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The Influence of Nozzle Spacing and Diameter on the Acoustic Emissions of Closely Spaced Supersonic Jet ArraysColtrin, Ian S. 02 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The acoustic emissions from supersonic jets represent an area of significant research needs; not only in the field of aero-acoustics, but in industry as well where high pressure let down processes have been known to cause acoustically induced vibrations. A common method to reduce the acoustic emissions of such processes involves dividing the single larger supersonic flow into several smaller ones. Though this is common practice, there is not yet a current model which describes the reduction of acoustic emissions from an array of smaller supersonic jets. Current research which studies supersonic jet arrays are mainly focused on the effects of screech. Though screech is important, due to its high amplitude acoustic pressure, this research focuses on the overall acoustic emissions radiated from supersonic jet arrays which can cause severe acoustic loadings. This research investigated the acoustic emissions and shock formations from several eight by eight arrays of axisymmetric jet experimentally. The array nozzle diameters investigated ranged from 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch and the spacing over diameter ratio ranged from 1.44 to 3. The net pressure ratios investigated ranged from 2 to 24. Results revealed a strong correlation between the acoustic emissions and the shock formations of the flow. Up until a critical net pressure ratio, the overall sound pressure levels were comparable to that of a single jet within an array. At net pressure ratios beyond the critical the overall sound pressure levels transitioned to higher decibel levels; equivalent to a single jet with an equivalent exit area of an entire array. Also, the characteristic acoustic frequency emitted from a nozzle array remained ultrasonic (above 20 kHz) at lower net pressure ratios and then shifted to audible levels (between 20 Hz to 20 kHz) at net pressure ratios beyond the critical. Also, before the critical net pressure ratio the shock cells from the jets within the array remained unmerged, but at net pressure ratios beyond the critical the shock cells merged and formed lattices of weak oblique shocks at first and then strong oblique shocks as the net pressure ratio continued to increase. The critical net pressure ratio was investigated by non-dimensional analysis. The non-dimensional analysis revealed that the critical net pressure ratio was a strong linear function of the spacing over diameter ratio. A linear model was derived which is able to predict the critical net pressure ratio, and in turn, predict a critical shift in the acoustic emissions of a nozzle array.
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Influence of strain rate in CRS tests : A laboratory study of three Swedish clays / Deformationshastighetens inverkan på CRS försök : en studie av tre svenska lerorHolm, Daniélle January 2016 (has links)
The Constant Rate of Strain (CRS) test is currently the most widely used method for determination of consolidation parameters in Sweden. These parameters are used to calculate the probable settlements and behavior of soils. With the Swedish standard strain rate, the duration of a single the test is about 24h, but a higher strain rate would allow for more tests to be performed in the same amount of time. For all clays in Sweden, the Swedish standard for the CRS test suggests a fixed rate of strain that is independent of soil properties, while the North American standard proposes a strain rate that generates a pore pressure ratio of 3-15%. Soil properties such as water content, liquid limit, sensitivity and shear strength vary greatly between different regions of Sweden. It would be beneficial if these properties could be used to find the ideal strain rate for the CRS test. Performing the tests at a higher strain rate, and thus performing more tests within a shorter amount of time, would save both time and money. In this report, 24 CRS tests are performed on three different clays with distinctive properties. Each clay is tested with three different strain rates: the Swedish standard rate of 0.680%/h, a higher rate of 3.00%/h and a lower rate of 0.154%/h. The results are evaluated according to both standards, and are compared and analyzed to determine whether there is any indication that the strain rate can be selected based on the soil properties. The results indicate that the selection of the strain rate is dependent on the soil properties. In addition, the majority of the tests can be conducted with higher strain rates than what is required by the Swedish standard and still manage to lie within the 3-15% limit of the pore pressure ratio, which is acceptable for the North American standard. However, the preconsolidation pressure does rise with increased strain rates, which can generate problems and erroneous results when calculating the settlements. A more extensive testing program with CRS tests and full-scale field tests must be carried out before any recommendation of a higher strain rate can be made.
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Experimental Investigation of a 2-D AIR Augmented Rocket: High Pressure Ratio and Transient Flow-FieldsSanchez, Josef S 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
A 2-D Air Augmented Rocket, the Cal Poly Air Augmented Rocket (CPAAR) Test Apparatus operating as a mixer-ejector was tested to investigate high stagnation pressure ratio and transient flow fields of an ejector. The primary rocket ejector was supplied with high pressure nitrogen at a maximum chamber pressure of 1758 psia and a maximum mass flow rate of 1.4 lb/s. The secondary flow air was entrained from a fixed volume plenum chamber producing pressures as low as 3.3 psia. The maximum total pressure ratio achieved was 221. The original CPAAR apparatus was rebuilt re-instrumented and capability expanded. A fixed volume plenum was attached to the secondary ducts through a constant area square section to mimic the cross section of the secondary ducts with a bell mouth inlet. The mixing duct length was increased from 8 in. to 18 in.
An investigation of the mixing duct flow-field was done with data from pressure and temperature instrumentation. A study of the transient operation of the rocket was compared with results from former research to qualify the quasi-steady assumption of the flow-field. The CPAAR produced Fabri-choked operation, the startup transient observed caused the secondary flow to become established during Fabri-choke mode operation. The supersonic saturated mode was not observed during quasi-steady operation. The quasi-steady operation was defined based on characteristics from previous quasi-steady models of transient operation of supersonic ejectors.
The measurement of the data during testing resulted in a 2.96% experimental uncertainty in the entrainment ratio calculation. The smallest entrainment ratio observed was 0.05 at a total pressure ratio of 220. The location of the Fabri-choke point was shown through the interpretation of the primary and secondary flow as a result of the pressure and temperature measurements. The experimental evidence showed the location of the secondary choke point has a logarithmic relationship with the total pressure ratio. At a total pressure ratio of 220, the area of the aerodynamic throat of the secondary flow is 0.26 in2 and the location occurs 6 inches downstream from the nozzle exit. The secondary flow un-choke is related to the breakdown of the shock structure of the primary flow and produces a flow-field asymmetry which blocks the right duct flow.
The CPSE simulation was unable to accurately predict AAR performance when the inputs are changed from the original CPAAR configuration. At high pressure ratios (PR=220), the error in the prediction is 90%.
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Design and cold flow evaluation of a miniature Mach 4 RamjetFerguson, Kevin M. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Methods used for designing the ramjet included conic shock tables; isentropic flow tables and the GASTURB code was used for aerothermodynamic performance prediction. The flow field through the proposed geometry was computed using the OVERFLOW code, and small modifications were made. Geometry and solid models were created and built using SolidWorks 3D solid modeling software. A prototype ramjet was manufactured with wind tunnel mounting struts capable of measuring axial force on the model. Shadowgraph photography was used in the Mach 4 supersonic wind tunnel at the Naval Postgraduate School's Turbopropulsion Laboratory to verify predicted shock placement, and surface flow visualization was obtained of the airflow from fuel injection ports on the inlet cone of the model. All indications are that the cold-flow tests were successful. / Ensign, United States Naval Reserve
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Pore Pressure Generation and Shear Modulus Degradation during Laminar Shear Box Testing with Prefabricated Vertical DrainsKinney, Landon Scott 01 December 2018 (has links)
Liquefaction is a costly phenomenon where soil shear modulus degrades as the generation of excess pore pressures begins. One of the methods to mitigate liquefaction, is the use of prefabricated vertical drains. Prefabricated vertical drains provide a drainage path to effectively mitigate the generation of pore pressures and aid in shear modulus recovery. The aims of this study were to define shear modulus degradation vs. shear strain as a function of excess pore pressure ratio; define the effects of prefabricated vertical drains on the behavior of pore pressure generation vs. shear strain; and to define volumetric strain as a function of shear strain and excess pore pressure ratios. A large-scale laminar shear box test was conducted and measured on clean sands with prefabricated vertical drains spaced at 3-feet and 4-feet. The resulting test data was analyzed and compared to data without vertical drains. The results show the effect of increasing excess pore pressure ratios on shear modulus and curves where developed to encompass these effects in design with computer programing like SHAKE or DEEPSOIL. The data also suggests that prefabricated vertical drains effectively mitigate excess pore pressure build-up, thus increased the shear strain resistance before pore pressures were generated. Regarding volumetric strain, the results suggests that the primary factor governing the measured settlement is the excess pore pressure ratio. This indicates that if the drains can reduce the excess pore pressure ratio, then the resulting settlement can successfully be reduced during a shaking event. The curves for shear modulus vs. cyclic shear strain as function of pore pressure ratio were developed using data with high strain and small strain which leaves a gap of data in the cyclic shear strain range of 0.0001 to 0.01. Further large-scale testing with appropriate sensitivity is needed to observe the effect excess pore pressure generation on intermediate levels of cyclic shear strain.
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1D Turbine Design Tool Validation and Loss Model Comparison: Performance Prediction of a 1-stage Turbine at Different Pressure RatiosPersson, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
This work concerns the validation of two 1D Turbine Design Tools, AXIAL by Concepts NREC and TML by GKN Aerospace, and is purely computational. By using the KTH Test Turbine as a reference frame, these two software programs were set up to simulate its performance, and the results consequently validated against existing experimental data from the turbine. The main objective of this work is to investigate the performance prediction abilities of the 1D Design Tools for a variety of turbine parameters such as efficiency, mass flow, power output and degree of reaction, and study the accuracy of these predictions under given boundary conditions, namely turbine stage inlet pressure, temperature and pressure ratio. The main focus of the simulation was to evaluate the impact of the choice of loss model in the 1D Software Tools for estimation of losses. Thus, in order to gain a better understanding of differences and similarities among the scope of available loss models, as well as deviation models, a literature study was performed. Additionally, in order to extend the knowledge of the detailed performance prediction characteristics of these software tools in regard to the loss model implemented, the individual loss coefficients (profile, secondary, trailing edge, tip clearance and incidence) were studied and analysed. The impact of chosen pressure ratio on the 1D simulation accuracy was also investigated. The software tool used and the loss model selected were both found to be of great significance to the accuracy of the simulated performance. The pressure ratio (PR) used for simulation also proved to be of great significance, with simulations performed at an elevated PR providing considerably more accurate results than at the design PR, suggesting that the majority of loss models are more accurate when estimating with higher PR. The KTH Test Turbine stage validated in this work featured a number of special geometrical features of inconvenient nature for 1D simulations. In order to account for this, a number of correction coefficients were developed and implemented and their individual effect on the simulated performance studied. Another special feature of the turbine stage studied was the lean angle of the stator, which impact on the 1D simulations was also investigated. Additionally, a number of different user selectable parameters in AXIAL and their impact on the simulations were investigated. The geometry correction coefficients and stator lean angle were found to be of negligible impact to the overall estimated performance, while the user selectable parameters in AXIAL proved to be of relatively big influence on the simulated results. Lastly, using the TML software tool, the concept of stator-rotor disc cavity flow known as 'purge flow' was simulated and validated against reference data. Purge flow serves to inhibit the inflow of hot air from the main annulus to the inner hub and simultaneously cool the rotor blades. The TML software was found to overestimate the losses associated with the use of purge flow, although providing relatively coherent trends for parameters such as efficiency, mass flow and power, suggesting that a correction coefficient applied to the overall losses from purge flow could potentially provide better overall accuracy in the simulations. / Swedish TURBOPOWER Research Program
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Nonhyperemic Pressure Ratios Versus Fractional Flow Reserve: What to Do With Discordant Results?Paul, Timir K., Seto, Arnold H., White, Christopher J. 15 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis of Distortion Transfer and Generation through a Fan and a Compressor Using Full-annulus Unsteady RANS and Harmonic Balance ApproachesSoderquist, Daniel Robert 01 April 2019 (has links)
Understanding distortion transfer and generation through fan and compressor blade rows is able to assist in blade design and performance prediction. Using full annulus unsteady RANS simulations, the effects of distortion as it passes through the rotor of a transonic fan at five radial locations (10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90% span) are analyzed. The inlet distortion profile is a 90-degree sector with a 15% total pressure deficit. Fourier distortion descriptors are used in this study to quantitatively describe distortion transfer and generation. Results are presented and compared for three operating points (near-stall, design, and choke). These results are used to explain the relationship between inlet total pressure distortion, pressure-induced swirl, total pressure distortion transfer, total temperature distortion generation, and circumferential rotor work variation. It is shown that very large changes in pressure-induced swirl and distortion transfer and generation occur between near-stall and design, but only small changes are seen between design and choke. The greatest changes are shown to be near the tip. Local power variations are shown to correlate with total pressure distortion transfer and total temperature distortion generation.It can be difficult to predict the transfer of distortion through a fan or compressor because traditional experimental and computational methods are very expensive and time consuming. The Harmonic Balance approach is a promising alternative which uses Fourier techniques to represent fluid flow solutions and which can provide unsteady solutions much more quickly than traditional unsteady solvers. Relatively little work has been done to assess how much Fourier information is necessary to calculate a sufficiently accurate solution with the Harmonic Balance Solver. A study is performed to analyze the effects of varying the amount of modal content that is used in Harmonic Balance simulations. Inlet distortion profiles with varying magnitudes are used in order to analyze trends and provide insight into the distortion flow physics for various inlet conditions. The geometry is a single stage axial compressor that consists of an inlet guide vane followed by the NASA Stage 37 rotor. It is shown that simulations with greater magnitudes of distortion require more modal content in order to achieve sufficiently accurate results. Harmonic Balance simulations are shown to have significantly lower computational costs than simulations with a conventional unsteady solver.
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Estimação da relação ar-combustível e do tipo de combustível utilizando o sinal de pressão no cilindro em um motor ciclo Otto alimentado com misturas de etanol e gasolina / Estimation of the air-fuel ratio and type of fuel in-cylinder pressure signal in an Otto-cycle engine fueled with ethanol and gasoline blendsCosta, Fabiano Tadeu Mathias 13 May 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa realizada tratou do estudo de modelos de estimação da relação ar-combustível e de identificação do tipo de combustível usando o sinal da pressão no cilindro em um motor quatro tempos automotivo, alimentado com gasolina brasileira tipo C, etanol e misturas destes combustíveis. Foi montada uma bancada dinamométrica para realização de testes em um motor originalmente projetado para operar com etanol e que possui relação de compressão de 13,44:1. Durante os testes do motor foram coletados dados referentes às variáveis de desempenho e emissões de gases de exaustão. Os dados coletados em plena carga foram analisados utilizando parâmetros estatísticos e confrontados com os resultados esperados segundo a literatura. As variáveis independentes disponibilizadas nos testes do motor foram utilizadas em conjunto com a aplicação do método dos momentos e da razão de pressões no sinal da pressão no cilindro para o desenvolvimento de novos modelos de estimação da relação ar-combustível e de identificação do tipo de combustível. Os modelos obtidos na presente pesquisa mostraram-se capazes de estimar a relação ar-combustível, sendo sensíveis à variação da composição do combustível nesta estimativa, e de identificar o tipo de combustível utilizado no motor. / This research addressed the study of models for estimating the air-fuel ratio and identifying the type of fuel by in-cylinder pressure signal in a four stroke automotive engine fueled with Brazilian gasoline C type, ethanol, and blends of these fuels. A dynamometer was assembled for tests in an engine originally designed to operate with ethanol and with a 13.44:1 compression ratio. During the engine tests, data were collected related to the performance and exhaustion gas emission variables. Data collected at full load were analyzed using statistical parameters and compared with the expected results according to the literature. The independent variables provided by the engine tests were used together with application of the method of moments and the pressure ratio for in-cylinder pressure in order to develop new models for estimating the air-fuel ratio and to identify the fuel type. The models obtained in this research proved to be capable of estimating the air-fuel ratio, being sensitive to the variation in the type of fuel used in such estimations, and of identifying the type of fuel used in the engine.
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Estimação da relação ar-combustível e do tipo de combustível utilizando o sinal de pressão no cilindro em um motor ciclo Otto alimentado com misturas de etanol e gasolina / Estimation of the air-fuel ratio and type of fuel in-cylinder pressure signal in an Otto-cycle engine fueled with ethanol and gasoline blendsFabiano Tadeu Mathias Costa 13 May 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa realizada tratou do estudo de modelos de estimação da relação ar-combustível e de identificação do tipo de combustível usando o sinal da pressão no cilindro em um motor quatro tempos automotivo, alimentado com gasolina brasileira tipo C, etanol e misturas destes combustíveis. Foi montada uma bancada dinamométrica para realização de testes em um motor originalmente projetado para operar com etanol e que possui relação de compressão de 13,44:1. Durante os testes do motor foram coletados dados referentes às variáveis de desempenho e emissões de gases de exaustão. Os dados coletados em plena carga foram analisados utilizando parâmetros estatísticos e confrontados com os resultados esperados segundo a literatura. As variáveis independentes disponibilizadas nos testes do motor foram utilizadas em conjunto com a aplicação do método dos momentos e da razão de pressões no sinal da pressão no cilindro para o desenvolvimento de novos modelos de estimação da relação ar-combustível e de identificação do tipo de combustível. Os modelos obtidos na presente pesquisa mostraram-se capazes de estimar a relação ar-combustível, sendo sensíveis à variação da composição do combustível nesta estimativa, e de identificar o tipo de combustível utilizado no motor. / This research addressed the study of models for estimating the air-fuel ratio and identifying the type of fuel by in-cylinder pressure signal in a four stroke automotive engine fueled with Brazilian gasoline C type, ethanol, and blends of these fuels. A dynamometer was assembled for tests in an engine originally designed to operate with ethanol and with a 13.44:1 compression ratio. During the engine tests, data were collected related to the performance and exhaustion gas emission variables. Data collected at full load were analyzed using statistical parameters and compared with the expected results according to the literature. The independent variables provided by the engine tests were used together with application of the method of moments and the pressure ratio for in-cylinder pressure in order to develop new models for estimating the air-fuel ratio and to identify the fuel type. The models obtained in this research proved to be capable of estimating the air-fuel ratio, being sensitive to the variation in the type of fuel used in such estimations, and of identifying the type of fuel used in the engine.
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