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The impact of perceived product quality, service quality and transaction cost on the customer’s willingness to pay after a price increaseGhavamzadeh, Sheida January 2019 (has links)
Objective: The objective of the study is to learn how the customer’s willingness pay after a price increase differs given different product conditions. Specifically, how it differs between high and low involvement products and hedonic and utilitarian products. The objective is also to understand what value drivers it is that affect the customers willingness to pay after a price increase. Methodology approach: An online survey was distributed through social media. The research study was conducted using multiple linear regression and one-way ANOVA using data from 270 participants. Research limitation: The survey used in the study uses scales that have been revised. This means that other important value dimensions that were a part of the original scales have been neglected. Results/conclusion: No significant difference was found between the different product groups. The variables; product quality, service quality were both found to have a positive impact on the outcome variable customer’s willingness to pay after a price increase. The variable transaction cost had on the other hand a negative impact on the outcome variable. Future recommendations: The results of the study indicate that lowering the transaction cost can increase customer’s willingness to pay after a price increase. It also indicates that increasing the product quality and service quality can increase the customer’s willingness to pay after a price increase. Previous research has showed the significant profitability firms can make when they adapt to value-based pricing. Therefore, further studies to investigate the customer’s willingness to pay after a price increase may be of interest.
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Le prix de la ville : Le marché immobilier à usage résidentiel dans l'aire urbaine de Marseille-Aix-en-Provence (1990-2010)Boulay, Guilhem 21 November 2011 (has links)
La France a comme beaucoup de pays de l’OCDE connu une très forte inflation immobilière ces quinze dernières années. La hausse des prix a été particulièrement prononcée dans l’aire urbaine de Marseille-Aix-en-Provence, mettant en relief les limites des catégories et des méthodes d’analyse des marchés immobiliers de l’économie standard. L’apriorisme et les hypothèses anthropologiques de cette dernière ne permettent pas de rendre compte des dynamiques spatio-temporelles des prix. En se fondant alternativement sur les travaux de Simiand et Halbwachs d'une part et sur ceux des néo-ricardiens et néo-marxistes d'autre part, on montre qu’il est plus approprié de recourir aux notions de rente et de valeur d’opinion pour comprendre les mécanismes de formation et de différenciation spatiale des prix. A partir de données désagrégées et localisées à échelle fine sur les transactions immobilières, on identifie alors différents modes de formation des prix qui permettent d’expliquer le paradoxe apparent entre la puissante homogénéisation spatiale des prix et la très grande permanence des hiérarchies spatiales héritées de la période antérieure à l’inflation immobilière que révèle l’analyse spatiale de la hausse. Cette identification des régimes de formation des prix met en valeur le rôle des dispositifs de marché qui, à toutes les échelles, permettent le fonctionnement du marché et garantissent socialement les prix. Ces dispositifs (discours et structures géographiques avant tout) confèrent à certains territoires un rôle assurantiel qui peut exacerber à terme les inégalités inhérentes au modèle d’accession à la propriété. / In the last fifteen years, real estate prices have steeply increased in France, as in other OECD countries. Price increases have been particularly strong in the urban area of Marseille-Aix en Provence, challenging conventional economic categories, analytical methods and interpretations of real estate markets. Apriorism and the anthropological assumptions lying at the core of orthodox economics cannot account for spatial-temporal price dynamics in the Marseille region. By drawing on the work of both Simiand and Halbwachs, and of neo-Ricardian and neo-Marxist economists, this dissertation develops a framework based on the notions of "economic rent" and "opinion value" that provides a better account of price formation and spatial differencing in real estate markets. Different modes of price formation are evidenced using spatially localized, highly disaggregated data of real estate sales: the spatial analysis of real estate inflation helps explain the apparent contradiction between an increased spatial homogeneity of prices and the preservation of pre-existing price hierarchies. Further analysis of price formation regimes highlights the importance of those market devices that allow the market to work and act as price guarantees of a social nature. Such devices (essentially geographical discourses and structures) provide a form of spatial insurance against price decreases that calls into question the legitimacy and sustainability of the 'home ownership for everyone' model.
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