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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TIM family molecules in hematopoiesis

Syrjänen, R. (Riikka) 29 April 2014 (has links)
Abstract Hematopoietic cells, i.e., erythrocytes, platelets and white blood cells, differentiate from hematopoietic stem cells in a process that is similar in vertebrates. Hematopoiesis is regulated by molecules expressed by both the hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and the surrounding microenvironments. Knowledge of these molecules is important since many of the genes involved in normal hematopoiesis are mutated in leukemia. Furthermore, this information can be utilized in more efficient isolation and expansion of hematopoietic cells in vitro. However, these molecules are not yet sufficiently characterized. Transmembrane immunoglobulin and mucin domain (TIM) genes form a known family of immunoregulators. In mammals, TIM-4 is expressed by antigen presenting cells, while TIM-1, TIM-2 and TIM-3 are expressed by T cells, in which they regulate differentiation of TH cells. The role of TIM molecules in hematopoiesis has not yet been investigated. The aim of this thesis work was to identify and analyze novel molecules involved in embryonic hematopoiesis using chicken and mouse as model organisms. This was carried out by generating a cDNA library of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from embryonic chicken para-aortic region. Both previously known and novel candidate genes were identified from the library. Among them, we found homologs to tim genes. Their expression and role in hematopoiesis was studied further. TIM-2 expression was shown to be tightly governed during B cell development. It is expressed by common lymphoid progenitors and highly proliferative large-pro and large pre-B cells during both fetal liver and adult bone marrow hematopoiesis. In mouse, tim-4 expression was restricted to fetal liver CD45+F4/80+ cells. Furthermore, two distinct populations were identified: F4/80hiTIM-4hi and F4/80loTIM-4lo. The results suggest that the F4/80hiTIM-4hi cells are yolk sac-derived macrophages and the F4/80loTIM-4lo cells myeloid progenitors. This work shows for the first time that TIM family molecules are expressed during hematopoiesis. TIM-2- and TIM-4 are expressed by specific cell types during hematopoietic cell development, and in the future they may be utilized as markers in isolation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. / Tiivistelmä Verisolut eli punasolut, verihiutaleet ja immuunipuolustuksessa tärkeät valkosolut kehittyvät alkion veren kantasoluista prosessissa, joka on kaikissa selkärankaisissa samankaltainen. Veren kanta- ja esisolujen sekä ympäröivän mikroympäristön tuottamat molekyylit säätelevät hematopoieesia eli verisolujen kehitystä. Näiden molekyylien tunteminen on tärkeää, sillä useat normaalia verisolujen kehitystä säätelevät geenit ovat osallisena myös verisyöpien synnyssä. Lisäksi tätä tietoa on mahdollista hyödyntää verisolujen tehokkaammassa eristämisessä ja kasvattamisessa hoitoja varten. Immuunipuolustuksen solut, kuten syöjäsolut eli makrofagit ja T-solut, ilmentävät TIM-molekyylejä (Transmembrane Immunoglobulin and Mucin). Ne toimivat immunologisen vasteen säätelyssä sekä solusyönnissä, mutta niiden roolia verisolujen kehittymisessä ei ole selvitetty aikaisemmin. Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa etsittiin uusia hematopoieesiin vaikuttavia geenejä käyttäen mallieläiminä sekä kanaa että hiirtä. Tutkimuksessa luotiin geenikirjasto kanan alkion para-aortaalisen alueen veren kanta- ja esisoluista. Kirjastosta tunnistettiin useita ennalta tiedettyjä sekä uusia verisolujen kehitykseen vaikuttavia geenejä. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin tarkemmin kirjastosta löytyneiden TIM-geeniperheen jäsenten ilmentymistä ja roolia verisolujen kehityksessä. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin, että TIM-2 proteiinin ilmentymistä säädellään tarkasti B-solujen kehityksen aikana. Lymfosyyttien yhteiset esisolut sekä suuret pro-B- ja pre-B-solut ilmentävät TIM-2 proteiinia B-solukehityksen aikana sekä alkion maksassa että aikuisen luuytimessä. Hiiren alkiossa tim-4 geenin ilmentyminen oli rajoittunut maksaan, jossa erottui kaksi erillistä solupopulaatiota: F4/80hiTIM-4hi ja F4/80loTIM-4lo. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että maksan F4/80hiTIM-4hi solut ovat ruskuaispussista lähtöisin olevia syöjäsoluja ja F4/80loTIM-4lo solut myeloidisen linjan esisoluja. Tämä tutkimus on ensimmäinen osoitus TIM-molekyylien ilmentymisestä kehittyvissä verisoluissa. Havaitsimme, että TIM-2 ja TIM-4-molekyylejä ekspressoidaan tietyissä soluissa verisolujen erilaistumisen aikana, joten tulevaisuudessa niitä on mahdollista käyttää merkkiproteiineina hematopoieettisten solujen esiasteita eristettäessä.

Bases moléculaires du contrôle de l’équilibre entre autorenouvellement et différenciation / Molecular bases controlling the self-renewal/differentiation balance

Pous, Camila 03 September 2010 (has links)
L’autorenouvellement est une propriété fondatrice du concept de cellule souche. Cependant, malgré l’avancée des connaissances actuelles, les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents restent mal compris. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés à cette question, en étudiant l’équilibre entre autorenouvellement et différenciation dans des progéniteurs érythrocytaires primaires. D’une part, grâce à une étude combinant des approches pharmacologiques et de génétique fonctionnelle, nos résultats montrent que le contrôle de la synthèse cellulaire du cholestérol joue un rôle essentiel dans la régulation du basculement de l’autorenouvellement vers la différenciation. D’autre part, nous avons étudié la nature stochastique de l’expression génique au cours du passage de l’autorenouvellement vers la différenciation. En effet, contrairement au caractère déterministe initialement attribué à l’expression des gènes, les données accumulées au cours des dernières années démontrent que cette expression repose sur des processus stochastiques. Nous avons en particulier oeuvré à la conception et à la mise en place d’un dispositif permettant de suivre en temps réel l’expression génique dans des cellules individualisées, afin de pouvoir mesurer et évaluer cette stochasticité. Au final, l’ensemble de ces travaux participent à la compréhension des bases moléculaires de l’autorenouvellement et du contrôle des choix du devenir cellulaire. / Self-renewal is a key property of the stem cell concept. However, despite the recent advances in this field, the underlying molecular bases are not yet properly understood. We tackled this question by studying the balance between self-renewal and differentiation, in primary erythroid progenitors. Our work is twofold. First, by combining pharmacologic approaches and functional genetics, we have shown that the control of cellular cholesterol synthesis plays a central role in the regulation between self-renewal and differentiation. Second, we have studied the stochastic nature of gene expression along the transition from self-renewal to differentiation. Indeed, while gene expression was initially deemed to be deterministic, more and more data tend to show that it relies on stochastic processes. In particular, we participated to the design of an experimental method allowing to mesure gene expression in a single cell, in real-time. All in all, the work presented here brings new elements towards the understanding of molecular bases controlling self-renewal and cell fate choices.

Epithelial properties of Second Heart Field cardiac progenitor cells

Francou, Alexandre 22 October 2015 (has links)
Une partie du cœur est formée à partir des cellules progénitrices du second champ cardiaque, qui permettent une élongation rapide du tube cardiaque. Des défauts dans le développement de ces cellules entrainent des malformations cardiaques congénitales. Ces cellules sont localisées dans le péricarde dorsal au sein du mésoderme pharyngé. Mon travail de thèse a permis de démontrer pour la première fois que ces cellules sont épithéliales et polarisées, et qu’elles forment des filopodes dynamiques du côté basal. La délétion du facteur de transcription Tbx1 perturbe la polarité des cellules et la formation des filopodes, et augmente le niveau de la protéine apicale aPKCζ. Le traitement avec un activateur de aPKCζ montre le lien entre l’intégrité épithéliale, la polarité et la formation des filopodes, et l’état progéniteur des cellules. J’ai également analysé la polarité planaire dans l’épithélium, et montrais que les cellules sont anisotropiques, étirées et allongées en direction du pole artériel. Cet étirement crée une tension orientée, révélée par une accumulation polarisée d’actomyosine, jouant le rôle de rétrocontrôle négatif. En absence d‘élongation du tube cardiaque cette tension orientée est absente. Nous avons identifié une région postérieure de l’épithélium où se trouvent une tension et une prolifération élevées, ainsi qu’une forte activité YAP/TAZ qui jouerait le rôle de relai entre tension et prolifération. La tension orientée oriente les divisions cellulaires et oriente ainsi la croissance du tissu, promouvant l’addition des cellules au pole artériel. La biomécanique des cellules du second champ cardiaque semble ainsi un moteur important pour l’élongation du cœur. / A major part of the heart is formed by progenitor cells called the second heart field, that contribute to rapid elongation of the heart tube. Defects in second heart field development leads to congenital heart malformations. Second heart field cells are localised in pharyngeal mesoderm in the dorsal pericardial wall. This study focuses on the epithelial properties of second heart field cells and first shows that these progenitors in the dorsal pericardial wall are epithelial and polarised, and form dynamic basal filopodia. Deletion of the transcription factor Tbx1 perturbs epithelial polarity and filopodia formation and upregulates the apical determinant aPKCζ. Treatment with an activator of aPKCζ reveals that epithelial integrity, polarity and basal filopodia are coupled to the progenitor status of second heart field cells. Next we evaluated planar polarity of second heart field cells in the dorsal pericardial wall. Cells are anisotropic, being stretched and elongated on an axis directed towards the arterial pole. This stretch results in oriented epithelial tension revealed by polarised actomyosin accumulation through a negative feedback loop. In the absence of cell addition to the cardiac poles oriented tension is absent. We identified a posterior region in the epithelium with high tension, elevated proliferation and a high level of active YAP/TAZ that may act as relay between tension and proliferation. Oriented tension orients the axis of cell division and the growth of the tissue on an axis toward the arterial pole, further promoting addition of the tissue to the pole. Biomechanical feedback may thus be an important driver of heart tube elongation.

Vývoj a dynamika palatální a faryngeální dentice u jesetera malého / Development and dynamics of the palatal and pharyngeal dentition in sterlet

Novotná, Štěpánka January 2021 (has links)
Dentition is a key vertebrate innovation showing not only great morphological diversity, but also different maintenance or replacement of functional teeth. Most extant vertebrates replace their dentition through addition of new teeth from deeply invaginated epithelium, i.e. the successional dental lamina, due to presence of dental stem cells. However, in some early branching lineages of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii), new tooth germs arise from the adjacent superficial epithelium without the presence of the successional dental lamina. Whether the two types of dental development in vertebrates are equivalent and whether comparable dental stem cells play role in tooth replacement is currently not satisfactorily evaluated. This Master thesis aims at describing the development of palatal and pharyngeal dentition of a member of an early branching lineage of ray-finned fishes, the sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus). The sterlet dentition is fairly dynamic. The teeth are replaced without the successional dental lamina, however, this replacement shows characteristics similar to those described in vertebrates with the successional dental lamina. A marker of dental stem/progenitor cells, Sox2, is localized in the outer dental epithelium of the predecessor tooth in the vicinity of the adjacent taste...

Traditional Chinese Medicine extracts exert angiogenic and protective effects towards human endothelial progenitor cells: from cellular function to molecular pathway

Tang, Yubo 26 May 2014 (has links)
Despite intense research efforts, the repair of large bone defects is still not satisfactory and remains a major challenge in Orthopaedic Surgery. In this context bone tissue engineering has emerged as a promising strategy. However, one of the fundamental principles underlying tissue engineering approaches is that newly formed tissue must maintain sufficient vascularization to support its growth. Thus an active blood vessel network is an essential pre-requisite for scaffold constructs to integrate within existing host tissue. Currently, great efforts are made to address this problem employing transplantation of vascular cells and loading of appropriate biological factors. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are a heterogeneous subpopulation of bone marrow mononuclear progenitor cells with potential for differentiation to the endothelial lineage and thus vasculogenic capacity. However, clinical studies reported that with the increase of age, increased susceptibility to apoptosis and accelerated senescence may contribute to the numerical and functional impairments observed in EPCs, which may lead to a reduced angiogenic capacity and an increased risk of vascular disease. Hence attention has increasingly been paid to enhance mobilization and differentiation of EPCs for therapeutic purposes. A large body of evidence indicates that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) a plethora of herbs and herbal extracts are effective in the treatment of vascular diseases such as chronic wounds, diabetic retinopathy and rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, it seems rational to explore these medicinal plants as potential sources of novel angiomodulatory factors. In this thesis we demonstrated that treatment with TCM herbal extracts promote cell growth, cell migration, cell-matrix and capillary-like tube formation of BM-EPCs. Among these TCM extracts, Salidroside (SAL) and Icariin (ICAR) incubation increased VEGF and nitric oxide secretion, which in turn mediated the enhancement of angiogenic differentiation of BM-EPCs. A mechanic evaluation provided evidence that SAL stimulates the phosphorylation of Akt, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K), as well as phosphorylated ERK1/2, which is associated with the cell migration and tube formation. Furthermore, a pilot in vivo study showed that SAL has the potential to enhance bone formation in a murine femoral critical-size bone defects model. Another new finding of the present study is that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced cytotoxicity is counteracted by TCM extracts. We found that SAL, Salvianolic acid B (SalB) and ICAR significantly abrogated H2O2-induced cell apoptosis, reduced the intracellular level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase (NADPH) expression, and restored the mitochondrial membrane potential of BM-EPCs. Our data suggest that this protective effect of SalB is mediated by the activation of mTOR, p70S6K, 4EBP1, and by the suppression of MKK3/6-p38 MAPK-ATF2 and ERK1/2 signaling pathways after H2O2 stress. In addition, the investigation also demonstrates that ICAR owns the ability to inhibit apoptotic and autophagic programmed cell death via restoring the loss of mTOR and attenuation of ATF2 activity upon oxidative stress. Based on the outcomes of the present work, we propose SAL, SalB and ICAR as novel proanigiogenic and cytoprotective therapeutic agents with potential applications in the fields of systemic and site-specific tissue regeneration including ischaemic disease and extended musculoskeletal tissue defects.

Thromboresistant and rapid-endothelialization effects of dopamine and staphylococcal protein A mediated anti-CD34 coating on 316L stainless steel for cardiovascular devices

Chen, Jialong, Li, Quanli, Xu, Jianguang, Zhang, Le, Maitz, Manfred F., Li, Jun 07 January 2020 (has links)
There is convincing evidence in vivo that the vascular homing of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) contributes to rapid endothelial regeneration, which could prevent thrombosis and restenosis of cardiovascular devices. To enhance the EPC homing on cardiovascular devices, immobilization of an EPC capture agent (e.g. an anti-CD34 antibody) on the surface of cardiovascular devices is critical. We describe a way of immobilizing anti-CD34 Ab on 316L Stainless Steel (316L SS). For this, surface modification of 316L SS was performed via self-polymerization of dopamine (DA) and covalent grafting of staphylococcal protein A (SPA). On this coating the anti-CD34 Abs were oriented immobilized through their Fc constant region with SPA. In this process, the results of quartz crystal microbalance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and water contact angle studies indicate that DA, SPA and anti-CD34 Ab were successfully immobilized onto the surface step by step. In vitro blood-compatibility tests confirmed that the modified surface induced less pro-coagulant fibrinogen denaturation, less platelet adhesion and lower activation of the adherent platelets. The affinity of EPCs for the modified surface has been demonstrated under flow conditions. This study provides potential applications for cardiovascular implant materials.

Funktionen von SMURF1 und SMURF2 in der Differenzierung von chondrogenen Progenitorzellen / Function of SMURF1 and SMURF2 in differentiation of Chondrogenic Progenitor Cells

Altherr, Manuel 17 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of anti-CD34 antibody orientation control on endothelial progenitor cell capturing cardiovascular devices

Chen, Jialong, Li, Quanli, Li, Jun, Maitz, Manfred F. 11 October 2019 (has links)
Efficient immobilization of the antibody to the substrate is of crucial importance in the development of anti-CD34-based endothelial progenitor cells capturing cardiovascular devices. This should go along with precise control of the antibody orientation by appropriate immobilization technology for retaining antibody activity, like in immunosensors. Recently, great attention was paid to immobilization of anti-CD34 antibody onto substrates by covalent binding, but at random orientation. Here, to investigate the biological effect of antibody orientation, we have prepared two kinds of anti-CD34 antibody coated surfaces, with random immobilization and oriented immobilization. The immunological binding activity (IBA) of the antibody at oriented immobilization was 3.48 times higher than at random immobilization, indicating that the two different surfaces were successfully prepared. The endothelial progenitor cell-capturing capability of oriented antibody-immobilized surface was 1.35 and 1.64 times higher than for the random immobilized surface after seeding for 2 and 12 h under flow condition, respectively. The endothelial progenitor cell-capturing efficiency per antibody by oriented immobilization was 5.16 and 6.26 times higher than for the random after seeding for 2 and 12 h under flow condition, respectively. In addition, the oriented antibody-immobilized surface possessed better blood-compatibility. These results clearly revealed the significance of antibody orientation which could retain its biological effect and may revolutionize the antibody-immobilization protocols used in cardiovascular and other bloodcontacting biomedical devices.

Histone Deacetylase 3 Coordinates Heart Development Through Stage-Specific Roles in Cardiac Progenitor Cells

Lewandowski, Sara L. 21 December 2016 (has links)
Disruptions in cardiac development cause congenital heart disease, the most prevalent and deadly congenital malformation. Genetic and environmental factors are thought to contribute to these defects, however molecular mechanisms remain largely undefined. Recent work highlighted potential roles of chromatin- modifying enzymes in congenital heart disease pathogenesis. Histone deacetylases, a class of chromatin-modifying enzymes, have developmental importance and recognized roles in the mature heart. This thesis aimed to characterize functions of Hdac3 in cardiac development. We found loss of Hdac3 in the primary heart field causes precocious progenitor cell differentiation, resulting in hypoplastic ventricular walls, ventricular septal defect, and mid- gestational lethality. In primary heart field progenitors, Hdac3 interacts with, deacetylates, and functionally suppresses transcription factor Tbx5. Furthermore, a disease-associated Tbx5 mutation disrupts this interaction, rendering Tbx5 hyperacetylated and hyperactive. By contrast, deletion of Hdac3 in second heart field progenitors bypasses these defects, instead causing malformations in the outflow tract and semilunar valves, with lethality prior to birth. Affected semilunar valves and outflow tract vessels exhibit extracellular matrix and EndMT defects and activation of the Tgfβ1 signaling pathway. In normal second heart field development, Hdac3 represses Tgfβ1 transcription, independent of its deacetylase activity, by recruiting the PRC2 methyltransferase complex to methylate the Tgfβ1 promoter. Importantly, knockouts of Hdac3 in differentiated cardiac cells do not fully recapitulate the progenitor-specific knockout phenotypes. These results illustrate spatiotemporal roles of Hdac3, both deacetylase-dependent and deacetylase-independent, in cardiac development, suggesting that dysregulation of Hdac3 in cardiac progenitor cells could be a contributing factor in congenital heart disease pathogenesis.

Microenvironnement et angiogénèse : implications dans la stratégie onco-chirurgicale des métastases hépatiques synchrones des cancers colorectaux / Microenvironment and angiogenesis : impact on onco-surgical management of synchronous colorectal liver metastases.

Lim, Chetana 12 June 2017 (has links)
Lors du diagnostic de cancer colorectal, près d’un quart des patients ont des métastases hépatiques dites synchrones. Lorsque la tumeur primitive est asymptomatique, la stratégie chirurgicale (chirurgie première de la tumeur primitive versus chirurgie première des métastases hépatiques) reste débattue. Les recommandations actuelles ne reposent que sur des accords d’experts qui elles-mêmes sont basées sur des études cliniques rétrospectives. L’étude du microenvironnement tumoral a pris ces dernières années une place majeure dans la recherche sur le cancer. Elle a permis de changer de paradigme avec une nouvelle conception du processus métastatique : une tumeur primitive peut agir sur le microenvironnement du futur site métastatique pour créer une "niche pré-métastatique". Cette niche pré-métastatique permettrait secondairement la croissance des cellules tumorales via une angiogénèse tumorale et la formation de métastases. Par une triple approche à la fois fondamentale, translationnelle et clinique, nous avons obtenu des données qui suggèrent qu’une chirurgie première de la tumeur colique ou rectale permet de moduler l’angiogénèse au sein du microenvironnement hépatique. Cette stratégie chirurgicale permettrait également d’améliorer le pronostic oncologique des malades et l’efficacité des anti-angiogéniques. / At the time of the diagnosis of colorectal cancer, nearly 25% of patients have synchronous liver metastases. When this tumor is asymptomatic, the question of surgical strategy (primary tumor first versus liver-first strategy) remains debated. Current recommendations are based on agreements of experts which are by themselves based on retrospective clinical studies. The study of the tumor microenvironment has taken in recent years a major place in the field of cancer research. It leads to new paradigm with a new conception of the metastatic process. It may be possible that the microenvironment of the metastatic sites can be modulated by the primary tumor to promote the formation of the pre-“metastatic niche”. This leads to promote the growth of cancer cells and increase the metastatic potential of primary tumor. By a multidisciplinary research including fundamental, translational and clinical approaches, we have shown that primary tumor first strategy could modulate tumor angiogenesis and liver metastatic process. It is associated with improved survival of patients and efficacy of the anti-angiogenic therapy.

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