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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozpočty obcí v ČR – ekonometrická analýza s využitím panelových dát / Municipal budgets in Czech Republic – econometric panel data analysis

Zvariková, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
This paper analyses a panel data of 198 Czech municipalities for the period 2003-2015. The aim is to define determinants of municipalities' tax revenue budgeting errors using static panel data models with fixed and random effect. Czech municipalities have a tendency to underestimate both total and tax revenues. On average, budgeted tax revenues are about 7 % lower than collected revenues during the period under examination. Such action could entail less transparency in budgeting process. Results indicate that structure of tax revenues also plays a role in explaining forecast errors. Further, the analysis shows the impact of electoral cycle and macroeconomic variables on budget deviations.

Kurzové riziko a možnosti jeho řízení v exportní firmě / Exchange rate risk and its managing in export company

Sedláček, Václav January 2008 (has links)
This diploma paper describes the process of managing of exchange rate risk in an export company. At the beginning of the work there is short overview of the basic concepts of the exchange rate theory. The next part is focused on the determination of the exchange rate and on the basic methods of exchange rate prediction -- fundamental, technical and psychological analyses. These chapters are followed by the next steps in the process of the exchange rate risk managing with a view to the analyses of the firm's exchange exposition (especially to its quantification) and to instruments used to exchange rate hedging (especially to currency derivatives). In the end of the diploma paper there is a brief summary of development of the financial crises 2008/09 with reference to its influence on the exchange rate of the Czech crown to Euro.

Modelování vývoje úmrtnosti v České republice / Modeling of the Mortality Development in the Czech Republic

Hejdová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with a mortality modelling in the Czech Republic. The main aim of this thesis is to describe historical development of mortality in the Czech Republic on the basis of multinomial regression. In a theoretical part the basic knowledge demanded for model construction divided into two chapters can be found. In the first chapter the basic difference between linear and generalized linear model is described. Second chapter is devoted to a logistic regression. Here we proceed from simple, binomial variable and then we generalize it for multinomial variable. Practical part deals with a construction of a described model. In the third chapter data (type and source) are described and in the fourth chapter characterizes all three models itself (two of them are descriptive and the third one is used for simple prediction). The prediction is added rather for completeness than for the importance of the work itself because it was not the main goal.

Reálná úloha dobývání znalostí / The real task of data mining

Trondin, Anton January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis " The real role of knowledge mining " is divided into two major parts, the theoretical and the practical. The practical part describes the basic concepts of data mining, various methods and types of tasks used for knowledge discovery in databases and algorithms used in this area . Main focus is devoted to the CRISP -DM methodology and to various stages of knowledge discovery from databases. This methodology will be later used as the basis for practical part of the thesis while other less known methods used for data mining won`t be neglected. List of paid and free software which can be used for knowledge mining in databases is presented at the end of theoretical part. The second part of the thesis is focused on the practical step by step application of the CRISP -DM methodology, which contains real data from the field of mobile communications. Data mining task used in practical part is the behavioral prediction of mobile carrier customers. Supporting the practical part of the thesis, IBM SPSS Modeler was used as a main software for knowledge mining. Key words: data mining, knowledge disvocery in databases. Churm management, prediction, CRISP-DM.

Modely predikce finanční tísně s důrazem na tranzitivní ekonomiky / Models Predicting Financial Distress with an Emphasis on Transition Economies

Čámská, Dagmar January 2010 (has links)
The basic aim of this dissertation is to evaluate the predictive ability and accuracy of the existing and until now created corporate models predicting financial distress and verification of multinational force models. Partial goals must be filled to meet the basic objective and therefore the theoretical part is especially mapping models used and developed in the Czech Republic and other European economies, of which the emphasis is primarily on the former transition economies. These now post-transition economies have passed a similar political and economic development as the Czech Republic, and therefore prediction models created and used there could be transferable to the environment of the Czech economy and Czech companies whose financial health and conditions are assessed. The practical part is based on the author's own research, which is dedicated to the evaluation of prediction models when applied to Czech business entities differentiated according to belonging to a particular industry branch. During the models' evaluation the emphasis is on the fact whether they are national (Czech) or foreign models.

Cestovní ruch v EU: současné trendy / Tourism in the EU - current trends

Jurištová, Lucia January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyze the current trends in tourism in the European union. Then also determine which factors influence its further development, as well as predict the future trends in tourism in the EU. The thesis is also trying to answer scientific questions regarding the impact of the global economic and financial crisis on the development of tourism in the regions of the European Union, the specific factors affecting the tourism trends in the European Union and the activities of the institutions of the European Union to support the positive development of tourism in the European Union. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first is theoretically based and contains definitions of terms related to tourism, the methodology of its research, its development and its economic importance. The second focuses on the position of the EU in the issue of tourism in comparison with the world and other regions, as well as on current trends in individual regions of the European Union and their main tourist destinations. The third chapter analyzes the current trends, including factors that may affect them. It also includes information about the activities of the institutions of the European Union to promote tourism in this area, information about sustainable tourism development in the EU and specific prediction of the future development of tourism in the European Union.

Predikce produkce popela jako vedlejšího produktu spalování v uhelné elektrárně Ledvice / Prediction of ash production as a side effect of burning coal in the coal power plant Ledvice

Zikmundová, Alena January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the prediction of production of ash as a side product in the coal power plant Ledvice. The goal of the first two chapters was to present the development of consumption of electricity and the resources of electric energy in Europe, show the trends in energy industry at the beginning of the 21st century, introduce the energetic company ČEZ, summarize the issue of side products in power plants and present the new block of the coal power plant Ledvice. In the theory section, the methods of linear programming, simulation models, linear regression model and artificial neural networks were presented. These methods were used in the application section to create an optimization model for the processing of the side products of burning coal, to create a simulation of the production of side products and to use the results to optimize the processing of the side products of burning coal and to create a model to predict the production of bottom ash to coal burned ratio based on the characteristics of the coal burned moisture, ash and lower heating value using artificial neural networks.

Exchange Rate Predictions / Předvídání vývoje měnového kurzu

Yablonskyy, Karen January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the foreign exchange currency forecasting techniques. Moreover the central idea behind the topic is to develop the strategy of forecasting by choosing indicators and techniques to make own forecast on currency pair EUR/USD. This thesis work is a mixture of theory and practice analyses. The goal during the work on this project was to study different types of forecasting techniques and make own forecast, practice forecasting and trading on Forex platform, based on acquired knowledge.

Zdroje prognóz vývoje jednotlivých odvětví pro potřeby oceňování podniku / Forecast sources for selected individual industries for business valuation purposes

Navrátil, David January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to identify and according to selected criteria to evaluate the forecast sources for selected individual industries. The first section summarizes current situation in area of forecast sources for development of individual sectors. The second part presents outline of procedure for forecast sources identification and research. Then follows selection of individual industries that will be analyzed. Part of the second section is introduction of the evaluation criteria as well as methodology for the final assessment. Third part of the thesis is focused on practical work consisting of identification and searching for the sources for individual industries, their detailed evaluation based on established criteria and final assessment of individual sources for each sector. Third part is followed by summary and description of the findings and recommendations.

Analýza vývoje inkasa daně z přidané hodnoty v ČR / Analysis of revenues from value added tax.

Sádovský, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This work is aimed on analyses of revenues from value added tax. These revenues are very important in public finance. The main goal of this work is to define independent variables of revenues and to create models for prediction revenues. For achieving this goal, it is used theory of tax revenues and mathematical - statistical methods of regression analysis and method of comparison. At first set the variables that affect the amount of revenues, then create equation for estimating revenues and eventually these predictions are verified on real data. Independent variable affecting revenues are GDP, GDP growth and tax rate. The best model for prediction is model based on GDP growth and difference in tax rate. We use method of comparison for searching conclusions in differences between tax duty and tax revenues. Tax duty is always higher than tax revenues. The uncollected tax revenues were in the values 6 - 22 mld. CZK. The final section search changes in the structure of tax duty in the years 2005 - 2012.

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