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Změna vlastnických struktur českých médií na počátku 21.století - návrat do rukou domácích vlastníků / Transformation of the czech media ownership structures in the early 21 centuryVojtová, Magdaléna January 2017 (has links)
The primary goal of this master thesis was to analyze the development of ownership of daily newspapers in the Czech Republic in the period 2008 - 2016. The development of media ownership in the monitored period was analyzed in the context of the long term structural problems of media sector, which were intensified by the economic crisis beginning in 2008. In addition to the economic context, the thesis also deals with the historical context, specifically the changes of the Czech daily newspapers market after 1989. In connection with the transfer of ownership of the Czech publishing houses to the hands of domestic businessmen, often with direct links to politics, thesis also deals with the issue of ownership concentration and the relations between media and politics. I also mention the phenomenon of emerging new, alternative media projects by the journalists in reaction to ownership changes threatening pluralism and freedom of speech. In the end, I also compare the development of ownership of the daily newspapers in the Czech Republic with the development of ownership in other countries of the CEE region, such as Slovakia, Poland, Hungary or the Baltic States.
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Využití 3D tisku v TZB / Using 3D printing in HVACMalovaný, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
In the experimental part of this thesis there is an assessment of pressure bearing capacity of cylindrical nozzles printed using a 3D printer. In the theoretical part of this diploma thesis there are outlined the types of additive technologies focusing on the development of FDM printers, open designs and RepRap project. Descripti-on of the production process of 3D printing and application of additive technolo-gies in the field of HVAC. In the project part, the design of the forced ventilation of the Sports Hall is solved. The object is assessed in terms of heat losses and profits for priority rooms of functional units. Heat load coverage is carried out by air-conditioning equipment. In addition, a project is drawn up which contains all the text and drawings, including technical specifications and regulatory schemes.
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Použití technologie 3D tisku pro návrh výroby náhradních dílů / Use of 3D printing technology for the design of spare parts productionŠafl, Pavel January 2021 (has links)
This seminar thesis deals with the issue of 3D printing in companies. The aim was to describe additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies. Moreover, to select the most common materials which are used and describe them. It was also necessary to perform a study of mechanical stresses and prepare a detailed description of the mechanical properties of materials. From these data, methods of use in the automotive industry were described. The most important part was to introduce case studies and create a description of which 3D printing technologies have the fastest return on investment.
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Návrh 3D tiskárny typu delta pi s temperovanou podložkou s využitím systémů CAE / Design of delta pi 3D printer with tempered bed using CAE systemsKoudela, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with 3D printing using non-commercial 3D RepRap type printers. This work briefly describes development trends of non-commercial RepRap printers, theory of FDM print with analysis and comparison of materials, which are used in printing and the issue of the finite volume method and theory of heat diffusion. The practical part based on simulations from SolidWorks Flow Simulation discussed two basic methods of heating hot bed, then the temperature profile of hot end and the heat flow in full assembly of the printer. Outcome of this work is design an optimized model and the physical assembly of 3D printer delta pi type.
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Návrh tlačového prostredia strednej firmy / Design of Printing Environment for Medium CompanyBondra, Ivan January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of the printing environment in REGADA company. Based on the analysis of the current print operation in company, the work points to the usual challenges of midsize companies in this field. Solution of these problemsis introduced in the design part of the thesis. This part describes the optimization of the main areas of the printing environment resulting in technical, operational and financial benefits of the proposed solutions.
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William Bernard Cooke, George Cooke, and J.M.W. Turner: Business of the Topographical Print SeriesTurpijn, Saskia C. 01 January 2019 (has links)
The organization of eighteenth and nineteenth-century British printmaking and publishing was based on economic principles and occurred in the collaborative sphere of the engraver’s studio. Print designers, engravers, printers, and publishers formed a professional network that operated on economic principles, publishing prints that served to generate income for its participants. These ventures faced great challenges in the lengthy and laborious processes of engraving and publishing, and in financing the project for the duration of that time.
This project examines the economic structure of early nineteenth-century prints. Using comprehensive accounting records, it analyzes two well-known topographical print series. The profitable Southern coast by William Bernard Cooke and George Cooke is compared to the financially unsuccessful Tour of Italy by James Hakewill, series that both were partly based on watercolors by J.M.W. Turner.
A well-managed organization and a sound financial framework laid the foundation for a profitable venture. The success of print series hinged on several critical success factors, such as access to sufficient capital, strict cost containment, and optimized print editions.
An examination of the conflict that ended the collaboration between Turner and the engravers Cooke, originating in Turner’s demand for higher design fees, puts the validity of the arguments of both parties in a new light.
The investigation into the work practice of the engravers Cooke and the economic factors that determined the outcome of their labor contributes to a better understanding of the printmakers’ opportunities and challenges at the onset of the modern art market.
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Anwendung von intelligenten Technologien in der online-Qualitätskontrolle von DruckproduktenFlemming, Steven 20 June 2006 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Anwendung von intelligenten Technologien in der online-Kontrolle von Druckprodukten. Ausgehend von der Qualität der Druckprodukte und den Möglichkeiten der Kontrolle von Druckqualität direkt im Herstellungsprozess werden Lösungen der Druckbildkontrolle diskutiert. Den Kern der Arbeit bildet die Anwendung intelligenter Technologien, wie Fuzzy Logic oder Neuronale Netze, in der Kontrolle von Druckbildern. Aufgrund der Generalisierungsmöglichkeiten und der Modularität der untersuchten Algorithmen eignen sich die beschriebenen Ansätze zur Implementierung in ein Druckkontrollsystem oder in andere zeitkritische Bildverarbeitungssysteme.
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Vom CAD-Modell über die Simulation zum 3D-Druck und zurück : Simulationsansätze in einer, durch den 3D-Druck entfesselten, neuen GestaltungsfreiheitPrinz, Ralf 22 July 2016 (has links)
War bisher die Gestalt von Bauteilen und Baugruppen in Konstruktionen sehr stark durch ihre Fertigungsverfahren beeinflusst, so ändern sich diese Vorgaben durch die Verwendung von 3D- Druck auf beinahe revolutionäre Art und Weise. Und somit werden Ansätze salonfähig, die bisher doch eher selten in Anwendung waren, wie z.B. Gitterstrukturen oder Topologieoptimierung. Diese finden nun wieder häufiger ihren Weg in die Bauteil- und Baugruppenstrukturen. Die Verwendung birgt aber auch damit einhergehende Herausforderungen, da sich z.B. die Bauteilgrößen nach einer Topologieoptimierung drastisch vergrößern und z.B. auch die Glättung der Teile für den Druck, sowie die Rückführung in die CAD-Systeme, häufig noch eine ungelöste Aufgabe darstellen. Diese Ansätze müssen bezogen auf den PLM Gedanken, prozesstechnisch durchdacht und entsprechend implementiert werden. Der Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit der dafür notwendigen Prozesskette vom CAD-Model über die Simulationsverfahren wie Topologieoptimierung oder Gitterstrukturen, Glättung von Strukturen u.v.m. sowie deren Rückführung ins CAD/PLM.
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Chimericwear : Blending Boundaries Between Digital and Physical Expressions in Fashion DesignPaberza, Liana January 2023 (has links)
The thesis bridges the gap between physical and digital print design in search of a hybrid state, reflecting our present time. With AI-assisted creativity in print development and features such as added volume to the print elements, the physical garments replicate the creation of a 3D object existing in computer software. Through innovative garment construction techniques and the development of photographic print composition, it redefines the relationship between print, form, and body. Driven by visually stimulating imagery and the desire to communicate physical sensation through concepts constructed via digital tools, the thesis proposes hybrid wearables existing in both the digital and physical states. The research examines an innovative symbiosis between the nostalgic past and the futuristic present with joyful expression in mind while simultaneously harmonizing the saturated voices of the current zeitgeist. The project contributes to the utilization of AI image-generating tools such as Dalle2 in the design practice and the role of maintaining human-centered design instead of replacing it. The results are presented in multitudes of different presentation formats from analog or digital ones in the forms of image stills and animation to phygital convergences between the virtual and the actual reality.
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Digital vs. In-print Textbooks: Relationships and Trends for College StudentsPatton, Kelly A., Miss 17 April 2014 (has links)
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