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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die implementering van _ professionele ontwikkelingsprogram in stralingsveiligheid vir werknemers van kleindier veterinêre praktyke

Hanekom, Elizabeth Cornelia January 2019 (has links)
Tydens my loopbaan as diereverpleegster aan die Universiteit van Pretoria en in privaat veterinêre fasiliteite en as dosent aan die Fakulteit Veeartsenykunde, heg ek groot waarde aan voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling. In my huidige posisie as dosent in veterinêre radiografie het ek bewus geword van die behoefte in veterinêre fasiliteite om beter stralingsveiligheidspraktyke te beoefen. Hierdie behoefte het vir my die geleentheid geskep om _ wetenskaplik-gefundeerde nie-formele voortgesette professionele ontwikkelingsprogram te ontwerp en te ontwikkel ten opsigte van die bewusmaking en vestiging van _ stralingsveiligheidskultuur onder veterinêre werkers in kleindier veterinêre fasiliteite. Die projek het eerstens ten doel om _ bydrae te lewer tot my persoonlike professionele ontwikkeling as fasiliteerder van leer en om moontlike onderrigstrategieë te identifiseer wat _ positiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die skep van _ stralingsveiligheidskultuur in die deelnemende veterinêre fasiliteite. Tweedens, die professionele ontwikkeling van die deelnemende veterinêre werkers en die evaluasie van veranderde praktyke ten opsigte van die skep van _ stralingsveiligheidskultuur binne die werkplek. Die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van die uitkomsgebaseerde kurrikulum is begrond in die sosio-konstruktivistiese leerteorie. Ander onderwyskundige konstrukte wat gebruik is tot die wetenskaplike benadering van die kurrikulum sluit Knowles se aannames en beginsels ten opsigte van volwasse leerders (andragogie) in, die Herrmann heelbreinleermodel, opvoedkundige eienskappe (bydraes) van die 21ste eeu en formatiewe assessering met betekenisvolle terugvoer. Kleinskaalse deelnemende aksienavorsingsbenadering is gebruik om die proses van professionele ontwikkeling, die implementering en verbetering van die nie-formele professionele ontwikkelingsprogram, evaluasie van die implementering van stralingsveiligheidsbeginsels en die identifisering van fasiliteringstrategieë wat moontlike bygedra het tot die skep van _ stralingsveiligheidskultuur, in drie kleindier veterinêre fasiliteite in Pretoria te ondersoek. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Humanities Education / MEd / Unrestricted

Die departementshoof se rol as begeleier van grondslagfase onderwysers

Du Plessis, Jeanette January 2014 (has links)
Ooreenkomstig een van die beginsels wat in die onderwys in die vooruitsig gestel word, naamlik dat onderwysers lewenslange leerders is, behoort onderwysers hulself voordurend professioneel te ontwikkel, sodat die onderwys kan getuig van kwaliteit onderrig en leer. Die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel moet aan die diversiteit van behoeftes van leerders voldoen en vra dus ‘n kreatiewe oplossing vir onderrig en leer. Hierdie studie handel oor die rol van die departementshoof as begeleier van grondslagfase onderwysers. Navorsing verwys na ’coaching’ en kan dus direk vertaal word met 'afrigting.' Vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie hou ’coaching’ egter meer verband met begeleiding en sal dié term as vertaling dien. Navorsing in die veld van begeleiding in die onderwyssektor in Suid-Afrika blyk egter onbekend te wees. Daar blyk 'n behoefte aan bewysgebaseerde navorsing oor alternatiewe strategieë soos begeleiding te wees. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal in hoe 'n mate departementshoofde van die grondslagfase binne die wetgewing en die regsraamwerk die onderwysers kan begelei binne die beperkte tyd tot hul beskikking. Die leerteoretiese beginsels van die andragogie, wat ook elemente van die kognitiewe leerteorie bevat, is vir die doeleindes van die studie as vertrekpunt gebruik. 'n Kwalitatiewe interpretivistiese benadering is gevolg ten einde die departementshoofde en bereidwillige onderwysers van vyf privaatskole se ervarings van begeleiding te kon bepaal. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met die deelnemers gevoer. Die studie het bevind dat die departementshoofde sowel as onderwysers deurlopende begeleiding nodig ag. Die deelnemende skole pas begeleiding meestal informeel toe, sonder ‘n begeleidingsmodel. Die departementshoofde se bestuur en onderrigleierskap is ondersoek en die studie het bevind dat onderwysers ‘n groot behoefte aan monitering en kontrole van hul departementshoofde verwag. Ewekniebegeleiding word weinig toegepas en is nog ‘n onbekende strategie vir die departementshoofde. Begeleiding as deurlopende strategie vir professionele ontwikkeling word verkies bo eendagwerkwinkels, aangesien begeleiding in die skool se spesifieke behoeftes kan voorsien. Die departementshoof as onderrigleier leef die visie van die skool voor, hoofsaaklik deur gedeelde waardes. Die meeste departementshoofde maak gebruik van refleksietegnieke vir begeleiding, maar verlang meer opleiding hierin. In hierdie studie is bevind dat die grootste voordeel van begeleiding daarin lê dat dit probleemoplossende denke stimuleer en nuwe onderrigmetodes aanleer. Begeleiding het bepaalde uitdagings en ewekniebegeleiding word veral deur sommige onderwysers as intimiderend en evaluerend beskou. Die studie het ook bevind dat departementshoofde beperkte tyd vir begeleiding het. Die studie maak laastens die nodige aanbevelings vir begeleiding na aanleiding van die literatuur en bevindinge van die studie. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Education Management and Policy Studies / MEd / Unrestricted

Mentorskap tussen die Grondslagfase departementshoof en die beginneronderwyser

Oosthuizen, Estie January 2019 (has links)
Beginneronderwysers moet die geleentheid kry om om hul onderwysvaardighede te verbeter en hul professionele identiteit te ontwikkel. Daar word internasionaal ervaar dat beginneronderwysers die onderwysprofessie binne twee tot vyf jaar verlaat indien hulle nie voldoende ondersteuning en opleiding deur mentorskap ontvang nie. Die navorsing word gerig na aanleiding van die primêre navorsingsvraag naamlik: Hoe word mentorskap toegepas tussen die Grondslagfase-departementshoof en die beginneronderwyser? Uit die navorsingsprobleem soos hierbo gestel, is die volgende sekondêre navorsingsvrae geformuleer. Sekondêre navorsingsvrae 1. Hoe word die uitdagings van dissipline en klaskamerbestuur deur middel van mentorskap aangespreek? 2. Hoe kan mentorskap bydra om vakkennis en kurrikulumontwikkeling te versterk? 3 Watter aspekte van mentorskap dra by tot beter gehalte van onderwys en metodiek wat die beginneronderwyser in die klaskamer gebruik? 4. Hoe word mentorskap aangewend in die vestiging van _ verhouding tussen die beginneronderwyser en medekollegas, ouers en leerders? 5. Hoe word onderwysprofessionalisme ontwikkel en versterk deur mentorskap? Die navorser het _ kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering gevolg en die navorsings-ontwerp was _ gevallestudie binne _ interpretivistiese / konstruktivistiese paradigma. Die data is ingesamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met die deelnemers waartydens hulle oop vrae (hoe? hoekom?) beantwoord het. Die vrae is vooraf opgestel volgens die temas van die konseptuele raamwerk soos geïdentifiseer uit die literatuurstudie. _ Doelgerigte steekproef wat aan voorafbepaalde kriteria voldoen het, is in die kwalitatiewe navorsingstudie gebruik. Die steekproef het bestaan uit skoolhoofde, departementshoofde en beginneronderwysers by vyf verskillende Afrikaanse laerskole in die Tshwane-Noord-distrik van Pretoria. Laerskole is telefonies gekontak en die skole wat beginneronderwysers aangestel het, is geïdentifiseer. Daarna is die skoolhoofde gekontak en toestemming verkry om navorsing by hul skole te doen. Die bevindings en aanbevelings van die studie is aan die deelnemers voorgelê sodat hulle die akkuraatheid en betroubaarheid daarvan kon verifieer. Die navorser het gepoog om die studie te trianguleer deur verskillende metodes te gebruik, naamlik _ literatuurstudie, asook die evaluering en vergelyking van inligting uit semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude om die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van bevindings te toets. Die deelnemers aan die studie se identiteite is beskerm deur van skuilname gebruik te maak – vir sowel die individue as die laerskole wat aan die studie deelgeneem het. My opsommende bevinding is dus dat die voordele van mentorskap legio is en sodra nuwe onderwyser doeltreffend bemagtig word deur mentorskap, hy/sy die geleentheid kry om te groei en ontwikkel om sy profesionele potensiaal ten volle te ontwikkel. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Education Management and Policy Studies / MEd / Unrestricted

A management model to facilitate external stakeholder participation in school governance / Geetha Devi Deenanath

Deenanath, Geetha Devi January 2013 (has links)
SASA (SA, 1996) caters for the participation of a wide range of stakeholders who have an interest in education. In terms of section 23 of SASA (SA, 1996) the membership of the School Governing Body (SGB) consists of representatives of parents, educators, learners, support staff and the principal as ex-officio member. Section 23 (6) of SASA (SA, 1996) states that SGBs may co-opt a member or members of the community to assist in discharging its duties. This implies that participation in school governance is extended to members of the community, who are referred to as external stakeholders in this study. Therefore the aim of this research study was to investigate the extent to which these external stakeholders participated in the activities of school governance. The research made use of a qualitative research design to determine the extent of participation by external stakeholders in school governance. The findings revealed a lack of participation by external stakeholders in activities of school governance. The study further highlighted some of the challenges that hindered participation by external stakeholders such as transport problems which resulted in non-attendance of meetings, poor communication of information, lack of trainings resulted in lack of knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of SGBs, language barrier, lack of time and lack of confidence from some stakeholders. A model is thus proposed as a solution to involve external stakeholders to participate in the activities of school governance. This model would assist SGBs to involve external stakeholders in school governance. / Thesis (PhD (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Information technology teachers' experience of multimedia-based professional development / Roxanne Bailey

Bailey, Roxanne January 2013 (has links)
Professional development of teachers is a much-investigated area of research; however, teachers still complain that these endeavours do not cater for their specific needs. This problem arises from teachers‟ need to have more frequent professional development activities whereby it is possible to enhance their knowledge and skills regarding specific areas effectively. Multimedia, in other words the use of various media such as video, pictures, narration and animation, is a possible tool to address certain needs in professional development. Furthermore, the incorporation of multimedia into professional development by making use of a digital versatile disc allows for professional development to occur within a distance mode of delivery setting. This research was done to investigate and understand how Information Technology teachers experience the incorporation of multimedia into professional development by means of digital versatile disc. In order to accomplish this research endeavour, an investigation into the body of scholarly knowledge was executed focused on professional development of teachers, specifically with regard to needs expressed in previous studies. Furthermore, the body of scholarly knowledge regarding the implementation of multimedia as an enhancement to professional development was also investigated in order to synthesise how the researcher should go about implementing it. From the knowledge gained, the researcher developed the professional development digital versatile disc, specifically focused on the programming language Scratch. This programming language is an addition to the Information Technology syllabus and therefore teachers were assisted in their endeavour to acquire knowledge and skills regarding the implementation of such a new programming language. An empirical study was conducted, specifically focusing on the experience of three teachers to determine how they experience multimedia-based professional development. All three participants expressed that they enjoyed the use of multimedia in professional development and that a digital versatile disc of this type had a place in their professional development endeavours; however, a need for personal interaction with the facilitator as well as colleagues still exists. / Thesis (MEd (Computer Science Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

A management model to facilitate external stakeholder participation in school governance / Geetha Devi Deenanath

Deenanath, Geetha Devi January 2013 (has links)
SASA (SA, 1996) caters for the participation of a wide range of stakeholders who have an interest in education. In terms of section 23 of SASA (SA, 1996) the membership of the School Governing Body (SGB) consists of representatives of parents, educators, learners, support staff and the principal as ex-officio member. Section 23 (6) of SASA (SA, 1996) states that SGBs may co-opt a member or members of the community to assist in discharging its duties. This implies that participation in school governance is extended to members of the community, who are referred to as external stakeholders in this study. Therefore the aim of this research study was to investigate the extent to which these external stakeholders participated in the activities of school governance. The research made use of a qualitative research design to determine the extent of participation by external stakeholders in school governance. The findings revealed a lack of participation by external stakeholders in activities of school governance. The study further highlighted some of the challenges that hindered participation by external stakeholders such as transport problems which resulted in non-attendance of meetings, poor communication of information, lack of trainings resulted in lack of knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of SGBs, language barrier, lack of time and lack of confidence from some stakeholders. A model is thus proposed as a solution to involve external stakeholders to participate in the activities of school governance. This model would assist SGBs to involve external stakeholders in school governance. / Thesis (PhD (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Information technology teachers' experience of multimedia-based professional development / Roxanne Bailey

Bailey, Roxanne January 2013 (has links)
Professional development of teachers is a much-investigated area of research; however, teachers still complain that these endeavours do not cater for their specific needs. This problem arises from teachers‟ need to have more frequent professional development activities whereby it is possible to enhance their knowledge and skills regarding specific areas effectively. Multimedia, in other words the use of various media such as video, pictures, narration and animation, is a possible tool to address certain needs in professional development. Furthermore, the incorporation of multimedia into professional development by making use of a digital versatile disc allows for professional development to occur within a distance mode of delivery setting. This research was done to investigate and understand how Information Technology teachers experience the incorporation of multimedia into professional development by means of digital versatile disc. In order to accomplish this research endeavour, an investigation into the body of scholarly knowledge was executed focused on professional development of teachers, specifically with regard to needs expressed in previous studies. Furthermore, the body of scholarly knowledge regarding the implementation of multimedia as an enhancement to professional development was also investigated in order to synthesise how the researcher should go about implementing it. From the knowledge gained, the researcher developed the professional development digital versatile disc, specifically focused on the programming language Scratch. This programming language is an addition to the Information Technology syllabus and therefore teachers were assisted in their endeavour to acquire knowledge and skills regarding the implementation of such a new programming language. An empirical study was conducted, specifically focusing on the experience of three teachers to determine how they experience multimedia-based professional development. All three participants expressed that they enjoyed the use of multimedia in professional development and that a digital versatile disc of this type had a place in their professional development endeavours; however, a need for personal interaction with the facilitator as well as colleagues still exists. / Thesis (MEd (Computer Science Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Nurses' experience of the transition from student to professional practitioner in a public hospital in Lesotho / Anna Malethola Makhakhe

Makhakhe, Malethola Anna January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study was to develop guidelines for the support of newly qualified nurses to ease their transition from student to professional practitioners in Lesotho; based on an exploration and description of the newly qualified nurses’ first hand experience of their transition from student to professional practitioners in a public hospital in Lesotho. The rationale behind the study was the researcher’s perception of an attitude change observed in the newly qualified professional practitioners. An explorative, descriptive, contextual, qualitative research design was chosen. The sample included all newly qualified professional nurses who worked in a public hospital in Lesotho for a period of one year or less. Data collection took place by means of semi–structured individual interviews with ten (10) participants and a focus group interview with eight (8) of the original participants. Content analysis of the data in the qualitative tradition was independently done by two coders who identified four (4) themes and ten (10) sub–themes. The first theme was described as reality shock, including the sub–themes emotional reactions and limited resources. The second theme, competence, includes the sub–themes of knowledge, skills and attitude. A third theme describes the participants experience of the support from management, colleagues, the Ministry of Health and Social welfare, nursing educational institutions and the community. The fourth theme describes the participants’ vision for the future. Each of the themes was discussed together with relevant data obtained from literature and reduced to a conclusive statement which served as basis for the formulation of guidelines to ease the transition from student to professional practitioner in Lesotho. The research report concluded with the researcher’s evaluation of the study and recommendations for nursing education, nursing management and further research. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Nurses' experience of the transition from student to professional practitioner in a public hospital in Lesotho / Anna Malethola Makhakhe

Makhakhe, Malethola Anna January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study was to develop guidelines for the support of newly qualified nurses to ease their transition from student to professional practitioners in Lesotho; based on an exploration and description of the newly qualified nurses’ first hand experience of their transition from student to professional practitioners in a public hospital in Lesotho. The rationale behind the study was the researcher’s perception of an attitude change observed in the newly qualified professional practitioners. An explorative, descriptive, contextual, qualitative research design was chosen. The sample included all newly qualified professional nurses who worked in a public hospital in Lesotho for a period of one year or less. Data collection took place by means of semi–structured individual interviews with ten (10) participants and a focus group interview with eight (8) of the original participants. Content analysis of the data in the qualitative tradition was independently done by two coders who identified four (4) themes and ten (10) sub–themes. The first theme was described as reality shock, including the sub–themes emotional reactions and limited resources. The second theme, competence, includes the sub–themes of knowledge, skills and attitude. A third theme describes the participants experience of the support from management, colleagues, the Ministry of Health and Social welfare, nursing educational institutions and the community. The fourth theme describes the participants’ vision for the future. Each of the themes was discussed together with relevant data obtained from literature and reduced to a conclusive statement which served as basis for the formulation of guidelines to ease the transition from student to professional practitioner in Lesotho. The research report concluded with the researcher’s evaluation of the study and recommendations for nursing education, nursing management and further research. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Professional nurses' perceptions of the skills required to render comprehensive primary health care services / Modiane Salamina Hlahane

Hlahane, Modiane Salamina January 2003 (has links)
In South Africa professional nurses undergo training which gives them different levels of skills. It is difficult for professional nurses to render comprehensive primary health care services without specific knowledge and skills. Some lack skills in preventative and promotive health care delivery; others are not trained to take care of a pregnant woman or a baby after delivery, or of a mental health patient; while yet others are only curatively oriented. It is possible that they do not recognise their own limitations and are not aware of the skills needed to render comprehensive primary health care services. Their perceptions could influence their practice and severely affect the quality of health services. The aim of this research was to explore and describe the perceptions that professional nurses working in primary health care clinics have of the skills required to render quality comprehensive primary health care services, and the perceptions they have of their own level of skills to render quality comprehensive primary health care services, as well as to formulate guidelines for the facilitation of trained professional nurses to truly render quality comprehensive primary health care services. A qualitative design was followed. Permission was obtained from the Potchefstroom District Health Manager to conduct this research. Purposive voluntary sampling was used to identify the three samples who complied with the set selection criteria. Data collection was done by means of semi-structured interviews. Experts in qualitative research evaluated the semi-structured interview schedule. A trial run was done and the interview schedule was then finalised to conduct the interviews. The interviews were recorded on audiotape and then transcribed. The interviewer made field notes to serve as an analytical basis for the collected data. Data was collected until data saturation was achieved. Data analysis was done by means of open coding. A co-coder was appointed and two consensus meetings took place. The findings indicated that professional nurses perceive the skills required to render quality comprehensive primary health care services as the ability to assess, diagnose and manage patients, as well as specific skills acquired during the various nurse training programmes. The more comprehensively trained, the more competent they feel. The less comprehensively trained, the more negative they experience their work. They view their own level of skills as ranging from adequate to lacking and inadequate, depending on their training. They feel that it is impo~ant to develop skills ranging from computer skills to the full range of skills. The conclusions drawn are that the professional nurses with different training and levels of skills are well aware of the skills required to re.nder comprehensive primary health care services. They maintain that trained professional nurses need qualifications in General Nursing, Midwifery, Community Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing and Clinical Nursing Science, and Health Assessment, Treatment and Care. The professional nurses with all five qualifications feel confident and enjoy their work, whereas those who are not fully trained lack certain skills and experience negative feelings working in the primary health care clinics. Recommendations are made for nursing education, nursing research and nursing practice with specific reference to the formulation of guidelines for the facilitation of trained professional nurses to truly render comprehensive primary health care services, with a focus on quality control, orientation, mentoring, planning of training, support systems, and consultancy. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2003

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