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Naiseus, etnisyys ja johtajuus elinkeinoelämässä:kirjallisuuskatsausAutio, J. (Julia) 21 December 2017 (has links)
Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena on luoda laaja yleiskatsaus naisjohtajuuteen, sen historiaan ja etnisiä vähemmistöjä edustavien naisten kokemusten erilaisuuteen verrattuna enemmistöä edustaviin naisjohtajiin. Tavoitteena on koota yhteen alan viimeisintä tutkimustietoa ja peilata muutoksia niin naisjohtajuudessa kuin etnisten naisten asemassa naisjohtajuuden historiaan sekä tarjota käytännön johtamiseen sovellettavissa olevaa tietoa syrjinnän tunnistamiseen ja vähentämiseen työpaikoilla.
Tutkielmassa analysoidaan kirjalisuuskatsauksen avulla jo olemassa olevaa tutkimustietoa vähemmistönaisjohtajien ja enemmistöä edustavien naisjohtajien kokemuksista ja niiden eroista. Tutkielmassa käydään myös läpi enemmistöstä poikkeavan etnisen taustan ja/tai ihonvärin vaikutusta naisjohtajan kokemaan mahdolliseen syrjintään.
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The EU’s new amended anti-dumping regulation from the view of WTO jurisprudenceRytkönen, J. (Jere) 21 February 2018 (has links)
The Thesis considers different point of views to the EU’s amended Basic Anti-Dumping Regulation.
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Vastuullisten rahastojen suoriutuminen suhteessa perinteisiin rahastoihinKomulainen, J. (Jenna) 27 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Markkinoiden reagoiminen osavuosikatsauksiinRuokonen, J. (Jere) 27 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Project management digitalization:a case study of NokiaSaarela, J. (Janne) 11 May 2018 (has links)
Digitalization in the modern economy creates a productivity platform that is regarded by many experts and researchers as the 4th industrial revolution. The dramatic increase of the project management related software development, combined with the decreasing costs of these solutions, have spurred a remarkable interest in these digital PM-solutions reducing the gap between the theory and practice of project management. The selection process of a feasible digital project management solution can be a highly demanding task for any organization regardless of the field it operates in.
The aim of this study is to define the concept of project management digitalization, but also to evaluate how project management work can be further developed and supported by digital project management solutions. This research has a qualitative nature, and it is a empiria driven inductive case study, supported by a literature review. As a part of the case study, project management experts within the Supply Chain Engineering (SCE) -unit of Nokia have been interviewed.
The empirical case study consists of a current state analysis and requirement specification of project management in Nokia MN/BM/SCE, but also from a comprehensive feasibility study of three state-of-art digital project management solutions available in the markets: JIRA, HP PPM and MS POL. A digitalization proposal was given for the case company on how to proceed in the project management digitalization journey, and what commercial solutions need to be taken in use. These digital PM-solutions can support project planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, but also make projects more predictable and manageable in terms of schedule, costs and quality.
This study is strongly tied to recent development trends in the web- and cloud-based Project Management Information Systems (PMIS) and Decisions Support Systems (DSS), that set the basis for defining the new concept of project management digitalization. Several theoretical and business managerial conclusions can be drawn based on this study, that support the project management digitalization pursues of various organizations. Thus, most of the conclusions and results of this study can be exploited in organizations operating in other industries as well, especially when the target is in initiating the project management digitalization journey.
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Taloushallinnon ulkoistamisen motiivit ja riskitAunola, M. (Maios) 17 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Myyjän due diligence:työkalu yritysmyynnin onnistumiseksiPallonen, A. (Akseli) 22 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Bitcoin:spekulatiivinen hintakupla?Tammelin, A. (Antton) 23 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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ARCH-mallit tuoton volatiliteetin mallintamisessaRönty, T. (Teemu) 23 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Rahakeanti pienyrityksen rahoitusvälineenäPeltomäki, M. (Matias) 23 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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