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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Técnicas para definir prioridades em saúde: análise da mortalidade por causas evitáveis em Fortaleza em 1981-83 / Techniques to define health priorities: analysis of avoidable mortality in Fortaleza, 1981-83

Marcelo Gurgel Carlos da Silva 05 December 1990 (has links)
Foram emitidas consideraçoes sobre os indicadores de saúde e a mortalidade por causas evitáveis como instrumentos para a avaliação das condições de saúde da população e ainda analisados os critérios de prioridades e a importância de estabelecer prioridades em saúde em função da limitação dos recursos para o Setor Saúde. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi o de determinar, analisar e comparar as prioridades em saúde de Fortaleza, segundo técnicas de hierarquização, para a mortalidade por grupos de de causas evitáveis 1981-83. O material básico foi Constituído das declarações de óbitos de residentes em Fortaleza referentes ao período 1981-83, obtidas junto à Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Ceará. As declarações de óbitos, após a seleção da causa básica de morte, foram codificadas e apuradas por causas, ao nível de categorias, segundo sexo e grupo etário, e, em seguida, distribuídas em grupos de causas evitáveis, conforme a classificação proposta por Taucher. Posteriormente, foram redistribuídas nos diversos grupos de causas evitáveis as declarações referentes às causas mal definidas, proporcionalmente à participação por sexo e faixa etária. Para estabelecer as escalas de prioridades dos grupos de causas evitáveis foram utilizadas doze técnicas: ganhos em esperança de vida ao nascer (e0.) e ganhos em esperança de vida ativa (e a.), mediante tábuas de vida de múltiplo decremento; anos de vida ativa potencial -(ea)X - e de um trabalhador-e ax - perdidos, a partir das tábuas de vida ativa; anos potenciais de vida perdidos, com três variantes, limite em 65 anos (APVP 65), limite em 70 anos (APVP 70) e esperança de vida à idade especificada (APVP ex); técnica CENDES/OPS, consoante três modelos diferentes de transcendência (TCl, TC2 e TC3); e perdas econômicas correntes e futuras (PEC e PEF), baseadas nas medianas de renda por sexo e idade. Essas técnicas foram operadas considerando a eliminação total das causas evitáveis e a eliminação parcial, conforme a vulnerabilidade arbitrada a cada grupo de causas evitáveis. A comparação das escalas decrescentes de prioridades foi efetuada por intermédio da correlação por postos de Spearman. Os resultados do trabalho revelaram que 57,55 por cento e 42,46 por cento dos óbitos em homens e mulheres foram por causas evitáveis correspondendo a taxas de 483,77 por 100,000 homens e 295,30 por 100.000 mulheres, respectivamente, e que a mortalidade por causas evitáveis tem um elevado impacto em anos potenciais de vida perdidos e em perdas econômicas. A hierarquização das prioridades segundo as várias têcnicas apontou os Grupo F - mortes produzidas por violências - e C - evitáveis por medidas de saneamento ambiental - como as duas primeiras prioridades saúde em Fortaleza. A comparação entre conjuntos de técnicas demonstrou que a redução e/ou simplificação do número de técnicas adotadas para definir prioridades em saúde podem ser aplicadas sem sacrifício da precisão oferecida pelo modelo completo, que contempla as doze técnicas. Por fim, foi salientada a contribuição dessas técnicas para orientar o processo político que envolve a decisão de eleger as prioridades em saúde. / Considerations were made about the indicators of health and mortality by avoidable causes as instruments for the evaluation of the health conditions of the population and analysed were performed on the criteria of priority and the importance of stablishing priorities in health, taking into account the limitation of resources for the Health Sector. The general objective of the thesis was that of assessing, analysing and comparing health priorities in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, according to techniques of hierarchization for the mortality by groups of preventable causes in 1981-83. The basic material was constituted by the death certificates of residentes in Fortaleza related to the period 1981-83, which were obtained at the Secretary of Health of the State of Ceará. The death certificates, after a selecyion, of underlying cause of death were codified and computed by causes, at the level of categories, in regard to sex and age range, and afterwrds, distributed in groups of preventable causes, according to a classification proposed by Taucher. The certificates referred to illdefined causes were then redistributed, proportionally to the participation by sex and age. Twelve techniques were utilized in distributing the range of priorities of the groups of preventable causes: gains in the life expectancy at birth (eO.), gains in active life expectancy (e a.), through tables of life of multiple decrement; potential active life - (ea)x - and of a worker - e ax - years of life lost from the table of active life; pottentiall years of life lost, with three variants, limit in 65 years (APVP65), limit in 70 years (APVP70) and life expectancy at a specified age (APVPex); CENDES/OPS technique in accordance with three different models of transtendence (TC1, TC2 and TC3): and present and futures economic lesses (PEC and PEF), based in the median of income by sex and age. These techniques were used taking into consideration the total elimination of preventable causes and the partial elimination, as to the ascertained vulnerability to each group\'s of preventable causes. The comparison of the decreasing ranks of priorities was carried out though the correlation by posts of Spearman. The results revealed that 57.55 per cent and 42.46 per cent of deaths in men and women were due to preventable causes, corresponding to rates of 483.77 per 100,000 men and 295.30 per 100,00 women respectively, and that the mortality by preventable causes has and elevated impact on potential life lost and in economic losses. The hierarchization of the priorities according to several techniques pointed to the Groups F- death produced by violence - and C - avoidable by measures of envirorimental sanitation - as the two first priorities of health in Fortaleza; the comparison among sets of techniques demonstrated that the reduction and/or simplification of the number of adopted techniques to define priorities in Health can be applied without sacrificing the precision by the complete model, which comprises the twelve techniques. At last, the contribution of these techniques was stressed to orient the political process that involves the decision of choosing priorities in health.

Using Shared Priorities to Support Training of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Crews

Ekström, Ellen January 2015 (has links)
Swedish nuclear power plant control room crews have training sessions in full scope simulators every year. These sessions are designed to prepare operators to cope with incidents and accidents. The aim is to develop operators’ knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to operate the nuclear power plant in a safe manner. Training sessions is an opportunity to practice and develop the crews’ teamwork, decision processes and working strategies. The purpose of this study was to explore if and how the instrument Shared Priorities can support training of nuclear power plant control room crews. Shared Priorities is an instrument to measure teams’ shared awareness of a situation and has in earlier studies been used in military and student teams. During the simulator re-training period of control room crews, 14 crews used the instrument Shared Priorities in one or two of their training scenarios. The instrument consists of two steps. Firstly, crew members generate and prioritise a list of five items they think are most important for the crew to cope with in the scenarios current situation. They also rank another crew member’s list. Secondly, the crews and instructors perform a focus group discussion based on the generated lists. Results from questionnaires, focus group discussions and an interview with instructors showed that operators and instructors believe that Shared Priorities can support their training in several ways. Crews see meetings and other disseminations of information as an essential part of maintaining shared understanding of different situations. They believe the instrument may help crews reflect upon and develop their meeting procedures. Operators and instructors also believe that by using the instrument it can help crews to increase their understanding of having a shared situation understanding and shared vision. However the procedure when using Shared Priorities has to be modified in order to be able to support crews’ training in an optimal way.

Strategic consensus building : A single case study in a merged organization

Buijs, Sonja, Langguth, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Background: Considering high merger failure in the process of strategy implementation, there is a need to elaborate on strategic consensus building during this major organizational change. Purpose: To gain understanding about the strategic consensus building process in a merged organization from a teleological perspective. The premerger influence and the intervening circumstances are expected to affect the process of consensus building. Methodology: A single case study approach was taken by interviewing twelve senior managers from two hierarchical levels as well as five managers from the corporate strategy department of a merged organization to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. Findings: The empirical findings indicated that consensus on strategic priorities is essential for further development of a merged organization. In addition, this study has identified three strategic consensus building facilitators vertical communication, transparency, and agility.

Att vara tillräcklig i en otillräcklig vård : En litteraturstudie om personcentrerad vård och sjuksköterskans prioriteringar / To be sufficient in an insufficient care : Person-centred care and the registered nurse prioritizations - a literature study

Svanberg, Marcus, Svantesson, Isac January 2017 (has links)
Kraven på hälso- och sjukvård växer i takt med den globala populationen. Forskning visar att behovet av vård ökar men att kvalitén på den blir allt lägre, vilket leder till en problematisering huruvida personcentrerad vård går att uppnå eller om det är en idealbild för vården. Vårdpersonal inom hälso- och sjukvård tror sig arbeta utifrån personcentrerad vård där patienten ses som person och sätts i centrum av vårdandet. Av föregående utformades litteraturstudiens syfte, att undersöka hur sjuksköterskans prioriteringar i omvårdnadsarbetet överensstämmer med en personcentrerad vård. Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie med stöd av innehållsanalys där en jämförelse tog grund i att finna likheter och skillnader mellan hur sjuksköterskan prioriterade utifrån definitionen av personcentrerad vård. I litteraturstudiens resultat framkommer att sjuksköterskor uttryckte önskan om att bedriva vård utöver den, för dem, nödvändiga vården och att vården snarare genomfördes enligt rutiner där främst de medicinska behoven tillgodosågs än att identifiera patienters samtliga behov. Att bedriva vård i samråd med patienten har visats ha goda och gynnsamma följder för vårdandet, vilket karaktäriseras av den personcentrerade vården. Det anses vara av vikt att mer forskning fastställer hur personcentrerad vård kan implementeras inom hälso- och sjukvård. / With a growing global population the demands on health care increases. Research shows that the need of care is getting bigger but quality is decreasing. A question rises, whether it is even possible to provide person-centred care or if it is an ideal picture of care. Healthcare professionals believe that they work based on person- centered care where the patient is seen as a person and at the heart of care. This led up to the aim of the study which was to show how registered nurses priorities in caring correspond with person-centered care. The study was conducted as a general literature study. Guided by content analysis similarities and differences, in registered nurses priorities related to person-centered care where found. The results show that registered nurses felt, unlike what they would want, that the care provided was not person-centered but rather what was necessary from a medical perspective. Instead of being person-centered and adapted to the individual at hand, care was based on routines. Providing care together with the patient is what characterizes person- centered care and it has beneficial consequences. It is of importance that future research explores how person-centered care could be implemented in health care.

Cíle předsednictví Rady Evropské unie / Objectives of presidencies of the Council of the EU

Kolářová, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
Each presidency presents its program of priorities before the beginning. In connection with the formulation of the priorities we can follow three different lines influencing the whole process: affairs within EU, affairs out of EU and last but not least the national priorities of individual member states. The target of this thesis is to present a general overview of EU presidencies in the period 2000-2008 and to demonstrate, that formulated priorities do not appear in the agendas of presidencies randomly, but reflect certain continuity in development of the integration process.

Priority rozvoje městyse Dolní Cerekve z pohledu občanů / Development priorities township Dolni Cerekev the eyes of citizens

Havelka, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out which shortages in a municipality the local people feel, and to offer suitable, economically acceptable measures that will improve the quality of life in context with sustainable development of the municipality. The theoretical part is going to explain the basic terms with which I am going to work later in the practical part. In the theoretical part I am going to concentrate on the issue of sustainable developmnet, municipality development, a questionnaire survey, and, partially, on the issue of town sociology. In the practical part, I am going to describe a municipality, the questionnaire survey that I am going to make, in the summary I am going to offer measures that should contribute to the sustainable development in a municipality.

Dopad procesu europeizace na Španělsko / The Impact of the europeanisation process on Spain

Urban, Traian January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the europeanisation process and its impact on Spain. Its main aim is to find answers to the following questions - which Spanish institutions were mostly affected by Spain joining the European Communities/European Union and how successful was Spain in putting their political priorities on the top of the list of the European Union agenda. It analyses the main impacts and emphasizes the institutional changes that were put in place with the aim of fulfilling the European political requirements. Having done the analysis using the appropriate tools, this dissertation comes to a conclusion that the Spanish membership in the European Communities/European Union had an important impact on domestic institutional structure and the political system. It also shows that in certain aspects Spain was able to push its national interests and to influence the European integration process in the areas of its priority interests. On the other hand, this dissertation also comes to a conclusion, that with the growing number of member states and the impact of economic crisis Spain has lost its productive power that was characteristic for this country until the end of 2004. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)


Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this descriptive phenomenological study was to give voice to an underserved and vulnerable population in Uganda, Africa to advocate for health priorities. Nineteen members of the village of Namagera, identified as a leper colony, were selected by community members and volunteered to participate in every element of this study. Descriptive phenomenology was the guiding philosophy and community-based participatory research methods and photovoice provided the lens for social action. Leininger’s theory of culture care diversity and universality (Leininger & McFarland, 2006) anchored the study in cultural caring and the community nursing practice model (Parker et al., 2020) kept the researcher grounded in the purpose of advancing the science of caring in community nursing. The research team included the researcher, the 19 participants, and six research assistants, who also served as language facilitators. Using photovoice methods, participants identified strengths and needs and used digital cameras to capture health concerns in the community. Eighty photos were analyzed by the participants and priorities were determined. The selected photos were placed on a photo board and shared with the whole community for input. Community members selected the health priorities and ranked them in importance: access to clean water, sanitation, disease, challenges for the elderly and disabled, lack of medical treatment, transportation, unemployment, and protection of the environment. The participants categorized the health priorities into three clusters of themes: basic needs, safety, and social/environmental. The themes were further incorporated into action plans identifying impeding factors for which the community would require outside assistance and promoting factors for which the community could solve themselves. Findings of this study illuminate the emergence of community empowerment: Community members found their voices, identified health priorities, and advocated for solutions. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2020. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Determining Priorities and Potential Locations for Recreation Facilities in Cache County, Utah

Thomas, Parry C. 01 May 1980 (has links)
This thesis establishes priorities for recreation expenditures in Cache County, Utah. This is achieved by comparing the supply and demand of facilities for the most popular activities in order to determine \Vhere there are deficiencies. Once these priorities have been determined, the problem of where the facilities to meet these priorities should be located is discussed. Recommendations are made as to what needs to be done to specifically locate these facilities.

Community Forum: 2019 Legislative Priorities

Calhoun, McKenzie L. 01 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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