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Kapitola z dějin Československého červeného kříže (1945 - 1952) / Chapter of the Czechoslovak Red Cross History (1945 - 1952)Kocandová Jelínková, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to the history of the Czechoslovak Red Cross (CSRC) organization, especially to the period 1945 - 1952. The CSRC carried out valuable activities between 1945 and 1948 not only in the medical field, but also in social services. Training of caregivers and voluntary nurses, establishing and operating medical facilities or searching for missing individuals due to WWII can be listed among others. A particular phase of CSRC history started after February 1948 Coup, when it slowly transformed into voluntary organization of the National Front. The thesis is mainly based on archives of CSRC stored in the National archive. Key words Czechoslovak Red Cross - social services - modern history - Czechoslovakia after war - National Front
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Analýza požadavků kladených na sociální pracovníky Mezinárodním etickým kodexem / The analysis of requirements on social workers of the International Code of EthicsHOJKOVÁ, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with The International Code of Ethics of Social Work. The first part focuses on the origins, history, updates and criticism of ethical codes. It is followed by the analysis of various principles of the International Code of Ethics. This analysis was based on the scientific literature of social work and the articles published in the Czech Republic. Subsequently, for each principle the results of the research among social workers in the South Region were processed. They reveal how social workers perceive the different principles. The analysis is concluded with a brief insight into the ethical theories.
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Role a postavení sociálních pracovníků v systému sociální péče v Mongolsku / The Role and Status of Social Workers in the Social Care System in MongoliaTSOODOL, Khaliun January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with the role and status of social workers in the social welfare system in Mongolia defines the basic concepts and characteristics of a social system care in contemporary society. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, fell in Mongolia communist regime and adopted a free market economy. Rapid political and economic changes over the last decade has caused many families poverty, many of them have lost the opportunity to care for their children. As a result, many children left their families, many are homeless and live on the streets or in institutionalized orphanages. The road to democracy was attacked corruption, economic crisis and political movements. In July 2008 along political committees have brought hope to a common agreement. In Mongolia, social work began its operations in 1997 as a result of the recognition of the needs of professional intervention in urgent social problems caused by social, political and economic transformation from a communist Mongolian society to a democratic, which took place in 1990. Democratic change has laid a solid foundation for the promotion of social justice, human rights and civil society development in the country. Social work as a professional discipline in Mongolia is new, so the next challenge for social workers is to introduce and popularize the role of social work. Even more important is the pursuit of the development of the national identity of the social worker. Given the novelty of professional and institutional development is needed to develop programs designed to support local, national and regional needs and priorities, to promote professional development and practice-based learning, and create educational resources. The qualitative research was conducted four interviews with social workers, each of them working in different areas of the city. The fifth interview I had with a professor in the Department of Social Work at the University of UlanBator. Data obtained through interviews I compiled using open coding. The aim of this thesis is to introduce the issue of social care in the capital UlanBator. The operational objective of the thesis is to identify specifically describe and analyze the current status of social workers. The research showed that in Mongolia is not clearly defined system of Social Work and Social Services Act, which would define the exact role of social workers. In today's society in Mongolia role of the social worker is varied. The issue of social work is that the Mongolian government is focusing more on cash assistance, but does not take account of social work in the form of direct intervention to the citizens. The opportunity to study abroad is expensive, costs associated with the study must cover themselves. The contribution of this work is to contribute to the understanding of the overall situation of social workers and obstacles to their further development. Our results obtained could also contribute to the understanding of social work in general.
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Využívané metody sociální práce u pacientů hospitalizovaných v Psychiatrické léčebně Červený Dvůr / Used Methods of Social Work by Patients Hospitalized in the Psychiatric Hospital Červený DvůrDOLEŽALOVÁ, Vendula January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of social work conducted in the Psychiatric Institution Červený Dvůr, which specializes in the treatment of addiction to habit-forming substances. The social work in this institution is part of the therapeutic process and it is an important tool for dealing with social consequences. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the issues of social work, social worker's role in health service and social services for the target group of people addicted to habit-forming substances. This part is also marginally devoted to the issues of addiction and social work with persons who have problems with habit-forming substances. The practical part is realized using qualitative research, the method of questioning. Data was collected using the technique of a semi-structured interview. The first research group was composed of 3 social workers. The method of total selection was used for the construction of the group. The other group consisted of the patients currently hospitalized. A research sample of 12 patients was selected from this group using the method of quota selection. All the interviews conducted were processed; the data was categorized and tabularized. The objective of the thesis was to map the methods and techniques of social work used by social workers in their work with the patients and which social assistance is used by patients most frequently. Another objective was to find out whether the patients are adequately informed about the potential of social work and whether they are satisfied with the provision of social assistance. The research has shown that social work has its fixed place in comprehensive treatment and that it is supported by all the members of the treatment team. The research has shown that the social workers used frequently the methods of working with individuals, groups, families and communities, the using the techniques of interviews, active listening, role play and visual instruction. They mainly apply the task-focused approach. The social workers cooperate most frequently with the members of the treatment team, with the patients, their families and staff of many other institutions. The research has also shown that the patients use social, legal and professional advisory most of all. They use most commonly some assistance in the procurement of new personal documents, when dealing with their debt problems, with finding suitable housing and employment, in resolving family problems and the consequences of crime. The research results have also shown that the patients are well informed about social assistance and they are very satisfied with its provision. I believe that the objectives of my thesis have been met and that the research questions have been answered. The thesis could serve to provide information about how social work is conducted in such specific institutions. The results could be an incentive to make the working conditions for the conduct of social work and improvements in the provision of social assistance more efficient.
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Potřeby rodin pacientů po poškození mozku / Family Needs of Patients after Cerebral ImpairmentBÁRTOVÁ, Marie January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is a part of the project called Coordinated rehabilitation of the patients with the brain injury (reg. n. GAJU 138/20146/S). The objective of this work is to find out what needs the families of patients with the brain injury have. This thesis has a theoretical and a practical part. According to research set consisting of 14 caregivers of patients after cerebrovascular accident and only one that cares about a patient after cranial trauma, the theoretical part describes a CMP characteristic, coordinated rehabilitation, the basic terms about family and the chosen concepts of needs. Based on the objective of the thesis, the research question was stated: What are the needs of family members who care about the patients with the brain injury in the home environment? The research was made by the qualitative strategy and the semi-structured interviews with the family members in South Bohemia region who cares about the people with the brain injury in the home environment. It was important that people with the brain injury have already been joined to the project. The interviews were done in the application called Atlas.ti. According to the analysis of the collected data, there are 9 main needs that are connected to each other. Concretely, it is a need of a care about the patient, about the house, the need of a family help, the need of professional and social services, economic security and quicker help by the social service, furthermore the need of free time, psychological well-being and being in touch with the society. The results of this thesis are a part of the complex results of the project GAJU called Coordinated rehabilitation of patients with the brain injury (ref. n. GAJU 138/20146/S). The analysis of the needs of family members was used to propose the solutions/saturation of the needs in order to influence the real life of interviewers.
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Pozitiva a negativa sociální práce u pacientů po poškození mozku z pohledu sociálního pracovníka / Positive and negative aspects of social work with patients after brain damage in terms of social workerMANDÁTOVÁ, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the social work with people after brain damage and is part of the GAJU project called "Coordinated Rehabilitation of Patients after Brain Damage (Reg. No. GAJU 138/2016 / S)". Collaboration with social workers from the region of České Budějovice was part of this thesis. Their work also consists of working with people after brain damage. The purpose of the collaboration was to map out follow-up services after hospitalization of people after brain damage. Information about these organizations has been shared with the patients who were included in the GAJU project. The complex results of the project will be elaborated within the publishing activities. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts. The first - the theoretical part - is focused on the basic description of brain damage, there is more about the cerebral stroke, the coordinated rehabilitation team, the role of the social worker. There is also described the burden that the social worker as a person in the helping profession may face and burnout syndrome as a possible consequence of this burden. In the research part, the main objective was to find out what positives and negatives the social workers perceive in working with people after brain damage. This objective was completed through interviews with the social workers situated in České Budějovice. We can fully understand the extend of the social workers' work with people after brain damage thanks to the interviews. In connection with the goal, research questions have been identified: What are the positive and negative aspects of social work related to work with patient after brain damage according to the subjective opinion of a social worker? Another one: What influences the perception of positives and negatives which the social workers experience during their work? A qualitative research strategy was used, a technique of interviewing with use of instructions was chosen for the interviews with fourteen social workers of the organizations, whose target group also includes people after brain damage. Data was processed in Atlas.ti 7. The administration which is more and more demanding due to the legislation. That results in less time with client and more time with paperwork. Finance which is related to the funding of services, lack of resources for employee remuneration and the financial difficulty for clients. Lack of qualified staff, time consuming activities that are closely tied to the extensive administration and the fact that social workers often work beyond their job responsibilities and competencies. Non-cooperation of a client's family or lack of interest of family on the client, there is also the legislation, which is often in contradiction with practice according to interviews. The social workers have to follow the actual amendments of the law and that is time-consuming and exhausting, absence of follow-up organizations for patients after brain damage, lack of competencies/authority/information of social workers, insufficient motivation, lack of financial remuneration or lack of benefits for employees, conflicts with authorities, barriers that may occur during work of a social worker or insufficient resources. The analysis also reveals that social workers subjectively perceive these positives during their work with patients after brain damage: client satisfaction, helping people, the good feeling after job well done, positive feedback, fulfilling job, positive in relation to the work environment. The results of the thesis show that the positive aspects dominates over the negative ones. Work in a multidisciplinary team has been perceived positively amongst the social workers and beneficial for the clients and for the team. This work will serve as a sub-part for the elaboration of complex outcomes of coordinated rehabilitation of patients after brain damage from the GAJU project. Research results will become part of the publication outputs from the above-mentioned project.
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Vybrané etické souvislosti násilí na seniorech z hlediska pracovníků sociálních služeb / Selected ethical context of violence against seniors in terms of social workersFIRICOVÁ, Alena January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the ethical context of violence against seniors in the point of view of social workers. The theoretical part devotes with problems of old age and aging in contemporary society. The next section presents the violence, with an emphasis on institutional violence. The third charter reflects the theme of violence from the perspective of social work and ethics. The target of the practical parts was to map out knowledge and attitudes of workers in social services for violence against seniors, and to establish the circumstances that contribute to the potential threat of violence in the institutionalized elderly care. This part contains the basic results of empirical studies and case studies.
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Identifikace sociálních problémů spojených s postavením pracovních migrantů ze třetích zemí / Identification of social problems with the status of labor migrants from third countriesBudská, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
The life of labour migrants from third countries in the Czech Republic brings many social problems which foreigners have to solve. Their position in the Czech Republic is mainly determined by setting the legislation of residence permit. Foreigners have a specific social rights by type of residence. The author accounts with the laws of the Czech Republic and with the role of public and private institutions active in the field of migration and integration of foreigners. Also in the context of the regulations and recommendations of the European Union. The author had included the most important social aspects of life in society, such as social security, health, housing and education with special focus on the field of labour. The subject of this thesis is analysis of the status of foreigners in the social conditions of life in the Czech republic.
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SOCIÁLNÍ EKONOMIKA V ČESKÉ REPUBLICE, JEJÍ KOŘENY A DALŠÍ MOŽNÝ VÝVOJ / Social economy in the Czech Republic, its origins and possible future developmentLeznarová, Linda January 2011 (has links)
The Diploma thesis examines social economy area, social entrepreneurship in particular, with focus on integration of disadvantaged groups on Czech Republic labor market. The main objective of the thesis is to identify strengths and weaknesses of the social entrepreneurship and work integration concept with emphasis on legislation, financing and historical and cultural influence as well as suitability of the environment for further progress. Particular attention is given to evaluation of purposiveness of creating work opportunities for disadvantaged groups by social enterprise. The thesis also examines social entrepreneurship environment in selected European countries to find inspiration for improvement or to identify areas to be aware of and avoid them. The analytical part of the theses is focused on Czech Republic, using information data gathered form subject matter experts, or based on information provided by social enterprise representatives. The thesis is concluded with a SWOT analysis delivering complex overview of Czech social enterprise and its prospective opportunities or potential impediments.
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Sociální práce s ohroženými dětmi v Centru pro děti Mezipatro / Social work with endangered children in "Centrum pro děti Mezipatro"Plomerová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to examine approaches to social work dealing with children at risk and their families. Of particular interest to this examination are the processes of social work practice, support of vulnerable children, family's effect upon child's endangered situation as well as the role of family in the process of social work practice with the child. Further subjects of investigation are specific methods and instruments of social work practice with children in need, competence and role of social workers along with legal standards in this field of social work. The first part of the work describes general and theoretical structure of social work practice with socially endangered children. Following part consists of social work methods applied in Mezipatro Children's Centre. The research part includes an analysis of semi- structured interviews conducted with social workers from Mezipatro Children's Centre and is focused on efficiency and risks of social work tools used in Mezipatro Children's Centre.
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