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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turpeen energiakäytön kasvihuonevaikutus elinkaarinäkökulmasta

Rantapirkola, T. (Tommi) 22 November 2017 (has links)
Suomen maapinta-alasta noin yksi kolmasosa on suomaata. Geologisten soiden yhteispinta-ala on 5,1 miljoonaa hehtaaria ja turpeen tuotantoon soveltuvaa teknisesti käyttökelpoista suopinta-alaa on 1,2 miljoonaa hehtaaria. Teknisesti käyttökelpoisten soiden turvevarojen energiasisältö on 1100 Mtoe eli 1100 miljoonaa öljytonnia vastaava energiamäärä, mikä on noin 36 kertainen Suomen vuotuiseen primäärienergian kulutukseen verrattuna. Suuresta energiavarannosta johtuen turpeella on merkittävä osuus Suomen energiahuollossa. Suomessa tuotetusta sähköstä 4–5 % tuotetaan turve-energialla ja lämmöstä 15 %. Turve luokitellaan hitaasti uudistuvaksi fossiiliseksi polttoaineeksi ja sen energiakäyttö tuottaa kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä ja siten vaikuttaa ilmaston lämpenemiseen samoin kuin muutkin fossiiliset polttoaineet. Turve-energian tuotantoketju on ajallisesti pitkä. Sen takia ilmastovaikutusten tarkastelu on suoritettava kaikki tuotantoketjun vaiheet kattavasti. Tässä työssä on kirjallisuuslähteiden avulla kartoitettu eri turvetuotantoketjujen ilmastovaikutusta elinkaarinäkökulmasta säteilypakotetta apuna käyttäen. Turve-energian tuotannon ilmastovaikutusta verrataan kivihiilellä tuotetun energian ilmastovaikutukseen. Tuloksena todetaan, että suopeltolähtöinen turvetuotantoketju aiheuttaa pienimmän ilmastorasituksen elinkaariajanjaksolla. Metsäojitettu suo lähtökohtana tuottaa lähes samansuuruisen ilmastokuormituksen kuin kivihiilellä tapahtuva energian tuotanto. Kuitenkin voidaan sanoa, että kaikki turvetuotantoketjut ovat ilmaston muuttumisen kannalta edullisempia kuin kivihiilipohjainen energian tuotanto.

Mississippi Valley Type ore deposits, the Laisvall Pb-Zn deposit and origin of Pb-Zn-bearing sandstone glacial erratic from the Raahe area

Mikhaylin, G. (Gleb) 29 March 2018 (has links)
The Geological Survey of Finland collected zinc-, lead- and copper-bearing glacial sandstone boulders in 1970’s and 1980’s south of Raahe, Finland. The origin of these sandstones remains inconclusive. The petrographic analysis shows sphalerite, galena, pyrite and chalcopyrite as the main ore-bearing minerals in the matrix of the sedimentary rocks, associated with quartz, feldspar and calcite. Signs of a carbonate-cemented sediment and metal-rich fluid interaction suggest that mineralization was formed as part of a Mississippi Valley type deposit system. The main hypotheses suggest that the boulders were derived from the Laisvall MVT deposit of Sweden or from an unknown mineralization in the Bothnia Bay. The objective of this study was to make a literature review of the Laisvall deposit and analyze the compositional range of sphalerite in a sample from Raahe and compare it to the chemical characteristics of the Laisvall MVT deposit in Norwegian Caledonides, to determine the origin of Raahe glacial erratic sample. The second objective of the study was to assess the dependency of the color on the iron content of the sphalerite. The study is completed by optical microscopy and electron microprobe analysis (EPMA).

Itämeren muinaisrannat Suomessa

Joenpolvi, J. (Juho) 09 May 2018 (has links)
Muinaisrannoiksi nimitetään erilaisia rantavoimien eli aallokon ja jäiden liikkeiden aikaansaamia kerrostumia ja kulutusmuotoja, jotka ovat syntyneet meren tai järven pinnan tason ollessa maanpintaan nähden huomattavasti nykyistä korkeammalla. Suomessa muinaisrantojen synty liittyy erottamattomasti deglasiaation aikana alkaneeseen maankohoamiseen ja Itämeren kehitysvaiheisiin. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on esitellä Itämeren muinaisrantojen kerrostumis- ja kulutusmuodot sekä niiden syntyhistoria ja levinneisyys Suomen alueella. Työssä esitellään myös maamme muinaisrantojen ajoittamiseen soveltuvat menetelmät ja rannansiirtymismallit. Muinaisrantojen piirteiden kehittymiseen vaikuttivat paljolti rantavyöhykkeen sijainti ulappaan nähden, sen suojaisuus sekä pohjan jyrkkyys. Ympäristöönsä nähden korkeille mäille, jotka kohosivat saariksi keskelle merta ilman muiden pinnanmuotojen suojaa, syntyi merkittäviä rantamuodostumia. Myös ranta-alueen maaperän merkitys oli suuri muinaisrantojen syntyprosessissa. Selväpiirteisimmät rantavyöhykkeen kerrostumatyypit syntyivät lajittuneiden glasifluviaalisten muodostumien liepeille, mutta huuhtoutumalla syntyneitä muotoja jäi hyvin esiin etenkin moreenipeitteisiin mäkiin kivivöiden, huuhtoutumiskivikoiden ja moreenikalottien muodossa. Merkittäviä ja hyvin kehittyneitä muinaisrantoja syntyi varsinkin niissä vesivaiheissa, joissa vedenpinta pysyi suurin piirtein samoilla korkeuksilla riittävän pitkään antaen rantavoimille aikaa kuluttaa ja uudelleenkerrostaa maa-ainesta. Transgressiovaiheissa pinnan taso pysyi monesti regressiovaiheita pitempään paikoillaan, ja tästä johtuen niiden aikana muodostuneet muinaisrannat ovatkin usein paremmin kehittyneitä. Eri alueiden parhaiten erottuvat aallokon kulutusmerkit löytyvät tyypillisesti Itämeren ylimpien rantojen tasoilta. Eriasteisia muinaisrantoja syntyi kuitenkin kaikissa Itämeren vaiheissa, ja niitä on löydettävissä Itä- ja Pohjois-Suomen supra-akvaattisia alueita lukuunottamatta ympäri maata. Ensimmäiset muinaisrannat syntyivät Baltian jääjärvivaiheessa Ensimmäisen ja Toisen Salpausselän rinteisiin sekä niiden välimaastoon. Seuraavan, Yoldiamereksi kutsutun vaiheen rantamuodostumia löytyy paljonkin Etelä- ja Keski-Suomesta, mutta ne ovat yleensä heikosti kehittyneitä nopean maankohoamisen ansiosta. Erityisen selväpiirteisiä muinaisrantoja kerrostui tämän jälkeen Ancylustransgression aikana ympäri Länsi-Suomea, Pohjois-Pohjanmaata ja Lounais-Lappia. Samoin Litorinatransgression aikoihin kerrostui merkittäviä muodostumia laajoille alueille Etelä- ja Länsi-Suomeen, jolloin maankohoaminen oli jo hidastunut merkittävästi. Muinaisrantoja on syntynyt myös myöhemmin, nykyiseksi Itämereksi luokitellun vaiheen sisällä. Suomen oloissa eniten käytettyjä muinaisrantojen iänmääritysmenetelmiä ovat olleet merestä irti kuroutuneiden järvi- ja suoaltaiden pohjasedimenteistä tehdyt radiohiiliajoitukset, palynologiset havainnot ja piilevälajiston tutkimukset. Lustosavikronologia on ollut toinen erityisen hyödyllinen työkalu etenkin Baltian jääjärvivaiheen ajoituksissa. Myös paleomagnetismia sekä arkeologisia menetelmiä on hyödynnetty tutkimuksissa. Näiden menetelmien avulla tehtyjen ajoitusten pohjalta on voitu piirtää rannansiirtymiskäyriä, etäisyysdiagrammeja ja gradienttikäyriä, joilla vuorostaan pystytään matemaattisesti arvioimaan eri rantapintojen ikiä.

An assessment on the national school nutrition programme at Siyanda Senior primary School in Butterworth, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Majikijela, Peter Thembelani January 2012 (has links)
Nutrition is one of the basic sciences that underlie a proper understanding of health and human sciences. The National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP), which is of focus in this regard, is government’s project that responds to problems such as poor nutrition and hunger amongst learners. Originally this programme was designed to provide direct services to primary school learners, to reduce hunger and alleviate the effect of malnutrition on their learning capacity through improvements in the nutritious status of school children. The research on the assessment of the role of NSNP took place at Siyanda SPS in Butterworth. Siyanda SPS was selected because of its geographical location, as it was observed to be one of poverty stricken informal settlement. Key informants for data collection included interviews, direct-observation, content analysis and focus group discussions and photographs. The study provides best practice for implementation of the programme in Yako informal settlement, and encourages local economic development within community members. The study may also add consciousness on matters related to government intervention in human capital development projects, as well as benefiting communities, through initiatives such as employing local women as food preparers and using local food suppliers. The NSNP endow the community with nutritional education, empowering rural dwellers with awareness, and capability to grow their own food. Community members are also well-informed about the benefits of a healthy diet. The NSNP creates chances for learners from underprivileged communities to concentrate better in class, so that they get better results, which possibly will lead to better lifestyles in future.

The activation of the helping professions of the South African Police Service (SAPS) with respect to an internal Employee Assistance Programme in the West Metropole

Biehl, James 07 February 2005 (has links)
Employee Assistance Programmes are to be established in all government departments, according to a circular of the director-general of the Department Public Service Administration. According to the head office of SAPS, the three disciplines of the Helping Professions should implement this programme. The Helping Professions consist of the Chaplains, Psychological Services and Police Social Work Services. The services rendered by the three disciplines were fragmented and had to be stream- lined and coordinated. This dissertation researched the activation of the existing helping professions in the West Metropole to participate in the development and integration of an effective internal EAP. This would result in more effective teamwork and minimising the duplication of services. In Chapter 1 the research problem was identified, namely activating the three disciplines into an EAP team for the benefit of the SAPS client. When this research was done, proper guidelines from the SAPS National Head Office were yet not in place. To put together an effective EAP team, the uniqueness of each discipline first had to be uncovered to ascertain its strong and weak points, and to determine how the three disciplines would complement one another. Attention was given to the relationship between their discipline-specific training and the core technologies of the EAP. Chapter 2 addresses these aspects. Chapter 3 consists of the findings of the literature review regarding the collaboration between the different disciplines within the helping professions over the broader spectrum. Quite a number of themes that were covered by the literature review were also identified and highlighted by the respondents of the helping professions of the West Metropole. Chapter 4 contains the results of the data analysis and interpretation of the empirical study. Rich data was obtained through a semi-structured schedule used in the interviews. A balance was struck between the functioning of the different disciplines, the literature review and the results of the empirical study, and that was captured in Chapter 5 where certain recommendations were made. Copyright 2004, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Biehl, J 2004, The activation of the helping professions of the South African Police Service (SAPS) with respect to an internal Employee Assistance Programme in the West Metropole, MA dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-02072005-153014 / > / Dissertation (MA (Social Work--EAP))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

An implementation evaluation of the University of Cape Town's HIV voluntary counselling and testing programme

Anderson, Tarryn Nicole January 2009 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 57-65). / This programme aims to ensure that all students and staff are aware of their HIV status and encourages the reduction of high-risk behaviours. Furthermore, UCT's VCT programme provides access to both medical care and social support at HIV positive individuals. The focus of this implementation evaluation was to determine the extent to which UCT's VCT programme was operating effectively and in keeping with UCT's mission.

A success case method evaluation of an executive coach training intervention

Beets, Karolyne Elizabeth January 2007 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-100). / This evaluation examines the extent to which 2005 and 2006 Associate Coaching Course participants have successfully applied the proximal outcomes from the executive coach training. Following the Success Case Method, a survey determined that the majority of participants rated their application of the learnings very successfully. A qualitative data analysis of eight interviews conducted with six high success cases (three professional coaches and three within-job coaches) and two low success cases, explored their application of the proximal outcomes in detail. The results report on various themes that describe how the coaches have applied the training, what results they have achieved and what value has come from the training. Further themes address factors that helped or hindered application and suggestions for training improvement. It can be concluded that the Associate Coaching Course was successful for this group of participants in that they report successful on-the-job application of the proximal outcomes and provide examples of positive results achieved due to this application. Furthermore, this evaluation contributes to a relatively scant literature concerning the application of the Success Case Method of evaluation.

An outcome evaluation of the maternal care manual of the Perinatal Education Programme (PEP)

Rundare, Alfeous January 2008 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 41-43). / This study presents an outcome evaluation of the maternal care manual of the Perinatal Education Programme (PEP) studies by 32 midwives at Mowbray Maternity Hospital, a training facility in Cape Town, South Africa. Pre-and-post course knowledge assessments and a survey of participants were used to evaluate the maternal care manual of the PEP. Knowledge assessment scores achieved by the midwives before and after the course were compared. This was done to measure the knowledge acquisition of midwives who participated in the programme. In addition, a broader survey was administered to the participants in order to map out the perceived gain in knowledge, clinical skills and acceptability of the programme. The study found out that the midwives who attended the course improved their knowledge in maternal care.

A formative theory evaluation of a staff reward and recognition programme

Salie, Saleemah January 2008 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 46-48). / This formative theory evaluation investigated the feasibility of the programme theory underlying a staff reward and recognition intervention within a retail setting. It contained academic literature which discussed the effects of reward and recognition programmes on motivation and turnover. In addition, best practice guidelines for motivational reward and recognition programmes were used as measure of comparison against the programme's theory. The evaluation questions contained in this dissertation covered various programme evaluation elements and assisted in evaluating the programme's theory.

A success case method evaluation of a management development programme

Zvavanjanja, Taurai Getrude January 2008 (has links)
Includes abstract. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-71). / This dissertation presents an outcome evaluation of a training programme provided to middle managers working in higher education institutions at four universities in the Western Cape. The Success Case Method was used to evaluate the training programme. An electronic questionnaire was sent to seventy five participants that attended the 2006 training to determine whether they could be classified as either a success (i.e. successfully applied the acquired knowledge and skills from the training programme) or a non-success case (i.e. did not successfully apply the knowledge and skills acquired from the training).

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