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Phonological representations, phonological awareness, and print decoding ability in children with moderate to severe speech impairmentSutherland, Dean Edward January 2006 (has links)
The development of reading competency is one of the most significant pedagogical achievements during the first few years of schooling. Although most children learn to read successfully when exposed to reading instruction, up to 18% of children experience significant reading difficulty (Shaywitz, 1998). As a group, young children with speech impairment are at risk of reading impairment, with approximately 50% of these children demonstrating poor acquisition of early reading skills (Nathan, Stackhouse, Goulandris, & Snowling, 2004; Larivee & Catts, 1999). A number of variables contribute to reading outcomes for children with speech impairment including co-occurring language impairment, the nature and severity of their speech impairment as well as social and cultural influences. An area of research that has received increasing attention is understanding how access to the underlying sound structure or phonological representations of spoken words stored in long-term memory account for reading difficulties observed in children (Elbro, 1996; Fowler, 1991). Researchers have hypothesised that children with speech impairment may be at increased risk of reading disability due to deficits at the level of phonological representations (Bird, Bishop, & Freeman, 1995). Phonological representation deficits can manifest in poor performance on tasks that require children to think about the sound structure of words. Knowledge about the phonological components of words is commonly referred to as phonological awareness. Identifying and manipulating phonemes within words are examples of phonological awareness skills. Some children with speech impairment perform poorly on phonological awareness measures compared to children without speech difficulties (Bird et al., 1995; Carroll & Snowling, 2004; Rvachew, Ohberg, Grawburg, & Heyding, 2003). As performance on phonological awareness tasks is a strong predictor of early reading ability (Hogan, Catts, & Little, 2005), there is an important need to determine if children with speech impairment who demonstrate poor phonological awareness, have deficits at the level of phonological representations. This thesis reports a series of studies that investigated the relationship between phonological representations, phonological awareness, and word decoding ability in children with moderate to severe speech impairment. A child with complex communication needs (CCN) who used Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) was also examined to determine how the absence of effective articulation skills influences the development of phonological representations. The study employed a longitudinal design to compare the performance of nine children (aged 3:09-5:03 at initial assessment) with moderate to severe speech impairment and 17 children with typical speech development on novel assessment measures designed to determine characteristics of children's phonological representations. The tasks required children to judge the accuracy of spoken multisyllable words and newly learned nonwords. The relationships between performance on these tasks and measures of speech, phonological awareness and early print decoding were also examined. Four assessment trials were implemented at six-monthly intervals over an 18-month period. The first assessment trial was administered approximately 6 to12 months before children commenced school. The fourth trial was administered after children had completed 6 to 12 months of formal education. The child with CCN completed three assessment trials over a period of 16 months. Data analyses revealed that the children with speech impairment had significantly greater difficulty (p<0.01) judging mispronounced multisyllable words compared to their peers with typical speech development. As a group, children with speech impairment also demonstrated inferior performance on the judgment of mispronounced forms of newly learned nonwords (p<0.05). No group differences were observed on the judgment of correctly pronounced real and nonword stimuli. Significant group differences on speech production and phoneme segmentation tasks were identified at each assessment trial. Moderate to high correlations (i.e., r = 0.40 to 0.70) were also observed between performance on the phonological representation tasks and performance on phonological awareness and speech production measures at each trial across the study. Although no significant group differences were observed on the nonword decoding task, 4 of the 9 children with speech impairment could not decode any letters in nonwords (compared to only 1 child without speech impairment) at the final assessment trial when children were 6-years-old. Two children with speech impairment showed superior nonword decoding ability at trial 3 and 4. The within-group variability observed on the nonword decoding task highlighted the heterogeneity of children with speech impairment. The performances of four children with speech impairment with differing types of speech error patterns were analysed to investigate the role of phonological representations in their speech and phonological awareness development. The child with delayed speech development and excellent phonological awareness at trial 1, demonstrated superior phonological awareness and word decoding skills at age 6 years, although his performance on phonological representation tasks was inconsistent across trials. In contrast, a child with delayed development and poor early phonological awareness demonstrated weak performance on phonological representation, phonological awareness, and decoding at each successive assessment trial. The child with a high percentage of inconsistent speech error patterns generally demonstrated poor performance on phonological representation, phonological awareness and decoding measures at each of the 4 assessment trials. The child with consistent and unusual speech error patterns showed increasingly stronger performance on the phonological representation tasks and average performance on phonological awareness but limited word decoding ability at age 6. The 11-year-old girl with CCN, whose speech attempts were limited and unintelligible, demonstrated below average performance on phonological representation tasks, suggesting that an absence of articulatory feedback may negatively influence the development of well-specified phonological representations. This thesis provides evidence for the use of receptive tasks to identify differences in the phonological representations of children with and without speech impairment. The findings also provide support for the link between the representation of phonological information in long-term memory and children's speech production accuracy, phonological awareness and print decoding ability. The variable performance of some children with speech impairment and the child with cerebral palsy demonstrate the need to consider individual characteristics to develop an understanding of how children store and access speech sound information to assist their acquisition of early reading skills.
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La Soubrette Confidente, Deciphering Love Through DifferenceWhitney, Megan L. January 2015 (has links)
La Soubrette Confidente is an eighteenth-century French engraving by Gérard Vidal after a gouache drawing by Nicolas Lavreince. The image depicts an interior where notions of lady-like behavior are emphasized–the acquisition of knowledge through the writing and reading of letters and the discussion of personal matters with trusted confidants. What is most intriguing about this print are not the actions of the women, their fashion, or the furniture, but how all of these elements are affected by a simple change in decoration: the addition of a painting of a reclining nude on the wall. The difference between the original and reproduction incites a series of questions that I will explore: how has the print and the two artists been considered historically; why were the changes were made from the gouache to the print; how did these changes affect the viewer's interpretation of the image, and finally how are the changes made by Vidal are related to the social and historical context within which they were made.
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Drawing back the curtain : a post-Leveson examination of celebrity, privacy and press intrusionPeck, N. January 2017 (has links)
The private and public domains are usually regarded as a dichotomy: what is in one is not in the other. There can be many reasons for intrusions by the news media into the private lives of people. This thesis assesses the extent to which celebrity is a useful conduit for understanding why the media intrudes into people’s private lives and the extent to which celebrity affects any public interest justification for doing so. In essence: does celebrity make a difference in press intrusions into the private lives of others, or is it just one of many factors. The private lives of celebrities have been subject to invasion by the press for many years, while the conceptual definition of privacy has been fiercely debated by academics and lawyers. In 2011, as a direct consequence of the revelation that the News of the World had illegally accessed murder victim Milly Dowler’s voicemail during an active police investigation into her disappearance, the first part of the Leveson Inquiry was launched in order to examine the relationship between the British press and the public, the police and politicians. The significance of the Leveson Inquiry on public life and the media and political spheres means that an analysis of press intrusions into the private lives of both celebrities and those, like the Dowler family, who were unlucky enough to fall under scrutiny due to tragic events, is essential in understanding the relationship between celebrity, privacy and the press in twenty-first century England. This thesis utilises an observation study of the Leveson Inquiry public hearings from the Royal Courts of Justice, and the resulting evidence, to investigate the impact of celebrity on the nature and extent of press intrusion into the privacy of celebrities, and how it differs in the cases of noncelebrities who become of interest to the media. The thesis concludes that the element of celebrity has a major impact on press intrusion into the private lives of individuals regardless of their personal status, as ordinary individuals are targeted due to their proximity to a celebrity, or as a result of being caught up in extraordinary circumstances. However, social media platforms are threatening the role of the press in revealing private information about individuals to the general public, as both traditional celebrities and ‘internet micro-celebrities’ communicate directly with global audiences.
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Who’s tooth? Houndstooth! : An investigation about howto use houndstooth patternto generate form andsurface with acut-and-weavemethod.Gennert Jakobsson, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
With an interest within colour and print this work developed into questioning their lack of function regarding creating or contributing to from. It investigates how to generate form and surface on a body based on houndstooth pattern. The hypothesis is to find methods that increases a prints expressional possibilities and to find a way to create shape from the prints qualities. It concerns the subject how print, colour and materials relate and affect each other depending on for example saturation, quality and scale. Based on the construction of a woven houndstooth a specific method to generate form have been developed, here called cut-and-weave. The result is performed in 7 outfits where this method is applied in various ways. Together they illustrate, not only that a print can give form by manipulating its construction, but also that a print can be enhanced and reinforced by executing it in different ways.
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Novel fingerprint development techniquesShah, Bansi C. January 2013 (has links)
There are numerous pre-existing fingerprint development techniques, however, often prints are difficult to develop, depending on their age or the surface upon which they have been deposited. Forensic scientists are relentlessly looking for new and better methods to enhance fingerprints. More recent technologies have higher sensitivity to very low levels of constituents present in residues and so are able to unearth significant details from a person's fingerprints at molecular level e.g. DNA, drug metabolites. Therefore, research continues in an attempt to generate novel, nondestructive processes that can enhance latent fingerprints. Exposing fingerprints to the p-block compounds selenium dioxide (SeO2), phosphorus sulfides (P4Sx) and phosphonitrilic chloride trimer (NPCl2)3, in the vapour phase resulted in latent prints being visualized on a range of media. Selenium dioxide revealed prints on metal surfaces (e.g. brass) which were enhanced further upon formation of a dark brown coating of copper-selenide formed on the surface when exposed to moisture, giving a better contrast. P4S3 vapour revealed a higher percentage of prints and samples had greater stability in air while although (NPCl2)3 was able to develop fingerprints, the low quality was undesirable. Initially it was thought that (NPCl2)3 has the potential for further derivatisation but was proven very difficult to interact with compounds especially those with the potential to induce fluorescence. However, all three compounds are commercially available and sublimation techniques are straightforward.
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Digital transition in Chinese newspaper industry : the case studies of two metropolitan newspaper companiesHuang, Miao January 2017 (has links)
This study focuses on digital transition in the Chinese newspaper industry and on associated changes in management and business practice at newspaper publishers. Drawing on a case study analysis of two leading metropolitan newspaper companies – the Qianjiang News Chain and the Nandu News Chain, it sets out to investigate how newspaper publishers are adjusting their management strategies and production practices to adapt to technological changes and ensure their survival. It also examines to what extent the changes are in line with the relevant government policies. Looking specifically at electronic retailing and online marketing operated by the two publishers respectively, this dissertation will address three questions. How the strategic management of newspaper companies in China is changing to facilitate the operation of new businesses in the Internet era. How content production related to the new businesses is changing in response to digital transition and the integration of editorial and commercial activities. To what extent the altered practices of newspaper companies are either consistent or conflicting with the requirement of related government policies. Findings of the empirical analysis are in three aspects. Firstly, in order to facilitate the operation of new businesses, the strategic management of QNC and NNC are changing in three aspects: corporate expansion, organisational re-structuring and cultural adaption. Secondly, the production activities of QNC and NNC are simultaneously affected by the practices of digitisation and commercialisation, which is reflected by the special content products – promotional articles. Lastly, with the changes of organisational activities, the industry practices of QNC and NNC are consistent to the inclination of certain state policies on the one hand, and conflict with some established government regulations on the other. In summary, the practice of new business in QNC and NNC is the miniature of the transition in the Chinese newspaper industry, which inherits the features formed in the decade of evolvement. Meanwhile, as the two publishers are pioneers in the Chinese newspaper industry, their practices lead the trend of novel exploration in the future.
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La représentation de la pauvreté dans la presse écrite en Turquie / The representation of poverty in the print media in TurkeyKayapinar, Kütay 29 June 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail nous voulons analyser comment les représentations de la pauvreté étaient construites dans des organes de la presse écrite en Turquie. Le but du travail est de comprendre quelles représentations culturelles, sociales sont mobilisées par les medias turcs autour de la pauvreté comme phénomène social. La pauvreté c’est - à - dire le fait que certaines personnes ont du mal à assurer leur existence a existé en Turquie à toutes les époques. Mais la pauvreté a pris ces dernières années d’autres formes avec la mondialisation, le processus néolibérale qui domine la politique turque et des dynamiques sociales propres à la Turquie- telle que l’inégalité des revenus, un chômage chronique, le conflit turc-kurde dans le sud-est et l’émigration intérieure de l’est vers l’ouest du pays. Cette classe sociale de pauvres qui a de plus en plus de mal à s’intégrer à la structure sociale est à la fois l’acteur et la victime de problèmes qui concernent toutes les couches de la société. Dans ce travail on essaiera de mettre au jour le discours tenu par la presse écrite turque au sujet de cette classe pauvre. Dans ce travail, on n’utilisera pas le concept de pauvreté mais toutes les informations et les chroniques ayant pour sujet la pauvreté ou y touchant tant soit peu, seront considérées comme matière sur la pauvreté. Dans les médias turcs l’on se réfère souvent aux concepts de gecekondu (genre de bidonvilles propres aux grandes villes), varoş (banlieue), enfants des rues, voleurs à la tire, dépandants, « garibanizm » (du Turc « gariban », pitoyable) », ‘l’autre Turquie’ qui suggèrent la pauvreté. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de personnes à bas revenus mais aussi d’un certain espace et d’un certain milieu culturel. Nous voulons analyser comment en Turquie la représentation culturelle des pauvres était construite dans des organes de presse au discours politique différent. Nous avons donc choisi pour notre recherche des journaux de diverses tendances / In this work we analyze how the representations of poverty were built in the print media in Turkey. The aim of this work is to understand how cultural, social representations are mobilized by the Turkish media concerning poverty as a social phenomenon. Being a prominent issue from the country’s establishment, poverty in Turkey, has taken different forms in recent years. Both neoliberal process that dominates Turkish politics, as well as the social dynamics specific to Turkey- such as income inequality, chronic unemployment, the Turkish-Kurdish conflict in the southeast and internal emigration from the East to the West. Poor people have more difficulty in integrating into the social structure because both the actors and the victims of the issues affecting society. In this work, we will try to expose the discourse of the Turkish press about this poor class. We want to analyze how Turkish cultural representation of the poor was built in press organs in different political discourses. So, we chose for our research newspapers of various tendencies
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Sadvertising : Communicating the problems of the fashion industryTallvod, Lynn January 2018 (has links)
This work serves as a way of communicating the dark side of fashion to provoke change. Consumers is placed in the loop that consists of consumerism, fast fashion and advertising, and this work will try to expose that loop. This work aims to critique how fashion is consumed and sold through printing images from the dark side of fashion in combination with texts from advertisements to open up a conversation. The method to do this is by digital printing and transfer printing images from the dark side of the fashion industry on sustainable materials, combining the images with advertising texts. Through this the viewer is invited into conversation about the problems with subtle provocation by making the viewer emotionally involved.
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Reporting British Muslims : the re-emergence of 'folk devils' and 'moral panics' in post-7/7 Britain (2005-2007)Raja, Irfan Azhar January 2016 (has links)
On 7 July 2005, Britain suffered its first ever suicide attack. Four young British-born Muslims, apparently well-educated and from integrated backgrounds, killed their fellow citizens, including other Muslims. The incident raised the vision that British Muslims would be seen as the ‘enemy within’ and a ‘fifth column’ in British society. To examine how this view emerged, this thesis investigates the representation of British Muslims in two major British broadsheets, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph, over a two-year period (7 July 2005-8 July 2007). A corpus of 274 news items, including editorials, comments, interviews, and news reports on the London bombings, has been collected and analysed using the inductive approach based upon thematic analysis. The thesis asks a significant question: How did these broadsheets present British Muslims in the wake of the London bombings? This thesis aims to present a narrative of how the London bombings (hereafter 7/7) emerged in these broadsheets based on their reaction to an interpretation and perception of the 7/7 event. This research indicates that the two broadsheets shared a similar cultural approach in combating Islamist terrorism, by encouraging the embracing of British values, although their different political orientations led to them differing attitudes over the precise manner in which this should be achieved. The Guardian was more concerned about individual liberty and human rights, while The Daily Telegraph emphasised the adaptation of tough legislation to combat terrorism. Given modern Britain’s secular moral fibre, the supremacy of British values dominated the debates on British Muslims which somehow reflected a manifestation of a systematic campaign to redefine Islam as a religion that fits into secular Western society, validating terms such as ‘Moderate Muslim’, ‘Islamic terrorists’, ‘Islamic extremists’, ‘Islamic militants’ and ‘Islamic terrorism’. Although both newspapers argue that radicalisation is a foreign-imported dilemma that has its roots in “Islamic ideology”, they differ in their attitudes on how to deal with it. This thesis uses Cohen’s (1972) text, which suggests that the media often portray certain groups within society as “deviant” and “folk devils” and blames them for crimes. This research into the reactions of two broadsheets permits a contemporary discussion of the London bombings and British Muslims in the light of Cohen’s concept. It aims to locate the presence of a nexus of the four Ps - political parties, pressure groups, the press, and public bodies - that influence reporting and shape the debates (Ost, 2002; Chas, 2006, p.75). It is evident that the reporting of the two broadsheets blends three significant components: the views of self-proclaimed Islamic scholars, experts and hate preachers; the use of out-of-context verses of the Quran; and the use of political language to represent British Muslims. Arguably, the press transformed the 7/7 event, suggesting that it was driven by religious theology rather than being a politically motivated act.
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Digital watermarking techniques for printed imagesKeskinarkaus, A. (Anja) 18 February 2013 (has links)
During the last few decades, digital watermarking techniques have gained a lot of interest. Such techniques enable hiding imperceptible information to images; information which can be extracted later from those images. As a result, digital watermarking techniques have many interesting applications for example in Internet distribution. Contents such as images are today manipulated mainly in digital form; thus, traditionally, the focus of watermarking research has been the digital domain. However, a vast amount of images will still appear in some physical format such as in books, posters or labels, and there are a number of possible applications of hidden information also in image printouts. In this case, an additional level of challenge is introduced, as the watermarking technique should be robust to extraction from printed output.
In this thesis, methods are developed, where a watermarked image appears in a printout and the invisible information can be later extracted using a scanner or mobile phone camera and watermark extraction software. In these cases, the watermarking method has to be carefully designed because both the printing and capturing process cause distortions that make watermark extraction challenging. The focus of the study is on developing blind, multibit watermarking techniques, where the robustness of the algorithms is tested in an office environment, using standard office equipment. The possible effect of the background of the printed images, as well as compound attacks, are both paid particular attention to, since these are considered important in practical applications.
The main objective is thus to provide technical means to achieve high robustness and to develop watermarking methods robust to printing and scanning process. A secondary objective is to develop methods where the extraction is possible with the aid of a mobile phone camera.
The main contributions of the thesis are: (1) Methods to increase watermark extraction robustness with perceptual weighting; (2) Methods to robustly synchronize the extraction of a multibit message from a printout; (3) A method to encode a multibit message, utilizing directed periodic patterns and a method to decode the message after attacks; (4) A demonstrator of an interactive poster application and a key based robust and secure identification method from a printout. / Tiivistelmä
Digitaalinen vesileimaus on parin viime vuosikymmenen aikana runsaasti huomiota saanut tekniikka, jonka avulla kuviin voidaan piilottaa aistein havaitsematonta tietoa. Tämä tieto voidaan myöhemmin poimia esiin, minkä vuoksi sovelluskohteita esimerkiksi Internetin kautta tapahtuvassa jakelussa on useita. Perinteisesti vesileimaustekniikat keskittyvät pelkästään digitaalisessa muodossa pysyvään tietoon. Kuitenkin iso osa kuvainformaatiosta saa yhä vielä myös fyysisen muodon esimerkiksi kirjoissa, julisteissa ja etiketeissä. Myös vesileimauksella on useita sovelluskohteita painettujen kuvienkin osalta. Vesileimausta ajatellen painatus tuo kumminkin omat erityishaasteensa vesileimaustekniikoille.
Tässä väitöskirjassa kehitetään menetelmiä, jotka mahdollistavat piilotetun tiedon säilymisen painetussa kuvassa. Piilotettu tieto voidaan lukea käyttämällä skanneria tai matkapuhelimen kameraa tiedon digitalisointiin. Digitalisoinnin jälkeen vesileimausohjelma osaa lukea piilotetun tiedon. Vesileimauksen osalta haasteellisuus tulee vääristymistä, joita sekä kuvien tulostus sekä digitalisointi aiheuttavat. Väitöstyössä keskitytään monibittisiin vesileimaustekniikoihin, joissa alkuperäistä kuvaa ei tarvita vesileimaa poimittaessa. Väitöstyössä kehitetyt menetelmät on testattu toimistoympäristössä standardi toimistolaitteita käyttäen. Käytännön sovelluksia ajatellen, testeissä on kiinnitetty huomiota myös yhdistelmähyökkäysten sekä painetun kuvan taustan vaikutukseen algoritmin robustisuudelle.
Ensisijainen tavoite on kehittää menetelmiä, jotka kestävät printtaus ja skannaus operaation. Toinen tavoite on tiedon kestävyys luettaessa tietoa matkapuhelimen kameran avulla.
Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan ja kehitellään ratkaisuja neljälle eri osa-alueelle: (1) Ihmisaisteja mallintavien menetelmien käyttö vesileimauksen kestävyyden lisäämiseksi; (2) Robusti synkronointi luettaessa monibittistä tietoa painotuotteesta; (3) Suunnattuja jaksollisia kuvioita käyttävä menetelmä, joka mahdollistaa monibittisen tiedon koodaamisen ja dekoodaamisen hyökkäysten jälkeen; (4) Sovellustasolla tarkastellaan kahta pääsovellusta: interaktiivinen juliste sekä kestävä ja turvattu avaimen avulla tapahtuva painotuotteen identifiointi.
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