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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Quat-Primer" Polymers as Dispersants for Nanoparticles

Beckmann, Ralph 14 December 2012 (has links)
Nanoparticles promise many interesting applications because of their exceptional chemical and physical properties. Therefore nanoparticles offer a pathway for the fabrication of new functional, smart materials. Since the primary particle strongly tends to strong agglomeration, and since the surface of nanoparticles is often not compatible with polymers, it is not possible to disperse single particles homogeneously in a polymer melt. Formations of agglomerates are responsible for strong differences in concentration of the nanoparticles in the material matrix and therefore impede a homogeneous property profile. Furthermore properties of compounds are not only determined by single components, but considerably by the interface between these single components. Hence, a strong chemical and physical adhesion between the constituents is required. Thus, surface modification of nanoparticles is a crucial issue. This work focuses on the control of the particle/polymer interface in composite materials which has a thickness of some nanometers. This interface regulates the compatibility of the surface of the nanoparticles and their environment. This interface is also the place where the transmission of energy between nanoparticle and polymer occurs. The interlayer of this boundary surface should be occupied with functional “primer”-macromolecules that provide at least two types of functional groups: one species of functional group should assure the bonding of the primer to the surface of the nanoparticle, and the second type enables the compatibilizing to the matrix, and when indicated also the covalent adhesion to the ambient polymer system. The macromolecular scaffold of the primer permits the selective adjustment of important interface properties as elasticity, durability and the surface energy of the particle – matrix interface. Within this thesis hyperbranched polyethylene (PEI) imine was used as starting platform for “Quat-Primer Polymers” bearing a multitude of functional moieties in form of primary, secondary and tertiary amino groups. Chapter 2 gives a literature – review on hyperbranched polymers – with focus on PEI, stabilization of colloids by polymers, as well as polymer – “nanocomposites”. In Chapter 3 the reaction of PEI with glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride will be described to obtain hyperbranched polymers that consist of (i) the hyperbranched PEI scaffold, (ii) primary, secondary and tertiary amino groups that can be used for further modification reactions with amino-reactive compounds, and (iii) ammonium moieties that can adsorb to negatively charged surfaces. It will be shown that these Quat-Primer polymers have the ability to stabilize several nanoparticles in water to form aqueous dispersions and that they are capable to partially deagglomerate nanoparticles leading to smaller diameters of the particles in the dispersion. Additionally the reaction of hyperbranched polyethylene imine with glycidol will be described displaying a possibility to change the reactivity of the functional groups and exhibiting that also the generated hydroxyl groups generated by the ring-opening reaction of epoxides with PEI react with epoxide rings to form ether linkages. In Chapter 4 the synthesis of several amino-reactive ATRP initiators will be described and two methods to graft PMMA arms to “Quat-Primer polymers” presented in the previous chapter including the “grafting from” and the “grafting to” technique. These synthesized Quat-Primer polymers bearing ammonium moieties, as well as PMMA arms can be used to fabricate PMMA nanocomposites with homogeneously distributed nanoparticles. The developed method allow for grafting monomers that can be used in ATRP polymerization, including acrylates, acrylonitriles and styrenes, to hyperbranched polyethylene imine. Chapter 5 will display pathways to graft caprolactam derivatives to hyperbranched polyethylene imine to generate Quat-Primer polymers bearing ammonium moieties, as well as caprolactam rings. These quat-primer polymers can be used for the fabrication of PA-6 nanocomposites by dispersing nanoparticles in presence of these Quat-Primer polymers and subsequent polymerization.

Sekvensbaserad artbestämning av veterinärmedicinska prover

Andersson, Louise, Solander, Klara, Brokmar, Linde, Bylander, Karl, Pölder, Magdalena, Henriksson, Nellie January 2021 (has links)
In this project a PCR primer library was created to facilitate the amplification of DNA of parasites that are morphologically indistinguishable. The aim of this paper is to present a PCR primer library which is applicable to many of the species of interest, as well as creating a protocol for handling samples that contain more than one unknown species. The results presented in this rapport were achieved by means of literature studies as well as in silico primer design and validation. The literature studies focused mainly on finding pre-existing primers, whilst the phylogenetic studies retrieved information necessary for primer design. Each primer, whether achieved through literature or in silico assembly, was validated according to certain predefined criterion. The finalized PCR primer library contains 96 primers covering a total of 789 parasites. Beyond this, multiple primers that did not meet our criterion are presented. This due to promising results from the studies in which these were used. An ethical analysis of treatment against parasites was conducted. Finally, how to use the library is discussed containing relevant methods that could be helpful to further develop a detailed protocol. Methods such as Sanger sequencing, Next-generation sequencing and gel electrophoresis are in focus.

Observing the Main Effects of Automotive Primers when Bonding to Polyvinylchloride

Javorsky, Joseph Frank January 2012 (has links)
No description available.


PONDA, AKSHAY M. 04 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Investigation of Anticorrosion Performance of Conductive Polyaniline Containing Zinc Rich Primer

Li, Ximing 07 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Electrochemical studies under thin electrolyte layers using a Kelvin Probe

Maier, Bastian 30 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

La incidència de l'agrupació artística d'Els Set (1948-1954) en les primeres petjades de l'art modern valencià del Primer Franquisme

González Martínez, Felip 07 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] Abstract (English) The impact on the early Valencian modern art of the artistic group Los Siete (1948-1954) during the first part of Franco's dictatorship. This PhD thesiys investigates the artistic and cultural interaction of Los Siete in the context of the first part of the Franco dictatorship in the city of Valencia. The name of the group was given on account of the seven members who belonged to it originally, but due to circumstances three had to be replaced by new additions. Having counted thus a total of ten members, the group of Los Siete was integrated by the following artists: Ángeles Ballester Garcés, Vicente Castellanos Giner, Vicente Fillol Roig, Juan Genovés Bosch, Vicente Gómez García, Ricardo Hueso de Brugada, Juan Bautista Llorens Riera, José Masiá Sellés, Ximo Michavila Asensi and Eusebi Sempere Juan. The origin of this nature in this group and the interpretations of their pieces in relation to the official cultural system in Valencia. The third hypothesis was based on the interdisciplinary cultural potential of the group when producing a certain impact on the prevailing cultural scene regarding formats, the transfer of ideas and artistic languages and specifically the interaction with life experiences. The execution of the objectives were carried out at three levels, based on the analysis of written, visual and spoken sources of the chronological field of the first part of Franco's dictatorship: nationwide, at the level of the region of the Pais Valenciano and at the level of the city of Valencia. Written secondary sources were given priority amongst the types of sources that were studied, which included also primary sources. Primary sources were obtained from the artists' personal files, different libraries, newspaper and periodical libraries and deposits in public institution and to a smaller extend private ones. Finally, during the process of investigation, results were obtained in relation to the formulation of these three hypothesis. In this order it has to be put in context that the incursion of this premodern attempt, together with other groups and individuals, helped to establish a cultural agenda that was more dynamic, alternative and interdisciplinary. It also overshadowed and discredited temporarily the uninspiring official cultural programme. And, in a more sculptural field, it should be pointed out that the cautious sculptural contribution of this group and its members helped reinterpret pre-war art in an intuitive, risky or rational way. On the other hand Los Siete should be identified as a prolegomenon of future abstract art languages on the local sphere connecting with other peripheral areas. Key words: The group of Los Siete, abstract art, art of the Francoist period, Valencian modern art, First part of Franco's dictatorship. / [ES] Resumen (castellano) La incidencia de la agrupación artística de Los Siete (1948-1954) en las primeras huellas del arte moderno valenciano del Primer Franquismo. Esta tesis doctoral investiga la interacción artística y cultural de la agrupación artística valenciana de Los Siete, en el contexto coyuntural del Primer Franquismo en la Ciudad de Valencia. El nombre de la agrupación respondió a los siete miembros que la compuso originariamente. Debido a los avatares de la vida se tuvo que reemplazar tres bajas de sus componentes por otras nuevas incorporaciones. Por consiguiente, siendo un total de diez miembros, el conjunto de los Los Siete estuvo protagonizada por los siguientes artistas: Ángeles Ballester Garcés, Vicente Castellanos Giner, Vicente Fillol Roig, Juan Genovés Bosch, Vicente Gómez García, Ricardo Hueso de Brugada, Juan Bautista Llorens Riera, José Masiá Sellés, Ximo Michavila Asensi y Eusebi Sempere Juan. El origen de este estudio parte de la formulación de tres hipótesis fundamentales. La primera hipótesis indaga sobre la contribución del grupo de Los Siete y de sus componentes en la recuperación del arte moderno valenciano de preguerra y en el desarrollo de los primeros sedimentos del futuro arte no figurativo, antes de la llegada del Grupo Parpalló. La segunda hipótesis se adentró en rastrear cualquier atisbo ideológico de índole más transgresivo en el ideario del grupo y en las interpretaciones de las obras, con respecto al sistema cultural oficial valenciano. Y la tercera hipótesis se basó en el potencial cultural interdisciplinario del grupo, a la hora de producir un cierto impacto en el panorama cultural imperante, es decir, a nivel de formatos, de transferencias de ideas y lenguajes artísticos, y, sobre todo, de experiencias de vida. La materialización de los objetivos se llevaron a cabo, a partir del análisis de las fuentes escritas, visuales y orales del ámbito cronológico del Primer Franquismo en tres niveles: a nivel estatal, a nivel del País Valenciano y a nivel de la ciudad de Valencia. Entre las tipologías de fuentes consultadas, primaron las fuentes escritas secundarias sobre las primarias. Las fuentes primarias fueron obtenidas de los archivos personales de los artistas y de las diferentes bibliotecas, hemerotecas y depósitos de instituciones públicas y, en menor medida, privadas. Finalmente, a lo largo del proceso investigador se obtuvieron resultados exitosos con relación a la consecución de las tres hipótesis planteadas. En este orden, se debe de matizar que la irrupción de este conato premoderno, junto a otros grupos e individualidades artísticas, sirvió para establecer una agenda cultural más dinámica, alternativa e interdisciplinaria que, de forma temporal, eclipsó y desacreditó el anodino programa cultural oficial. Desde el ámbito más plástico, resaltar que la comedida aportación plástica del grupo ayudó a retomar y reinterpretar el arte de preguerra, de forma intuitiva, azarosa o no racional. Además, se ha de enmarcar la agrupación valenciana de Los Siete, como uno de los prolegómenos de los futuros lenguajes artísticos no figurativos en el ámbito local, conectándola con otros lugares periféricos. Palabras claves: Agrupación Los Siete, arte abstracto, arte franquista, arte moderno valenciano, Primer Franquismo. / [CA] Resum (valencià) La incidència de l'agrupació artística d'Els Set (1948-1954) en les primeres petjades de l'art modern valencià del Primer Franquisme. Aquesta tesi doctoral investiga la interacció artística i cultural de l'agrupació artística valenciana d'Els Set, en el context conjuntural del Primer Franquisme en la ciutat de València. El nom de la formació respongué als set primers membres que la conformaren originàriament. Degut als avatars de la vida es tingué que reemplaçar tres baixes dels seus components per altres noves incorporacions. Per tant, sent un total de deu membres, el conjunt d'Els Set estigué protagonitzat pels següents artistes: Ángeles Ballester Garcés, Vicente Castellanos Giner, Vicente Fillol Roig, Juan Genovés Bosch, Vicente Gómez García, Ricardo Hueso de Brugada, Juan Bautista Llorens Riera, José Masiá Sellés, Ximo Michavila Asensi i Eusebi Sempere Juan. L'origen d'aquest estudi rau de la formulació de tres hipòtesis fonamentals. La primera hipòtesis indagà sobre la contribució del grup d'Els Set i dels seus components en la recuperació de l'art modern valencià de preguera i en el desenvolupament dels primers sediments del futur art no figuratiu, abans de l'arribada del Grup Parpalló. La segona hipòtesi inquirí en la cerca de qualsevol rastre ideològic de tarannà més transgressiu en l'ideari del grup i en les interpretacions de les obres, amb relació al sistema cultural oficial valencià. I la tercera hipòtesi es basà en el potencial cultural interdisciplinari del grup, a l'hora de produir un cert impacte en el panorama cultural imperant, és a dir, a nivell de formats, de transferències d'idees i llenguatges artístics, i, sobretot, d'experiències de vida. La materialització dels objectius es portaren a terme a partir de l'anàlisi de les fonts escrites, visuals i orals de l'àmbit cronològic del Primer Franquisme, en tres nivells: a nivell estatal, a nivell del País Valencià i a nivell de la ciutat de València. Entre les tipologies de fonts consultades, dominaren les fonts escrites secundàries sobre les primàries. Les fonts primàries foren obtingudes dels arxius personals dels artistes i de les diferents biblioteques, hemeroteques i dipòsits d'institucions públiques i, en menor mesura, privades. Finalment, durant el procés investigador s'obtingueren resultats exitosos quant a la consecució de les tres hipòtesis plantejades. En aquest ordre, s'ha de matisar que la irrupció d'aquest conat premodern, junt a altres grups i individualitats artístiques, establí (una agenda cultural més dinàmica, alternativa i interdisciplinària que, de forma temporal, eclipsà i desacredità el anodí programa cultural oficial. Des de l'àmbit més plàstic, s'ha de ressaltar que l'amesurada aportació plàstica del grup ajudà a reprendre i reinterpretar l'art de preguerra, de forma intuïtiva, atzarosa o racional. A més a més, s'ha d'emmarcar l'agrupació valenciana d'Els Set com un dels prolegòmens dels futurs llenguatges artístics no figuratius en l'àmbit local, connectant-la amb altres indrets perifèrics. Paraules claus: Agrupació Els Set, art abstracte, art franquista, art modern valencià, Primer Franquisme. / González Martínez, F. (2016). La incidència de l'agrupació artística d'Els Set (1948-1954) en les primeres petjades de l'art modern valencià del Primer Franquisme [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61442

Influência da conicidade do pilar e tipo de agente cimentante na retentividade de coroas metálicas cimentadas sobre pilares personalizáveis de implantes

Dantas, Talita Souza 16 December 2011 (has links)
Several factors must be considered in the selection of angled abutments. In these situations, the clinician should find a practical way to overcome the lack of retention. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bond strength of metallic crowns cemented to straight and angled customizable abutments with different definitive luting agents. Ninety one regular external hex analogs and abutments were divided in Control group (C): customizable straight abutment cemented with zinc phosphate (n = 10); three groups (n = 10) with 17° angled abutment cemented with zinc phosphate (A17ZP), Panavia F (A17RM) and RelyX U100 (A17R) cements and more three groups (n = 10) with 30° angled abutment also cemented with zinc phosphate (A30ZP), Panavia F (A30RM) and RelyX U100 (A30R) cements. The metal copings were cemented onto their corresponding metal dies and crowns cemented with Panavia F were pre-treated with an alloy primer containing an acid-phosphated monomer (MDP). Data from the all groups were compared to control group with a 1-way ANOVA (α=.05) and Dunnet s test, and comparison between tested groups were done with 2-way ANOVA (α=.05) and Tukey s test. SEM and CLSM evaluation were performed (n = 3) aiming to investigate microscopic features of the abutment-cement-crown interfaces. The mean force (SD) required to dislodge the crowns in the C, A17ZP, A17RM, A17R, A30ZP, A30RM and A30R groups was 357,26 (62,21) N; 251,50 (20,13) N; 397,05 (88,48) N; 328,71 (79,87) N; 276,70 (17,96) N; 377,81 (90,61) N and 335,42 (88,34) N respectively. Panavia F presented the higher tensile bond strength results and zinc phosphate the lower between the tested groups. Only A17ZP group was different from control group (p=.007) and the abutment taper has no influence in retentive values. Zinc phosphate showed an inhomogeneous cement line in SEM and CLSM analysis. The presence of MDP primer could be perceived in CLSM images of Panavia F group. Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the Panavia F presented the higher bonding strength between tested groups, however, all 3 cements tested were similar to control group except A17ZP group, showing that in the conditions of the study they all can be successfully used. / Vários fatores devem ser considerados na seleção dos pilares angulados, assim, muitas vezes, o clínico deve encontrar uma forma prática de superar a falta de retenção resultante das características desse tipo de pilar. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resistência de união de coroas metálicas cimentadas sobre pilares personalizáveis retos e angulados, cimentados com diferentes agentes de cimentação definitivos. Noventa e um análogos de implantes regulares do tipo hexágono externo foram divididos em Grupo controle (C): pilar reto personalizável cimentado com fosfato de zinco (n = 10); três grupos (n = 10) com pilares angulados de 17° cimentados com fosfato de zinco (A17F), Panavia F (A17RM) e RelyX U100(A17R) e ainda mais três grupos (n = 10) com pilares angulados de 30° também cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco (A30F), Panavia F (A30RM) e RelyX U100 (A30R). Coroas de Níquel-Cromo foram confeccionadas e cimentadas em seus pilares correspondentes sendo que as coroas cimentadas com Panavia F foram pré-tratadas com um primer para metal contendo monômero ácido fosfatado (MDP). Dados de todos os grupos foram comparados ao grupo controle por meio da análise de variância ANOVA - One way (α =0,05) e teste de Dunnet, e a comparação entre os grupos testados foi realizada por meio de análise de variância ANOVA Two way (α =0,05) e teste de Tukey. Ainda as avaliações em MEV e MVCL foram realizadas com 3 amostras representativas de cada grupo com o objetivo de investigar as características microscópicas das interfaces pilar-coroa-cimento. A média de força (DP) necessária para deslocar as coroas nos grupos C, A17F, A17RM, A17R, A30F, A30RM e grupos A30R foram, respectivamente, 357,26 (62,21) N; 251,50 (20,13) N; 397, 05 (88,48) N; 328,71 (79,87) N; 276,70 (17,96) N; 377,81 (90,61) N e 335,42 (88,34) N. O cimento Panavia F apresentou os resultados mais elevados de resistência a tração (RT) e o fosfato de zinco apresentou os menores valores de RT entre os grupos testados. Apenas o grupo A17F foi estatisticamente diferente do grupo controle (p = 0,007) e a inclinação das paredes axiais do pilar não influenciou os valores de retenção obtidos. O fosfato de zinco apresentou uma linha de cimentação não homogênea na análise em MEV e MVCL. A presença de primer contendo MDP pode ser percebida nas imagens de MVCL do grupo Panavia F. Dentro das limitações deste estudo in vitro, o Panavia F apresentou a maior resistência de união entre os grupos testados, no entanto, todos os três cimentos testados foram semelhantes ao grupo controle, exceto o grupo A17F grupo, mostrando que nas condições do estudo todos eles podem ser usados com sucesso. / Mestre em Odontologia

Influência da concentração e tipo de monômero ácido na adesão de primers à zircônia / Influence of concentration and type of acid monomer in adhesion primer to the zirconia

Guimarães, Guilherme Zdradk 12 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:30:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Guilherme_Zdradk_ Guimaraes.pdf: 689162 bytes, checksum: bf7171adce4262e2641a3db4c51d4cd3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-12 / In this study the effect of concentration and type of acidic monomer on the bond strength (BS) of experimental primers to zirconia before and after aging simulation was investigated. Primers were formulated from the mixture of the monomers urethane dimethacrylate and 2-hidroxyethyl methacrylate with the phosphate monomer (PAM) 1,3-glycerol dimethacrylate phosphate or the carboxylic monomer (CAM)mono-2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl maleate, and ethanol. In each primer, PAM or CAM were be added at concentrations of 10, 20, 40 or 60 mass%. Degree of conversion (DC) of the primers was evaluated by infrared spectroscopy (n=5). For the BS test, sintered yttria-stabilized zirconia blocks (Zircon-CAD, Angelus) were used. The primers were applied to the ceramic and cylinders of dual-cure resin cement (Eco-Link, Ivoclar Vivadent) built-up on the surfaces for the shear BS test (n=20). In the control group, adhesion of the cylinders will be carried out without using primer. In half the number of specimens in each group, the BS test was carried out after 24h on a mechanical testing machine. In order to simulate aging and evaluate the stability of the zirconia bonds, the other half the number of specimens was submitted to 3000 thermal cycles before the BS test. The failure modes were classified under a 40× magnification.DC data were submitted to one-way ANOVA for each monomer; BS data were submitted to two-way ANOVA for each storage condition. The Student-Newman-Keuls post-hoc test was used. BS comparison between 24h and after thermalcycling was carried out using t-tests. (Non-)linear regression analyses were used to investigate the relationship between acidic monomer concentration and DC or BS (α=0.05 for all analyses). Increase in acidic monomers concentration was associated with a linear decrease in DC. The BS for PAM-based primers was higher than CAM-based materials for all groups except 10% at 24h. For PAM, the primer with 40% of acidic monomers yielded higher BS than all the other primers, either at 24h or after thermalcycling. For CAM, the BS results were at 24h were 10% > 60% > 40% > 20%, while after thermalcycling the primer with 60% of acidic monomers generally showed higher BS. All PAM groups except 10% showed lower BS after the thermal cycles, while 10% was the only concentration that showed lower BS after thermalcycling for CAM. Increased PAM concentration had a significant relationship with the zirconia bonds according to a peak model, while increase in CAM content had a polynomial inverse relationship. Regression models after thermalcycling were not significant. The only group that showed mixed failures was PAM 40%, while the other groups failed adhesively. In conclusion, both the acidic monomer type and concentration have a significant role on the adhesion to zirconia. The primer with 40% of PAM showed the best performance on bonding to zirconia / Neste estudo avaliou-se o efeito da concentração e tipo de monômero ácido na resistência de união (RU) de primers experimentais à zircônia antes e após simulação de envelhecimento. Primers foram formulados a partir da mistura dos monômeros dimetacrilato de uretano e metacrilato de 2-hidroxietila com o monômero ácido fosfórico (MAF) dimetacrilato de glicerol-fosfato ou o monômero ácido carboxílico (MAC) maleato de mono(2-metacriloiloxi)etila, além de etanol. Em cada primer, MAF ou MAC foram adicionados nas concentrações 10, 20, 40 ou 60% em massa. O grau de conversão (GC) dos primers foi avaliado por espectroscopia infravermelha (n=5). Para o teste de RU, blocos sinterizados de zircônia estabilizada por ítria (Zircon-CAD, Angelus) foram utilizados. Os primers foram aplicados na superfície da cerâmica e nesta obtidos cilindros de cimento resinoso dual (Eco-Link, Ivoclar Vivadent) para teste de RU ao cisalhamento (n=20). Em metade do número de espécimes de cada grupo, o teste de RU foi realizado após 24h, em máquina de ensaios mecânicos.Para simular envelhecimento e avaliar a estabilidade da união à zircônia, a outra metade do número de espécimes foi submetida a 3000 ciclos térmicos antes do teste de RU. Os modos de falha foram classificados sob aumento de 40×. Os dados de GC foram submetidos a Análise de Variância de 1 critério para cada monômero; os dados de RU foram submetidos a Análise de Variância de 2 critérios para cada condição de armazenamento. O teste post-hoc de Student-Newman-Keuls foi utilizado. Comparação de RU entre 24h e após termociclagem foi realizada com testes-t. Análises de regressão (não-)linear foram utilizadas para investigar a relação entre concentração de monômero ácido e GC ou RU (α=0,05 para todas as análises). Aumento na concentração de monômeros ácidos foi associado a diminuição linear no GC. A RU de primers à base de MAF foi maior que materiais à base de MAC para todos os grupos exceto 10% a 24h. Para o MAF, o primer com 40% de monômeros ácidos gerou RU maior que todos os demais, a 24h ou após termociclagem. Para o MAC, os resultados de RU a 24h foram 10% > 60% > 40% > 20%, enquanto após ciclagem o primer com 60% de monômeros ácidos em geral mostrou maior RU. Todos os grupos do MAF exceto 10% mostraram RU menor após os ciclos térmicos, enquanto 10% foi a única concentração que apresentou menor RU após a ciclagem para o MAC. Aumento na concentração de MAF teve relação significativa com a adesão á zircônia de acordo com um modelo de pico, enquanto aumento no conteúdo de MAC teve uma relação polinomial inversa.Os modelos de regressão após termociclagem não foram significativos. O único grupo que teve falhas mistas foi o MAF 40%, enquanto todos os outros falharam adesivamente. Como conclusão, tanto o tipo quanto a concentração de monômeros ácidos têm papel significativo na adesão de primers à zircônia. O primer com 40% de MAF mostrou o melhor desempenho na adesão à zircônia

生物資訊引子設計系統之設計與實作 / Bioinformatics Web-based Primer Design System: @Primer

李大華, Dai Hua, Lee Unknown Date (has links)
由於生物科技的蓬勃發展,加上人類基因體的序列草圖在電腦快速的運算能力配合之下已逐步完成,許多生物科技企業或生物學家,已早早開始投入生物資訊的領域中,而生物科技的領域是廣闊無垠的,只有在電腦的配合下,才能快速且準確的得到所想要的結果。而PCR技術的出現,對整個生物界可說是一埸不小的衝擊與革命。大大減少了以往所需的時間和資源。 有鑒於以上的發展,本研究乃著手收集PCR相關文獻,整理分析相關知識及相關生技公司職員討論後作為研究基礎,本研究從資訊的角度切入,以Microsoft .Net為實作平台,C# 和ASP.Net 程式語言,提供生物學家一個方便使用的跨平台網路介面,並能讓生物學家從任何地方、任何時候來使用。並導入OOA/OOP的系統架構概念,將可以提高系統功能的再使用性與整體架構的擴充性。 在本研究中以PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction)中的引子設計為主要實作目標。且設計一個簡化版本的Multiplex PCR提供生物學家使用。而主要會影響Primer Design的優劣因素有以下這些:Melting Temperature, Annealing Score, GC content, Primer length,因此本研究使用這些因素來做為本研究選擇Primer的因素,並設計了Primer Design Algorithm來篩選出合適的引子。接著設計Primer Scoring Model用來評量引子的分數,並提供生物學家一個選擇的標準,也加入了權重的觀念,好讓使用者調整適合實驗的參數之重要性。 / The invention of PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) has revolutionized bioinformatics and molecular technology. PCR can amplify specific region of DNA sequence in few minutes. One of these critical parameters is the selection of short oligonucleotides, which called primer. To design the suitable primers is still not part of any standardized algorithm, and several different sets of rules or criteria have been proposed to control the selection of primer sequence. Our research results include the followings: we have created a general-purpose application that design for primer design with relative PCR domain knowledge. We have also implemented a prototype system with Microsoft new OOP language, C#. We also provide a simplify version of Multiple PCR, it could handle two DNA templates to produce qualified multiple primer sets. This program can scan entire gene sequences for all possible primer pairs obeying these primer design rules and displays information such as the length and melting temperature of each primer, which may be of additional help in choosing primers. This program allows the stringency of certain criteria to be varied for better suit the requirement of particular experiment. We try to provide a convenient computerized tool which has a friendly user interface for biologists or scientists to use easily. The design of our system is based on OOA (Object-Oriented Analysis) and OOP (Object-Oriented Programming). Therefore programmers can easily change some algorithm or updated biology data to improve the efficiency of our primer design system.

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