume de auxílios (21,43%), seguido pela USP SP (14,14%) e UFPR (12,50%). / This study aimed to determine the characteristics of scientific research in accounting and controlling, through the analysis of dissertations and thesis produced by Stricto Sensu programs in Brazil, in the 2007-2009 period, when 757 works were produced, of which 719 dissertations and 38 thesis, which constitutes our research universe. The sample refers to 645 studies, which represents 85% of the total thesis divided into 38 thesis and 607 lectures. The research problem is defined around the contribution of the research programs of post-graduate programs for the promotion and development of scientific knowledge. Using the technique of bibliometric analysis of co word analysis, was built a mapping of thesis and dissertations in the programs, in order to meet the trend, the themes, the databases most used in empirical studies, the sectors of economy covered by the research and if there are evidences of research institutionalization. The concept of institutionalization is related to the Science Information (WITHLEY, 1980) , which states that the formal and informal structures established in a study field guide and legitimate research activities. Were identified research fronts in education and research in accounting at UniFecap, structure and cost of capital in FEARP, informational content in FEA - SP and UNB. The area of highest concentration was \"controlling and accounting\" with 40.2% of study subjects whose \"management control in organizations\" and \"controller applied to public administration\" themes were more frequent. The second one was \"accounting and finance for external users\", representing 30.10%, which showed the \"environmental accounting\", with a focus on environmental disclosure and tax accounting, as an important research area. The researches in the \"financial market\", \"credit\" and \"capital\" accounted 21.9% of topics related to the disclosure evidences, contents of information and accounting measurement and, finally, the studies focused on education and accounting research represented 7.9% of the defenses in the period focusing on vocational training. The data sources used were the data of public companies and public administration at all levels. The sectors covered, in addition to public and publicly traded companies, were the industries and universities. In this environment was identified trend studies managerial approach. Were awarded 56 scholarships, witch three was CNPq granted to USP. CAPES granted the others. The South region of the country received 47% of aid , Southeast 37%, and 12% for Midwest and Northeast got 3.57% . The UNISINOS received the most of aid (21.43 %), followed by USP-SP (14.14 %) and UFPR (12.50%).

Diens-leer vir H.O.D. (Nagraads) studente

Maarman, Rouaan Francois Alexander 05 March 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / This qualitative research essay reports on a complementary programme, Service Learning, to the current Higher Diploma in Education (H.D.E-postgraduate) curricula at tertiary institutions. It originated from my personal experience of the H.D.E.(postgraduate) training, my experience as educator and the policy documents of the South African Government on Higher Education since 1995. My idea for the investigation is grounded in the first White Paper for Higher Education (1995) and the Norms and Standards of Teacher Education presented by the Committee of Teacher Education Policy (1996). Both these policies advocate innovative, holistic and reflective teacher education training. The title of the essay: "The cultivation of educational knowledge, skills, values and attitudes, through Service Learning, for H.D.E. (postgraduate) students encapsulates the framework of my thinking about teacher education". The investigation commenced with a document analysis followed by a literature study concerning H.D.E. (PIG) curricula and Service Learning. The basic data analysis was used to integrate the relevant literature with the professional ideas of the interviewees. Ethnographic interviews with educational leaders brought all diverting ideas together, which culminated in the findings of the investigation. The justification of the study lies in the question whether one year of training as an educator is holistic and foreseeable enough for the challenging educational environment. The findings of the study advocate Service Learning as an indispensable complementary programme to the H.D.E.(P/G) Curricula. The findings mostly enlighten the advantages of Service Learning Programmes through the eyes of the educational leaders interviewed, and present to the reader the possibilities in teacher education.

A systematic review : student and supervisor variables affecting completion of postgraduate research requirements

Rae, Nicolette January 2015 (has links)
Magister Artium (Psychology) - MA(Psych) / South Africa has one of the highest postgraduate dropout rates in the world. One of the main contributing factors to the high number of unfinished Master’s and Doctorate degrees is incomplete theses and dissertations. Frequently postgraduate students complete all other course requirements, but are unable to complete the independent research component. Ethics clearance was obtained from the Senate research committee at UWC. This study used a systematic review methodology to identify appropriate literature on the personal characteristics and demographic variables of postgraduate research students and supervisors and the impact that these variables have on completion rates. The study evaluated the literature for methodological quality in order to enable comprehensive identification, evaluation and meta-synthesis of the current best evidence regarding personal and demographic factors which may affect the supervisory relationship and help or hinder completion rates. This resulted in an evidence base of filtered information which can be used by individuals, institutions of higher education, and government or non-government organisations to inform individual practice, specialised training programmes and general psychoeducation. The results indicated that there is empirical evidence from good quality research that personal and demographic variables impact the working alliance between students and supervisors, and ultimately the completion of the research. Race, gender, spirituality, isolation, and socio-economic status were among the more prominent factors identified.

The Outcomes and Impact of a Postgraduate Physiotherapy Master's Programme on Research and Clinical Practice in Africa

Kunda, Richard January 2016 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The past decade has seen a growth in Physiotherapy schools offering postgraduate programmes in South Africa. The Republic of South Africa assists other African countries like Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia in upgrading the education of diploma-trained physiotherapists (DTPs) to Bacherlor of Science (Honours) (BSc (Hons) and Master's Degrees respectively. The three institutions offering Physiotherapy training in Cape Town make it the largest training locality for Physiotherapy in South Africa. The University of Cape Town (UCT), University of the Western Cape (UWC) and Stellenbosch University are situated within a twenty kilometre radius from each other. These schools have taken a leading role in the postgraduate training of their own PTs, and those from other developing countries. In 2007, for example, about 20% of postgraduate students in Cape Town Physiotherapy schools were from other African countries. The Department of Physiotherapy at UWC in particular has been upgrading DTPs from other African countries to BSc (Hons) and Master's degrees for the last twenty years. However, compared to the wealth of educational literature on other healthcare professions, literature on the evaluation of postgraduate Physiotherapy programmes is scarce. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes and impact of the UWC postgraduate Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) and Master's programme on clinical practice and research in East and Southern Africa. The dissertation used an explorative and descriptive theory-based evaluation approach using qualitative research methodology. The steps involved in the research process determined the choice and use of the qualitative methodology. The use of qualitative methods was undertaken to provide a comprehensive analysis of the research problem. The study had three main phases. Initially, administrative document reviews and in-depth interviews with UWC postgraduate Master's programme designers (PDs) were conducted to help develop and test the programme theory and measuring instruments (interview guides). Secondly, postgraduates were interviewed to establish and test the implementation process theory, as well as investigate perceived programme outcomes. Then focus group discussions with postgraduate students of UWC, and individual interviews with workplace supervisors of the UWC postgraduates were undertaken to investigate the perceived outcomes and impact of the UWC Master's programme. A variety of methods appropriate for the different steps or stages of the programme were employed, to ensure this evaluation exercise becomes an integrated function in which data are continuously collected and used for decision-making and programme improvement. Multiple types of data were collected to inform each phase. The researcher used purposive sampling technique to constitute the sample. The sampling technique yielded three official documents, three (3) PDs and two (2) implementers, 27 UWC postgraduates, seven (7) workplace supervisors and 30 students of UWC postgraduates. Data was collected via document analyses, in-depth interviews, telephonic in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Qualitative data analysis occurred concurrently with data collection. Atlas Ti software version 10 was used to assist with data management. The UWC postgraduates reported acquiring knowledge of manual therapy, better management of musculo-skeletal conditions and enhanced clinical reasoning. Participants also reported career growth, pursuit of higher degrees such as PhDs, promotions, job changes from physiotherapy clinicians to educators, involvement in research and the introduction of BSc programmes in their respective countries. The current study demonstrates that the primary objective of the UWC BSc (Hons) and Master's programmes such as increasing access to physiotherapy training in Africa and empowering DTPs with research skills and knowledge of community-based rehabilitation was being realised. However, many postgraduate participants in all countries emphasised the need to include basic sciences, clinical practice and specialisation in the UWC BSc (Hons) and Master's programmes respectively. Furthermore, the participants reported that the programmes did not have much impact on management of conditions other than musculo-skeletal. On the other hand, the employers that participated in the current study identified that the UWC programmes had a positive impact on Physiotherapy education in their respective countries, producing a total of five Physiotherapy degree programmes between the year 2000 and 2014. Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia reported introducing two, one, one and two BSc Physiotherapy programmes respectively. The study also revealed moderate research activity among UWC postgraduates, a challenge most employers attributed to institutional research agendas, high patient work-load and personal strengths of postgraduate students. The students of UWC graduates who participated in the current study reported acquiring new assessment skills for musculo-skeletal conditions, enhanced treatment techniques for musculoskeletal conditions and use of evidence to guide their clinical practice. The participants also reported reduced hospital visits among patients with musculo-skeletal conditions and relatively short treatment durations. However, in all universities but one, students indicated that most lecturers had difficulty applying basic sciences during lectures. The participants also reported a lack of specialist lecturers in areas other than musculo-skeletal. This thesis focused on evaluation of the outcomes and impact of postgraduate BSc (Hons) and Master's programmes in Physiotherapy for DTPs in SADC and East Africa. While the thesis has highlighted many achievements, it has also identified training needs of DTPs that require attention. First, we recommend that the curriculum be reviewed to incorporate clinical practice and more theoretical content in the BSc (Hons) programme and that the UWC special BSc (Hons) programme be considered an RPL project to ensure the visible (documented) and nonvisible (undocumented) knowledge claimed by applicants are subjected to a form of assessment through the UWC RPL process, thus enabling the university to identify the knowledge gap that requires bridging among DTPs seeking admission to the degree programme. Second, we recommend a review of the Master's degree by coursework programme to include more theoretical and clinical practice components that would allow for specialisation. / National Research Foundation (NRF)

A comparative study of student retention and throughput in a postgraduate distance education programme

Sondlo, Mercy Nobayeni January 2013 (has links)
No abstract available. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Student Pharmacists’ Personal Finance Perceptions, Projected Indebtedness Upon Graduation, and Career Decision-Making

Hagemeier, Nicholas E., Gentry, Chad K., Byrd, Debbie C., Cross, Brian, Rose, Daniel, Ansari, Nasar, Subedi, Pooja, Branham, Tandy 01 January 2019 (has links)
Objective. To evaluate the extent to which Doctor of Pharmacy students’ personal finance perceptions, projected student loan indebtedness, and demographic characteristics predict postgraduation career intentions. Methods. Students at three pharmacy colleges completed a 31-item survey instrument that assessed personal finance perceptions, self-efficacy beliefs, anticipated student loan debt upon graduation, postgraduate intentions, anticipated practice setting upon graduation, and demographic characteristics. Logistic regression models were used to examine the extent to which personal finance perceptions, student loan indebtedness, and demographic characteristics predicted postgraduate intentions and anticipated practice setting. Results. There were 763 usable responses obtained (response rate=90.3%). Students reported an anticipated personal student loan debt at graduation of $162,747 (SD=$87,093) and an estimated 7.4 (SD=5.8) years to pay off non-mortgage debt postgraduation. Fifty-three percent of students reported planning to practice in a community pharmacy setting postgraduation, and 54% indicated they intended to enter practice directly. Student loan indebtedness was not a significant predictor of whether students planned to pursue postgraduate training. There was a significant association between debt influence and pressure perceptions and students’ plans to pursue postgraduate training (aOR=0.78; 95% CI=0.65-0.94). The odds of indicating hospital (vs chain community) pharmacy as the anticipated setting decreased 36% with every one point increase in debt influence and pressure perceptions (aOR=0.64; 95% CI=0.50-0.81). Conclusion. Pharmacy students’ perceived debt pressure and influence predicted their intention to enter practice directly (vs pursuing postgraduate training) and to select a career in chain community pharmacy (vs hospital pharmacy). Student loan indebtedness was not a significant predictor of postgraduate training intentions. These findings suggest that interventions that equip students to manage the pressure associated with large student loan debts should be explored.

Nursing Staff Development for Novice Nurse Practitioners in Acute Care

Berglund, Carolyn 01 January 2019 (has links)
An acute care practice site reported 75% turnover of novice nurse practitioners (NPs), which indicated a gap in the transition from student to practitioner within the first year of clinical practice. This gap can leave novice NPs unprepared to manage patients effectively and contribute to high turnover. The practice-focused question addressed whether an evidence-based staff development program for novice NPs at an acute care site could be developed. The purpose of this project was to create a framework based on evidence to transition novice NPs successfully into practice. Benner's skill-acquisition in-nursing theory informed this project. Evidence was obtained by searching electronic databases, reviewing professional organization websites, and consulting with experts. The search revealed journal articles, best-practice guidelines, and useful insights from experts. The Elkins literature review matrix was used to organize, summarize, and weigh the evidence. A summary of consultations with experts was used. Commonalities within the evidence included guided clinical experiences and nonclinical activities such as (a) formal didactic sessions, (b) professional development, and (c) quality improvement. Outcomes include recommendations for a 12-month postgraduate development program framework and educational content. Recommendations were also provided for formative and summative evaluations. The implications of this project for social change include effective preparation of novice NPs and stabilization of the NP workforce at the project site.

Clinical Preceptorship in Virtual Healthcare Settings

Lee-Krueger, Rachelle Cheuk Woon 05 May 2023 (has links)
Clinical preceptorships that nurture virtual care competencies among family medicine residents or physicians in-training remain understudied. Guided by epistemological views of pragmatism and social constructivism, I designed and implemented a three-phase exploratory mixed-methods study to address the following research questions: • How is clinical preceptorship in virtual healthcare settings conceptualized within the field of postgraduate medical education? • What are the gaps in the way clinical preceptorship in virtual healthcare settings is conceptualized in the field of postgraduate medical education? • To what extent do preceptors involve, prepare, and assess family medicine residents in virtual healthcare settings? • How do preceptors assess and provide feedback to family medicine residents in virtual healthcare settings? In phase I, a scoping review identified 24 peer-reviewed articles (published before February 25, 2021) relevant to clinical precepting with postgraduate medical trainees in virtual healthcare settings. In a sequential manner, I then led a one-time online survey (phase II; n = 38) and key informant interviewing (phase III; n = 13) with preceptors of family medicine residents. National data confirmed that clinical precepting in virtual healthcare settings can be characterized by individual factors, preceptor-resident behaviors, and workplace artefacts. Additional insights supported preceptors’ ability to engage family medicine residents in virtual care activities, along with the constraints and strategies to supervise them effectively. Opportunities to assess competency are possible; however, preceptors identified gaps in assessment practices to identify underperformance in the virtual therapeutic frame. A key research deliverable is a thematic framework illustrating the experience of clinical precepting in virtual healthcare settings. Drawing on adaptive expertise, actor-network theory, and praxeology, the final article elucidates how this work contributes to educational solutions and research directions for competency-based family medicine education.

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