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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transgender Identities in Postmedia Audiovisual Narratives

Koss, Kaylee Bear 09 April 2020 (has links)
[ES] A pesar del creciente desarrollo de estudios sobre personas transgénero en campos particulares desde principios de la década de 1990, solo en la última década se ha experimentado un crecimiento explosivo de la visibilidad de personas transgénero en la cultura popular de Occidente. La rapidez del progreso, en comparación con los movimientos sociales anteriores, se debe en gran parte a la ubicuidad de las tecnologías de comunicación en línea y digitales. El acceso a dichos medios también ha brindado oportunidades de producción y publicación para los artistas, especialmente aquellos que se identifican con demográficos marginados, excluidos o previamente ignorados, como la comunidad transgénero. Dada la relación situacional entre estas tecnologías y los artistas trans, esta investigación pregunta cómo y qué utiliza, produce o publica un artista trans como yo, como parte de una práctica creativa multimedia, y postula que existen características compartidas que existen entre muchas experiencias transexuales y experiencias postmedia. Para responder a estas preguntas de investigación, este texto despliega y combina voces subjetivas y críticas dentro de un modelo exegético conectivo. Analizo los nuevos conocimientos representados por el trabajo y los procesos de la práctica creativa relacionada a través del desarrollo y la aplicación de conceptos existentes de fenomenología transgénero. Y, en última instancia, la propia misión de este texto se presenta como una acción autoetnográfica y una declaración política de la experiencia vivida. / [CA] Malgrat el creixent desenvolupament d'estudis sobre persones transgènere a àmbits particulars, des de principi de la dècada de 1990, sols a l'última dècada s'ha experimentat un creixement explosiu de la visibilitat de persones transgènere a la cultura popular d'occident. La rapidesa del progrés, en comparació amb els moviments socials anteriors, és deguda en gran part a la ubiqüitat de les tecnologies de comunicació en línia i digitals. L'accés als susdits mitjans també ha brindat oportunitats de producció i publicacions per als artistes, especialment aquells que s'identifiquen amb demografies marginals, exclosos o prèviament ignorats, com la comunitat transgènere. Donada la relació situacional entre aquestes tecnologies i els artistes trans, aquesta investigació pregunta com i què utilitza, produeix o publica un artista trans com jo, com part d'una pràctica creativa multimedia i postula que existeixen característiques compartides entre nombroses experiències transexuals i postmedia. Pera respondre aquestes qüestions d'investigació, aquest text desenvolupa i combina veus subjectives i crítiques dintre d'un model exegètic connectiu. Analitze els nous coneixements representats pel treball i els processos de la pràctica creativa relacionada mijantçant el desenvolupament i l'aplicació de conceptes existents de fenomenologia transgènere. I, en última instància, la pròpia missió d'aquest text es presenta com una acció autoetnogràfica i una declaració política de l'experiència viscuda. / [EN] Despite an increasing development of transgender studies within particular fields since the early 1990's, it has only been in the last decade or so that an explosive growth of transgender visibility has been experienced in popular culture in the West. The rapidity of progress, compared to previous social movements, is due in large part to the ubiquity of online and digital communication technologies. Access to such media has also provided production and publishing opportunities for artists, especially those identifying with marginalized, ostracized or previously overlooked demographics like the transgender community. Given the situational relationship between these technologies and trans artists, this research asks how and what a trans artist such as myself utilizes, produces or publishes as part of a multimedia creative practice, and posits that there are shared characteristics that exist between many transgender and postmedia experiences. In order to answer these research questions, this text deploys and blends both subjective and critical voices within a connective exegetical model. I analyse the new knowledge represented by the work and processes of the related creative practice through the further development and application of extant concepts of transgender phenomenology. And, ultimately, the very undertaking of this text itself is presented as an autoethnographic action and a political statement of lived experience. / Koss, KB. (2020). Transgender Identities in Postmedia Audiovisual Narratives [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/140555

Interactive digital media displacement : digital imagery contextualised within deep remixability and remediation / Ukusetshenziswa kokususwa kwezithombe zezindaba zokusakaza ngedijithali : umfanekiso wedigithali owumongo ogxile ngokuxutshwa okujulile nokulungisa / Ukushenxisa imiboniso yedijithali ngentsebenziswano : imbonakalo yedijithali kwimeko yokuxubeka nzulu nokuhlaziywa

Van Heerden, Carel Jacobus 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with abstracts and keywords in English, Zulu and Xhosa / Link to the dataset (catalogue): https://doi.org/10.25399/UnisaData.14101913.v1 / Digital image editing is rooted in the analog practices of photographic retouching from the late nineteenth century. This study interrogated how novel contributions of new media practice can inform understanding of the relationship between digital and analog media. The study also sought to explore new conceptual avenues in the creation of digital art that incorporates key aspects of both new and traditional media. This study employed a literature review of selected discourses related to new media studies. Specifically, the work of scholars Lev Manovich, Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin, and Filipe Pais on the interplay between traditional and new media formed the cornerstone of the analysis. These discourses contextualise an analysis of several contemporary case studies of digital artists, with a particular focus on John Craig Freeman and the Oddviz collective. These works were selected for the way in which they destabilise conventional notions of digital photography in new media and the way digital content can be ‘displaced’ into a physical space. From this analysis several concepts arise that serve as distinguishing markers for media displacement. These themes include embodiment, memory, identity formation, autotopography, and intermediality. The dissertation concludes with an overview of my work that incorporates the concepts derived from my analysis of the case studies. It discusses how my exhibition Digital Tourist, a mixed media installation, makes use of photogrammetry and AR to displace the private connections of an individual life into the public space of the gallery. / Ukuhlelwa kwezithombe zezindaba zedijithali kususelwe emikhubeni ye-analokhu yokuthwebula kabusha izithombe kusukela ngasekupheleni kwekhulu leshumi nesishiyagalolunye leminyaka.. Lolu cwaningo luphenye ukuthi iminikelo yenoveli emisha yokwenziwa kwezezindaba ezintsha zingakwazisa kanjani ukuqonda kobudlelwano phakathi kwezindaba zedijithali ne-analokhu. Ucwaningo luphinde lwafuna ukubheka izindlela ezintsha zomqondo ekwakhiweni kobuciko bedijithali obufaka izinndaba ezibalulekile kokubili kwezokuxhumana nezendabuko ezintsha. Izinkulumo ezikhethiwe ezihlobene nezifundo zezindaba ezintsha zibuyekeziwe. Ngokuqondile, umsebenzi wezazi uLev Manovich, Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin noFilipe Pais ekusebenzisaneni phakathi kwabezindaba bendabuko nabasha kwakha okuzobhekwa ngqo uma kuhlaziywa. Lezi zinkulumo zigxila ekuhlaziyweni kwezifundo zamanje zamaciko edijithali, kugxilwe kakhulu kuJohn Craig Freeman kanye neqoqo le-Oddviz. Le misebenzi yakhethwa ngendlela yokuthi ingazinzisi imiqondo ejwayelekile yokuthwebula izithombe zedijithali emithonjeni emisha kanye nokuthi okuqukethwe kwedijithali "kungahanjiswa kanjani" endaweni ebonakalayo. Ukusuka kulokhu kuhlaziywa kuvela imiqondo eminingana esebenza njengezimpawu ezihlukanisayo zokufuduswa kwabezindaba. Lezi zingqikithi zifaka phakathi ukwakheka, inkumbulo, ukwakheka kobunikazi, ukuziphendulela kanye nokuzibandakanya. Idezetheyishini iphetha ngokubuka konke ngomsebenzi wami ohlanganisa imiqondo esuselwe ekuhlaziyweni kwami kwezifundo zocwaningo. Ingxoxo ihlanganisa ukuthi umbukiso wami we-Zivakashi zeDijithali, ukufakwa kwabezindaba okuxubile, isebenzisa uhlelo lokuthwebula olusebenzisa ulimi noma ifothogrametri ne-AR ukukhipha ukuxhumana kwangasese kwempilo yomuntu ngamunye endaweni yomphakathi yegalari. / Ukuhlela imifanekiso yedijithali yinkqubo eyendeleyo, nowaqalwa kwiminyaka yokugqibela yenkulungwane yeshumi elinethoba, kwimisebenzi yezifaniso/yeanalogu ekuhlaziyweni kweefoto. Esi sifundo siphonononga ukuba igalelo elikhethekileyo leendlela ezintsha zonxibelelwano lwemiboniso/imidiya lingenza njani ukuqinisa ukuqonda unxulumano phakathi kwemiboniso yedijithali neyeanalogu. Kwakhona, esi sifundo sizama ukuphanda iindlela ezintsha ezisetyenziswa kubugcisa bedijithali neziquka imiba ephambili yemiboniso yale mihla neyakudala. From this analysis several concepts arise that serve as distinguishing markers for media displacement. These themes include embodiment, memory, identity formation, autotopography and intermediality. Kuphononongwe iingxoxo ezithile ezimalunga nezifundo zemiboniso yale mihla. Kuqwalaselwe ngakumbi imisebenzi yeengcali ooLev Manovich, Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin kunye noFilipe Pais malunga nonxulumano phakathi kwemiboniso yakudala neyale mihla njengesiseko solu hlalutyo. Ezi ngxoxo zifaka emxholweni uhlalutyo lwezifundo zokuzekelisa zale mihla malunga nabazobi bale mihla, kugxininiswa kwindibanisela ka John Craig Freeman nekaOddviz. Le misebenzi ikhethwe ngenxa yokuba iyazichitha iingcinga eziqhelekileyo malunga nokufota ngedijithali kwimiboniso yale mihla nangendlela iziqulatho zedijithali “zinokushenxiswa” zisiwe kwindawo ebambekayo. Olu hlalutyo luveze iingcinga eziliqela nezisebenza njengeempawu zoshenxiso lwemiboniso. Imixholo iquka imifuziselo, ukukhumbula, ukwenziwa kwesazisi, ukuzazisa ngezinto onazo, unxulumano phakathi kwemiboniso eyahlukeneyo Le ngxelo yophando igqibela ngokushwankathela umsebenzi wam ohlanganisa iingcinga ezivele ekuhlalutyeni kwam izifundo ezingumzekelo. Ingxoxo ibonisa ukuba umboniso wengqokelela yemisebenzi yam owaziwa ngokuba yiDigital Tourist, ubusebenzise njani ubuchwepheshe ekuthiwa yifotogrametri (obokufumana ulwazi ngokuhlalutya imifanekiso) ekushenxiseni unxulumano lwabucala lobomi bomntu ibubeke kwindawo ebonwa nguwonkewonke apho kubukwa imifanekiso neefoto (igalari). / https://doi.org/10.25399/UnisaData.14101913.v1 / Arts and Music / M.A. (Visual Arts)

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