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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis of NIR-emitting InAs-based core/shell quantum dots with the use of tripyrazolylarsane as arsenic precursor

Tietze, Remo, Panzer, Rene, Starzynski, Thorben, Guhrenz, Chris, Frenzel, Florian, Würth, Christian, Resch-Genger, Ute, Weigand, Jan J., Eychmüller, Alexander 02 May 2019 (has links)
Tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)arsane (1) is introduced as an low-cost and convenient to handle arsenic precursor for the straight forward synthesis of InAs quantum dots (QDs). Transamination of 1 with the solvent oleylamine (OLAH) gives trioleylarsane (As(OLA)3) which in the presence of the reducing agents DIBAL-H or P(OLA)3 yields InAs QDs via a typical hot injection approach. The size of the obtained InAs core QDs are tuned by varying the reaction time, the amount of the applied reducing agent, or even more effectively by changing the indium and/or zinc halide precursors, InX3 and ZnX2 (Cl, Br, or I). Passivation of the resulting InAs particles with a protective ZnS or ZnSe shell results in improved photoluminescence (PL) of the core/shell QDs covering a spectral range between 600–1150 nm.

Isolierung und Charakterisierung von Sphäroide bildenden Vorläuferzellen aus der ovinen Dermis

Schober, Maria 20 May 2014 (has links)
Die Inzidenz von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen und Schlaganfällen steigt in Folge der Überalterung der westlichen Gesellschaft immer weiter an. Die Behand-lung von Schlaganfall-, Alzheimer und Parkinsonpatienten ist bisher aber meist unbefriedigend bzw. weitgehend erfolglos. Ein neues Modell in der Schlaganfallforschung wurde daher am Schaf entwickelt. In diesem wird auch der in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten verstärkt verfolgte zelltherapeutische Ansatz untersucht (BOLTZE et al. 2011, DREYER et al. 2012). Neurale Vorläuferzellen gelten dabei, auf Grund ihrer wichtigen Rolle bei den endogenen Reparaturmechanismen nach einem Schlaganfall, als besonders vielversprechend. Die Gewinnung dieser Zellen für eine autologe Transplantation ist jedoch aufwendig und nur eingeschränkt möglich. Im Vergleich zu Nervengewebe stellt die Haut eine sowohl beim Tier als auch beim Menschen leicht zugängliche und in ausreichendem Maß verfügbare Quelle verschiedener Stamm- und Vorläuferzellen dar. Bei verschiedenen Spezies wurde die Isolation spezieller, dermaler Vorläuferzellen beschrieben, die als skin-derived precursor cells (SKPs) bezeichnet werden. SKPs wiesen dabei ein ähnliches Differenzierungspotential auf wie neurale Vorläuferzellen (TOMA et al. 2001, FERNANDES et al. 2006). Ein Einsatz der SKPs in der Schlaganfalltherapie wäre somit denkbar, muss aber zunächst im Schafmodell erforscht werden. SKPs wurden jedoch noch nicht bei der Spezies Schaf isoliert. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es daher, ein Isolationsprotokoll für SKPs aus der ovinen Dermis zu etablieren und diese morphologisch und immunzytologisch zu charakterisieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene in der Literatur beschriebene Isolati-onsverfahren an ovinen Hautproben getestet und modifiziert. Es wurden verschiedene Körperregionen auf ihre Eignung zur Probenentnahme und zur anschließenden Isolierung untersucht. Des Weiteren wurde der Effekt einer Rasur eine Woche vor Exzision des Hautareals auf die Sphäroidbildung überprüft. Der Einsatz von Enzymen in Kombinationslösungen oder singulär wurde variiert und eine unterschiedlich intensive mechanische Aufbereitung der Proben durchgeführt. Der Erfolg der zwei vielversprechendsten Isolationsprotokolle wurde statistisch validiert. Außerdem wurde der Effekt einer initialen Fibronektinbeschichtung analysiert. Die von den isolierten Zellen gebildeten sphärenartigen Zellaggregate wurden unter morphologischen Gesichtspunkten sechs und neun Wochen nach Isolation ausgewertet. Dabei wurden die Anzahl der Sphäroide/cm², die Größe und die Form berücksichtigt. Des Weiteren erfolgte eine immunzytologische Analyse der Sphäroide mit Fokus auf das in der Literatur beschriebene Expressionsmuster von SKPs und neuralen Vorläuferzellen. Für die Isolation von ovinen SKPs erwies sich die Regio nasofrontalis als das geeignetste Hautareal. Dabei war die Isolation eine Woche nach Rasur des beprobten Areals zuverlässiger als ohne diese. Bei vergleichender Betrachtung der Methoden erwies sich ein enzymatisch orientiertes Isolationsverfahren modifiziert nach FERNANDES und MILLER (2009) als zielführend. Neben einer hohen Anzahl an isolierten Zellen erfolgte in jedem Versuchsdurchgang eine Zusammenlagerung der Zellen in frei flotierenden Aggregaten. Diese waren im Median 70,97 µm groß. Auf Grund ihrer Geometrie ist es korrekter sie als Sphäroide und nicht, wie bei anderen Spezies üblich, als Sphären zu bezeichnen. Eine anfängliche Beschichtung der Zellkulturplatten mit Fibronektin hatte keinen fördernden Effekt auf die Bildung und die Größe der Sphäroide. Lediglich eine anfänglich höhere Proliferationsrate war bemerkbar. Immunzytologisch konnte gezeigt werden, dass in den Sphäroiden eine heterogene Zellpopulation vorlag. Die Sphäroide wurden überwiegend von Zellen gebildet, in denen neben mesenchymalen Markern auch klassische Vorläuferantigene wie Nestin und Sox2 nachgewiesen wurden. Das immunzytologische Expressionsmuster ist damit vergleichbar mit dem von SKPs anderer Spezies. Außerdem wurden in unterschiedlicher Ausprägung Antigene detektiert, die typischerweise in neuralen Vorläuferzellen der ventrikulären und subventrikulären Zone vorkommen. Dies konnte auch in den Positivkontrollen für das ovine Gehirn bestätigt werden. Die Anzahl proliferierender Zellen in den Sphäroiden war relativ gering und die Anzahl an kokultivierter Keratinozyten minimal. Die Zusammenfassung der heterogenen Vorläuferzellpopulation unter dem Begriff skin-derived precursor cells ist auf Grund ihres dermalen Ursprungs und ihrer morphologischen und immunzytologischen Eigenschaften gerechtfertigt. Somit ist es in dieser Arbeit gelungen, zum ersten Mal SKPs aus der ovinen Dermis zu isolieren und über neun Wochen zu kultivieren. Es wurde ein Isolationsprotokoll entwickelt, das eine Sphäroidbildung reproduzierbar ermöglicht und an die Gegebenheiten beim Schaf angepasst ist. Bevor eine autologe Transplantation von diesen SKPs etwa im Schlaganfallmodell am Schaf vorgenommen werden kann, ist eine intensivere Untersuchung der isolierten Zellen etwa mittels PCR durchzuführen und eine fluoreszenzbasierte Zellsortierung der heterogenen Vorläuferzellen zu entwickeln. / In consequence of the demographic changes in modern western society, the inci-dence of neurodegenerative diseases and stroke is increasing. Unfortunately, there is still no successful or at least satisfactory treatment available for patients who suffer from stroke Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, a new animal model in stroke research has been established in sheep (BOLTZE et al. 2011, DREYER et al. 2012). First cell therapy studies have already been performed in this model. Especially neural precursor cells seem to be promising as they play an important role in endogenous repair processes in the brain after stroke. However, the extraction of these cells prior to an autologous transplantation is elaborate and of limited success. Compared to neural tissue, skin is an easily accessible and sufficiently available source of a variety of stem and precursor cells in animals as well as in humans. Thus, the isolation of a specific type of dermal precursor cells, called skin-derived precursor cells (SKPs), seems to be easier compared to neural precursor cells and in vitro SKPs are capable of neural differentiation as well (TOMA et al. 2001, FERNANDES et al. 2006). According to these findings, a therapeutic application of SKPs after stroke seems to be promising. Prior to that, however, intensive studies in the ovine stroke model are necessary. Thus, SKPs have to be isolated from the dermis of sheep for an autologous transplantation. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation has been the establishment of an optimal isolation protocol for SKPs from the ovine dermis as well as the morphological and by immunocytochemical characterisation of those cells. Within this study, several previously described isolation protocols were modified for ovine skin. Skin samples were taken from several body regions to assess the local suitability for excision and isolation. Additionally, the effect of shaving the areas one week before sampling on spheroid forming was tested. A variety of enzymes was used alone and in combination. Furthermore, the effectiveness of an isolation protocol using enhanced mechanical treatment was analysed. The two most promising protocols were evaluated statistically and compared to each other. In these experiments, the influence of an initial fibronectin coating was determined as well. The isolated cells formed spheroids, which were assessed after six and nine weeks of cultivation considering the amount of spheroids per cm², their size and form. Moreover, immunocytochemical tests were conducted, focusing on expression patterns described for SKPs and neural precursor cells. According to these experiments, it is advisable to take skin samples from the naso-frontal region one week after shaving. Comparing all tested protocols, a predominantly enzymatic isolation protocol modified according to FERNANDES and MILLER (2009) was most successful. A high cell yield was achieved and free-floating spheroids formed spontaneously in all test runs. The median diameter of these spheroids was 70.97 µm. Due to their three-dimensional shape, it is more correct to use the term “spheroid” instead of the commonly used term “sphere”. Growing the isolated cells initially on fibronectin coated culture plates does not support both formation and size of the spheroids. Only a higher cell proliferation at the beginning of cultivation can be noticed. Immunocytochemical assays demonstrated that the formed spheroids consisted of a heterologous cell population. Besides mesenchymal antigens the cells in the spheroids expressed characteristic antigens of precursor cells, like Nestin and Sox2. Thus, the immunocytochemical expression pattern is comparable to SKPs isolated from other species. Furthermore, common markers of neural precursor cells of the ventricular and subventricular zone, whose existence in the ovine brain was also proven in this study, were detected in the spheroid forming cells. There were only a few proliferating cells and a minimal amount of keratinocytes in the spheroids. Due to the dermal origin and the given morphological and immunocytochemical characteristics, the heterogeneous cell population can be addressed by the term “skin-derived precursor cells”. In conclusion, in this study ovine SKPs were isolated for the first time and cultured successfully over nine weeks. An isolation protocol was established, which guarantees reproducible formation of spheroids in cell isolates from ovine dermis. Further intensive examinations of the isolated cells, for example using PCR, have to be conducted before SKPs can be applied in autologous transplantation in the ovine stroke model. Additionally, the usage of fluorescence-activated cell sorting of the heterogeneous precursor cells should be considered.

Chronic Granulomatous Disease, The Mcleod Phenotype and the Contiguous Gene Deletion Syndrome - a Review

Watkins, Casey E., Litchfield, John, Song, Eunkyung, Jaishankar, Gayatri B., Misra, Niva, Holla, Nikhil, Duffourc, Michelle, Krishnaswamy, Guha 23 November 2011 (has links)
Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD), a disorder of the NADPH oxidase system, results in phagocyte functional defects and subsequent infections with bacterial and fungal pathogens (such as Aspergillus species and Candida albicans). Deletions and missense, frameshift, or nonsense mutations in the gp91 phox gene (also termed CYBB), located in the Xp21.1 region of the X chromosome, are associated with the most common form of CGD. When larger X-chromosomal deletions occur, including the XK gene deletion, a so-called "Contiguous Gene Deletion Syndrome" may result. The contiguous gene deletion syndrome is known to associate the Kell phenotype/McLeod syndrome with diseases such as X-linked chronic granulomatous disease, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. These patients are often complicated and management requires special attention to the various facets of the syndrome. © 2011 Watkins et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Directed Therapy Following Traumatic Brain Injury and Hypotension in Swine

Malhotra, Ajai K., Schweitzer, John B., Fox, Jerry L., Fabian, Timothy C., Proctor, Kenneth G. 01 September 2003 (has links)
There is a paucity of studies, clinical and experimental, attesting to the benefit of cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) directed pressor therapy following traumatic brain injury (TBI). The current study evaluates this therapy in a swine model of TBI and hypotension. Forty-five anesthetized and ventilated swine received TBI followed by a 45% blood volume bleed. After 1 h, all animals were resuscitated with 0.9% sodium chloride equal to three times the shed blood volume. The experimental group (PHE) received phenylephrine to maintain CPP > 80 mm Hg; the control group (SAL) did not. Outcomes in the first phase (n = 33) of the study were as follows: cerebro-venous oxygen saturation (S cvO2), cerebro-vascular carbon dioxide reactivity (δScvO2), and brain structural damage (β-amyloid precursor protein [βAPP] immunoreactivity). In the second phase (n = 12) of the study, extravascular blood free water (EVBFW) was measured in the brain and lung. After resuscitation, intracranial and mean arterial pressures were >15 and >80 mm Hg, respectively, in both groups. CPP declined to 64 ± 5 mm Hg in the SAL group, despite fluid supplements. CPP was maintained at >80 mm Hg with pressors in the PHE group. PHE animals maintained better ScvO2 (p < 0.05 at 180, 210, 240, 270, and 300 min post-TBI). At baseline, 5% CO2 evoked a 16 ± 4% increase in ScvO2, indicating cerebral vasodilatation and luxury perfusion. By 240 min, this response was absent in SAL animals and preserved in PHE animals (p < 0.05). Brain EVBFW was higher in SAL animals; however, lung EVBFW was higher in PHE animals. There was no difference in βAPP immunoreactivity between the SAL and PHE groups (p > 0.05). In this swine model of TBI and hypotension, CPP directed pressor therapy improved brain oxygenation and maintained cerebro-vascular CO2 reactivity. Brain edema was lower, but lung edema was greater, suggesting a higher propensity for pulmonary complications.

Chronic Granulomatous Disease, the Mcleod Phenotype and the Contiguous Gene Deletion Syndrome- a Review

Watkins, Casey E., Litchfield, John, Song, Eunkyung, Jaishankar, Gayatri B., Misra, Niva, Holla, Nikhil, Duffourc, Michelle, Krishnaswamy, Guha 23 November 2011 (has links)
Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD), a disorder of the NADPH oxidase system, results in phagocyte functional defects and subsequent infections with bacterial and fungal pathogens (such as Aspergillus species and Candida albicans). Deletions and missense, frameshift, or nonsense mutations in the gp91 phox gene (also termed CYBB), located in the Xp21.1 region of the X chromosome, are associated with the most common form of CGD. When larger X-chromosomal deletions occur, including the XK gene deletion, a so-called "Contiguous Gene Deletion Syndrome" may result. The contiguous gene deletion syndrome is known to associate the Kell phenotype/McLeod syndrome with diseases such as X-linked chronic granulomatous disease, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. These patients are often complicated and management requires special attention to the various facets of the syndrome.

The Notch1-c-Myc Pathway Mediates Leukemia-Initiating Cell Activity in Mouse T-ALL Models: A Dissertation

Tesell, Jessica M. 10 May 2013 (has links)
Although cure rates have significantly improved for children with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), 20-30% undergo induction failure or relapse with most succumbing to disease. Leukemia-initiating cells (L-ICs) are hypothesized to be resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiation and are thereby responsible for disease recurrence. Using an in vivo limiting dilution assay, we previously showed that the murine T-ALL L-IC is quite rare, with only 0.003-0.05% of cells capable of initiating disease, and demonstrated that the L-IC is a subset of the leukemic DN3 thymic progenitor population. Work described in this thesis validates the L-IC assay using two transplantation methods to rule out effects of homing and/or microenvironment on T-ALL L-IC survival and maintenance. Using this assay, we demonstrate that sustained Notch1 signaling is required for T-ALL initiation in vivo and show that treatment with a Notch1 inhibitor reduces or in some cases eliminates the L-IC population. We further analyze the effects of inhibiting c-Myc, a Notch1-regulated gene, on L-IC frequency and uncover an essential role for c-Myc in L-IC survival and expansion. Suppressing c-Myc by using specific shRNAs or a c-Myc inhibitor reduces the L-IC population and interferes with leukemia initiation. Together, these findings reveal a critical role of the Notch1-c-Myc pathway in T-ALL initiation and suggest that therapeutics targeted at this pathway could be used to treat and/or prevent disease relapse in patients.

Mechanisms of NOTCH1 Mediated Leukemogenesis: A Dissertation

Cullion, Kathleen J. 04 September 2009 (has links)
Gain of function NOTCH1 mutations are common in both patients with T-ALL and in mouse models of the disease. Inhibiting the Notch pathway in T-ALL cell lines results in growth arrest and/or apoptosis in vitro, suggesting a requirement for Notch signaling in T-ALL. Therefore, we sought to examine the role of Notch1 signaling in both premalignancy and in the maintenance of leukemic growth. Using a murine model of T-ALL, in which expression of the Tal1 and Lmo2 oncogenes arrests thymocyte development, our preleukemic studies reveal that Notch1 mutations are early events that contribute to the clonal expansion of DN3 and DN4 progenitors. We also demonstrate that progenitors are maintained within the tumor and are enriched in leukemia-initiating cell (L-IC) activity, suggesting Notch1 may contribute to L-IC self-renewal. By studying the effects of Notch signaling in murine T-ALL cell lines, we also demonstrate that Notch1 promotes the proliferation and survival of leukemic blasts through regulation of Lef1 and the Akt/mTOR pathways. Given that T-ALL cell lines are dependent on Notch signaling in vitro, we investigated the effects of Notch inhibition in vivo. We provide evidence that Notch1 can be successfully targeted in vivo and that Notch inhibition, with γ-secretase inhibitors (GSIs), significantly extends the survival of leukemic mice. We also demonstrate that administration of GSIs in combination with rapamycin inhibits human T-ALL growth and extends survival in a mouse xenograft model. Given that NOTCH1 may be required to maintain both L-IC and bulk leukemic growth, targeting NOTCH1 may prove to be an efficacious targeted therapy for T-ALL patients with aberrant NOTCH1 activation.

Role of Withaferin A as a Neuroprotectant against Beta Amyloid Induced Toxicity and associated mechanism

Tiwari, Sneham 04 March 2019 (has links)
Neurological disorders are the biggest concern globally and ageing contributes in worsening the disease scenarios. In AD or AD like diseases, there is abnormal accumulation of extracellular amyloid beta produced due to abnormal processing of the transmembrane amyloid precursor protein, by β and γ-secretases. It spreads in the cortical and limbic regions of the brain leading to neuronal toxicity, impairment in memory and neurological functions. Aβ deposition in the CNS is common in aging HIV patients. Neurotoxic protein Tat, results in increased Aβ in combination with drugs of abuse cocaine. We examined the role of Withaferin A, against Aβ induced neurotoxicity. Our in-vitro dose optimization study demonstrates that lower concentrations (0.5–2 μM) of WA significantly reduce the Aβ40, without inducing cytotoxicity in the APP plasmid transfected SH-SY5Y cells (SHAPP). We demonstrate that Aβ secretion is increased in the presence of Tat (50 ng/ml) and coc (0.1 μM), WA reduces the Tat and coc induced increase in Aβ40. Additionally, we studied the role of WA against NF-kB mediated neuroinflammation, and observed that WA inhibits the expression of NFkB2 and RELA transcription factors, which play a major role in the expression of inflammatory chemokines. Further, to address the issue of minimal drug bioavailability in the CNS, we developed the WA loaded liposomal nanoformulation (WA-LNF) and characterized its size (499+/-50nm), toxicity and drug binding efficacy (28%). Our in-vitro 3D BBB transmigration of WA-LNF demonstrated ~40% transmigration efficiency. Furthermore, it was imperative for us to understand the mechanism of action of WA, therefore we studied the molecular mechanism of interaction of WA with Aβ protein by in-silico molecular dynamics simulations. We demonstrated that WA binds to the middle region of Aβ protein and the amino acid motif involved were FAEDVGS highlighting the mid-region Aβ capture by WA. 3 Hydrogen bonds were formed between WA and the amino acids, ASN17, GLY15 and SER16. This study reports WA as a potent neuroprotectant against amyloid induced neurotoxicity. Our study may have an immense therapeutic potential to target Aβ in the CNS, in the ageing patients and/or PLWH and/or ageing drug abusers.


Lam, Huu Quang 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第13173号 / 論工博第4164号 / 新制||工||1699(附属図書館) / (主査)教授 寶 馨, 教授 渦岡 良介, 准教授 佐山 敬洋 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

A Decision-Making Model for Safe and Effective Use of Functional Analysis Procedures

Vega, Gabrielle M. 08 1900 (has links)
While functional analysis provides the standard methodology for the assessment of problem behavior, procedures still pose potential risk when assessing severe problem behavior. Previous studies have examined several strategies to improve the efficiency of and reduce risks related to the functional analysis process. The purpose of the present series of studies was to replicate and extend previous research on the assessment and treatment of severe problem behavior for one participant diagnosed with an intellectual disability. By incorporating strategies within a systematic decision-making framework, functional analysis procedures were implemented to conduct the assessment of precursors, determine maintaining contingencies for severe problem behavior, and evaluate the effects of a treatment based on the results of a functional analysis.

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