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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Serološki odgovor prasadi vakcinisane protiv cirkovirusnihNR infekcija 15. i 21. dana starosti / Serological response in piglets vaccinated atTI 15 and 21 days old against circovirus infection

Stevančević Ognjen 28 July 2014 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se na osnovu praćenja titra antitela klase G kod prasadi i tovljenika utvrdi uticaj vakcinacije na visinu titra antitela specifičnih za PCV2, kao i da se utvrdi uticaj vakcinacije na proizvodne osobine svinja.<br />Mere imunoprofilakse, koje se ipak smatraju nezamenljivim u kontroli ove bolesti kod nas do sada nisu bile deo kontrole, nasuprot velikom broju vakcinisanih krmača i prasadi u svetu. Iz tog razloga, kao i činjenica da u na&scaron;oj zemlji nisu preduzimana ozbiljnija istraživanja, rezultati ispitivanja efikasnosti Ingelvac@ CircoFLEX vakcine proizvođača Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim/Rhein, Germany, mogli bi predstavljati solidnu osnovu za eventualno uključivanje pomenute vakcine u tehnologiju preveniranja cirkovirusnih infekcija u na&scaron;im zapatima svinja.<br />Ogled je urađen na 900 prasadi podeljenih u 3 grupe po 300 prasadi. Prva grupa (A) vakcinisana je 15. dana života, druga (B) 21. dana , dok je treća grupa (C) bila kontrolna. Određivanje visine titra antitela specifičnih za PCV2 utvrđeno je indirektnom ELISA metodom.<br />Na sam dan vakcinacije sva prasad su pokazala prisustvo antitela specifičnih za PCV2. Najveći titar antitela konstatovan je 7 dana nakon vakcinacije u grupi B i iznosio je 9,63, u grupi A 8,59, a u grupi C 7.33. Najniže prosečne vrednosti tira antitela kod vakcinisanih grupa utvrđene su 35. dana a najvi&scaron;e 90.dana nakon vakcinacije. U kontrolnoj grupi od momenta početka ogleda prosečan titar opada kontinuirano do 60. dana, nakon čega titar antitela speifičnih za PCV2 ima tendenciju rasta. Vakcinisana prasad imala su signifikanto veći prosečni dnevni prirast (+54g/dan kod A grupe i + 60g/dan kod Bgrupe), niži mortalitet (- 1.67% kod A grupe i - 2.67% kod B grupe) i niži procenat &scaron;kartova ( A grupa -5.67% i B grupa -6%). u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu.<br />Daleko bolji rezultati dobijeni su kod prasadi iz grupe B, pa bi vakcinacija prasadi 21. dana života imala nesumnjivu prednost u odnosu na vakcinaciju 15. dana života, sa napomenom da je 15. dana života daleko veći uticaj maternalnih antitela na stvaranje i na razvoj sopstvenog imunolo&scaron;kog odgovora prasadi nakon vakcinacije.<br />U na&scaron;im ispitivanjima konstatovani su povoljni efekti u svim fazama ogleda, te stoga primenjena vakcina zaslužuje da bude deo svakog zdravstvenog programa koji se primenjuje u proizvodnji kvalitetnih i zdravih svinja.</p> / <p>The aim of this research was to determine the effect of vaccination on the amount of antibody titers specific for PCV2, and to determine the effect of vaccination on characteristics of pig production, based on the observed class G antibody titers in piglets and fattener pigs.<br />Immunoprophylaxis measures, that are still considered indispensable in this disease prevention have not been part of the control in our country, as opposed to a large number of vaccinated sows and piglets in the world. For this reason and the fact that significant researches are not undertaken in our country, the results of Ingelvac@ CircoFLEX vaccine efficiency testing of manufacturer Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim/Rhein, Germany, could constitute a solid basis for the eventual inclusion of this vaccine in prevent tecnology of circovirus infections in our swine herds.<br />The experiment was conducted on 900 piglets divided into 3 groups of 300 piglets. The first group (A) was vaccinated at 15 days old, the second (B) at 21 days old while the third group (C) was the control group. Determining the antibody titers specific for PCV2 was performed by an indirect ELISA method.<br />On the day of vaccination, all pigs showed the presence of antibodies specific for PCV2. The highest antibody titer was found 7 days after vaccination in group B and was 9.63; in group A it was 8.59, while in group C the value was 7.33. The lowest values of antibody titers in vaccinated groups were found on 35th day and the highest on 90th day after vaccination. In the control group, from the moment the trial started, the average titer decreased continuously until the 60th day, after which the antibody titer specific for PCV2 tended to rise. Vaccinated piglets had significantly greater average daily weight gain (+54 g/day in group A; +60 g/day in group B), lower mortality (-1.67% in group A; -2.67% in group B) and a lower percentage of rejects (-5.67% group A; -6% group B) compared to the control group.<br />Group B piglets attained the best results, so the vaccination of piglets at 21 days old would have an advantage compared to vaccination at 15 days old, although we note that at 15 days old, there is a far greater influence of maternal antibodies on the creation and development of immune responses in the piglets after vaccination.<br />In our examinations the favorable effects at all stages of the experiment are ascertained, therefore applied vaccine deserves to be part of any health program which is applied in the production of high-quality and healthy pigs.</p>

Characterization of women in three contemporary Hindi playwrights Jai Shankar Prasad, Lakshmi Narain Lal, and Mohan Rakesh.

Blackwell, Frederick Warn, January 1973 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1973. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references.

Tamil cinema and the major Madras studios (1940-57)

Eswaran Pillai, Swarnavel 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Tamil cinema is marked by its remarkable output of films and reception across the globe. More than 5000 films were produced in Tamil during the last century alone, and Tamil films have a longer and denser history of reception among the South East Asian diaspora--in countries like Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore, mainly among the Tamilians and other South Indians--than films made in any other Indian language. The studios of Madras, arguably the most influential in shaping a film industry in terms of its form and content outside the classical Hollywood system, were at the center of Tamil cinema's productivity during the defining decades of the 1940s and 50s, a period marked by British Rule, the Second World War, India's independence, and the electoral politics of the Dravidian movement. However, a sustained and scholarly study of this history has been marked by its absence, primarily due to the enormity of the task, the challenges associated with data collection, and the availability of archival materials. Therefore, my primary objective in this dissertation is to fill this void, and study the most eventful period in the history of the Madras studios (1940-57) when they produced their landmark and seminal films. An understanding of the history of the studios and a detailed reading of their major films sheds light on the complex intersection of the cultural, economic, and political factors which shaped the studios and their owners, and the type of productions they were interested in. Tamil cinema is often criticized as verbose and theatrical mainly due to lack of parallel and art cinema movements like in neighboring states of Kerala and Karnataka. The "Madrasi Picture" has become the convenient way to label a melodramatic tearjerker juxtaposed with comedy. My challenge to this perception in this thesis, therefore, is to foreground Tamil Cinema's theatrical roots embedded in folk traditions and the Parsi theatre, and its ability to navigate through multiple influences, and yet retain a specificity of its own in terms of innovative genres, narrative devices, and formats which keep significantly influencing Indian popular cinema.

Повезаност особина из перформанс теста назимица са величином легла код крмача / Povezanost osobina iz performans testa nazimica sa veličinom legla kod krmača / The relationship betweencharacteristics of the performancetest gilts with litter size in the firstand other parities in sows

Katanić Nenad 29 December 2016 (has links)
<p>Испитивање повезаности особина из перформанс теста назимица са<br />величином легла крмача, обављено је на седам генотипова животиња (чистих<br />раса: дански ландрас, холандски ландрас, немачки ландрас, шведски ландрас и<br />велики јоркшир и програмских мелеза: мелеза чија је мајка ландрас и мелеза чија<br />је мајка велики јоркшир).<br />Фенотипска повезаност особина из перформанс теста (ектеријер, маса на<br />крају теста, старост на крају теста, дневни прираст у тесту, дебљина сланине<br />у слабинском делу, дебљина сланине у леђном делу, дубина МЛД-а, број легла,<br />приплодна вредност назимица процењена селекцијским индексом и проценат меса<br />у трупу) и два основна репродуктивна параметра (број живорођене прасади и број<br />залучене прасади), статистички је анализирана софтверским пакетом &bdquo;Статистика<br />13&ldquo; и &bdquo;SPSS верзија 23&ldquo;. Испитано је постојање/непостојање утицаја сваке<br />појединaчне особине из перформанс теста на репродуктивне особине<br />Није утврђена општа повезаност свих особина перформанс теста и<br />репродуктивних особина<br />Анализиране особине показале су велику зависност од генотипа<br />испитиваних животиња.</p> / <p>Ispitivanje povezanosti osobina iz performans testa nazimica sa<br />veličinom legla krmača, obavljeno je na sedam genotipova životinja (čistih<br />rasa: danski landras, holandski landras, nemački landras, švedski landras i<br />veliki jorkšir i programskih meleza: meleza čija je majka landras i meleza čija<br />je majka veliki jorkšir).<br />Fenotipska povezanost osobina iz performans testa (ekterijer, masa na<br />kraju testa, starost na kraju testa, dnevni prirast u testu, debljina slanine<br />u slabinskom delu, debljina slanine u leđnom delu, dubina MLD-a, broj legla,<br />priplodna vrednost nazimica procenjena selekcijskim indeksom i procenat mesa<br />u trupu) i dva osnovna reproduktivna parametra (broj živorođene prasadi i broj<br />zalučene prasadi), statistički je analizirana softverskim paketom &bdquo;Statistika<br />13&ldquo; i &bdquo;SPSS verzija 23&ldquo;. Ispitano je postojanje/nepostojanje uticaja svake<br />pojedinačne osobine iz performans testa na reproduktivne osobine<br />Nije utvrđena opšta povezanost svih osobina performans testa i<br />reproduktivnih osobina<br />Analizirane osobine pokazale su veliku zavisnost od genotipa<br />ispitivanih životinja.</p>

Numerical Simulation of Blast Interaction with the Human Body: Primary Blast Brain Injury Prediction

Haladuick, Tyler January 2014 (has links)
In Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, explosions accounted for 81% of all injuries; this is a higher casualty percentage than in any previous wars. Blast wave overpressure has recently been associated with varying levels of traumatic brain injury in soldiers exposed to blast loading. Presently, the injury mechanism behind primary blast brain injury is not well understood due to the complex interactions between the blast wave and the human body. Despite these limitations in the understanding of head injury thresholds, head kinematics are often used to predict the overall potential for head injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate head kinematics, and predict injury from a range of simulated blast loads at varying standoff distances and differing heights of bursts. The validated Generator of body data multi-body human surrogate model allows for numerical kinematic data simulation in explicit finite element method fluid structure interaction blast modeling. Two finite element methods were investigated to simulate blast interaction with humans, an enhanced blast uncoupled method, and an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eularian fully coupled method. The enhanced blast method defines an air blast function through the application of a blast pressure wave, including ground reflections, based on the explosives relative location to a target; the pressures curves are based on the Convention Weapons databases. LBE model is efficient for parametric numerical studies of blast interaction where the target response is the only necessary result. The ALE model, unlike classical Lagrangian methods, has a fixed finite element mesh that allows material to flow through it; this enables simulation of large deformation problems such as blast in an air medium and its subsequent interaction with structures. The ALE model should be used when research into a specific blast scenario is of interest, since this method is more computationally expensive. The ALE method can evaluate a blast scenario in more detail including: explosive detonation, blast wave development and propagation, near-field fireball effects, blast wave reflection, as well as 3D blast wave interaction, reflection and refraction with a target. Both approaches were validated against experimental blast tests performed by Defense Research and Development Valcartier and ConWep databases for peak pressure, arrival time, impulse, and curve shape. The models were in good agreement with one another and follow the experimental data trend showing an exponential reduction in peak acceleration with increasing standoff distance until the Mach stem effect reached head height. The Mach stem phenomenon is a shock front formed by the merging of the incident and reflected shock waves; it increases the applied peak pressure and duration of a blast wave thus expanding the potential head injury zone surrounding a raised explosive. The enhanced blast model was in good agreement with experimental data in the near-field, and mid-field; however, overestimated the peak acceleration, and head injury criteria values in the far-field due to an over predicted pressure impulse force. The ALE model also over predicted the response based on the head injury criteria at an increased standoff distance due to smearing of the blast wave over several finite elements leading to an increased duration loading. According to the Abbreviated Injury Scale, the models predicted a maximal level 6 injury for all explosive sizes in the near-field, with a rapid acceleration of the head over approximately 1 ms. There is a drastic exponential reduction in the insult force and potential injury received with increasing standoff distance outside of the near-field region of an explosive charge.

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