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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimizacija uslova umnožavanja i primarnog izdvajanja biomase Bacillus sp. za primenu u fitomedicini / Optimization of cultivation and separation processes for production of Bacillus sp. biomass intended for application in phytomedicine

Pajčin Ivana 08 November 2019 (has links)
<p>Sve veća potreba za hranom kao posledica povećanja broja ljudi &scaron;irom sveta dovela je do intenzifikacije poljoprivrednih aktivnosti usmerenih na direktnu proizvodnju hrane i hrane za životinje. U poslednjih nekoliko decenija sve vi&scaron;e se govori o problemu prekomerne upotrebe hemijskih pesticida, &scaron;to je je rezultovalo degradacijom kvaliteta zemlji&scaron;ta, kao i sve većim zagađenjem podzemnih i povr&scaron;inskih voda. Osim toga, nedovoljno naučnih podataka o uticaju hemijskih jedinjenja koja ulaze u sastav pesticida na zdravlje ljudi izaziva jo&scaron; veći stepen zabrinutosti. Stoga se iznalaženje novih načina za kontrolu biljnih &scaron;tetočina i prevenciju i tretman bolesti biljaka postavlja kao imperativ održive poljoprivredne proizvodnje, a samim tim i održivog razvoja. Jedna od alternativa koje su pokazale najveći potencijal jeste primena biopesticida, koji po svojoj naj&scaron;iroj definiciji predstavljaju žive organizme ili njihove proizvode koji pokazuju sposobnost suzbijanja &scaron;tetočina. Kada su u pitanju mikrobiolo&scaron;ki biopesticidi, bakterije roda <em>Bacillus</em> predstavljaju najzastupljenije mikroorganizme koji se mogu sresti u komercijalno dostupnim proizvodima. Proizvodnja mikrobiolońkih biopesticida, iako u konstantnom porastu, i dalje čini samo mali deo ukupnog svetskog trži&scaron;ta sredstava za za&scaron;titu bilja, najvi&scaron;e zbog visokih tro&scaron;kova i komplikovanog procesa proizvodnje ovog tipa biokontrolnih agenasa. Stoga je kao osnovni cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije postavljena optimizacija uslova umnožavanja i primarnog izdvajanja biomase soja <em>Bacillus velezensis</em> sa primenom za sprečavanje pojave i &scaron;irenja bakterioza povrtarskih useva koje izazivaju fitopatogene vrste roda<em> Xanthomonas</em>, koji u Republici Srbiji izazivaju velike ekonomske gubitke u proizvodnji kupusa, paprike i paradajza. Prvi korak optimizacije bioprocesa podrazumevao je odabir optimalnog izvora ugljenika i organskog izvora azota za biotehnolo&scaron;ku proizvodnju biokontrolnih agenasa, pri čemu su najbolji rezultati dobijeni primenom glicerola i ekstrakta kvasca, &scaron;to je otvorilo mogućnost ispitivanja primene sirovog glicerola iz proizvodnje biodizela kao izvora ugljenika. Nakon toga je usledilo modelovanje sastava hranljive podloge na bazi komercijalnog i sirovog glicerola u pogledu ispitivanja uticaja komponenata podloge (glicerola, ekstrakta kvasca, (NH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> i K<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4</sub>) na odabrane odzive (prečnik zona inhibicije i rezidualne koncentracije nutrijenata &ndash; glicerola, ukupnog azota i ukupnog fosfora). Dobijeni matematički modeli posmatranih odziva, za koje je dokazano da su statistički značajni na nivou značajnosti od 95%, dalje su kori&scaron;ćeni za optimizaciju sastava hranljivih podloga. Optimizovan sastav hranljive podloge na bazi komercijalnog glicerola je sledeći: glicerol 10 g/l, ekstrakt kvasca 2,83 g/l, (NH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> 3 g/l, K<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4</sub> 1,07 g/l i MgSO<sub>4</sub>∙7H<sub>2</sub>O 0,3 g/l. Sa druge strane, optimizovan sastav hranljive podloge na bazi sirovog glicerola dobija se primenom sledećih koncentracija nutrijenata: glicerol 10 g/l, K<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4</sub> 4,66 g/l i MgSO<sub>4</sub>∙7H<sub>2</sub>O 0,3 g/l, &scaron;to ukazuje na mogućnost smanjenja tro&scaron;kova pripreme ove hranljive podloge zbog izostavljanja izvora azota. Validacija dobijenih matematičkih modela izvr&scaron;ena je eksperimentima kultivacije proizvodnog mikroorganizma u uvećanim razmerama - u Vulfovim bocama (2 l) i laboratorijskom bioreaktoru (3 l), čiji su rezultati pokazali zadovoljavajuću korelaciju sa modelima predviđenim vrednostima odziva bioprocesa, pri čemu su bolji rezultati dobijeni primenom hranljive podloge na bazi komercijalnog glicerola i kultivacijom proizvodnog mikroorganizma u laboratorijskom bioreaktoru. Unapređenje procesa unakrsne mikrofiltracije kultivacionih tečnosti dobijenih nakon kultivacije proizvodnog mikroorganizma <em>Bacillus velezensis</em> na hranljivoj podlozi na bazi komercijalnog glicerola primenom različitih hidrodinamiĉkih metoda pokazalo je značajan potencijal primene Kenics statičkog me&scaron;ača, uduvavanja vazduha i kombinacije ovih metoda za pobolj&scaron;anje fluksa permeata u stacionarnom stanju.<em> In planta</em> ispitivanje antimikrobne aktivnosti preparata na bazi <em>Bacillus velezensis</em> protiv fitopatogenih sojeva vrste <em>Xanthomonas euvesicatoria</em>, koji izazivaju bakterioznu pegavost paprike, pokazalo je značajan potencijal primene bikontrolnih agenasa na bazi <em>Bacillus velezensis</em> za suzbijanje ovog oboljenja paprike. Ispitivanje &scaron;ireg spektra delovanja preparata na bazi<em> Bacillus velezensis </em>pokazalo je značajan potencijal za suzbijanje oboljenja izazvanih fitopatogenim sojevima roda Fusarium, koji izazivaju truljenje jabuka u toku skladi&scaron;tenja. Rezultati proistekli iz okvira ove doktorske disertacije predstavljaju osnovu za dalje unapređenje i povećanje razmera biotehnolońkog postupka proizvodnje biokontrolnih agenasa na bazi proizvodnog mikroorganizma <em>Bacillus velezensis</em>, uz predlog re&scaron;enja za iskori&scaron;ćenje sirovog glicerola iz proizvodnje biodizela u biotehnolońkom postupku dobijanja proizvoda sa dodatom vredno&scaron;ću.</p> / <p>The raise of human population worldwide requires higher amount of available groceries, which has led to intensification of agricultural activities directed at production of food and feed. In the last few decades the problem of chemical pesticides‟ overuse has resulted in soil deterioration and contamination of surface and underground water reservoirs. Furthermore, insufficient scientific data concerning the chronic effect of chemicals used in pesticides on human health contribute to the global concern when it comes to pesticides‟ usage. Therefore finding new ways to control plant pests and to prevent or suppress plant diseases has become an imperative for sustainable agricultural production and consequently for sustainable development. One of the alternatives showing great potential is usage of biopesticides, comprising of living organisms or their products able to suppress plant pathogens. When it comes to microbial biopesticides, bacteria of the genus Bacillus are the most often used in commercial biocontrol products. Microbial biopesticides, although being a raising alternative, still represent only small share of the global pesticides‟ market, mostly due to expensive and complicated production process. Hence the main goal of the research in the framework of this PhD thesis was to optimize conditions of cultivation and separation processes for production of Bacillus velezensis biomass intended for application in prevention and suppression of plant diseases caused by phytopathogenic species of the genus Xanthomonas, which cause significant economic losses during agricultural production of cabbage, pepper and tomato in the Republic of Serbia. The first step of bioprocess optimization was to choose optimal carbon and organic nitrogen sources for biocontrol agents‟ production, where the best results have been achieved by using glycerol and yeast extract, which opened a new chapter of possibilities to utilize raw glycerol from biodiesel production as carbon source. After that, modeling of cultivation medium composition based on commercial and raw glycerol was performed in order to investigate the effect of cultivation medium components (glycerol, yeast extract, (NH4)2SO4 and K2HPO4) on the selected responses (inhibition zone diameter and residual concentration of nutrients &ndash; glycerol, total nitrogen and total phosphorus). The obtained mathematical models for the selected responses, proved to be statistically significant at the significance level of 95%, were further used for optimization of cultivation media composition. Optimized composition of the cultivation medium based on commercial glycerol was: glycerol 10 g/L, yeast extract 2.83 g/L, (NH4)2SO4 3 g/L, K2HPO4 1.07 g/L and MgSO4∙7H2O 0.3 g/L. On the other hand, optimized composition of the cultivation medium based on raw glycerol was: glycerol 10 g/L, K2HPO4 4.66 g/L and MgSO4∙7H2O 0.3 g/L, which has opened a possibility to reduce cost of cultivation medium preparation by excluding nitrogen sources. Validation of the obtained mathematical models was carried out by cultivating the producing microorganism at a larger scale &ndash; in Woulff bottles (2 L) and in a laboratory-scale bioreactor (3 L). Validation results were in good correlation with the model predicted values of the selected responses, where better results were achieved by using cultivation medium based on commercial glycerol and cultivation of the producing microorganism in the laboratory-scale bioreactor. Application of different hydrodynamic methods, such as Kenics static mixer, air sparging and their combination, has showed a significant potential for improvement of cross flow microfiltration of Bacillus velezensis cultivation broth based on commercial glycerol in terms of permeate flux enhancement. Also, significant potential of the Bаcillus velezensis cultivation broth for suppression of phytopathogenic Xanthomonas euvesicatoria strains, which cause bacterial spot of pepper, has been proven during in planta experiments. Investigation of wider spectra of antimicrobial activity expressed by preparation based on Bаcillus velezensis cultivation broth has revealed a significant potential for suppression of Fusarium phytopathogenic species responsible for apple rot during storage. The results arising from the research performed in the framework of this PhD thesis represent solid basis for further improvement and scale-up of biotechnological process for production of biocontrol agents based on Bacillus velezensis, with a proposal for utilization of raw glycerol from biodiesel production in biotechnological production of value-added products.</p>

A life cycle optimization approach to hydrocarbon recovery

Parra Sanchez, Cristina, 1977- 17 February 2011 (has links)
The objective of reservoir management is to maximize a key performance indicator (net present value in this study) at a minimum cost. A typical approach includes engineering analysis, followed by the economic value of the technical study. In general, operators are inclined to spend more effort on the engineering side to the detriment of the economic area, leading to unbalanced and occasionally suboptimal results. Moreover, most of the optimization methods used for production scheduling focus on a given recovery phase, or medium-term strategy, as opposed to an integrated solution that allocates resources from discovery to field abandonment. This thesis addresses the optimization of a reservoir under both technical and economic constraints. In particular, the method presented introduces a life cycle maximization approach to establish the best exploitation strategy throughout the life of the project. Deterministic studies are combined with stochastic modeling and risk analysis to assess decision making under uncertainty. To demonstrate the validity of the model, this document offers two case studies and the optimal times associated with each recovery phase. In contrast with traditional depletion strategies, where the optimization is done myopically by maximizing the net present value at each recovery phase, our results suggest that time is dramatically reduced when the net present value is optimized globally by maximizing the NPV for the life of the project. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis proves that the original oil in place and non-engineering parameters such as the price of oil are the most influential variables. The case studies clearly show the greater economic efficiency of this life cycle approach, confirming the potential of this optimization technique for practical reservoir management. / text

Sélection et mise en oeuvre "optimale" de souches microbiennes en bioréacteur, pour la production d'acide hyaluronique / "Optimal" selection and implementation of microbial strains in bioreactor for hyaluronic acid production

Leblanc, Pierrick 05 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail se proposait de développer, à l’échelle du laboratoire, un procédé de production microbienne d’acide hyaluronique (AH), biopolymère d’intérêt pour la cosmétique et la santé, chez une bactérie lactique naturellement productrice, Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Une étude bibliographique a permis d’identifier les points potentiellement critiques pour ce travail qui sont la composition du milieu de culture (identification de nutriments essentiels à la synthèse d’acide hyaluronique), les conditions opératoires et plus particulièrement d’oxygénation (transfert d’oxygène mais aussi maintien du potentiel d’oxydo-réduction), en relation avec les performances de production et le métabolisme des souches considérées. Une étape préliminaire a consisté en un développement et une amélioration de techniques analytiques pour disposer d’outils pertinents de suivi du métabolisme de Streptococcus zooepidemicus. La quantification de la biomasse hors acide hyaluronique ainsi que la détection de l’activité hyaluronidasique ont ainsi été développées tandis que d’autres méthodes chromatographiques et enzymatiques ont été simplement appliquées et validées aux substrats et métabolites considérés. La mise en œuvre de souches « environnementales » prélevées sur des sites infectieux chez le cheval, ainsi que de souches de collection, a permis dans un premier temps de formuler un milieu de culture et de définir des conditions de mise en œuvre exploitables à plus grande échelle pour la production d’AH. Des résultats très encourageants ont pu être obtenus avec des productions d’AH supérieures aux essais de la littérature, tout en mettant en avant des facteurs influents cruciaux tels que la concentration initiale en glucose ou encore l’oxygénation des cultures. L’influence de ces facteurs a été étudiée par la suite par le biais de cultures en bioréacteur de laboratoire en modes discontinu et discontinu-alimenté avec pour résultat l’obtention d’un mode de mise en œuvre et de conditions physico-chimiques de production améliorées. En parallèle, une étape importante de ce travail a consisté en une approche d’amélioration de souches « environnementales » par mutagénèse aléatoire, les performances de ces souches s’avérant initialement décevantes. Des mutants surproducteurs ont ainsi été générés, caractérisés au niveau de leurs performances métaboliques et conservés. En dernier lieu, un des mutants les plus performant a été mis en œuvre dans les conditions et le mode de culture sélectionnés précédemment. Tant le niveau de production d’AH, la productivité associée, que les tailles obtenues ont permis de valider ce travail de développement d’un procédé microbien de production d’AH, tout en identifiant de nouvelles voies d’amélioration / This work intended to develop a laboratory scaleproduction process ofhyaluronic acid (HA), a biopolymer of health and cosmetic interest, using a naturally AH producing lactic acid bacterium, Streptococcus zooepidemicus. A literature review allowed to identify the following critical points: firstly, the composition of the culture medium (identification of essential nutrients for microbial growth and synthesis of HA), secondly, the oxygenation level (oxygen transfer and associated redox modifications), and finally, in relation with, the production and metabolism abilities of the considered strains. A preliminary step was dedicated to the developmentorthe improvementof analytical techniques in order todispose of appropriate tools for the monitoring of Streptococcus zooepidemicus metabolism. The quantification of the biomass without considering capsular HA fraction as well as detection of hyaluronidase activity have been developed while other chromatographic and enzymatic methods have been more basically applied to and validated with the substrates and metabolites considered. The laboratory scale cultures of collection (ATCC) as well as “environmental” strains were initially used to formulate a workable cultivation broth and to define suitable culture conditionsfor a use at a larger scale to produce HA. Very positive results were obtained with higher production of HA in comparison with literature assays, while critical influencing factors such as the initial glucose concentration or the oxygenation levelin cultures were highlighted. The influence of these factors was thoroughly studied with bioreactor cultures in both batch and fed-batch modes leading to improved cultivation conditions and culture mode. In parallel, another important step consisted in the highly performance improvement of initially low HA producing "environmental" strains via random mutagenesis. Very promising overproducing mutants have therefore been generated, characterized in their kinetic and metabolic capabilities and long-term stored. At last, one of the best and most reliable mutant has been cultivated with the best previously selected medium composition and operating conditions. Both the HA production level, productivity and size observed validated the findings of this process development work, while helping to identify new improvement domains and strategies

Gerenciamento de resíduos no Laboratório Farmacêutico do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (LAFERGS) como contribuição para a otimização da produção de medicamentos / Management of waste at the pharmaceutical laboratory of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (LAFERGS) as a way of contributing for the optimization of drug production

Azevedo, Sandra Maria Zulian de January 2008 (has links)
O gerenciamento adequado de resíduos na indústria farmacêutica demonstra preocupação com a questão ambiental, a saúde pública e o combate ao desperdício. O objetivo desta dissertação foi contribuir para a otimização da produção de medicamentos no LAFERGS, mediante o gerenciamento de resíduos e, desta forma, colaborar para a melhoria da qualidade ambiental e da vida da população. A metodologia deste trabalho baseou-se na pesquisa bibliográfica para o embasamento teórico, na pesquisa documental em legislações relacionadas ao tema, em estudo de caso realizado no LAFERGS, no período de setembro de 2003 a agosto de 2004, para identificar os resíduos gerados e na elaboração do Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos (PGR). No estudo de caso foram caracterizados os resíduos químicos e recicláveis das atividades dos setores de produção e controle de qualidade de medicamentos, bem como os resíduos comuns recicláveis e não recicláveis gerados nas demais áreas do laboratório. O estudo forneceu dados para a elaboração do PGR e para melhorias no processo produtivo. Conclui-se que os resíduos químicos gerados na produção, no controle de qualidade e nos almoxarifados, são enquadrados no grupo B. Classificados como D estão os resíduos comuns, recicláveis e não recicláveis, resultantes das atividades industriais, administrativas, de refeitório, de sanitários e de jardinagem. Materiais perfurocortantes, como vidraria de laboratório quebrada, lâminas e lamínulas, classificam-se no grupo E. Não existe geração de resíduos do grupo C, que são os radioativos. Como contribuição para a otimização da produção indica-se a modernização tecnológica do laboratório, a efetiva implantação de um sistema de garantia da qualidade e a busca de maior agilidade e autonomia administrativo-financeira e a implantação do PGR com a adoção de técnicas de produção mais limpa e minimização da geração de resíduos. / The suitable management of waste in the pharmaceutical industry shows the concern for issues related to the environment, public health and the fight against waste. The purpose of this dissertation was to contribute for the optimization of drug production at LAFERGS (Pharmaceutical Laboratory of Rio Grande do Sul), through the management of waste and, in this way, to work together for the improvement in the quality of the environment, as well as the life of the population. The methodology is based on bibliographic research for theoretical grounding, in document research on legislation related to the theme, on a case study performed at LAFERGS, from September 2003 to August 2004, to identify the waste generated, and in the development of the Waste Management Plan (WMP). In the case study the chemical and recyclable waste from the drug production and quality control sector activities were characterized, as well as the common recyclable and non-recyclable waste generated in other areas of the laboratory. The study supplied data for the development of the WMP and for improvement in the productive process. It was concluded that the chemical waste generated in production, quality control and in the warehouses, fit within Group B. Common, recyclable and non-recyclable waste resulting from industrial and administrative activities, as well as from the cafeteria, restrooms and garden are classified as Group D. Cutting materials, such as broken laboratory glassware, blades and micro slides are classified in Group E. There is no management process for waste in Group C, made up of radioactive materials. Technological modernization of the laboratory, the effective implementation of a quality assurance system and the search for greater flexibility and administrative-financial autonomy, along with the implementation of the WMP, with the adoption of cleaner production techniques, and a reduction in the generation of waste, are all indicated as forms of optimizing production.

Production System Optimization For Submersible Pump Lifted Wells:a Case Study

Guler, Ozan Nuri 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
A computer program has been written to perform production optimization in submersible pump lifted wells.Production optimization was achieved by the principles of Nodal Analysis Technique which was applied between the reservoir and the wellhead ignoring the surface choke and separator.computer program has been written according to two lifting environment,which are:pumping with only liquid,pumping with both liquid and gas.

Analyzing The Design Of Submersible Lifted Deviated Oil Wells

Kahya, Ali Cenk 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Electrical Submersible Pumping (ESP) is a well known artificial lift technique in reservoirs having high-water cut and low gas-oil ratio. It is known as an effective and economical method of producing large volumes of fluid under different well conditions. ESP equipments are capable of producing in a range of 200 b/d to 60.000 b/d. A case study was done, by designing 10 deviated or horizontal wells selected from the Y-oilfield in Western Siberia. SubPUMP software developed by IHS Energy is used for designing the ESP systems of these wells. These 10 wells will be working with variable speed drives. After selecting the available equipment from the inventory, the best running frequencies are selected for these wells. Evaluations of the designs are made from the pump performance graphs of each well. The pumps should work within their optimum efficiency ranges. These ranges can be seen from the pump performance curves. If the designs made are not within these efficiency ranges, designs should be evaluated and selecting new equipment should be should be an option. Because working outside the optimum efficiency ranges will decrease the production, shorten the runlifes of the pumps and the production will not be stable.

Gerenciamento de resíduos no Laboratório Farmacêutico do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (LAFERGS) como contribuição para a otimização da produção de medicamentos / Management of waste at the pharmaceutical laboratory of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (LAFERGS) as a way of contributing for the optimization of drug production

Azevedo, Sandra Maria Zulian de January 2008 (has links)
O gerenciamento adequado de resíduos na indústria farmacêutica demonstra preocupação com a questão ambiental, a saúde pública e o combate ao desperdício. O objetivo desta dissertação foi contribuir para a otimização da produção de medicamentos no LAFERGS, mediante o gerenciamento de resíduos e, desta forma, colaborar para a melhoria da qualidade ambiental e da vida da população. A metodologia deste trabalho baseou-se na pesquisa bibliográfica para o embasamento teórico, na pesquisa documental em legislações relacionadas ao tema, em estudo de caso realizado no LAFERGS, no período de setembro de 2003 a agosto de 2004, para identificar os resíduos gerados e na elaboração do Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos (PGR). No estudo de caso foram caracterizados os resíduos químicos e recicláveis das atividades dos setores de produção e controle de qualidade de medicamentos, bem como os resíduos comuns recicláveis e não recicláveis gerados nas demais áreas do laboratório. O estudo forneceu dados para a elaboração do PGR e para melhorias no processo produtivo. Conclui-se que os resíduos químicos gerados na produção, no controle de qualidade e nos almoxarifados, são enquadrados no grupo B. Classificados como D estão os resíduos comuns, recicláveis e não recicláveis, resultantes das atividades industriais, administrativas, de refeitório, de sanitários e de jardinagem. Materiais perfurocortantes, como vidraria de laboratório quebrada, lâminas e lamínulas, classificam-se no grupo E. Não existe geração de resíduos do grupo C, que são os radioativos. Como contribuição para a otimização da produção indica-se a modernização tecnológica do laboratório, a efetiva implantação de um sistema de garantia da qualidade e a busca de maior agilidade e autonomia administrativo-financeira e a implantação do PGR com a adoção de técnicas de produção mais limpa e minimização da geração de resíduos. / The suitable management of waste in the pharmaceutical industry shows the concern for issues related to the environment, public health and the fight against waste. The purpose of this dissertation was to contribute for the optimization of drug production at LAFERGS (Pharmaceutical Laboratory of Rio Grande do Sul), through the management of waste and, in this way, to work together for the improvement in the quality of the environment, as well as the life of the population. The methodology is based on bibliographic research for theoretical grounding, in document research on legislation related to the theme, on a case study performed at LAFERGS, from September 2003 to August 2004, to identify the waste generated, and in the development of the Waste Management Plan (WMP). In the case study the chemical and recyclable waste from the drug production and quality control sector activities were characterized, as well as the common recyclable and non-recyclable waste generated in other areas of the laboratory. The study supplied data for the development of the WMP and for improvement in the productive process. It was concluded that the chemical waste generated in production, quality control and in the warehouses, fit within Group B. Common, recyclable and non-recyclable waste resulting from industrial and administrative activities, as well as from the cafeteria, restrooms and garden are classified as Group D. Cutting materials, such as broken laboratory glassware, blades and micro slides are classified in Group E. There is no management process for waste in Group C, made up of radioactive materials. Technological modernization of the laboratory, the effective implementation of a quality assurance system and the search for greater flexibility and administrative-financial autonomy, along with the implementation of the WMP, with the adoption of cleaner production techniques, and a reduction in the generation of waste, are all indicated as forms of optimizing production.

Gerenciamento de resíduos no Laboratório Farmacêutico do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (LAFERGS) como contribuição para a otimização da produção de medicamentos / Management of waste at the pharmaceutical laboratory of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (LAFERGS) as a way of contributing for the optimization of drug production

Azevedo, Sandra Maria Zulian de January 2008 (has links)
O gerenciamento adequado de resíduos na indústria farmacêutica demonstra preocupação com a questão ambiental, a saúde pública e o combate ao desperdício. O objetivo desta dissertação foi contribuir para a otimização da produção de medicamentos no LAFERGS, mediante o gerenciamento de resíduos e, desta forma, colaborar para a melhoria da qualidade ambiental e da vida da população. A metodologia deste trabalho baseou-se na pesquisa bibliográfica para o embasamento teórico, na pesquisa documental em legislações relacionadas ao tema, em estudo de caso realizado no LAFERGS, no período de setembro de 2003 a agosto de 2004, para identificar os resíduos gerados e na elaboração do Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos (PGR). No estudo de caso foram caracterizados os resíduos químicos e recicláveis das atividades dos setores de produção e controle de qualidade de medicamentos, bem como os resíduos comuns recicláveis e não recicláveis gerados nas demais áreas do laboratório. O estudo forneceu dados para a elaboração do PGR e para melhorias no processo produtivo. Conclui-se que os resíduos químicos gerados na produção, no controle de qualidade e nos almoxarifados, são enquadrados no grupo B. Classificados como D estão os resíduos comuns, recicláveis e não recicláveis, resultantes das atividades industriais, administrativas, de refeitório, de sanitários e de jardinagem. Materiais perfurocortantes, como vidraria de laboratório quebrada, lâminas e lamínulas, classificam-se no grupo E. Não existe geração de resíduos do grupo C, que são os radioativos. Como contribuição para a otimização da produção indica-se a modernização tecnológica do laboratório, a efetiva implantação de um sistema de garantia da qualidade e a busca de maior agilidade e autonomia administrativo-financeira e a implantação do PGR com a adoção de técnicas de produção mais limpa e minimização da geração de resíduos. / The suitable management of waste in the pharmaceutical industry shows the concern for issues related to the environment, public health and the fight against waste. The purpose of this dissertation was to contribute for the optimization of drug production at LAFERGS (Pharmaceutical Laboratory of Rio Grande do Sul), through the management of waste and, in this way, to work together for the improvement in the quality of the environment, as well as the life of the population. The methodology is based on bibliographic research for theoretical grounding, in document research on legislation related to the theme, on a case study performed at LAFERGS, from September 2003 to August 2004, to identify the waste generated, and in the development of the Waste Management Plan (WMP). In the case study the chemical and recyclable waste from the drug production and quality control sector activities were characterized, as well as the common recyclable and non-recyclable waste generated in other areas of the laboratory. The study supplied data for the development of the WMP and for improvement in the productive process. It was concluded that the chemical waste generated in production, quality control and in the warehouses, fit within Group B. Common, recyclable and non-recyclable waste resulting from industrial and administrative activities, as well as from the cafeteria, restrooms and garden are classified as Group D. Cutting materials, such as broken laboratory glassware, blades and micro slides are classified in Group E. There is no management process for waste in Group C, made up of radioactive materials. Technological modernization of the laboratory, the effective implementation of a quality assurance system and the search for greater flexibility and administrative-financial autonomy, along with the implementation of the WMP, with the adoption of cleaner production techniques, and a reduction in the generation of waste, are all indicated as forms of optimizing production.

Otimização da produção e propriedades tensoativas de biossurfactantes em meios à base de melaço e manipueira / Optimization of production and tensoactives properties of biosurfactants in means based molasses and manipueira

Rossmann, Maike 30 July 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:51:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 511649 bytes, checksum: bafb6e1f723d31526306e1605d68727b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-07-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The production of biossurfactants on an industrial scale is usually limited by the high cost of the media components for the microorganisms cultivation. The use of agroindustrial substrates as the basic culture mean for the production of these compounds has been suggested as an alternative to making the process. The objective was to study the production and the tensoatives properties of biossurfactants in culture medias based on manipueira and molasses by bacterial isolates previously identified as biossurfactants producer. The low values of surface tension and the high values of Critical Micellar Dilution (CMD) showed that three isolates, Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBBMA 88A, Bacillus subtilis LBBMA 155 and B. subtilis subsp. spizizenii LBBMA 283, stood out as the best among the ten selected for the study. The culture medias for each of the selected bacterial isolates and mixed cultures containing these same isolates was optimized using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) through the Central Composite Rotational Design (CCRD). P. aeruginosa LBBMA 88A and the mixed culture composed by the three selected isolates were potentially the greater interest to the production of biossurfactant, since they were the only which the biossurfactants production was influenced only by the concentration of molasses and the only who reached values of DMC at least 10 times. The surfactant produced by P .aeruginosa LBBMA 88A formed emulsions considered stable with kerosene. Temperatures over 70°C and pH values of 4.0 reduced the viscosity of culture media destabilizing the emulsions formed between aqueous solutions of biossurfactants and kerosene. NaCl concentrations above 10 g L-1 altered the tensoative activity because of estabilization of the present.surfactant micelles. The media based on molasses and manipueira achieved satisfactory results for the production of surfactant by the tested isolates with desirable characteristics for environmental applications, particularly the stability in wide ranges of salinity, temperature and pH. / A produção de biossurfactantes em escala industrial é usualmente limitada pelo alto custo dos componentes do meio para o cultivo dos microrganismos. A utilização de substratos agroindustriais como meio de cultura básico para a produção desses compostos tem sido sugerida como alternativa para viabilizar o processo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de estudar a produção e as propriedades tensoativas de biossurfactantes em meios de cultura à base de manipueira e melaço por isolados de bactérias previamente identificadas como produtoras de biossurfactantes. Os baixos valores de tensão superficial e os altos valores de Diluição Micelar Crítica (DMC) demonstraram que três isolados, Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBBMA 88A, Bacillus subtilis LBBMA 155 e B. subtilis subsp. spizizenii LBBMA 283, destacaram-se como os melhores entre os dez selecionados para o estudo. Os meios de cultura para cada um dos isolados bacterianos selecionados e para culturas mistas contendo esses mesmos isolados foi otimizado usando-se a Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta (MSR) por meio do Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR). P. aeruginosa LBBMA 88A e a cultura mista composta pelos três isolados selecionados foram potencialmente os de maior interesse para a produção de biossurfactante, uma vez que foram os únicos cuja produção de biossurfactantes foi influenciada apenas pela concentração de melaço e que alcançaram valores de DMC de pelo menos 10 vezes. O surfactante produzido por P.aeruginosa LBBMA 88A formou emulsões consideradas estáveis com querosene. Temperaturas acima de 70°C e valores de pH 4,0 reduziram a viscosidade do meio de cultura desestabilizando as emulsões formadas entre soluções aquosas dos biossurfactantes e o querosene. Concentrações de NaCl acima de 10 g L-1 alteraram a atividade tensoativa em razão da desestabilização das micelas presentes. O meio a base de melaço e manipueira alcançou resultados satisfatórios para a produção de surfactante pelos isolados testados com características desejáveis a aplicações ambientais, em especial a estabilidade em amplas faixas de salinidade, temperatura e pH.

Optimising Sawmill Production Monitoring : Designing a Solution to Reduce Cognitive Strain and Enhance Efficiency in Sawmill Control Rooms

Hektor, Agnes, Scholander, Johan January 2024 (has links)
As the forest industry experiences significant growth, the demand for enhanced operational efficiency becomes vital. Taigatech respond to this need by leveraging machine learning-powered smart cameras to optimize sawmill operations. Despite technological advancements, manual production monitoring remains a burden for operators, highlighting the need for a shift towards user-friendly solutions in production monitoring. This master thesis project aims to develop a conceptual prototype for improved process monitoring, aligning with Taigatech's expertise in machine-learning. Following the triple diamond approach, the project was divided into three phases. The learning phase involved a preliminary study to understand the operators work of the sawmill industry’s control room. This phase also included thorough need finding to comprehend the current state and establishing needs and requirements. The ideation phase involved internal ideation within the group and a workshop with stakeholders, exploring various approaches towards a solution while considering the needs and requirements established in previous phase. The prototype phase involved wireframe prototyping in Figma, building two interfaces tested in eight user tests to establish the interpretation of information for a sawmill operator. The prototype phase concluded with the evaluation of user tests and resulted in a final design called OperAid. OperAid integrates smart cameras to provide real-time alerts to operators, facilitating timely intervention and reducing cognitive strain. This approach enhances productivity and fosters a more efficient and user-friendly monitoring environment in sawmills control room. / I samband med att skogsindustrin genomgår en betydande tillväxt blir efterfrågan på förbättrad operationell effektivitet avgörande. Taigatech svar på detta behov är genom användningen av maskininlärda smarta kameror för att optimera sågverksproduktionen. Trots tekniska framsteg är den manuella produktionsövervakningen fortfarande en påfrestning för operatörer, vilket understryker behovet av en förändring till användarvänliga lösningar inom produktionsövervakningen. Detta examensarbete syftar till att utveckla en konceptuell prototyp för förbättrad processövervakning, i linje med Taigatechs expertis inom maskininlärning. I enlighet med den så kallade trippeldiamantmodellen delades projektet upp i tre faser. Lärandefasen innefattade en förstudie för att förstå operatörernas arbete i sågverksindustrins kontrollrum. Denna fas inkluderade också en genomgående behovsanalys för att förstå den aktuella situationen och etablera aktuella behov och krav. Idéfasen bestod av en intern idégenerering inom gruppen samt en workshop med intressenter, där olika tillvägagångssätt utforskades med hänsyn till de behov och krav som fastställts i den föregående fasen. Prototypfasen innefattade wireframe-prototyper i Figma, där två gränssnitt testades i åtta användartester för att fastställa tolkningen av information för en sågverksoperatör. Prototypfasen avslutades med utvärdering av användartester och resulterade i en slutgiltig design - OperAid. OperAid integrerar smarta kameror för att ge operatörer realtidsvarningar, vilket underlättar snabb intervention och minskar kognitiv belastning. Denna lösning förbättrar produktiviteten och främjar en mer effektiv och användarvänlig övervakningsmiljö i kontrollrummen på sågverk.

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