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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The implications of the IMF programme in Zambia: lessons for South Africa in the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP)

Motsilili, Phoka January 1996 (has links)
This study attempts to present a comparative analysis of the implication of the IMF in Zambia and South Africa in its Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP). In examining the IMF programme, the study focuses on the Fund's understanding of such economies and its prescriptions for development. It is argued that IMF's familiar orthodoxy will have disastrous consequences for South Africa's poor, disadvantaged and rural communities. Finally, the IMF's market-oriented policy prescriptions are likely to erode democracy and have devastating effects to people-centred development programmes such as the RDP.

L’évolution du personnage romanesque chez Abd al-Rahman Munif / The Evolution of the characters in the novels of Abd al-Rahman Munif

Hidri, Abderrazak 15 April 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse traite l’évolution du personnage romanesque Abd al-Rahman Munif selon une approche sémiotique. Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons analysé le statut du personnage romanesque dans les études narratives. La recherche se compose de quatre parties et une conclusion générale : la première traite les isotopies du discours, les noms des personnages et leurs portraits. La deuxième aborde la relation du personnage avec l’espace et sa relation avec le temps. La troisième traite la structure narrative dans les deux textes [le texte de la prison et celui du désert] et la quatrième partie évoque l’idéologie dans le texte de prison puis dans le texte du désert et l’axiologie sous jacente aux deux textes. La conclusion comportant les résultats de cette thèse. / This dissertation deals with the evolution of the characters in the novels of Abd al-Rahman Munif based on a semiotic methodology. This is done according to four research lines : first the isotopies, names connotation and portraits of characters. Second their relationships with space and time. Third the narrative construction of the jail text. Finally the ideology and the system of values in both texts.

Rozvoj čtenářské gramotnosti pomocí metod RWCT / Development of literacy using the RWCT methods

Smolková, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The thesis comprehends the topic of reading literacy development using methods of Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT) at the first stage of primary education. The background of RWCT program is described in the first part of the thesis, along with defining the field of reading literacy. Several methods of the program are more thorougly analyzed, including their positive impact on development of the individual aspects of reading literacy. The research part examines the possibility of various constituents of reading literacy to be developed using RWCT methods, and the circumstances that have to be met in order to achieve it. The main focus of analysis lies in the benefits of reading workshop technique, and its application in overall development of reading literary and reading itself.

Didaktické metody využívané při výuce botaniky na základních školách / Didactic Methods used in Botany Teaching at Elementary Schools

Fialová, Alžběta January 2016 (has links)
Didactic Methods used in Botany Teaching at Elementary Schools Diploma thesis concerns the topic of utilizing didactic methods in the education of botanic at the grammar schools. The thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, there are described chosen didactic methods and current classification of botanic in the "General education programme of the basic education system". Furthermore, there is described past classification of the botanic in the "Education programme of Grammar school, General school and National school". Second part contains questionnaire results - pupils and teachers of botanic in the 7. grade of grammar school. The goal of the questionnaire was to find out, which teaching methods are used during the education of botanic, which methods are popular and unpopular with teachers as well as students and which methods are, according to the opinions of the teachers, effective and ineffective. Other goal of the questionnaire was to find out, if the teachers are using education programmes during lessons. In the third part of the thesis, there is listed my own proposal of a lesson of a chosen topic in botanic, which I have based on the results of the questionnaires. To be specific, it's teaching about family of legumes plants (Fabaceae) utilizing many didactic methods without...

Role zahraničních studijních pobytů budoucích učitelů / Role of study abroad for future teachers

Mitasová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
(in English): The master's thesis The Role of Studying Abroad for Future Teachers deals with the impact of an international study visit on prospective teachers and identifies areas of their professional training which can be affected most. The theoretical part of the thesis expands on studying abroad and the Erasmus Programme. It also deals with the teacher's personality, their competencies and pedagogical skills. The practical part of the thesis is devoted to specific international study visits within selected academic fields; it also analyses the respective study plans and estimates the extent of their possible influence on future teachers.

Analyse d'atteignabilité pour les programmes fonctionnels avec stratégie d'évaluation en profondeur / Reachability analysis for functional programs with innermost evaluation strategy

Salmon, Yann 07 December 2015 (has links)
Établir des preuves de bon fonctionnement des programmes est délicat ; on a recours à des outils de preuve, qui doivent procéder par surapproximation (à cause du théorème de Rice). La complétion d'automate est un tel outil, qui surapproxime l'ensemble des termes accessibles lors de l'exécution d'un programme représenté par un système de réécriture. La stratégie d'évaluation donne l'ordre dans lequel les sous-termes d'un terme doivent être réécrits ; en tenir compte permet une meilleur précision de l'analyse. Notre thèse propose une adaptation de la complétion d'automate à la stratégie en profondeur, utilisée notamment par OCaml. Nous établissons la correction et la précision de notre méthode et montrons comment elle s'inscrit dans le cadre plus large de l'analyse de programmes fonctionnels (OCaml). / Proving that programs behave correctly is difficult; one uses proof tools, which must rely on overapproximation (because of Rice's theorem). Automaton completion is such a tool, which overapproximates the set of reachable terms during the execution of a program represented as a TRS. An evaluation strategy dictates which subterm of a term should be rewritten first; taking this into account allows for a better approximation. Our thesis sets forward an adaptation of automaton completion to the innermost strategy, which is used among others by OCaml. We prove the soundness and the precision of our adaptation and show how it is part of a greater framework for analysis of functional programms (OCaml).

Utvärdering som stödjande verktyg vid kompetensutveckling : överföring av lärande och kunskapsanvändning bland personal i äldreomsorg

Claesson, Annika January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Entrepreneurship Policy : Public Support for Technology-Based Ventures

Norrman, Charlotte January 2008 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is entrepreneurship policy and the focus is on public support programmes directed to early stages technology-based ventures. It advocates that a broad view should be taken with regard to the type of policies for entrepreneurship that aim at supporting the facilitation of the supported ventures’ ability to link to their surrounding innovation system, in which they can secure their access to crucial external resources. Taking the departure in the perspective that early stages technology-based ventures are vulnerable, this thesis shows that publicly financed entrepreneurship supporting programmes can be motivated because small and newly started ventures have got limited resources, and because the risks, with which they are associated, generally make them unattractive in the eyes of private actors. Among the practical implications of this thesis, the following findings are emphasised: Public support, directed to the very earliest stages of venture development benefits from broadness, for the latter stages, specialisation and a higher degree of selectiveness could be an advantage. Moreover, it is important that the support provided take into account the whole process of business development, i.e. both the issues concerned with product/service and the issues connected to the market. A long-term commitment, cooperation between different actors and information about what support is available, are other aspects that are important for policymakers to consider in their design of public policies to support entrepreneurship. Finally, the importance of evaluative awareness must be emphasised from the very start. / Den här avhandlingen är en sammanläggning av 7 studier kring vilka en kappa med titeln ”Entreprenörskapspolicy: offentligt stöd för teknikbaserade företag” har skrivits. De inkluderade studierna beskrivs kortfattat i slutet av den här sammanfattningen. Syftet med avhandlingen är att analysera skälen till varför statliga interventioner kan vara berättigade, vidare att analysera målsättningar, design och resultat av offentliga program för stöd av nya teknikbaserade företag/projekt och slutligen att identifiera såväl praktiska som forskningsintressanta implikationer för utformningen av framtida stödaktiviteter. Avhandlingen baseras till största delen på olika typer av kvantitativa analyser av Stiftelsen Innovationscentrum (SIC) (studie 2-6). Förutom detta ingår en konceptuell studie där ett ramverk för att utvärdera inkubatorer, främst ur ett ”best practice” perspektiv, har tagits fram (studie 1). Slutligen har jag inkluderat en pågående uppföljningsstudie av Vinnovas program Vinn Nu (studie 7). Avhandlingen förespråkar en bred syn på begreppet entreprenörskapspolicy, där syftet med stödet är att underlätta för företag/projekt att koppla upp sig mot relevanta innovationssystem där de kan säkra sin tillgång på externa resurser. Med utgångspunkt i ett sårbarhetsperspektiv visar avhandlingen att offentligt finansierade program som stödjer entreprenörskap kan motiveras genom att de små och nystartade företagens resurser är begränsade och eftersom riskerna ofta gör att intresset från privata aktörer att gå in i dessa företag är lågt. Avhandlingens praktiska implikationer är bland annat att det stöd som riktas till de allra tidigaste utvecklingsfaserna i syfte att kvalificera idéer bör vara brett. Däremot kan ett mer selektivt urval vara fördelaktigt i något senare utvecklingsskeden och för mer specialiserade stöd. Vidare visar de inkluderade studierna på behovet av att se till hela företagets utvecklingsprocess. Det innebär bland annat att det är nödvändigt att kombinera hårt och mjukt stöd och att lika vikt läggs vid produkt- och marknadsutveckling. Offentligt stöd bör också vara långsiktigt, och samarbete mellan olika stödprogram är viktigt, inte minst med avseende på information om vilka stöd som finns och hur, var, när och av vem dessa kan sökas. Slutligen understryks vikten av att stödprogram redan från början bör ta hänsyn till utvärderingsaspekter.

Principals' perceptions of their instructional leadership role in the improvement of numeracy and literacy in primary schools

Kgatla, Matome Edward January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this research was to explore the principals’ perceptions of their instructional leadership role in the improvement of literacy and numeracy in the Foundation Phase. This study was guided by a desire to find out and understand what principals perceive as their instructional leadership role in the improvement of literacy and numeracy. Although instructional leadership has been studied intensively, these studies have not explicitly considered principals’ perceptions of this concept. Most of the research has tended to explain this phenomenon from other stakeholders’ point of view. There has been very little research that has sought to understand how and in what ways principals view their instructional leadership role. As a domain of school leadership, instructional leadership is viewed by many as the primary role of principals which is meant to ensure effective and efficient teaching and learning. The deteriorating level of learner performance in both national and international tests has prompted the South African ministry of education to redirect efforts and seriously consider the importance of basic numeracy and literacy skills. The Department of Basic Education introduced programmes, namely the Foundations For Learning Campaign, the Annual National Assessment and Action Plan to 2014 to address the problems of learners’ inability to read, make basic calculations and write. This study is, thus, premised on the assumption that literacy and numeracy are prerequisites for learners’ future learning. To best understand instructional leadership, six primary school principals were purposefully sampled according to their schools’ performance in the 2012 Annual National Assessment results. They were sampled as “good”, “average”, and “poor” performing schools. All these participants shared the same socio-economic background and were situated in the deep rural villages of Limpopo Province. Semi-structured interviews were used as a data collecting technique for the study. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

The role of the development corporation as a delivery instrument of the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) in the Northern Province

Mnisi, Bernard Genock 11 September 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The complexity and nature of South Africa's socio-economic problems have stirred the need for an innovative approach and strategy towards development. The African National Congress's Reconstruction and Development ProgramMe (RDP) has therefore been adopted by the Government of National Unity in 1994 to redress injustices and imbalances in our society, many of which have been created by apartheid. The past saw the formation of 'homelands' and the subsequent establishment of development corporations which were meant to drive 'development' in these areas. The new democratic dispensation therefore calls for these institutions to appreciate the shifts in development thinking, thus aligning themselves with the RDP. This study therefore looks at the role which the development corporations can play in the implementation of the RDP. This however, does not suggest that they are the only institutions able to do so, but that their transformation could result in them making a positive contribution to this Programme. Specific reference to the Northern Province, being comprised of three former homelands, is made in the study. Much emphasis is placed upon how the provincial development corporation (established through the merging of the three former corporations), can apply the principles of the RDP, as well as contribute towards the implementation of its key programmes. Strategies and approaches are proposed in this regard.

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