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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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花敬群 Unknown Date (has links)
市場研究首先面對的課題就是價格與供需,習慣上研究者多採取「價格與需求」或「價格與供給」的配對方式來處理,或者在價格與交易量同時決定的市場均衡假設下,直接以「價格」的討論做為市場研究的對象。 本研究認為「價格與供需」在既有的理論基礎之外,更重要的意義是提供一些較為適宜的研究切入點,然後讓研究者依據現實的觀察與理論的推演,來探討市場變數之間各種可能的關係。因此,本研究依據台灣住宅市場的主要特性,並且從價格與數量兩種變數的各項關係,建立分析台灣住宅市場的理論基礎與發展方向。 基本上,價格與供需數量是市場上最重要的資訊,分別表示著供需雙方進入是場所面對的成本與收益水準,以及供需雙方對當前價格的接受程度以及對未來價格的預期,市場上的任何變遷實際上都是市場參與者行為的結果。因此本研究先將住宅供幾者分為建商與一般售屋者,將需求者分為投資需求者與消費需求者,並且探討各類市場參與者的行為特性,以及在不同的市場景氣下,各種供需行為的加總對市場價格與交易量波動的影響,然後據此結果建立住宅市場景氣循環的個體行為基礎。這樣的分析方式,一方面可補充過去直接以總體經濟變數分析市場景氣循環的不足,同時也可以瞭解住宅市場景氣循環的個體面原因。 此外,因為住宅具有異質性,因此可從財貨類型、區位﹍等角度區隔為多種次市場,且在各種次市場的各種住宅價格與供需數量之間存在著不同的理論關係。然而此項課題涉及的研究領域十分廣泛,因此本研究僅探討台灣住宅市場最具特色的預售屋市場與成屋市場的關係。 本研究對此項課題是以住宅存量-流量模型為基礎,一方面納入預售市場於建築期間即可銷售的特性,以及國人以購屋為主的住宅消費習慣,同時探討住宅生產時間落差現象,進而建立解釋成屋市場與預售屋市場價格與數量關係的理論基礎。 另外,住宅次市場的概念引發了本研究對個別次市場之間,以及整體市場與次市場之間相互關係的討論,這是既有研究尚未深入探討的領域。在變數方面,本研究以住宅次市場「價格比例」與「市場規模」取代傳統的價格水準與交易戶數;在理論基礎上,則以封閉市場的假設條件下,探討整體市場與個別次市場的相互關係;關於各次市場之間,則假設彼此具有相互競爭與合作兩種關係,並以開放市場的概念來討論。 此項研究課題對重新建構住宅市場的理論體系具有十分重要的意義。此項理論關係,一方面打破過去將單一住宅次市場視為封閉體系的研究假設,提出各住宅次市場之間的橫向關係,以及次市場與整體市場的縱向關係。更重要的是,可以透過此項理論結構探討住宅市場資源(金)在各個次市場的配置關係與原因,對解釋台灣住宅市場的亂象深具意義。 在前述的理念體系與理論基礎下,本研究進行各項理論上的推演與實證分析,所得結果說明如下: 一、從住宅市場供需雙方行為特性配合市場景氣循環過程的影響得知:在景氣循環過程中,住宅供需雙方的行為結果,將使得市場價格與交易量均衡點的移動軌跡呈現逆時針旋轉的趨勢。另經由單根檢定與共積檢定,發現台北市住宅價格波動會對交易量脫離長期均衡時能夠產生調整的功能;然而,當市場價格脫離長期均衡時,交易量反而是朝發散的方向波動,顯示台北市住宅市場的投資需求以及投機的影響確實十分明顯。 二、從成屋與預售屋市場之價格與供給量的關係,配合國人偏好購屋以及住宅生產期間長的特性,重新界定住宅存量市場與流量市場的理論結構,並修正住宅存量-流量模型。實證結果顯示,台北市成屋市場與預售屋市場的價格與供給量的關係,並不完全符合存量-流量模型。 此外,成屋與預售屋市場的價格波動具有促進市場向長期均衡收斂的功能,且預售屋市場價格的調整速率高於成屋市場,顯示預售屋制度有提昇市場效率的作用。但是預售屋供給量並無法發揮調節成屋市場供需落差的功能,顯示台北市住宅供給量資訊的市場意義仍未明顯發揮,這也是為何近年來市場餘屋大量增加下,市場價格下跌卻十分有限的原因之一。 三、本研究假設整體市場規模是由個別次市場規模加總而來,而非假設整體市場規模固定,再分配到個別次市場之中,並以「價格比例」與「市場規模」的相互影響關係,建立住宅空間次市場相互影響關係的靜態與比較靜態理論基礎。由理論分析得知,住宅空間次市場的價格比例與市場規模是相互連動的,且各住宅次市場同時受到整體市場景氣趨勢的同向波動影響,以及相互競爭的反向波動影響。 實證結果顯示,台北市與台北縣住宅空間次市場的規模之間並不是純然的競爭關係,而是呈現齊漲齊跌的情況。顯示台北市縣住宅市場的競爭程度低於共同反應預期景氣的相互拉抬合作程度。此外,在住宅價格比例長期遞減趨勢下,台北市住宅市場的規模將會逐漸縮減,台北縣住宅市場規模則持續擴大,且兩次市場住宅價格比例也將逐漸持續降低。 / This dissertation combined by three relative essays. In the first paper I analyze the relationship between price and volume of housing market in Taiwan. The analysis suggests a counter-clock cyclical pattern of housing price and volume in the standard price-quantity plane. Empirical results through cointegration tests confirm our analysis that, in the long run, the fluctuation of Taipei's housing transaction volume causes the housing price to fluctuate. In the second paper I discusses the relationship between existing and pre-sales housing market. Basically, existing housing market is similar as spot market, pre-sales housing market is similar to futures or forwards market (Chang & Ward, 1993). Restated, the goods of pre-sales housing market are the housing units under construction. We modify the stock-flow model of Fisher(1992) and DiPasquale & Wheaton(1992, 1994) to analyze the price-volume relationship between existing housing market and pre-sales housing market. By the empirical test of Taiwan's housing market, the consequences imply that pre-sales market price adjustment rate to the long-run equilibrium price is rapid than the price adjustment rate in existing housing market. In other words, the pre-sales system can improve the market efficiency. The result of supply adjustment rate is insignificant, which implying that housing market is basically influenced by price not by volume in Taiwan. The final paper established the price, volume and mutual interrelation basis through the housing price ratio and market size to provide housing market framework researchers a new point. Then I conducted an empirical analysis of the Taipei City and Taipei County housing markets. Finding that the competition between the two sub-markets is low. Furthermore, there is a signification correlation between market size and price ratio fluctuation, and the price ratio is a better of market economical cycle indicator than price fluctuation.

配合價量關係技術型態在臺灣股票市場的應用 / The Applications of Price-Volume Matching Technical Algorithms on the Taiwan Stock Market

鍾淳豐, Chung, Chun-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
技術分析一直以來是國內投資人在進行股票交易時極為重要的參考依據。學術界對於技術分析的研究常止於指標的獲利性,然而對於技術分析師所倚重的技術型態,則由於涉及指標量化的問題,所以少有學者對此進行研究。Lo, Mamaysky, and Wang﹙2000﹚以核迴歸來平滑股價的波動,並對技術型態加以量化,開啟了學術界研究技術型態的大門。 本研究參考Lo, Mamaysky, and Wang﹙2000﹚的股價平滑模型,並配合價量關係,研究技術型態在臺灣股票市場的有效性。本研究目的在於探討技術型態出現時的報酬率分配是否會和技術型態未出現時的報酬率分配有所不同,並且能否進一步依照不同的報酬率分配來訂定不同的投資策略。除此之外,本研究還探討成交量是否會對股價變動造成影響。 本研究實證結果發現: 1.技術型態出現時的報酬率分配的確和未出現時的報酬率分配之間存有顯著差異。 2.成交量會對股價變動造成影響。本研究發現,在實證模型中加入成交量因子後,技術型態出現時及未出現時的報酬率分配其兩者之間的差異會更加顯著。  3.利用交易策略形成期所模擬出的技術型態交易策略,在未來五年內可以獲得穩定的報酬,並且可擊敗買入持有策略。  4.技術型態的有效性,不會因為類股或股票的不同而有所差異,這是因為技術分析是反應投資人心理狀態及資訊分析後的結果,並不會因為股票特性的不同而改變。

Statistical Models of Market Reactions to Influential Trades

Guo, Yi-Ting 16 July 2007 (has links)
In this study, we consider high frequency transaction data of NYSE, and apply statistical methods to characterize each trade into two classes, influential and ordinary liquidity trades. First, a median based approach is used to establish a high R-square price-volume model for high frequency data. Next, transactions are classified into four states based on the trade price, trade volume, quotes, and quoted depth. Volume weighted transition probability of the four states are investigated and shown to be distinct for informed trades and ordinary liquidity trades. Furthermore, four market reaction factors are introduced and studied. Logistic regression models of the influential trades are established based on the four factors and odds ratios are used to select the cutoff points.

Ensaios sobre microestrutura do mercado

Caetano, Fábio Massaúd January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo geral deste trabalho é testar se a informação contida em dados de microestrutura de mercado contribui para uma melhor explicação do comportamento dos preços dos títulos negociados na BMF&BOVESPA. O primeiro ensaio testa a hipótese de que o volume gera informação sobre o movimento dos preços quando os traders possuem informações diferentes sobre o comportamento dessa variável. Em uma abordagem de microestrutura de mercado, os traders não informados observam apenas as estatísticas diárias de preço e volume, e os traders informados conhecem o comportamento dos preços e volumes tick-by-tick. Aplicando o algoritmo do tick-test, os traders informados observam o volume de ordens de compras e vendas diárias. O teste empírico é feito utilizando modelos markov-switching, e os resultados revelam que os traders informados apresentam estimações melhores. No segundo ensaio, buscam-se evidências de que traders informados preferem atuar no mercado de opções pela possibilidade de alavancar seus ganhos. O objetivo é identificar se o volume no mercado de opções revela o comportamento dos preços das ações. Os resultados obtidos, utilizando opções de PETR4 e VALE5, corroboram a hipótese que o volume no mercado de opções não transmite informação sobre o comportamento do preço da ação. O terceiro ensaio utiliza dados tick-by-tick para estimar a probabilidade de informação privilegiada (PIN) para ações do IBRX. O PIN é uma proxy para informação privada e é incorporado ao método de Fama e French (1993) para separar os portfolios e explicar seus retornos. A combinação do PIN com as variáveis valor de mercado e índice book-to-market possibilita, para alguns portfolios, aumento do retorno e diminuição do risco. A significância das variáveis na explicação dos retornos é testada utilizando modelos de markov-switching. Os resultados permitem concluir que o PIN é um fator importante na explicação dos retornos dos portfolios. / The general objective is to test whether the information contained in data of microstructure market contributes to a better explanation of the behavior of stock prices negotiated in BMF&BOVESPA. The first essay tests the hypothesis that volume generates information on price movements when traders have different information on the behavior of this variable. In a model of market microstructure, non-informed traders observe only the daily statistics on price and volume, while informed traders know the behavior of tick-by-tick prices and volumes. Applying the tick-test algorithm, informed traders observe the volume of buy orders and daily sales. The empirical test is carried out by using markov-switching models, and the results reveal that informed traders show better estimates. In the second essay, we look for evidence that informed traders prefer to trade in options market due to its possibility of leveraging their revenue. The objective is to identify whether volume in the options market is revealing of the behavior of stock prices. The results obtained using options from PETR4 and VALE5 concur to the hypothesis that volume in options market does not transmit information on the behavior of stock price. The third essay makes use of tick-by-tick data to estimate the probability of privileged information (PIN) to IBRX stocks. PIN is a proxy to privilege information and is incorporated to Fama French (1993) method to separate portfolios and explain their returns. The combination of PIN with variables of market value and book-to-market index allows some portfolios to increase return and diminish risk. The significance of these variables in explaining returns is tested using markov-switching methods. The results demonstrate that PIN is an important factor in explaining portfolio returns.

Ensaios sobre microestrutura do mercado

Caetano, Fábio Massaúd January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo geral deste trabalho é testar se a informação contida em dados de microestrutura de mercado contribui para uma melhor explicação do comportamento dos preços dos títulos negociados na BMF&BOVESPA. O primeiro ensaio testa a hipótese de que o volume gera informação sobre o movimento dos preços quando os traders possuem informações diferentes sobre o comportamento dessa variável. Em uma abordagem de microestrutura de mercado, os traders não informados observam apenas as estatísticas diárias de preço e volume, e os traders informados conhecem o comportamento dos preços e volumes tick-by-tick. Aplicando o algoritmo do tick-test, os traders informados observam o volume de ordens de compras e vendas diárias. O teste empírico é feito utilizando modelos markov-switching, e os resultados revelam que os traders informados apresentam estimações melhores. No segundo ensaio, buscam-se evidências de que traders informados preferem atuar no mercado de opções pela possibilidade de alavancar seus ganhos. O objetivo é identificar se o volume no mercado de opções revela o comportamento dos preços das ações. Os resultados obtidos, utilizando opções de PETR4 e VALE5, corroboram a hipótese que o volume no mercado de opções não transmite informação sobre o comportamento do preço da ação. O terceiro ensaio utiliza dados tick-by-tick para estimar a probabilidade de informação privilegiada (PIN) para ações do IBRX. O PIN é uma proxy para informação privada e é incorporado ao método de Fama e French (1993) para separar os portfolios e explicar seus retornos. A combinação do PIN com as variáveis valor de mercado e índice book-to-market possibilita, para alguns portfolios, aumento do retorno e diminuição do risco. A significância das variáveis na explicação dos retornos é testada utilizando modelos de markov-switching. Os resultados permitem concluir que o PIN é um fator importante na explicação dos retornos dos portfolios. / The general objective is to test whether the information contained in data of microstructure market contributes to a better explanation of the behavior of stock prices negotiated in BMF&BOVESPA. The first essay tests the hypothesis that volume generates information on price movements when traders have different information on the behavior of this variable. In a model of market microstructure, non-informed traders observe only the daily statistics on price and volume, while informed traders know the behavior of tick-by-tick prices and volumes. Applying the tick-test algorithm, informed traders observe the volume of buy orders and daily sales. The empirical test is carried out by using markov-switching models, and the results reveal that informed traders show better estimates. In the second essay, we look for evidence that informed traders prefer to trade in options market due to its possibility of leveraging their revenue. The objective is to identify whether volume in the options market is revealing of the behavior of stock prices. The results obtained using options from PETR4 and VALE5 concur to the hypothesis that volume in options market does not transmit information on the behavior of stock price. The third essay makes use of tick-by-tick data to estimate the probability of privileged information (PIN) to IBRX stocks. PIN is a proxy to privilege information and is incorporated to Fama French (1993) method to separate portfolios and explain their returns. The combination of PIN with variables of market value and book-to-market index allows some portfolios to increase return and diminish risk. The significance of these variables in explaining returns is tested using markov-switching methods. The results demonstrate that PIN is an important factor in explaining portfolio returns.

Ensaios sobre microestrutura do mercado

Caetano, Fábio Massaúd January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo geral deste trabalho é testar se a informação contida em dados de microestrutura de mercado contribui para uma melhor explicação do comportamento dos preços dos títulos negociados na BMF&BOVESPA. O primeiro ensaio testa a hipótese de que o volume gera informação sobre o movimento dos preços quando os traders possuem informações diferentes sobre o comportamento dessa variável. Em uma abordagem de microestrutura de mercado, os traders não informados observam apenas as estatísticas diárias de preço e volume, e os traders informados conhecem o comportamento dos preços e volumes tick-by-tick. Aplicando o algoritmo do tick-test, os traders informados observam o volume de ordens de compras e vendas diárias. O teste empírico é feito utilizando modelos markov-switching, e os resultados revelam que os traders informados apresentam estimações melhores. No segundo ensaio, buscam-se evidências de que traders informados preferem atuar no mercado de opções pela possibilidade de alavancar seus ganhos. O objetivo é identificar se o volume no mercado de opções revela o comportamento dos preços das ações. Os resultados obtidos, utilizando opções de PETR4 e VALE5, corroboram a hipótese que o volume no mercado de opções não transmite informação sobre o comportamento do preço da ação. O terceiro ensaio utiliza dados tick-by-tick para estimar a probabilidade de informação privilegiada (PIN) para ações do IBRX. O PIN é uma proxy para informação privada e é incorporado ao método de Fama e French (1993) para separar os portfolios e explicar seus retornos. A combinação do PIN com as variáveis valor de mercado e índice book-to-market possibilita, para alguns portfolios, aumento do retorno e diminuição do risco. A significância das variáveis na explicação dos retornos é testada utilizando modelos de markov-switching. Os resultados permitem concluir que o PIN é um fator importante na explicação dos retornos dos portfolios. / The general objective is to test whether the information contained in data of microstructure market contributes to a better explanation of the behavior of stock prices negotiated in BMF&BOVESPA. The first essay tests the hypothesis that volume generates information on price movements when traders have different information on the behavior of this variable. In a model of market microstructure, non-informed traders observe only the daily statistics on price and volume, while informed traders know the behavior of tick-by-tick prices and volumes. Applying the tick-test algorithm, informed traders observe the volume of buy orders and daily sales. The empirical test is carried out by using markov-switching models, and the results reveal that informed traders show better estimates. In the second essay, we look for evidence that informed traders prefer to trade in options market due to its possibility of leveraging their revenue. The objective is to identify whether volume in the options market is revealing of the behavior of stock prices. The results obtained using options from PETR4 and VALE5 concur to the hypothesis that volume in options market does not transmit information on the behavior of stock price. The third essay makes use of tick-by-tick data to estimate the probability of privileged information (PIN) to IBRX stocks. PIN is a proxy to privilege information and is incorporated to Fama French (1993) method to separate portfolios and explain their returns. The combination of PIN with variables of market value and book-to-market index allows some portfolios to increase return and diminish risk. The significance of these variables in explaining returns is tested using markov-switching methods. The results demonstrate that PIN is an important factor in explaining portfolio returns.

台灣股市波動與成交量關係的分量迴歸分析 / Quantile regression analysis of volatility-volume relation of Taiwan stock index

陳威愷, Chen, Wei-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用1989年10月2日至2017年4月12日的台灣股市加權指數日資料,並分為漲跌幅限制為7%的區間一,以及放寬為10%的區間二。接著使用〔(最高價-最低價)/昨日收盤價〕以及〔(收盤價-開盤價)/昨日收盤價〕兩個不同變數來衡量台灣股市單日的波動與報酬,然後也運用了週轉率、成交金額、5日均值比三種方法來估算股市成交量。藉此探討台灣股市波動與成交量的關係。使用的方法是分量迴歸模型,更細部的研究股市上漲或下跌時,每個分量之下不同的價量關係。 實證結果顯示,台灣股市普遍存在「價漲量增」與「價跌量增」的現象,且在波動越大的時候也就是分量尾端的部分,其關係更加的明顯。另外,使用三種變數來衡量成交量,在區間二大致得出相同的結論,但是區間一因為週轉率與成交金額的歷史走勢具有差異,所以結果也不盡相同。但是使用週轉率在歷史樣本中更具有相同的比較基礎,因此得出的結論也較一致,所以認為台灣股市仍是以「價漲量增」與「價跌量增」為普遍現象。 / This paper used the Taiwan stock market index daily data from October 2, 1989 to April 12, 2017, which divided into a range of 7% of the price limit, and a range of 10%. There are two different variables to measure the volatility and return: [(the highest price - the lowest price) / yesterday's closing price] and [(closing price - opening price) / yesterday's closing price], and three different variables: turnover, dealing amount, 5-day average ratio to estimate the stock market volume. The method used is quantile regression model, and that allows us to observe different relationship between volatility and volume under every single quantile. Empirical results show that there are two phenomena exist in the stock market of Taiwan: "rising values increase in volume" and "falling values increase in volume." In addition, the use of three variables to measure the volume, in the interval 2 roughly come to the same conclusion, but in the interval 1 because the historical trend of turnover rate and dealing amount are different, so the results are not the same. But the use of turnover in the history sample has the same comparison basis, so the conclusions are more consistent, so that the Taiwan stock market is still the " rising values increase in volume " falling values increase in volume" as a common phenomenon.

台灣八大類股價量關係 / Price-Volume Relation of Taiwan Industrial Indices

杜芸菩, Tu, Yun Pu Unknown Date (has links)
本文以臺灣八大類股指數結合分量迴歸模型進行價量關係研究。有別於過去文獻多使用大盤指數進行分析,本文將以產業類股指數作為研究目標。實證結果顯示 : 「價量背離」與「價量齊揚」的效果同時存在於臺灣股市各個類股的價量關係中,且後者的效果普遍高於前者;而在八個產業類股中,尤以金融業在兩側分量的效果大於其他產業。另外,在相同的交易機制下,並非所有產業的價量關係皆會受到漲跌幅限制的影響而改變。本文更進一步選用法人持股佔該類股市值比作為資訊不對稱之代理變數,結果發現資訊不對稱程度較高的產業,在價量齊揚時,法人持股比的係數為負,代表在市場出現正報酬時,會有抑制股價上揚的效果;反之,在負報酬時,會加深股價下挫的力道。 / This research examines the relation between stock return and trading volume of Taiwan’s eight industries using quantile regression model. Our empirical results show that, for most industry indices, both large positive returns and large negative returns are usually accompanied by a large trading volume, with the effect of large positive returns being stronger. Among all industries, the financial industry has the most significant effect in either situation. But for some industries, the price-volume relations change when returns approach the price limits. In addition, we also emphasize the impact of information asymmetry, using ownership share of institutional investors as the proxy variable. The results show that, in the situation of positive returns with large trading volume, the institutional trading variable will restrain stock price from continually rising. In contrast, in the situation of negative returns with large trading volume, the institutional effect will make the stock price overreact.

異質信念與臺灣上市證券交易的價量實證分析 / Heterogeneous Beliefs in Price-Volume Relationship of Taiwan Stock Market

劉龍鵬, Liu, Lung Peng Unknown Date (has links)
異質信念(Heterogeneous beliefs)修正傳統資產定價理論中同質信念(Homogeneous beliefs)的基本假設,探討投資者間所持有的不同資訊,以及對於資訊的不同參考程度,如何影響資產定價。 本文試圖以Banerjee(2008)的模型,估計出臺灣投資者對於台灣各家公司股票的價格參考密度;並且透過外部研究者的預測作為市場不同信念的代理變數,探討異質信念對於臺灣股市交易的價量影響。 經由實證結果發現,在台灣的股市交易市場上,當市場的資訊流通速度愈快,投資者對公開資訊的參考密度愈低,投資者愈易依賴自己所持有的私人資訊。當投資者的行為決策將愈顯紛歧時,對交易量和報酬率的影響皆為正。 / Heterogeneous beliefs, which revise the basic assumption of traditional asset pricing theory- Homogeneous beliefs, study the impact on asset pricing by different information owned and referred by investors. I use the model derived from Banerjee(2008)to estimate the degree how Taiwan investors will take into account stock prices when they make investment decisions. Also, I study how heterogeneous beliefs of investors influence stock prices and trading volume in Taiwan stock market, using predictions of external researchers as a proxy variable of dispersion in beliefs. The empirical results show that the degree which investors take into account prices will be lower when a faster information flowing speed exists in Taiwan stock market. When investors rely more on their private information, their investment decision will become much diversified. Dispersion in beliefs has a positive influence on stock trading volume and return.


Hlavinková, Vítězslava Unknown Date (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the problems associated with determining the amount of wear (finding the remaining technical values) that are being addressed. It deals with an overview of the different methods used. The basic premise of the thesis is a comprehensive overview of the calculation procedure and the methods used. This area of wear does not except the price regulation precisely defined procedure, nor are they addressed the circumstances in which that would be the method to be used. Various possible methods or inaccuracies may result in questioning the expert opinions as at trial. In conclusion of this dissertation is shown how the calculation procedure should wear for what purpose should be used and it is also proposed several alternatives.

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